How to attract a soul mate with runes. How to Attract Love into Your Life: Three Effective Rites Rite of passage to attract a man into your life

Brings a hurricane of emotions to a person's life. Yes, these emotions are not always positive and inspiring.

But the whole kaleidoscope of feelings accompanying the relationship between a man and a woman forms feeling full and connected to life.

Someone finds a pair easily, due to random circumstances. And someone while away days and nights alone, waiting for a magical turn of events (as in novels or films).

Is it worth it to be inactive, submitting to the will of fate? Or better take the first step towards happiness? And how to attract love into your life?

Is it worth looking?

Love for all ages. But it is generally accepted in society that romantic relationships and dizzying romances are this is the lot of young people.

In fact, this belief is based on the social activity of various age groups:

What dream provokes female loneliness and how to attract love:

How to determine your readiness?

How can a person know:

Can you find your soul mate? Learn from the video:

Affordable and popular methods

Where to look for love? IN modern world you can find love anywhere... And it's a sin not to use these opportunities.


Most young people have not yet settled down, so it will not be difficult to find a lonely and promising person in terms of relationships.

For the older generation, it would be quite logical to take advantage of the opportunities dating sites... The most important thing is to carefully work on the profile.

You should not exhibit photos in overly seductive outfits, throw your old photos (student period, for example).

And of course, immediately indicate the requirements for potential partners to reduce the circle of potential weeding out candidates who are not suitable for you.


If you have employees of the opposite sex in your team, it will be quite easy to build a relationship with a colleague you like. After all, you you are near every day and have the opportunity to communicate.

Entertainment and hobbies

For young people the most in an accessible way make an acquaintance are various establishments(clubs, cafes, hookah bars, bars, etc.).

Older people should not rely on this method of dating, because there is a high risk of running into an infantile party-goer / tsu.

Better to give preference sports clubs, cinemas and theaters, events such as presentations and exhibitions, as well as various thematic clubs.


Why not? Park, embankment, squares and beaches- these are exactly the places where lonely hearts come in search of harmony.

Just raise your head and take a look around, maybe you have been a casual passer-by who wants to get to know you for half an hour.

Do you need to look for your love or will she find you on her own? Legendary Nick Vujicic:

What attracts the feeling?

Love attracts inner attitude... It's enough to dress nicely, update your hairstyle, leave the house with a smile and open up to people.

Communicate, laugh at really funny jokes, do not be afraid to burst into a general dialogue with your thoughts.

And of course flirt. Playful mood captivates and falls in love.

What methods and techniques are used?

To attract love:

How do you attract love? Imaging method:

How to meet your love, your soul mate?


For men:

  • be persistent;
  • don't cling to your freedom;
  • take the first steps;
  • give up banal actions and phrases;
  • listen to the advice of women you know;
  • don't be afraid to show your true face;
  • always keep the promises made to your beloved (even in small things);
  • don't be ashamed to be romantic and gentle.

Attracting a loved one. The Law of Attraction of Love:

What cannot be done?

What doesn't work and is completely useless?

Many lonely people desperate to find love resort to magic.

Maybe it works. Perhaps it works as a placebo effect.

But if you turned to a fortune teller and after that sat on the sofa to wait for a miracle, the prince / princess will not burst into your apartment with a bouquet of flowers or a plate of freshly baked pancakes.

You can't shut yourself up and let everything go to the mercy of fate. Be active and cheerful, go out and connect with others.

You can not complain to others about your loneliness and hate the whole world. Negativity breeds negativity. If you want to meet love through judging the universe and its mechanisms, prepare yourself to be disappointed.

And, of course, you cannot leave reality into a fantasy world. Real life- not a woman's novel and not a fairy tale. And trying to find the ideal will nullify your chances of a happy and fulfilling relationship.

Meditation on bringing love into your life:

Love is the most important and valuable feeling in the life of every person. Meet your your soul mate and live nearby all your life, perhaps using one of three effective rituals that attract love.

