Calendar of intrauterine development of a child for weeks. Introductible child development for weeks and months, stages. The main stages of development

Probably, every woman awaiting the appearance of her baby to light, ready under the microscope to look at the transformation of a tiny lump in a cute baby body. But, unfortunately, there is no such possibility.

Although modern medicine already provides a lot of ways to study the development of a child in the womb. Of course, it is pleasant and interesting to learn that your future kid has been hammered by heart or all fingers have been formed.

However, this information is necessary for even before birth, if necessary, begin to influence its physical and mental development.

The main stages of intrauterine development

Many women, already at the pregnancy planning stage, begin to take care of their health strongly. The diet is revised, refuse to harmful habits, adopt folic acid.

Traditionally, the stages of the development of a child in the mother's womb are divided by 3 trimesters, each of which lasts three months or 90 days and is characterized by meaningful changes in the fetal life.

The state of a woman in the early and later pregnancy is also usually unequal. There are oscillations in food behavior and mood.

Consider a Read more Development of a child in the mother's womb on weeks.

First trimester of pregnancy

  • 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy can be called "conditional", because it is not a birth of a new life, but preparation for it. Changes hormonal background In the body of a woman, the egg cell is preparing for fertilization;
  • 3 weeks is considered a period of conception and falls on the middle menstrual cycle. A woman usually does not feel any signs of pregnancy, although they may appear painting pain At the bottom of the abdomen or start changing food behavior (read on the topic: Pregnancy 3 weeks, stomach hurts \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • On the 4th week already goes active development Embryo. It is still not at all like a future child, but the formation of the head, brain, spine, muscles is already laid. It appears and begins to beat the heart;
  • By the end of 1 month of intrauterine development in the embryo, the outlines of the handles, legs, ears and eyes are noticeable. He has already managed to grow ten thousand times!

That is why the first trimester is key in the development of the fetus.

  • At 5-6 weeks of development, the child continues the formation of internal organs (stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs), a circulatory system. Thumbs are distinguishable. Usually a woman begins to notice the first signs of pregnancy, toxicosis may appear (relevant: nausea during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • 7-8 weeks are characterized by the advent of the vestibular apparatus, as the main body of the child's senses. The baby already has eyelids, jaws. The skeleton develops, joints are formed. The child may react to external stimuli, touch;

At the same time, he begins to move, but the movements are not yet tangible for the future mother, as the baby is still too small. Its weight is 2-4 g, and the length is 12-15 mm. With the help of a special device (stethoscope) you can already hear the heartbeat of the child.

  • For 9-10 weeks, the child appears on the fingers and nails. Forms are formed. In the brain, the cerebellum develops intensively, designed to respond to coordination of movements. There is a further formation of skeleton bones, skull;

Interesting! After 9 weeks of pregnancy ends embryonic period Intricultural development and fetal begins. From 10 weeks, the embryo becomes a fruit. He has already laid almost all organs. In the following weeks there are their active ripening and development.

  • On 11-13 weeks there is a significant increase in the head of the child, due to the development of the brain. The first hairs begin to grow. Baby can suck thumb Hands, bending and blending limbs.

He has a kidney, highlighting the urine. The roots of dairy teeth are formed. The kid feels noise, reacts to sounds, warm. He perceives the movements that are transmitted from the mother: if it is inactive, he is calm, if it is active, then the child begins to move.

The first trimester is completed and, from about 14 weeks, it begins a calmer period for a woman, because the threat of miscarriages is significantly reduced.

In addition, usually, if on early timing Pregnancy future mom bothered toxicosis, then in the second trimester he retreats, the woman feels much better.

Second trimester of pregnancy

  1. 14-15 weeks;
  • The formation of the head, handles, legs are completed;
  • The child weighs about 110 g, and its growth is 12 cm;
  • His movements become more coordinated;
  • The baby appears taste sensations, it can react to substances that fall from mom into amniotic fluid;
  • The amount of urine allocated at the child becomes more.
  1. For 16-17 weeks of intrauterine development, that's what happens:
  • The skin of the child pink;
  • He makes grabbing movements, blinks, can open and close the mouth;
  • The baby grows up to 18 cm and weighs 150 g (weight can fluctuate to 200 g);
  • It often swallows amniotic fluid;
  • Head proportions exceed the proportions of the body;
  • Everyone who has not yet started talking to their child should start doing it in period. This contributes to the establishment better contact Moms with baby and in the future - the development of speech.
  1. 18-19 weeks;
  • Fetal movements are becoming tangible (read: chapels for 18 weeks of pregnancy, movements \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • The child hears the mother's heartbeat and the flow of her blood according to the vessels;
  • There is an active development of lungs and bronchi;
  • Begins to work the spleen.
  1. Approximately 20-21 weeks the activity of the child increases markedly:
  • It moves in the uterus, pushes, moves the limbs, can play with umbilical cord and even smile;
  • The baby more clearly begins to distinguish the intonation. The more mom will sing to him pleasant songs, the better for the development of his hearing;
  • In the intestine of the child begins to form the first cal - Mekonia;
  • The kid grows intensively (length is about 30 cm) and adds in weight (weighs 500-600 g).
  1. On 22-23 weeks, the ratio of head and body becomes more proportional. During this period there is a new round in the development of nervous bonds and brain. The accumulation of adipose tissue occurs. More details you can read in Article 22 of the Pregnancy Week \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  2. 24-25 weeks;
  • The child has a connection of facial expansion with emotions;
  • He can smile if he is comfortable or angry, if he is dissatisfied and, at the same time, on the face of the corresponding expression: the muscles around the eyes are tense, the lips are compressed. This is confirmed by the photo of the development of the child in the womb;
  • Some studies suggest that the kid, during this period, is able to see dreams;
  • Its skin is still very gentle and covered with special lubrication;
  • Born by this period The child is able to survive.
  1. By 26-27 weeks of the intrauterine development, all the bodies of the baby were formed;
  • His weight ranges from 800 to 1200. Height: 32-35 cm;
  • With the beginning of the functioning of the endocrine system, the intensive production of own hormones occurs.

If you take into account the development of the child in the mother's womb by months, then this period marks the end of the sixth month of pregnancy.

Third trimester of pregnancy

  1. 28-29 weeks;
  • The child can breathe independently;
  • It opens his eyes from time to time;
  • In the uterus, the baby is becoming closer, it begins to take a normal position for childbirth: the head is located below;
  • The brain is intensively growing, the number of convulsions increases;
  • The child is able to find out the voice of the mother among others.
  1. 30-31 weeks;
  • During wakefulness, the child's eyes are open, and when sleeping - closes them. With bright light, it is buried;
  • The skin of the kid thickens, acquires a bright pink color;
  • Increase in the amount of digestive organs;
  • Grow muscular weight.
  1. 32-33 weeks of intrauterine development;
  • In this and subsequent period, the growth of the fetus and weight gain becomes very rapid. Its length is 40-45 cm, weight 1500-2000 g.;
  • There is a formation of immunity;
  • The skin is smoothed, the fat layer appears under it;
  • The child is becoming more and more active and everything is more closely in the uterus;
  • The development of nervous connections continues.
  1. 34-35 weeks;
  • During this period, the kids are strengthened, therefore, quite often, the woman requires an additional calcium reception;
  • The development of muscle mass continues;
  • Nails have completely grew;
  • Cumshots disappear from the skin;
  • Lightly formed, ready for breathing;
  • Actively develops reflexindicating that the child is preparing for proper reception food required after birth;
  • Cal, accumulated in the intestine, will be released in the first hours of life born baby;
  • These weeks for a woman can be marked by the appearance of the first training bouts.
  1. 36-37 weeks;
  • Fully formed genitals, heart. The child is ready for birth;
  • Merchants are becoming increasingly tangible;
  • The face of the kid is rounded due to a fat layer;
  • Cartilage are compacted;
  • Pregnancy Over 37 weeks is a dundar. In the absence of pathologies and the normal weight of the fetus (approximately 2500-2700 g), the childbirth on this period is most often passing successfully.
  1. 38-39 weeks;
  • Hair growth occurs on the head (they can be up to 2 cm);
  • The position of the kid in the womb is determined.
  • The iron is accumulated in its liver, necessary for life after birth;
  • The development of a whole complex of reflex reactions is completed;
  • The neck of the uterus begins to open (read the article on this issue: Preparation of the cervix for childbirth \u003e\u003e\u003e).
  1. 40-42 weeks are waiting for labor;
  • All stages of the development of the child in the mother's womb were completed;
  • By this time, its weight is usually 3000-3500 g or more, growth - from 49 to 55 cm (in rare cases - more);
  • In some cases, a long-term pregnancy leads to a rejunction of the fetus, then the childbirth can be stimulated to avoid negative consequences for the baby and mom.

It would seem that for almost a year to raise a baby, take care of him and his health, to worry about the pregnancy to go without prejudice to its development. But this period passes so rapidly that most women do not immediately have time to realize that they became young mothers.

And, the more attention was shown to the baby, communicating with him in the process of pregnancy, more than communication Women with a child at the time of his appearance on the light and the easier the childbirth must pass.

BUT the main task Moms during this period - help the baby feel that life next to her and with other relatives is also safe and even more interesting and diverse than in her tummy.

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Every mommy is very interested to know how her baby grows and develops, especially in the first months of pregnancy, when she does not feel anything yet- Does not feel his heels, the rhythm of his day - Sleep and rest, does not feel his mood.

Pregnancy will last about nine solar calendar months, but in obstetric practice this calculation is not accurate and therefore does not apply, we consider pregnancy for weeks. Remember that each of us is individual, and how much time will you need to drive your baby will solve your body. On average, pregnancy is considered to be dodged in the deadlines 270-290 days, or 37-42 weeks.

There are several different waysBut the easiest and convenient is the calculation of the expected date of delivery (ORD).

