Women of Balzakovsky age without. Women of Balzakovsky age - who are they? Are the ladies of their years

To imagine a woman balzakovsky ageremember popular russian film "According to family circumstances," his main character, which was performed by Galina Polish.

Well, if not exactly exactly, it is very close to that sample to which the lady should correspond about whose age we speak so exquisitely and delicately. "How old are you," they ask her in the film, "what do you have so kilvents with your age?"

And really, how many years, if a woman entered the Balzakovsky age?

ONORE De Balzac

Onor de Balzac in 1834 finished work on the novel, which today few people read, but many know about his existence, because it is after this work it went into use and became a popular expression "Balzakovsky age".

Roman is called (if you do not know, then surprise) ... "Thirty-year-old woman." In our presentation, the Balzaki heroine would have to be older.

However, although the story and "does not tolerate the subjunctive inclination", to adapt to new realities may well, therefore (may the classic forgive us) today we call a woman Balzakovsky age lady years forty-fifty And almost confident that Balzac would agree with us.

And that's why. Age is not only numbers in a passport or birth certificate, This is the condition of the soul, lifestyle, the worldship.

Balzakovskaya Heroine to his years has accumulated a great personal experience. It was distinguished by the independence of judgments, independence, self-confidence.

She, no matter how told today, took placeBut there was still a lot of different discoveries ahead, including, of course, love.

How old is the Balzakovskaya woman of the XXI century

How many years can we call a woman the lady of Balzakovsky age? If a two hundred years ago, the launches were married at 14-19 years old and to thirty years became mature ladies, burdened with numerous offspring, then for years to 35 it was to think about the fact that the old age is not far from the mountains.

Our contemporaries, as it is very accumulated, for forty years, "life just begins."

American psychologist conducted on the basis of surveys of the ladies from forty to fifty, found out that at this age, they began to look at the world with great, the better optimism, felt freely and carefree, and most importantly - they are ready to put some serious goals, to take a stranger, risk and find a special pleasure in this.

What is their freedom? Children grew, mother-in-law was already tired of sawing, with her husband's relationship became definitely (you know what to expect from him), everything is fine with him (there is at least two to three things that are in their hands).

And back the ladies learned to extend the youth, doing "a loved one", and this is not only appearance, but also health, including sexual.

Not surprisingly that ladies of the Balzakovsky age of our days, as well as thirty-year-old, catch the enthusiastic views of the representatives of the opposite sex: "Oh, what a woman! I b it ... ".

Are the ladies of their years

Unfortunately yes. They are afraid that "so little left" (quote from the film "For Family Circumstances"). In women, like Vityaz on the crossroads, three ways:

  1. Slash on your hand, go down (you can't argue with age).
  2. Inhale new life, Believe in your capabilities.
  3. To live "in the beautiful ignorance," how I still lived ("I already 45? We also need, and I didn't know ...").

The second way is the most difficult, but it is precisely such a true Balzak ladies choose.

Of course, they are saddened appearing wrinkles, fading hair, and the figure leaves much to be desired.

However, there is already enough vital wisdomTo prove to yourself that at any age a woman can stay attractive, and even in Balzakovsky, especially since.

And when fears and complexes pass, appears magic fire In the eyes, which makes a lady younger than his years.

Love for all ages

Surprising young women and girls ladies of Balzakovsky agewho did not arrange their time personal life (Or already survived the divorce or death of the spouse), continue to look for a life satellite.

Stopping at the same time, not at one's one, who is ten years older than or equal to the years, but on younger men.

And find the desired response. Still would! They are confident, dressed tastefully, makeup and hairstyle - at the height.

According to experts, age can not destroy a woman in woman (How good, for example, Catherine Denev and Elizabeth Taylor).

Sometimes there are young ladies with the heart of the old woman, but if the light is burning inside, it is not so easy to put out.

It is known that happiness in itself rarely comes. Women from forty up to fifty cannot relax and wait.

If it helps someone, then here are a number of rules (based on everyday experience and recommendations of specialists), which should be adhered to to feel young:

  • Love yourself (even if you compare with others, allocate your advantages, the advantages - they have, for sure, there is);
  • Vedi healthy image life ( proper nutrition, rejection of smoking and alcohol is the key to your beauty);
  • Dress up with taste - stylish and fashionable;
  • Do not allow negligence in makeup and hairstyle;
  • carry out what everyone dreamed about last years (Tell me "yes" a man who has long and unsuccessfully asks for your hand, start new business, learn spanish language or learn to play the guitar);
  • do sports, remember old experience - go to the pool, on the rink, buy a bike (now in many cities there are tracks for cyclists);
  • Develop to be more interesting to yourself and others - read (and not only correspondence on the Internet, but also true, high-quality literature), interest in news, find a hobby (now so much in this direction of interesting ideas).

