How empty talk takes energy. How to save energy. Man and his energy body

How not to lose your energy. 12 simple rules

It often happens to me Bad mood or everything just falls out of hand and this state does not go away for days, or even weeks. And you can't understand why this is happening. The reason for this is that I spend my energy on the wrong things and simply lose my energy, which accumulates from the positive events of life. I began to notice a long time ago that it gets worse for me when I do something at someone’s request and rather out of necessity, and I don’t want to do this at all. Or, for example, when a person tells me about his problems, I give advice and I think that the person’s life will get better, and then you meet with him and he again talks about the same thing and I advise again. I meet for the third time and again the same thing ... And so from time to time ... And I understand that a person does not hear me and he does not need my advice at all if he continues to bang his head against the wall and wants, probably to gouge it ... You can’t imagine how hard it becomes at such moments. And most likely out of desperation. Probably from the fact that you want to make the life of loved ones and friends brighter and happier, but over time you begin to understand that everyone lives in their own little world and spoils their life as much as they can.

In general, this is such a long prologue to the information that I found today. I found some things that make me lose energy. I share information, maybe someone else will use it to save their personal energy

12 natural laws , the basic rules that show the sources of energy loss. Formulated by yoga gurus Ar Santem. Don't take them as a rule, check in action.

1. You need it - you do it.
Very often you can encounter someone who says what we need to do. But is there any point in doing something that does not bring the slightest benefit to you personally? The result of any of our activities and actions should be at least gratitude or a feeling of dignity. Energy is always a reward to us for something. If others begin to unload their worries on us, we will never get due pleasure from doing this work and, accordingly, inspiration for new job, new cases.

2. Do not ask - do not go.
Often, under the guise of good intentions, we try to influence the choices of other people, their thinking, actions and actions. And what do we get in return for this? At a minimum, no gratitude, but at a maximum condemnation. It is not possible to teach another person from your mistakes, everyone has to go their own way.

3. Don't promise. Promise - do it.
When promises are heard from our lips, do we become freer and richer in this case? What happens if we don't keep our promises? How does this reflect on our reputation, not only in someone else's eyes, but in our own?

4. Do not refuse a request.
When we are asked, this implies gratitude for the performance of a certain service. This gratitude helps to feel their own value and significance. And this, in turn, serves us internal source energy of self-respect.

5. Don't share information until you've made it yours.
Be careful and prudent when revealing your goals and intentions to someone. Sometimes ridiculous remarks or harsh judgment can cut your wings and goals will lose their former significance for you.
Also, do not advise others what has not yet been tested on own experience. If your word is always based on your experience, people will appreciate it.

6. Don't get stuck or get attached.
It is obvious that when at some point in our life we ​​become attached to one thing (object, person, work), we slow down our own development. If we are marking time in one place, then we do not receive new energy.

7. Don't set a goal (The goal should serve as a beacon).
The goal is not what they crash into and what they hit, the goal is the vector direction of your activity. If you see a certain end point in your goals, then upon reaching them you may experience emptiness and disappointment.
Most best goals- endless goals, for example, the goal of self-development and self-knowledge.

8. Live in the present (happy), here and now.
The energy that came to us today needs to be directed and spent on today. The best that we can do with the past and the future can always be done only now in this present moment.

9. Do not judge, do not criticize.
The habit of criticizing and condemning is a sign of one's own low self-esteem. By criticizing others, we evoke negative feedback from them and this is tantamount to self-criticism.

10. Nature doesn't have bad weather.
If you learn to see in unsuccessful attempts another proven, but not suitable for this case option, not the last possible, but in difficult circumstances - an environment for our own personal development, then we will not simply waste energy on mourning, but will calmly move forward.

11. Don't interfere.
Speak when you are ready to listen and hear. Do not impose yourself and your advice on people. In this case, you will always get zero for yourself, and maybe even negative result and also waste energy.

12. Always and everywhere ask permission.
Show respect for other people's property, whether intellectual or physical. Otherwise, get ready to waste energy on excuses.

Do you often feel weak, empty and catch yourself thinking that you don't want to do anything? Of course, you can rely on problems at work, in the family or on bad weather. But that doesn't make it any easier. In this case, there is only one way out - to figure out what is the reason for this condition.