To calculate, it is necessary from the first day of the last menstrual period to count 3 months ago and add 7 days. For example, on May 1, you had the first day of the last menstruation, which means the expected date of birth on February 8 ( May 1 - 3 months \u003d February 1 +7 days \u003d February 8).

In this article, we will consider in detail the development of the fetus by months, from conception to childbirth.

First month (from 0 to 4th week)

As I said, the first 6 days germin only moves to the uterus on phallopy tubes.

His cells are actively divided by "road", by the 7th day it consists of 107 cells. Approximately on the 6-7th day, the embryo reaches the uterus and within 72 hours is in the uterine cavity in an untrustable state, then begins to actively "germinate" into its mucous membrane, this process lasts about 40 hours.

The nucleus cells are as if they are growing in mucous meter, They allow "roots", in which blood vessels are formed, for which all the necessary substances from the mother of the mother will now come. This process is called - implantation.

The embryo is constantly growing, the consumption of oxygen increases, the production of protein and the exchange of carbohydrates increase, therefore 5-7 days the germ exhausts all its reserves, the mucous membrane of the uterus is actively prepared for the reception of the long-awaited baby, makes a kind of "reserve" of nutrients in the cells of the mucous membrane.

For kid ready new housewhere he will grow and develop. 12-14 days after fertilization, the embryo turns out to be completely immersed in the decidually changed stromometrium (inner layer) of the uterus.

For 11-12 days place implantation(Immigration attachments) can be seen with a naked eye, it looks like a red spot with a size of 1 mm. From 14 to 21 days in the embryo, the development stage of all organs and tissues begins.

For the 2nd weekthe development is mainly the extraordinary union parts of the embryo, as the life support systems of the future child. The cells of the germinal nodule are split into three layers and each receives a 0.25 mm disc shape in diameter.

On the 3rd week The basis for the formation of organs and tissues is laid:

  • Foundation is laidchords, orfuture spine.
  • The basis of the muscles of the skeleton, cartilage, bones, internal organs, vessels, hearts, blood, lymphs, gender glands and shells is laid.
  • Laid the base for the formation of the epithelium For the liner of the digestive and respiratory systems, the epithelium of the liver and pancreas. (Epithelium is a fabric forming the outer surfaces of the body (the top layer of the skin) and the liner internal cavities (mucous membranes) of various organs.)
  • The embryo as it would be separated, separated from external parts , His front end appears, where the head will later be located, and the rear end, where the pelvis and legs will grow.
  • On the third week formed primary yolk bag. This is an extraordinary organ that provides the exchange of metabolites between the mother and the embryo on those stages of its development, when there is no placenta formed. Yellow bag It is formed completely to 32 daily life of the embryo, and by the end of the 6th week of pregnancy undergoes reverse development, and disappears.

So, in the 3rd week, the beginnings of all major systems and organs appear human organism .

Arise configuration of the digestive system (intestinal tube and pancreas), respiratory system (fighters of trachea and two bronchi) and excretory system (suggests a bounte), begins formation of the nervous system (A wide plate is formed, from which the brain is subsequently formed).

Blood system is formed: The first blood vessels arise, a heart tube is formed - the future of man's heart.

Embryo on day 28 after fertilization

By 4th week The embryo is still a cylindrical shape with large head. Now he passes magic transformations, the whole path of the evolution of man! At some days, he even reminds Fish - he has gills and tail.

This week about another important event comes - the heart of the embryo begins to fight, while it looks like a big bloating, like a ball on the front side of the body. Heart reduction can be observed from 22 days from the date of fertilization.

All organs and systems of the future person continue to form: the guys, lungs, duodenal starters appear, is growing and actively developing a brain department, the eyes, mouth and ears begin to form, and they are formed, and even the root and legs appear in the form of small kidneys. Body sides.

So, by the end of the first month, the embryo has already formed the samples of all organism systems and their main organs. The idle of the embryo is 5-8 mm, and the weight is 2-3 grams.

Compare on these figures of the human embryo on the left and dolphin on the right

For the second month (from 5 to 8th week)

In the second month there is a huge number of changes, every day the embryo is filled with a mass of events, all organs, human systems, hiding tail and gills, and by the end of the 2nd month, the embryo looks like a future man, he has a face, eyes, eyelids, nose , handles and legs, fighters of fingers. At the outcome of the second month of development, the length of the embryo is 2.5-3 cm, the weight - 4-5 g.

But the human embryos and dolphin are already on the 2nd month of development

Let's look carefully for all changes for this month:

  • Internal organs:
    • fasteners of the lungs are formed, the kidney is laid, the intestine is actively growing
    • begins to work the liver, which takes on the function of blood formation
    • begins to actively work the heart
    • actively develops nervous system
    • the ventricles of the heart are formed
  • Skeleton and muscles:
    • faces face and limb
    • eyes come closer, nose appears
    • beginning of the ears occur, teeth grains appear
    • lubricated lips
    • the limbs begin to develop: first hands (at the 5th week), and then legs. For the second month, hands and legs are so actively growing that they have time to form and different departments of the legs and pens: shoulder, forearm, brush and even the root of the fingers on the legs and hands.
    • muscles begin to shrink
  • Nervous system:
    • the nervous system and the brain is actively developing, in the second month all the layers of the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain are formed
    • in the 7th week, for the first time, you can fix brain impulses

Third month (from 9 to 12th week)

The third month of pregnancy is very important for the development of the child, it grows in a very rapid pace, his face is constantly changing, the features are becoming more and more distinct.

By the end of the third month the child begins to moveYou still won't feel it, as it is still very tiny, his movements are very gentle and delicate, but he already knows how to frowning the browch and burst, try to suck the finger and squeeze the fist.

His heart actively works, making 130-150 beats per minute.

The intestines begins to work, because your baby is already learning to swallow the oily water.

By the end of the third month the length of the fetus is 7-9 cm, the weight is 15-25, that is, it increases almost 5 times in 1 month! Starting from the third month, they cease to be called germs and name is already the fruit! He is already little man!

10 weeks

Let's see the main changes in the third month:

  • the liver develops Continuing to perform the function of the main blood formation body. The blood of the fetus is still not similar to the blood of an adult, on the 6th week in blood red blood tales appear in the blood(erythrocytes),on the 12th - 6th week - white blood tales(leukocytes).It is still very low hemoglobin content and it will increase only by the time of birth.
  • continues to form a skeleton, The fingers appear on the fingers, "fingerprints" appear on the handles.
  • muscles start working, allowing the baby to move: he can already move his hands, kick, turn the head, open the mouth. On the twelfth week, he makes his first attempts to suck and swallow.
  • extends and twisted in the loop intestines, the process of digestion begins.
  • at the end of the third month of pregnancy the external genital organs begin to form.
  • placenta is almost completely formed. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy kid most vulnerable to exposure harmful factors - smoking, alcohol, stress, infections, since the placenta is not yet formed and cannot protect the baby.

This is what the child looks like 12 weeks

The role of placenta, fruit bubble and umbilical cord

Placenta(Children's place) is the most important body, thanks to him, our germ feeds, breathes, it takes all the well-hot products, takes on the functions of the lungs, digestive, kidneys, skin.

After 16 weeks (the first 16 weeks of the placenta is only formed together with the growth of the child, at this time the mamines of the gland produce all hormones for two) placenta becomes also iron, which produces all the necessary kid hormone.

Also she protects the baby from many harmful substances, pathogenic microbes, toxinsFrom the effects of certain medicinal substances that make a mother, but the placenta does not cope with alcohol and nicotine. If mom smokes or drinks, then nicotine and alcohol immediately and immediately fall to the child.

The placenta is similar to a soft thick cake, closer to childbirth, its diameter reaches 15-18 cm, thickness - 2-3 cm, mass - 500-600 g.

According to the placenta, the doctor can tell the whole story intrauterine life kid. It is like a kind of passport.

About fruit bubble - It is essentially a "bag" in which the fetus is surrounded by oily waters.

Water habitat child! It is very important that the child is actively moving! The accumulative water is also a very important component of the safe development of the kid.

Umbilical cord Connect the baby's body with a placenta.

According to her blood vessels - two arteries and one vein - blood flows from the fetus to the placenta and backpassing through the placenta, blood is freed from carbon dioxide and is saturated with oxygen, which goes back to the child, and there is a new one, third circulation circle in your body.

According to the appearance of the umbilical form, it resembles a cord or rope, it grows with the child, constantly increasing in size, and the length of the umbilical bodies reaches 50-60 cm, and the diameter is about 1.5 cm.

The first three months is very important time And for you, and for the baby.

It passes the mass of transformations, in a matter of days it changes completely, the basis of all its organs and systems is laid. After three months, he starts to clearly feel, even respond to your mood, sounds, touch - movement.

Your body also undergoes quite strong changes, and they concern not only physiology, but also psyche.

The most important thing during the change of mood, shifts of well-being, morning ailment, remember that now your baby is developing very actively - it grows, and in your body there are unknown transformations, and all inconvenience occurs not just so, and for the great goal - the birth of the baby occurs.

Imagine his such little, fragile and so needy in your love and all difficulties will easily overcome. Only positive emotions, awareness that you are involved in the great sacrament of the birth of a new life, will make you truly happy in this responsible moment, and your pregnancy is a joyful event.

Second trimester

In the second trimester behind nausea, malaise, strange reactions to smells and food, ahead is the golden time of pregnancy - the second trimester.

By the 16th week of the second trimester fully formed a placentaBut, already starting from the 12th week, it takes the function of producing hormones on itself. Until this time, this feature performed yellow body Pregnancy, it has caused all the "troubles" and torment.

Women rightly call the second trimester. The most pleasant time for the whole pregnancy - the woman is already getting used to her new position, the rustling of hormones and major changes in the body behind, the stomach is still small and does not bother at all.

