Exercises to develop taste and style. Emphasize advantages, hide disadvantages. Style as the ability to present yourself in the best possible light

Are you old-fashioned or not? If your wardrobe is full of boring, old things, it's time for some small changes to enhance your style and spice it up. Learn 5 simple ways develop your sense of style in order to make an unforgettable impression on those around you every day.

In everyday communication, in social life our appearance plays a major role; even the smallest details matter. Fashionable things can make you a stylish, sophisticated woman, thanks to which you will feel confident in any circumstances.

Dressing style not only influences the way others think about us, but is equally important to our communication and work. At the same time, the style and good taste do not depend on money or social status.

The style in which we dress and under which we select things is influenced by many factors, first of all, public opinion and the expectations of others. But last but not least, it is important here and own feeling style. Learn a few tricks you can use to improve it to find outfits in which you will always look perfect.

When it comes to clothing, style is even more important here than fashion. The key to success is your own behavior. And the most main secret- always be confident in yourself and your outfit. Try experimenting with new things to find the ones that suit you and your style perfectly.

By experimenting, you can easily find out which models and colors suit you the most, because being stylish doesn't mean wearing clothes. fashion brands... Being stylish means wearing things that fit your body perfectly and highlight your dignity.

Tidy up your wardrobe, put aside items that are out of fashion or that don't suit you. Get rid of clothes that make you feel insecure or uncomfortable. Empty the closet for new ones, stylish outfits that you will definitely buy, albeit gradually.

Get some timeless, classic pieces that go well with any outfit and suit any occasion. Mixing is key when choosing new clothes. Try to treat the wardrobe as a kind of investment; it should contain as many things as possible " must have"- ie obligatory for every woman.

Make sure you have several outfits in your wardrobe that can be worn in any season, regardless of current trends... Classic small black dress, a pair of classic black trousers, a cardigan, a classic trench coat in neutral shades, a pair of fitted jeans, a wrap dress, an elegant skirt or a white silk blouse - these are almost all the basic things that simply must hang in your closet.

These outfits are a great choice for stylish woman, because they can be combined with things that are relevant this season, or complement fashion accessories... Even simple earrings or a necklace will decorate you and give you style.

If you want to develop your sense of style, always dress as if you are going out, even if you are sitting at home. Paying attention to your outfits on a daily basis will change your behavior and build confidence. That little effort really helps to develop a sense of style.

To dress stylishly, it is very important to know your body and be able to highlight your strengths and hide weaknesses. Choose clothing that adjusts your figure, aligns proportions and gives you a sophisticated, feminine look.

Particular attention should be paid to the protruding tummy, big breasts or wide hips that can be hidden with the right clothing.

By learning to visually adjust your proportions, you will feel confident, stylish. dressed woman that will definitely be noticed by others.

Summer has come - the best time for elementary transformations and creation new personality... Get rid of old, uncomfortable items and experiment with different styles and colors to find outfits that show off your flair. Amaze your friends and colleagues with your new, stunning look!

They say that a sense of style is innate, that only a small amount of people have a taste. It's a delusion.

Even if you are just a beginner in fashion, you can develop your sense of style in a little time. It only takes practice. And in fact, those who dress beautifully and stylishly have just been practicing much more than you.

We want to tell you about 5 ways you can develop your tasteand sense of style even if you are completely new to fashion.

Want to know more about how to dress fashionably and stylishly?

Complete the basic and basic course of the Italian School of Fashion and Style online -

Method 1: Observe carefully

Use what surrounds you every day: you can sit in a cafe and watch passers-by, pay attention to the images of your colleagues and friends, metro passengers traveling to work.

If you find a look that appeals to you, think about what exactly makes it special. Maybe it's separate things that together make up interesting image(for example, preppy, bohemian or minimalism), color combination or one specific detail?

This is how you train your sense of style by paying attention to what other people are wearing, what resonates with you and what doesn't. This is the base, and if you ask about it from people who have good feeling style and passion for fashion, perhaps they will tell you that they have been doing this for a long time

Method 2: Decide in detail what your own style is

Determine what separates your favorite items from the rest in the wardrobe, i.e. why do you wear them more often. Think about colors, fabrics, silhouette, style and details.

Be precise in your reasoning. Instead of “I like these pants because they are comfortable and fit,” find out what makes them comfortable and fit. Natural material, high waist, thin cloth?

Once you figure out what exactly you like about your favorite things, you will receive a “list” of things that match your style. This “list” can be used as a guide while shopping. And since you wear such things already long time, the likelihood that you will not wear a new thing will decrease.

