A long-term plan for dramatization in the older group. Plan-program for theatrical and aesthetic activities “Theater and children. Finger theater: V. Oseeva's fairy tale "Who is more stupid?"

MDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type" p. Kajerom

Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group


Ryzhenko E.G.

Preschool children learn the world around them more with their heart, emotions, feelings than with their mind. That is why the main activity of kids is play. Preschoolers are happy to try on various roles, relying on their little life experience.

Children can imitate the characters of their favorite cartoons, fairy tales, repeat the behavior of adults, for example, transform into a doctor, shop assistant, teacher. In order for games to bring educational and educational benefits, planning of such work is provided in kindergartens. Will help the teacher to effectively organize the activities of four-year-old pupils a card index of theatrical games in the second junior group. How to compose this Toolkit how to use it - in our article.

Theatrical games for children in the younger group of preschool educational institutions

Why do kids need dramatized games? Such activity solves a whole range of tasks set by the program and the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • formed social adaptation(children learn to communicate with peers, listen to others, argue their own opinion, etc.);
  • cognition of the world around (preschoolers get acquainted in the process of playing with a variety of areas of knowledge);
  • speech development (kids learn to form sentences, control the strength of their voice and intonation, etc.);
  • development of creativity and aesthetic taste.

It should be clarified that theatrical games are not only performances. Content includes different shapes and types of work with children. These games can be:

  • articulatory;
  • finger;
  • pantomimes;
  • recitation of small literary forms;
  • puppet shows;
  • mini-performances.

Planning theatrical activities in a preschool educational institution

The educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard provides for the conduct of all the games listed above in a group of children of the specified age. Therefore, the teacher will have to think over a plan for organizing such activities. The card index of theatrical games in the second junior group with goals will help in this. This guide should be compiled in a structured way, choosing the most interesting activities... Below we offer some effective entertaining theatrical games.

Articulation gymnastics

This type of activity contributes to the development of articulation, strengthens the facial muscles.

Card file of theatrical games for children in a preschool educational institution

The card file of theatrical games in the second junior group may contain the following types works aimed at:

Development of the speech apparatus

"Hamster". When the teacher says the words: "Eat quickly, hamster, freshly torn pod," the children puff out their cheeks, roll the air from one side to the other.

"Dog". Children are encouraged to stick out their tongue "like a dog."

"The cat drinks milk" - an imitation of licking milk with his tongue.

Finger games

Games aimed at developing fine motor skills are widely used in kindergarten. Finger theater will be an interesting type of such activity for four-year-olds. With the help of small dolls, you can play with fairy tales familiar to kids, for example "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Koza-dereza" and others.

Shadow theater also promotes the development of speech and creativity. For children fourth year life will still be difficult to demonstrate so a whole fairy tale. But you can offer the kids to repeat individual elements, for example, to depict the flight of a bird, a dog, a deer.


Gestures and facial expressions promote development emotional sphere child, communication skills, adaptation in a peer group. The organization of such activities can take place both in the playroom, on music lessons and for a walk.

We offer a theatrical pantomime game: "What we ate (did, sculpted, where they were) - we won't tell, we'd better show you soon!" The rules of the game are simple: the teacher asks the children to choose a card with a picture at random. Then, in turn, each child demonstrates with the help of facial expressions and gestures what is drawn on his card. The rest of the participants guess.

Recitation of nursery rhymes, jokes, poems

The card file of theatrical games in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard necessarily includes such forms of work as playing with nursery rhymes and jokes. Children take part in such fun games with pleasure. For kids three or four years old, the following works are recommended: "Magpie-white-sided", "Our chickens in the morning ...", "Little gray cat", "Ladies-frets-ladushki" and others.

Theatrical performances

The card file of theatrical games in the second junior group includes puppet and staged performances. But such an activity requires lengthy preparation and correct organization... In addition, certain material and technical equipment is required.

