I get tired at work what to do. How to deal with fatigue at work. Healthy lifestyle

Fatigue is a feeling familiar to most people whose work takes place within the walls of the office. At work that involves physical activity, people get tired less. Scientific progress, which led to the automation of many processes, added tension to life, immobilized. Modern man often thinks about how not to get tired at work. To do this, you have to use both little tricks and radically change your lifestyle or even your field of activity.

Office workers are familiar with fatigue


Fatigue can be called a subjective phenomenon, different people may feel tired from the same load in different ways. There are many reasons for this.

In terms of duration, fatigue can be divided into short-term and permanent:

  • overwork caused by continuous work, lack of vacation;
  • if a person comes to the conclusion that he is constantly tired at work, then we are talking about chronic fatigue.

The causes of fatigue are divided into two groups: internal and external.

Internal reasons:

  • exclude a disease due to which you can be very tired, undergo an examination;
  • emotional stress caused by dissatisfaction with work;
  • fear of not coping with the assigned tasks.

As external causes allocate:

  • noise makes it impossible to work fruitfully;
  • poor relationships with colleagues, envy of more successful employees, friction with management;
  • an employee can understand that he is tired of work, if he is constantly assigned tasks of the same type, they can be either too simple or too complex.

The causes of fatigue need to be established, and it can be difficult to deal with them. During this period, it can be difficult to do anything, including work. Forced downtime can adversely affect financial situation so the sooner appropriate action is taken, the better.

Lack of vacation leads to chronic fatigue

Effective treatments

When a person is tired of doing his job responsibilities, he needs to check if he can handle this activity. If a woman is tired of work, then you need to think about whether the work corresponds to her physical, psychological, intellectual characteristics. If not, then you need to talk about changing your profession. In other cases, the causes can be eliminated by using several effective methods.


This is the main way to deal with fatigue at work, but it must be done wisely to get the most out of it. Rest should be divided into three phases:

  1. You need to get enough sleep. For this, not only the duration of sleep (7-8 hours) is important, but also the environment around.
  2. Take breaks from work, they should be rational and complete, after which the body and mind should return to normal.
  3. Fatigue after work goes away. It is reasonable after the end of the working day to carry on active image life (go in for sports, go to the bathhouse).

Action plan

Fatigue can result from incorrect prioritization. There is no need to strive to perform several tasks at the same time, it is better to draw up a plan before the start of the working day and do the main things first, and then the secondary ones. You need to try to eliminate all distractions in order to be more productive.

Daily regime

Try to spend every minute usefully, without putting off important things until tomorrow and without overloading yourself. The daily routine must also be observed outside the workspace.

After the end of the working hours, finish all the cases. Very strong fatigue piles on, if free time devote to work, including mentally staying there.

Healthy lifestyle

Correct lifestyle, formative healthy body and strong spirit, greatly affects the quality professional activity... Following the rules, the employee will stop saying that he is tired:

  • to eat healthy foods rich in trace elements, vegetables, fruits;
  • do not forget about vitamins;
  • drink more water;
  • limit coffee consumption;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • pay attention useful activities after work;
  • observe hygiene;
  • work on yourself, trying to minimize the impact on the body of stress.

Fruit helps fight fatigue

Physical exercise

They are necessary for those people who are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Have office workers there is no way to give your body the necessary loads during the day, but you can take breaks and take a walk in the fresh air at lunchtime.

Gymnastics and jogging in the morning will save office clerks from fatigue and muscle pain; on weekends, you need to devote time to sports.

Less communication with colleagues

Talking to coworkers can be stressful and overwhelming. This applies to those who are inclined to lead empty talk and too impulsive. On benefit will go communication with positive people, always ready to help.

You can be less tired if you work remotely. This not only saves time, effort and money, but it also eliminates unnecessary conversations on empty topics and increases productivity. This form of work is ideal for employees engaged in intellectual work.


If you adhere to the rules, then the state should return to normal, and fatigue should recede. When this does not happen, the problem can turn out to be much more serious, then the help of a competent specialist is required. We must not forget that work is just a part of life. You should not spend all your energy on it. You can choose activities that allow you to spend more time with your family, staying healthy and vigorous.