You can also make a list of the 5 longest and 5 most changing elements of your style.

Method 3: Use films for inspiration

Check out these films, which show very beautiful scenes from an aesthetic point of view. If you were one of his heroes, what would you wear?

  • The great gatsby
  • Elizabeth: The Golden Age
  • Memoirs of a Geisha
  • Roman holiday
  • Bonnie and Clyde

Method 4: Get out of your comfort zone

To change your taste, it's important to constantly try new things. Transform your wardrobe. From the items in your wardrobe, make at least 10 complete looks that you have never tried on before.

Method 5: Experiment with looks

Try to change your appearance... Within three days, change your hairstyle and do the following: if you spend more than 15 minutes on makeup in the morning and just comb your hair, it is better not to dye, but make yourself a new one every day beautiful hairstyle... Or, if you usually highlight your eyes, try accentuating your lips instead.

Well developed artistic taste lets be self-sufficient person under any circumstances. The ability to live in harmony with oneself and with the world around us helps to withstand the blows of fate, to withstand when everything collapses around and to enjoy the most ordinary things.

This ability is absolutely independent of financial situation... Simply, one person sees a rainbow in raindrops, and another sees dull weather and slush underfoot. Is it possible to develop taste in oneself or is it the lot of the elite and how to do it - read, learn and find your inner core.

Natural given or acquired ability

It is believed that good taste is given to a person by nature, like eye color, facial contours, height and other features of appearance. He either is, or makes you wish for the best and nothing can be done about it. But at the same time, the overwhelming majority agree that character largely depends on upbringing. That is good manners and habits can be instilled, but taste is not.

In fact, this opinion is deeply mistaken. Taste, especially artistic, can and should be developed. And to start it, like everything in life, it is never too late. Well, it did not grow together at the beginning, since childhood you were surrounded by a sad atmosphere, anxious, unfriendly people, any desire to change the usual course of things was perceived with hostility.

What prevents you from taking a step towards a happy, harmonious life now - laziness, habit, worry about tomorrow? It won't get better if you don't take care of it yourself. What does good taste have to do with it? Despite the fact that this thin little thing will help you look at everything with different eyes, and see completely new horizons.

Ways to develop artistic taste

The notorious effect of pickled cucumber has been known for a long time. It says that an ordinary green vegetable from the garden, placed in a jar of brine, whether he wants it or not, will turn into salty. How to apply it in ordinary life? Very simple.
Try to focus not on the gray routine, but on things that are beautiful, refined, and worthy of imitation. A sense of harmony will begin to emerge gradually. Go to museums, exhibitions, theaters.

At first, just look at the paintings, decorations, think not only about how much paint was spent. Try to appreciate the composition, the accuracy of the image of small details. To understand this better, take an interest in the basics of painting or the rules for combining colors and shades.

No money or time for museums - admire the natural scenery. This beauty is not inferior in strength and expression to the canvases of great masters. Read, but not tabloid novels, gossip and news about the next disasters, but the good old classics.

Pay attention to decent, confident people, adopt their gestures, dress, move, talk. Looking stylish doesn't mean expensive, and age has nothing to do with beauty. An intelligent old woman looks much more attractive than a slovenly young lady.
Develop your taste by everyone available ways... This is constant, daily, hard work on oneself, requiring a lot of effort and perseverance. But believe me, the result is worth it.

I will comment on everything written above.

1) Waiting quick results..
I will not say that I am special, at first I also wanted to solve everything with a cavalry swoop - I took courses, read a couple of books and voila - you are a brilliant designer. But as I studied this art, as I immersed myself in this area of ​​creativity, I realized that there would be no quick results, that I would have to work long and hard. And now I am ready for long and hard work, I am not afraid of the fact that it takes a very long time and a lot. I am not afraid of difficulties and have never been afraid.

2) Analytical review and study of quality works of other authors.
I began to study these relatively recently. Well, that is, I began to read books about design at the beginning of the year, and they included illustrations. I considered them, and tried to analyze them to the best of my understanding, but there was still no deep study and immersion. Now, with the accumulation of information on color theory, composition, the peculiarities of a particular style, I try to understand why the author did this here, and here it is, why he chose blue, not purple.
And literally this week, the idea came to analyze color palette high-quality works (the most appreciated on the world photobanks). The scheme is approximately the following - I download the image, send it to the online service to determine the dominant colors - it displays 10 colors with their encodings, I drive them into another service and determine their position by color wheel, tone, lightness, saturation. And in principle, it helped me understand one thought - I noticed that although the authors take color harmony, for example, a triad, but they do not use their nuclear shades, but very delicate, little saturated colors, practically colorless. And as a result, the composition does not explode the eyes, and it turns out to be very harmonious and pleasing to the eye. But this is a separate topic, sorry, digress. I just wanted to tell you how I try to analyze good works other authors.
In general, if in short, yes, my working day (I mean the process of teaching interior design skills) begins with an analysis of famous works and an attempt to understand the author's train of thought.