At the mirror, in full growth

About clothes need to say especially. Try to critically consider yourself in the mirror and understand whether everything is appropriate in your dress. Age after all requires compliance with certain rules.

First of all, do not try to make it possible: Mini skirts and ten-centimeter studs, brakes, stomach, and cheap alapecked jewelry - not for you, even if with your figure - full order.

You can not rush to another extreme And dressing, "as convenient" - in something balahonic, shapeless and colorless.

By the way, if the figure is no longer the one, but the legs are still slim, in no case do not hide them, give preference to dresses and not pants.

If you used to buy a lot of cheap things, out of fabrics, quickly lose appearance, and besides, poorly stitched, try to go to better, dear products - Let them be smaller, but better.

Take care O. external appeal and B. home atmosphereSo that in one "beautiful" day your husband did not tell you delicately about the loose and a custodiated bathrobe: "You probably love him very much."

The ladies who are not completely satisfied with their figure, it is desirable to search for a corrective lingerie and trust in this matter experienced specialists From a solid store, because only a professional look can determine which styles and models you need that the figure again becomes beautiful and sexy.

What another advice we can give: many women entering the Balzakovsky age, a desire arises change the hairstyle and hair color (Clear case, Sedna sometimes very early makes itself felt).

IN elegant Age excellent look trendy haircuts . Specialists, however, are warned by very short, giving the lady "throatful" appearance. But it will be good to look " classic Bob"," Cute mess "," multi-layer haircut ".

If you are accustomed to long hair And you do not want to part with them, remember the main thing: such hair should look healthy and well-groomed. When they are dull and liquid, it is better to change your image yet.

In cosmetics, a lady for forty have to deal with age problems, so remedies with lifting effect And creams eliminating pigment spots.

A woman who understands what entered the Balzakovsky age is offended when she is reminded of others. Yes, and with some dull and irony.

Specialists on this account also have advice. If you have publicly told that you are a "woman of Balzakovsky age", pretend that they did not understand the offensive hintlet him be awkward to the one who said it.

ABOUT feminine age They don't say loud, it is indecent, especially if the talking man.

It was not even since the time of Balzak, but much earlier: When women began to feel like women, and men are men.

Balzakovsky age is not a certain years definitely, because in 40 you can look at 32. It all depends on a particular case and a particular woman. But one can say one and surely - women of Balzakovsky age - especially beautiful and are at the peak of their sexual attractiveness.

From the period in which Onebor de Balzac lived, much changed, including tastes and priorities. And today the plank shifted a little, and the women of Balzakovsky age now is a lady aged from 40 to 50 years. Probably there were some serious changes in the life of the ladies, which influenced sexual longevity.

How did it happen that women's sexuality lasts almost up to 50 years old?

1. Personal hygiene. Since the time Balzac has improved life conditionsAnd women began to pay more attention to their own hygiene. In addition to cleansing funds, various perfumes appeared and eau de parfum, as well as rejuvenating funds.

2. Women have become less likely to give birth. This fact plays very important role, After all, the body worn out is much faster than old.

3. Women began to play sports. Many fitness clubs, circles on yoga and pilates, sports sections- all this supports the body of a woman in perfect form And slows the aging.

4. Changed fashion. Appeared in the fashion industry various styles For mature women who young people and give sex.

5. A variety of hairstyles appeared. Now every self-respecting woman can pick up its individual style and hairstyle, which will give a charm, elegance and youth. Stylists in our time are creating miracles and can make a mature woman attractive, pretty and more interesting for male, than a young person. Hair middle length, multilayer haircuts, kudri, asian straight, short haircuts In the style of "Vamp" - this is only a small part of what exists to give women a spectacular look!

6. Women began to earn independently. This is perhaps the most weighty reason, because your personal female income opens encossal opportunities. A woman with money pays more attention to itself, visits beauty salons and various psychological trainings, useful for self-satisfaction, and also travels more and knows the world, which makes it just irresistible.

Balzakovsky age is the maturity of the soul, first of all. Physically, such age has no limit, it can begin at 30 and end in 50, and even 55 years.