Everybody has periods of devastation and can be dealt with by following simple rules.

1. Identify the reason why you are tired of work

To change your life, you need to know what exactly needs to be changed. So ask yourself why you like or dislike yours. Understand what caused the job dissatisfaction.

You are underestimated, you don't like the team, the tight schedule, a lot overtime work? The reasons for dissatisfaction can be very different, and the most important thing is to find them.

2. Pay attention to health

Nerves at work make your health worse. A lot of workload, conflicts, loss of interest in work will certainly affect your well-being. And the employer does not need employees who are constantly sick. Therefore, here unexpected advice: if you have problems at work, pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, sleep well and eat well.

3. Find additional income that will help you relax

You have to work, even if you really don't want to. Nobody canceled the need to eat, the communal apartment is expensive, the family needs to be fed ... But if work does not bring pleasure, you need to find something to do that will bring it. And on which you can also make money.

If you're good at dancing, try teaching dance. If you paint, paint a picture and sell it. You can earn money by sewing, knitting or other handicrafts. Arrange online courses on a topic that you are well versed in. There are as many options as you have a lot of talents.

Of course, it is not necessary to make money in this way, but you can try.

4. Develop professionally

If you work in one position for a long time, the work becomes automatic and becomes boring. And if the thought came to mind that you already "know everything", this is a sign that you need to develop further. Because in the 21st century it is physically impossible to know everything.

Go to courses in your profile - they will tell you about what you missed, share their experience. And in classes in a different direction, you can master another profession, or at least learn to better understand what your colleagues are doing. And this is the beginning professional growth... At least ask your colleagues about what, how and why they are doing, and then look for more information on the Internet.

5. Change your environment

A workaholic cannot make new friends. Closing in close company colleagues, he forgets what normal personal communication is, loses the skills of friendly communication. And to support interesting conversation, you need to share something other than work information with others. Perhaps this is precisely the fact that you do not meet new people in your life, and the reason for fatigue lies. Think about who you communicate with more. If with colleagues, remember old connections outside of work or start new ones.

6. Remember why you got a job

A husband and wife who have lost their romance in a relationship are advised to remember the time when they met and the reason why they could not live without each other. Likewise, those who are tired of work need to remember why they came to work for this company at all. Perhaps your priorities in life have changed and your work no longer corresponds to them. Or the workflow itself has changed, the people who made it special have left the company. When you figure it out, you will understand what needs to be changed at work.

7. Take a break and rest

At serious problems at work, they are always advised to get distracted: take a vacation for at least a week, go at least to a neighboring city for a few days and see the sights. Correctly advised - a change of scenery helps clear thoughts. And then you can already look at the problems with a fresh look.

The main thing is to temporarily turn off your phone, tablet and other gadgets, not to read your work mail, so that no one can contact you on work issues.

The most important rule to follow if work is no longer fun is to change the situation urgently. How is another question. But if you continue to work in an unloved company, the work will cease to benefit both you and her.

To be tired all the time is terrible. Constant fatigue interferes with enjoying life, drains physical and moral strength. If you want to avoid this feeling, it's time to change your routine and habits. If you want to learn how to maintain vigor of body and spirit, and take everything from life - follow these steps.


Follow a thoughtful morning routine

  1. Wake up in a good mood. In order to wake up fresh, vigorous and start the day with a positive, it is very important to wake up on right side beds. Practicing morning routine, you need to determine what suits you best and carry out the plan every time in the morning. This will avoid morning distraction and haste. For right start day you need:

    • Do not set the alarm later. A few minutes of restless nap will get you nothing, and time will be wasted. Turn off the alarm and start preparing for the new day.
    • Take a deep breath, filling your lungs with air.
    • Get out of bed and smile. Don't waste time fiddling with your phone, yawning and tossing and turning in bed. The faster you get up, the better you will feel.
    • If you still feel sleepy, go to the balcony or open a window and breathe in the fresh morning air.
    • You need enough time to get ready. You might think that ten extra minutes of sleep will give you the vigor you need, but it actually robs you of the time you need to pack. Sleep is important, of course, but it’s just as important to leave the house fresh and calm, and not to run out to last moment, not really waking up yet.
  2. Wake up in the bathroom. Go to the bathroom and get ready for the new day. The bright light will wake you up completely, and brushing your teeth and combing your hair will help you tune in the right way. Here's what to do:

