Wide mustache. Types of mustache and beard names. Pick up the decoration

What do we know about such a piece of male image as a mustache and what types of mustache come? Fashion on wearing mustache has been there for many years. The mustache was always considered a sign of aristocraticness, masculinity and strength. In the royal times they were bored by monarchs, nobles, officers. Later, the mustache became a granted element of the appearance of a man. Closer to our time the fashion on the mustache was disappearing, then again appeared. And today they are considered a trend of male appearance.

History of popularity

If you wanted to fundamentally change your style, be sure to start wearing a mustache. At first you can feel a little embarrassing, because it will not be easy to get used to a new image. But later you will most likely like your new image. With a mustache you will look like a more resolute and courageous man.

Varieties of musty

Mustache come of different shapes and magnitude. Their species have a lot. To some extent, every man probably someday himself came up with his individual style of mustache. In this article we will tell you what is the most famous and popular types of mustache.


These elongated and sharply twisted up mustache, wear the name of such a well-known creative personality How El Salvador Dali. In order to wear such a style of mustache, you need to be ready to devote a lot of time to their laying.


Often this is a magnificent mustache, at first glance resembling an wrapped horsepow. The mustache should grow at the edges of the corners of the mouth and end only reaching the jaw. This form of the mustache is characteristic of many bikers. Also, throughout their lives, such a well-known actor as Tarry Halk Hogan is wearing.

Dense mustache, which are located just above upper Lip. Over all its length and slightly twist to the top. They were very loved to wear monarchs and nobles, hence their name. Interestingly, such mustache had Budyonov.


Solid large mustache, completely obscure the upper lip. Tom Sellek with pleasure wears a mustache of such a style.

Fu Manchu

These mustache are the name of the main character from the work of the British writer Romer Sax. Above the upper lip is released long mustachethat should not be shorter than the lower line of the jaw. At the same time, the hair thoroughly swipes over the edges of the mouth, which is distinctive feature This style.


The name speaks for itself. This form Usov strongly resembles lampshade. Such a form is very easy to give mustes on your own at home in front of the mirror.

The corners of the mouth should be shaved, and the mustache themselves to let go from the middle of the upper lip. They should be thin and long with sharp tips. During the war in England, such a mustache worn military.

Brush artist

Not long lush mustache, growing along the entire length of the mouth line. With such a mustache, we have not seen Brad Pitt once. This form is popular now among young people.


Narrow, thin strip of bristles over the upper lip. They were wary in the 40x-50s of the last century, Hollywood Actor Clark Gable.

The mustache is wide at the base and narrow above, resembling a pyramid form. Very comfortable and popular among men.


Dense little mustache, leaving right under the nose. Mustache characteristic Hitler and Charlie Chaplin. They will be suitable if you interfere with large mustache.


Large mustache, often whole closing mouth. Such wore a well-known writer Mark Twain, as well as Friedrich Nietzsche and even Joseph Stalin.


The mustache resembling a bicycle steering wheel, as their tips are tightened up rings. Italians are called their "mustache-spaghetti". They often wore soldiers during the First World War.

Mustache "only there"

Small almost invisible mustache. In fact, it is just a bristle left above the upper lip. If you hate frequent procedure Shaving, then this type of mustache is for you.

Not all types are listed above. men's musty. But having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main types of their kinds, you can come up with something unique for yourself. Everything is limited here only by your own fantasy. Add a pinch of creativity to your life and create a bright memorable image with a mustache.

AT last years All as a chain fell out: attacked the poor mustache, as if they would domaging their grandmothers. "Mustache is ugly", "mustache is useless" - a cramming taste. Wearing a mustache or not to wear - should solve each of us based on your preferences. Though in our edition, no one carries a mustache separately from the beard, we will stand up for them.

And first of all, that's why. You just look at this person, for these crafts. Brutal mix of insane Max, Lemmy Kilmuser and Siteter from Belgrade. No Gasconian dutches are only Boyarsky, only smoking by Kukan Boyarsky, only a mustache.

Usam can be trusted

Mustache, unlike beard, do not deceive and will not submit. In that blessed day, when the upper lip of the young man is covered with a virgin fluff, you can only be sure of one thing: the hair will be exactly under the nose. You do not have to shave, make yourself various methodsSo that next to the two existing volosnes on the cheeks climbed the third. Mustache will grow guaranteed, no matter what. After all, if they grow up with every third woman, then you will have them. Let the bald, let you immediately do not understand that this is: yellowed foam from beer, hair that sticks to the lip after a haircut or oral caress, or a game of light. But it will be a mustache.

