Corporate New Year Holiday in Hawaiian style. New Year Traditions in Hawaii


The question is rhetorical and very interesting. We will tell you in detail about what you can do in Hawaii and New York on New Year's Eve and everyone can do for themselves right choice. Although most likely the best option The only thing that can be assumed in such a dilemma is to go to these two places at once, combining them in your American trip.

Hawaiian Islands.

New Year is one of the most beloved and fun events and widely celebrated in Hawaii. This is just one of the holidays that provides wide opportunities to feel completely happy. The tropical paradise of Hawaii certainly offers an exquisite range of pleasures for every traveler who has a penchant for unusual meeting dear holiday. New Year's Eve in Hawaii is not one event, for example, a hearty dinner on the night of December 31 and a wild party on the beach. Hawaii is the place to be and the perfect opportunity to explore and experience the breathtaking beauty of the exotic islands.

First of all, the climate. You can hardly find more pleasant climate from the end of December to the first days of January, as in the Hawaiian archipelago lying on the southern edge of the USA: the weather remains favorably cool, along with mild warmth.

Although almost all the islands located within the Hawaiian archipelago will offer great options New Year's celebrations, yet Oahu and the Big Island always occupy the undoubted places of leaders. Be sure to watch the magnificent Fire Show, one of the most interesting New Year's traditions in Hawaii.

"Hau "oli Makahiki Hou", - this will sound like "Happy New Year!" in Hawaiian. Start with this greeting when you find yourself at one of Hawaii's festive New Year's celebrations. Luxurious delicacies of Hawaiian cuisine will be available at the best restaurants on Oahu and the Big Island. For lovers of noisy and fun parties - great amount bars and pubs as well as clubs.

And opening the New 2012 while in Hawaii, you can safely add the following activities to your calendar: a helicopter tour of the islands to volcanoes, snowboarding, surfing or skiing, an island cruise and much more. We are sure, New Year stay in Hawaii memorable event in your life.


In New York, the city where millions of tourists, careerists, actors, musicians, artists, immigrants, or vice versa, the most successful people from all over the world, it is in this seething cocktail of the most diverse life stories, styles and cultures, everyone loves the New Year. It logically completes the Catholic Christmas celebrations and most the right way opens the pages of the New Year. In New York, everything is done in the original and on a grand scale. Therefore, it is in New York at Times Square that people begin to gather around 15.00 and wait until midnight to be in the center of events. The Times Square party is one of the most famous new year parties in the world. Here, due to the number of people, it is not difficult to get lost and not be able to find a place where you can have a delicious dinner and accompany New Year's toast delicious cocktail. American Best Getaways, an experienced tour operator in the US and Canada, has prepared special passes for Russian-speaking tourists and instructions on how to properly celebrate the New Year in New York, in Times Square in particular. This will help you avoid the problems of not knowing the city and the language barrier.

A crystal ball descends on Times Square at midnight to symbolize the coming of the New Year. This is a truly unique pyrotechnic performance in its beauty and power, followed by a performance by the mayor of the city, world-famous celebrities, as well as local favorites of the public - all this will create unique memories in your memory.

Be sure to note that New York never sleeps, especially on New Year's Eve. It is in New York that you will find hundreds of the most loud parties with the participation of world celebrities, the most the best concerts at the best music and theater venues in the world, the most important sports events and many many others.

Separately, I would like to note the New York New Year's shopping and New York shops during the holidays. This unique beauty action and it seems as if the stores compete with each other in the decoration of their windows. The revived shop windows attract the eyes of tourists, which means they will want to come in and definitely make a purchase. American shopping will pleasantly surprise you with its variety of styles and sizes, as well as its price.

After a busy New Year's Eve celebration in New York, after a lot of city tours (American Best Getaways conducts tours - general and special on topics - of New York and other cities in the USA and Canada in Russian), after a dinner cruise around Manhattan, where you will take your best shots with a panoramic view of Manhattan, after watching a Broadway show or a musical that you cannot miss while in New York, after all this, it's time to relax on the amazing beauty of the beach in the rays of the warm sun and exotic wonderful atmosphere. Doesn't this remind you of anything?