    • Splash cold water on your face.
    • Take a shower in the morning. Some people like to shower before bed, but a cool morning shower is wonderful way wake up. Just don't let the water get too warm, or you'll feel like going back to bed.
    • Maybe you should buy a radio in the bathroom and turn on invigorating music in the morning? And you can sing something yourself, it also invigorates.
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. This is very important for have a good day... The wrong breakfast, even worse - none at all, will not give you the necessary vigor and you will feel sluggish and tired all day. It's important to take the time to eat well, no matter how busy you are. Here are some foods to try:

    • Fruit, yoghurt and muesli.
    • Spinach, kale, or celery. You can try mixing them into a cocktail in a blender.
    • Eggs, lean ham, or poultry. There are a lot of proteins in such food, they will give you strength.
    • Oatmeal, whole grain bread, healthy flakes... Avoid sugary cereals, they provide energy immediately, but later you will feel tired.
    • Avoid foods soaked in fat, oil, or syrup. All this is great for breakfast on a weekend or for some special occasion when you want to relax and the level of concentration is not important.

    Stay awake throughout the day

    1. Let the senses remain stimulated. Then your mind will be stimulated and you will not be sleepy. You need to work, then the eyes, ears and even nose will work throughout the day and you will remain vigorous. Here are some ways to do this:

      • Chew gum or suck on a mint lozenge to keep your mouth working. If in the morning or evening on the way to work you feel tired, this method helps a lot.
      • Let there be light. If possible, make the light as bright as possible. Or better yet, sit closer to the window. Sitting in the sun can make you feel tired, but the proximity of the sunlight will invigorate you.
      • Wake up your sense of smell by sniffing the oil from peppermint... You can always carry a bottle with you.
      • If your eyes are tired of looking at one point, give them a little rest.
      • Listen to the music. Jazz, hip hop, rock can wake you up. A radio program will help, too, as you will have to listen more.
    2. Let the body work. This is as important as stimulating the senses. If the body is working, then the mind will also work. And all this can be done right at the desktop. There are several ways:

      • Pull your earlobes gently.
      • Pinch your forearm or under your knee.
      • Stretch your wrists.
      • Stretch your shoulders and neck.
      • If you think you are going to fall asleep, lightly bite your tongue.
    3. Exercise. Moderate exercise they will invigorate you, it will raise your energy level and give you strength. It is best to do the exercises in the morning or after lunch, which is when you need energy the most. If you train in the evening, then high level adrenaline will keep you awake. Here are some good workouts:

      • Go for a run early in the morning. Nothing will wake you up like fresh morning air.
      • Morning yoga class. Another great way to free your mind, improve your breathing, and tune in for the day ahead.
      • Team sports: football, volleyball, basketball. This will keep your body and mind toned.
      • Try to walk and walk more.
    4. If you do not have the opportunity to exercise, then simply physical activity all day long is already a big deal. Five to ten minutes of extra workload - good way cheer yourself up. There are several ways:

      • Walk more. If you are in school and are not so far from home, try to get there on foot rather than by bus. If you are at work, take a stroll down the hallway or across the street for coffee from time to time.
      • Try to avoid elevators and walk.
      • If you sit at a table all day, warm up and stretch from time to time.
    5. Eat a healthy diet. Correct breakfast - The best way It's a good start to the day, but you need to eat a nutritious meal throughout the day. Healthy foods will give you strength and energy, while unhealthy food will weaken and make you drowsy. Try the following tips to avoid fatigue:

      • When you feel a little hungry or tired, grab a snack. Take some healthy snacks with you, this will allow you not to spend money at kiosks and vending machines. Good snacks include nuts, dried fruits, and fruits. All this is very easy to carry.
      • Eat a healthy and balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacking from time to time will help you avoid overeating at lunch.
      • Avoid heavy, starchy, and fatty foods as well as alcohol. All this tires you and strains the digestive system.
      • Caffeine. If you need to feel energized, caffeine can help a lot. A cup of tea or coffee will always help, but do not overuse it, otherwise it will be bad.
      • Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Water will always revive you.

