Managing male and female team. How to learn how to correctly and effectively lead the big team? Competent leadership of a female team. Indicators that I manage the female team correctly


The whole history of mankind is the history of relationships. In a narrower sense, the history of relations between men and women, adults and young, bosses and subordinates. At work, we spend a third of your life, so it is important to provide healthy relations a team. It is especially important for the personnel manager as for a person responsible for working with people and the moral and psychological climate in the organization. The purpose of this work is to identify the most effective methods interaction with employees.

Going to work, a person is actively involved in the system of professional and socio-psychological relations labor organization, assimilates new for him social roles, values, norms, coordinates their individual position with the objectives and objectives of the organization ( labor team), thereby subordinating your behavior of the official regulations of this enterprise or institution. Each enterprise or his team has specific, only inherent in characteristics, on which the successful work of the team as a whole depends on the record.

Features of control women's team

The female team is different from male initially. Already on targets and reasons that encourage women to go to work. For her, work is important for two main reasons: it gives funds to solve the current household tasks and the possibility of intensive communication in the working team. Therefore, women are less interested in career and in wage growth, for the most part they will not sacrifice their time, forces, family, complicate relations with colleagues for the sake of work, career. Their material requests are more moderate than in men.

There is an opinion that women, unlike men, are not ready to post up at work by 100%. The leaders say hemisphan: "A woman has one hemisphere of the brain is employed by the family, and we - what remains." But the same leaders clarify that if desired, women are able to work wonders. For example, its patience, flexibility and delicacy can persuade a challenge client to the company favorable for the company. Before the head is the task of achieving female performance not on certain days and not in hopeless situations, and in everyday work.

Most men 'leaders (80%), answering the question of whether it is difficult to lead the women's team, said that special problems not. However, during the interviews, some features of the women's team become obvious, namely:

· Slowness in decision making;

· strong influence Problems B. personal life on the labor activity;

· Unpredictable switching focus of attention from workers to family issues;

· Intrigue, hysterics, blackmail;

· Inability to speak directly: starting to be very afar, in terms of assessing everything and distorting facts;

· Resentment, tears, transition to personal relationships;

· "Life arrangement" without the consent of the leadership: flower, paintings, figurines, etc.


Difficulties usually arise with the search for the arguments for women when transferring a task (which, how and why should I do), with the selection of women's motivation methods on effective work. However, specific " women effects»Not always manifest and not everywhere. They are more often found where women in the team are more than 70%, and are characteristic of traditionally feminine posts: accountants, personnel, secretaries, sellers, mobile operators, etc.

There is another feature. Differences in the behavior of men and women are mainly found in Ukrainian and Russian companies. In Western companies, women are trying to adhere to the male approach to work, and their colleagues are men, oddly enough, master traditionally female skills: weaving intrigues, offending, whims.

The situation is common when in response to the task setting before employees and clarification, whether everything is clear, the head receives the standard answer "Yes, everything is clear," but then the results are far from expectations. In some cases, the wording itself is not clear and transparent, but the subordinates do not ask. This situation Illustrates the "Puzzle Effect" (speculation) and the fear of "bad look". The meaning of the effect of puzzle is that women in a collision with "white spots" tend to independently determine the image until completeness. Therefore, their answer "everything is clear" is absolutely sincere. They are really everything clear, and if it is not clear, they doomize in the process. Men in the same case most often just surrender to the unfinished work and say: "And here I do not understand."

The cause of fear "bad look" is that for the overwhelming majority of women, the attitude towards them has great value. Of course, this moment is important for men. But a man usually seeks to appreciate his qualifications, professional quality, the results of his work, and for the ladies, the words of the leader is an assessment of her as a person as women. And if she achieved excellent resultsAnd the boss did not say that she was well done, then all the work of Nammark and her head dislikes her. A woman fears that, asking additional questions, she will make an unfavorable impression on him, so prefers to deal with herself. Usually, new employees are more susceptible to such fears.

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to fully formulate the task. Preferably written and, for example, e-mailso that not lost. It is ineffectively to transfer the task through other employees if it comes to a standard operation. Here there is a risk not only to get a different result, but also to quarrel colleagues among themselves.