In most cases, the reason for the deterioration internal state and even health problems are associated with the loss of energy, which is not replenished in any way. As a rule, this is not related to energy vampirism, but with the inability of a person to independently control and accumulate energy.

For full life a person needs a supply of two types of energy - physical and mental. We receive the first and replenish with proper nutrition, healthy sleep, sports - and everything that strengthens our body and makes it healthier.

As for the second type of energy, psychic, it is much more difficult to replenish its reserves. We are charged with psychic energy when we are loved, respected, appreciated, praised when we do what we love. In this case, it is important to understand that psychic energy you can not only absorb, accept, but also share it. The transfer of this energy is carried out with the help of emotions. And here an invisible danger can lie in wait for any person.

Every day we do things or behave in the usual way without realizing that it harms us.

What behavioral scenarios entail a drain on energy and can provoke a deterioration in the physical and mental state?

Negative emotions. This includes not only quarrels, but also envy, resentment, discontent and much more. If we talk about anger, then this is a clear indicator of when your subconscious is signaling to you that you are not doing what you want, or you are surrounded unpleasant people. Based on this signal, you can make a decision: give away the energy of this anger and continue to do nothing, or make a decision and start doing. Sometimes being angry with yourself is necessary, and even useful. This is what will make you move on. But never use negative emotions to blame others for your failures.

As for grievances, it is important to remember here that they should not be accumulated. It is important to immediately express everything that is sore, even if it is painful and unpleasant. If you learn not to keep resentment and anger in yourself, then relationships with people can change. Of course, the changes can be negative, but in any case, this will help you understand the relationship, improve it, and also facilitate communication and remove the stone from the heart.

Inability to forgive and ask for forgiveness. By mastering this skill, you will protect yourself from a large energy drain. You will feel tremendous relief. Just imagine, if you keep grievances in yourself, especially old ones, then in a few years they can accumulate so much that it will be difficult for you to cope with such a burden. Therefore, learn to let go of the past and take a philosophical attitude to everything that happens in the moment “here and now”.

Hanging out with bad people.
If you are surrounded by people who live in the negative, urgently change the environment! Look for positive and successful people who can support and inspire you to good deeds. Eliminate communication with negative people, stop talking about the topics “everything is bad” and “nothing will work out”. This is a big waste of energy. Train yourself to think positively, because in any situation there is something good, it is important to find it.

Perfectionism. Yes, yes, excessively high demands on your loved one is also fraught with a loss of energy. Perfectionism hinders the achievement of desired goals. Because of this, we begin to underestimate ourselves, fixate on mistakes, perceive criticism acutely, which leads to a loss of energy. A person cannot afford to spend a lot of time doing something, hoping to bring it to perfection. At least it's unreasonable.

Indiscriminate sexual contact. A man and a woman need an equal exchange of energy during sex. A random connection gives a physical discharge, but at the same time, losses at the energy level are irreplaceable. Many, after an accidental unconscious sexual contact feel emptiness, shame and even disgust. Without mutual feelings life force is wasted. And, for example, cheating on a loved one can suck up to 50% of your vital energy! Draw your own conclusions.

Every person is born with a huge energy potential, it is inherent in us by nature. Lose or save and replenish your stock life force- depends only on us. Learn to be aware of everything you do and say, then you can easily balance your energy resources.

Impossible to live fully happy life if we constantly feel tired and apathetic. Therefore, today we have a very important topic about energy for life, or rather, let's talk about how we lose energy.

In this world, everything is much more complicated than we think. Everything has its own meaning and everything is influenced by a wide variety of energies. And of course, a person is also absolutely completely captivated by energies. This is worth considering.

We will not go into very deep questions and just talk about what takes energy from a person, gradually making him sick. For the most part, these are things familiar to an ordinary person.

Through what we lose strength and energy?

So what causes energy loss? Read carefully and note what is taking place in your life. Accordingly, in order to stop losing energy, you will need to remove the negative moments found from your life.

IN without fail I want to make one warning: treat all recommendations reasonably, without fanaticism. What you can't take on this moment, then just skip it, and gradually introduce what seems quite acceptable to you into your life.

The main thing is to use real life what you learn otherwise from simple reading there will be very few articles. It is by practicing the necessary useful things in our lives that we truly begin to understand and accept them.

