How to increase the number of hair follicles on the head. Folk remedies to increase the thickness of the hair. Folk beauty recipes

According to statistics, an average of about 100,000 hairs grow on the human head. Most thick hair blondes can boast - they can count about 130,000 hairs. Least Thick hair in redheads - up to 80,000 per head. However, with less density, the hair may look more lush due to its thickness. To determine the thickness of the hair, you need to look at the width of the parting: the more clearly the scalp is visible, the thinner the hair.

The results of the trichological examination will allow you to choose the right tactics treatment, aimed either at increasing the thickness of the hair, or - the density.

Increase in hair thickness

Many, noticing that the volume of hair is visually reduced, begin to use care cosmetics, the task of which is to increase the thickness of the hair. It includes:

  • Means for volume. Usually these are shampoos that act on the hair scales, lifting them up. As a result, the hair looks lush. Permanent application such funds eventually wears them out, making them brittle and dull.
  • Dye. The technology of dyeing hair is to make it porous to absorb dyes. At first, the hair seems thicker, but later the dye is washed out and the hair begins to break.
  • Silicone. Present in the composition various means care (shampoos, mousses, sprays, etc.): envelops the hair, increasing its thickness. At first, the hair looks shiny and well-groomed, but this component provokes dandruff, as the hair and scalp stop “breathing”. Prolonged use of cosmetics containing silicone can lead to hair loss.
  • Lamination. Treatment with special formulations in several steps to create a thin semi-permeable membrane on each hair. The process greatly weights the hair, as a result of which their excessive loss may begin.
  • Henna. Natural enveloping and nourishing agent. It has been used since ancient times, it is a part of shampoos, paints, hair masks. It has a strong coloring effect, so it is not suitable for everyone.

These funds can not be recommended for permanent use. If you have some kind of solemn event at which you want to look perfect, you can take such measures, but in fact, the listed remedies will not help to make your hair thicker. If you have fine hair, you need balanced diet With enough vitamins and microelements, hypoallergenic care products for natural basis, walking on fresh air, stress reduction. In this case, you will improve your health in general, which will immediately affect appearance hair, skin and nails.

Increase in hair density

It's even more difficult task than the previous one, and if it is not solved correctly, Negative consequences will start earlier. Consider the most common ways of real and visual magnification hair density:

  • "Awakening" of hair follicles. Not all hair follicles on the head are in an active state, some of them are "sleeping". However, the latter are no more than 10%. Waking them up serious problem you are unlikely to decide. To activate the work of dormant bulbs, many use special masks for hair, homemade and purchased, which activate the follicles. The disadvantage, if not the danger, of most of these remedies is that their effectiveness is often exaggerated. traditional healers or marketers. In addition, individual intolerance is possible. And the pepper extract, which is part of many masks, can cause burns and hair loss. Special medical serums are effective, but their minus is the high cost and the need for long-term use to achieve results.
  • Hair extension. There are many methods of attaching natural or artificial strands to the hair to visually increase their density. It can be glue, hot resin, metal clips ... Strands can be woven into natural hair in the form of afro. All this creates a huge load on the hair, injuring and weighing it down. This is especially true for naturally weakened and thin hair. Artificially extended strands must be removed after a maximum of three months and not to repeat the procedure for six months. At this time, it is important to take seriously the restoration of hair, which, as a rule, are in worst condition than before extension. Moreover, native hair torn out in the process of wearing artificial strands is often not restored, and then the only way elimination of the appeared bald spots becomes hair transplantation.
  • Dreadlocks. This is a method of tangling hair into voluminous matted pigtails. They are combed with a metal comb. The procedure is painful, traumatic for the hair and scalp. After three months, the hair grows back, and you either have to repeat the procedure at the roots, or cut the dreadlocks completely. There is a more gentle option - artificial dreadlocks, often bright colors, which are attached to the hair without combing it. This procedure is akin to extension, and it is also difficult to call it useful.
  • Wigs, hairpieces. The “out” option is not always comfortable. Suitable for single use. The constant wearing of wigs and hairpieces irritates the scalp, prevents it from breathing, causes itching, and contributes to the appearance of inflammation and rashes on the scalp.
  • Hair transplantation. Most effective way for people suffering from hair loss. Remember that it will not allow you to increase the density and thickness of your natural hair.

