What to give a baby for the new year. What to give a teenager? Sylvanian Families Sets

The New Year holidays are fast approaching. Many parents begin to worry about the question of what to give a child for the New Year 2019. In this respect, I have certain ideas, which I will definitely share in the article.

In anticipation of New Year's Eve, all children are eager to meet their beloved fairy tale character- Santa Claus. He always makes children happy, pleases with gifts and brings a lot of fun to the house.

Children who have learned to write state their own wishes on a piece of paper and send a letter to Santa Claus. caring parents Having read the letter, they try by any means to please and surprise the child.

Parents want to choose a useful and developing New Year's gift for their child. It is not always possible to achieve such a result, and a gift that the child did not like is lying around idle. To prevent this from happening, heed the advice.

  • traditional gifts . If you don't want to rack your brains, buy an airplane, a radio-controlled car, a doll, or a set of children's dishes.
  • branded goods . This category of gifts is the most common. Children watch ads with their parents and often end up in its networks. Not surprisingly, many parents no longer consider buying a Lego, Barbie doll, or Hot Wheels car a waste.
  • Hobby Gifts . Everyone has a certain hobby, kids are no exception. If a child is interested in studying ufology, collecting butterflies or anything else, making a good gift is easy.
  • Board games . This version of the New Year's gift deserves attention. True, keep in mind that in any board game have to play with the child. If that doesn't scare you, feel free to buy lotto or table hockey.
  • Constructor or smart game . Such gifts are chosen by parents who seek to instill in the child an interest in a particular area of ​​knowledge. Really, electronic designer or a telescope is ideal for this purpose. I do not recommend giving them to very young children.
  • Electronics . Parents actively use advanced achievements in the field communication technologies and buy tablets, smartphones and netbooks for children for the New Year. I won't argue if it's worth it. I note that if you decide to take such a step, teach your child how to use the device correctly.

New Year's gift ideas for children are of a general nature. What suits a girl may not suit a boy and vice versa. As we talk further, I will break down the 2019 New Year gifts into categories based on the gender and age of the children.

From myself I will add that it is better for children to give not one big and expensive, but several small gifts. Only in this case, New Year's Eve will remain in the memory of the child for life.

What to give a child to a girl for the New Year

So that the holiday does not disappoint the daughter, parents need to guess her dream. Reading a letter to Santa Claus or a careful conversation with your daughter will help with this. On New Year's holidays, I do not advise giving children shoes, clothes or sweets. Kids these days are not limited. For a gift to really surprise and bring a lot of joy, consider the age of the recipient.

  1. 1-4 years. Very young girls are unable to fully form desires. They will be happy with any toy. I recommend choosing educational toys or bright books with voluminous illustrations. A pet is considered a good gift. Having received a puppy or a kitten as a gift, the girl will feel like an adult and responsible person.
  2. 5-7 years. To greatly please your daughter and make her happy, give a bicycle, a stroller or a bed for dolls. You can cause real delight with the help of an interactive animal that can make sounds, go to the toilet and eat. Plus, girls of this age can be presented with a set of a doctor or a hairdresser, a multifunctional kitchen or doll dishes.
  3. 8-10 years old. Young schoolgirls continue to play with dolls. Instead of a soft, not afraid of a blow baby, buy a porcelain beauty. The list of gifts suitable for this age includes wooden furniture for toy house, children's sewing machine, puppet show or mosaic. If your daughter is a creative person, please her with ceramic figurines for coloring or a modeling kit.
  4. 11-13 years old. By this age, girls have a creative interest. Place a set under the tree to create jewelry, bags, sand paintings or painting boxes. At this age, girls begin to take care of themselves, so on New Year's Eve, congratulate your daughter with an original umbrella, a fashionable handbag or children's cosmetics. Let her feel like a true beauty and fashionista.
  5. 14-16 years old. Good headphones, a branded player, computer speakers or a table for a laptop. Among the gifts for girls of this age category there is a hair dryer, perfumery, lipstick, all kinds of jewelry, watches and fashionable accessories. If you want the gift to be useful, opt for pajamas, a warm sweater or beautiful tights.

In this part of the article, I examined New Year's gifts that are best given to girls of different ages. However, this does not mean that you should steadily listen to these recommendations. This is just a collection of ideas. If you have a good imagination, it will help you make the right choice and purchase the perfect gift. After all, only parents know the tastes and preferences of their daughters.

Ideas for original gifts for your daughter for the New Year

It seemed that the parents know their daughter well, they know her dreams and hobbies, but when choosing a gift, they often come to a standstill. This is due to the large selection and numerous ideas, because you really want the gift to be really worthwhile. In this case, original gift ideas will come to the rescue.

  • Perfume creation kit . Such a New Year's gift is sure to please the young lady. Thanks to the set, the daughter will become a real perfumer and, by mixing various aromas, will make excellent perfumes. Plus, the set includes a history of perfume creation and step-by-step instructions.
  • Home pet . Usually parents give their children a puppy or kitten for the New Year. It is difficult to say why they do not choose other animals or birds. It seems to me that the girl will be delighted with a parrot, a hamster or an aquarium with fish.
  • personalized spoon . Can't say it's new idea but it still remains relevant. It is customary to give a spoon made of precious metals to a child after the appearance of the first tooth, but such a gift is also relevant for the New Year holidays. Name can be engraved on one side and nice words.
  • Disco ball. Many girls, despite their young age, are very active personalities. If you have to bring up a small "battery", please it with a disco ball. When the daughter gathers with her girlfriends, they will arrange a fun disco.
  • Drawing on the water . Such a gift should please a young artist, characterized by a refined taste. Invite the master home to introduce your daughter to this art. As a result, she will learn to draw pictures of amazing beauty on the water.

It seems to me that these ideas are truly original and will help to give a child a spectacular gift. To make your daughter feel good and evoke a lot of emotions in her, just activate your brain activity and dream up a little. At such moments, the most non-standard ideas appear in my head.

What to give a child to a boy for the New Year

It is difficult to find a child who is indifferent to the New Year. For kids, New Year's holidays are always associated with long-awaited surprises and gifts that can be found under the Christmas tree. Kids are sure that Santa Claus brings presents, and teenagers are well aware that these are tricks. loving parents.

Every child looks forward to receiving the gift they have dreamed of all year.

  1. 1-4 years. Boys at the initial stage of life actively explore the world. They are happy to take apart toys and pay special attention to the study of parts and cogs. As a New Year's gift to your son or grandson, present a constructor consisting of massive elements, a set soft cubes with numbers and letters, an interesting book, a coloring book or a soft toy.
  2. 5-7 years. Starting from the age of five, kids try themselves in the role of an adult. Naturally, they have fun with the use of appropriate toys. A six-year-old boy will be pleased to find under the Christmas tree railway, racing car or toy gun. If the child is trying to help dad in everything, buy toy tools, including a drill and a grinder. Treat your preschooler with binoculars, a spyglass, a harmonica, or a telescope.
  3. 8-10 years old. For a boy who goes to school, give more serious gifts. Among them are a radio-controlled helicopter, a chasing kit or a designer that allows you to assemble a car, robot or high chair. A child of this age will also be delighted with a stylish electronic watch in a fashionable case. If the kid is interested in music, put a training guitar or castanets under the Christmas tree.
  4. 11-13 years old. The list of Christmas gifts aimed at boys of this age is represented by complex designers, radio-controlled models of cars, interactive toys and programmable robots. A young biologist will appreciate a small microscope, and a future chemist will bring a lot of joy to a set for conducting experiments.
  5. 14-16 years old. The teenage category of children is the most demanding, this must be taken into account. Give a teenage boy a digital camera, a stylish smartphone, a game console, or a quality printer. At this age, boys are fond of computer games, so buy your son a computer mouse or a good joystick.