From time immemorial

"And, in essence, the mustache, as the newest stage,
Decently inherited brags!
Spit hung on his back
Now - hanging under the nose. "
- Heinrich Heine -

In 1947, one retired pilot organized the club of a twisted Usa, which flourishes to this day. Potential members need to have "hairy jewelry of the upper lip with grasp tips." Births in the club are strictly prohibited. But, unfortunately, the mustache became the attribute of those who understand or just stuck in the past. And so it was not always. Once the mustache was a confirmation of strength and courage. Therefore, the hussars wore luxury curled crafts. They were delivered, they cared for them, they even prescribed them for the night to be wrapped in the wood paper. It was the lack of mustache was considered a sign of immaturity. There is such a saying from the Spaniards that kiss a man without mustache - I don't care what to drink an egg without salt. And Grandpa Freud and called the mustache phallic symbol. Although that he just did not call a phallic symbol.

Fashion is the most eloquent prostitute from everyone ever existed. Since the person has discovered that facial vegetation can be modified, the mustache and beards were made into fashion, then again disappeared. Egyptian shaved faces changed Allen dense beard. Then the shaved head of the Romans fell under the onslaught of the barbarians, which were invariably portrayed long-haired and tights. Already much later, at the courtyard of the invalid wife Ivan IV Elizabeth I, the mustache was included. Moreover, the venerable lords turned such inconceivable structures that modern hipsters would not risk such a construct.

Remember the beginning of the 20th century, when the appearance of a gentleman in society without a thin Alfons of Alfons caused more discussions than the chinductal synthol. The mustache at that time still had to be deserved. For example, in the army they were allowed to raise only military certain ranks. Nowadays, tradition continues. The only permissible vegetation on the face of the military is a mustache. No beard!

Now the mustache is considered old-fashioned and ugly. As at one time and the beard was considered a symbol of nestness and slurry. Although in the 80s and 70s, popular musicians were not considered urodes, despite their amp. In a short time, the beard is back again in the fly, and it is quite likely to be on the mustache, they will again look at the attribute of a fashionable person, and not a freak, deprived of a feeling of taste. Try to tell the Bavarian Burgers, Azerbaijanis, Hindu, Erkül Poirot, Igor Nikolaev, a detective Magnum and his grandfather that the mustache is ridiculous deformity. Prolvents are their irritated from regular shaving lip. Remembered that the upper lip is the most unpleasant place for shaving? It is easier to stick the cheeks to the blood than shaving the lip against hair growth.

By the way, it is in hair Lukovitsa Usov contains a large number of nerve endings. Mustache even recommend to carry astmatics as a means from the penetration of allergens in airways. Mustache are a kind of dust trap. And you say: there is no sense from them.

Mustache and women

Best of all about the role of the mustache in the relationship between men and women will say strings of the story of the Great Usachi Guy De Maupassant, who, oddly enough, was called "mustache." Osami would envy the seedy himself, and legends went about his sexual adventures. By the way, in one of these trips, he picked up his syphilis thoroughly.

"What is the charm of mustache, you ask? First, the mustache delightly tickle. They feel before the lips, and then all over the body, to the most heels, runs sweet trembling. It is the mustache caress, cause shudder and goosebumps on the skin and give the nerves at that kind of thrill, from which you press the "ah" ... and on the neck! Yes, did you ever feel the touch of the mustache to your neck? This feeling is drunk, permeates the cramp, goes down the back, runs away to the tips of the fingers, makes the ships argue, pull the shoulders, throw the head; I want to escape, and stay; This is amazingly exciting! Extremely! Besides ... But, right, I do not decide ... Loving husbandloving what is called, as it should, knows how to find a lot of such places for gentle kisses, such corners, which I myself have never thought. So without mustache and these kisses are very much losing in taste, not to mention the fact that they become almost indecent! Explain it as you know! As for me, I found the following explanation. The lip without a mustache seems naked like a body without clothes ... Creator (I do not dare to take advantage of another word, speaking about such things), the creator took care of covering all the caches of our body, where love should be buried. Shab mustache is, in my opinion, it's like cutting around the grove around the spring, from which you can get drunk and have a pleasant to relax. "

Nature counter

All animals and until recently, Pavel Breastin did not even think about hitting them. Do you know what will happen if you cut a mustache cat? He will launch his claws directly to your liver. In fact, the sucked beasts without mustache, their condition is approximately a human neuropsychiatric disorder. We, of course, are not so strongly tied with a mustache, but some getting rid of a cozy soft pillow under the nose causes moral harm. People who have on the face of vegetation as in the northern pole, it is easy to say "scolding mustache." And you rushed it all, Holly and cherished, waited until the brush would find a decent form. And then you simply, as if they say that they say: "Sradition". It is very painful to realize that your taste is considered disgusting, and the result of your work causes a mockery. Beats for pride, much stronger than the news that children are not born from you.