It is in the second trimester you can feel incomparable happiness - the feeling of the coming motherhood!

Many women describe these feelings as deep satisfaction with all what is happening, the feeling of predestination and the highest meaning of their being. All problems at home, at work, in the world seem very insignificant. A woman knows why she came to this world, and feels that he performs its most important task.

Future mommy is At the peak of his femininity and creativity - At this time there is a real chance to create something endlessly beautiful and talented. You can feel a rush to start writing poems, paintings, sing, playing different tools - do not stop yourself - only forward!

The baby also passed one of the most difficult stages.- The period of bookmarks the most important organs and systems, simply speaking, from the Maker in the first three months it turned into a small little man.

Ahead of him expects: stormy growth "In the next three months he will grow with 7 centimeters to 30, its weight will increase by 20 times - from 15 grams to 300.

In the second trimester he will start actively moving And you will finally begin to feel his movements, he will begin to see dreams and even his day will appear. It will begin to hear you and react to light and sounds. You can start reading the fairy tales to him, sing him songs, talk to him.

And now consider the conquest of each month in detail:

4th month: 13-16 weeks

In the fourth month, the child grows very quickly- growing at 3-8 centimeters long (by the end fourth month - 12-17 cm) and increases in weight almost ten times from 25 grams in the third month to 200 grams.

The most important achievement of this month is a movement!

The fruit begins to move reflexively, it makes not only simple movements - moves his head, hands, legs, but complicated - finds a fist of the mouth, starts to suck his finger, finds the coupon with his hands. Women who give birth not for the first time, can feel his movements, they are very weak and hardly tangible, but they can be caught.

Begins to work all the digestive system.

The child appears the first taste sensations, it reacts to those substances that are dissolved in the amniotic fluid - on the sweet - active swallowing, onto a bitter and sour - the most minimal. It is this swallowing gives training with the entire digestive system. The excretory system is actively operating, urine is displayed using the placenta in the blood of the mother.

The child goes from Mom hormones, on its own and hormones placenta.

And from this month can even share hormones with mom. Hormones play an amazingly important role, it is at the expense of them a child grows and develops than more and better fruit It is supplied with hormones, the better it is growing faster.

This month the baby's blood contains all adult cells And it is already possible to determine his blood group and its Rh.

By 16 week, external genital organs are formedAnd you can find out the floor of your future baby, of course, if it turns how it is necessary during the ultrasound.

Digestive system

  • The liver becomes the digestive organ
  • Stomach starts, intestines, gallbladder
  • Appear taste sensations
  • Formed original feces - "Mekonia"

The excretory system begins to work.

  • Kidneys begin to allocate urine

Fundaled placenta

Hormonal system (endocrine)

  • Adrenal and fork iron begin to work


  • Bone marrow picks up the role of blood formation at the liver


  • Brain cells are actively divided, furrows and gyms arise

A heart

  • The heart beats very actively, now it can be heard even with a simple stethoscope


  • The skin of the kid remains very transparent and thin, because under it there is still no adipose tissue, all the vessels are visible through it and therefore it seems red.

5th month: 17-20 weeks

The most important achievement of this month is an active movement, now even moms, pregnant women for the first time do not confuse the movements of the baby with some kind of "soda" inside, now these are active jolts 4-8 times per hour.

Stunning all components of their own endocrine (hormone) fetal system are quickly and fully developed., providing him with a stable and rapid growth and development of all organs and parts of the body. For this month he grows almost twice - the length of the fetus by the end of the fifth month is 25-27 cm (in the 4th month of only 12-17), the weight is 300 grams.

During the fifth month of the baby it is becoming more beautiful and more beautiful, develops subcutaneous tissue and the skin becomes not so red, powder hair appears on the body and almost the whole body covers the raw lubricant - it helps protect the baby from the impact of harmful organisms and mechanical damage.

The baby's eyes are still closed, but it is already great oriented in the uterusIf you have twins or twins they can already find each other and keep hands.

Mimic appears on the face - now he can frown, smile, sad!

Changes of the 5th month


  • Subcutaneous fiber develops, the skin still seems red and wrinkled
  • The body covers the raw lubricant and flush hair

Light begin to form

Endocrine system

  • Almost all systems are formed: pituitary gland, epiphysis, adrenal glands, pancreas, thyroid and pancake glands

Completed the formation of all departments of the heart

Bookmark of indigenous and dairy teeth

Family appears on the face

6th month: 21-24 weeks

During the sixth month, the baby becomes very beautiful - adequate tissue and the skin does not look red, the handles and legs become more rounded.

The face - eyes are already formed, the nose is distinguished, the ears are increasing and finally draw up, eyebrows and eyelashes appear.

This month baby moves very actively, it appears his day- He sleeps and awakes in a certain time. You can watch it and remember the watch and activity, most likely, they will continue after birth, it will give you an advantage of at least some time planning in the first months.

He is clear reacts to sharp sounds and bright light - It can quiet and how to hide, and maybe on the contrary, start to move rapidly - moving hands, legs, head. Remember this and try not to expose the child, neither the other.

The best sound for him is now happy, a gentle voice of mom.

Baby begins to train your breath- He makes 50-60 breath per minute, then subsides half an hour-hour. Then starts again. During such a "respiration", amniotic fluid falls into the lungs, but it does not harm and quickly absorbs into the lungs.

During the sixth month, the child is fully formed, but it is not ready for the emergence of the placenta, since there are no needed antibodies in the placenta, which can protect the baby in the first days after the appearance of the light.

Changes of the 6th month


  • Appears subcutaneous fat
  • The whole body is covered with flush hair and lubrication.


  • Eyes are well formed, eyelashes and eyebrows appear
  • Take the final shape and ears
  • Fully formed the main fabric of indigenous teeth (dentin)


  • The brain is very actively growing, the weight of the brain by the end of the 5th month gears 20-25 grams, and by the end of the 6th - 100 grams


  • The child performs permanent training inhi - 50-60 per minute
  • Ends formation of digestive and hematopoietic systems


  • The child moves very vigorously, still free "floating" in amniotic fluid

The mode of sleep and wakefulness appears, the sleep on average takes 16-20 hours.

Reaction to bright light and sharp sound

At the end of the second trimester future mommy It turns out the finish line. Ahead is only childbirth and happy years Maternity. There will be no such major changes, every next month the child will be more and more prepare for the emergence: gain weight (in 9 months the child weighs more than 3 kilograms), its own heat regulation system will be formed, which will not let it freeze when On the light, the lungs will finally develop to allow the baby to easily go to a new type of breathing.

Third trimester

The third trimester is the time when the woman ceases to be afraid and begins to wait for labor.

The child grows intensively, every day he weighs more and more. By 8-9 months, the uterus increases greatly in size and presses on the diaphragm, it makes it difficult to breathe; presses on the stomach, causing heartburn; In the lying position, the large veins can turn over which blood flows down from the bottom upwards, from the legs to the heart.

A woman clearly feels his child, as he takes all the space in the uterus and it becomes cramped. Therefore, push with handles or legs become very sensitive.

Breast begins to prepare for lactation (feeding child) can be small allocations of colosure.

Now all changes in the child are aimed at preparing for childbirth and life outside the womb. All organs and systems are growing and formed: easy, so that the child can make his first breath; Grows subcutaneously fatty tissueso that the child can keep warmly warm when it is born; The endocrine system organs are constantly developing, so that all the necessary hormones can be allocated at the right moment, allowing the child to actively participate in the process of childbirth, adrenaline and norepinephrine.

Let's see what and how it develops every month.

7th month: 24-28 weeks

By the end of this month, the child is formed so much that he is already becoming viable even at early birth, but he will need a professional medical care.

The most important thing is that it will allow it to adapt to the new environment and survive is the growth and formation of lungs and special Substance - Surfactantwhich month over the month covers the entire surface of the alveol. This substance does not give easy when inhaling to fall. On the 7th month it is still quite a bit, which is why the child born during this period is needed in breathing.

Also this term very little, so-called gray fatwhich provides heat retention. Therefore, the kids born in this period are very sensitive to low temperatures, cooling for more than 5 minutes, can cause a baby very serious diseasesWhat is taken into account when care for premature children.

This month, the child opens eyes, the pupil membrane will fall, and he "floats" in the time of wakefulness. fruit waterah with open eyes. A nervous system and brain develops very actively, which makes it possible to distinguish between and even memorize what I saw, heard, felt or tried: the taste of oily water, light, external and internal sounds.

Educated subcutaneously fatty fiber, the skin begins to gradually smooth, the handles and legs are to work. Nails do not reach the tips of the fingers, the cartilage of the nose and the ears are soft.

A child can actively move in the uterusSince it does not occupy all its space, by the end of the month it will reach 35 cm long, and 1 kg-1.2 kg in weight.

Changes of the 7th month


  • Alveoli and alveolar moves are actively forming
  • Surfactant is produced

Endocrine system:

  • All organs of the endocrine system are actively developing, now they are able to produce even growth hormone


  • Brain and nervous system develops, allowing the child to differentiate different information coming from sense organs
  • The bone marrow gradually becomes the main organ of blood formation

8th month: 29-32 weeks

Just day, the child is becoming more and more prepared for the coming life outside the body of mom and childbirth. It already weighs about 1.5-1.6 kilograms and reaches 40 centimeters. Now he takes almost everything in the uterus, so his movement is very rational. He no longer "floats", but makes more accurate movements with handles and legs.

For the 8th month the child takes the situation in which he will be in childbirth.

In 96% of cases - it head prepay - that is, the child is located strictly head down, itself also happens pelvic preview - When he takes the position of the ass or legs to the exit from the small pelvis, as well as cross presets - When he lies across the longitudinal axis of the uterus.