Now you know what you can choose as a gift for your son, depending on age. Perhaps the son has a certain hobby. A favorite pastime will help you acquire a thing that will not only bring joy, but also benefit, which is important for further development.

Ideas for original gifts for a son for the New Year

When it comes to New Year's Eve, original gift may turn out to be a pleasant surprise for the heir.

Practice shows that it is extremely problematic to choose and purchase a really good New Year's present, especially if you choose from inexpensive things. Solving the problem requires creativity, patience and a great desire to surprise. Ideas for original gifts will come in handy.

  • Computer mouse in the form of a car . Children are introduced to computers early age especially boys. The son will be delighted if he finds a strong computer mouse under the tree.
  • Original bed linen . If you have purchased the main gift and want to add something to it, opt for bed linen with the image of a football field, open space or your favorite movie character. Children love to bask in bed, and such a gift will make their pastime more comfortable.
  • Luminous shoelace . Such laces are at the height of fashion. I am completely sure that the young fashionista will appreciate such an original gift. In conjunction with

There are millions of options when it comes to what to give a child for the New Year 2019. While adults are content with shower gel or another gadget, children will spend weeks thinking about what they would like to receive on New Year's Eve 2019 of the year. It doesn't matter how old they are - 3, 10 or even 15, they still have hope for a miracle - a real New Year's gift from Santa Claus.

New Year is a chance to be a magician for your child, to give him the opportunity to believe in magic. Search perfect gift can be a real problem, given the unimaginable amount of toys and products for children that can be found on store shelves. We present to your attention a guide to choosing the best gifts for girls and boys for the upcoming New Year 2019.

The child can be very picky and will never hide the truth. If he doesn't like something, you will definitely find out about it, so finding a gift that won't cost as much as an airplane wing and hold interest for a long time can be problematic. Don't panic if the list new year wishes the girls include not toys, but living unicorns, and the boy - real space rockets.

There are a few secrets to help you choose a gift that will make him jump for joy:

  1. Focus on age, but choose gifts that match the upper limit of the age category. For example, if the child is five years old, then it is better to turn to toys that are not intended for 3-5 years old, but for 5-7.
  2. Think about expanding the circle of interests of a girl or boy - take a look at what he likes and find similar themed toys. So, if he loves to play cooking, maybe he just enjoys the process of mixing, measuring, observing. In this case, instead of the third set of children's dishes, purchase, for example, a set of a young chemist.
  3. Have you decided not to puzzle over toys and want to buy sweets? This is also an option, but extend the joy of the gift to the boy or girl for whole year- play sets for making chocolate or ice cream will help you.
  4. Choose toys that encourage creativity, independence, ingenuity, social skills and keep your child's attention in a variety of ways. When toys are too specific, it deprives children of the opportunity to use their imagination. Dolls and animals that speak or sing when certain buttons are pressed essentially take the lead in game situation, while it is the child who must direct the action. Perhaps he wanted a specific doll or set as a gift after seeing an advertisement on TV, but will he remember them a week after New Year's Eve?
  5. Poor quality toys that break easily bring only frustration. Pay attention to durability and strength, really good things can pass from one child to another in the family.
  6. The most important issue is safety. It includes many aspects - from the presence of sharp, small parts and the environmental friendliness of the material, to the possibility of washing or cleaning the toy so that the thing does not become a breeding ground for germs over time.

What to give a child from birth to 3 years

The period from birth to three years is a period of rapid development, when every month matters, so it makes sense to break this time into shorter segments.

0 to 6 months

In the first months of a baby's life, contrasting patterns, bright colors, soft music, and slowly moving objects that make a soft, pleasant sound will be attracted to them. In the future, he will begin to enjoy the ability to control his hands, grasping and manipulating toys. It is important that all of them are safe for chewing and do not have long ropes or rings that can squeeze the neck, as the baby actively rolls over and spins, learning the world.

Semi one year old baby Suitable gifts are:

  • rattles;
  • teethers;
  • soft books with bright pictures;
  • books with nursery rhymes and poems, recordings of lullabies and melodies;
  • mobile to the crib - bright and contrasting, musical pendant;
  • safety mirror;
  • developing game panels;
  • soft toys - at this age, boys and girls form an attachment to a doll or plush animal;
  • manipulation toys: blocks, safe puzzles, sorters, texture balls, opening boxes;
  • development mats.

6 to 12 months

As a rule, by 9-10 months, the child is able to make his way around the room by crawling or even walking, holding on to furniture. He uses objects as tools, pushing a ball with a stick or spreading porridge on a plate with a toy. In addition, he is interested in interactive and role-playing toys. Boys and girls begin to understand words and recognize the names of familiar objects. He puts everything in his mouth, so toys must be safe and easy to clean.

A gift for such a child can be:

  • developing game tables;
  • color and shape sorters;
  • toy phone;
  • books with valves, three-dimensional figures, textures;
  • plastic designers with large parts;
  • toys for role-playing games - baby dolls, cars.

From a year to two

As a rule, the child walks well and even climbs stairs. He listens to fairy tales, speaks his first words and likes to experiment. You can give a boy or girl:

  • books with simple illustrations or photographs of real objects;
  • drawing sets - washable markers, colored pencils, watercolors;
  • toys for role-playing games - phones, dolls, furniture and dresses for them, baby strollers, plastic animals, the most realistic vehicles;
  • constructors with parts slightly smaller than those used at 6–12 months;
  • toys with elements that match everyday items (dials, switches, knobs, covers).

Two to three years

The child quickly learns the language and acquires a sense of danger. Nevertheless, he constantly tests himself and the world for strength: he jumps from a height, climbs onto a closet, hangs on his hands. He has good control of his hands and fingers and enjoys manipulating small objects.

You can give a three-year-old child:

  • puzzles, blocks that stick together, sorting kits (by size, shape, color), things with hooks, buttons, latches;
  • building blocks, transport toys, constructors, dolls with accessories and furniture, toys for sand and water;
  • creativity kits - washable crayons and markers, large brushes and finger paints, scissors with blunt ends, board and chalk, stencils and stamps;
  • wheelchairs;
  • tunnels and tents.

LEGO DUPLO Count and Play set

The Lego Duplo series is a “baby” version of the well-known designers. The Count and Play set contains a train with three cars, ten pieces with numbers from 1 to 10, figures of a man and his dog, and several additional elements. All parts of the toy are large and bright, so from the age of one the child will be happy to collect them.

Video review of the LEGO DUPLO set

Educational music table Weina

A boy's or girl's favorite pastime is to knock on different objects, and does he prefer listening to music to all entertainment? Perhaps this is a brilliant musician growing up and already from 9 months (the age category of the toy according to the manufacturer's marking) he will have his own mini-orchestra - piano, drum and maracas, xylophone, harp, saxophone and accordion. The child will also be able to listen to one of the ten built-in melodies or animal voices.