An effective way of developing the creative abilities of four-year-old children, consolidating their communication and speech skills is the use of such an activity as theatrical games in the second junior group in pedagogical practice. The card file helps the teacher to structure the planned activities with the kids, to organize the work correctly and effectively.

Long-term planning for theatrical activities with children in the second junior group


Targets and goals

Material and equipment



"A fairy tale on the table"

"Let's go to the garden"

Arouse interest in theatrical activities; develop the emotionally sensitive sphere of children; encourage them to express their feelings, to communicate; to teach to listen attentively to the poetic text and to correlate its meaning with expressive movements to the music.

Teach to express emotions through movements and facial expressions; to acquaint with the fairy tale "Teremok"; encourage active perception of the fairy tale; teach to listen carefully to the tale to the end and follow the development of the plot.

Promote the development of memory, encourage people to speak about the performance they like; teach expressive intonation; give an example of elementary puppetry.

Learn to move beautifully to calm music, making smooth movements; to learn to feel muscle freedom, relaxation, to encourage onomatopoeia.

Getting to know each other.

Game "Say your name".

Game "Say hello".

Dressing up in costumes of the main characters of the fairy tale.

Staging of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Round dance game "Mice in Minks".

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Game "Mice in Minks".

Listening to calm autumn music.

Game exercise "Expressive movement".

Game-improvisation "Leaves in the garden".

Musical and rhythmic composition "Autumn".

Ball, music center. Decoration of an autumn meadow (trees, flowers).

Costumes - a mouse, a hare, a frog, a fox, a wolf, a bear, scenery for a fairy tale (a tower, a backdrop with a landscape "Forest Glade").

Dolls and decorations for the fairy tale "Teremok".

Musical accompaniment.

The scenery of the autumn garden, the music of the birds on the record, autumn leaves, musical accompaniment.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"In the footsteps of a fairy tale"

"Vegetables in the garden"

"Zainka in the garden"

Give an idea of ​​the grain harvest; to acquaint with the fairy tale "Spikelet »; to assess the moral actions and behavior of the heroes (the cock loves to work, the little mice are lazy, disobedient); to acquaint with the table theater; intensify speech.

Learn to remember a familiar fairy tale, answer questions

according to its plot, to characterize the heroes; together with the teacher to retell the fairy tale, showing the character of the hero with the help of intonation.

Give an idea of ​​the harvest of vegetables; encourage children to express the images of heroes in movement, facial expressions, emotions; teach to improvise to music; teach coordination of movements; give charge positive emotions.

Involve children in a game situation, create a positive emotional mood, give an example of dialogue with the hero; teach children to navigate in space, performing simple movements.

Acquaintance with the content of the fairy tale "Spikelet".

Table theater show.

Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale with a discussion of the characteristic features of the characters.

Conversation on the fairy tale "Spikelet".

Children together with the teacher retell the fairy tale "Spikelet", lead the dolls from time to time.

Game "Mice in the Pantry".

Conversation about what is ripening in the fields and gardens.

Round dance game "Our garden is good."

Etude - improvisation "Vegetable story".

Concluding conversation about the ability to be friends.

Conversation about autumn.

On a visit to the hare.

Game "In the garden zainka".

Surprising moment.

Table theater.

Illustrations for the fairy tale.

Decorations for a fairy tale.

Puppet show(heroes of the fairy tale "Spikelet").

Vegetable caps (carrots, cabbage, beets, peppers, onions)

for an outdoor game.

Hare costume; dummies of cabbage; gifts for children - peeled fresh carrots.

"On a visit to grandmother"

"Lucky, lucky horse"

"The cold has come"

"Goats and Wolves"

Involve children in the game plot; activate auditory perception; encourage motor and intonation imitation; teach to act improvisationally, within a given situation; learn to act with imaginary objects.

Expand the range of actions with objects; encourage onomatopoeia; exercise in imitation; learn to switch from one action to another; give the opportunity to express themselves individually in general games

Give an idea of ​​the "cold" mood in music and encourage emotional responses to it; exercise onomatopoeia; teach expressive articulation; encourage participation in dramatization games.