This article is for those who work in the office and want to know how to get tired less at work... In this article, I will share principles that help me feel less tired after working day.

Office work is, in principle, a rather tedious thing. Although it may sound strange to some people. How can a person who sits in one place all day get tired? In fact, fatigue builds up due to constant gazing at the monitor, eye strain, monotony, an abundance of incoming information, noise and stress. All of these factors are constituents.

Fatigue after sedentary work is more like nervous fatigue than physical fatigue, in the original meaning of the word. Fatigue symptoms are a heaviness in the head, irritability, Bad mood etc. It doesn't sound like everyone's (hopefully) familiar pleasant fatigue after physical activity.

It is not possible to completely eliminate this fatigue. Working 9 hours a day, 5 days a week for many years, plus the trip to the office, can tire even the strongest organism. But this fatigue can be minimized. Further I will tell you how.

Principle 1 - Get More Rest - Work Less

If you have the opportunity to take a break from work, then use each such occasion to recuperate and shift your gaze from the monitor to something else. When I say “take a break,” I don't mean to quit your job and start checking what was answered or surfing the internet. Move away from the monitor, walk down the street, breathe. Or just move away from the computer and try to relax, free your head from thoughts.

Working in front of the monitor tires you, no matter what you do: read working papers or study a blog post. Let's take a break from this.

Go outside at least once every two hours for 5 - 10 minutes.

Lunch time can also be used for walks. If you have an hour for lunch? and you manage to complete your meal before this time expires, then do not rush to return to your workplace. Take a walk and stretch your body. You can hang on the horizontal bars. Physical exercises great for relieving stress. It is only advisable to do this before lunch or a few hours after it.

Work less. Don't try to do as much work as possible in one day. If you can work less without compromising your paycheck, work less. This will save you some of your health and nerves. Work is not the most important thing in life.

Principle 2 - No multitasking!

I've noticed that if I don't try to do a lot of things at the same time at work, then by the evening I feel a lot less tired. But if I jump from one task to another all day: I reply to mail and comments, then write a couple of paragraphs of an article, then send a message to a friend on Skype, then by the end of such a day I usually feel rather tired.

The brain gets tired of multitasking... In addition, if you try to deal with several tasks at once, then the efficiency of each of them will be less, the greater the number of these tasks. When I am constantly distracted, I manage to do much less on each of the tasks than if I were doing these things separately from each other.

Therefore, try not to be distracted by extraneous matters whenever possible. Turn off ICQ and Skype, deal with work tasks consistently, you do not need to strive to satisfy requests from other employees as they come (unless, of course, they do not require urgent attention), finish first with your current affairs.

And of course, take rest breaks.

Principle 3 - Follow a routine

A work routine will help you use your strength effectively. Do the most difficult and time-consuming work in the morning, when you have the most strength. (I also wrote about this in the article) If you postpone the completion of tasks for later and are lazy, then you may have to perform them at a time when there will be less energy and the work will go harder, and you will get tired.

If you need to get work done by tomorrow, then don't put it off until the evening. In the evening, you will want to relax a little. Therefore, do everything as early as possible. Do not waste your morning on all sorts of nonsense, try to do everything as soon as possible, and only then, rest.

Principle 4 - Work remotely

Why not try asking your boss to transfer you to a remote job? If your work activity does not require a permanent presence in the office, then transferring you to remote employment will only save your company money! You will not need to pay for your workplace, rent extra space in office real estate, carry out cleaning and other maintenance there, etc. Why not?

Remote work will save you a lot of effort, time and money that you spend on the road. At home, you will be much less tired, even if you do the same amount of work as in the office! Why? Because at home you can always lie down, relax, pet the cat or take a refreshing shower. If you have completely finished work, say, at 16-00 and you have nothing to do for that day, then you do not need to pretend to be busy and wait for 18-00 to leave the workplace, as if you were working in an office.