During the procedure, hair is transplanted from areas of greatest density (usually the parietal region) to areas of their loss (fronto-parietal zone). Before choosing a clinic, it is very important to clarify what method and tools will be used to collect hair and set it up. The use of outdated approaches and equipment during transplantation can play a cruel joke on you: scar(s), scars may remain in the donor area and the staging area, and even after several similar operations, natural hair density will remain an unattainable dream. For example, during intervention with a scalpel (strip) or a rotating punch (FUE machin), the donor area is severely injured, the density of the hair in it irrevocably decreases, while in the setting area the density remains as far from natural as it was before the intervention.

A logical question arises: how to achieve greater hair density in the staging area with the least trauma to the donor area? The solution is, in which needle microtools with a diameter of only 0.5-0.8 mm are used. With their help, the hair follicles are manually carefully removed with a single puncture. Hair transplantation itself is carried out with a Choi microimplanter at a natural angle of inclination and hair growth without preliminary incisions or punctures. The HFE hair transplant procedure can be carried out in two stages: hair transplant up to 80 hair density per 1 sq. cm, and then - up to 100-120 hairs per 1 sq. see. Healing is fast, and soon with proper care you can enjoy again looking healthy of your hair.

Thus, the most effective way to really increase the density of hair is a transplant. And only in a way with minimal trauma. skin, which is currently represented only by the HFE method.

There are several procedures that allow you to achieve how cosmetic enhancement hair thickness, and real. It should be noted that each of them has its pros and cons. Cosmetic ways effective for achieving quick, but short-term results. A more serious effect is promised by systematic care, aimed at increasing the thickness of the hair at the growth stage.
First of all, a professional will allow to achieve an impressive effect. This procedure is designed specifically for owners of thin and brittle hair. Apply to hair special compound, which is an enriched balm, which, under the influence of high temperature literally melts the hair cuticle. As a result, the trunk of each hair is enveloped in a thin film, which simultaneously protects the hair structure and increases its volume. The effect of hair lamination lasts from 1 to 3 months, after which the procedure must be repeated.
A gelatin mask allows you to achieve a similar effect. To prepare the composition, you will need edible gelatin and a small amount of balm. In a glass of water room temperature it is necessary to dissolve 3 g of gelatin. When the gelatin swells, it must be heated in a water bath and brought to a homogeneous state. Then add a few drops of balm and apply on wet hair. The composition must be kept on the hair for at least 40 minutes, then washed off with a mild shampoo. effect from gelatin mask similar to professional lamination, however, to maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated much more often - 2 times a month.
For a more permanent effect Iranian henna, which, unlike other means, allows you to increase the thickness of the hair at the growth stage. Penetrating into the structure of the hair follicle, henna awakens dormant hairs, making them thicker and stronger. It should be noted that at the same time, the hair becomes much darker, which is clearly visible even when using colorless henna.
In addition, we should not forget that the medical industry does not forget about the problem of hair thickness, and on the shelves of pharmacies and specialized stores there are more and more funds promising to turn the braid thin hair no worse than the average Indian woman. Of course, not all marketing promises printed on the colorful packaging of shampoos and balms are true. Most of these products contain active silicone compounds, which really, after the first application, allow you to feel a glossy film on your hair. This is achieved through the action of silicone, enveloping the structure of the hair and occupying the voids under the open scales. However, the silicone is quickly washed out of the hair, leaving the hair damaged.
Often, an increase in hair thickness is an additional result of exposure to products aimed at strengthening hair follicles. Through active component composition, activating the process of hair growth, an increase in the diameter of the hair is achieved.

thick luxurious hair- the desire of many beauties. In practice thick braids not everyone can boast. However, it is still possible to correct this defect, and in several ways. Used for this means for the density of hair - pharmacy and folk.

Methods for increasing density

The density of the hair is determined by 2 main factors - the amount of hair and the thickness of the hair. Moreover, it is not the absolute value of these values ​​that is important, but their ratio: with thin hairs, even their maximum amount of volume does not create. Many blond beauties suffer from this, as blonde hair is the thinnest.

Fortunately, when evaluating the external appearance, the visual impression is more important than the real state of affairs. You can create the illusion of density if you give your hair a splendor or resort to means that allow you to really increase the number of hairs.