Inflatable Play Center Smoby Cotoons

The gift is intended for boys and girls who are already six months old. A comfortable inflatable chair reliably insures against falls, and a side table with built-in toys entertains and develops. A flower with a rattle, a bee, a spinning cylinder, massage sticks will keep the child busy for a long time, and his mother will be given precious free time.

Play mat "Masha and the Bear: Wild Animals"

With small dimensions (about 0.5 square meters), this toy Russian production he can do a lot: he sings a song, names numbers, colors and animals - the heroes of the cartoon of the same name, introduces boys and girls to the sounds they make. Naturally, all this after clicking on right places. Unlike many analogues made in China, the gift is made very high quality - modern safe materials, bright colors, clear sounds, volume control.

Tents "Rainbow house" with a tunnel from Belon

Play tent - universal toy that will appeal to boys and girls regardless of age and interests. What could be better than such a gift? Only a set of two tents and a tunnel between them! The materials used (water-repellent polyester, steel spring tape, Velcro at the entrance) allow you to put them at home and on the street.

Dog Fred "Come Follow Me" by Tiny Love

A multi-colored dog with wheels on its paws runs away from the child after a slap on the body with his hand, while barking to funny music. The body of the dog is made in the form of an accordion, if you bend it, then Fred will go in a circle. The toy is very strong and withstands strong blows. Actually, the main purpose of the gift is to stimulate the activity of a boy or girl so that they learn to crawl and walk faster.

Fisher Price Musical Drum: "Knock and Laugh"

Few parents can remain calm for long when a child starts banging a spoon on a table or pan. With the help of such a gift, the lesson can be made much less annoying. Each hit on a large drumstick toy, adapted specifically for small hands, is accompanied by flashing lights and switching songs (music mode) or the names of numbers from one to ten (learning mode).

1TOY Kidz Delight Mini Smartphone

The main "feature" that distinguishes this toy from its analogues is the design, reminiscent of a regular smartphone. No pink or blue panels, funny pictures or extraneous buttons. Girls and boys at 2 years old perfectly understand the difference between a real and a toy smartphone, and in this gift the differences will not be so great. There are 16 icons on the touch screen, each corresponding to 1-2 own sounds. light toy and durable, the sound is quiet enough so that the child can listen to it by putting it to the ear.

Game center "Baby" from "Polesie"

For a relatively low price, you will receive a multifunctional gift - a table with an armchair, a designer and a sorter (17 separate parts), as a bonus - two horns and rotating parts wherever there is free space. This set will captivate the child for a long time, and parents do not have to worry about safety - a strap is attached to the ergonomically shaped seat.

Constructor "Merry Caterpillar" from Mega Bloks

The Mega Bloks company is known, first of all, for its sets for kids - reliable, safe and bright toys. This cute plastic caterpillar combines three functions - a construction set, a sonic toy and a wheelchair. When the child pulls her forward, she sings funny song, and on the back you can put a bumblebee or additional blocks that come with it.

Cheerful cube collecting trailer from the First builders series from Mega blocks

Another interesting gift option from the Canadian brand Mega blocks is a trolley for collecting designer parts. The front wheel itself collects the elements if you run into them - this makes cleaning the room a child exciting game. The handle, in addition to its direct function, performs another one - when folded, it can be used as a basis for the construction of structures, and the trolley can accommodate not only those 20 parts that come in the set, but also any other toys.

Gifts for a boy under the age of three

For boys under the age of three, there are many interesting gifts to choose from.

R-Toys Race Mini Formula-1

The first car of a little man, in which almost everything is thought out - a stylish design (almost a real jeep!), Removable parent handle and side steps, rollover stops, a horn on the steering wheel and high-quality plastic. This toy can be used already from 10 months as a walker, then as a street transport instead of a stroller for a one and a half year old child, and for older children to move independently.

Large CAT Excavator by Mega Bloks

Boys love to receive cars as a gift, but they especially respect construction equipment. The big excavator makes the boy feel like a real builder. The toy includes all the basic functions of a conventional wheelchair (trunk, steering wheel, comfortable seat, stable wheels), plus a movable bucket large enough to assemble branded parts with it, and sound effects that correspond to the work of a real excavator.

Set "Tower crane No. 1 + car" from "Polesie"

Toys that imitate construction equipment are classic gift, boys' interest in them will not be lost until mankind invents new ways of building. All elements of the crane move by analogy with the real one - it has a lifting mechanism, and the boom rotates around its axis. A bonus to the toy is a car with a driver and fixed cargo.

Development center "Driver" from Kiddieland

“Daddy, let me steer!” - you will not hear this request from the boy for a long time, since this toy combines everything that is in a real car - a rotary steering wheel with a signal, a dashboard with lights and sounds, an ignition key and a gear shift . The device is light enough (1.5 kg) to take it into the car and steer in parallel with dad.

Gifts for a girl under the age of 3

The list of gifts for girls at this age is no less diverse.

Game complex "Kitchen" from "Polesie"

With this gift, the little helper will feel like a full-fledged hostess. own kitchen. The set has everything you need - a sink, stove, oven, game table, dishes, toaster. The peculiarity of this toy is that, with all its functionality, it is completely safe, as it does not contain sharp corners, small parts and is made of high-quality plastic.

Baby doll with a pacifier of the New born series from Simba

The doll evokes sympathy at first sight, as the manufacturers managed to create extremely pleasant and natural facial features. For role-playing games for girls, the toy is the best fit, as it can do a lot: it closes its eyes in a prone position, has moving parts of the body, can change a suit, but, most importantly, it cries, laughs and sucks a pacifier like a real baby.

Supermarket Trolley Set by Ecoiffier

The perfect gift for a two year old, especially if the girl has a brother, sister or close friend! The set contains 20 items that are at the checkout of any supermarket - from scales and a scanner to groceries and a card. The capacious trolley of the toy is able to withstand quite a lot of weight, as it is made of high-quality plastic.

"Cookery Set" by Ecoiffier

With this set, the girl can arrange real dinner parties followed by tea. The toy has all the cutlery - plates, spoons, forks, cups and saucers, pots, a slotted spoon and a large knife, fork, spoon, teapot, sugar bowl, dryer and even detergent.

Fur rocking chair "Carriage for the Princess" from Felice

An amazingly cute gift for a little princess. Of the additional functions of the toy - musical accompaniment while riding. The mattress and the horse are removable, and the wooden skids are designed so that the carriage will not turn over even when the girl is actively rocking.

What to give a child aged 4-7 years

A preschooler or kindergartener is able to hold attention on toys much longer than a toddler. As a rule, he talks a lot and constantly asks questions. Girls and boys of this age love to experiment with things and with emerging physical skills. He loves to play with friends, but does not like to lose, knows how to share toys and is happy to be creative. One of the main tasks of development is preparation for school.

Gifts for a child of this age:

  • problem-solving toys: puzzles (from 12 to 20+ elements), blocks stacked together, constructors and sets with small parts for sorting by length, width, height, shape, color, smell;
  • sets for role-playing games: building blocks for building complex structures, transport toys, constructors, doll furniture, puppets with accessories and dresses, simple puppet theaters;
  • toys for a child's creativity: drawing sets, boards and crayons, plasticine and modeling dough, modeling kits, paper and fabric for creating collages, musical instruments, working tools (vice, hammer, nails, saws, etc.);
  • different kinds of players for playing music and video;
  • educational toys for teaching a child the alphabet, counting;
  • items for active games: bicycles, tunnels and tents, targets, sports equipment;
  • first-graders will love computer-related gifts: software for a real computer, a children's educational laptop or tablet.