Teach the perception of the plot of the game; encourage participation in the game plot; exercise onomatopoeia; teach children to interact with each other in the game; teach to move expressively in an outdoor game.

On a visit to my grandmother.

Conversation with grandmother about a goat, a dog.

The game "Friend".

Study "Hen, Chickens and Cockerel".

Children are taking the train home.

Reading a poem

A. Barto "The Horse".

Musical and rhythmic movements "Horses are galloping".

Conversation about autumn.

Warm-up game "Chill".

Study-exercise "How the Wind Howls".

Game-dramatization "Poured a little white snow".

Children dance to the Russian folk melody "Polyanka" using familiar dance moves.

Grandfather Matvey comes to visit, conversation.

Warm-up game "Goat, ay!"

Game "Drive away the evil wolf".

Game "Goats and Wolves".

Decorations of village life: house, grandmothers, chicken coop, and its inhabitants (toys: cockerel, hen, chickens,); vegetable garden (beds with herbs and vegetables); goat toy, puppy toy.

Toy horse; instruments of a children's noise orchestra.

Musical accompaniment.

Sled toy; a hat for the heroes of the dramatization game Vanya and Tanya.

Snowy forest scenery; costumes of heroes (grandfather Matvey, goat Mila); goat bell; hats for kids and wolves for outdoor games.

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

"Puppet show"

"Winter has come"

« New Years Adventure»

Teach carefully, listen attentively to the teacher's story and answer questions about his plot.

Teach the rules of conduct in the theater; teach to tune in to the perception of a fairy tale from the first sounds of a musical introduction, listen carefully to a fairy tale; teach to tell about your first impressions immediately after the end of the performance.

Develop the imagination and associative thinking of children; learn to speak up; teach to move expressively to the music, feeling its rhythm or smoothness of sound.

To please children, create a fabulous atmosphere of the class; to expand the range of perceived musical and dramatic images; encourage physical activity.

Reading the tale "Little kids and the wolf".

Game "Goats and Wolves".

Conversation about the theater.

Puppet show "Little kids and a wolf". (goat, wolf, leading-adults; kids-kids).

Conversation about winter.

To the music of "Sanochki", the motional improvisation "Sleighs are flying" will be performed.

We came to visit the gnomes.

Game "Who is behind the tree?"

Movement improvisation “Sledding”, “Playing with snowballs”.

Conversation about the New Year's holiday.

Children go to visit the Snow Maiden.

The game "Squirrel round dance".

Gifts from the Snow Maiden.

"Dance near the Christmas tree".

Book with the fairy tale "Little kids and the wolf" (in processing

A. Tolstoy).

Screen; dolls (goat, seven kids, wolf); decorations (backdrop "Forest and Village", goat's house, bush) and attributes (basket for a goat).

Musical recordings (for the compositions "Sleighs are flying", "Who is behind the tree?", "Sledding", "Playing with snowballs"); artificial Christmas tree decorations.

Suit of Snow Maiden; magic ball; squirrel hats for outdoor games.


"Cleaning the forest"

"Hares in the meadow"

"Frost - Red Nose"

Give an idea of ​​the life of birds in winter; to form a sympathetic attitude towards wintering birds; teach to be embodied in the role and role-playing behavior; use onomatopoeia in role-playing behavior.

To please children; involve in fun game; learn to switch from movement to singing and back; coordinate action and word; learn to move in accordance with the rhythmic features of the music; learn to pronounce words clearly.

Encourage the imaginative embodiment of the role; teach to move expressively; to give an intonational-figurative idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"; teach expressive facial expressions and movements in sketch games.

To please children; evoke an emotional response to the game; introduce songs to the dramatization; to enter the magical world of the theater; to acquaint with the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"; teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale.

Inviting children for a "winter walk".

Children dance to the music of birds.