3) About Here I was lucky - I live in Ufa, a city of a million. I will not say that this is the most cultural center, but there is a more or less small level. There are several creative schools, a couple of universities (with a hudgraf), in general, the city is so average. Well, the fact that I cover the roof during the day and at the computer in the evening is yes)))) I work in the morning, in the evening or on courses, or independent work... While saving up for a computer and courses, I was self-taught drawing - I studied from books. Now the computer has already taken, passed courses on 3ds Max + Vray, so I am slowly working in 3ds Max - I create visualizations of interiors. At the same time, I am studying at one of our universities on retraining courses.

4) About plans.
Ideally, mine blue dream, leave your current job for an interior design company, even for a free internship. Combine the main job, so to speak, and do an internship in a design studio. And then start feeding yourself with this activity at all))) Well, ideally)))

Another question for the community - please tell me, is it possible to upload your training projects to the forum to work on bugs? For example, I created a visualization, posted it on the forum, and you will already comment on it - well, for example, the color scheme is not the same, it does not match here, but is that good? Well, something like that.

Thank you for listening) I am sincerely grateful for your advice and recommendations)

“Bad taste has limits,

only good taste is endless "/ Coco Chanel /

Every woman, however, like a man, is interested in the question - how to dress daily with taste, elegant and fashionable. A person with good taste always exists and feels himself to the place and to the time, as he strives for harmony between the external and inner peace... But, you see, it's not quite simple (this is especially true material side) follow the latest fashion trends.

Taste is the art of being in harmony with the surrounding world; this is a quality that does not appear in a person with his birth, but is grafted and educated from birth, and in the future it is the work of the person on himself.

If a person from the very early age gets acquainted with the beauty and eternal canons of beauty, it is much easier for him to develop good taste. Constantly expanding our horizons and discovering new things, we improve our taste. Good taste is often associated with a sense of style, although the two are perfectly different concepts like fashion and art.

Taste in clothes and a sense of style are closely related, first of all, with the environment in which you are, in which you were brought up. It is possible to develop good taste, as well as a good ear for music. It is best, of course, to do this in childhood, when the psyche absorbs everything "like a sponge." In adulthood, this becomes more difficult, but it is possible - with a steady interest and - without this, you can do it regularly. That is, study, study and study again!

Don't go after quantity. It is not for nothing that quality and quantity are considered two opposite categories. It is better to buy some high-quality shoes that will serve you for several years than to buy a cheap pair every year, which you barely manage to convey, since by the end of the season your noses are already beginning to "ask for porridge."

Quality comes first. Very young girls can afford to wear cheap things, since youth and beauty are best decoration, and they themselves, for the time being, probably do not make money on their wardrobe. But grown woman should always look great, preferring quality made things from natural materials.

Don't blindly follow fashion. Fashion trends - that's why they are trends, so that today they fly through the streets and alleys, and tomorrow they disappear without a trace. Not all fashion clothes suitable for any people. What compromises are you willing to make to follow the fashion? First of all, you need to remember that the most important thing in clothes is how they fit. And if it frankly doesn't suit you or even disfigures you, then it doesn't matter in which design house it was invented. The woman wears clothes, not the other way around. Don't forget this!

You need to learn to dress tastefully by studying your body type. Even the most beautiful and stylish thing it will look tasteless if it is incorrectly selected and sits badly on you. Clothing should emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws. For example, if you possess far from model appearance, do not emphasize this short skirts, skinny jeans and T-shirts. It is better to emphasize the beauty of your breasts with a lifting bra and a plunging neckline.

Buy some glossy magazines from stores and kiosks. They publish articles containing tips on how to dress with taste, and you can also find sections on fashion trends there. You should not blindly follow the fashion, but it will not hurt to choose from there a few ideas you like that suit you in style. Watch on TV programs showing the reincarnations of people, on television there are such a large number... There professional stylists give advice to women of different ages, height and complexion about what will suit them and what will not.