According to the faith of Blashenkova, a candidate of political sciences, in communicating with employees it is useful to conduct analogies from ordinary life, household. The woman instantly catches the logic and the essence, if a context is familiar to her. "Ask to retell the task in your own words," As I understood. " At first, it can cause bewilderment from the collaboration, but then it becomes a habit, and they themselves begin to clarify: "That is, I need to do ..." Ask about understanding, stimulating questions asking: "Is it really clear? And it seems to me that the difficult task "," usually always ask 2-3 questions, and for some reason you do not ask ... ".

In addition to the correct understanding of the task, there is another problem associated with the transfer of instructions to employees. Often, women workers refuse to take a new or complex task. There may be three reasons for it:

· Resistance to the new one.

Women coped much better with work on improving the already existing than with the development of a new one. Therefore, to launch the project "from scratch" better to take a man. And the development of rules and procedures, the establishment of relationships and the extent of the details is advisable to charge a woman. There are exceptions - inborn women innovators, but their little. Woman scares not so much difficult upcoming work Or its volume, how much the need to abandon what is, for the sake of unknown.

To the head in this situation it is advisable to submit a new task not as a revolutionary transformation, but as an improvement in the existing system, guidance in it, a certain transient stage from the old to the new one. It is also important to emotionally describe the results of a successful solution to the task and benefits for both the company and the employee. For a woman, the task must be able to paint, create drama, so that she felt heroen of important events.

· Diffidence.

Woman is afraid of failures and, as a result, bad valuation: "I could not manage, did not meet expectations, failed." Unpleasant, it is better not to risk. In such cases, some leaders are set by card files of achievements and individual advantages so that employees see their real successes and abilities. Moral support is very important: "You can, you will handle you and not doing this." Especially necessary women mentoring on initial stage: The ability to promptly receive advice from more experienced colleagues, for example, "Call (letter) to a friend"; The right to the mistake and willingness of the head to come to the rescue.

· "The effect of a gray mouse."

This is a masking own abilities. Some women are more comfortable to refuse additional benefits in the form of career growthOnly not to take responsibility for complex tasks and not spend extra forces to work. Ordinary excuses: "I don't understand anything in it / I recently work with this / better instruct someone else," etc. If you charge the tasks to someone else, an employee is professionally degraded, so as a solution to the problem can be certified, In the course of which employees demonstrate their real knowledge and skills. Nobody wants to be among the two doors. Materially stimulating the expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility and competencies show employees that stagnation is not profitable. The desire to like and high score of the boss usually rearrange too lazy.

In addition, for women are important the following methods Motivation:

Creating an optimal working atmosphere: less control, more democracy, not overloaded by the rules and prohibitions;

Payment of nutrition and travel documents;

Happy birthday and holiday greetings, gifts at the expense of the company;

Participation in corporate holidays and events;

Full or partial payment of employee training;

Payment of use of a sports complex or fitness club;

Additional medical insurance;

Full or partial payment of vouchers, including for family members;

Pay material assistance for vacation;

Providing an interest-free loan to target needs.

There are so many forms of women's motivation. And the most important - approval. After all, women are attentive to detail, requirements, expectations. They are more purposeful, are responsible, hardworking than men. There is a practice of monthly parties with cakes, cakes - so that you can talk, tell about problems, discussions. Women need it. And, of course, the head of the chief is always open to workers. Anyone can go and chat on exciting themes.

The employees do not like when they only command. They need complicity and delicacy. It should be noted that the corporate spirit can work in the women's team and cause rejection in male. Dry and businesslike tone may seem sharpness, which will bring and seemingly caustic crying. It is recommended to ask the opinion of the work on organizing work on their sites more often. It is not necessary to take into account their recommendations in your business. However, they will definitely appreciate the respect that they demonstrate their leader. In addition, there are a lot of valuable in their words. The organization model is then reduced to external equality with internal authoritarianity.

For most women, power is most often associated with a man, so if in the women's team the head is a man - this is familiar. Such a state of affairs always existed. And although now many talk about the equality of floors, gender policies and significance of women, the situation has not changed radically. Even in the primary educational institutionswhere the overwhelming majority of women's teachers will most often appoint a man to the position of Director. And such a picture is observed in many areas. In medicine, many women doctors, and nurses, so almost all women, but most of the leadership posts in the institution are occupied by men. What to say about administrative posts in the industrial and management sector.