Even unrequited love contains a lot strong emotions: some of them contribute to creation, others to destruction, but they make life brighter anyway. However, the preponderance towards the negative and long suffering can lead to almost complete exhaustion. vitality... If you feel that you are literally obsessed with some person and cannot imagine life without him, then it is likely that you have become a victim of a love spell.

Get rid of the imposed feeling and find inner harmony you can spend it cool down - a special ritual that helps you stop loving and forget any person.

If there is no loved one in your life and you want to experience the feeling mutual love, unity and harmony, then three can help you strongest ritual, tested by generations of people who have found their true destiny.

Call a loved one to the wind

This way will fit to those who are not in love with a specific man or a specific woman, but wants to attract a partner in his life that meets all your expectations. To carry out the ceremony, you will need:

  • a piece of paper;
  • red handle;
  • dried mint leaves;
  • dry rose petals;
  • refractory dishes;
  • matches.

To begin with, stay alone and focus on the image of the person you want to see next to you. Take your time and write down all the specifications on paper. After the image is described, read the resulting out loud, visualizing how the described person comes into your life. Place the description sheet in a fireproof dish and burn it. After that, add mint and rose petals to the ash, open the window and spread the contents of the container in the wind with the words:

“I call the four winds as witnesses and messengers: Mighty winds, carry my word around the Earth, in the four cardinal directions, bring it to my fate, call my fate, whisper my name, bring me to me! Truly! "

On the night after the ceremony, do not close the window and try to remember your dreams: it is likely that it is in them that you will find the answer to how soon your fate will change.

Attract love with water

This method is suitable for those who have experienced the pain of parting with past love and wants to forget all the bad in new happy relationship... To conduct it, you need an open flowing source and solitude.

Come to the source in the morning, dip your palms in the water and imagine all the bad things that you have experienced in your past relationship. If those memories make you cry, don't hold them back. Water will take away all the bad things, and after a while you will feel empty inside. At this moment, raise your hands out of the water and say the words of the conspiracy:

"Water sister, accept the pain, wrap it up with happiness!"

Imagine in your mind the image of the person you want to meet, and again, for a few moments, lower your hands into the water. Then go home without speaking to anyone.

Find your happiness with fire

The third ritual was used by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. To make what you want, you will need any source of fire: from a small candle to a fire. The location of the ceremony also depends on your capabilities. In addition to fire, you need small scissors.

When left alone, give yourself time to think carefully about your desire. Make sure that you are definitely ready not only to receive, but also to give warmth and care to your future partner yourself. The "fiery" ritual is the most powerful, but fire is also a very dangerous and demanding element.

When you are in the right state, light the fire and, looking into the flame, tell him about the person with whom you would like to be near. Invest in your story maximum amount emotions and strength. When the story is over, take a pair of scissors and cut off a small section of your hair as a sign of your seriousness and burn it in a lighted flame.

Wait until the source of fire is extinguished, and save what is left of it. If you were sitting by the fire, take a coal from it with you, and if you worked with a candle, save the candle until the person you called appears in your life.

It can be extremely difficult to achieve a reciprocal feeling from a loved one. If you are desperate to attract the attention of your lover, then five effective love spells for a man can help you. We wish you mutual love and joy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.08.2017 03:03

The full moon is the most the right time for many changes. Attract happiness, love and strengthen feelings for you ...

If your soul mate exists in this world, how do you find it?

The thought of a "soul mate" is the subject of mystery, confusion and heartache throughout the history of mankind, and today people still ask this question. If your soul mate exists in this world, how do you find it?

Regardless of your position, you can take the tips below and apply them to many other aspects of your life, including finding your soul mate.

Below are 10 tips to help you find the one you've been looking for.

1. Make a list of the qualities that you would like to see in your potential partner.

You might be thinking, “How can you make this stupid list? You better help me find a soul mate! " Yes, for some it may seem like a stupid idea, but the law of attraction works in a mysterious way. After all, thoughts always materialize in specific form and writing these down on paper can help speed things up. Putting your thoughts into written words will also allow you to visually observe the traits you would like to see in your partner. And it can help you imagine exactly how your ideal soul mate will look, sound and act.

