Stages of a classic pedicure. Rules for a classic pedicure in the salon and at home. A small overview of existing types of pedicure

Every girl who monitors the health and appearance of her feet should have information on how to do a classic trim pedicure. This cosmetic procedure is one of the first salon procedures for the care of feet and toenails. The classic edged pedicure is primarily intended to improve the hygienic condition of the feet and prevent diseases of the skin of the foot.

Pedicure rules

When doing a classic pedicure in the salon, the main rule of the master's work should be the disinfection of instruments, containers, foot baths. If sanitary standards are not observed, there is a risk of contracting hepatitis C, HIV and various fungal diseases. The master should carry out a trimmed classic pedicure in sterile disposable gloves. During the procedure, contact with blood is possible. Gloves will protect both the client and the master from possible infection... The technique of performing a pedicure by a professional master must be accurate and safe, the risks of getting cuts are minimized.

Step-by-step carrying out of a trimmed pedicure

A classic trim pedicure in a specialized salon is carried out in stages:

  1. Disinfection of the skin of the legs. For this, the stage of soaking the feet in trays is carried out with the addition of various disinfectants. Comfort temperature water - 38 degrees C. Duration of the bath - 7 minutes.
  2. Cleaning the surface of the nails from old varnish. You can use any nail polish remover.
  3. Cutting marigolds. The length must be cut in small steps from corner to corner using special tongs. File nails on this stage Not recommended.
  4. Softening the cuticle. A special softening agent must be applied to the side rollers of the marigolds. You need to distribute it over the entire surface of the nail.
  5. Cutting off the hardened skin from the heel area. The procedure is carried out using a special machine. It is necessary to hold the machine at an angle to the skin so as not to cut it. You need to cut off the hardened skin gradually, do not remove a large layer, this can lead to painful sensations when walking. Movements should be made along cracks, from the middle of the heel to its edge.
  6. Cutting off the hardened skin from the metatarsal area.
  7. Sanding the skin with a pedicure file. The rough surface of the file quickly and easily removes the remains of the rough skin of the foot. Periodically, the surface of the foot should be wiped wet wipe, then the surface of the file will self-clean.
  8. Treatment of cracked heels. Using special forceps, gently cut the skin around the cracks. The cutting blade of the forceps should be positioned along the crack. At the end of this step, sand the heel skin again with a file.
  9. Processing of leather on the fingers. Using a soft file, the pads of the fingers and the sides are sanded.
  10. Cuticle removal. The remnants of the emollient must be removed from the nails with a damp cloth. Further, with the help of a split, it is necessary to clean up the lateral sinuses of the nails and move the cuticle aside, remove impurities from under the free edge of the marigold. With the help of special forceps, it is necessary to remove the cuticle and process the lateral ridges.
  11. Shaping free edge nail. Using a file, it is necessary to give the nails the maximum possible square shape, this will prevent ingrowth.
  12. Disinfection of feet. Using a special tool for disinfecting nails, you need to treat their surface. The area between the toes must be treated with a special antifungal talcum powder for the feet.
  13. The final stage. Apply nail polish or nail hardener to your nails. Treat the surface of the heels with anti-cracking cream.

Basic pedicure tools

The master has in his arsenal, in addition to skills and experience, many various instruments, allowing you to make a high quality trimmed classic pedicure. Basic tools:

  • Rasp is a tool for filing the corners of the nails and scraping the cuticle layer from the surface of the marigold. Used to treat ingrown nails. At one end of the tool there are special notches, with their help, the nails are filed. Thanks to the shape of the tool, the master can penetrate into the deep sinuses of the nail;
  • Files. The variety of surfaces of this tool allows you to polish not only nails, but also skin. Soft surfaces polish the nail to a shine, while rough, hard surfaces can remove layers of hardened skin;
  • Scraper. Has replaceable sharpened blades. Designed for cutting corns and rough skin.