Kinetic Sand

Kinetic sand has been in demand on the Russian market for the fourth year in a row, but in the coming 2019, such a gift will not lose its popularity. Thanks to the safe polymer E900 (silicone oil), ordinary cleaned sand becomes a plastic mass with amazing properties. It slowly flows from hand to hand, retains any shape and does not crumble, so that the child can use the toy at home.

Bath Powder Gelli Baff

Due to sodium polyacrylate - an adsorbent that is able to absorb an amount of liquid in excess of 300 of its weight, as well as flavors and dyes, the powder turns bath water into a colored fragrant gel. The reverse process starts the neutralizer powder from the set. You can argue for a long time about the safety of the composition for the child, but this gift will bring fun for sure.

Constructor "Magformers"

The basis of the toy is durable colored plastic rhombuses, squares and triangles, inside of which there are powerful magnets. objects, created by boys and girls, only limited by his imagination and the amount of detail. Magformers also produces themed toys, such as kits for building a castle or a car. Russian counterpart, cheaper, but no less high-quality and exciting for a child, is Magnikon.

Video review of the designer "Magformers"

Children's books from the publishing house "Mann Ivanov and Ferber"

The MIF publishing house works under the motto "the most useful books", it is the best fit for the children's literature they publish. Bright, high-quality, unusual illustrations on the pages, fairy tales and stories that you definitely want to listen to and then play with friends, educational books for young zoologists, botanists, geologists - all this is created with such high quality and soul that such a gift will certainly distract girls and boys from the computer and TV.

The following books from the publishing house are suitable for New Year's gifts: "Winter Stories", "Paper New Year", Advent Calendar "How Santa Claus was looking for a hat."

Board-easel IKEA MOLA

Lightweight, comfortable easel 120 cm high – real gift for parents whose child does not have enough standard sketchbook to create landscapes or portraits. The toy is made in the characteristic "IKEA" style - simple, reliable and functional. On one side of the board, a girl or boy can draw with chalk, on the other - with special water markers, these accessories must be purchased separately.

Constructor "Velcro" Bunchens

Many of us adults remember how interesting it was to play with burdock in childhood - to sculpt figures, to cling to clothes. Bunchens are bright and multi-colored polymer burdock balls that are connected to each other with small hooks. The set contains additional accessories (eyes, mustache, wings).

Plasticine Play-Doh from Hasbro

Play-Doh is not just plasticine. It was created taking into account all the possible wishes of boys, girls and their parents - it is very soft, plastic, smells good, can be easily cleaned from hands and furniture, includes only safe ingredients, has an impressive range of colors (for example, there are 36 jars in the MEGA set). different shades). As a gift, one of the dozens of themed plasticine sets and various tools is perfect.

Video review of Play-Doh clay

Fantacolor mosaic by Quercetti

The Italian brand Quercetti has perfected a classic toy familiar to everyone since childhood. With a set of plastic round pixels different sizes and flowers, the child can create the most similar images of animals and plants or abstractions suggested by the imagination.

Children's educational computer Joy Toy

In the yard is the age of information technology and early years children begin to dream about a computer, but not all parents are ready to give their own technology to a child “to be torn to pieces”. This toy is a great replacement for a real laptop with all the necessary educational and entertainment features. With the help of such a gift, already at the age of 5, you can start learning letters, words, numbers, notes, English language and then test the acquired knowledge by completing tasks. The laptop has 10 melodies and simple games. The only drawback of the toy is a small monochrome display, but it copes with its tasks quite well.

House-coloring "Fairy Tale" from Kids4kids

A gift for little artists who lack a regular sketchbook for creative self-expression. In such cases, the furniture, walls and doors of the apartment are usually painted. The toy is a large paper house (its height is just over a meter) with contours on the walls, boys and girls can use it as a large coloring book, tent or theater stage.

TurboKids 3G children's tablet

Developing children's tablet supports 3G high speed internet. Thanks to this, you can use it not only at home, but also on trips.

Toys for a boy 4–7 years old

The list of gifts for boys of this age category is varied.

Rifle "X-Blaster Sniper"

When playing a “war game”, any stick can replace a weapon for a boy, but with such a gift the game becomes much more interesting. This is a realistic rifle that fires hydro-bullets and suction cup arrows, and has a claimed range of 27 meters. The safety of the toy is at its best - hydroballs are not capable of damaging, as they consist of water placed in an easily crumbling polymer. The recommended gift age is from 6 years old.

Bandai Fighter Robot & 5 Cars Voov-G Bundle

There are seven toys in this gift: a fighter plane, five cars different kind and destinations and a large robot that turns out if you combine all this equipment. The boy can use the set as a constructor or use it in role playing. The peculiarity of machines is that they can completely change appearance by simple manipulations with the body part.

Tractor-timber Steyr CVT 6230 from Bruder

The toy is a detailed mini-model of a real German Steyr tractor. Actually, there are only two differences - dimensions (scale 1:16) and material (reinforced plastic). The boy can open the doors, hood and steer the wheels with the help of an additional steering wheel.

Helmet Workshop Playset by Ecoiffier

The light version of Dad's tool kit includes a workbench, hard hat and everything you need for repairs, including fasteners. toy out bright lung plastic is fully working and functional - the boy will be able to clamp the part in a vise, hammer nails and bolts into special holes on the table top, and after work place the tools in holders.

Four-level parking ARAL-2 from "Polesie"

The buildable toy is approximately 60 cm high and recreates a parking lot with all the necessary elements, including an elevator, a car wash, a service station and signposts. On a winding road to the lower level, the car can move out by itself. The set is intended for a boy from three years old, but will attract attention until adolescence.

Electronic designer Connoisseur of "First steps in electronics"

The set contains 21 pieces with which a boy can assemble more than three dozen simplified but working versions of electronic devices such as a radio, power amplifier, light music and many others. The attached diagrams are not just assembly instructions, but educational material with explanations of the laws of physics and tasks. A four-year-old child is unlikely to be interested in a gift, but closer to the age of seven, with his father's help, the boy will collect simple devices.

Toys for girls 4–7 years old

Browse the most popular toys for girls of this age.

Bedroom for Cinderella Disney Princess by Mattel

Elegant furniture for dolls, whose height does not exceed 28 cm, can become not just a toy, but a real decoration of a girl's room. All the details of the set are carefully worked out - the golden lines of the canopy and the side walls of the bed are intertwined into beautiful pattern, the hands on the clock in the head can rotate, the mirror and the rack in the form of glass slipper change angle or fold.

Soft dogs of the Chi Chi Love series

Adorable chihuahuas, lapdogs, poodles, plush cocker spaniels or faux fur- a vivid illustration of how the fashion for toys affects their price. These bright, high-quality, branded dogs, which come with cute bags for carrying them, are more expensive than ordinary soft animals, but a little glamorous fashionista will certainly appreciate the gift.

Sylvanian Families Sets

Sylvanian Families are the whole world for a child copying everyday life of people. The peculiarity of these sets is the detailed study of all toys. So, in the hospital there is even a calendar on the wall and a tiny crutch, each soft animal about 8 cm in size, wears a unique suit, and among the additional accessories you can find absolutely all household items up to table lamps. Expensive, but very cute and exciting gift for a girl.