2. Do not sit idly by.

It sounds uninteresting, but you'd be surprised how many people just sit still and wait for their other half to finally knock on their door. Do you understand, yes? Everyone wants to get wealth without doing absolutely nothing for this! But in order to attract and meet your soul mate, you must be willing to show your true colors, stay real, and not deny your best. Try to shamelessly present yourself to the world without fear of repercussions. You never know who you might meet in the most unexpected places... But first, you still need to put yourself in such a favorable situation where this could happen.

3. Love yourself.

You cannot attract love if you are not reconciled with yourself. Therefore, be sure to love yourself right now for who you are. How can you do this? Simple enough: accept yourself, be kind to yourself, and honor yourself. Loving yourself is not vain or arrogant. It simply means that you respect yourself enough to be confident in your own uniqueness. To let you into your life more love, you need to revive it in yourself. And only then can you illuminate everything and everyone around. And does not all living things reach out for the light?

4. Fully understand yourself and your character.

Just like with self-love, you cannot fully understand others or expect them to understand you unless you take the time and think deeply about it. You need to dig out and reveal all those secrets that you did not even know about before. They only concern you, so there is nothing dangerous or shameful about it. To attract your significant other, you must evaluate and understand who you were, who you are now, and who you want to become in the future. Knowing yourself will also attract other people. They will be able to appreciate you more deeply and meet you halfway if you impress them.

5. Start saying YES to your life.

It's hard to meet a soul mate if you always say no in new situations or opportunities. If you do this a lot, practice the opposite and open new doors for yourself. This does not mean that you need to say "yes" to everything that comes to hand. If your instincts tell you that you shouldn't, then listen to this sixth sense. Saying yes is not that difficult. For example, join the dance club where you have long dreamed of getting, change your place of residence, leave for another country, etc. Do everything that you wanted to implement, but for some reason you haven't done it yet. And go towards fate, which itself will tell you the way and give you your soul mate. Life is meant to be enjoyed and bestowed, so start living!

6. Listen to your sixth sense.

Sometimes you will meet people the strangest and in amazing ways... This usually happens because you have listened to your intuition. Following your feelings means that you will strive for those things that, in secret from yourself, would like to receive or feel. You may have been in situations like this before, when you went to places you did not want to go, or met someone from the past whom you would rather not meet. Learn to follow your sixth sense.

7. Pay attention to the signs of fate.

We've talked about this many times, but the universe communicates with us through earth signs, such as playing a commemorative song on the radio every time we get into the car, when we pay attention to the time on the clock, or even make ourselves dream about something. Pay attention to these signs and messages because they can make a big difference in your life and point the way to your significant other.

8. Open your heart to love.

Obviously, in order to attract a partner, you need to accept the love that you give to yourself, and in equally accept the love that is being given to you. Even if you have been hurt in the past by difficult relationship(and this was with everyone, wasn’t it so?), don’t move away from this bright feeling. Just learn from your mistakes and draw conclusions, transform this pain into passion and love for life. Accept your pain, but don't relate to it. Pull yourself together and take the path of love and compassion.

9. Believe that all good things are yet to come.

For positive things to happen in your life, you must first believe that you deserve it. Believe that these changes and events are just around the corner. The universe may not be sending you what you would like right away. But don't despair and keep looking ahead. Gradually, it will become yours new reality and the power with which you will move on.

10. Don't resist reality, just live.

Even if you have not yet met anyone with whom you could feel spiritual or emotional closeness, this does not mean that it will continue this way. Just enjoy the present moment as much as possible, and don't get too carried away with what the future holds.

Live now! So you will understand that even the little that you possess can bring the sea positive emotions... As they say, everything around becomes lighter at once and even the grass begins to turn green before our eyes.