In addition, an ordinary office is a public place. Staff scurrying back and forth, endless strangers telephone conversations, extraneous sounds - all this creates an unpleasant distracting background that affects you with fatigue. Add here still the road to the place of work and embarrassing business style clothes. The average office worker is on pins and needles at work, spending days in a public place with a bunch of strangers, inside the constant hustle and bustle. It is very difficult to relax in such an environment!

Someone will answer me that they cannot work at home due to laziness and lack of discipline, while in the office there is a boss who watches over you and, if something happens, will urge you on with an imaginary stick. It’s no good that you cannot organize your work on your own, in the absence of bosses and colleagues. People drive themselves into office walls thanks to their lack of independence: “We need a leader, a guy with a stick! We cannot work on our own! " It's time to learn to be independent and organized. ... Create and follow a daily routine. Learn to work without a warden or a driver.

Why not ask your supervisor about the teleworking option? Just ask, they won't do anything for you!

Bosses know that most office workers are as undisciplined as children. They should always be urged on, praised and scolded, watched over and kept in constant tension so that they do their job. For this, they are ready to pay the costs of your workplace and incur other costs. Prove to your bosses that you are not like that and that you can work on your own! Then you are more likely to get remote employment.

Did not work out? Well. This is not your last job. You can always find a place where you will be allowed to work remotely. Doesn't the profession allow? Change it. Learn new skills that will enable you to telecommute. If you set such a goal for yourself, follow it, and not just complain about the circumstances, then you will definitely get what you want.

Imagine how good it will be when you are not in traffic jams, drive in public transport listening to the conversations of colleagues and sitting in the office from call to call.

Principle 5 - Minimize Work Stress

The less stress you get, the less fatigue you get - a proven fact. Stop participating in intrigues, gossip behind your colleagues' backs. Be simpler about the work itself. Remember, at work you are just making money. You do your job, and for that you get your salary. That's it, you don't owe anyone anything else.

Do not worry about the fact that something does not work out for you, that your boss is not happy with you, that you are letting someone down. The worst thing that can happen is you will be fired, and if you are not on probationary period, then by law you will be required to pay compensation. Do not think about anything else, take all personal relationships outside the work brackets.

Management wants to keep employees on an emotional leash, so it tries to evoke an almost sacred attitude in employees about work functions and the company in which they work.

Treating work this way because your boss wants you to treat it can trigger a lot in you. unnecessary worries and stress. You will think about work at night and during the day, thinking only about making the client of the company happy, so that an error does not suddenly creep into your calculations, so that the boss does not scold you. This is all unnecessary. Treat work as a means of making money, not as the meaning of life, a matter of your honor and your sacred responsibility.

This will help you feel less stress.

Principle 6 - Improve the quality of your vacation!

Many people forget that the level of your fatigue is influenced not only by what you do during work, but also by what you do outside of it. To be less tired at work, you must, first of all, have better rest. Rest is perhaps one of the most important factors which determines your fatigue.

Spend time after work in a relaxed, home environment... Read, lie in bed. Take easy walks, bike rides, or jogs. This will help relieve fatigue and rest.

Avoid public places after work, you already spent all day in such a place! Take a break from people and noise. Take a break from information! All day your brain was busy processing data. Relieve him of this work, at least in the evening. No need to sit at the monitor and read the Internet all evening. This will only lead to more fatigue!

On weekends, try to devote at least one day to a good rest, and not to shopping or visiting relatives. If you have a summer cottage, great. Spend time in nature and in silence. Remember noisy parties a large number of alcohol - are not good rest. Alcohol only draws out of you the strength you need at work!

If you follow these tips, you will notice how much easier your work has become and how much better you feel at the end of your day! Yesterday I spent the whole evening after work at home. Before going to bed, I lay in bed and listened to calm music and now, on Friday, I feel full of strength even though the end is coming working week and there is less strength left ...

The same cannot be said about the other days this week. I was preparing for my vacation and went shopping after work buying camping gear. This exhausted me greatly, which had a very bad effect on my tone the next day. It was much more difficult to work and write articles and I was very tired.

Principle 6 - Don't Stay Long at Work!