Set "Beauty Salon Milena" from "Polesie"

Little fashionista started exploring mom's dressing table? Please the girl with a gift - a set with a mirror, imitation cosmetics and perfumes, a hair dryer and a comb. The toy can be placed on an ordinary table, and safety requirements meet all standards - a film mirror, smoothed corners, high-quality materials.

Electronic kitchen mini-Tefal Cheftronic from Smoby

Very realistic, but at the same time compact toy with all the necessary accessories, including dishes and food. The girl will appreciate the thoughtfulness of the set in everything - the stove and coffee maker imitate real sounds, and the backlight lights up in the oven.

Mattel Match and Dress Up Barbie Doll

There are never too many outfits, and this also applies to dolls. With Barbie, there are ten items in the set - clothes, shoes, jewelry, with the help of which the girl can create stylish looks for the toy for any occasion.

Set of children's decorative cosmetics "Deluxe" from Totally Fashion

seven year old child at it’s not easy to explain why mom can paint, but he can’t. Such a gift effective protection mother's cosmetic bag from encroachment and safe replacement of its contents. The suitcase contains a complete set of cosmetics for a full-fledged make-up, but unlike real products, these lipsticks, varnishes, shadows are easily washed off with water from the girl’s skin and do not contain “chemistry”.

What to give a child aged 8-11 years

Between the ages of 8 and 11, boys and girls gradually develop ideas of independence. During this period, he is especially sensitive to differences in opinions and lifestyles, so he often needs role models. When looking for gifts, focus on individuality and healthy living, caring for others, and goals for the future. They don't have to be educational toys, creativity is just as important.

Boys and girls in pre-adolescence begin to develop hobbies and lifelong interests, he will love to dismantle themed sets and modeling toys. Activity finds its expression in team sports. Painting, sculpture, ceramics and other art projects are also of interest.

Gift Ideas:

  • sports equipment and protective equipment;
  • ice or roller skates;
  • complex designers with small details and puzzles, including three-dimensional ones;
  • puppets and puppet theaters;
  • remote control vehicles and electric trains;
  • scientific, magic, needlework sets;
  • board games;
  • video games;
  • game consoles.

General gifts for boys and girls 8-11 years old

For children, you can choose gifts that are suitable for both boys and girls.

Bunny Alilo G7: Music MP3 Player Night Light

A cute bunny with a height of 21 cm can replace several gifts: an MP3 player, a voice recorder, USB speakers, a night light. Includes 8 GB micro SD card and remote control. The toy is made to last - durable plastic and soft silicone protect the electronics from damage upon impact.

KIDS4KIDS artist's magic suitcase

Is just paint and paper enough for a creative child? Of course not. He can not do without a set of multi-colored felt-tip pens, pencils, crayons, a water tank, a sponge, erasers, a palette and a paper holder, collected in a convenient suitcase. It also has a small wooden toy for coloring.

Shantou Gepai Junior Scientist Pack

The set has collected everything for the study of the microworld by boys and girls, from a real working microscope with all the necessary accessories to tools for preparing preparations for research - a total of 60 items. The eyepiece works with a magnification of 10 and 20x, and the spotlight will allow the child to see the smallest details without spoiling his eyesight.

Lego Volcano Sets

Every year, the Lego company presents new play sets that imitate certain areas of life. One of the latest designers dedicated to the work of volcanologists. There are five different toys in the series - an all-terrain vehicle, a truck, a helicopter, and a set for beginners with the simplest figures.

Sliding ice skates Nordway

The model on the market is not the first year and has proven itself perfectly. If we compare such a gift with analogues, then ice skates from Nordway have several significant advantages:

  • reliable fixation of the child's foot with three types of fasteners;
  • ease;
  • insulated lining;
  • adjustable dimensional run (four sizes).

Toys for a boy 8–11 years old

Review of New Year's gifts for boys of this age category.

Portable game console SEGA MegaDrive Gopher

Unpretentious, light and easy to learn, the console with a battery that supports up to 10 hours of operation is a great option for a boy's New Year's gift. 20 games are built into the memory of the toy, the rest can be downloaded to a memory card, the set includes headphones, a TV cord, a charger and a case.

Multifunctional spy device Eastcolight

The days of James Bond's popularity are long gone, but " spy things» boys of school age are still interested. The set includes a megaphone with a voice distortion function, a telescope with a magnification of six times and a flashlight for games in the dark. The toy fits comfortably in the hand and fastens with a strap.

Nerf blaster triple strike - Nerf Tri Strike

Nerf branded toys are the best-selling children's weapons in the world. The cool space-look blaster fires signature soft shells, as well as large shells and a long-range missile made from a similar material. The collapsible design allows the boy to assemble a machine gun, a rocket launcher and a pistol separately.

SUV Balbi RCO-0801 on radio control

A 1:8 scale model of a real SUV is controlled by a remote control with a coverage radius of 15 meters. Powerful wheels of the toy allow you to overcome seemingly impassable obstacles even on the street, luminous headlights and opening front doors make the car even more like a real one.

Disk thrower sword by Happy Kid

With such a gift, a little warrior will win any battle! The built-in disk launcher hits the "enemy" at a distance of 6-8 meters, and sound and light effects morally disorient the enemy even before the start of the battle.

Toys for girls 8–11 years old

An excellent New Year's gift for a girl of 8-11 years old is easy to choose.

Barbie Doll Fairy Hair Princess by Mattel

Like any Barbie doll, this toy is very cute and has an impressive set of additional accessories. The “trick” of the gift is long soft hair, on which the girl can create any hairstyle with the help of a flagella weaving tool, jewelry and a small comb.

Knitting Studio Set Knits Cool by Spin Master

Not all parents are ready to entrust a ten-year-old child with real knitting needles, and it’s not easy for a girl to deal with them. The toy allows you to simplify the process of learning to knit with the help of a platform with two columns, a hook, threads and other additional items of the set. With the help of such a gift, the girl will be able to knit simple but necessary little things - a scarf, a phone case, a blouse for a dog or a doll.

Music box Ballerina IV by Generic Design

Surely, at the age of 8, the girl already had the first jewelry made of rubber bands, beads, and a special place is needed to store them. When the box is opened, the little ballerina whirls to the music from "Swan Lake", the many compartments of the toy allow you to sort the "jewels" so that they are not confused or lost.

Set "Young perfumer" from Intellectico

Natural essential oils, special vessels and tools will allow the girl to create a unique fragrance by mixing several of the 50 fragrances presented in the set. With the help of such a gift, you can make ordinary perfumes, eau de toilette or solid perfume based on wax.

Mattel Monster High dolls

Perhaps no toy causes as much controversy as the flirtatious monster girls of the series. monster high. But while psychologists doubt the reasonableness of such a gift, and parents are surprised at the inflated price and “flashy” colors, the girls look with admiration at the spectacular, unusual, thoughtful and high-quality dolls that replaced the once popular Barbie.

What to give a teenager

The range of interests of a teenage child can be quite wide, but the problem is that he can be quite secretive and you may not always know about his hobbies. He is on the verge of adulthood and requires an appropriate attitude. A girl cares about her appearance, a boy dreams of another cool gadget or fashionable clothes, but they have one thing in common - they want to be unique. The same should be a gift - rare or one of a kind, with its secrets, known only to the owner. Many teenagers play sports or dance, so the gift can be related to them.