To increase the density, there are several methods, it is best to combine them whenever possible:

  • The number of hairs on the head is determined by the number of follicles. Their number is set by the genetic program and cannot be changed. However, a real increase in the number is not such a hopeless issue. The fact is that some of the follicles are in a state of "hibernation", and if you manage to activate them, you can increase the number of hairs.
  • Another way is to extend the "life" of the hair shaft. On average, the growth stage is 2-4 years, followed by the stabilization stage - 15-20 days, the dormant stage, that is, without a hair - 90-120 days. For bad skin condition poor circulation, weakened strands, the growth stage is reduced to a minimum, while the resting stage is increased. If this ratio is changed in favor of the growth stage, then the number of simultaneously existing growing hairs increases. Accordingly, the density of the hair increases.

You can influence the thickness of the hair, this problem is also solved in 2 ways:

  • Means - shampoos, balms, may include substances that form a shell around the hair shaft. Most often this role is performed by silicone. This film leaves the hair flexible, but protects against mechanical damage and is water resistant. In this case, the hair turns out to be thicker, and the hair, respectively, is thicker. The disadvantage of this solution is that silicone does not allow the hair to "breathe", which leads to a gradual loss of moisture.
  • Another method is to break the integrity of the top layer of the rod. The cuticle is formed due to the tight fit of squamous cells to each other. Thus, the elasticity of the hair is ensured, and its smoothness and shine. If, under the influence of any factor - in this case, chemical, to make the scales bristle, you can get a hair of greater thickness than it really is.

This option is very traumatic for the hair, so you won’t find it in a pharmacy. If the cuticle is damaged, the hair remains defenseless: moisture is lost, delivery is disrupted nutrients and strands quickly become dry and brittle. However, there are many fans and such tools, because they provide a very fast result.

Restoration of curls

If the owner of not the most magnificent hair is interested in a long-term result, which in the future will not lead to a complete loss of curls, you will have to not only take extra care of them, but also be sure to follow certain recommendations.

To increase the number of hairs, it is necessary to activate the follicles, and this will require increased nutrition and enhanced blood supply.

  • Nutrition - no matter how trivial it sounds, daily diet very noticeable effect on the condition of the skin and curls. The lack of protein, unsaturated fats and, in particular, vitamins, can lead to the most disastrous consequences. If these are already available, only the natural replenishment of vitamins may not be enough. With brittleness and dryness of the strands, it is necessary to include vitamin preparations containing shock doses of vitamins A and group B. Vitamin E will also not be superfluous, as it is able to activate capillary blood circulation.

It is highly desirable to periodically take a course of consumption of iron-containing preparations. The ability of blood to carry oxygen literally ensures the life of the cell.

  • Healthy lifestyle - physical activity accelerates metabolism and blood circulation throughout the body. True, the conditions under which this activity is carried out are no less important: there are many girls who are ready to confirm that a vacation at sea, despite the fading of the strands in the sun, had a very positive effect on their other qualities.
  • Care for curls - this includes the use suitable means care, including shampoos that have a beneficial effect on the activity of hair follicles, and the rejection of frequent traumatic procedures: ironing, perm., and more specialized care - masks, for example.


How to wash your hair so that it is thick, it is better to find out not from a beautician, but from a trichologist. Here it is important to assess not only the condition of the strands - normal, dry, oily, but also their qualitative composition to determine which micro and macro elements they lack. Secondly, you need to assess the condition of the scalp. A number of diseases, like seborrhea in different types, significantly affects the growth of curls, so that a result can be achieved only after the disease has been cured.

If the reason rare curls speaks hormonal disbalance, alas, shampoos, balms and masks will be powerless. If the hair simply lacks nutrients, the work is not balanced sebaceous glands etc, pharmaceutical preparations quite capable of handling the task.


Shampoo includes Birch tar and burdock root extract. These two components are by far the most effective natural remedies to restore curls. Both substances perfectly restore the hair structure, activate blood circulation in the scalp, and even stimulate cell regeneration. In addition, tar normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, which allows you to get rid of seborrhea. The cost of the composition is from 80 to 120 rubles.