This, I think, is obvious, but all the same, this point will not be superfluous. Remember, you are entitled to a 9-hour workday, (including lunch) and nothing can make you work overtime for free! Free overtime is the exploitation of employees by the bosses, who speculate on the human sense of responsibility (I wrote about this in the article). Working 8 hours every day, except weekends, is already quite a lot, not to mention working beyond that time.

So spare your health and get up and leave at the end of the day. It is your right. If you do not have time for something, although you worked properly, then this is the problem of the company, which hired few employees and gave them too much work, and not yours.

Principle 7 - Drink less tea and coffee

As paradoxical as it sounds, the caffeine in tea and coffee increases fatigue and drains your energy. I wrote about this in more detail in the article. The more coffee you drink, the more you get tired and the more your efficiency decreases.

The absence or low amount of caffeine at work helps to evenly distribute energy throughout the working day. But if you consume a lot of caffeine in the composition different drinks, then after a surge of vivacity, a period of fatigue naturally follows. The tone you get from a cup of coffee doesn't come out of nowhere.

If you can’t do anything without a cup of coffee, then it’s an addiction. If you get rid of it, you will no longer need caffeine at all.

Principle 8 - Strengthen the Body

Than in a nicer physical form you are, the more energy and strength you have and the less you get tired. Go in for sports, throw bad habits, eat healthy food, get enough sleep, meditate. All this will help you to always be in good shape and get less stress.

it last advice but one of the most important! Please take the time to take care of yourself and your health!

Final Words

As I said at the beginning of the article, office work, in any case, tiresome, no matter what you do. In my opinion, the time allocated for weekends and vacations is not able to satisfy a person's need for good rest. And given the lifestyle that many people lead: smoke, drink, lead a sedentary lifestyle, stay late at work and do not normally rest even during vacation, we can say that good rest many people don't know at all.

Either way, you will get tired.

Remember, office work in front of a monitor, next to strangers until retirement is not the only life alternative. You can organize your life so that you have more rest, less monotonous, meaningless and unloved work, spend more time at home, with loved ones and children, instead of seeing them only on weekends.

As I like to say, everything is in your hands.

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1 year ago

When I graduated from the institute ten years ago, I got a job ...

Stretch the day for 44 hours ...


This, perhaps, believes practical psychologist Sergey Mukhin. And offers original method... the greatest Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci (the artist was, by the way, a brilliant psychologist). With this method you can "Stretch" the day as much as you want - at least 44 hours! And - to embrace the immensity, being always in good health.

Today everyone, always and everywhere, is sorely short of time, - says Sergei Vasilyevich Mukhin, - neither the "high-speed" human assistants - computers, nor the cars that almost "fly" on the roads can save. Everyone is in a hurry anyway! Business people do not have time to redo all the cases that have befallen them on time and prepare for important meetings, negotiations, meetings. Applicants do not have enough night before exams to master a huge amount of new information. Even retirees are in a hurry somewhere, nervous in queues for doctors in clinics and social institutions.

But it is possible to stretch the day so that there are at least 25 hours in them. There is a method tested for centuries. He was really created and experienced many times by the “universal genius” - Leonardo da Vinci. Almost five centuries ago on own experience the artist proved that there can be ... 44 hours in a day.


The genius left-hander Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) during his 67 years not only created the famous "La Gioconda", "Portrait of a Lady with an Ermine", "Adoration of the Magi" and other brilliant canvases, an incredible number of drawings and sketches, having spent, by the way, on "art" for a smaller part of his life, but he was also a sculptor, architect, scientist, engineer. Made numerous discoveries, led experimental research in the field of mathematics, geology, botany, hydraulics, optics, physics, geometry, he studied the nature of cataclysms ... He was engaged in the design of weapons, city planning, installation of heating systems ... He was interested in medicine, biology, botany, aeronautics. A notebooks and the manuscripts contain almost 7 thousand sheets.

- M
legally educated person with an unrestrained thirst for knowledge and activity, Leonardo seemed wrong that it took too much time to sleep and a person did not have time for his short life... And he decisively rebuilt his regime: he slept only 2-4 hours a day, and the rest of the time he was engaged in creativity. Moreover, he also divided the time allotted for sleep into parts: 15 minutes for sleep, then 4 hours for work, then again a short nap. And so, day after day, year after year!