Method of self-expression

It seems that in our days, the mustache was the only affordable way Be yourself and somehow express. The world is divided into those who shake naked, and those who are still wearing a beard and consider it a symbol of masculinity. People stand in Barbers, whose masters, with all due respect, can do only one hairstyle and smooth hair on the face. The rest goes to the salons with the names of the type "Nicole" and hate as it turns out. Male Mir I turned into a black and white picture of alternating bald and overgrown heads - it is not lost short. But you should appear with the mustache, as you immediately become the center of attention. And how many advantages will give you extravagant in our days vegetation. First, a topic for conversation will appear. Yes, people will giggle, perplex and joke about external viewBut you will be the center of attention. The face of Eugene Guudza from the Gogol Bordello group without charismatic, lush effort would not be so recognizable. Music is good, but what is the mustache!

Secondly, they will add you age. There is nothing gallopped in that, you will become a little bit like dad or a Soviet engineer. A man with a mustache somehow trust more. Unless, of course, this is not the pedofophole Harvey Ugings from "Cute Bones."

And thirdly, there is no greater joy than standing in a twilight, thoughtfully tele the mustache. There is something heroic in it, courageous, as if you are a knight, preparing to the battle, or Murza, who sank the poison into the bowl of his blood enemy. No need to listen to people, we won't like what you like, if, of course, this does not break something common sense. Whether Igor Nikolaev, Frank Zapap (hopefully Igor is nice that it was put in one row with such an outstanding musician), Leonid Arkadyevich, Eddie Murphy and Denny Glover - Do not let fashion laugh at the most expensive that you have. Think, they do not swing them, because "too old for this shit"? They just wait patiently when the fashion is back on them.

In any case, no matter how much hair is on your face, take care of them. The mustache is therefore fell under the mast of the people's wrath, that their carriers do not consider it necessary to follow them. He reflected the brush under his nose, and that's it. This is permissible only if you play the accordion to the village babam.

"Shave or not shaving?" - that is the question. I asked him to myself, as if the prince Hamlet, frozen in thought in front of the mirror. I brought the blade above the upper lip and remembered a brilliant person who is the owner of an unusual mustache. Of course, I mean Salvador Dali, who created a huge number of artistic works. He called a mustache eloquent sign male face And was absolutely right in his judgments.

The mustache is the proof of masculinity, which representatives of the strong gender hide their modesty. They are an object of narcistemic admissions and a sign of wisdom. So I put the blade in drawer Tables and decided not to shave the mustache. Now, being in the bus, in the office, in the store, I see in the eyes of the mute question: "Why are they?". I can give him a multifaceted response, discontinuing the ten causes of wearing mustache.

So, I got a mustache to ...

Cause №1 - to be modern

Do you know which nickname in neatly combed guys in smoothly rejected shirts and in trousers with arrows? They are called office plankton. This is a jargon expression used to designate "White Collars". About such guys composed funny jokes And funny songs, they are not allowed into nightclubs and do not want to print on the covers of fashion magazines.

Why is this happening? The reason is clear: the time when successful men They should have looked like first graders, passed. Today, employers care if the speed you rushes to the tops. They are important completely different: availability creative veilCreativity and ability to think widely. Hair strip on the lip "hints" around the people around your originality and non-bank. Therefore, the saturated men always achieve success in work and quickly move through the career ladder.

Cause # 2 - Being yourself

What is best emphasized by masculine? Naturally, it is a mustache. Nature put everything in places. She seemed to foresee that people would pay great attention to compliance with the norms of morality. It is about the fact that men cannot be a society primary sexual signs. Therefore, nature endowed representatives of a strong floor with secondary signs.

Mustache gives my way special masculinity. They act on others subconscious level. Zigmund Freud associated the mustache with a phallic symbol. The same applies to the All-Russian Emperor Peter of the First, forcing the subjects to chant the mustache. He did not regret anyone and ordered to adhere to the law. But Peter himself first made an exception for himself and did not part with the mustache. This is an explicit proof that the representative of the Romanov dynasty considered the mustache sign of greatness and masculinity.

Cause # 3 - attract women

The ladies are very curious. For this reason, the mustache can be invited to go closer and consider the face of a man. Some girls risk asking: "Do not the mustache?", "Can I touch them?". The second question I excite me. In general, you yourself know what promises the first body contact.