Sparrows come to visit.

A puppet theater on a stick is held.

Musical and rhythmic movements "Birds are flying".

On a visit to Lesovichk.

Warm-up game "Forest cleaning".

A treat on a self-assembled tablecloth.

Children in hare hats go to the "snowy meadow".

Game "Bunny Paws".

Reading the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare".

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Sketches "Hares are having fun", "Hares have seen the hunters."

Children ride "winter forest" to the music.

Santa Claus enters to the formidable music.

Game "Freeze".

Song-game "We will play a little".

Puppet show "The Fox and the Hare".

At the end, Russian narration sounds. melody "Zainka to the Posenichkam".

Snowy lawn decorations; beanie hats; feeders; corn.

Musical records (for compositions ("Cleaning the forest"); shovel, self-assembled tablecloth; Lesovichko's costume; broom; serving for tea.

Decorations of a snowy meadow; hare hats for outdoor games; a book with a fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

Musical recordings (for compositions " Winter forest"," Santa Claus ", to the fairy tale" The Fox and the Hare "); scenery for the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

"It's sweeping in the yard, it's hot by the stove"

"The winds blow in February"

"Familiar Tales"

"Dexterous Mouse"

Introduce children to Russian and Komi national tradition; teach staging; teach to interact with each other in the game plot.

Tell about the army; show soldiers as defenders; involve in role play; learn to move rhythmically in accordance with the rhythm of verse and music; exercise onomatopoeia; teach to follow the rules.

Cause a positive attitude to the theatrical play; activate the imagination of children; encourage emotional responses to the proposed role.

Give an applied concept of a lullaby; to introduce children to a lullaby; to awaken the imagination of children; introduce S. Marshak to the fairy tale, teach how to answer questions about the content; involve in the game plot; teach yourself to act in the game.

Visit the upper room.

Staging "In the Svetlitsa" (teacher, children).

Round dance "Meadow duck".

Scene "Two Crows".

Conversation about soldiers.

Children march to the music "March of Wooden Soldiers". (P.I.Tchaikovsky).

Game "Pilots".

Game "Journey through fairy tales".

Scene "Mom the goat is coming home."

Staging game based on the fairy tale "Spikelet".

A scene from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare".

A mouse comes to visit.

A song for a mouse.

Telling a fairy tale

S. Marshak "The Tale of the Clever Mouse"

Game "Mice in Minks".

Gifts for children.

Decoration of a Russian hut (rugs, broom, stove, grab, table, samovar, cups, benches); folk costumes; serving for tea; gifts for children (stucco horses, soft toys, bunnies and chickens).

Toy soldiers; suits (sailor, tankmen, pilots); music recordings

(March of Wooden Soldiers "PI Tchaikovsky, recordings for a sailor, tanker, pilot).

Disc for playing, whirligig; hats for heroes of fairy tales; flannelegraph and pictures for a fairy tale; doll Cockerel.

Book with S. Marshak's fairy tale "The Tale of the Clever Mouse" ; mice hats; cradle for a mouse.

"Katya's doll has a birthday"

"Chicken with Chickens"

« Mom's children»

"Travel by bus"

Give an idea of ​​how to behave at a birthday party; encourage children to be active and proactive; evoke positive emotions; promote improvisation; teach to enter into a game of dialogue.

To acquaint with the fairy tale Hen with chickens ”and theater on the flannelgraph; develop empathy; teach carefully, listen to a fairy tale; teach to answer questions about its content.

Develop empathy, sensitivity to others; teach to show a fairy tale on a flannelgraph; teach to retell the content of a familiar fairy tale; give a charge of positive emotions in sketches and games; encourage the embodiment in a game image.

Teach children to interact in a role-playing game and assign roles; develop physical activity in children; teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale, follow the plot; to give an idea of ​​the theater of toys on the carpet.

On a visit to the doll Katya.

Children show a concert for a doll.

Game "Hostess and Guests".