Detailed information about the celebration of the New Year in the USA and Canada, in the Caribbean on Cruises, on skis, you can find or request by email: [email protected] or ICQ - 405311785

Have a good trip!

Now more and more are in vogue theme parties on different topics. We offer celebrate the corporate New Year in Hawaiian style .

All those present must be dressed in bright light clothes. Bright shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, shell necklaces, flowers stuck in hairstyles - all this should accompany the corporate New Year "Hawaiian Style Holiday". Hawaiian lei will be handed out to guests upon entry.

Book an instrumental band and let them entertain you all evening singing Hawaiian style songs with guitar and drums. Also invite a group of girls dancing go-go.

Tables should be a large number of fruits, freshly squeezed juices, tequila, exotic cocktails, fried bananas and pineapples, slices of fried meat with fruits, and many, many other treats.

The hall for the corporate New Year according to the scenario "Hawaiian Style Holiday" should be decorated in Hawaiian style: artificial palm trees, hammocks, sun loungers, umbrellas, wreaths of flowers and many bouquets.

When all the guests are assembled, the host appears, he announces that now everyone is on one of the Hawaiian islands, that entertainment, music and dancing await them ahead. Everyone is asked to take their sun loungers and taste the food served by beautiful Hawaiian girls. Go-go dancing girls come out to Hawaiian music. In the rhythm of the dance, they treat guests with cocktails and snacks.

While the guests are eating, they are entertained by the Hawaiian ensemble with their incendiary songs and dances.

Let work be a joy
Waiting for all the work rewards!
Let's taste the sweetness today
We will be happy to leave!
Let things go well
For business success! Aloha!!

The floor is then given to the company's accountant, who makes the following toast:

So that there is always success in everything,
And in general, everything was fine in life,
Let's pour a glass for prosperity,
As they say in Hawaii: "Aloha!"

One of the employees of the company also volunteers to make a toast:

Let's make a toast to love ourselves -
And not "Moskvich", not an old house on piles
I would have to buy myself as a gift,
A cool yacht with a house in Hawaii!

After the toasts, hot Hawaiian dances are arranged. You can learn the Hawaiian Limbo dance and have a blast. You can also dance "Lambada" and "Macarena". Give the best dancer an award in the form of a bunch of bananas.

During the dance, you can spend a couple interesting competitions with Hawaiian prizes. And arrange real Hawaiian karaoke.

Corporate New Year "Hawaiian Style Holiday"

Scenario New Year - 2017

"Journey to Hawaii"

School students are invited to board a modern liner in order to make an unforgettable journey from Kamchatka to Hawaiian Islands following the New Year.

scenario plan

18:20-18:30 Meeting guests

In the foyer of the school, charming flight attendants greet guests, periodically announcing that boarding of the New Year's airliner will begin at 18:30.

(giving out sweets, and paper bags)

18:30-18:35 Invitation of guests on board

Flight attendants invite passengers to board. A voice-over announces that boarding the ship 2017 on the Milkovo - Hawaii route ends in 10 minutes. Guests take their places in accordance with the tickets (invitations), sit down.

18:45-19:00 Introduction

Presenter 1 : Good evening Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you on board our aircraft. On our board you will be offered soft drinks, delicious food and an unforgettable show program, so you won't be bored. An exciting journey awaits you. And before the flight, I ask you to listen to the rules of conduct in extreme situations

(Two stewardesses come out, stand on the sides of the hosts and show the announced rules with gestures)

19:00-19:20 Comic security measures

Lead 2. “During the entire flight, unrestrained fun, Homeric laughter and a fountain of smiles are welcomed on our liner. If you have an urgent desire to go to the dance floor or to participate in competitions, the exits are there and there. In order to avoid an emergency drop in mood, we ask you not to leave the cabin of the liner for a long time during the flight.”

Voice behind the scene: Attention! Attention! The captain of the airliner is talking to you ___________________ Dear guests, you are on board the TU-2017 aircraft. Please take your seats, do not be afraid, take with you good mood, fun, their friends. All passengers must fasten their charming smile and prepare for takeoff. Until the end of the flight, do not be sad and do not leave the aircraft until the captain's special order. Everything is ready for the flight. Flight start.