The best for natural childbirthOf course, the head presence is, but on the 8th month, the preservation of the child can still change itself or with the help of special exercises. However, if he has already arranged (head preview), you can wear a bandage to consolidate such a position.

Your doctor using special palpation techniques - Leopold techniques, can very easily determine the position of the fetus.

On the 8th month alveal lungs continue to formThe amount of surfactant increases.

Heart and blood system is almost completely formed: between the right and left atria still remains a hole ( batalles Dol ), so in the veins and arteries of the child flows mixed blood. This hole closes after birth.

Changes of the 8th month

  • Growing heads, reaching an equal size of 60% of the adult head
  • Alveoli and surfactant are formed
  • Formed slices of the liver, the blood supply to all liver cells improves
  • Starting its work pancreasBlood in insulin
  • Excellent open system works, Daily, the child highlights the floor of the urine in the oily water.
  • The ability to focus the eyes in all directions

9th month: 33-36 weeks

9th month - this is usually the time of the child's appearance, Birth after 36 weeks is considered physiological and natural, the child is fully ready for the appearance of the world.

Lightweight formed completelyAll the space of the alveolo is covered with surfactant.

Significantly grown layer subcutaneously fatty fiber is already able to regulate heat exchangenewborn and will not let him freeze. The skin straightens, acquires a pleasant pink color, the gun hair from the body disappears, they remain only on the head, where they become curly and longer, the nails grow so much that they begin to perform the fingertips.

Continues to develop liver and pancreasBut their development will continue a few years after birth.

Child activity is now minimalSince he is very closely in the uterus, because his weight for this month grows twice - from 1.5 kg to 3.0.

All children's systems operate normally, but the process of improving and improvement is still underway.

10th month: 37-40 weeks

Do not worry if the child was not born on the 9th month, he still has time. Birth in 37-42 weeks is absolutely natural and normal. You must trust in this child and your wisdom organism, they themselves will select the best time.

So, on the 10th month, all the children's systems are ready for birth. The digestive tract is working: the intestines are promoted the original feces down to the thick intestine, the stomach works, the pancreas produces pepsin necessary in digestion.

However, the child's digestive system in the womb is absolutely sterileAll the necessary bacteria that help to digest and assimilate food will appear only during the lactation of breast milk mother.

Finishes development sex system - Girls have big sex lips close small, the boys are eggs in most cases fall into the scrotum.

Adrenal glands are so incremented in size that more kidneys become Since their share has to produce stress hormones during childbirth - adrenaline and norepinephrine.

Bones of the skull and seams remain soft and puffy. 2 springs - dark and occipital helps the skull take comfortable formTo go through the genovel mothers without injury.

From the moment when a woman finds out about pregnancy, she begins to listen daily to her body, trying to catch the slightest changes and understand what is happening with the future child. If we are talking about an extracorporeal fertilization, then increased attention Its sensations begins even earlier. How does the embryo development occurs on weeks? We list the most characteristic processes at all stages of its development in vitro and intrauterine.

After and their successful fertilization by the method of ordinary eco or the development of embryos begins. By day, this process looks like this:

  • Zero day: Actually fertilization.
  • First day : The presence in the embryo of the male and female nuclei is estimated.
  • Second day: the education of the zygota by merging the female and male genomes; The beginning of the fission of the embryo and evaluating its quality according to fragmentation, size and shape.
  • The third day: The embryo consists of 4-8 blastomers (subsidiaries).
  • Fourth day: Blastomers at least 10 (ideally - 16), the embryo surface becomes smoother - the so-called compactization process occurs; From now on, it is called Morula. With a natural conception, it is at this stage that the embryo from the pipe goes into the uterine cavity.
  • Fifth and sixth days. The embryo is called blastocysts, which consists of two types of cells. Blastocyst covered with a shiny shell, which is broken; Only after this embryo is capable of implantation.
  • Seventh day. With successful hatching (the outlet of blastocysts from the shell) is implantation.

Stages of development of embryo

Back in the 1960s, photographer Lennart Nilson, using a powerful lens, managed to make a photo of the development of the embryo on weeks. By and large, this process is the same as a natural conception, and in the event that extracorporeal fertilization was used. Differ only start steps intrauterine development. We list the main stages of the development of the embryo on weeks after Eco:

First trimester

The first trimester is the most important in the formation of the embryo, since it is during this period that the bodies are laid.

Second trimester

14-15 weeks. Eyebrows and eyelashes appear, the baby can make mimic movements, the bone-muscular system is strengthened. The heartbeat is enhanced so much that it can be heard using an obstetric stethoscope. The pancreas begins to produce insulin, the genitals change (for example, the boys formed a prostate gland).

16-19 weeks. Nails appear on the fingers, the senses are improved, the ears begin to hear, and their eyes - distinguish light. The fetus size increases so much that mom feels his movements; The composition of the blood becomes more perfect.

20-25 weeks. During this period, coordination of movements is improved; Fetal movements begin to feel all women. Strengthen bones.

Third trimester

26-30 weeks. The formation of alveoli in the lungs, which produce a substance needed to preserve their shape (surfactant). Baby actively reacts to loud soundsmay blink. The brain develops at a rapid pace, a fatty tissue begins to form, the skin becomes elasticity. By this time, the child becomes almost viable.

30-38 weeks. The skin becomes smoother, the child is gaining weight, the work of the internal organs is being improved. Closer to the time of birth, the child changes the position, turning his head down (not always, but in most cases).

Development of man's fetus

Full size table

The weight and growth of the fetus are one of the most important parameters that help determine how correctly its intrauterine development proceeds. Tracking these criteria, with some permissible errors, allows ultrasound procedure, as well as standard measurements of the size of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen. The table below shows the averaged values \u200b\u200bfor which the doctor is focused when evaluating the development of the fetus.

Before you start counting the term of the proposed pregnancy, you need to get acquainted with two concepts - the real and obstetric period. The real period of pregnancy is counting from the moment of fertilization. Obstetric - from the first day of the last menstruation. The difference between them is an average of about 2 weeks. IN hospital sheet The obstetric period of pregnancy is indicated. Therefore, the development of the fetus begins at 3 week.

1st week

During this period, fertilization occurred. The fruit is completely tiny and fix it on the ultrasound is almost impossible. Embryo implantation occurs. Begins the restructuring of the body and the production of hormone, which is responsible for protecting the fetus during pregnancy. Also, the formation of placenta and umbilical cord.

In the first week there are no signs of pregnancy. However, some women already feel drowsiness, weakness, the severity at the bottom of the abdomen. The same symptoms in premenstrual syndrome. Distinctive feature It may become implanting bleeding - small isolation of pink or brown.

2nd week

Differences from the first week minor. In the second week, the fruit increases by 1/10 from his general. The placenta continues to be formed and starts to function.

There is a pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen, pink highlights may appear. It is important to consider that abundant brown allocations may indicate miscarriage. Often they are confused with menstruation.

3rd week

The fruit looks like a small cellular condensation that can already be fixed on the ultrasound. Its diameter varies from 0.1 to 0.2 mm, weight - 2-3 μg.

Some women have urinary urinary, toxicosis appears. It can dramatically increase or decrease the number of selection. It is important to pay attention to their color and smell. Any deviations from the norm can talk about the presence of infection.

4th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 5 mm, the weight is 0.5 μg. Externally, the fruit resembles a three-layer disk. Subsequently, each layer (ectoderma, mesoderma, endoderma) will be responsible for the formation of certain organs. The extraordinary organs are developing - Chorion, Amnion, Yellow Bag.

The female appetite is noticeably rising. The belly is slightly rounded, the waist changes the outline. The vomit reflex increases, the intolerance to the smells occurs. There is a sharp change of mood, irritability, emotional instability. Milk glands are gaining volume, the sensitivity of nipples increases.

5th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 4-7 mm, the weight is up to 1 gram. A spinal string with a nervous tube is formed. Then they form the center of the nervous system. The organs of the digestive system begin to form (liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands). Thyroid gland and heart is formed. It has already begun to join the emerging blood vessels.

Nausea worries a woman at any time of the day. The likelihood of miscarriage increases, especially with the elevated content of male hormones. The unusual smell and color of the selection, and the new pain in the bottom of the abdomen signals the presence of problems.

6th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 4-9 mm, the weight is 0.9-1.3 grams. Fruit starts to move. The nervous system of the fetus is formed. He starts to develop a brain, furrows and gyms are formed, a cranial box is formed. Approves of hands and feet appear. The cartilage system is developing.

A woman has tingling in his chest. There is a bloating abdomen because of the intestinal restructuring. The rest of the feelings are the same as on previous weeks. Toxicosis continues, and it is worth alerting with a sharp termination. Such changes are when making pregnancy.

7th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 13 mm, the weight is 1.1-1.3 grams. Finger, neck, ears, face begin to form. The eyes have been placed far from each other while. The heart is fully formed, 2 atrium and 2 ventricle stood out. Erythrocytes appear, and the fruit factor is determined. The intestine of the fetus grows in length, appendix and the thick intestine were formed. The pancreas begins to produce insulin. In the liver, bile ducts were formed. The kidneys and the sex system are developing.

Mother has headaches. It may decrease arterial pressureWhat leads to dizziness and fainting. Significantly increases the sensitivity of the nipples. They become darker. Chest increases. There are constipation, bloating and heartburn. There is a swelling of the limbs.

8th week

The fruit size is 14-20 mm, weighing - 1.5 grams. Many bodies have already formed and even began to function. The heart became four-chamber, vessels and valves were formed. Face features become clearer. Languages \u200b\u200bare developing taste nipples.

Film and salivary glands are formed, digestive and selective system. The ovaries are formed in girls and testicles in boys. The diaphragm and bronchial tree begin to form. The joints and muscles develop, phalange of the fingers. Oveaken hands, legs and skull.