Dance with dolls.

Fairy tale on the flannelgraph « Chicken with chicks ».

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Singing "Chickens"

Song "Cat" for a kitty.

Children tell the tale "Cat and Kittens" on a flannelgraph.

Sketches "Kittens wake up", "Kittens frolic", "Kittens hunt for a mouse."

Round dance game "How the cats danced."

Travel by bus to the village.

"The Tale of the Clever Mouse". (toy theater).

Conversation on a fairy tale.

Game "Mice in Minks".

We're going home.

Dolls; served toy table; gifts for dancing (gnomes, snowflakes).

Flanelegraph; pictures for the theater.

Soft toy cat; flannelegraph and pictures for the fairy tale "Cat and Kittens"; hats of cats for outdoor games.

Attributes for role-playing game(a counter with goods, strollers with dolls and bears); equipment for toy theater.

"Basket with snowdrops"

"Jokes and Nursery Rhymes"


"Spring on the street"

To please children and involve them in the game plot; encourage children to motor improvisation; activate their auditory attention and perception; teach independence in role-playing behavior; instill an aesthetic taste.

Introduce children to Russian folk tradition; show the possibilities of a molded whistle; to acquaint with the fairy tale in the theater of stucco toys; encourage children to role-play; teach jokes and nursery rhymes to speak clearly and emotionally.

Introduce children to the Russian national tradition; exercise in finger gymnastics; learn to pronounce words clearly in nursery rhymes; include children in the game plot; evoke a positive emotional response to works of folklore; to please children.

To develop the emotional and sensory sphere of children: to teach to respond to sounds and intonations in music, to listen to contrasting intonations in speech; encourage physical activity; show independence in choosing and playing a role; exercise in onomatopoeia.

Children go to the "snowy meadow".

Game-improvisation "Snowflakes".

Round dance game under a pine tree.

Dance with snowdrops.

Reading to children “I love my horse”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki”.

Conversations about what you read.

Musical and rhythmic movements "Horses are galloping".

Reading the nursery rhyme "Ladushki".

Finger gymnastics "Foxes walked along the path."

Song-game "Ladushki".

Russian folk joke"The fox walked through the woods."

Conversation about spring.

Listening to the phonogram of birds singing.

Round dance "The sun is warming up".

Decorations of a snowy meadow, white capes for snowflakes; animal hats for outdoor games; Forest Fairy costume.

Toy horse, decoration of the meadow.

Fox hat (for an adult); soft toy fox; children's toy stove, saucepan, frying pan; bast shoes.

Spring lawn decorations; vase with Flowers; flower hats for outdoor games; the soundtrack "Sounds of the Forest"; musical recordings for sketches and dances of birds and flowers.

"Such different rains"

"Remember the fairy tale"

"Hedgehog Puff"

"Come out to the green meadow"

To develop emotional responsiveness to music: auditory performances, rhythmic and modal-intonational feeling of children; exercise in finger gymnastics; teach role-based embodiment; teach clear and expressive speech; to please children.

Stimulate the imagination of children; develop memory; evoke associations; teach to retell a fairy tale using objects (toys); teach to answer questions about the content of the tale; develop the emotional side of the speech of children; create emotionally positive mood for a fairy tale.

To please children; create an emotionally positive attitude towards works of small folklore forms; teach children to speak in front of their peers; develop aesthetic taste; encourage improvisation; to acquaint with the fairy tale "Puff".

To please children; involve in the game; teach to act in the game in a group and one at a time; teach to move expressively to music in accordance with the text; to awaken the imagination of children; encourage physical activity.

Finger gymnastics game"Fingers are walking."

Conversation about the rains.

Rains come to visit (mischievous, sloth).

The game "Rainy-Sunny".

Travel to the toy store.

Scene based on a fairy tale

(at the teacher's choice)

Pykh comes to visit the children.

Questions about the tale.

Reading L. Gribova "Puff".