A natural question arises: why? Everything is quite simple: it is known that the first hours after sleep are considered the most favorable for creativity and activity - at this time the brain functions perfectly. Its working capacity at this time increases 6-10 times! If you consciously “put yourself to sleep” for a short while every four hours, then, accordingly, the number of hours favorable in terms of inspiration and performance will increase.

In principle, to master the technique of increasing the day (“stretching” the time), perhaps, anyone can do it, even a lazy person, does not require any special efforts... It will be useful for businessmen who are always in a hurry, and for young mothers who suffer from chronic lack of sleep, and who want to quickly learn a foreign language, and who suffer from insomnia, and those who wish to discover new creative opportunities in themselves.

For example, I managed to master Leonardo's technique, - says Sergey Mukhin. - There was a need: without interrupting my work, having a higher technical education, I decided to get a psychological one as well. So you can start exercising right after reading these lines. Having mastered the Leonardo method, you will be able to do in a week what you would not have done in six months, living as usual.

But it is not enough to learn to “sleep shortly” and to work a lot, you must still remain in excellent physical and mental shape. The main thing, as physiologists, psychologists and hygienists now assess the Leonardo phenomenon, is to relax your body more often and “clear” your head from annoying thoughts.


Relaxation before bed.

First: stand up and shake your hands, as if throwing off them nervous tension... Second, rub your hands together vigorously to keep your palms warm. If you go to bed with clenched fists, sleep will not come to you immediately, because the tension from your hands will spread to the whole body.

Relaxation while working. Relaxing throughout the day is helpful as it helps you maintain self-control and composure in any situation! Stretch and pretend to yawn sweetly - this relaxes the muscles in your face. Yawning is associated with deep subconscious processes: it automatically induces a state of relaxation. Yawning is very contagious: as soon as we see that someone around yawns sweetly, we also begin to yawn.

Yawn to your health. Many Japanese employers oblige their employees to yawn (!) And stretch every 45 minutes. Physiologists are sure that such pauses in work relieve nervous system workers and, as a result, help to increase labor productivity.

Breathe in your belly and listen to your breathing.

And if at the same time you will still listen to a cassette with a recording of the sea surf: inhale - high tide, exhale - low tide, you will kill two birds with one stone. Relax physiologically and psychologically in a matter of minutes. After all, nothing soothes a person like the sound of waves replacing each other. Being in the mood for breathing will help you sleep better and stay alert.

If you can't breathe with your belly right away, you will have to practice.

Workshop: lyagte on your back and put your hands on your stomach, then inflating it, then relaxing it (at a slow pace). Do you feel how your hand either rises, as at high tide, then drops, as at low tide? It means that you are doing everything right. (And inhale through the nose, yawning imperceptibly, when the lips do not open, and exhale with little resistance and much longer.) Do this for 5-10 minutes. Each time making it easier, calmer, imagining that both you and the sea are calming down. In two or three weeks you will “breathe” correctly automatically. Belly breathing improves metabolism, helps maintain abdominal muscles perfect condition without any diet or exercise.

Think positively.

Relaxing your body, try to get rid of bad thoughts and daytime experiences that interfere with sleep. Imagine a pleasant episode. For example, your trip to the sea or a walk in the park. And try to restore these pictures in memory in the smallest detail and detail. The more vividly you represent these events, the more reliably your brain will perceive them. And the sooner calmness and relaxation will come. We hope that these recommendations will make it easier for you to fall asleep; making it fast and enjoyable.

Rise! Now let's discuss how to learn to wake up in 10-15 minutes, so as not to miss the time for creative inspiration and maximum performance. The easiest way is to set an alarm. But if it was not there (for example, you decided to take a nap right at the workplace), you can use other methods. For example, “start” your internal “alarm clock”, setting yourself up that you definitely need to wake up in a quarter of an hour. Not relying on yourself? Then the “old-fashioned” method will help you (by the way, Salvador Dali used it): if you are going to “take a nap” a little, take the keys or a spoon in your hand. About 15 minutes after you fall asleep, they will fall out and you will wake up.