Use tar shampoo carefully and no more than 1 time per week. Apply the product directly to the scalp or to the roots, without trying to process the hair along the length. After the procedure, it is recommended to use a softening balm: having soaked into the broken cuticle, the tar gives the hair greater rigidity.


Includes a vitamin and protein complex necessary for quick recovery follicle work. It is used both as a remedy and for prevention. artificial way shampoo does not increase the thickness of the hairs, so its use to instant results does not lead. The composition costs 650–720 rubles.


Contains a large set of vitamins and amino acids. The remedy is recommended for use during pregnancy, with beriberi, with diets, when there is an elementary lack of vitamins. The price ranges from 584 to 842 rubles.

"VICHY" to restore curls

The product contains not only vitamins, but also aminexil. The latter is one of the most effective growth stimulants. It is preferable to choose pharmacy shampoos, since you can find a fake in a regular store. The cost of the original shampoo is significant - 1220 rubles.


- This is an option for those cases when the low density of the hair is due to a disease of the scalp. To eliminate the cause of the disease - fungal infections, used first medicinal products, which normalize the acid balance of the skin, stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands, and, at the same time, activate the work of the hair follicles. Shampoo is prescribed by a dermatologist, used only in medicinal purposes, courses. average price product - 725 rubles.


Stimulating composition, including vitamins and trace elements. It is aimed not at activating dormant follicles, but at stimulating growth. New hairs do not appear when using it, but the growth stage is lengthened. Shampoo will cost 355–402 rubles.

Tips to help you make your hair thick and strong:

Oil masks

Most of these compounds are made at home, but the oil itself is looked for on the shelves of pharmacies and stores. Oils are used both as an independent mask and as part of other more complex mixtures. As a growth stimulator of curls, the following substances are best known.

  • Burdock oil is an absolute favorite in hair care. Using it is not so easy, the oil has a thick viscous consistency, it is difficult to wash out, but the effect of its use justifies everything. Burdock oil restores damaged structure cuticles and stimulates the hair follicle.

The most simple mask is as follows: heat a little substance in a water bath - up to 35 C, rub into the scalp and distribute along the length of the strands. Then cover your head with a hat, wrap with a towel and hold for 1-1.5 hours. Then wash off the composition with shampoo.

  • Castor oil- no less famous. Restores the acid balance of the scalp, stimulates the activity of the follicles. The mask is held castor oil at least 1 hour, has the same disadvantage as Burr oil: too thick, viscous consistency. Because of this, both substances are preferred to be mixed with something light. More useful masks using castor oil.
  • Almond oil - a more expensive option. Very rich in vitamins - E, B2, B3, F, easily absorbed, gives hair shine and color saturation. As a growth stimulant, it is somewhat weaker.
  • Flaxseed oil - its biggest advantage is the high content of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids activate metabolic processes, which makes the hair follicles "work" more intensively.

Shampoos for volume

It is possible to artificially create volume in the shortest possible time. The best shampoos and balms of this kind include amino acids, keratin - supports the cuticle, and silicone. The latter forms a thin, dense waterproof film that makes the hair thicker and tougher. To keep this effect, you need to wash your hair with this shampoo regularly.

On the other hand, the silicone film literally blocks oxygen, which is bad for the condition of the strands. So experts recommend washing your hair with the usual composition at least 1-2 times a week to remove the film for a while.

Such shampoos are found in the line of any manufacturer.

Elseve L'Oreal

Includes vitamin complex, protects against ultraviolet rays. The bulk of the strands is maintained for 18 hours. The cost of the product is 227–289 rubles.


Instead of silicone, the active ingredient here is baobab oil. The substance forms the same thin film that increases the thickness of the hair shaft. The effect, however, is less significant and does not last as long, but the structure of the cuticle is not damaged. The price of shampoo is 380 rubles.

Dercos Vichy

The composition is rich in trace elements, in particular magnesium, manganese, iron and silicon. It not only increases the visual volume of the hair, but also strengthens the strands. The cost is quite large - 823–1239 rubles.

body full

Designed for thin dry or normal hair, for fat is not suitable at all. Since it includes many natural oils. The film on the hair shaft increases its thickness, protects against mechanical damage. Cost - from 2678 rubles.

