Choleric description. Who is a choleric person? Choleric characteristics. Development of temperament at different age stages

Choleric - this is one of the temperaments that Hippocrates described in his theory. According to Hippocrates, the name of the temperament "choleric" means "bile", which comes from the Greek "chole". Choleric characterization of a person includes the following main qualities: impetuosity, decisiveness, quick reaction, passion for his work, the ability to overcome many life difficulties on his own. IN emotionally this is a rather stormy person, strong, unbalanced, very unstable in manifestations of mood.

The pure type of choleric is actually very rare. Each person combines the qualities of several temperaments, but one of them may be dominant. determined by the state in which a person is a significant part of the time. Therefore, each person should know what kind of temperament and characteristics he possesses in order to be able to correct some qualities if they interfere with the full life and activity of the individual.

Choleric is dominant, he is harsh, stubborn and a little arrogant, which repels people from himself.

The choleric temperament is characterized by the desire to achieve a certain ideal. Choleric people never sit idly by, they are in constant motion, if they have nothing to do, they can still find something to do. So, due to the peculiarities of their character, choleric men occupy leadership positions, become multi-level managers, because their character traits and the ability to carry people along help them in any way to achieve their goals.

With their mobility, choleric people infect everyone around them. But often they are surrounded by people who cannot withstand such a rapid rhythm as theirs.

Choleric people can be very different. Some may try to be empathetic and direct their energy in the necessary direction, without hurting the feelings of other people. Others can be tyrants, using their aggressiveness, domination and against others.

Choleric has congenital leadership skills... The choleric person is not always an extrovert, but he loves to be in the spotlight. He, thanks to his qualities, can win over people, win their attention.

A person of a choleric type of temperament always has his own opinion on everything, he does not care what other people think of him, how they perceive him, because he knows his own worth. Choleric is an active initiator and participant in disputes that can go to. He tends to build up tension in the discussion, which in fact often leads to a deterioration in relationships with others.

Choleric people are very sociable, but not with every person they can create a strong union.

The compatibility of a choleric person with a choleric person is almost impossible, since both can sooner or later happen from an excess of information, quarrels, disputes and finding out who is in charge in the relationship.

The compatibility of a choleric person with a sanguine person is not satisfying enough. They may have fun and unrestrained time together, but in long-term relationship they have to go through certain setbacks and learn to accept the opposite point of view.

The compatibility of the choleric with the melancholic leaves much to be desired. Too vulnerable and too hot-tempered temperaments can complement each other, but only if they make mutual compromises.

The most ideal is the compatibility of the choleric with the phlegmatic. A measured and calm phlegmatic person will be able to cool the ardor of a choleric person, and the latter, in turn, will teach the phlegmatic person to be more decisive.

Who is a choleric

Choleric characteristic and its main features: independent, decisive, self-sufficient, hot, impulsive, restless, very active in any activity, always sets a task or goal for himself, to which he strives.

Choleric temperament is characterized by abrupt changes in mood, which occurs due to instability nervous system... Possessing a quick reaction, he is capable of grasping information on the fly. The character of the choleric person is manifested in his sharp and expressive gestures, in multifaceted facial expressions. Although everyone knows how emotional and unrestrained the character of a choleric person is, in matters concerning serious things, he is guided by his mind, not his heart. Therefore, he can, when you need to even hide your emotions.

Choleric description of appearance: thin asthenic physiquewell developed limbs oval face, flat forehead with narrowing upward, sharp chin, long legs. Of course, there are representatives of the choleric type of temperament with other types of physique, but, according to observation data, it is precisely such outward signs choleric.

The nature of the choleric is leadership, he knows how to lead - this is innate in him, and people really often listen to his opinion and follow him. Choleric in creating a successful career is helped by a clear vision of his goal, the desire to dominate, an amazing organization and ability to manage. Therefore, choleric people often become politicians, lawyers or financiers. They are born strategists, but only in the very creation of tactics. In most cases, they cannot implement this strategy because they are hampered by a lack of tact and a lack of patience. People with inherent choleric temperament are prone to analytics, they can quickly and efficiently analyze any situation and instantly make a difficult decision.

A choleric person in most cases is an optimistic and active person, only because of difficult life circumstances, he can be dull and indifferent. IN family relationships choleric people like to take the initiative, to be the head of the family, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man. Although the choleric is a freedom-loving and proactive person, he needs the support of loved ones. Most often, it is more convenient for him when calm and balanced people are around him, ready to get along with him, with his difficult and domineering character and to take their place in the background.

In friendly relations, choleric people are highly appreciated. They are appreciated for their stable optimistic orientation of character, for their willingness to help to a loved one in difficult situations... Choleric people are forgiven for their pathological desire for idealism, and love for their reliability.