Cause №4 - change the image

With the help of a mustache, I can change images and surprise women. In appearance, I do not sue me. But I do not appeal to plastic surgeons. I use trimmer and wax for mustache. it inalient attributes Used man. With their help, I imitating Hokang Hollya today, and tomorrow I create the charming image of the Musketeer D "Artanyan. Well, the day after tomorrow I become like an American actor and a sex symbol Clark Gable.

My "antennas" gave me freedom. Additionally, I received a mystical connection with famous Usachi. This is not my fiction, but reality. For example, Maxim Gorky specially reflected the mustache, as he dreamed of becoming similar on the famous Friedrich Nietzsche. Thus, the Russian writer wanted to understand his idol and his philosophical sayings.

Cause No. 5 - seem smarter

All men want them to be respected for the mind and for professionalism. This issue has certain difficulties. Not all nature gave high intellectual abilities. Therefore, some guys resort to tricks. They waters on the nose glasses in a turtle frame and take a serious look. This option is not suitable for me for two reasons. First, I have normal vision. Secondly, I have a mustache. During a conversation with the interlocutor, they move and as if a hypnotizing pendulum, fascinating a person.

The practice is proved that words, let the most banal, but missed through a weathered filter, cause a desire to agree with the opinion of the speaker. No wonder the dictators and conquerors were a mustache. They give the face a serious look. And what about Napoleon, you ask? This is an exception.

Of course, the rule in which a man with a mustache seems smarter, not always acts. It is relevant only if the guy is not clinical clinic. This does not apply to me. I'm sure you too.

Cause №6 - Have a topic for conversation

On the first date, on a speech before a large audience, in the secular reception the necessary words, as for evil, do not come to mind. As a result, people bored and inspect the eyes of the neighborhood, diligently trying to find a topic for conversation. But, alas, she is not found. Mustache - lifebuoy for drowning. They attract the attention of others. Therefore, many conversations begin with: "Imagine, my father and great-grandfather had the same mustache."

Cause No. 7 - Hide emotions

People do not necessarily know what I think about them. Why do they need it? If my girl shared his secret thoughts or the boss crossed the stupidity, I smile softly in the mustache. I do not offend anyone and not risk getting around my neck for my laughter. With the help of the mustache, I skillfully hide my real emotions. I am proud of this advantage and always use it.

Reason number 8 - change age

If you are called the Junca Beales, then no reasoning about the meaning of being will not raise you in the eyes of others. This is a fact that cannot be discussed. Suspend its arguments? You are welcome! For example, you made a girlfriend offer, and she stroked you gently on the head and said: "We will grow up, you will become courageous, then we'll see." It's a shame? Still would! This is the situation that happened to me. Therefore, I did not wait for the head to appear on my head and the face would cover wrinkles. I undertook a cardinal action by changing my appearance. With a mustache, I became older than five years. Moreover, I enhanced my authority in the eyes of women and colleagues. But when I knock on fifty, I will roll the mustache. But then everyone will be surprised and say: "How did you get out!"

Cause №9 - take hands

Psychologists argue that small monotonous actions are activated by the mental process. I have repeatedly checked this statement in practice. For this, I, indulging in reflections, was picked up in the nose, he told himself for the ear and knocked the drum fraction on his teeth. The case came at all to the absurd when I burned bubbles on a plastic film. Kindergarten, honestly. Such actions have made a negative impression on others. People began to escape me and avoid my society. Therefore, I abandoned such classes. Now I, thinking, twisting the mustache. Such an action has on people positive influence. They communicate with me and enter into a discussion.

Reason number 10 - use in sex

This is an intimate moment. I am sure you have a good imagination. Therefore, you yourself will understand how the mustache is used in sex.

Beard, Mustache and Bengnebard - great way Show your individuality and create your own unique style.
Do you know that the number of ways to decorate yourself reaches several dozen?

Suvorov beard (FR. And La Souvarov) - starts from the temples and descends down, barking the cheekbones, to the corners of the mouth, and then bent again up, smoothly turning into the mustache. The chin at the same time remains clean.

Polyzay (Copstash Standard) - Beautiful mustache, bordering the top lip within the corners of the mouth, with the base under the nose. Prefer their police and military, i.e. Those who, according to the charter, wearing a normal beard are not supposed, but really want.

Dali (Dali) - Thin musting up, as a great artist Salvador Dali.

Duck tail (Ducktail) is a complete beard that is tonsured from top to bottom, reminding duck tail.

Such a beard reminds popular in the 60s hairstyle (rear view).

Bukashka (El Insecto) - two funny proceedings under the chin, reminiscent of the jaw of insects (housing). You can add the mustache.

English mustache (English Mustache) - wide mustache, opening the middle of the upper lip. With long, striking tips, spinning which is not worth it.