Therefore, if a man who has traditionally managed to manage the women's team, prescribed the head of a woman, may arise the situations to which new boss We must be ready. If a man manager is accepted by women as proper, then you will have to conquer your authority.

We must be ready that your competence has been questioned from the first days. The reason may be ordinary jealousy. Other employees may have a question - "Why not me?". If earlier they comforted themselves the thought that in that collective the woman it is impossible to break into a leading position, then your appearance will destroy this saving myth. And then the thoughts will arise that they are not professional enough and do not cope with their work. Complete, with these new thoughts is very hard. Perhaps other employees and understand that you deservedly received this position, but the feeling of rejection often arise subconsciously, and most people do not tend to dig in themselves and deal from where they have an feeling of anger. They just splash their negative emotions, on the object that provoked them.

You may have to encounter of different kind Checks and even some forms of sabotage. And about conversations in the women's team, with whom you slept to get this position, not exactly avoid.
Get ready for the fact that the label will be shown very soon. Surely many employees will begin to look for friendship with you, based on the fact that a woman is always better understand Other woman. And if their hopes are not justified, then the labels of the child-free, heartless, stalking you are provided. If you start to be friends with subordinates and exercise condescension, the label can not be avoided anyway - weak, inventious, unprincipled. So one of them can choose in advance.
Of course, it is not necessary that all that will be so, but you are the future head, it means to be able to simulate situations. And the listed cases are typical, so you must foresee them.

In fact, the problem is that the subordinates subconsciously believe that you "illegally" take this position, because the head must be a man. Hence the increased requirements for a woman to the head. In fact, there is no evidence that the man is a leader in something better than the head of the woman. All these relationships are built exclusively on perception and stereotypes.

Although it should be recognized that sometimes women executives are quite tough to subordinate women. This may occur due to these most overwhelmed expectations, and a woman on guideline It is necessary to prove that it deserves this position. And if it takes too zealously to prove it, he can pass a stick. The woman is much more difficult to become a leader than a man, so passing through all the difficulties, it will also be fiercely defended, right on it.

Practice shows that people who worked under the start and women, and men, do not see a special difference. Ultimately, the determining indicator is not the floor, but a person. Just a woman still have to deal with additional difficulties in the form of stereotypes.
To become a good leader, you need to start with the same thing as any boss, regardless of the floor, get closer to learn the team. We must be able to correctly, watch their work and behavior. The main thing is to show people that you are ready to spend time on them and appreciate their opinion.

To learn lead a collectiveIt is necessary to possess very strong nerves, a large margin of patience, as well as some skills on working with people. The head is very responsible work. Being a leader means to be able to make decisions not only for itself, but also for his team, be able to notice and meet the requirements of the team, find a common denominator in a hot dispute, as well as worry not only about his well-being than most managers do.

How to lead the female team?

Learning to lead the women's team is quite difficult due to the fact that each employee can have "their cockroaches" in the head. If the head is a woman, then for her, most likely, lead a female team will be slightly lighter, as it will clearly understand that it needs to be employees, how to make the conflict to the most effectively and force subordinates to work. In addition, a woman to lead the women's team will be much easier, as it is well aware that the ladies are quite plausible to simulate a stormy work activityWhat can actually be completely wrong.

Woman leader It is easier to agree with your subordinates, as it knows exactly what approach to apply to a specific employee.

But there are also weighty cons in order to lead the women's team. The boss is definitely provided increased attentionTherefore, to appear at work with the arrows on stockings, unsuitable lipstick or bags under the eyes - just unforgivable. The leader's woman is very important to "keep the brand", since subordinates can easily feel their superiority over the boss and begin to behave very arrogant.

Men The ability to lead the female team is given a little more difficult. A good stock of nerve cells are very useful here, which most likely will die every day in the number of several thousand. Everyone knows that women are big gossip. A man will not be able to avoid "washing bones" and oblique looks. If he cannot immediately file himself, then women will most likely be closely following each step of their boss, so that at any convenient moment to attack him, Aki Korshun Unhappy mouse.