Choleric people are loyal and fairly reliable friends, ready to offer their strong shoulder at any time, for which they deserve to be trusted.

Choleric people have such a wonderful quality as nobility. Therefore, they are so brave, just, ready to sacrifice themselves, save someone, find the truth. They very quickly solve the problems that have arisen, so it turns out that they put other people on the bar below themselves, because they do not see in them the necessary enthusiasm, the energy that they want to see. They sincerely do not understand how you can be slow and dull, or how you can allow others to behave unfairly towards them, to submit to the unfair rules of others.

The choleric person has a tendency to loneliness, because he cannot find the right personwho would walk with him "toe-to-toe." The choleric person is quite sociable, but most do not keep up with his rhythm. The choleric also needs people in his environment, not only for the sake of communication, but also in order to have someone to dominate and lead, which is impossible to do in a state of loneliness. Choleric needs a close-knit team.

Choleric people perceive everything through the prism of goal achievement. They can seriously analyze even the most trivial situations, such as the grocery shopping process. They clearly set a goal for themselves, what is most important to them, then secondary things, then they think over the strategy of moves in the supermarket, in various departments, so as to quickly cope with the task.

The choleric wants to keep his true emotions under control, tries not to flaunt them. But he does not always succeed, because on his face you can tell about all the exciting emotions. If, during communication, the choleric hears something unpleasant for himself, he will not immediately find out the reasons for such behavior, but he will flare up and in this ardor can cause physical damage or, in response, offend the interlocutor and leave effectively. But time passes, he calms down, returns and calmly begins to find out what is the actual reason.

If a choleric person is not characterized by self-control in relationships with other individuals, then in situations of trouble he can master himself, gather all his strength together. Choleric people manage to remain calm and a cold mind, they do not panic, they try to find options for a way out of the problem. Despite his high purposefulness, a choleric person may sometimes not correctly assess his capabilities and from this ineffectively distribute his obligations. From this, he often postpones some things to last, may forget about them for a while, but return to them later.

The nature of the choleric person and the peculiarities of his temperament at work: due to his innate leadership abilities, he can become an excellent manager or organizer, since for such work it is necessary to be able to make several decisions at once. For a choleric person, work with frequent business trips, new projects, new colleagues, living and active communication from by different people - all this charges him with positive energy and energy, the desire to work hard and efficiently. For people of the choleric type of temperament, the feeling of a sense of significance for his loved ones is also very important.

Choleric description of the pros and cons. Pros or strengths choleric temperaments include an inexhaustible flow of energy, the desire to defend their ideals, enthusiasm for work, a keen sense of justice, quick decision-making, dedication, sociability.

Minuses or negative qualities of choleric people: excessive or inappropriate irritability, conflict, rudeness, inability to wait, too acute reactivity, desire to dominate. Often their first reaction is not always adequate, which is why they can offend others and not always apologize for it.

Choleric people tend to defend those whose rights are infringed upon, even when these people do not require such violent protection. Due to the expressed desire to command everyone, choleric people are not perceived, they are repelled from themselves.

Parents with a choleric type of temperament are too demanding of their children, they may want almost unconditional obedience. Such parents can be emotionally exploded by the fact that the child is doing something wrong, or does not understand what is wanted from him. They may even be assaulting a child or their partner.

Choleric characteristics of men

A choleric man who is a parent brings up his children in a dominant style of behavior. He can be a despot and demand unquestioning obedience from children, but only in extreme cases, and so, he is quite capable of showing love, sensitivity and caring for children. He tries to raise his child the best way, teach purposefulness, mainly by demonstrating examples from their own experience.

Choleric man who created strong family, also considers himself a leader, so he ideal husband, because he can take all the responsibility for the welfare of the family.

A choleric man will never allow a woman to command him, dominate a relationship, he knows that he is a representative of the stronger sex, and therefore acts in relation to this. He knows that in the event that a conflict has occurred in the family, then he must still take care of material well-being family and ensure the safety of loved ones.

The choleric man is much more than the choleric woman trying to control everything that surrounds him. If he does not quite succeed at work, then he comes home with annoyance, where he throws out all the negative emotions.

If, nevertheless, a choleric man in the family becomes a tyrant, then the child has to suffer from constant screams, while the wife does not dare say a word across. This character is very difficult to change, because it has been formed for many years. But you can correct some features if a person is already overstepping the boundaries of what is available, the main thing is to persuade him to change.

The choleric man is self-sufficient and rather eccentric, he has pronounced leadership qualities, since school he shows them in that he gathers around him a company that is ready to follow him everywhere. He needs others to command them.