Possible options:

  • various technical innovations, preferably with an unusual shape or with non-standard functions;
  • everything about appearance fashion clothes, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry;
  • intangible gifts - subscriptions and tickets, depending on the interests of the teenager;
  • board games;
  • sports accessories.

General gifts for teenage boys and girls

You can buy gifts that will suit both boys and girls.

Samsung Level U Wireless Headphones

The three main advantages of the model are sound quality, battery life (up to 11 hours of talk time) and stylish design. Many people prefer phones to MP-3 players, so a gift will come in handy for an active child who can listen to music all day long.

Lamp USB Orient "Plasma-ball"

There is something magical about this gift, although the magic is caused by physics - inside the sphere is an inert gas. Lightning inside the plasma ball is in constant motion, if the child touches the surface with his finger, one will rush to him. A toy without a special semantic load, but beautiful and attractive.

Tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4

In the world of information technology, computer equipment is what children ask for as a gift for the New Year most often. A tablet from Samsung is a gift with an excellent price-quality ratio. According to tests, this is one of the most durable devices among analogues, which is a very important quality for a gadget designed for active girls and boys.

Bracelet Xiaomi Mi Band 2

The gift is latest version popular fitness bracelet from Xiaomi. It records data on the distance and the number of steps, calculates the calories burned, shows the child's heart rate, monitors sleep, and also notifies of calls and performs the functions of an alarm clock. The gadget works in tandem with a special program for a smartphone, communicating with it via Bluetooth.

Virtual reality glasses VR BOX 2

The gift allows you to translate the image on the screen of a regular smartphone into 3D and 360 video formats. With the help of glasses, the child can also play full-fledged mobile games in virtual reality using the joystick (included). VR BOX 2 is an inexpensive model with all the main features, one of the most popular in this price segment.

Gifts for a teenage boy

Overview of New Year's gifts for teenage boys.

Diode LED bracelet watch "Samurai"

The gift just shows the time, which is already a rarity in our age of multifunctional devices, but how do they do it! At first glance, this is a stylish bracelet, but after the boy presses a secret button, numbers are displayed directly on its surface - a binary code that, using a simple instruction, needs to be converted into hours and minutes.

Quadcopter Syma X3

Model Syma X3 is a great option for a child. This simple, no-frills quadcopter is one of the most reliable and safe due to the built-in propeller protection. The innovative balancing system precisely centers it, and the ability to fly in any direction and the long range of the remote control will make the boy feel like an ace after the first flight of the toy.

Video review Quadcopter Syma X3


By hoverboard, most people mean a hoverboard, consisting of a platform, wheels, an electric motor and a gyroscope to maintain balance. The most popular brand is Smart Balance, the price of such a “toy” starts from 10 thousand Russian rubles. It is important to know that a boy can ride a gyroscope only on a good road.

Action camera

It differs from a conventional camera in lightness, compactness, durability and functionality. The purpose of the gift is shooting in extreme conditions. GoPro cameras are considered the most famous and high-quality representatives of this kind of devices on the market, but they have a significant drawback - the price. If the budget for New Year gifts is limited, then you should take a closer look at Chinese models of action cameras, for example, SJCAM SJ4000 or Xiaomi YI.

Gifts for a teenage girl

Review of New Year's gifts for a teenage girl.

Professional photo session

Girls want to be beautiful, but they often doubt their external data and look for flaws in front of the mirror for a long time. A gift of several professionally taken photographs, where she will look like a beautiful model from the cover of a magazine, will help raise her self-esteem.

Cosmetics for different skin types from Green mama

The girl's young skin needs cleansing, removal of dead cells and normalization of sebum secretion, but when choosing a gift, you need to pay attention to the composition. Russian brand Greenmama offers a wide range of kits for both normal and problematic skin from natural and hypoallergenic ingredients.

Silver amulets

The girl will like the "adult" gift made of precious metal. Each jewelry keeps its own secret - a rune that protects the owner. The child will be happy to tell his friends about the meaning of the amulet, and protection (albeit mythical) will give confidence.

Classic gifts for boys and girls

There are many toys that can be given to both a one-year-old child and a schoolchild, and some gifts will delight even adults. They can be handed over even without a reason, since some of them belong to the “must have” category:

  • bike;
  • tent;
  • board games;
  • animal figurines;
  • rubber bath toys;
  • Kick scooter;
  • inflatable pool;
  • swing;
  • home slides;
  • rocking horse;
  • Stuffed Toys.

Finally, more versatile than a gift than money or a store gift card for buying toys, it’s impossible to think of. There is no New Year's magic in this, but this is the most practical option.

Gift Ideas

Just handing a toy to a child is the easiest and therefore most tempting way. However, from this action, you can arrange a whole view and create festive mood the whole family.

How to give a child a gift for the New Year 2019 in non-standard ways:

  1. Arrange a traditional meeting of Santa Claus. You can dress up one of your relatives, friends, or invite an animator for your child.
  2. Come up with a quest: draw a "card of Santa Claus", indicating the place where the riddle lies. She will point to the location of the next one and so on.
  3. Make it look like Grandpa left a gift outside the front door. The toy that the child finds there can be put in a beautiful bag or hung on helium balloons.
  4. Lay paper trails on the floor leading to the gift, but try to confuse them - let them return, fold into loops, go into all rooms.
  5. Use a string with one end tied to the toy. This thread must be entangled throughout the room, and the child must unravel it and reach the gift.

The New Year is a time of waiting for miracles, but if we adults are completely satisfied with the gift on duty, then boys and girls will hope for a dream come true. For kids, it can be a toy, for a teenager - a ticket to a concert of your favorite artist. In any case, it is difficult to deceive a child, and if you choose a gift not from the heart, according to the principle “it will do”, he will certainly feel it, even if you guess his desire.

I like!

Before the New Year holidays, all parents and other adult family members are wondering what to put under the Christmas tree for kids. To pick up truly successful presents, the search must begin in advance. Ask about what your child dreams about, what toys and entertainment children of his age like, which can be useful. And if you don’t know at all what you can give your child for the New Year 2020, the list of ideas compiled by us will help you make the right decision.

How to choose the right gift for a child for the New Year 2020

All families are different and children too, so come up with universal recipe it won't work for everyone. But there are several good advice how to choose a gift for a child and not miscalculate:

  • In advance, invite the child to write a letter to Santa Claus. In it, the kid will definitely write about his dreams, and it will be easier to choose. This option is only suitable if the child is old enough to be able to write, but still believes in New Year's miracles.
  • In a couple of weeks, start a conversation about the holiday and gifts. A teenager, most likely, will consciously tell what he is dreaming about, and the kid will let it slip by accident.
  • Consider the gender and age of the child. If there is no way to find out about the wishes of the recipient in person, you can pick up something more or less universal.
  • Choose a gift based on your child's hobbies. If he already has a hobby, it will not be difficult to pick up a present.

If you need to choose something, but there is not enough time to search, sweets in a stylish new year set. Great idea- invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden home, such a present will definitely bring the sea positive emotions. And, of course, until the very holiday, the gift must be securely hidden so as not to spoil the surprise.