Game "Help the hedgehog to collect mushrooms"

To the music, children pick mushrooms and berries for the hedgehog).

Walk along the "green meadow".

Song-game "In the meadow". Song-etude "Streams

Musical records for games and etudes; sultans for playing in the rain; umbrellas.

Soft toys (cats, foxes); molded toys (horse whistle, lamb whistle, bird whistle); mom-cat hat (for an adult); mouse hat (for a child).

Soft toy hedgehog; theater dolls, dummies of mushrooms and berries.

Musical records (folk melodies, sounds of the forest); baskets; sultans, capes for streams.

Game-lesson for children 3-5 years old. "A cat and her kittens"

Goals: to acquaint with the fairy tale "Cat and Kittens" and theater on the flannelgraph; develop empathy; teach to listen to a fairy tale attentively; teach to answer questions about its content.

Material and equipment: flannelgraph; pictures for the theater (kittens, cat, dog, booth, tree, bowl of milk).

Course of the lesson

The teacher puts the children in a semicircle near the flannelegraph and tells a fairy tale about a cat and kittens.

Fairy tale on the flannelgraph "Cat and Kittens"

Once upon a time there was a cat, and she had five kittens. All day kittens ran around the yard, played. Mother cat came to the yard and called her kittens: “Meow! Meow! It's time to go home, kittens! " The kittens ran up to their mother, purred affectionately - asking for milk. Mom gave her babies milk, and the kittens fell asleep.
Once the mother cat, as always, sent all five kittens out into the yard to play. The kittens came out and immediately noticed a large booth. She had never been in the yard before. A huge head protruded from the booth - it was Rex the dog. Rex saw the kittens and growled angrily: "Rrrr ..." The kittens knew everyone in the yard, but Rex was seen for the first time. They decided to get acquainted. But as soon as they came closer, the dog rushed at them. The kittens ran scatteringly. Rex didn't know who to run after - the kittens scattered across different sides... And finally he managed to drive all the kittens up a large tree.

At this time, the mother-cat, as always, went out into the yard to call the kittens for lunch. Suddenly she sees that the yard is empty. The cat called for kittens in vain - no one responded. The cat went to look for her kittens. I went around the whole yard - there are no kittens anywhere. Then she saw a large booth and was surprised: yesterday this booth was not there. And suddenly the cat mother heard an angry growl: "Rrr ..." The huge dog's head was very close to her. And from somewhere above there was a frightened meow. The cat saw her kittens on the tree and understood everything: that's who offended her children.
The angry cat scratched Rex's nose with all its might with its paw, the dog howled and rushed to his booth. And the kittens climbed down from the tree and approached their mother. They realized that their mother would always be able to protect them from danger. Mother cat watched the kittens drink milk, and thought:
"What beautiful children I have."

And Rex realized that in his yard he must live peacefully with everyone.

After the fairy tale, the teacher asks the children questions: did they like the fairy tale, who were its heroes, what happened in the yard, how did the cat take care of the kittens, how did she protect them?

At the end of the lesson, children sing the song "Cat" (music by A. Alexandrov).

The pussy came up to the children
Milk asked
She told the children:
Meow meow meow.

They were treated with milk
The little kitty ate
She sang a song:
Mu-ur, mu-ur, mu-ur

Game "Mice in Minks"

Description of the game: an active game develops reaction, attention, memory, is well suited for use during walks in kindergarten.

Rules of the game:

1. The circles ("minks") are laid out one less than the number of children participating in the game.

2. The presenter gathers the children in a chain and leads them away from the "burrows", saying the following words:

“Little mice are going for a walk,

We went out into the clearing - to sing and dance - the mouse Ira, the mouse Petya, the mouse Lena(all children are listed) .

They danced and danced, their paws were already trampled!

It suddenly became completely dark, evening knocked on the window.

We ought to run home, to occupy our burrows! "

3.C the last word leading, each child must take his own circle, "mink". One circle - one child.