Often men of choleric temperament become successful businessmen, lawyers, in this they are facilitated by their quick reaction to difficulties, the ability to analyze the situation and organize the work process. Thanks to continuous activitiesleading to impressive results, the choleric man is rapidly moving up the career ladder. Such a man is very sociable, he avoids loneliness. He has many friends and acquaintances who appreciate his generosity, fairness and reliability.

Choleric characteristics of women

Choleric woman is a strong, strong-willed and ambitious person. She is quite capable of setting complex, but achievable goals, always trying to do everything in order to get what she wants. The choleric woman is entirely able to provide herself financially or the whole family. She easily learns new things, loves to try something new (food, sport, book, work).

Choleric woman likes to dominate, lead subordinates or family members. Therefore, the husband of such a woman should be softer and more pliable than she. It is rare to find a woman of choleric temperament sitting at home and doing what housewives usually do, while life passes by. Therefore, such women are taken for any interesting activity, for every opportunity to act in a new way, to conquer new heights, to develop spiritually and physically.

Choleric woman prefers to wear pants or business pantsuitthan a dress or various colorful skirts. Such women like to do "boyish" haircuts, do not respect fashion trends, do not wear jewelry, rarely get their ears pierced. For them, the priority is convenience and action, not romantic femininity and slowness.

The best compatibility of a choleric woman with a calm, caring, patient man, best of all a phlegmatic type of temperament, only he can accept such a high activity of such a woman.

Choleric characteristics of the child

The choleric child resembles a "tornado" or "hurricane", or both at once. Such a child very violently expresses any of his reactions to events around. If he watches a performance in a circus, then there is no limit to his admiration and surprise, he tells for a long time afterwards how delighted he is. If something bad happened to him, for example, he was forbidden to eat sweets, then he will cry, scream through tears, get angry, which, by the way, very skillfully manipulates, because parents who do not have the strength to endure his cry, break down and still give him what was previously forbidden.

A choleric child can be irritated over any trifles, tirelessly demonstrate his displeasure, after which it is very difficult to calm him down. In games, he prefers to be the leader, loves noisy and outdoor games.

Choleric child is perpetual motion machine". He can get so carried away by the game that he won't even notice the hour and will not be able to stop. This is due to emotional-affective imbalance and rapid nervous response. Such a child needs a frequent change of impressions, because he very quickly gets used to it and becomes uninteresting to him. But too long and strong new impressions tire him very much.

In such a child, the ability to be irritated and irascible over trifles is simply incredible, besides, he has practically no patience. If he has done something, for example, a tower from the designer and asks her mother to look, then she should, at the very second, as soon as she heard the call, drop everything and come running to see what her child has built. Otherwise, she faces a dose of anger.

The activity of the choleric child is uneven, pulsating. If he is just starting to do something, then he will do it very enthusiastically, energetically and with great enthusiasm, but as soon as the first wave of exciting emotions passes, the child no longer knows what to do with the new one. Neither he, nor anyone else can occupy his attention for a long time with one thing, from this he is very tired. Such a nervous decline and the killing of forces result in irritability, which increases with intensity, and turns into, or into a nervous breakdown.

If your child is unable to put toys in necessary order or does not come out to lay them one on top of the other the way he imagined it, then he will soon scatter these toys with indignation throughout the room. If someone with the best intentions enters that room, he will fall under hot hand... After all the words are spoken, the choleric child will cry from anger, his own impotence and not understanding others. Therefore, for children of choleric people, the period early childhoodwhen all the skills are just being formed and opportunities do not allow you to do more than you want, it is very difficult. It is important that the parents of a child of choleric temperament correctly dose all activities so that the child can learn something new, while not overworking.

The choleric child is always in the spotlight - at home, in the garden, on a walk, at school, in the game. He is able to make everything turn out as he wishes and get everything he wants. Fortunately, a child cannot be in such an excited state all the time, so if everything is fine, if he is happy with everything, then he is affectionate, sweet, flexible and sympathetic.

IN adolescence The most difficult thing is to manage a choleric person, since he has enough freedom and the ability to move independently, he is characterized by hyperactivity, affective manifestation of emotions and aggressive behavior.

Choleric temperament is a strong but unbalanced type of the higher nervous system.

The most striking feature of a choleric person is an explosive character and problems with controlling their emotions. This is an impulsive, active, energetic person. But the processes of excitation prevail over inhibition.

Choleric is worth hard work “Pull yourself together”, or not express aggressiveness if he experiences it in relation to something, or someone.

Hot-tempered and impatient, he tends to withdraw quickly. This happens the faster the earlier the annoying factor disappears.

It is not recommended to enter into hot disputes with choleric people, in which he becomes very inflamed, trying to prove his case. The sooner you give in to him, the faster he will come to his senses and return to adequate behavior.

Despite their irritability, these people are very hardy and easily overcome any obstacles. They are easily recognizable by their determined gait and abrupt, impulsive movements. Sometimes these people resemble a stretched string that can break at any moment.