Additional procedures

If the client wishes, the pedicure master can supplement the classic pedicure with the following procedures:

  • foot massage session;
  • covering nails with various varnishes, with drawing and other decorative elements;
  • modeling of the nail plate;

Pruning pedicure at home

A visit to the salon is not required for this cosmetic procedure. You can also do a trim pedicure at home. Of course, the result from a do-it-yourself pedicure may not be as ideal as that of a master, but self-performed foot care will help improve them. appearance... Be prepared to scrape away rough heels on your own with a scraper. Try not to injure your skin. Follow the above procedure step by step very carefully. Even at home, you need to monitor sanitary standards when carrying out a pedicure.

Start by using a foot bath, then step by step process the skin of the feet and nail plate... The scheme of the procedure does not differ from work professional master, unless the first time you will spend more time on it.

When choosing cosmetics for foot care, pay attention to the natural ingredients in their composition. The instructions for creams and talcum powder will help you choose the right product.

Even a self-made trim pedicure will give your legs beauty and well-groomed.

Hello, Dear friends, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you again.

The sight of beautiful and well-groomed legs attracts and mesmerizes both sexes. But while some only dream of it, others successfully achieve it, and not only within the walls of expensive salons, but also at home.

Moreover, the procedure, which provides high-quality foot care - pedicure, has a lot of varieties with its own characteristics and contraindications, among which anyone can choose the ideal one for themselves. We will talk about them today. So, the types of pedicure and their main differences.

I already wrote about what a pedicure is and. So now let's get down to business.

Modern cosmetology offers girls several types professional pedicure... Each of them involves the use of a certain set of tools and means that allow you to achieve your goal - to finally see your nails and feet clean, healthy and beautiful.

At the same time, each type of pedicure has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as contraindications. To know about them means to protect yourself in the pursuit of beauty. Always remember this and then the procedures you performed will always bring you pleasure and positive emotions.

What types of pedicure are there?

  • Classic, or edged.
  • European, or dry, unedged.
  • Hardware.
  • Combined.
  • SPA - pedicure.
  • Fish.
  • Japanese.

Interestingly, this list changes all the time. After all, women strive for excellence, and modern cosmetology helps them to achieve it in every possible way.

Classic pedicure

Perhaps its features are familiar to all of us from childhood. The process of its implementation includes several stages:

  1. steaming feet in the bath;
  2. treatment of the foot with pumice stone, exfoliating agents;
  3. nailing the desired shape;
  4. cuticle removal.

And all this is quick, easy and accessible to everyone as much as possible. That is why they often go to salons for a classic pedicure, even more often they do it at home, not even suspecting that simplicity and speed have serious drawbacks.

Why is this type of pedicure dangerous? There are a lot of moments here:

  • The possibility of infection with fungal and other diseases. And all due to the fact that it uses water, or rather a bath with it. Lack of regular disinfection, and frequent use hydromassage devices significantly increases the likelihood of getting many ailments as a bonus to the pedicure done. V best case everything can be limited to itching, burning on the skin, curvature of the nail plates.
  • Risk of contracting more serious diseases such as AIDS or hepatitis. It rises due to cuticle cutting and possible injury skin as a result of the use of sharp instruments. Moreover, salon masters do not have sufficient funds to perform the same disinfection that is done within the walls of surgical or dental offices.
  • Overdoing it. This is the only way to call excessive cutting of the stratum corneum of the foot, which is carried out when performing classic pedicure... As a result, the treated areas can cause discomfort, pain, or simply contribute to the enhancement of the skin regeneration process. In other words, it will grow on them with renewed vigor, forcing its owner to turn to the procedure again and again.


All of the above shortcomings forced the masters to look for a way out of this situation, which later turned out to be a European pedicure.

What he really is? In general, the same technique that is used for edging, but without the use of water baths and sharp dangerous tools.

Includes European pedicure the following steps:

  1. safe cuticle removal with special means, which soften it and allow you to gently move it to the edges of the plate. Their regular use helps to subsequently slow down its growth;
  2. giving the nails the desired shape through the use of tweezers and scissors;
  3. removal of rough skin of the foot with scrapers and graters.

Meanwhile, with all its advantages, the European pedicure also has one significant drawback - the slowness in the process of giving the nails a well-groomed look. In order to achieve it, it is sometimes necessary to perform at least 6 procedures. You can find out about that from our article.


The respectable name of this pedicure hides simple technique its implementation using a special device.