(The music of the plane's takeoff sounds, a video fragment of the plane's takeoff is on the screen. The light is off at this time)

Lead 1. The old year ends

Good, good year.

We won't be sad

After all, the New one is coming to us ...

Lead 2. Accept wishes

You can't do without them

Be healthy and happy!

Happy new year friends!

Lead 1. To create on our plane festive atmosphere We invite you to watch an incendiary dance.

(Stewardess dance)

Lead 2. Our plane is gaining altitude, and I suggest that we have a little fun so that the flight does not seem long.

Lead 1. Let's pack a suitcase for a trip together. For this we need 2 volunteers. The screen will show the items that you need to pack with you on your trip. The task of the first participant with the help of facial expressions and gestures is to explain to the second what kind of object is depicted on the screen. The second participant must write on a piece of paper, the objects that, in his opinion, the first participant showed him.

(to complete the task - 5 min.)

Words on the screen: refrigerator, camera, money, swimsuit, microwave, rubber ring, skis, wood, saucepan, towel, vacuum cleaner, Toothbrush, cat, sunblock, sled, skates, ball, sunglasses, book, laptop, etc.

Participants of the competition receive 1 token.

Lead 2 Great! Recently, you all were at our airport, there are a lot of all sorts of badges and designations, let's come up with the most original designation for each sign together ..

The host shows pre-prepared signs (printed), and the guests assume the designation of each sign (the one who participates in the competition receives a token).

After the competition, the song "A stewardess named Jeanne" is heard, the dance of the stewards.

Lead 1. Uhh! It's getting hot on our airliner!!! Therefore, we suggest you refresh yourself with soft drinks.

(Helpers take out to Assembly Hall drinks, offering everyone a drink)

Lead 2. Our flight continues, and to make it more fun for us to fly, let's sing a little.

Lead 1. Fragments of famous songs will now sound, but they can break off at any moment, your task is to sing the song.

(songs sound, then the sound is abruptly muffled, the guests sing the song all together)

Lead 2 . Well done, you are very good at singing. Our aircraft has climbed to 10,000 km, you can unfasten your seat belts and a hot dinner will be served to you.

(Music plays. Helpers distribute food to guests)

Lead 1. . And now we invite you to sit comfortably in your seats and enjoy watching the video.

(showing a video film 10-15 min.)

Lead 2. Dear passengers, you have watched the most interesting videos, and now we want to check you, how well do you know the films where there are planes?

(The whole hall participates. There are slides with films on the screen, guests must guess the name of the film)

Lead 1. Great! You are doing well! We will reach our destination very soon, and therefore, dear passengers, we offer you a bite to eat!

(Stuarts bring out sandwiches)

(video as the plane lands)

Voice behind the scene: Dear passengers, our plane landed on the island of Hawaii. The weather in the Hawaiian Islands is good, the air temperature is +35 degrees, we wish you a great holiday. Don't forget your luggage!

Video on the screen: Evening Stars was with you, fly only with our airlines.

(The screensaver changes on the screen, the wallpaper of the Hawaiian Islands appears. The congratulations of the Hawaiians of the evening school are turned on. Hawaiian music sounds, the welcome dance of the Hawaiians, flower beads are given to each guest)

(the Hawaiians leave, the guide comes out to the same music)

(The presentation "Tour of the Hawaiian Islands" is included)

Guide 1: Welcome to Hawaii! Pearls of the Pacific. Luxurious nature. White sand beaches, crystal clear emerald water, active volcanoes will impress anyone. Huge waves are a paradise for surfers. Coral reefs and a variety of fish species amaze with their beauty!
Hawaii is your dream!
Just have fun here, relax!
Hawaii - the star of the radiant sea!

(Includes video about Hawaiian Islands min 5-10)

Guide 2: Do you know how to say hello in Hawaiian? (The question is addressed to the audience, the one who guessed correctly gets a token. The correct answer is Aloha). In general, the Hawaiian word "aloha" is universal. It is a greeting, and thanksgiving, and even a declaration of love ... Right now I give the floor to congratulate all our guests and the most active children of the director of our school, Bolotova Marina Yuryevna. Aloha.