4. The one who did not have time to occupy his "hole" becomes the leader or is eliminated from the game.

Improvisation game "Leaves in the garden

(Children repeat the movements after the teacher)

Leaves, leaves are circling in the garden,

(Leaf children dance, spin.)

I'll go to the autumn garden to the leaves.

Leaves, leaves, fly boldly,

(The leaves are flying.)

And let the autumn wind blow stronger.

Leaves, leaves, the breeze stopped,

(The leaves sat in a circle.)

He collected the leaves in a cheerful circle,

The leaves have quieted down, quietly rustling

(They sit, waving their wings.)

And they are in no hurry to fly into the gray sky.

Suddenly the wind blew alarmingly, hummed,

(They rise and fly.)

He told the leaves from the paths to take off,

Leaves, leaves fly in the wind,

Take off from the tracks, rustle, rustle.

Staging "In the Svetlitsa"


We have a bright hut, the gorenka is new,
Come in, come in, don't stumble over the sill.
Already in our house there is someone to do housekeeping:
Two aunts are lying on the benches, two girls are sitting by the stove,
Yes, I myself, Ulyana, and dexterous, and blush.

Child 1.

Our mother stove is evenly warm.

Child 2.

He warmed the whole house.

Child 3.

Baked, boiled and fried.

Child 4.

Here are the cottage cheese pies.

Child 5.

Here is milk tea.


Let's start dancing - for you!

The Russian folk melody "Utushka lugovaya" is played. Children are in a round dance. Children act out prepared scenes .. The texts of the scenes are Russian folk nursery rhymes.


1. "Nenila Pig"

N e n and la.

Pig Nenila's son praised:

(Nenila points at her son.)

That's cute
That's pretty cute -
Walks sideways

(Sonny walks awkwardly.)

Ears upright
Crochet ponytail,
Piglet nose!

(He puts his finger to his nose - "patch".)

2. "Two crows"

Roles and performers: the reader is a child of the older group; two crows - children junior group.

Note. Children of the younger group, playing the role of crows, sit astride a bench, as if on a roof, facing away from each other.

What is it.

On the edge, on the shed
Two crows sit, both look apart:
We quarreled over a dead beetle!

The hostess Ulyana shows the children what gifts she bought at the fair.

U l i n a.

I bought different goods at the fair, and find out which ones. I will ask you riddles. Whoever guesses the riddle gets the gift.


Soft lumps, fluffy guys
The yellow ones run out onto the path ... (chickens).

Clink-clink, who runs the smooth road?
It's a swift clatter ... (horse).

Well, who is this, find out,
The drum is playing ... (Bunny).

The hostess Ulyana gives toys to children who have guessed riddles. Ulyana invites children to the table for tea. After that, the hostess and guests say goodbye.

Staging "Guests Say Goodbye"

U l i n a.

We sang and danced, we were not tired of having fun.
Only time passed, it became dark in the upper room.
Come, guests, visit the day after tomorrow.
Let's bake cheesecakes, butter pancakes,
Come and taste our delicious pies.
In the meantime, we say goodbye, we will part on the threshold.
Be healthy.

(Ulyana goes into the house.)

The teacher finishes the lesson, summing up: where the children were, what they saw, what they did.

Staging of the fairy tale "Spikelet" in kindergarten



Cool Mouse.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there were two mice, Cool and Vert, and the cockerel Vocal Neck. The mice only knew that they were singing and dancing, spinning and spinning. And the cock would rise a little light, first wake everyone up with a song, and then set to work.

Once the cockerel was sweeping the yard and saw a spikelet of wheat on the ground.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert, look what I found!

Storyteller: Little mice came running.

Mice: You need to thresh it.

Cockerel: Who will thresh?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll thresh.

Storyteller: And he set to work. And the mice began to play rounders.

The cock finished threshing.

Cockerel: Hey, Cool, hey, Vert, look how much grain I've threshed!

Storyteller: Mice came running and squealed in one voice.