Children rarely appreciate memorable souvenirs, so they are unlikely to like figurines of New Year's symbols or postcards. But, if it is a postcard cake or chocolate Santa Claus, such a present will be appreciated positively. 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat, so a gift can remind you of this animal. Good ideas are a fun interactive toy rat, a backpack in the form of a rat, a t-shirt with a matching 3D print, etc.

TOP 10 gifts for a child for the New Year 2020

  1. Digital Gadgets
  2. Children's experiment set
  3. Mannequin for make-up and hairstyles
  4. Creativity set
  5. Musical instrument
  6. Magnetic board
  7. toy weapon
  8. Transport with remote control
  9. Educational toys
  10. Interactive toy rat

Gift ideas for a child under 4 years old

At this age, children rarely have truly considered and formalized desires. Gifts for a one-year-old baby are a pure formality, so a bright rattle, a new water bottle, or an educational soft toy will do. But children 2-4 years old can already appreciate the present. Best gift ideas for them:

  • Large puzzles, it is better for kids to take soft ones made of foam rubber or similar material;
  • Educational toys, for example, according to the Montessori method;
  • Rocking horse;
  • Balance bike, tolocar or small scooter;
  • Fitball with horns or an inflatable animal for jumping around the house;
  • An album and finger paints for kids or bright felt-tip pens and a pencil for older children;
  • Machine-designer with large parts;
  • Toy book or rubber book for bathing;
  • Large cubes for construction or a designer with large details;
  • Children's developing laptop;
  • Doll or stroller for her;
  • Indoor sandbox;
  • Entertaining and developing school desk for children;
  • Bright hairpins, elastic bands, a hairbrush and a mirror for a young fashionista.

If you choose a gift for an unfamiliar child whose tastes and even the exact age you don’t know, you can give something versatile and inexpensive, for example, a kaleidoscope, a spinning top, soap bubbles, etc.

Gift ideas for the New Year 2020 for children 5-6 years old

At this age, children already have some life experience and preferences. Therefore, when choosing a presentation, you should listen to their opinion. They may well already draw their wishes to Santa Claus or even write a small letter, so it will be easier to choose. The most common wishes of children of this age:

  • A racing track or a small children's railway;
  • A small, unpretentious machine with a control panel;
  • Parking for toy cars on several levels;
  • Toy weapons, such as a machine gun, pistol or rifle with light and music;
  • Magnetic board for studying letters and numbers;
  • Toy musical instrument such as xylophone, glockenspiel, drum, harmonica, etc.
  • Children bicycle;
  • Doll furniture or even a house;
  • Interactive animal;
  • Toy tableware;
  • Sets for playing hairdresser, seller, doctor, etc.

At this age, children are already looking forward to the New Year and gifts, so they will probably begin to ask in advance what they should expect from Santa Claus. Try to keep the intrigue and create a truly fabulous atmosphere, because very soon the baby will lose faith in magic.

Gift ideas for a child 7-8 years old

At the age of 7-8, many children already guess or even know for sure that there is no Santa Claus. But they are still waiting for holidays and gifts, as well as at least a drop of New Year's magic. Try to present to the baby what he has long dreamed of, for example:

  • A cool radio-controlled toy, for example, a racing car, a boat, or even a helicopter that is quite difficult to control;
  • A device for burning wood - it will appeal to all young creative personalities;
  • A set for creativity with content corresponding to the interests and preferences of the recipient;
  • A wooden constructor from which you can fold a model of a car, robot, animal, etc.
  • Beautiful Digital Watch with backlight and other useful features;
  • Children's training guitar or recorder for a young musician;
  • Almost real chinaware for tea parties with girlfriends;
  • Children's sewing machine;
  • Toy mannequin for applying makeup and creating hairstyles;
  • House or utensils for coloring;
  • Toy puppet theatre.

If the child already knows where the gifts under the Christmas tree come from, you can simply hand your present from hand to hand. But, whatever one may say, the boxes under christmas tree create a special atmosphere, so it is better not to break the tradition.

Gift ideas for a child 9-10 years old for the New Year 2020

Sometimes parents believe that at this age the child is already so mature and aware of all the intricacies of the existence of Santa Claus that it is not necessary to organize something fabulous. Many people think that it is quite normal to give children items for school or clothes. But 9-10 year olds are just trying to look like adults. In fact, they still want to play and look for gifts from Santa Claus under the Christmas tree. The best gifts for a child of this age will be:

  • Children's ATV;
  • A complex designer with a lot of details, for example, electronic;
  • Quadcopter;
  • Programmable robot;
  • Children's set for physical or chemical experiments;
  • Smartphone with a wide range of functions;
  • Real microscope;
  • Camera and/or photo printer;
  • Game console or manipulators for games at the computer;
  • Sports items such as a punching bag, gloves or a suitable ball.
  • A set for needlework, such as weaving from rubber bands or beads, painting caskets or soap making;
  • Children's decorative cosmetics for girls;
  • Fashion bag or backpack;
  • MP3 player;
  • Wrist watch;
  • Stylish smartphone accessories.

When choosing a gift for a child of 9-10 years old for the New Year 2020, try to make it ideal for age. Presents that are too childish or purchased "for growth" will disappoint the recipient.

What to give for the New Year 2020 to a teenager 11-14 years old

Teenagers don't fewer children waiting for the New Year holidays. And although they know perfectly well where the gifts come from under the Christmas tree, they are still looking for them with pleasure. Therefore, try to choose a useful and pleasant present and, packing it in beautiful box, hide in the agreed place. And the list of the best gifts for children of this age includes:

  • Modern digital gadgets. New smartphone, tablet, player, etc. will delight any teenager.
  • Computer accessories and accessories, such as stylish headphones with a print or fun ears, a multifunctional mouse, a backlit keyboard, game pads, etc.
  • fashion case for phone or tablet.
  • Sport equipment, for example, skates, regular or roller skates, compact home trainer, hula hoop, etc. A great gift idea is a fitness bracelet.
  • Travel. Usually at this age, children travel with their parents, but you can also organize an excursion with peers.
  • Interesting decoration for the interior. An excellent solution would be an unusual lamp, for example, in the form of an iron man mask or a bouquet of flowers. A fashionable idea is a night-light projector that turns the ceiling and walls of the room into a star painting.

At this age, children can already be given gifts designed to evoke pleasant emotions and remind you of the holiday. You can choose something symbolic as an addition to the main present, for example, a small plush rat with the inscription 2020 or a ceramic figurine. A good idea is an engraving with a reminder of the holiday, for example, on a metal keychain. And, of course, we should not forget about sweets - they are loved by children of any age.

It is difficult to find a child who would be indifferent to new year holidays. New Year for children is, first of all, long-awaited gifts and surprises hidden under the Christmas tree. Kids sincerely believe that Santa Claus brings them, and teenagers know that this is the work of loving parents. But without exception, all children want to receive the gift that they have been dreaming of all year.

What to give your son for Christmas

Boy 5-7 years old it will be a great pleasure to find a racing track under the tree, an electric railway, a multi-level parking lot for cars, racing car or a motorcycle, water pistol, toy gun or rifle. To make a child a real man, he needs to present a play tool kit with a drill and a grinder. If you need an expensive gift, then you should look at the ATV - such a surprise will delight any boy. From inexpensive gifts for boys, you can advise to buy puzzles with your favorite cartoon characters, a board game, a simple plastic or wooden designer. Children aged 5-6 love playing on magnetic boards, as well as sets of magnets that you need to color yourself. Any preschooler will be delighted with binoculars, a spyglass or a telescope. If a boy shows interest in musical instruments, then you will have to forget about silence and put a metallophone, xylophone, toy harmonica or a musical set with drums under the Christmas tree.