(principal's speech + student awards)

Guide 1 : Your flight was very long, so I suggest you have fun and play a game called "Limbo" - a popular game in Hawaii that has long settled in your countries.No Hawaiian party is complete without it! For this we need 10-12 volunteers.

The essence of the game: two participants pull a rope over the floor and hold it in their hands at different ends. The task of the players is to pass under the rope to the music without touching it. You should pass by leaning back and bending in the back. The difficulty is that with each circle the rope is lowered lower and lower.

(Hawaiian music plays, participants go through the rope. 3-5 minutes. All participants receive a token at the end, and the winners receive three)

Test quiz. Aloha, Hawaii

Guide 2: Dear guests of our island, now we will try to find out which of you knows about Hawaii, if not everything, then at least almost everything. We ask a question, there are three possible answers to it, but only one of them is correct. So, we begin the intellectual competition "Hawaii ... What is it?"

(the competition is accompanied by a presentation)

    There is such a thing as "Hawaiian time". What do you think this means?

    No one is in a hurry

    afternoon nap

    Peak hour

    Kilauea is the name

    Active volcano in Hawaii

    One of the Hawaiian Islands

    The deepest Hawaiian lake

    In the Hawaiian pantheon, the Goddess of Volcanoes is depicted as a woman with developing black braids and fiery eyes. And the name of this Goddess:




    The Hawaiian Islands are

    sovereign state

    US state

    State of Australia

    "Hula-hula" is

    National Hawaiian dance

    National Hawaiian Bread

    National Hawaiian clothes

    The capital city of the Hawaiian Islands is:

    Baden Baden


    hawaiian city

    In Hawaii, the time difference with Moscow is:

    13 hours

    9 o'clock

    5 o'clock

Name the weight contest

Guide 1. The Hawaiian Islands are called the crown of the "South Seas" because most of the plants that grow here are found nowhere else in the world.

I cannot say that pineapples grow only there, but the fact that one of you will become the owner of the pineapple that I have in my hands is obvious. We will play it not simply, but very simply .... I will gladly give this exotic fruit to someone who will name its exact weight ...

Competition "SHIFTERS"

Guide 2. Hawaiian Oboregens, in order to speak evil spirits, have a habit of speaking intricately, that is, turning words into opposite ones in meaning. Will you be able to deceive the evil spirits and master the so-called Hawaiian shifters...

Example: A monkey was hanging from a palm tree, it doesn't look like a banana at all yellow color. (A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, just like a cucumber, it was green).

    Alone sad to sit on desert island and mutter poetry under his breath. (Together it's fun to walk across the open spaces and, of course, it's better to sing in chorus).

    They swim, swim from the nearest hut, bad natives, sad invaders. (We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands, good neighbors, cheerful friends).

    The ocean ends in a black swamp, and separation ends in tears. (A river begins with a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile).

Contest "Pass the Coconut"

Guide 1. Those wishing to take part in the fun (from 7 to 14 people) line up or in a circle. The game is played on the principle of "playoffs", that is, knockout.

The music (New Year's) sounds, the players pass the coconut (ball) from hand to hand - having received the coconut from the neighbor, you need to make a turn around yourself and pass it on.

The music stops intermittently. The player who has a coconut in his hands at the moment the music stops is out of the game.

The game is played until the last player remains - that is, the winner. (Prize tokens)

Presenter 1: Each of you today not only rested but also worked hard, and those who earned tokens have unique opportunity exchange them for sweet prizes =).

Party Final

The party ends with the final ritual dance "Giant Lambada". Everyone knows what “lambada” is and how it is performed. Guides and Hawaiians should try to unite all the party participants into a single “lambada”, capturing as much space as possible.

Aloha, Hawaii!
Famous Hawaiian Traditions and Customs

The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most popular and desirable resorts in the world. They attract tourists not only with endless white sand beaches and luxurious hotels, but also with their originality.