14 reasons why we lose energy

  • dissatisfaction with one's fate

It just takes us great amount energy. When we do not appreciate what we have in life, when we do not know how to accept fate, no matter what it is, then we begin to destroy ourselves.

As a result of dissatisfaction with one's fate, such emotions arise as anger, despondency, regret, and so on. They destroy the human psyche (subtle body), and then the physical body.

One of the signs that you have dissatisfaction with your fate: you regret the past or fear the future.

For example, a person regrets that 5 years ago he did not invest money somewhere, as a result of which he could be rich now. Or a person is afraid that in the future he may be left without a job and will not be able to earn enough money, which is a sign of unbelief and atheism.

  • aimless and meaningless life

Frankly, many people live meaningless lives. They do not have specific goals in life, they do not really understand what they want from life. Today it is called fashionable: "to live like everyone else."

It also takes a lot of energy, which is spent in the void for some unknown reason. And this serious problem these days.

Accordingly, it is very important to learn to set goals and achieve them. It helps direct energy to right direction, and not scatter it on anything. For setting and achieving goals, I recommend that you study the article:

  • setting selfish goals and striving to achieve them

As you can see, it is not enough to learn how to set and achieve goals. You also need to know what goals should be.

If we have goals that are aimed only at our personal benefit (well, or for the benefit of the family), then these goals are selfish, and we are also the most common egoists. It is even worse if the achievement of our goals causes harm or suffering to at least some living beings (for example, the meat or alcohol business).

In this case, we turn into a kind of cancerous tumor on the body of the Universe. And as is customary to deal with malignant tumor, we will gradually be “cut out of the body”, depriving us of energy and happiness.

Therefore, in order to understand how we lose energy in this regard, it is necessary to analyze our goals and aspirations in life. Unfortunately for us, most of them are selfish.

This article would be helpful:

  • resentment

We often underestimate the harm that resentment does. It would seem that he was offended, and that's okay. But it leaves a deep imprint in our subconscious and destiny.

Ayurveda says that as a result of insults, our mental body is affected, and after a while this begins to manifest itself on physical body in the form of diseases that require a lot of energy to fight. By and large, all health problems are the result of problems of a more subtle mental plane.

It is important to learn to forgive everyone and everything, and even better to learn not to be offended, which can only truly happy people. This ability comes only as a result of many years of work on oneself, character traits, habits, lifestyle.

  • restless mind

How many problems come from restless mind how many stupid things we do because of it. The sages say that any decisions, especially important ones, should be made only when the mind is absolutely calm and we are not under the influence of emotions.

When the mind is restless, it constantly rushes from one object to another, some thoughts, desires, etc. constantly arise in it. Much of this is not destined to become a reality, which makes the mind even more restless. This is one of the most important reasons how we lose energy.

It is extremely important to learn how to calm the mind. Remember that a restless mind is the enemy of man, but a calm and reasonable mind is our friend.

  • stupid and irresponsible attitude to food

On this point, you can write a whole book, or even more than one. First, it is worth knowing that a significant part of the energy of our body is spent on the digestion of food. And the more we violate adequate nutrition rules, the more energy will go into this area.

How do we lose energy by ignoring reasonable nutrition rules?

I will try as briefly as possible to list the main mistakes in the diet of a modern person:

  1. Overeating, especially at night. Again, Ayurveda advises to get up from the table with a feeling of slight satiety and a feeling that you could eat more. Then digestion will take place the best way and drowsiness will not pile up.
  2. Use fried or old food. You can learn about fried foods on your own if you wish. Old food is considered to be food that was cooked more than 3 hours ago. In such food, the process of decomposition already begins.
  3. food consumption, cooked in microwave oven or similar electrical devices. The best food is cooked on an open fire (on a fire, but not kebabs, which do not bring any benefit), followed by food cooked in an oven, then on gas, and only then on an electric stove, microwave ovens, etc.
  4. Eating food grown in artificial conditions or when adding chemical fertilizers containing preservatives and various chemical additives.
  5. Eating food prepared by a person who was experiencing at that moment any negative emotions(anger, resentment, hatred, envy, etc.). In Ayurveda, it is said that the emotions of the cook are also transferred to the food that he prepares, therefore it is advised to think about something good, preferably about God, when preparing food.
  6. The use of products such as white sugar, white flour, coffee, black tea, meat, alcohol. This may be news to you, but these products take a lot of our energy.
  7. Eating in a hurry or on the run. Meals should be in calm environment, without thinking about something abstract. It is better to focus on the food itself, on its taste, smell, etc.