  • Types of human temperament
  • Sanguine: characteristic

Choleric people in the world

Choleric people find friends easily, but not so much for the sake of communication, as for the crowd. They need a team in which they take on the role of leader and commander of the parade. Choleric is very jealous of his leadership, does not tolerate a number of rivals and those who do not agree with his opinion.

He loves to control his environment and impose his point of view and his value system on him. It's difficult to befriend him, but those who have earned his sincere affection can count on a loyal and strong friendship.

Such people are self-confident, proud and sometimes in love with themselves. Choleric people do not complex and do not belittle their merits. On the contrary, they are often confident in their exclusiveness and have high self-esteem.

Relationships with the opposite sex

In a relationship with the opposite sex, the choleric person shows all those unpleasant traits that he does in communicating with others. He is intolerant, categorical, unrestrained, confident in his righteousness. As in the circle of friends, in the family he will tend to dominate and authoritarian.

In the heat of anger, he is able to sever relations for many times, after which he usually tries to stick them together. It is not easy to have such a life partner, but if you try to give in to him (or pretend to give in), then the choleric person will turn out to be a good family man. Representatives of this temperament are very sensitive to blood ties... They are a strong support for a spouse and good educators for their children.

Working rhythm among choleric people

As workers, choleric people are valuable for their ability to quickly recuperate and work hard. Their ability to work, however, is variable and depends on many factors.

But, if the business really fascinates him, he is able to move mountains. In a fit of enthusiasm, this person can work all night long without experiencing any discomfort. By the way, choleric people generally have less need for sleep than representatives of other types of temperament.

When the ardor is wasted and the interest in work has faded away, the person quickly cools down to his activities and continues to work formally, without a “spark”.

Raising a choleric child

A choleric child begins to grow into a problem for parents from the moment they are born. These children, even in infancy, sleep poorly and little. In order to lull such a child, you have to carry it in your arms for hours.

These children are like little pandas. They literally grow, hugging their parents' necks, like a tree trunk.

A child of choleric temperament is capricious, scandalous with or without. He has a lot of requirements that must be satisfied.

If his whims are not in a hurry to indulge, the baby will still achieve his roar and tantrums. But the choleric man knows not only hysteria. He is capable of showing the deepest emotions to his family members and is very sensitive to affectionate treatment.

Parents should be very careful about raising such a baby. A lack of attention in the future can turn into uncontrollable aggression and cruelty. The inability to keep attention on something for a long time will lead to the fact that the choleric person will not finish any business.

If you direct the child's aggression in the right direction in time, then he can become an excellent athlete. And work on perseverance and attention will help in adulthood achieve your goals.

Pros and cons

Choleric, whose temperament characteristics can be summed up in two words: strong and impulsive, has its pros and cons.

TO undoubted advantages choleric can be attributed: the seething energy in him and the ability to surrender headlong to his favorite work. The ability to lead people, to captivate them with your ideas is another fat plus of this temperament. Choleric is a born leader and initiator of new ideas.

People of this type of temperament are distinguished by increased stress resistance and the ability to quickly make serious decisions.

It is difficult to communicate and maintain with choleric people friendly relations... They rarely complete their undertakings and do not know how to calculate their own strength, which quickly deplete their energy.

If you have chosen a representative of the choleric type of temperament as a friend or as a life partner, be tolerant and do not pay attention to sudden changes in his mood. Take as a given that you will have to constantly make concessions, put up with his harshness and put up with him himself with the world around him.

Most quick way finding an approach to a person is to determine his temperament. People different temperaments react to the same things in different ways.

For example, some people are knocked out of the usual rhythm of life by troubles and forced to give up, while other people, troubles are forced to roll up their sleeves and fight. The second option can be attributed to choleric people.
Let's take a closer look features of the temperament of the character of the choleric.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt

Features of the psyche and memory

In choleric people, the mechanism of excitability and inhibition is in balance. This helps choleric people make the right decisions quickly and quickly.

Choleric people perceive the world in terms of achieving a goal. In other words, they are constantly analyzing the situation.
For example, if he is assigned to complete a task, he will immediately begin to plan how to distribute all responsibilities among subordinates so that the goal is completed on time.

Emotional background

A choleric person does not show off his feelings like a sanguine person. However, he does not know how to hide his emotions at all, so they can be easily read by his face.

When communicating, an impulsive choleric person can abruptly "flare up like a match" and offend his interlocutor, being rude or even insulting him, only because he did not agree with his point of view.

Another distinctive aspect of this type is its excellent self-control. When faced with troubles, choleric people do not panic, and immediately look for a way out of this situation.

Despite the high purposefulness, often the choleric person cannot correctly assess his strength. This leads to the fact that some of the cases remain unfinished. True, some of the suspended goals may be implemented later.