Another option to increase the volume - due to a violation of the laying of the cuticle scales, has long been recognized as a dangerous method and is not practiced. In fact, such funds can be found even now. Any version of the shampoo marked with Volume, except famous brands, may fall into this category. It is quite simple to distinguish them from less aggressive products: after washing with such a composition, the volume increases, but the strands lose their shine and elasticity literally after 1-2 procedures.

It is interesting!

Answering questions from our members, trichologist at the RTH Clinic Fedor Tonkikh argued that the possibilities modern medicine allow you to increase the density of the hair. And we asked him to tell him more about it.

What methods help to increase the density of hair?
First of all, it should be noted that hair treatment must be complex, i. simultaneously in several directions. One of the most common mistakes is the “unidirectionality” of conservative therapy, when the patient takes only vitamins or does only mesotherapy. This works only if there are no problems at all and the goal is to improve the condition of the hair.
In all other cases, as practice shows, this will not be enough. A huge plus is that in the course of stimulating therapy, we not only increase the density, but also improve the structure of the hair shaft. There are several methods for this.
1. Injection techniques (mesotherapy, plasmolifting, biomimetic peptides).
2. Preparations for external use ( different formulations strengthening, combined, stimulating, etc.).
3. Drugs inside.
4. Means for the care of the scalp and hair.
5. Physiotherapy.

How can you increase the density of hair - each hair becomes larger in diameter or more follicles from which new hair grows?
As a rule, when it comes to increasing the density, we prescribe a complex of stimulating drugs and procedures. The action is carried out by improving microcirculation (blood supply) at the level of the scalp, which ensures a more complete intake of everything useful and necessary from the body and a nutritional effect due to the content of all the substances necessary for the full life of the hair (vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc.) . Against the background of treatment, the hair shaft thickens, it becomes thicker and, accordingly, harder +, ideally, to increase the number of growing hair. However, this is not new hair, we are increasing the number of follicular groups, i.e. when the bulb is healthy, it produces 2-3 hairs from one follicle mouth or nearby, due to these unused hairs, and density increases.
Very rarely, when patients are treated in the parting, full growth is observed, the main objective trichological treatment - to achieve full restoration and hair growth.
On any parting 5 cm long there must be at least 15 short hair different lengths, in this case, even a strong fallout will not lead to a rapid loss of volume. It happens that there is no strong loss, and there is less and less hair every year, this happens due to poor recovery.

In a previous interview, you said that if there is a hair root, then in any case it produces a hair shaft. But this will not happen if the root system has been replaced by connective tissue. Why is this happening? How to avoid it?
If there are problems, then the root system (bulb) gradually decreases in size (dystrophy). Each time it becomes smaller and smaller, and eventually, if this degenerative process is not stopped in time, it is replaced by connective tissue, and in this case there is nothing to treat. When there are no more bulbs, then in such situations, unfortunately, we are talking only about the suspension of the thinning process, an increase in the total volume is almost impossible. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time.

How can hair growth of 3-5 cm per month be achieved using stimulating therapy?
3-5 cm is hair growth against the background of stimulating therapy, including mesotherapy, and at least one more direction.

Questions from community members:
Is dry shampoo harmful?
Shampoo is an individual matter, the main thing is that it is suitable for this person, his hair and skin type. Dry shampoo is best used for emergency situations, for this he, in fact, was created.

What is your opinion on henna hair coloring? And what coloring is the safest for hair: henna, ammonia-free paints on low oxides or in general regular paint mass market? Or are they all equally harmful?
Henna is one of the ancient remedies for the treatment and strengthening of hair. It works mainly due to the tanning effect. Henna and basma are considered the most safe means for hair coloring. Useful paints not yet figured out. Certainly not all coloring agents and procedures are equally harmful. The most dangerous action is abrupt change hair colors (from brunette to blonde, when to pick up desired tone I have to color my hair several times. If there is a need for staining (for example, early gray hair), it is better to use ammonia-free paints or tinting agents.

For reference:

Real Trans Hair clinic opened in 1995 and specializes in hair transplantation own hair. RTH specialists have performed over 14,000 such surgeries. In 2000, a trichology division was created here, the first in Moscow to offer clients hair treatment and restoration services. The main principle of the clinic: the resources for hair restoration are in the body itself, they just need to be put to work.