The uterus grows, and pain in the bladder area appears. Due to irritation sedal Nerva, there is burning pain in the pelvis and hips. Change addictions in food. The condition of the skin is worse. Arises varicose disease. It is worth considering that nausea on this period should be no more often 2 times a day.

9th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 22-30 mm, weight - 2 grams. The brain and the nervous system are already formed. A cerebellum is formed, the pituitary, the middle layer of adrenal glands, lymphatic nodes, chest glands, genitals. Cap, intervertebral and spinal nerves appear. The excretory system is functioning.

Mother's belly is rounded, the chest grows, and a varicose mesh appears on it. The urination is doubled. Despite the tired condition and decay of forces, insomnia appears.

10th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 3-4 cm, the weight is 4-5 grams. The nervous system was formed and divided into central and peripheral. The brain produces neurons and controls all fetal systems. Immune I. lymph systemThe diaphragm is formed.

Teeth appear. Muscular and bone system develops. The handles and legs are fully formed, and the fruit actively moves. On the fingers began to form marigolds. Taste and olfactory receptors have developed. The face is fully formed. The fruit opens and closes the mouth.

Toxicosis begins to disappear, but pain and dizziness do not stop. It is noticeably intensified appetite. Some women are concerned with constipation and heartburn. A pigmented strip on the stomach is formed due to melanin synthesis.

11th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 5 cm, weight - 7-8 grams. The placenta is increasingly strengthened every day. The intestine is temporarily combined with umbilical umbilical. The brain and the conductivity of the nervous system increases. The smell, genitals, digestive tract, teeth, joints, voice ligaments, flavoring, olfactory and tactile receptors are formed. Reflexes are developing, especially sucking and grasping. The fruit begins to react to irritants from the outside.

A woman feels a child move. Decreased susceptibility to smells, sensitivity and soreness of the chest. General state Normalizes.

12th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 6-9 cm, the weight is 14 grams. Thanks to the development of the nervous system, there is a link between the hemispheres and the spinal cord. All organism systems are formed and started to function. Heart supplies them with blood. In addition to the erythrocytes, leukocytes were formed in it. The liver began to produce bile, and now the fruit absorbs fats. A reflex is developing. A gun appears on the head, chin, area over the lip, on the site of eyebrows and cilia.

Passed sharp drops mood, nausea, drowsiness, decay of forces. The urge to the toilet becomes less often. Increases skin sensitivity, itching occurs.

13th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 7-10 cm, the weight is 15-25 grams. The heart actively pumps blood. The formation of the sexual system is completed. Fully laid dairy teeth. The torso is developing faster than the head. The bone system is formed. The limbs are lengthened. Figners are bended, they appeared a prototype of prints.

A woman cease to disturb the symptoms of pregnancy. The belly is rounded and starts to drink. The waist is almost invisible. There is a sense of tension in the legs, risk the risk of varicose varicose.

14th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 9-11 cm, the weight is 30-40 grams. Breast, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, musculatory develops. The fruit swallows amniotic fluid and feels her taste, sucks a finger. Formed bridge and cheeks. The fruit involves the Mimic muscles.

Temporary pain in groin and sides - normal phenomenon Provided that they do not have a grapple-shaped character. Hair and nail fragility appears, peeling and dry skin. The skin is stretched and thinned, and stretch marks. The bleeding of the gums appears.

15th week

The magnitude of the fetus is already more than 10 cm, the weight is about 70 grams. Blood vessels develop. Blood to the authorities comes by arteries. The skeleton begins to bone. The child can bend his hands in the elbows, compress his fingers. Changing face. Eye becomes closer and take a natural position. The skin is so thin that blood vessels shine through it.

Some women feel the rise of strength, others - decay. Rinith may appear, nasal bleeding, night choking. The belly increases significantly compared to 14 weeks.

16th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 11-13 cm, the weight is about 100-120 grams. Ultrasound can determine the sex of the child. Girls have formed a set of eggs. Fully formed the composition of the blood. Nervous cells are formed - neurons. Nerves are powered by organs. The windows and furrows of the brain increase. The torso becomes proportional, the neck crept, the fruit holds and turns his head.

A woman does not bother frequent urge to the toilet. But heartburn and constipation do not pass. There may be shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air.

17th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 13 cm, the weight is 140 grams. Uzi shows all the fetus organs. Subcutaneous fatty fiber is formed. Bronchi and alveoli developed. Sweet glands were formed, joints, almost completely muscle system and hearing agency. The muscles are reduced, so the fetal head straightens.

Woman feels a stirring. The volume of circulating blood increases, so urination is rapidly. Cramps can reduce ion muscles.

18th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 14 cm, the weight is 190-200 grams. Endocrine and nervous systems develop. Interferon and immunoglobulin stands out. Timus is formed and lymphocytes. Voice ligaments and hearing body are formed. Increases the size of the brain and head.

The fetus highlights more exchange products, and this, in turn, affects emotional state Mother. There is nervousness. A woman feels the pressure of the uterus on the abdominal wall and neighboring organs.

19th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 15.3 cm, the weight is about 250 grams. The brain forms departments responsible for rumor, eyesight, taste, smell, touch. The relationship between the head and spinal cord and systems is established. Lightweigh develops, almost formed bronchial wood. Begins to function the spleen.

The woman has heartburn and bloody, the intestinal motor is disturbed due to the displacement of the organs of the growing uterus. Increases sweating due to enhanced work thyroid gland. Large belly, so harder to choose convenient pose for sleep.

20th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 16 cm, the weight is about 300 grams. The organs are formed, but are not ready to function outside the maternal organism. The fetus reacts to light stimuli. Turns and grabs for the umbilical cord. I can yawning, frown, smile, sick.

The center of gravity is shifting due to the growing abdomen, and the woman begins to hurt. Bandage removes the load and reduces easy sensations. Emphasis is intensified on the legs, ankles and fingers.

21st week

The magnitude of the fetus is 27 cm, the weight is about 360 grams. The digestive system is preparing for functioning outside the maternal organism. Fruit sleeps up to 20 hours a day and constantly sees dreams.

The belly in pregnant woman becomes noticeably more, and the load on the back and legs increases. The chest becomes more, and the aroles are darker. Periodically there are dizziness, shortness of breath, a feeling of air deficiency.

22nd week

The magnitude of the fetus is 28 cm, the weight is about 430 grams. Brain development is completed, nervous bonds are being established. Tactile sensations are developing. The child actively reacts to light and sounds, and the woman feels it.

Increased pain in the back, shoulders, legs, which does not pass until the end of pregnancy. It is important to control blood pressure and hemoglobin in the blood to prevent anemia.

23rd week

The magnitude of the fetus is 29 cm, the weight is about 500 grams. All systems and organs operate, from now on in the case of premature genera, the child will survive. The fetus has a certain mode of life. A woman can determine what time he wakes up and when resting. Footwear becomes small, because the foot is lengthened due to the development of flatfoot.

24th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 30 cm, the weight is up to 600 grams. The child actively picks up a mass, accumulates fat fabricAnd he becomes cramped in the uterus. Brown fat is postponed mainly on the tummy and in the area between the blades.

Shone feels not only mother, but also a father, if it puts his hand to the stomach. There is a violation of digestion due to squeezing the uterus of the liver and gallbladder. On this period, the woman has improved the condition of the skin and hair.

25th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 34.5 cm, the weight is 660 grams. All brain departments are formed, and its weight is 100 grams. The formation of the lungs has completed. Formed lyrics. It is determined which one hand will become the lead - right or left. The fruit is able to distinguish between voices and sounds and react to them. Can clamp your ears and pushed, having heard sharp sounds.

Growing belly presses on a diaphragm. A woman is heavier to breathe, shortness of breath appears. The number of secretions (colostrum) is increasing.

26th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 35.5 cm, the weight is 760 grams. The skin of the child is smoothed and changes color. Fetal adrenal glands begin to produce growth hormone. The baby periodically rests on the rib of the mother, which causes pain. The fruit will change the position if you lie on the side, stroke the belly or talk a little. Increases fatigue, drowsiness, some women have fainting.

27th week

The magnitude of the fetus is more than 36 cm, the weight reaches 900 grams. Endocrine system is actively developing. The kid already opens eyes. Strengthen tactile sensations, so the fruit is feeling all around. Woman feels many pain In the lower back and muscles. Nausea appears and weakness. In the selection from the genital organs should not be impurities or pus.

28th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 38-38.5 cm, the weight is about 1 kg. The body is preparing for oxygen exchange with blood. Rib cage The child rhythmically moves. The pupil membrane disappears from eyeballs, so the child reacts more acutely to light. The stomach continues to grow, and intensify pain in the back and legs. It may appear nausea due to squeezing the digestive organs.

29th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 38.6 cm, the weight is 1150 grams. Fetal nostrils are exempt from mucous plugs, so it feels smells. The child records a look at the interests of the details. The fruit accumulates white fat, and his body is rounded. All organs and systems work as a single organism.

The volume of circulating blood increases, and the woman has a pulse, and the pressure is reduced. The vessels are expanding, and protruding veins appear on their hands, feet and stomach.

30th week

The magnitude of the fetus is more than 40 cm, the weight is 1.3-1.5 kg. Nervous cells function, nerve fibers are formed. The fruit reacts consciously to irritation. Suitable for completion of the formation of genitals. The sensations of the woman are the same as on previous weeks. The stomach prevents many familiar action. It is impossible to lean forward.

31nd week

The magnitude of the fetus is 41 cm, the weight is 1.5 kg. Pancreas cells produce insulin. The liver performs a detox function, that is, filters blood and cleans from toxins. The brain of the fetus is 1/4 of the organ of an adult. A corneal reflex appears, which is to grind the eyes when contacting the cornea with outsiders.