Choleric at work, profession for choleric

Considering natural ability of these people, they make excellent leaders... In other words, they are suitable areas where it is necessary to quickly make several decisions at the same time. At the same time, they cannot be on the sidelines for a long time.

Vacancies with frequent business trips are suitable for them. Changing jobs and starting new projects will help maximize the organizational abilities of choleric people.

They will make excellent heads of departments, branches or directors of enterprises. At the same time, it is desirable that they be employed in those areas where live communication with different people... Work for choleric people is, first of all, self-realization and achieving a sense of significance for the colleagues and friends around him.

Choleric in love, family

The choleric person will also take all the initiative. However, he needs reliable support from loved ones.

In other words, only a calm and balanced person who is ready to constantly be on the sidelines and maintain the rhythm of life taken by their second half can get along with him. At the same time, he must be ready to endure the difficult and domineering nature of the choleric.

Choleric child: how to educate

A choleric child is an energetic and playful toddler who can visit many places in a small amount of time, loves violent and active games, and most importantly he can be heard very well, because he is always very loud, and most importantly, he talks quickly, is always addicted to something, but rarely does he complete everything.

Everything that a choleric child wants to have, he seeks to get a cry. In addition to this, any little thing can start a tantrum. For example, if he did not receive the desired toy or if he has dirty diapers.

Therefore, in raising a choleric child, one should adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. Endurance and perseverance are the main qualities in the upbringing and development of a choleric child. And if he did something wrong, then you shouldn't yell at him, because yelling badly affects such a kid, but he, by the way, is already explosive. Also, do not expose the child physical punishment... You just need to calmly explain all the mistakes, then show how to correctly perform this task and give one more opportunity to fix everything.
  2. Since a choleric child is emotional toddler, which the can sometimes show hostility, this emotionality should be tried to be directed in the necessary direction. For example, send him to play sports, where he could throw out excess energy, or give the opportunity to play various outdoor games, for example, football, hockey, which are great in that they have clear rules thanks to which the kid learns to be restrained and organized.
  3. Any emotional manifestation can be controlled by drawing. In this case, you need give him daily clean slate paper on which he will draw own emotions.
  4. To teach his own child to bring every business to its logical conclusion, then before him you should set a task and at the same time clearly define the outcometo be achieved. For this occasion, puzzles are great.
  5. Must be cultivate politeness and tact in the child, with the help of various fairy tales that form only positive qualities in the child.
  6. You should try give the child as much as possible parental attention , play various outdoor games with him, draw, walk on the street, read interesting books... In short, spend as much time with him as possible.
  7. Try to switch the child's attention from one task to another, but it is important to teach any task to complete. And most importantly, he must have an incentive for this.
  8. It is necessary to come up with some daily rituals, and most importantly, always adhere to them, because such rituals are very important for a choleric person. For example, come up with a special ritual before bed. The main thing is that it should be done every day, not to forget, otherwise all this can become a real problem.
And most importantly, all violent emotions must be excluded from the environment in which the child grows up: family scandals, films with a lot of aggression and much more.

Choleric in friendship

Friends value active, cheerful and optimistic choleric people for their ability to help in the most difficult situations. In addition, acquaintances are ready to forgive them for excessive idealism for their reliability.

Representatives of this temperament are devoted and reliable friendswho are ready to lend their shoulder at any moment.

Hello dear blog site readers! Let's take a closer look at how a woman who is choleric by the type of temperament behaves. What kind of character is this, what are the pros and cons, you have already read in the articles "Who prevents them from living?" , "How to communicate with them?" and Practical Advice.

What qualities help such a woman in her work? Of course, assertiveness, determination, will and a firm decision to be right in everything and always. Is it good or not?

Of course, it's good, because it is these people who perfectly cope with the huge workload and almost always become bosses. And at the same time they collect around themselves large team... And here is one hidden unpleasant moment... A woman boss can easily turn into a kind of man, because femininity and tenderness at work are not welcome. And then what?

Subordinates need to be crushed morally, psychologically, whatever! Putting them in place and getting results. But at the same time, one cannot remain a pleasant person in communication, therefore female nature will be crushed in the name of work.

Maybe this is good, but what about tenderness? This quality will soon disappear completely, much to the regret of the husband and children.

How does any choleric person act when he communicates with someone? Presses, tries not to yield and promote only his own own point vision.

Suppose that there is a company of people six or eight people, of which there will be one woman with this type of temperament. It is unlikely that two choleric people will come across there at once, because there are quite a few of them, phlegmatic, melancholic and sanguine people will be next to her.

And she will not be silent, because she will quickly shut up everyone and take on the role of leader.