The head of the Big Women's Team must be attentive to intrigues and provocations that can easily proceed from the parties. It can be both subtle hints for the unscrupulousness of colleagues and direct denunciations. In any case, before you finish the court, a man needs to find out all the nuances of this situation, since the same problem may look different from the opposite side.

Whoever led the women's team, this is not a bit of the lungs. It is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of its position, have a clear action plan in force majeure circumstances, as well as prevent "Panibrates" by the parties. The team must necessarily have discipline. The ladies need to teach it from the very first day after you have taken a leading position.

Unfortunately, in our time, good managers are rare. The best boss is the one who knows how to be on one leg with his subordinates, but at the same time not to lose his status. In order to correctly and competently manage people, it is necessary create a friendly and cozy atmosphere . Nowadays, finding a job in another office is not very difficult, so office employees rarely cling to workplace, especially if no prospects are shining there. Therefore, with any convenient case or conflict, a person can clap the door and leave, the obtay of his former bosses of verbal flows of obscene break. In this case, it is very important to possess stress resistance, because the working groups are very often disputes and conflicts arise. By the way, it is possible to increase stress resistance different ways And even medication.

If you good psychologist And finely feel people, it will help you learn to lead the team.

To create a friendly atmosphere in the team, you need to communicate more often with your employees, interested in their successes, occasionally meet in an informal setting. What exactly should not be done in the new team, so it is from the threshold to announce their privileges. Believe me, your employees have already perfectly understood that you are their boss, therefore, the reference to this, the demonstration of their own superiority over subordinates makes them feel negative to you. Related by its superiority, you as if you hint that only you can be considered a full person here, and your team is nothing more than a simple biological trash. Yes, maybe many will not show their discontent towards you, as a leader, but you can be sure that your team will be sure to join you all the bones, which will greatly complicate your task to lead such employees.

You need to bore yourself on the nose: you are the same person as they. You are no better than anything. Increased powers I. wage Does not make you superman, so do not come to accomplish and often contact with your team.

For the head very importantly, the ability to peacefully settle any conflict. Remember that politeness conquers the city. If you save imperturbability and politely respond to frank aggression, the attitude of your subordinates to you will noticeably improve. In society, people who know how to keep themselves in their hands and control their emotions are very valued. You are a leader, professional, not an old shopping market. Never swear with the team. If your employee is unhappy with something, invite it to the office, offer a cup of coffee and ask politely, which caused his discontent. Going around with their people politely, you can learn a lot of new ones, as well as go on new level respect.

To correctly manage the big team, do not start pets.

Never under any circumstances. And if it happened that someone defined from the whole team did you like more than the others, do not try to show it openly. So you risk attaching to this person tons of envy on the part of colleagues, which will not help him survive in the team, and also crush their respect towards you. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of equality. In your free time you can do anything, but at work you are the leader, not a friend and comrade.

It is very important to be able to use the whit and gingerbread method.

If you were able to establish friendly relationships with your subordinates, the opportunity is great that they will soon feel freedom and will begin to create unimaginable things. Simply puts: sit on your neck and will use your kindness. Such behavior must be preventing the root. If you have noticed such sins for your team, collect them at a meeting and remind, for which you all gathered. You have work, and everyone must fulfill her with responsibility. You are primarily their leader, and you can't allow any concerns, despite the warm relationship. Moderate say no when necessary. If a person insists, you should not raise the voice. Just explain to him the reasons why you can not allow this, and tell me that your decision is not subject to change. In 99 percent of the cases, your employee lags behind you with your own requests, but it does not feel the negative towards you. Yes, you refused to him, but it was justified and he knows the reasons for which it is impossible to argue.

Accept how the truth is that sometimes you have to make concessions to not destroy trusting relationship And correctly lead the team.

If suddenly the dispute arose, suggest allowing him to vote. Disputes that are solved in this way, usually end without scandals. Explain your subordinates that you have a majority rule. If the majority voted for one or another option, it is accepted without objection. By the way, you will also have to follow this rule.