By the way, some useful information for this you can take

  • useless empty talk

Through speech, a person also takes a lot of energy, especially if we have empty conversations about nothing. It is even worse when we criticize or condemn someone.

It is necessary to strive to talk on lofty topics or speak only to the point. This applies more to men, while women need to speak out periodically, as they relieve mental stress.

  • smoking

Smoking is bad, that's a fact. I will not write much here, it is better to study the article:

  • being under the lines sunbeams from 12-00 to 16-00

How do we lose energy due to simple interaction with the sun? Very simple: we are under open rays in the middle of the day.

This is especially unfavorable in the desert, so those who like to relax in the south, be careful with excursions in the middle of the day under the scorching sun. Unfortunately, many people do not know that from 12 to 16 hours in the open sun a person loses energy, and they are happy to go sunbathing at this time.

  • wrong breathing

Yogis say that the less often a person breathes, the longer he will live. Try to understand these words intelligently. Breathing should be calm and even. Many Eastern practices include elements of pranayama, breathing exercises thanks to which a person calms the mind and harmonizes the processes in the body.

When a person breathes often and at the same time deeply, he loses a lot of energy, the work of many can go astray. internal organs etc.

  • primitive and stupid attitude towards sex

To be frank, in the first place, sex is not a tool for pleasure, but an activity aimed at conceiving children. In addition, Ayurveda claims that excessive passion for sex takes a lot of energy.

Sex must be treated wisely. Best Option- this is sex with a beloved husband or wife, if available mutual desire both.

When a person has sex with anyone, in the absence of love for a partner, it will take a lot of energy. Sex without desire and promiscuity in general is a path not only to loss of energy, but also to degradation.

  • disruption of the day

The wrong attitude to the daily routine is how we lose energy in most cases. This is a very common reason. Many of us violate the daily regimen constantly, but do not even think about how this affects their health and life in general.

This is the question with which many people begin their self-development. And it is really very important. If we sleep a lot or very little, then there will be practically no strength for a normal rich life. Also, sleeping after 7 am is harmful and does absolutely no good.

To understand the issues related to the regime of the day, the article will help you:

  • unnecessary or excessive tension of the mind and body

Often a person wants to get something so badly that he “climbs out of his skin”. This is an activity in passion that does not bring long-term satisfaction, peace and happiness.

Reasonable and educated person knows that a lot of things in our life depend not only on us. If you look around, you can see that there are poor people, and there are rich people, there are smart people, and there are stupid people. Why it happens? Why can't everyone become rich and smart?

The answer is simple: everyone gets in life what they deserved in past lives. And if you are not supposed to become rich, then you even beat your head against the wall, but you will not succeed. Although outwardly sometimes it turns out (someone steals, someone deceives, etc.), but such wealth does not bring happiness.

Therefore, it is most reasonable to relax and just live. This does not mean that you should not strive for anything, but it does mean that you do not need to pay very much attention to it. There are more important things in life. Remember that death makes everyone equal from a material point of view. But with the spiritual - it depends on you ...

  • greed and greed

This is one of the most common vices of our time. It is important to understand this issue not only in order to understand how we lose energy, but also to find out main way become healthy, happy and successful.

Greed is the desire to receive more than to give. Almost all modern people, with rare exceptions, greedy in one way or another. This is due to the actively disseminated philosophy of consumption. Adherents of this philosophy believe that the more a person has wealth the happier he will be.

In other words, in order to get something, you need to give something, and in terms of energy, you don’t have to give it. less than that what we want to get, but rather more. Violators of this law God, the universe, nature begins to deprive of energy, so that, in the end, a person understands that he is doing something wrong. Unfortunately, understanding does not come as quickly as we would like.

On the basis of greed, greed arises in a person, this is an irrepressible desire to receive more and more. But remember that material senses and a frenzied mind cannot be satisfied.

How to restore energy through the natural elements of the universe?

We have covered in some detail how we lose energy. I think it made you think, at least.