And although the famous Hawaiian dances, songs and mysterious rituals have become more of an attraction for wealthy tourists, the flow of those wishing to touch the centuries-old culture does not dry out. will tell you about the most famous and unusual Hawaiian traditions

The expedition of James Cook reached the Hawaiian Islands in the 18th century, or rather, in 1778, after which the European expansion of the archipelago began. At first, the islands were called Sandwich Islands.

The United States annexed the territory at the height of the Spanish-American War in 1898, and in 1900 Hawaii received the status of a self-governing territory. Hawaii became the 50th US state on August 21, 1959. At the same time, the islands were given the nickname "Aloha State", which means "State of Hospitality".

Hawaiian traditions and customs are directly related to the culture of the indigenous population of the islands - the Polynesians. It is believed that the first inhabitants arrived here in 300 from the Marquesas Islands, and a thousand years later, in 1300, settlers from Tahiti reached the islands.

Hawaii has a nickname
"Aloha State"

Perhaps one of the most famous and recognizable Hawaiian "chips" is the hula dance. During its performance, the dancers perform undulating swaying of their hips and perform graceful movements with their hands. Like many dances, hula originally had ritual meaning: performed only by men during religious ceremonies.

Thus, the indigenous population glorified the gods. In addition, it was with the help of such a dance that the ancient inhabitants of the islands told stories - the movements of the performers symbolized the whole performance.

Hula for men

Now the hula is performed by both women and men. It is customary to decorate the dancer's body with "accessories" from local plants - herbs, tree bark and, of course, coconuts. The performance may be accompanied by the ukulele, a traditional Hawaiian musical instrument, or a song.

And in women's

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the arrival of missionaries on the islands, the dance was banned - it was declared pagan. In addition, censured appearance dancers - too much naked body. However, the tradition of performing hula did not die - locals secretly taught it to the new generation. The revival of the dance was promoted by King David Kalakua, who highly appreciated the national Hawaiian art.

The lei garland is made not only from flowers,
but also of bones and teeth

Another famous Hawaiian tradition is the giving of flower garlands - lei. According to custom, it is customary to give a lei along with a kiss, thereby expressing greeting or joy. In general, there are many reasons for such a gift - from the wishes of a safe trip, to the completion of studies or an invitation to a party.

Depending on the occasion, lei can be made from different colors- orchids, pikake, maile, plumeria, the number of threads also varies. It is believed that you can take off the lei only in the absence of the one who put it on you. Lei used to be hallmark supreme rulers, each of whom wore his own, special type of jewelry.

The selection of flowers for lei was a serious matter, since each plant had its own symbolism. Such beads could be evidence important event in life: births, deaths, weddings, victories in war. Lei was made not only from flowers, but also from hair, teeth and bones.

The most famous Hawaiian word, which even those who have never been to the islands know, is "Aloha". It means both “hello” and “bye”, and, in addition, this word can express love, tenderness, sympathy, compassion, affection - in general, a fairly large range of emotions.

Aloha is not just a word, for the Hawaiians it is something like a life motto, almost like "Hakuna Matata". Its literal meaning is "the presence of breath" or "breath of life". deep meaning This word implies the principle: love yourself and then share this love with others.

Aloha is harmony and the ability to live with positive energy.

The Hawaiian alphabet is considered the shortest in the world - it has only 5 vowels and 8 consonants. But mastering it is not so easy - many terms are ambiguous, and the language itself consists of soft sounds.

Aloha is harmony and skill
live with positive energy

Hawaiian culture is rich in omens and superstitions. So, for example, it is not customary to take bananas on board the ship - it is believed that this can bring bad luck. You can not step over a baby lying on the floor or wear a lei garland during pregnancy (it is believed that a hanging thread can mean a tangled umbilical cord).

It is also forbidden to take pieces of lava from volcanoes, as this can drive away luck from a person. True, the last sign is relatively new and is probably due to the fact that every tourist strives to take a couple of pebbles from the islands. Some, however, then send these "artifacts" back to Hawaii by mail.

Hawaiians consider rain and rainbows to be blessings from the gods. It is considered a special luck if the rain came at the time wedding ceremony. Tourists love to arrange weddings in Hawaii. And here, too, can not do without local traditions.