The woman increases the metabolism, so sweating increases. Feels dizziness in the position lying on the back.

32nd week

The magnitude of the fetus is 43 cm, the weight is 1.7-1.8 kg. On this period, the fruit takes the optimal position for childbirth - down head. The skin of the child is smoothed and takes a natural shade. The growth of the abdomen is accompanied by itching and the appearance of stretch marks. Concerned is insomnia, sleep becomes more disturbing due to approaching childbirth.

33th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 44 cm, the weight is about 2 kg. The immune system Functions, antibodies are generated. The body became proportional, rounded, peeling appeared on the face. Nails grow on the fingers. The child reacts to light and sounds, feels the emotion of the mother. Therefore, stressful situations should be avoided. A woman can disturb itching in the chest and abdomen.

34th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 45 cm, the weight is already slightly exceeded 2 kg. Thyroid And the adrenal glands produce 10 times more hormones than an adult. Nails have grown to the end of the nail plate. The hairs on the head have a native pigment. A woman can roughly determine the nature of the future kid on his activity. The child must move almost every hour if awake.

35th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 46 cm, the weight is 2.4 kg. Muscle and fat weight increases. The novels became long, so the fruit can scratch himself. The immune system continues to be improved, however, the production of antibodies is not enough to fully protect against infections.

By 35 week accumulates fatigue, especially due to permanent lumbar pain. The digestive organs with difficulty cope with their task due to increased pressure.

36th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 47 cm, the weight exceeds 2.6 kg. The cerebral formed a center coordinating the work of the cardiovascular system, breathing and thermoregulation. Immediately after the birth of a child, these systems are ready to work. The fruit continues to accommodate the skills of a sucking reflex.

A woman feels an increasing anxiety and panic. Therefore, nervousness and irritability increases, which prevents a full sleep.

37th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 48-49 cm, the weight is about 2950 grams. In the brain, breathing control centers, cardiac activity, movement are improved. In the respiratory tract, a surfactant is produced, which will help light baby to open after birth. All women muscle groups are tense. The pain and tension of the mother increases closer in the evening.

38th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 49-50 cm, the weight is 3.1 kg. The skeleton of the child becomes stronger every day, only cranial bones remain soft and combined with cartilage. After the birth of bones harden. The eye color is not fully formed due to insufficient number Pigment. Anxiety of the future mother due to upcoming rhodas Enharged. Panic bothers and in a dream, and during wakefulness.

39th week

The magnitude of the fetus is 50-53 cm, the weight is 3250 grams. In the intestine formed a primary feces (Mekonia), which will be released after birth. Moves the fruit is less because of the cramped in the womb. Mother is difficult to catch the chapel.

Possible symptoms of pregnant women - belly fossil, increasing the tone of the uterus, pulling back pain, chalk thinning. In the near future, the mucosa of the mucosa will occur. It is necessary to track these signs of approaching birth.

40th week

The magnitude of the fetus is more than 51 cm, the weight is about 3.5 kg. The baby turns over and, as a rule, the childbirth comes this week. The child moves about 10 times a day. The mucosa plug drops, fermented waters depart. Light nausea and dilution of the chair manifest themselves daily before delivery. Woman weight is kept or declining. The stomach is lowered, so urges are raised to the toilet and incontinence.

In some cases, childbirth comes later than 40 weeks. Often this is due to the wrong time counting.

Pregnancy - Complex and Long physiological processduring which amazing metamorphoses occur - from pair of cells is formed new organism, completely unique creatures of nature.

Many future mothers, those who plan a pregnancy or already puts out a child, you need to know what changes occur in their body in order to take into account all the risky factors affecting the correctness of the development of the future kid.

Duration and stages of pregnancy

On average, human pregnancy lasts about 280 days or 40 weeks, this period is counted from the last menstruation. A child born earlier or later with an amplitude of three weeks is premature or wearable.

Traditionally intrauterine period divide into two stages:

Also in gynecology it is customary to consider the course of pregnancy through the prism of trimesters:

  • the first trimester conditionally lasts 12 weeks, starts from the moment of the meeting of the male and female cells; It is completed by placentating - the beginning of the functioning of an indispensable authority during this period of life of a woman - placenta;
  • the second trimester - from the 12th to the 27th of the week - the stage of ripening the organism systems (central nervous, immune and other);
  • the third trimester - from 28 to 40 weeks - represents the period of preparing the internal organs to extrietary life.

Doctors separately allocate "critical", most responsible and complex stages of development:

  • the period of implantation and the beginning of cell division (from the moment of conception to 2nd weeks);
  • the period of the formation of internal organs and placenta (from the 3rd to the 8th week);
  • the period of light permeability " children's place"(From 32nd to the 36th week).

Consider detailed description development of the fetus and sensations of a woman for weeks of pregnancy.

First trimester (up to 12 weeks)

The point of development of the fetus begins precisely from the moment of conception that the last period of menstruation occurs on the third week. Previous 14 days The woman's body was actively preparing for this event - this happens monthly, and marks the beginning and end of menstruation.

In this time interval, the eggs ripens and starts its path in the uterine tube, ovulation is performed.

Week 1st - conception and start of cell division

Future development

The history of any human body begins with a meeting of male and female genital cells. After the transition B. uterine tube, the egg "lives" just a day, while spermatozoa is in the body of another 2-3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

In the confluence of these cells, zygote is formed, which moves towards the uterus for 3-4 days to start growth.

Cell crushing occurs with a huge pace - if the 3-day embryo contains 8 cells, then a 4-day - whole 20. The cells are not completely organized and are a hollow ball.

Women's condition

The woman seems to be "monthly": the breast becomes more sensitive, the condition resembles premenstrual. In this case, the usual pregnancy test will not give the correct resultEspecially impatient can only help a laboratory blood test.

The ultrasound will also give productive results - on a small time it becomes known where the embryo is fixed.

Evidence of the coming pregnancy can be a slight increase in temperature.

Blood selection by this stage They may testify both about miscarriage and menstruation (according to statistics about 30% of women have ordinary "monthly" after the occurrence of pregnancy). However, the intensive nature of bleeding, sharp pain - Symptoms of miscarriage, under which you need to urgently contact the gynecologist.

Week 2st - implantation

Future development

At the border of two weeks - the 7-8th day - the embryo implantation is occlared in the uterus fabric - endometrium, which will be the source of nutrients for a long time. The very "implementation" is sometimes accompanied by small hemorrhage, since the integrity of tissues is disturbed.

Further fruit egg It moves to the cell grouping stage - all of them are divided into three layers, among which internal - in the future will form a lung, liver, digestive organs, the average - skeleton and blood system and the external - nervous system, skin, etc.

Women's condition

Due to the fact that the chorionic gonadotropin is actively produced actively produced, it becomes possible to learn about the coming pregnancy using the usual pharmacy dough. The chest becomes more sensitive general symptoms still resemble the premenstrual symptom.

The ultrasound is easy to consider the yellow body that performs the feature of the placenta.

Since it was at the fourth week that a woman has suspicions about the "interesting situation" for the first time, it is better not to delay with the diagnosis, in order to identify an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner.

The cervical canal is filled with a mucous membrane, protecting the baby from infectious diseases. Outlook is normal - transparent, but intact blood is possible when implantation. Also, at the occurrence of pregnancy, women often decrease immunity, and the Flora itself becomes favorable for the "thrush" - from here is possible abundant curd discharge. The fungus is easily treated without consequences for the fetus.

3rd week - first heart blows

Future development

On the 3rd week begins to close nervous tube - the basis for the spine, the dorsal and brain begin to form, and the 21st day occurs significant event - The tiny heart begins to fight.

Separations, eggs and spermatozoa are also beginning to develop. The child is actively growing,

Women's condition

If during the previous week a woman is poorly recognized about his condition, then the 3rd is often indicated by the advent of "toxicosis". In addition, the body is quickly tired, the food habits change, the dairy glands swell, the mood changes.

Ultrasound and test can give a complete picture of the presence of the fetus in the uterus, and the blood test on hCG and progesterone will help identify the potential threat of miscarriage.

Monthly at this time is rather rare than the rule. In the norm of allocation - transparent, also likely the appearance of "candidiasis". The changed color and smell of secrets indicate infectious and venereal diseases.

Week 4th - Bookmark of Organs

Future development

The basis of the bases for the internal organs, accelerates heartbeat, the rigids and legs are formed, and most importantly - the nervous tube is converted to the growth of the brain. Gradually prepares the transition to placental nutrition, the yellow body loses its forces, the placenta is associated with the fruit of the umbilical cord.

Women's condition

Woman should be ready for the fact that toxicosis will pursue it until the end of the 12th week, since men's cells are alien for the body. Often, pregnant begin to torment the spinal pain associated with the change in body weight and the restructuring of the body.

At this stage, the gynecologist will offer all sorts of analyzes, which should not be neglected.

Blood, greenish, yellowish and other allocations are not the norm. The uterus increases slightly in size, but the changes are not noticeable yet.

5th week - first movements

Future development

The heart is separated into two chambers, the metamorphosis of the sexual system is observed.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres, the features of the face are improved - the nose, eyes, mouth are designated.

Pens can bend, rushing fingers. The embryo makes the first minor movements, but for the mother it is not significantly.

Pupovina fully completes its formation, the placenta acquires a dense structure.

Women's condition

Bundles supporting the uterus stretch, why are small pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Pigmentation of the skin around the nipples is enhanced, the urge is raised to urinate. There may be problems with digestion. It should be carefully followed by the character of the selection. The uterus already reaches the size of a small egg, but the pregnancy is completely invisible.

6th week - continued organogenesis

Future development

The heart is improving to four-chamber. Lightweight, bronchial tree develop. There are unique features of the face, the eyes continue to form, the iris becomes color.