Son 8-10 years old you can give a radio-controlled plane, helicopter, boat or car for the New Year. A boy of this age will definitely like a burning device that allows you to create beautiful pictures on wood, or a set for chasing, with which you can make unusual pictures of metal. A good and useful New Year's gift for a son is cardboard craft kits, which are used to create voluminous castles and palaces. No less exciting for the boy will be the designer, from which it will be possible to assemble a real highchair, a robot, an animal figure or a car. A child of 8-10 years old will be very happy to find an electronic clock in a stylish children's case under the Christmas tree. To please the future musician, you should buy a recorder, castanets or a children's training guitar for your child.

Boy 11-13 years old you can buy a complex construction set suitable for this age, a radio-controlled model of a helicopter or a car for outdoor play, an interactive toy or a programmable robot. A young biologist will love a miniature but real microscope, and a boy who is interested in chemistry will be happy to receive a set for experiments and new discoveries as a gift. A teenager of 14-15 years old can be given a functional smartphone, digital camera, photo printer or game console for the New Year. At this age, guys actively play computer games, that's why a welcome gift for them will be a gaming computer mouse, joystick, steering wheel or racing pedal.

What to give your daughter for Christmas

Choosing a gift for her daughter, every mother in again plunges into childhood - it is difficult to remain an adult among the variety of modern toys.

Girl 5-7 years old a children's bike or a radio-controlled scooter will bring joy. A crib or stroller for your favorite dolls will be a joyful gift. A real delight for the baby will be caused by an interactive puppy or kitten that can drink from a bottle, go to the toilet and make realistic sounds. At this age, children love to repeat everything that their mother does. A young hostess can be presented with an interactive kitchen for the New Year, with a sink, stove and dishes. This toy reproduces the sounds of water and frying in a pan. If a smart kitchen seems expensive, then you should look at toy refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, mixers, kettles, irons, sets of doll utensils and sets of plastic products. Of course, any girl of 3-7 years old will be very happy if Santa Claus brings her a large soft toy or a doll that can walk and talk as a gift. Girls 5-7 years old can be presented with doll houses and play sets for playing the hairdresser, seller or doctor for the New Year.

Girls 8-10 years old still play with dolls, but now they can be given not soft, not afraid of blows babies, but elegant porcelain beauties. A good gift would be solid wooden furniture for a doll interior, porcelain dishes for a toy tea party or a set household appliances for the playhouse. A young seamstress can buy a nursery as a gift sewing machine with which she can create her first designer dresses for dolls. A girl who loves to comb all family members needs to give a children's mannequin for New Year to create hairstyles and makeup. A good educational gift is a puppet theater based on your favorite fairy tale, a designer or a mosaic. Creative people will love modeling kits, ceramic animal figurines and houses for self-coloring.

Girls 11-13 years old begin to show interest in creativity, they can put under the tree sets for creating jewelry, painting boxes, making bags, various sets for embroidery, sewing, soap making, paper weaving and creating sand pictures. A young lady at this age really wants to be beautiful, to help her in this, the girl needs to be presented with a set of children's cosmetics, a fashionable handbag or an original umbrella for the New Year.

Teenage girl 14-15 years old you can give a stylish MP3 player, cool headphones, a beautiful and comfortable table for a laptop, powerful speakers for a computer for the New Year. For a 15-year-old girl, a good gift would be her own hair dryer or hair styling device, perfume, a set of shadows, mascara or lipstick. young fashionista He will definitely be delighted if he finds some kind of jewelry or a youth wrist watch under the Christmas tree. If you want to give something useful, you can buy beautiful tights, a warm sweater or pajamas.

In this article we will tell you how to choose a New Year's gift so that not only the child, but also the parents are satisfied.

When you choose gifts for children under 2 years old, you are guided by your understanding of what kind of gift will be useful and the baby will like it. Older children can express wishes, but even here parents do not always want to follow the lead of the child. Sometimes it seems that this toy will not be useful or will not interest the child for a long time.

Gifts that parents will love

Parents want their children to hang out in front of the TV less, stick their noses into gadgets, and read and develop more.

Tatyana gave her son Gleb, who did not like to read at all, the most colorful and beautiful atlas about dinosaurs.

- Another book, - Gleb sighed and began to open gifts from grandparents.

Tanya did not take into account that Gleb loves dinosaurs, not books.

If you want to give your child educational books, instill a love for them first. If a child does not like to read, then do not spoil his holiday with an unwanted gift.

Small children are easier to please with a book, they have not yet learned not to like to read. Parents need to read. If you're looking for a book that your little one can engage with at least a little on their own, consider music books or books with tactile inserts.

Soft plasticine modeling, for example, Play-Doh and games with kinetic sand, are useful for kids, while, however, under the supervision of their parents.

If you are planning to involve your child in sports and healthy lifestyle life, from 3-4 years old you can give skates or skis, especially if parents are fond of the same sport.

Papa Misha and mother Lena were visiting with their eight-year-old son Vitya, the owners offered to play Monopoly, Vitya was so carried away by the new game that he asked his parents to visit every weekend. Lena bought Vita's Monopoly for the New Year. The parents worked hard. Vitya was upset. Monopoly was gathering dust.

No matter how useful a new educational game seems to you, think about whether the child can play it on his own, and if he can, whether it will be as interesting to play alone as in the company.

Gifts that kids will love

Do you want to give a girl game set doctors - choose "Doctor Plusheva", for modern girls from 3 to 7 years old, she is an idol, and not Doctor Aibolit.

For boys, toys from the Minecraft game, the Avengers and Transformers cartoons are relevant.

Both boys and girls from 2 to 16 can be given Lego constructors; programming robots.

Girls mature earlier and, therefore, already at 12-14 they can be given the same things as women, adjusted for age: beautiful clothes, cosmetics, perfumes and jewelry.

Too expensive gifts

What to do if a child asks Santa Claus for a too expensive gift, for example, a new Lexus for dad, a fur coat for mom, and an iPhone 7 for himself. Discuss with your child the limited budget of an elderly mythical grandfather, despite the fact that he is magical, his pension will not be enough on all the children of the country who behaved well, and it would be wise not to deprive other children, but to choose more modest gifts.

By the way, at the expense of iPhones, be prepared for the fact that a child from the age of 6 sees gadgets from peers: gaming consoles, tablets and smartphones and mentions them in letters to Santa Claus. If you are not against such a gift, do not choose top and expensive models. Such things in children often fall, break and do not survive until the next New Year.

An older child who already has a smartphone will want a tablet, and vice versa. If he has apple products, then he will want to change it to an android device because his friends say “android is better”, well, or vice versa. You can also give money to a teenager if he saves up for something more expensive than he can afford. family budget.


The concept of a good gift for a child and parents does not always coincide. Parents want to give useful gifts, while children crave entertainment. A useful gift, for example, skates, can be the most desirable for a child if the parents themselves often and enjoy skating. And the long-awaited Monopoly game will continue to gather dust on the shelf if the child has no one to play with.