This will not be too tactful towards men, and they will begin to ignore her or loudly resent her. No one will obey her instructions, because all this does not happen at work, no one will fire anyone or kick out.

Such a woman does not know how to ask and speaks almost always in a commanding tone, which is very annoying for everyone else. No one a real man will not tolerate being ordered, demanded and morally pressured on him. Only a calm and harmless phlegmatic or an infantile man will agree to endure all this outrage.

But such qualities of character are absolutely irreplaceable at work, because the leader must keep everything under his control and give instructions to whom and what needs to be done.

But such approaches can destroy any family, because all these relationships are automatically transferred to their relatives.

If a choleric woman understands what is hindering her, what exactly is missing when communicating with other people, then she will turn into an excellent leader who can lead. And then at work she may not be a despot, behind whose back everyone swears, resent and expresses their dissatisfaction.

And a person around whom a close-knit team is formed over time.

Of course, few of the bosses are loved, but it is the choleric who, if he does not allow himself to vent his anger on the defenseless people around him, will help them fight, infecting them with their energy and inspiration.

If she does not understand such simple things, does not want to know anything about the feelings of other people, then she will soon turn into an authoritarian lady without emotions who only demands, demands and constantly reprimands her subordinates. They do not follow her orders and shy away from work, from her point of view.

Who will love such a boss after that? Of course, no one, so nothing will come in her direction except negative. Can't be happy person, if malicious words fly to you from those who were offended and even offended.

Everything in this world is interconnected, so do not put pressure on people, even if you really want to. You need to use your abilities not to destroy relationships, but to create something great, something that people will admire and be proud of.

A strict, but at the same time fair and humane boss is very good for everyone.

And in a family, what happens when a woman tries to do everything her own way? If she lacks the mind to pretend and take the position of the weak, the love she dreamed about will disappear from her heart, and this will destroy the relationship with the man. Because the husband will think that he is being bullied, not respected and not considered with his opinion.

And since he foolishly fell into the clutches of an evil dragon, he must run as far as possible in search of a gentle, sweet, soft-natured woman.

A simple example from life.

There is a head of one of the departments in the enterprise, she has creepy character, three children, her husband ran away. She looks at her subordinates like a boa constrictor at rabbits, does not give a word to say to her across. Men hate her female half the team tries to stay away from her.

And she scoffs at everyone, trying already in front of her superiors, while taking out the insult to ex-husband for poor subordinates and works at the same time for days. At the same time, she hates all women who earn less than her, but at the same time have good family and enjoy it.

Does such a life look like happiness?

But if this boss, who had long turned into a troll, knew the flaws of her character and began to take them into account in a relationship with her beloved man, everything would have turned out differently.

The authority that the choleric woman cares about so much cannot be indisputable, because any person is mistaken. Now, if you add her tenderness, weakness, softness and flexibility, then everything will be fine in the family.

Caring for children is an important part of a mom like this. This is very good quality, only you can not go too far and put strong pressure on the child, especially at a transitional age.

Why force someone to do everything exactly as she sees fit? So you can crush the personality of the child, discourage him from becoming independent and make decisions for himself.

When the child deprived of the right choice and he is forced to do something that his mother wants, from some moment he will try to get out from under her strong guardianship and run away. Or the child's personality will stop developing, he will understand that the easiest way is not to have his own opinion and to agree in everything.

And then he will have serious problems in adulthood, because my mother will not be able to stay on this earth forever.

And how to live independently, if you only know how to follow the instructions of someone who cares too much about you and makes decisions for you?

A choleric woman can be great momif she finds the strength to admit that her children are separate individuals, and not just her continuation. They may have their own opinions, which will have to be respected.

If you have the type of character that you read about today, think about it, do you know how to take into account other people's opinions, or do you consider yourself in everything right?

The husband knows that he has got a strong and strong-willed wife, but he is a man, and not a mattress that must be beaten with a mallet every day. He also dreams of becoming the head of the family, expressing his views, and not just agreeing and again agreeing with you on any issue.

Why subject your husband to constant pressure, "hammering" him with authority. What if he was tired of all this for a long time and he thinks that it is better to start all over again and find another wife, since you do not perceive him and do not love him? Men love not the way women think about it, so any critical word in their direction is very painful.

How does your wife behave? You, of course, consider yourself to be right in any matter, but your husband, most likely, thinks differently. And he understands that he is turning into an unhappy person who is not appreciated or understood in the family. Only the opinion of the wife is the main and main, and he does not like it.

But how do you know what others think of you? We need to talk about this heart to heart, ask for an opinion and draw conclusions in order to improve.

It is best not to be offended after such a conversation, but to admit that your character is not sugar, it is difficult and difficult. But you can change at any time. You just need to add a little tenderness, cordiality and responsiveness.