It is worth recognizing that the woman of Balzakovsky age in our time is the dream of most moral mature men, because it is implemented in life, interesting for others, exudes confidence, strength and energy. Such features simply cannot leave anyone indifferent from the representatives of the strong floor. So, if you met a woman of Balzakovsky age - you are bigger lucky. Take care of her, appreciate the time spent together, choose the wisdom that she can give you. And the best - do not let such a woman never and in time make her an offer of hands and hearts, because if such a woman is with you, then on her part it is conscious and for a long time, but she does not want to lose time with you. Balzakovskaya woman is a lady with high levels intelligence and development, and, as you know, smart women Less prone to treason, and marriage with them is a gift for every man!

What is the Balzakovsky age of women

The concept of "Balzakovsky age" appeared in Russia after the appearance of the work of the "thirty-year-old woman" belonging to Peru Classic French xIX literature There is no century for the century (in France itself there is no such concept). Balzakov's women began to call the ladies from 25 to 35 years. In the time of Balzak, it was believed that since this age a woman is extremely problematic to equip his personal life and marry, therefore it was necessary to sit at home and wait for old age. And Balzaka has the main heroine of Roman Vikontesse De Bossean was distinguished by the courage of judgments, independence and full freedom In the manifestation of their feelings. Balzac sick in his novels the right of women after 30 years for love and argued that they could be loved.

At first, immediately after the revenue of the novel, the expression "Balzakovsky age" was also used ironically and belonged to women who want to resemble the heroine of Balzak. Over time, the semantics of words changed greatly and began to mean only the age of a woman. Today is so called women aged after 40 years. Modern correction It happened not by chance, it has physiological basis. Hormonal peak, disclosure female sexuality It is achieved by 35-40 years, many may even have a second peak about 50 years. No wonder the people have a saying: "Forty-five - Baba Berry again."

IN those times After 30 years old, the woman was denied in the right to love, which could only be illegal: after all, then the girls were married to a very young, in 14-18 years old, early gave birth to children who had already managed to grow to their 30 years. "Forty years - Babi Age" - this saying happened not by chance. In former times, life expectancy was very low.

I am far from older wrinkles,

And there is no one gray hair,

And still dangerous for men

I, woman of Balzakovsky age.

Hanging every gesture and every look,

And every minute - on gold weight,

There is no barriers to the cherished goal

For a woman of Balzakovsky age.

Let him not go with passion heart again,

Will not flame, not burn faster than twigs,

But deeper feelings, sincere love

In a woman of Balzakovsky age.

And I stand halfway now,

But why make a step forward not easy?

It's time to go from childhood to wisdom

To me, a woman of Balzakovsky age.

Modern women of Balzakovsky age are active, purposeful, successful. They often take serious positions, lead large projects. They follow themselves and know their price. With age, they are committed to them and they begin to appreciate pleasure, cease to burden themselves with superfluous prejudices and complexes. A woman in Balzakovsky age knows a lot and still can do everything - get married again, give birth to a child, get a dizzying novel.

During the survey conducted recently among the Internet Customers in England, it turned out that women who overstaving the forty-year-old frontier, very relaxed: immediately after acquaintance with a new partner, a meeting with which is already being offline, they go to relationships more intimate, than online flirt. It characterizes the woman of Balzakovsky age as very modern woman And in general, man is extremely progressive and adequate time. Another curious fact. Women of Balzakovsky age, turns out to be the safest drivers. According to a study conducted at the University of Calgary, for each million kilometers they have only four accidents.

Adults mature women Actively compete for the attention of young men, successfully achieved it. That marriage that a few more decades seemed to be aged Mesallians, perceived by society all tolere. 15 years older than her husband Demi Moore. Star para Almost 5 years together, the family is harmonious and happy.

The love of a woman of Balzakovsky age and young young man is also natural, as well as fruitful, it mutually enriches their souls and leaves behind the warmest memories. It is not overshadowed by the calculation, with which a young girl rushes into life when she needs to report before the demanding society "Required": 1) get out married, 2) give birth to and grow children, 3) make a career, 4) to be a good wife, 5 ) Externally obstacles. Of course, the love of a woman of Balzakovsky age gives more than getting, in a material, social plan. For example, if the lady is the managing large company, then she is likely to help his beloved to make a career and introduces into familiarity with the necessary people.