The whole principle of its operation is built around the rotation of cutters - special rough nozzles. They clean off dead skin cells, remove the cuticle, and polish the nail and, if necessary, give it the desired shape.

The use of special tools that previously "dissolve" the stratum corneum, as well as a variety of attachments, allows you to perform all the necessary manipulations without the risk of injury and skin infection.

Moreover, her gentle and well-groomed appearance in the case of modern hardware pedicure lasts much longer. But you will have to pay extra for all this - the cost of such a pedicure is justified higher than the cost of the others mentioned.

SPA - pedicure

A unique option that not only gives beauty and well-groomed feet, but also helps to relax.

It is based on the use of special cosmetics with essential oils, plant extracts, curative mud, thermal waters that soften and exfoliate the skin, relieve fatigue, rejuvenate and revitalize.

However, with all its advantages, this type of pedicure also has its drawbacks - it is not suitable for people with problem legs, including fungal infection or ingrown nails, and also has a high cost.


The name itself tells about the technique of its implementation. It consists in the use of a classic edged pedicure for nail care and hardware - for the care of the skin of the feet. However, this is not a panacea.

Often these procedures, if necessary, are supplemented by others, for example, peeling. Acid is most often used when the foot is processed glycolic acid and wrapped in plastic and a towel on certain time... After its expiration, the hardened areas are cleaned off with a pumice stone, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

It's incredibly simple and efficient procedure, which leaves behind a young and healthy-looking skin of the feet, but has one drawback - within 5 days after its implementation, the treated skin can exfoliate in layers, therefore it needs protection in the form of ordinary socks. Moreover, this is not a very pleasant sight either.


It is comparative new technique performing a pedicure, all the subtleties of which are perfectly illustrated in the photo. Exotics came to us from Asia.

To perform the procedure, the client's feet are disinfected, after which she lowers them into the aquarium, in which all the work of the file, pumice stone, brush and scrub is performed by fish with the wonderful name Garra rufa. Dead skin particles are an integral part of their diet.

Moreover, in addition to the exfoliating effect, such a procedure also has another - it regenerates tissues due to substances contained in the saliva of fish. In other words, all old wounds and cuts after it heal much faster.

Does it have its drawbacks? Unfortunately yes. And they are not limited to the high cost of the very type of pedicure. In some countries, it is officially banned because of the ability of fish to carry infection.


An original technique that includes elements of SPA, unedged pedicure and massage. Rejuvenates and heals through the use of products made from natural ingredients, however, is overvalued.

It was Lena Zhabinskaya, bye-bye.

There are many modern techniques for skin and toenail care. One of them is the European pedicure. Like any other procedure, the European pedicure has its own characteristics, techniques, advantages and disadvantages.

The most main feature European pedicure technology is its safety. A pedicure is suitable for anyone, even if they have diabetes or there is a tendency to fungal diseases. One of the varieties of European pedicure is the use of a special machine. But despite this, the European pedicure is characterized by the absence of injuries and infections.

Features of the European pedicure

  1. This technology means no scissors or blades. Unlike a classic pedicure, there is little risk of pain or inflammation in the feet after removing the hardened skin. In addition, the feet and the skin around the nails are treated with special pedicure files, so the effect is guaranteed.
  2. There are 3 types of European pedicure techniques: dry, wet or SPA and hardware. The dry pedicure technique is considered the most effective, because the result will last for a long time. The following procedure should be done after two weeks. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, a dry pedicure can be done once a month.
  3. In European pedicure, the cuticle is not removed mechanically. Within 5-6 sessions as a result special treatment the cuticle stops growing and the toes look well-groomed. In addition, the risk of burrs is reduced, so the skin on the legs will look perfect.
  4. When using a European pedicure, it is almost impossible to get infected with fungal infections.
  5. Along with the practical result, the dry pedicure procedure is enjoyable and enjoyable, therefore it great way relax.
  6. Dry type of pedicure is suitable for everyone: men, women, adults, children. This type of pedicure is especially useful for children's feet prone to sensitivity.

Despite these positive points, the European pedicure has some disadvantages.

  • First, it is possible that allergic reaction, because with a pedicure, substances containing alkali are used.
  • Secondly, the European pedicure is suitable only for those who constantly monitor the skin of their feet. If the skin on the legs is puffy and rough, then it is better to apply a classic pedicure.