Erkul Poirot did not part with them.

Anchor (Fr. Anchor) - passes along the chin line, connecting under low Gip. The vegetation in the field of cheeks and the viscov is missing. In combination with subtle mustache, such a composition resembles a ship anchor.

The Federation Standard (Federation Standard) is a Bengnebard, which are shaved at an angle of 45 degrees to the top of the ear.

The heroes of the series Star Trek are the main promoters.

Franz Josef (Franz Josef) - begins at the temples, descends down to the base of the lower jaw, and then rises sharply up, connecting with the mustache. A little resembles Suvorov, but here the lower corner is smaller. Named in honor of the emperor of the Austrian Empire and Bohemia of the mid-19th century Franz Joseph.

French fork (FRENCH FORK) - a full beard with a mustache, coming from the Bengnebard line and closing cheeks. The peculiarity is that its lower part of it resembles a French plug.

The beard is longer, it looks more spectacular.

Completed wide tanks (Friendly Mutton Chops) - wide bundlebards, closing half cheeks and cheeks. The mustache is growing in the tanks along the top lip. Round chin and square under the bottom lip chims.

Fu Manchu (Fu Manchu) - mustache, which grows down, barking up the top lip and hanging over a round chin.

Named by the name of the fictional character of the novel of the Irish Writer Sax Roxmer (Sax Roxmer) of the first half of the 20th century - Dr. Fu Manchu.

It is noteworthy that in the text of the Hero, the mustache is not wearing. They were popularized by the flashing of the work in the British TV series The Mystery Of Dr. FU Mnachu. The hero is negative and is a stereotypical personification of Chinese villains.

Balbo (Balbo) is a wide, but not a complete beard, covering the chin and part of the cheekbar, with the labeled base under the bottom lip. The image is complemented by the medium thickness of the mustache.

This kind of beard got its name in honor of the Italian military and political figure of the last century, Italy Balbo, who was worn.

Garibaldi (Garibaldi) is a wide, full beard with attached dense mustes, with rounded base.

Named in honor of Giuseppe Garibaldi (Giuseppe Garibaldi) - Italian General and 19th Century Politics.

Espanyolka (Goatee) - many confused with a goat beard. But here the form is another - the more round and beard covers the entire round chin.

It looks good with wide bundlebards.

Handlebar (from English. Cycling steering wheel) - Magnificent mustache, the ends of which shaped semicircle.


Handlebar and Chin Puff - the above mustache are complemented by a small section of vegetation in the center of a round chin.

Handlebar and Goatee - twisted mustache in conjunction with the espanol.

Hollywoodian - closes low jaw And round chin, supplemented with a beard associated with a beard. But Benbards are absent.

The sail - Hulihee (translated from Hawaiian means "to flee", "rushing on all sails") - "curved" to the central part of the Bengnebard cheekbank, connected to the mustache. At the same time, round chin remains shaved.

Hungarian mustache or "Wild West" (Hungarian or Wild West Mustache) - thick mustache combed from the center to the sides.

Imperial beard (Imperial) - should not be confused with the Napoleon III composition. Here the beard is connected to the mustache, covers the cheekbones and combed up, but not twisted. Round chin and cheeks shave.

The Klingon is a fictional alien civilization of Humanoids - warriors from the Star Trek series. The upper lip is chosen, but the connectors connecting it with a full beard remained.

Wide tanks (Mutton Chops) - wide bundlebards growing from the temple to the point just below the level of the corner of the mouth. To the bottom is slightly expanded.

Emperor Napoleon III - similar to the type Handlebar and Chin Puff. The difference is that the beard itself should be longer, like the Emperor France Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808-1873).

Norwegian Skipper (Norse Skipper) is an espanolka, but looks like an inverted drop. It grows directly from the line of the lower lip and occupies the surface of the chin within the range of the mouth.

Old Dutchman (Old Dutch) is a complete beard, without a mustache and shaved plot under the bottom lip. The base is specific square form.

Mustache - Pencil (The Pencil) - very thin mustache over the line of the upper lip.

Shirma (Chin Curtain) - Beard begins his height from the temples, descends along the chin line, completely covered it. Mustache is not provided.

Such beard also refer to Lincolnic in honor of its most famous admirer Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln).

Petite goatee Petit Goatee - a small section of vegetation in the central part of the chin.

Rap Industry Standard is a very thin strip of vegetation from the tanks along the whole chin. Connected to the "pencil" mustache.

SHORT BOXED BEARD - a wide beard of the OLD DUTCH type, but with a mustache.

Islet (Soul Patch) - a small plot of vegetation under the bottom lip.