For many politicians and great people in the past and the present it is mature, wise woman Balzakovsky age became the starting point, Spring, from which their path to success and loud glory began.

By the way, if earlier in the show-business lady aged 30 "" went into circulation, "today interest in the leading and actresses in Balzakovsky age at the audience is high. For example, Western stars Madonna, Demi Moore, Kim Besinger, Nicole Kidman, Jane Fund headed the ratings of many TV channels, are actively filming in the cinema.

The commodity expression "Balzakovsky age" many women "try on" on themselves. And thirty-year-old, the forty-and fifty-year-old ladies are proud of their age, because they know how to preserve the beauty and inner fire of life.

Over the past decades, the Balzakovsky age has sharply moved the boundaries: today they are called women who "for" and even "under", "over forty, under fifty."

History of the term

After the release of the work of Hingerie de Balzaca (1799-1850), the "thirty-year-old woman" (1831) women of Balzakov began to call the ladies from 25 to 35 years. main character The novel of the Great French novelist Vikontessence de Bossean was distinguished by the courage of judgments, independence and complete freedom in the manifestation of his feelings.

At first, immediately after the revenue of the novel, the expression "Balzakovsky age" was also used ironically and belonged to women who want to resemble the heroine of Balzak. Over time, the semantics of words changed greatly and began to mean only the age of a woman. Today is so called ladies aged after forty years. Modern correction has happened no coincidence, it has a physiological basis. Hormonal peak, disclosure of female sexuality is achieved by 35-40 years old, many - another peak comes even after fifty years.

Modern women of "Balzakovsky age"

Over the past hundred years, women learned to actively extend their youth. Pushkin in the famous novel "Eugene Onegin" is a colorful description of Mother Tatyana: "Larina is simple, but a very nice old woman," whereas this old woman was a little more than forty years. In the Pushkin times of girls, they got married early, to put out "in girls" - to remain unmarried by age, was considered immoral, condemned by society. Early got married, gave birth to all children, whom God will send, became early stood and went away from life in pretty young age According to modern standards.

The last century helped women to reveal their own creative and sexual potential. Today's fifty-year-old ladies can argue for the "place under the sun" with twenty-thirty-year-old girls. A woman has long ceased to be a male shadow, gained independence, self-confidence. Examples of successful I. active women There is a lot of a lot in the world: it's enough to look at Sofia Lauren, who and 75 looks at forty to appreciate the possibilities of modern ladies in the preservation and multiplication of their beauty.

Thirty-five-year-old person today call " balzakovskaya woman"The language will not turn. Adults, mature women actively compete for the attention of young men, successfully achieved it. That marriage, which a few decades ago seemed to be an age Mesallians, perceived by society all tolerant. In the Primateonna of the Russian pop, Alla Pugacheva and her "boyfriend" Maxim Galkina, the difference in the age of 27. For fifteen years older than her husband Demi Moore. Star couple almost five years together, the family is harmonious and happy.

With age, the woman comes liberty, freedom from the internal complexes, which allows it to appreciate and love himself, competently and tactfully serve in society, in sex. On women after forty years, the whole fashion and beauty industry works, helping to keep women Health And emphasize its beautiful appearance. Sexual potential Women are achieved at the age of 35-45, extending a full female life.

How to stay beautiful after forty

To save natural beauty and youth, it is important to observe healthy regime Drink and nutrition. On the day you need to drink up to two liters of pure spring or melt water. Power must be balanced, with a full set of vitamins and trace elements. Smoking and alcohol abuse kills female beauty, quickly turns the lady into the old woman. From a lack of sleep or anxious sleep, a woman is swept away.

Regular skin nutrition - one of the most important rules Beauty and bad ladies. Daily morning rubbing the face with a piece of ice will help return the blush and smoothes wrinkles. It is not necessary to express yourself with daily heavy exercises, fitness will return twice a week sports form Figure.

However, the most important rule for any woman is everything that she does, makes only with pleasure. Overcoming and nervous about her age once. Life is so interesting and multifaceted, you need to have so much still, such a woman has a Balzakovsky age never ends.

"Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ..."

The topic of Balzakovsky age women is constantly rising by Russian and foreign cinema. Famous American series "Sex in big city»Shot on the basis of the newspaper column of the writer Kendes Bushnell. The film tells about the sexual adventures of the four girlfriends at the age of thirty years at the beginning of the series and forty - at the end. Women are very different in temperament and character, but combined with free looks for life. The series received almost forty cinematic awards, the audience's interest is explained by the fact that the focus of the life of adult women's life was the focus.