Forengie fingers grow, future child May be completely bend and blending them. The intestine is already so great that he does not fit in his stomach - part of him is in the umbilical cord. The genitals have a different look, but it is not yet clear on the ultrasound.

State of mother

A young mother should pick up new underwear, as the breast is rapidly increasing. Drinkness, irritability increase. Changes the condition of the skin. The uterus during the inspection is already tugged, ZEV is completely closed by a plug.

Week 7 - formation of glands

Future development

At the seventh week, from the moment of conception, the tail is disappeared at the base of the spine.

The placenta begins to produce hormones itself, supporting intrauterine processes. Formations are completed by large blood vessels and endocrine glands.

The time of formation of pituitary glands, cerebellum, middle layer of adrenal glands and lymph nodes.

The child begins to frow face and swallow. The neck is evaporated.

State of mother

The kidney of the mother will continue to operate with a double load, since the baby develops the urinary system. At the same time, the organism begins to accumulate fat stocks. The uterus increases to the size of the tennis ball, so a woman can try her, studying her body.

Week 8th - Completion of Organogenesis

Future development

The eighth week is one of the most important, since the laying of all vital organs and tissues is coming to an end, the main crisis stage is completed. Next, the child will only gain weight and growth.

The fetus dimensions do not exceed 4 cm, however it is already a fully formed organism with fingers, knees, elbow joints, own sinks and mouth. Normally, the child is already able to bring a fist to the mouth.

The nervous system by this time is quite developed, therefore, according to numerous studies, the baby is able to feel physical pain.

Convents of dairy teeth are only formed. The boys already produce their own testosterone, and girls laid eggs - their number is definitely for the whole further life.

It is this week that the doctor will suggest to make the first diagnostic to screening ultrasound, since thanks to the technique you can find out whether a child has severe genetic diseases - for example, a Dauna disease.

State of mother

The uterus gradually begins to rise above the pubic joints, getting ready to increase in size.

Stage 9 - End of the embryonic period

Future development

The embryonic period is completed, now the child will start growing rapidly.

The heart works fully, blood vessels are fully formed.

The liver develops, the intestine performs the first movements, weakly resembling peristaltics.

The fruit tries to move the head, a weak smell appears, which will help to find the breast at birth. The baby begins to move along the uterus in free swimming, react to movements, sounds, grab the umbilical cord.

State of mother

Toxicosis comes off. A woman becomes inconvenient to sleep on his back, a feeling of constant thirst appears, as the volume of accumulating waters is growing.

Week 10th - screening

Future development

The main systems of the body are fully formed, all organs are actively working and improved. The first hair coating appears - flush hair. The child leads an active lifestyle, shriveling and waving his hands. The glands begin to function, the intestine is able to shrink, the liver allocates bile.

The tip of the nose takes the form, the ears so far shifted.

State of mother

The uterus is actively growing, a little tough intestines and a bladder. At this stage, the mother will be offered to make comprehensive Screeningto eliminate the presence of defects in development, ultrasound is carried out, biochemical analysis blood. Screening is able to identify severe genetic diseases, and some parents will have to make a difficult choice between preservation or interruption of pregnancy. Especially experienced uzists manage to assume the floor of the future kid.

Most of all suffer from tensile ties on the stomach and loin, which is associated with the transition of the uterine. The amount of white sharply increases, the remaining types of secretions may accompany diseases.

Week 11th - the beginning of the development of emotions

Future development

The first and most responsible trimester comes to an end, the child's growth is already 7 or 8 cm. Muscular and bone tissue is improved, the digestive system will acquire villings, which will soon move food. The men's sexual organ extends, the prostate iron develops. The root of dairy teeth are fully formed in the gums. The pancreas is taken for the development of insulin.

The most important achievement concerns the emotional sphere - the child listens to new sounds, smiles, almost does not sleep. The movements of the hands and legs are still chaotic. The kid already distinguishes the taste of food, has taste preferences.

State of mother

The second trimester begins - the most good time Pregnancy. The fruit is not so hard that the walks seemed to be complex, and the body no longer perceives men's sex cells as something alien. However, an increase in the uterus leads to heartburn and problems with defecation. Starting from this period, the gynecologist will measure the abdominal circle and the height of the uterus.

Second trimester

Created organ systems only debug work. From the 22nd week, neonatologists manage to break the child in the event of premature birth. This stage is characterized intensive growth The fetus and the development of the highest structures of the brain.

Week 12th - floor recognition

Future development

Face features continue to change - the ears moved to the proper location. Finally, it becomes possible to recognize the floor, since the external genital organs are finally converted to male and female type.

The growth of the child is almost 10 cm, but its movements are not yet noticeable for the mother. The fruit will get the ribs, and their movement is increasingly lifting on raising and omission with breathing.

Hair Pokrov It consists of eyelashes, eyebrows, heads on the heads and "lanto" - a thin gun designed to detain on the skin a special thick lubricant that helps go through the generic paths.

Muscles are so developed that the baby is able to push out from abdominal wallthat does not remain unnoticed thin girls.

State of mother

The child consistently takes most of the woman useful substancesthat negatively affects the condition of hair, teeth and gums. Already at this stage, many women celebrate the appearance of stretch marks. The uterus is between the articulation and the navel, it is easy to feel, just putting his hand on the stomach. The edge is raised by 13 cm above the pubis.

Week 13th - Complication of brain cortex

Future development

The brain surface is covered by convolutions and furrows, nerve cells are quickly divided. Sweet glands begin work. The kid actively absorbs nutrients and urinates in the oily water.

The heart makes about 150 shots per minute, pumping almost 30 liters of blood.

From this week, the child begins to work up the lungs, breathing and sprinkling the fluid back. The voice gap opens - the child is preparing for the first scream. Cubs perform a series of acrobatic tricks, increasing the muscles.

A placenta starts to work, from now on, supplying oxygen, withdrawing waste producing its own progesterone and estrogen. The eyelids of the child are still covered.

The bone marrow begins to produce leukocytes - the immune system is preparing for the protection of the child after birth.

Bone tissue solidifies, and the skin becomes a multi-layer, albeit transparent. The fetus gradually acquires human view - The body is lengthened and limb. The growth exceeds 10 cm.

State of mother

At this stage, the second screening is carried out. The biochemical test of the second trimester gives more accurate results. Since the study gives only an estimated result, women for 30 are recommended for the fence of the surrounding waters.

Week 14th - the first chapters

Future development

The child's growth exceeds 11 cm. The composition of the blood to this week corresponds to an adult, as the bone marrow begins to produce blood cells. In the blood appears the usual hemoglobin. A thyroid is developing, which reproduces thyroxine and triiodothyronine, preparing the body to digest the proteins and the beginning of the fat reserve, which will appear next week.

The liver, which used to be engaged in blood formation, begins to perform a digestive role, the remaining bodies spend "training". In the intestine of the child, the original feces will be copied, consisting of bile. Urination occurs almost every 40 minutes.

The nails on the fingers almost accepted the form. The face "thought", because the eyes stood on the place allotted.

State of mother

At this stage, the woman first feels that life originated inside her. The growth of the fetus leads to an increase in appetite. The weight of the uterus reaches 250 grams, the protrusion reaches the distance to the navel.

Week 15th - period of hyperpigmentation

Future development

The fetus this week will acquire a fat committee participating in the heat exchange process. The work includes its own immune system, immunoglobulin and interferon are manufactured - the child is able to protect against infections if the mother gets silent.

The growth is 13 cm. Girls are gradually the uterus is being formed. The laying of constant teeth begins, which "stand in line" for dairy.

The nervous system has ripe enough to start communicating with the child who is able to recognize the voices of people close to him, recognize music as well bad mood Mother.

State of mother

The uterus is constantly growing, the woman suffers about the stripped urination, the swords. The bodies must be somewhat moving, which leads to heartburn and digestive problems. The stomach begins to act, sleep on it becomes unrealistic. Normally, the woman begins to add 200-300 grams per week.

Week 16th

Future development

The heartbeat is perfectly auditioned on special equipment, the fruit reaches a height of 14 cm. The growth of eyebrows and hair on the head continues. Skin covers are fully formed, but they are so gentle that the blood system is completely visible.

Fruit freely floats in amniotic fluid, salivary glands begin to work. The reaction to the light sound is improving, therefore it is better to avoid loud sounds. The child turns his head, pulls his hands. Scientists believe that such gymnastics has a positive effect on mental Development Child.

State of mother

Mother should follow the movements of the baby - if the movements occur more often than 4-8 times an hour, then it says oxygen starvation. The dimensions of the uterus are similar to a small melon. The severity of the fetus affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal apparatus of a woman - a labnce of pregnant woman changes.

Week 17th - Improving neural connections

Future development

Neurons debug the interaction system, as a result of which the baby learns to control eyeballs. The movement of the child becomes more coordinated. Bronchial case completes its formation. Sebaceous glands continue to work covering the body with lubricant white-gray And accumulating in the folds. The gun grows over the whole body and disappears closer to childbirth.

The neck of the crumbs strong enough to rotate 180 degrees. The growth of the baby exceeds 15 cm. The weight of the kid finally exceeds the weight of the placenta. The skin is still very thin, under it you can now see the brown fat. The immune system begins to function in full power.

State of mother

The breast increases significantly, hormones provoke blood flow to milk glands. The uterus weighs more than 300 grams, continues to rise. Mother weight increases to 6 kg.

Week 18 - improved hearing

Future development

The kid finally completes to form interior EarBefore that, there was too primitive - small bones appear. The retina becomes a photosensitive, the eyeball is ready to contemplate, the reflex morgue appears. However, the eyes are still closed.

Bone tissue continues to harden. Belly and buttocks are becoming very sensitive. Teeth are covered with dentin. From this time, the child begins to sleep long, sleep acquires phase division.