Similar advice can be found on the Internet, articles on fashion, tips from stylists, interviews with fashion designers are there, on special sites. You just have to match the proposed ideas with your personal preferences.

Disassemble your wardrobe. Throw away old things that do not fit the type of figure, and arrange the rest according to combinations of colors and styles. Try not to wear clothes at the same time different styles and inconsistent colors. Prepare some suitable combinations from existing wardrobe items in advance. It is possible that the old one long ago forgotten thing will sparkle with new colors in combination with other things, complemented by stylish accessories.

A classic for all time. If in some case you do not know what to wear, then wear something classic. This is a way to prevent you from falling on your face or stumbling on slippery slope fashion.

Colour. Very often you can find people who wear poorly matched clothes of the most varied colors. It looks more like they are going to disguise themselves among tropical birds, but even they, known for their bright colors, are even more restrained. If you are not sure about your taste, choose color combinations time-tested.

Find the colors that suit you. The wardrobe should be in harmony with the shade of hair, eyes and skin. Besides, dark colors will help to hide the fullness, and bright ones will draw attention to the merits of the figure.

Buy clothes wisely. It is better to buy several sets that can be combined with each other than dozens of motley things, some of which you will never wear. Find the combination of price and quality that suits you. The high cost of things is sometimes due to the quality of fabric and production, and sometimes - only to a famous brand. Most people will not pay attention to which brand your clothes are. But if it is small for you or does not decorate at all imperfect figure, this is no good! So don't fall prey to fashion.

Believe me, it's better to buy one designer thing than ten T-shirts with the famous logo. Nobody would believe that a real Armani or Burberry costs $ 10. And when the whole city is literally flooded with the same things, it seems that their owners were raised in an incubator.

Linen. Buy only really high quality and beautiful lingerie. Even if you can't see it under your clothes, you yourself know about it. It is impossible to feel like a queen when you wear tights with holes under your trousers.

Only nice shoes... Sometimes you can save a little on clothes, but the shoes should always be of high quality. It is on her that most people form an opinion about a person's image, and it is on shoes that some people pay least attention... You don't have to spend half your salary on it, quality shoes you can buy very inexpensively if you do not chase brands.

Aroma. Perfume is an indicator that a woman is serious about her style. You may prefer a certain scent throughout your life or change it depending on your mood, but having your own perfume is very important. They must be real, not fake.

Everything should be harmonious. Choose clothes according to where you go in them. To come to the theater in sneakers or walk on ten-centimeter stiletto heels on fresh grass is not just inappropriate, but sometimes even traumatic.

Don't try to be someone else. Choose clothes so that it emphasizes your dignity, becomes a continuation of your character. Then the integrity of the image and the tasteful wardrobe will allow you to look really great.

If you want to develop your taste and sense of style, regularly devote time and some internal resources to:

- admire nature in the richness of its colors and phenomena, celebrating subtle nuances colors, play of light and shadow, textures, variability of its states (clouds run across the sky, green buds open, twilight descends ...)

- look at works of art: paintings by artists, sculptures, architectural creations, etc., paying attention to details and, of course, what strings they touch in you (what, roughly speaking, "hooks" you and why)

- to develop the ability to contemplate - to enjoy the beauty of the world, absorbing it into oneself, to see beauty in everything: in every moment, in a person: to notice, to be inspired.

look at beautiful people, be interested in the history of fashion, stylish and interesting, from your point of view, personalities of the past and present, borrow what you like;

- learn to distinguish shades of colors, textures of fabrics, styles of clothing, types of cut, proportions of the human body;

- make peace with your nature; accept and love what is given to you from birth: your body, color and features of your skin, hair, eyes and other features, including character, inclinations;

- learn to understand your natural data: the figure, the features of your color color, in other words, to determine your type of figure and find out what is best suited for him, find out your color type, decide which lines prevail in your face and body: soft or clear what you would like to highlight, and what, on the contrary, to mask; what "zest" do you have.

And one more thing - clothes should be appropriate. For a picnic - jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers, to the theater - a dress, shoes and a clutch, to the office - formal suit... If you do not comply with these simple rules then fashion and style will be yours sworn enemies, and you will not be haunted by exclamations of admiration, but sympathetic glances.

If you are a bright individual with clear ideas about what beauty and style are, then no fashion trends you don't need it. You are your own fashion source. And others are equal to you. After all, many people simply don't care what people think of them. And there is something in this.

Be a colleague of fashion, not a slave to it. Cultivate good taste and dress always appropriately and beautifully.