The series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ..." According to Russian ratings, the famous foreign series "Sex in the Big City" bypassed. The American Channel PBS took the basis of our series and took off documentary About Russians "Moscow response" sex in a big city. " The full name of the comedy series, which went on the Screens of Russia along the NTV channel from 2004 to 2007 "Balzakovsky age, or all the mules of the bastards" \\ your captain is an obvious! ". Thirty-four series of the famous Russian series did not leave indifferent contemporaries.

If earlier in the show business, the lady at the age of "for thirty" "went into circulation," was considered a "shot down pilot", today interest in leading and actresses in Balzakovsky age at the audience is high. Lolita Milyavskaya, Tatyana Lazareva, Lyme Vaikule, Nadezhda Babkin, Sofia Rotaru, Elena Podlov shines on television screens and decorate the covers of glossy magazines. Western "Stars" ahead of the planet: Madonna, Demi Moore, Kim Besinger, Nicole Kidman, Jane Fund headed the ratings of many TV channels, actively starred in the cinema.

A woman in Balzakovsky age knows a lot and still can do everything - to open its business from scratch, learn how to marry a new case, get married, give birth to a child, get a dizzying novel, live a full-fledged beautiful life, Breathing with full breasts.

Zhanna Pyarikova

My article for Women's magazine womenclub.ru.

When it comes to women's age, comes into force unwritten rule The use of hints, allegory and metaphors. Such a topic is considered unsuitable for discussion, and direct indication of the figure is regarded as tactlessness and ignorance of the speaker. A common ironic expression about the lady of Balzakovsky age sometimes puts the interlocutor to a dead end. What can be considered as such in order not to disgrace in a conversation and do not hurt at the same time for the living?

How an expression appeared

The older the woman becomes, the point of which she reacts to the most innocent reminders of the past years. Even at their own birthday, she avoids to admit how much it has already been - "again twenty five."

From here, it takes the beginning of a persistent tradition to describe the amount of years in mild expressions. So many decades happened ago, when the phrase about the lady of Balzakovsky age spread.

The French writer Onor de Balzac could not suggest which path was prepared by his name when he released his story "Thirty-year-old woman."

His character became a French-like, independent, with a prevailing character of the person, who had his own judgments about life and sought freedom and independence. Considering this main feature of a mature lady, fans of the French classics witty the term all women in thirty.

In the Russian-speaking environment in the twentieth century, the expression has become stable and marked not that other than 30 years.

Modern interpretation

Over time, the popular expression has changed its original meaning. IN modern society For thirty years, like on the line of maturity no longer watch.

This is not consistent with the stages of life of a woman in the Society of the XXI century: obtaining education, a device for work, the first achievements in the career ... In addition, a long search suitable partner postpone emotional mature and motherhood

Now no one will name the thirty-year-old age by Balzakovsky, and this is right.

IN modern world It is rather after forty, and it is to such a lady that this expression may be justified today.

In addition, in a friendly conversation, even if the eyes, our people are still shy to hint at the past years. From here and another form of use of phrases - relatively 50-55 years, that is, when exterior signs The aging is already too obvious and give the right to modestly judge the years.

How to react if you called "a woman of Balzakovsky age"

It is worth answering immediately for yourself to the question: did the interlocutor really intended to offend you? If the answer is positive, then you should not continue such communication. Pretend that they did not notice the knuckle in the tone, did not hear offensive words And did not understand the hint.

In any case, a person, especially if it is a man who uses this expression to embarrass or humiliate a woman, exposes himself in bad light - draw conclusions and give communication with it to a minimum.

If you applied a phrase about the "Balzakovskogo age" people who do not have anything bad against you, then it may be worthwhile to make efforts to hide your disappointment or offense in conversation.

Think that the image of the "Baba-berry" is much stronger in the consciousness of our tribesmen, and emphasize in the conversation mature, experience, wisdom, and, most likely, the blooding of femininity could be the sole purpose of your interlocutor.

The most effective weapon against fear in front of the numbers in the passport is confidence in its attractiveness and clear life position. After 35-40 years for a woman, a well-groomed and neat appearance, selected with the taste of clothes and a calm behavior manner.

Working in this direction, you acquire confidence and protection against fear of ridicule about the years. Learn to present yourself with dignity at any age, and the criticism will not hurt you under any circumstances.