Now, as a small bonus, you will learn how you can restore energy through the elements of nature. The enlightened yogis of our time tell us about this, so you should pay attention to what the sages advise.

  • Restoration of energy through the element of Earth

This includes food natural food, living in nature, walking barefoot on the ground, contemplating trees, etc.

This is drinking water from wells and streams, swimming in the river and the sea, avoiding alcohol, caffeinated drinks, soda.

  • Filling with energy through the element element of Fire

Exposure to the sun during acceptable times of the day, eating fruits, grains and other foods that contain sunlight.

  • Restoration of vital energy through the element of Air

Inhalation clean air in the mountains, forest, on the seashore. Avoidance of smoking and places large cluster of people.

  • Recovery of energy through the element of Ether (space)

This is the base level, which includes cultivation positive thinking, kindness and good mood.

In cities, especially large ones, it is not very favorable to live, but if there is no other way out, then know that temples, churches, monasteries are the source of energy there.

How We Lose Energy: Article Summary

Let's sum up the article. Now you have information about how we lose energy and then everything depends on you.

Certainly, the best choice, is to start working on these issues, gradually getting rid of everything that deprives us of health and energy. It's a choice reasonable person. At the very least, you no longer have the right to say, “I didn't know about that. They didn't tell me."

Manage the acquired knowledge wisely. Once again, I will list 14 reasons why we lose energy:

  1. Dissatisfaction with fate;
  2. Life without goals and without much meaning;
  3. The desire to achieve selfish goals and even their simple setting;
  4. Grievances are obvious and hidden;
  5. restless mind;
  6. Violation of reasonable dietary rules;
  7. Empty talk;
  8. Smoking;
  9. Being under the sun from 12 to 16 hours;
  10. Wrong breathing;
  11. Wrong attitude towards sex;
  12. Violation of the daily routine;
  13. Unnecessary tensions of the mind and body; Sergei Yuriev 2017-08-28 05:00:29 2018-10-15 15:40:52 How we lose energy: 14 reasons for lack of health

Recently, I was approached by a young man who is dating a girl and is thinking of making a decision. That is, legalize your relationship with her.

The question was this: is it worth it or not to get married now or wait?

Unexpected, right? You can say: if you want - get married, but if there are doubts, then maybe you shouldn't?

But we went the other way: we looked at him and her matrix.

The result was announced: do not rush.

According to her matrix, she turned out to be much lower in energy than him and a hidden despot, that is, simply, an energy vampire.

It will roll up scandals, tantrums from scratch are possible. Then, he will quickly calm down and say: are you still angry? That is, he will quickly forget his claims, although in a quarrel he will recall what happened before our era and that you are to blame for the fact that the Earth is spinning in the wrong direction.

Of course, I exaggerate, but often a vampire manifests itself in this way: he needs to take a certain part of the energy from you in order to feed himself, and when there is enough energy, then peace comes in his body (read - in the brain). And the person from whom this energy came becomes irritable, lethargic, without strength.

How to identify a vampire and how to protect yourself?

  1. If a person is unpleasant to you, causes rejection in you, you should not hang around with him. You run into him at work - stay away from him and do not take his statements in your direction as the last truth. When talking to him, cross your arms over your chest - close. You can put a fiddle in your pocket or behind your back. Your brain will hold on to what you SHOULD be doing and the vampire's words won't be as dangerous to you.
  2. Do not be a vest either at work or at home, because vampires often wind up side by side. We bring them home ourselves. And to work with a vest means to collect all the negativity that a person will dump on you. You will get sick, and the released person will feel much better and, next time, he will look for you to dump the negativity.
  3. Does your neighbor with her problems constantly come running to you and cry? Put the scissors point forward from the door under the rug, floorboard, porch and she will forget the way to your house.
  4. Vampires love emotional people. You, spilling your emotions, give food to those who want to profit from your energy.
  5. They don't pick on dull, whiny, emotionally weak people: nothing to profit from.
  6. Do not lisp with vampire children, do not follow their lead. Otherwise, you will get it when they grow up: who doesn’t drink blood from them, if not from their beloved parents.
  7. Don't hang out with what you think is a vampire: the disease is contagious. Experiencing a constant decline in strength, you yourself will look for someone from whom you can feed on energy. The body will accept this as the norm and you will gradually move into the category of vampires.

If everything is clear, take care of yourself.