Start smiling, not getting angry and frowning, not raising your voice once again... Make your husband feel your love and care.

And then you will learn that you can achieve much more with tenderness and weakness than with severity, pressure and menacing shouts. You will, of course, sometimes have to pretend to remove the iron tone from your voice.

- This is an individual property of a person, which to the greatest extent depends on his innate, natural psychophysiological qualities. Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person in terms of the characteristics of his mental activity, such as intensity, speed, pace mental processes.

Usually, three areas of manifestation of temperament are distinguished: the level of general activity, features of the motor sphere and the level of emotionality.

General activity is determined by the degree of intensity of human interaction with the environment - natural and social. There are two extremes here. One type of people is distinguished by its pronounced lethargy, passivity, and the other - by high activity, quickness in action. Representatives of other temperaments are located between these two poles.

Motor or motor activity it is expressed in the speed and sharpness of movements, in the tempo of speech, as well as in external mobility, or, conversely, slowness, talkativeness or silence.

Emotionality - expressed in the speed of change emotional states, susceptibility to emotional influences, sensitivity.

Since antiquity, temperament has always been associated with physiological characteristics human body. Hippocrates(V century BC) described four types of temperament, determined by the fluid that supposedly predominates in the body: sanguine(from lat. sanguis- blood), choleric (from the Greek. chole - bile), phlegmatic (from the Greek. phlegma- mucus) and melancholic (from the Greek. melainachole- black bile). Temperaments were understood by Hippocrates in a purely physiological sense.

In the XVIII century. with Hippocratic types of temperament were compared four psychological type, which marked the beginning of the psychological line in the study of temperaments. Common ideas about temperaments now differ little from the ideas of the 18th century: choleric temperament is associated with irritability, sanguine - with cheerfulness, phlegmatic - with calmness, and melancholic - with sadness and vulnerability.

IN modern psychology temperament is defined as constant and stable natural properties personalities that determine the dynamics of mental activity, regardless of its content.

Extraversion and introversion, rate of reaction, plasticity and rigidity are distinguished as properties of temperament.

Extraversion-introversion - temperament characteristics introduced K. Jung - determine the dependence of the reaction and activity of a person on external impressions that arise in this moment (extrovert), or from internal mental processes and states of a person (introvert). Extroverts include sanguine and choleric, introverts - phlegmatic and melancholic.

Rate of reaction characterizes the speed of the course of mental processes and reactions (quickness of mind, tempo of speech, dynamics of gestures). The rate of course of reactions is increased in choleric people, sanguine people and well-rested melancholic people and decreased in phlegmatic people and tired melancholic people. People with a fast rate of reaction and low sensitivity (sanguine and choleric) do not notice. that others (phlegmatic and melancholic) do not have time to follow the course of their thoughts, and on the basis of this make completely unfounded conclusions about their mental abilities, which can directly harm relationships between people, in particular business relationships.

Inactivity - the degree of involuntary reactions to external and internal influences and irritation (criticism, insulting word, sharp tone. external influence). These are automated reactions of defense and orientation. High reactivity in choleric and sanguine, low in phlegmatic.

Activity - characterizes the severity energy potential personality with whom a person overcomes obstacles and achieves a goal. Activity is expressed in perseverance, purposefulness, concentration of attention and is the main quality of temperament that contributes to the achievement of the goal. The phlegmatic has the highest activity, although due to low reactivity, he is included in the work more slowly. A phlegmatic person is highly active, he is not in danger of overwork. In a choleric person, high activity is combined with reactivity. Sanguine people are quite active, but if the activity is monotonous, they may lose interest in drinking. Melancholic people are characterized by low activity.

The ratio of reactivity and activity determines what a person's activity largely depends on: random external or internal circumstances - mood, random events, or on goals, intentions, beliefs.

Plasticity and rigidity indicate how easily and flexibly a person adapts to external influences (plasticity) or how inert his behavior (rigidity). The highest plasticity in sanguine people, rigidity characterizes phlegmatic people, choleric people and melancholic people.

Emotional irritability reflects the threshold of the minimum impact required for the emergence of an emotional reaction and the speed of its development. Emotional excitability is increased in a sanguine person, a choleric person and a melancholic person, and in a phlegmatic person it is decreased.

A peculiar combination of activity, determined by the intensity and volume of human interaction with the environment - physical and social, and the degree of severity emotional reactions, determine individual characteristics temperament, i.e. "Dynamic aspects" of behavior. Researchers remain confident that the dynamic properties of behavior have a certain physiological basis, i.e. are determined by certain features of the functioning of physiological structures, but what these structures and features are at present is unknown. One thing is clear that temperament, being innate, is the basis of most personality traits, including its character. Temperament is the sensual basis of character. Transformed in the process of character formation, the properties of temperament pass into character traits, the content of which is associated with the direction of the individual's psyche.