Article translation - 10 Tips to Help You Attract Your Soulmate via Kuber

This practice has tremendous power, since you will make your request to the Creator of all things for 10 days. Before the ritual, you need to write and clearly imagine, tuning into your heart, which partner you would like to attract into your life. Describe your future man the way you want to see him: what qualities he possesses, how he will treat you - everything that you really want to embody in your life. Attention! After this ritual, men will be attracted to you, but only one of them will be your soul mate. Be careful and don't compromise. Continue to act until you find someone who truly matches your heart and everything that you have manifested in this ritual.

So let's start practicing. Take in hand your list with the qualities of a partner, you will need it during the ritual. Sit on a chair with your hands on your knees, your feet with your feet firmly on the ground. Close your eyes, relax. Center yourself, bring your attention inward. Take a deep breath in and out into your legs. Feel how you connect with the energy of the earth. Feel the earth energy begin to fill your entire body and gather up above your head in a bright, radiant ball of energy. The energy of the earth is so abundant that, as it moves through your body, it gathers into a bright, shining ball above your head. This is the ball of your consciousness. See the color of this ball, in it we will rise to the seventh plane. Release the ball of your consciousness upward, see how it easily and freely flies up outside the Universe, past bright lights, past dim light, past bright light, past the rainbow glow of the laws of karma. There you see the pink light of the Creator's compassion, there you see the window through which the sphere of your consciousness enters the bright white shining light of the Creator. Feel how the sphere of your consciousness dissolves in the bright white shining light of the Creator. Your soul is on the seventh plane.

From here, the Creator hears you and is ready to help you in your desire. Let's turn to the Creator with a request. Say aloud or mentally: “Creator of all that exists, may your will be to bring a man into my life for family, sexual and romantic relationship with such qualities. " Now, mentally or aloud, say all the qualities of your chosen one written on your sheet.

Good. Now say, “Thank you, it's done-done-done. Show me!". Now see the step of your desire in which you will create your future. See how your hand enters the ball of energy, and you first create yourself for your chosen one. Now your lightbody is activated and that's it energy centers that will call on your wonderful partner. See yourself in this ball, feel how the divine light goes from above to your body and opens all energy centers from top to bottom. The Sahasrara chakra, which is located at the crown of the head, opens to accept the divine will and light of the Creator. You see purple golden light pouring into the crown of your head, and you say: “I am ready to give and receive divine light for myself and my chosen one. I am ready to give and receive divine light for myself and my chosen one. "

See how the stream of light descends further, and the area of ​​the third eye lights up with blue light, the Ajna chakra is activated, and you say: “I am ready to give and receive spiritual support from my man, understanding each other. I open in myself a clear vision in order to give and receive in time the spiritual support and help of my chosen one. I attract my chosen one, a person who is spiritually close to me ”.

The stream of light descends further onto your body. And the throat area, the area of ​​the Vishuddha chakra, lights up with a bright pale blue light, and you say: "I am ready to give inspiration to my man and accept his support in my creativity and feminine bloom."

The stream of light sinks lower and your heart lights up with a warm greenish glow. You radiate energy from the area of ​​your heart and you say: "I am ready to give and receive the love of my chosen one, to spread and receive the harmony and light of love." And you see how the divine radiance from above goes to the solar plexus region, the Manipura chakra region, and it fills with golden radiance, and you say: "I am ready to support him in abundance and accept his abundance, and be the keeper of this abundance."

And then the Creator's light fills the area of ​​the lower abdomen, and the glow of orange warm light radiates from you, and you say: “I am ready to give and receive love through sexual relations, and be pure in relationships, and by mutual desire to be the continuer of the family. "

And then you see how the Creator's light descends and fills the image of your tailbone with red light. The Muladhara Chakra lights up with a bright radiance, and you say: “I am ready to support my man so that he stands firmly on his feet on the path that he has chosen. I am ready to feel respect and accept all his family. I am ready to accept stability and all the earthly blessings that he gives me and our family. "

And now see how all your chakras are lit up, and especially now feel your heart, and we will begin to call on your chosen one with you. Feel the butterflies begin to flutter in the lower abdomen, and you feel desire attract your man. Feel how your heart sings the melody of love, calling your chosen one from space. And now you will hear a magic song. Sing it with me or listen, calling your chosen one for your happy relationship.