Being a supervisor is a rather severe and responsible work with which not everyone can cope. But if you can easily a good relationship With your team, it will help you in the future.

Practice shows that than better relationship Inside the collective, the better the subordinates perform their work.

In any situation, stay a person and put yourself in place of your subordinates before going to do something. In this case, lead the team will be easily and pleasant.

I recently entered during a break to the next office, women Merili underwear... And if they came to the head, whom I was looking for?
Involuntarily thought, and how to work for women under male startIs there difficulty for the boss?
One side the main task Any collective is a productive work. However, each of the members of the team is a living person, moreover, a woman.
One of my familiar military battery, goes to work in shape. However, they are trying to emphasize their individuality by any available methods. Women are very important if a man manager notices changes in their appearance. Moreover, having a man's head, they will dress and follow themselves more carefully, they will be jealous of him and watch it, whether the novel did not start inside the collective. They are not going to seduce him, but they will like to please him.
If he manifests sympathy to one of them, then she will not be for it. There is another acceptance as women's tears - this is a weapon that almost always acts on men, one does not endure it and are quite considered to be manipulating, while others are lost and start doing nonsense. If the boss gives it to female tears at least once, then it will flood the rivers of crying to achieve their goals.
Poor boss, in male collective Some strong words would solve the question instantly, and in women it is completely unacceptable, because it is no less dangerous to offend a woman than to notice her.
Where to find that polite style of communication, which strictly holds a distance between him and a bunch of women with their cockroaches, desires, problems, suffering ...
How can it become his own, but prevent panibrates, how to put in place, but do not offend, how to outline the boundaries permitted?!
It's no secret that at work a woman is discussing cosmetics, new fashion Eye eyelbs, quality powder, hair masks, they bring new underwear, measuring swimsuits, picked up with new flavors, color, stretch the purchased skirts and bras, so that the girlfriends are appreciated ... The appearance of the boss is accompanied by a friendly screech ...
If the head managed to tactfully and strictly put employee to the place, consider the problem solved, because He clearly identified the boundaries of the permissible.
I watched the head very reasonably put all the points over "and", the bottom of the table with a cake and tea, and spoke all the urgent problems, he showed that they put him and themselves in what idiot position. Some mursley and lowered their eyes, someone stumbled, but everyone apologized to one. Since then, this is the most friendly team that I saw, they are for him in the fire and in the water.
Women really appreciate the kindness and sincere desire to help them. . In general, women are usually films and are responsible. They are more perfected and easier to cope with monotonous work, prefer stability and reliability.
To work successfully with women, just just called the supervisor, you have to be. You can learn how to manage women. Women under the guidance of strong sex feel more confident and protected. Sometimes on time, the compliment will solve the problem of fatigue and improve the mood of his subordinates.

It's no secret that some women for career use men and very often there is one who enjoys the proposed body, they do not want to oppose nature and reject women who deliberately excite the desire. And it would be worth it, because the majority of women pretend and if he had power, no one would look at him. It is undoubtedly a shame, men are better to understand and prevent such rapprochement, he thinks that sex encourages a woman, and she needs only a career.
The situation comes out of control, well, if the head is aware of the fact that it is tritely confused and need to save the situation.

Once upon a time, we had an armor, we were already not knitted from fatigue, but it was necessary to finish the reports until the morning. I sat and hoped that or would die or lose consciousness, just to be able to fall asleep.

Suddenly, our director approached me, filed a cup of hot sweet coffee and gently said "Tanya, still not much, hold on ..." For many years it has passed since then, but I still remember this cup with unusually delicious coffee and tenderness in his words they cheered better than any slogan, thank you, my dear director ... We all got down and got out at three in the morning, who in a chair, who on the sofa, we were happy and sleeping, smiled at each other with understanding, we were a team, and home There was no strength already to go ...
It seems to me that the man becomes in the women's team becomes a philosopher and the connoisseur of our weaknesses and strong Partieswhich will undoubtedly come in handy in life. Well, if we do not disappoint it with their change in mood, gossip and envy, which very often turn female teams in snakeballs.

What do you think gives a man work in the women's team? And whether we are comfortable with the head of a man?
Some believe that the work in the women's team should be ordered for courage or a year to count for two ...