Temperaments and their characteristics

Phlegmatic person unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy with the expression of emotions and feelings. He shows tenacity and perseverance in his work, remaining calm and level-headed. In work, he is productive, compensating for his slowness with diligence.

Choleric - fast, passionate, impulsive, but completely unbalanced, with a dramatically changing mood with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. Choleric, being carried away, carelessly wastes his strength and is quickly depleted.

Sanguine - lively, hot, agile person, with frequent change mood, impressions, with a quick reaction to all events happening around him, quite easily reconciled with his failures and troubles. Usually sanguine people have expressive facial expressions. He is very productive in his work when he is interested in coming to strong arousal from this, if the work is not interesting, he is indifferent to it, he becomes bored.

Melancholic - a person is easily vulnerable, prone to constant experience of various events, he reacts little to external factors... He cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by an effort of will, he is too impressionable, easily emotionally vulnerable.

Each temperament can be found both positive and negative properties. Good parenting, control and self-control makes it possible to manifest: a melancholic, as an impressionable person with deep feelings and emotions; a phlegmatic person, as a seasoned person, without hasty decisions: a sanguine person, as a highly responsive person for any work: a choleric person, as a passionate, frantic and active person in work.

The negative properties of temperament can be manifested as follows: in a melancholic - withdrawal and shyness; in a phlegmatic person - indifference to people, dryness; for a sanguine person - superficiality, scattering. impermanence; the choleric person has a haste of decisions.

As already noted, there are four main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic (Fig. 1, Table 1).

Sanguine temperament

IP Pavlov gives the following characteristic of the characteristics of the sanguine temperament: “A sanguine person is an ardent, very productive figure, but only when he has a lot of interesting things to do, that is, constant excitement. When there is no such thing, he becomes dull, lethargic. "

A sanguine person is distinguished by easy adaptability to changing living conditions, increased contact with people around him, and sociability. Feelings of a sanguine person easily arise and quickly change, his stereotypes are quite mobile, conditioned reflexes are quickly fixed. In a new environment, he does not feel constraint, is capable of quickly switching attention and changing types of activity, and is emotionally stable. People with a sanguine temperament are best suited for activities that require quick reactions, significant effort, and attention distribution.

Choleric temperament

"The choleric type," notes IP Pavlov, "is clearly a fighting type, perky, easily and quickly irritated." "Carried away by some business, he overloads his means and forces and in the end he is torn, depleted more than he should, he is being worked on to the point that he can’t bear everything."

The choleric person is characterized by increased emotional reactivity, fast pace and sharpness in movements. Increased excitability choleric under unfavorable conditions can become the basis of irascibility and even aggressiveness.

Figure: 1. Reactions of people with different temperaments in the same situation (figure X. Bidstrup)

Table 1. Types of temperament and corresponding mental properties of a person

Mental properties

The pitchfork of temperament and the corresponding properties of higher nervous activity






Very high


Very big

Extraversion / Introversion





Plasticity / rigidity















Very stable

Very unstable

With appropriate motivation, the choleric person is able to overcome significant difficulties, giving himself up to the cause with great passion. It is characterized by abrupt change moods. A person with a choleric temperament achieves the greatest efficiency in activities that require increased reactivity and significant one-time exertion of forces.

Phlegmatic temperament

"A phlegmatic person is a calm, always even, persistent and stubborn worker of life."

The phlegmatic's reactions are somewhat slowed down, the mood is stable. Emotional sphere outwardly little expressed. In complex life situations the phlegmatic person remains quite calm and self-possessed, he does not allow impulsive, impulsive movements, since the processes of inhibition always balance the processes of excitation. Correctly calculating his strength, the phlegmatic shows great perseverance in bringing the matter to the end. Switching attention and activity is somewhat slow. His stereotypes are inactive, and his behavior in some cases is not flexible enough. The phlegmatic achieves greatest success in those activities that require a uniform exertion of strength, perseverance, stability of attention and great patience.

Melancholic temperament

“Melancholic temperament is clearly an inhibitory type of the nervous system. For a melancholic, obviously, every phenomenon of life becomes an agent that inhibits him, since he does not believe in anything, does not hope for anything, sees and expects only the bad and the dangerous in everything. "

The melancholic is characterized by increased vulnerability, a tendency to deep feelings (sometimes even for minor reasons). His feelings arise easily, poorly restrained, outwardly distinctly expressed. Strong external influences complicate his activities. He is introverted - busy with his experiences, closed, refrains from contact with strangers, avoids new surroundings. Under certain conditions of life, shyness, timidity, indecision and even cowardice are easily formed in him. In a favorable, stable environment, the melancholic can achieve significant success in activities that require hypersensitivity, reactivity, quick learning, observation.