At home, the European pedicure technology will take about an hour. To make a high-quality dry pedicure, you must complete the following steps:

  1. It is good to steam the feet in hot water... This is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.
  2. Then you need to remove from the nails old varnish... It is better to choose an acetone-free product that does not dry out the skin around the nails.
  3. To remove the cuticle, you must use special cream or a gel that softens the cuticle. The advantage of this procedure is that the cream dissolves dead skin cells, so it is enough to remove them with a special spatula, without using scissors. Cosmetologists recommend using wooden ones that do not scratch the skin.
  4. After that, you can move on to the nails. You need to polish the nail plate with a special file to make it smooth and even.
  5. Apply another file to the nails desired shape... It is better to make the edge of the nail even, rather than rounded, so that it does not grow into the skin.
  6. A special exfoliating cream should be spread on the feet. On areas where the skin is coarser, apply more cream. For better effect feet can be wrapped in a plastic bag or towel and left for about 30 minutes.
  7. After the skin has softened, the feet, especially the heels, need to be rubbed with a pumice stone or a special brush. In modern salons, scrapers with small blades are used to give the heels a smooth finish. But use these scrapers with care to avoid damaging your skin.
  8. At the end of a dry pedicure, nails should be treated with a degreased lotion or nail polish remover. Then cover the nail plate with varnish of any shade.

This is another type of European pedicure that allows you not only to make your feet attractive, but also to enjoy it. To do this procedure yourself at home, you must follow these steps:

  1. Remove old varnish from nails. Dip your feet into warm water, preferably adding aromatic oils or some shampoo to soften the skin.
  2. Then wipe your feet dry, and move the cuticle with a wooden spatula.
  3. To inject with nails perfect shape, you need to trim them either with nail scissors or tweezers. File the edges of the nails with a file so that they are even.
  4. To remove rough skin of the feet, you can use a special scrub, which is then removed with a soft, damp cloth. After that, a nourishing cream is rubbed into the skin.
  5. Finish the pedicure by applying bright varnish on your nails.

Classic pedicure

This is the most popular type of pedicure, let's call it old-fashioned. Classic pedicure (like classic manicure) is also called edged. Make a bath with warm water and dilute the salt in it to soften the cuticles and skin of the heels. The master removes the cuticle with the help of nippers, and the excess skin from the heels, small corns and calluses - with a special file for grinding.

European pedicure

Another type of modern pedicure. It differs from the classic one in that it does not involve cutting the cuticle, therefore it is often called "unedged pedicure". The technique of such a pedicure is as follows: the master applies to the cuticles special composition which helps dissolve the cuticle without damaging thin skin... And then he pushes the cuticle to the base with an orange stick.

Hardware pedicure

Unlike the classical and European, hardware pedicure involves polishing the foot and nails using special polishing attachments on the device. The master selects nozzles, caps, cutters individually for the structure of the foot and the shape of the nails. This type of pedicure does not imply soaking the feet in water - the master processes them with a special gel or solution. In case you suffer from calluses, corns or ingrown nails, you should sign up exclusively for a medical pedicure.

Combined pedicure

It means a combination of two techniques - classic and hardware pedicure. The master processes the feet with an apparatus, and nails and cuticles with ordinary instruments.

Express pedicure

If you see the item "express pedicure" in the menu, most likely, this means only working with nails, that is, removing the coating, quick processing of nails and varnishing. No salt baths - such a pedicure is suitable either for a busy business woman, or for those who change the color of their nail polish every week.

Spa pedicure

Peels, scrubs, masks, socks, massage and certainly aromatherapy - after a spa pedicure, you go out not only with a new pedicure, but also with the feeling that you have been on the coast of the Indian or Atlantic Ocean. It depends on what means the master used during the procedure. This also means a Brazilian pedicure (instead of a bath, the master puts on you socks with a special lotion that softens corns and cuticles), and the so-called detox pedicure - with particles of black coal, as well as banana-coconut. By the time this pedicure procedure lasts a little longer than usual.