You see your chosen one with the same luminous chakras as yours. This is your half, and you go towards each other, and you see how you energetically connect with him.

And when you have seen this, say three times: “So be it. Let it be so. Let it be so!". Release the ball of your desire up where you and he are. Release the ball of your desire into the hands of the Creator for its full realization in the best and in the highest way, For you.

See again the orb of your consciousness high above your head. See how it is washed by the bright white shining light of the Creator. Take a deep breath and through the top of your head, exhale, pull the ball of your consciousness into yourself: inhale - exhale. Feel like this wonderful ball your consciousness, filled with divine light, dissolves in your heart.

Take a deep breath again and exhale into your legs. We ground, take root, return to our beautiful body. Take a deep breath, exhale, open your eyes, smile. You have performed an amazing ritual to attract your chosen one. Perform this ritual for 10 days in a row without missing a single day. If on some day you forget to do the practice, start over the ten-day cycle.

Note: In the evening you perform a ritual, and in the morning, when you wake up, open your eyes, remember that you attract your chosen one, and mentally imagine that you already have one, and that you are doing right in the morning when your man is already with you. This is also an important part of the ritual. In the evening, the manifestation of a partner, in the morning you imagine your action when you have one. I wish you good luck and happiness. May your beautiful intention to be fulfilled in your life happy woman in relationships and love. Do not settle for compromises, choose your soul mate, and your life will be filled with happiness, understanding, abundance and love.

Let it be so!

How the law of attraction works in finding a soul mate. One of the most frequently asked questions is how to find perfect relationship using the law of attraction.

When looking for a partner or even platonic friendship It is important to take an inventory of what you really want in the relationship, what you are looking for. Take some quiet time and list the qualities you would like to see in the other. Start with the qualities. Appearance is not important at the moment.

Write down all the qualities and all the details that you think will make you happy. Choose the qualities that you would like; not the qualities that your mom would prefer, or a certain appearance that you think your friends will envy. The only connection worth having is with the one that gives you the genuine joy that you deserve.

Once you've put together your list, it will take time to create a script involving you and your significant other. See and feel with your partner how you like his / her company. Imagine meeting in a cafe in the morning before work. Try to see and feel together, watching movies together, walking along the beach or in the woods. What will make you happy with your other half. When visualizing your soul mate, try to visualize his / her appearance; someone who is pleasant to you, but don't pay too much on the outer shell. Invest most of your thoughts and feelings in what's inside is your soul mate.

Every day, visualize this person coming into your life.
When people have relationship problems in their lives, there is usually impatience and doubt. This is the time when, once you have visualized, and you know that the universe is finding and you what you want, you have to let it go. Let the universe take care.

By letting the Universe take care, you can hope that it will return you exactly what you presented, or better. If your visualization has gaps, in other words, if your visualization is sketchy, the universe will fill in the gaps in best case as she can and ensuring that you can eventually come to terms with some of the traits that you haven't visualized or perhaps not all of. It is important to get as much detail in your partner's description as possible.

However, you may be surprised, but when you concentrate on appearance, you are limiting the universe. There are many people in the world who correspond to your vibrations, and who exude the qualities that you desire, but cannot exactly match the outer shell, the one that you think you want. Let the Universe take care of you. Trust the universe, but don't forget to do your part.

At first, you may meet people who have some of the qualities that you imagine, but not all. The universe tends to bring you signs to tell you that it only works from your desire. People who meet certain traits present their signs and indicators. The universe moves people unconsciously in relation to each other. With your significant other coming into your life, he / she will vibrate at the same rate as you, and you will have yours. ideal companion life for you.

It's time to start attracting your soul mate now.

Take the time to take care of your own personality. When you love yourself, you are ready to love another. Relying on the other to make your life better overall, just the opposite will happen. You are the only one who can make you happy. Once you can be happy with yourself, you will begin to notice that many faces have begun to smile for you. They are subconsciously attracted to you because you are happy in yourself. Your significant other or perfect friend there in the universe, and comes to you through the law of attraction. This is easy to do.