If you follow the customs thoroughly, then the ceremony should go something like this: first, the trumpeters announce the arrival of the bride, then a lyrical song about love and devotion sounds, then the priest ties the hands of the groom and the brides with lei, which the newlyweds throw into the water.

It is believed that in this way there is a "cleansing" of the past, and now two can begin life together from scratch.

In ancient times, it was believed that the ocean could carry the lei to the souls of deceased relatives, and if they washed ashore, it meant that the ancestors had given their blessing. By the way, on the eve of the wedding, the bride must fold 1001 origami cranes. This bird symbolizes a long and happy family life. The traditional venue for the ceremony is the beach. And, of course, it cannot do without local dances and songs.

The popularity of the Hawaiian shirt
contributed by Elvis Presley

Hawaiian love for bright colors resulted in the invention of the world-famous Hawaiian shirts. These shirts are decorated with a bright print, have short sleeves and collar. Now these clothes are considered formal in Hawaii, replacing a suit and tie, and are worn on all occasions except for especially solemn ones.

Interestingly, the first such shirts were sold in the shop of the Japanese migrant Tetaro Miyamoto in 1904. After World War II, they became a popular souvenir among the military returning home to the mainland.

The popularity of this traditional costume Elvis Presley also contributed by appearing in a red Hawaiian shirt on the cover of the Blue Hawaii soundtrack.

Elvis with ukulele

Hawaii is special world where the atmosphere of "Aloha" reigns. Live here happy people, and, by the way, they say longer than in any other US state: life expectancy for men is 75 years, for women - 80.

People come here for beauty delicious food and the unique spirit of joy and freedom, which is literally saturated with the local air.

Hawaiian New Year begins in November. The year in Polynesia is divided into only two seasons. Wetter, marked by the brightest natural colors, begins, just in November. How the Hawaiians celebrate the New Year.
The culture of the Hawaiians was made up of thousands of signs and superstitions, some of them relate to the celebration of the New Year. The wet season brings freshness and bright variegation to the islands. According to the legends of Kumulipo, which tells about the creation of the Hawaiian world, one should please the gods:

Dance. Hula dance for Hawaiians is a conversation of the soul with heavenly powers. Previously, only royalty could perform some of the Hula movements. The dance performed by the Hawaiians is a story about the creation of the world, about nature, about love. This is a mini show. The missionaries forbade dancing Hula, but the Hawaiians continued to teach the dance in secret, because they considered it inseparable from life.

Prepare a meal. All dishes (fish, meat, seafood) are baked on a fire or in special earthen stoves, previously wrapped in banana leaves. The finished dish must be decorated, so much so that a simple baked fish turns into a work of art! "Fafa" (a young pig with greens), "Shish" (a type of barbecue), "Poisson cru" (fish in coconut milk), breadfruit (served smoked).

To exchange garlands of Lei flowers is ancient tradition. Dar Lei is accompanied by an obligatory kiss. Shoot the same flower garland possible only when the donor does not see it. Garlands are created from one or two types of flowers (tuberose, ohia, pikake, orchids), and from dozens. It all depends on the skill of the creator! Often colored shells, feathers, hair and even teeth are woven into the lei. To receive such a gift is considered very honorable.

Hawaiian omens
How unique are the Hawaiian New Year traditions, so interesting are the signs.

  • A rainbow in the New Year is a great sign. Everything will be fine! Everything will be Aloho!
  • Rain on New Year's Eve is even better! The year will be blessed and happy!
  • Bananas in the boat - not allowed on any day of the year! This is a harbinger of trouble.
  • Stepping over a playing or sleeping baby means losing the favor of the gods.
  • Take a piece of volcanic lava - bring misfortune to the house.
  • Pregnant women should not wear Lei, even if it is given as a gift.

The way you celebrate the Hawaiian New Year is the way you will spend it! Among the Hawaiians, this sign always comes true: hula - “a dance that kindles a sacred fire”, flowers, smiles and a leisurely pace of life - always with the inhabitants of the islands.