Acid pedicure

This type of pedicure is also called Kart or ADN - by the name of the brands that produce special solutions for a pedicure with acids. The essence of the technique is that the solution "corrodes" the keratinized particles of the skin and sometimes does not even include the processing of the skin with a file. What you need for those with thin and sensitive skin.

Feet also need care, so the beauty industry for toenails is coming up with new techniques and techniques for applying various coatings, skin care, and restorative procedures. Although no one can be surprised with an ornate pedicure, it still remains in vogue. classic version, a video with the stages of such a procedure and applying a coating on nails can be found on the Internet and trained by famous nail masters. What is a classic pedicure and how to do it correctly?

Classic pedicure: video

Legs are not just a part of the body, they are our foundation, a means of transportation, a way to feed ourselves and our family, but in addition to all this, they are the object of admiration and adoration of men! But how can such different functions be combined? The answer is simple: to properly and constantly look after your legs.

What kind of pedicure is there?

A pedicure is a cosmetic procedure that includes the entire range of operations for the care of the skin of the feet, nails and cuticles.

There are several types of pedicure. Classic (or edged manicure) is considered the progenitor of all other types of this procedure. It consists in the fact that coarse skin, corns and calluses are cut off from the surface of the leg. The session is very effective, the effect is immediately visible, but there are some drawbacks: soon the skin may return to its previous state, it may be injured. Despite all this, the classic pedicure still takes the lead in this service sector.

Unedged European pedicure more carefully approaches the cuticle, which is not trimmed, but simply softened and pushed back. In addition to this operation, all others coincide with the classic pedicure. The disadvantage here is that the cuticle will return to its place much earlier than in the cuticle.

SPA-pedicure is now gaining its popularity due to the fact that it uses painless remedies and procedures, and the effect, according to the reviews of clients who have tried this technique, lasts up to 5 weeks. The essence of the technology is simple: used natural creams, masks, oils, fruit acids that actively remove excess skin growths without creating pain.

Hardware pedicure began to be actively used not only by masters in a beauty salon, but also at home, since now there is an opportunity to purchase special grinding machines. This technical tool evenly removes layer by layer of excess skin, with the help of special attachments, it can correct ingrown nails and cracked feet. But there is one big disadvantage: in order to spend correct procedure, you must have the proper qualifications, otherwise there is a great risk of spoiling and injuring the skin.

Pedicure tools

It is such a pedicure that will require a minimum of tools from you that almost every woman has.

First, there are cuticle tweezers. Precisely because the cuticle is removed with sharp tweezers, such a pedicure is called edging.

Secondly, nail scissors and a nail file, which will be required to give the desired length and shape to the nails.

Thirdly, pumice is natural material, which was also used by our great-great-grandmothers for foot care. To this day, pumice is the most popular remedy for removing calluses and calluses.

For the proper effect, various softening, exfoliating, nourishing cosmetical tools which will facilitate the whole pedicure process.

Stages of a classic pedicure

Before proceeding with trim manicure, you need to study the photo and video instructions in order not to worsen the condition of the skin and not injure it. Well, after you have learned all the rules, you can start, because the pedicure process, because this is not only beauty, but also a pleasant time to take care of yourself.

First you need to prepare the legs for the procedure: rinse thoroughly using a washcloth, clean your nails. Next, apply an exfoliating cream and leave it to dry completely. While it is absorbing, you can tackle the shape of your nails. It is recommended to leave the nail to the border of the finger, shape it with a nail file, preferably rounded.

After this operation, you need to steam the legs so that excess skin without any special painful sensations departed during processing. In order for the bath to bring maximum benefit, you need to add essential oils, salts, vitamins from ampoules.

After the bath, you should immediately start treating the skin of the legs with a pumice stone, especially focusing on the heels, pads of the toes, and the upper part of the foot. While the skin is steamed, it is necessary to have time to remove the excess integument around the nails, for this, the excess skin is carefully cut off with tweezers, but do not grab too much, there is a great risk of touching the vessels and getting bleeding.

After such a physical impact, the legs must be lubricated with cream, the cuticle is massaged with olive or flax oil.

For bright accent on perfect legs marigold cover cosmetic varnish... The simplest and most unpretentious drawing is a jacket that will look like natural; it is also in demand. monochromatic coating in pastel colors.