State of mother

The appearance of cramps in the legs due to weight gain. The uterus discovers 12 cm above the lan. Meanwhile, some women have training fights, in no way affecting the kid.

Week 19th

Future development

At this stage, the kid's growth exceeds 16 cm, the weight is about 300 grams, the fruit is equal to a small zucchin. The body is still covered with a raw lubricant that protects the skin from the oil-free water. A child can touch own face, Fruit bubble, treads umbilical cord, beats her legs. It is already known whether the baby will be left or right.

A group of nerve cells responsible for the senses is fully formed. The child begins to interact with foreign world, responding to shocks to loud sounds. Any stress is accompanied by an increase in activity. In the intestine, Mekonia is actively accumulated, which will be released after birth.

State of mother

The mother's body undergoes huge changes, the heart pulse increases, the pulse is increasing, the amount of blood increases, which is why the hemoglobin level decreases and the amount of red taurus is reduced. A woman pursue lumbar pains, the uterus passes the bubble, because of what the urine stagnation arises, which risks turn into a pyelonephritis, threatening the fruit. Often, the symphiz is inflamed due to weight.

Week 20

Future development

By the end of the twentieth week, the growth turns the mark of 20 cm. Under the protective layer of lubrication, skin cells are actively divided by forming epidermis layers. The child distinguishes the day from the night and becomes active in different time day. Eyes closed, but it does not interfere with the baby well know environment - According to research, twins and twins can keep each other by hands.

The spine got intervertebral discs, the fetus at wishes tilts the head, movement is complicated. The child may try to file the mother, if unhappy with the location or too loud sounds.

State of mother

To the end of the second trimester may appear even more unpleasant phenomenon - Hemorrhoids. In addition, the mother can feel training fights, while they should not be accompanied by severe pain. The uterus is already resting in a diaphragm, a sword appears.

Week 21

Future development

The weight of the child is increased by 100 g., It becomes about 350 g, the fetus size is about 25 cm. The child feeds and breathes amniotic fluidAt the same time, the octopled water changes the composition every 3-4 hours.

The language is completed taste receptors. Eye apples are actively moving. The intestine begins to suck and absorb carbohydrates. The bone marrow finally replaces the spleen and the liver to the post of manufacturer of blood cells.

Teeth are prepared for enamel formation. Boy eggs start the path from the abdominal cavity. Girls have a vagina. At this stage, a lack of accumulating waters or a multi-way can be revealed - and the other harms the fetus and requires correction.

State of mother

At this stage of the mother, more calcium is required than ever. The lack of proper nutrition will affect the state of the teeth and provokes spasms in the legs. Many women are acutely suffering from anemia. The appetite is intensified. The uterus squeezes the lower hollow vein, why the legs constantly swell.

Week 22nd

Future development

The fetal growth is 28 cm, the weight is 500 grams. Premature births on the 22nd week can be completed happily - medicine allows you to leave such a child without serious deviations in development. The brain of the kid reaches a weight of 100 grams. The lung alveoli becomes mature and produce a substance that prevents compression when breathing.

The child fills the entire cavity of the uterus, stretching it. The skin gradually produces pigment, fingerprints appear. At this stage, the testimony to Cesarean cross section may be gestational diabetes - Low blood sugar levels, so additional tests are held.

State of mother

Mothers should closely monitor weight gains and secretions. This period is especially dangerous to the leakage of spindlewater waters. The baby is actively moving and long lying is not encouraged - it can lead to a cordhouse.

Week 23

Future development

The child's mass reaches 600 grams, the independent growth of growth hormone begins. The child's skin is very smashed. There is a rapid growth of adipose tissue. Hands are lengthened, grow nails, which after birth will need to be neatly cutting. Hair cover is pigmented.

The genitals continue to develop - the testicles of boys are gradually lowered. Fetal chapel frequency - about 10 times a day. According to research, it is this week that this week the nervous system undergoes changes that allow the baby to see dreams. The spleen is actively engaged in blood formation, producing leukocytes and monocytes.

State of mother

Because of the work out of progesterone, side effects are possible in the form of the veins of the veins, the edema of the limbs and the bloating of the abdomen. Women from about this time torments a strong heartburn. The last screening is undergoing ultrasound and biochemistry.

Week 24th

Future development

The growth of the baby is already 30 cm. To this age, the child turns over and is headed down. The child sleeps around 15-20 hours. The eyes are covered with a thin film. The movement becomes more distinct, because the baby rests on the walls of the uterus. However, there are cases where the placenta is attached at the front edge.

The child still practices breathing, lungs produce more surfactant. The amount of accumulating fluid is 400 ml. Sometimes the baby begins to hug, and mom feels. It is caused by either the incorrect swallowing of the oily fluid, or hypoxy.

State of mother

Bones pelvis expand, fatigue appears from long walk. It should be followed by excess weightIn order not to bring the condition to the gestosis, negatively affecting the child.

Week 25th

Future development

The fetus size is approximately 33 cm, the weight of Kolo 700 g. The skin of the baby becomes color, becomes dense.

Lungs train, but with premature birth, the fruit will not be able to breathe independently.

The testicles of boys already reach the scrotum. The fetus appears grazing reflex.

The brain establishes communication with adrenal glands.

State of mother

Milk glands begin to produce colosure, but it happens not all women. Symptoms of pregnancy normally: heartburn, constipation, pain in the lower back, cramps, swelling, sword, deterioration of the state of teeth, hair.

Week 26th

Future development

The growth of the baby is 35 cm, the weight - almost 800 g. The shocks of the fetus become painful. The rumor becomes more subtle. Increases the activity of the child, since it becomes stronger.

State of mother

With increasing weight, all listed symptoms of pregnancy are only enhanced, convulsions appear in ionic muscles. The doctor can diagnose the prestress, expressed in swelling, headaches, nausea, vomiting, hypoxia, as well as lowland or multi-way, increased tone of the uterus. All of these phenomena in most cases are treated with medication.

Week 27th

Future development

At the 27th week, the kid will grow 35 cm growth, weight reaches 1 kg.

In a dream, the child is already able to enable the first smile.

Cut hair disappear from the skin, remain only in the shoulders area.

State of mother

The bottom of the uterus rises to a height of about 30 cm. Above Lona, so the mother has difficulty breathing. It is necessary to prevent stagnation of blood and walk more.

Third trimester

It begins the final, but e less responsible stage of pregnancy. Organogenesis is completed, the baby is preparing for the first sigh. From now on, if you begin premature birthThere is a high chance of saving the child.

Week 28

Future development

The neck is extended. The skin is gradually smoothed by fat. The bones remain flexible, although the entire body of the adipose tissue was formed. The hair is extended and their pigmentation is enhanced.

A pupil membrane comes from the eye, the child learns to open his eyes, actively reacting to the light. The baby begins to distinguish with sour and sweet.

State of mother

A woman at the age of 28 can feel how she throws her in the heat, then in the cold. This is due to the new metabolic rate and helps to remove toxins from the body. At this time, the doctor conducts a study of the placenta, concludes about its age.

Premature aging is an indicator to conduct cesarean section. The lack of nutrients in the placenta is expressed in reducing the motor activity of the child, a smaller abdomen, an increased tone of the uterus.

The doctor can identify the prelationship of the placenta, in case it closes the inner zev, bleeding is possible. If the changes in the location did not occur before delivery, Caesarean is held.

Week 29th

Future development

The weight of the child exceeds 1 kg, the growth is about 40 cm. The kid is quite ready for birth and shaped outwardly. The number of primary grease on the skin decreases, the characteristic gun disappears. The so-called "white fat" accumulates, which is especially much on the face to maintain the child's ability to suck.

Kidneys isolated about 500 g of urine, which partially falls into airways and digestive system. Mucous tubes disappear from the nose. The kid actively gets the blood antibodies.

Teeth are in the gums, but some kids are already born with them.

State of mother

Poster in the weight of the mother should not exceed 300-400. It is especially important that the fluid does not delay in the body, since swelling can manifest themselves not only externally, they are subject to internal organs.

Week 30th

Future development

The kid weighs about 1.4 kg. Growth is about 40 cm. The child continues to develop the lungs, sometimes the liquid does not fall into the throat, then the baby begins to rhythmically ick. Nutrition occurs through a placenta whose weight is about 600 g.

Pupovina consists of two umbilical arteries and one vein. Since the child moves, it is possible to form cord nodes, which are tightened and overlap the kid oxygen. Such cases are rare, but precisely with them and are associated with the recommendations of doctors to track the frequency of the fetus movements.

The brain completes the formation of furrows. The liver accumulates iron. At birth, the child can be easy to don.

State of mother

It is possible to leap fruit water, if suspected, you can not hesitate with sending to the hospital. The uterus rises at 8-10 cm above loboy Bone. From the breast can also begin the selection of colosure.

Week 31st

Future development

The kid weighs about 1.5 kg, growth - more than 40 cm. The child takes the final position down his head, but there are cases of pelvic preview.

The kidneys actively remove urine into the oracle water. A protective shell is formed around the nerves, the impulses are transmitted faster, and the child begins to assimilate the first information.

The kid's sleep for the most part consists of "fast" phases, which confirmed numerous studies of the brain activity this week, which indicates that the baby sees dreams.

State of mother

The weight of the mother increased to 10 kg compared to the premented. Woman worth special attention Distribute diurea and compare between the dried liquid and the brought by the kidneys. Edema talk about the presence of gestosis, the most severe cases of which lead to the death of the fetus and mom.

Week 32nd

Future development

The baby already achieves weight in 1700 g, the growth increases to 42 cm. The child is actively sucking the finger and can already see - the eyes react to light.

Fetal handles are fat. In addition, the young body begins to produce immunoglobulins, which will serve as a shield from harmful bacteria at the first months of life.


State of mother



Future development





State of mother



Future development




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Future development





State of mother

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