Mice: Now you need to carry grain to the mill, grind flour!

Cockerel: Who will carry it?

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll take the grain to the mill.

Storyteller: I put a sack on my shoulders and went. And the little mice, meanwhile, started a leapfrog. They jump over each other, have fun.

The cockerel returned from the mill, again calling the mice.

Cockerel: Here, Cool, here, Vert! I brought flour.

Storyteller: Little mice came running, they look, they will not be praised.

Mice: Oh yes cockerel! Well done! Now you need to knead the dough and bake the pies.

Cockerel: Who will knead?

Storyteller: And the mice are again their own.

1st mouse: Not me!

2nd mouse: Not me!

Cockerel: Apparently I'll have to.

Storyteller: He kneaded the dough, brought firewood, lit the oven. And when the oven was fired up, he put pies in it. The mice do not waste time either: they sing and dance. The pies were baked, the cock took them out, laid them on the table, and the mice were right there. And I didn't have to call them.

1st mouse: Oh, and I'm hungry!

2nd mouse: Oh, and I'm hungry!

Storyteller: And they sat down at the table.

Cockerel: Wait, wait! First, tell me who found the spikelet.

Mice: You have found!

Cockerel: Who threshed the spikelet?

Mice(quietly): You thrashed!

Cockerel: And who carried the grain to the mill?

Mice: You too.

Cockerel: Who kneaded the dough? Did you carry firewood? Did you heat the stove? Who baked the pies?

Mice: All of you. All of you.

Cockerel: What did you do?

Storyteller: What to say in response? And there is nothing to say. Steep and Vert began to crawl out from the table, but the cockerel does not hold them back. There is nothing for such idlers and lazy people to treat with pies.

Round dance game "Our garden is good"


You, carrot, come out, look at the people.

(Carrots go in a circle.)

We will sing a resounding song, we will start a round dance.

Everything. One-two, heel, dance with me, buddy.

(Children get up, lead a round dance.)

(The carrots are dancing.)


Early in the morning I get up, go out to the beds.

(The teacher walks around the garden.)

I'll stand and see if everything is all right.

(Children are sitting in the garden.)

You cabbage, come on, come out bolder

(Cabbage and beets go in a circle.)

And bring the beets with you as soon as possible.


(Children lead a round dance.)

Three or four, sing louder, dance with me.

(Cabbage and beets are dancing.)


Our garden is good, you will not find such,

(The teacher walks around the garden.)

A lot of pepper grows, young onions.

(Children are sitting in the garden.)

You, onion, come out, pepper for you.

(Onions and peppers go in a circle.)

Put your hands under the barrel, there are two of you in the salad.

Everything... One or two, heel, dance with me, buddy.

(Children get up and lead a round dance.)

Three or four, sing louder, dance with me.

(Onions and peppers are dancing.)

The teacher praises a good harvest. Children sit on high chairs.

The teacher takes a basket of vegetables and invites you to listen to a vegetable story.

Game "Zainka in the Garden" (Russian folk song)

Zainka in the garden, small in the garden,

(Children put their hands on a shelf, make a spring.)

He gnaws carrots, he takes cabbage.

Dap, dap, dap - I ran into the woods.

(They turn one after another and jump in a circle like bunnies.)

Download, download, zainka, download, download, small,

In the green forest, sit under the bush,

Dap, dap, dap, under the bush - and silence.

(They sit with a jump and put a finger to their lips.)

Game "Pilots".

Tell me, where do the planes fly? (High in the sky.)

You will be the pilots of the plane.

Spread your wings

start the "motor": "f - f - f", let's fly ...

The plane is flying,

The plane hums:

"Ou - oo - oo - oo!"

I'm flying to Moscow!

Commander - pilot

The plane is leading:

"Ou - oo - oo - oo!"

I'm flying to Moscow!

Game "Bunny Paws"


Bunnies went out on the meadow,
The bunnies got up in a circle.

(Bunnies make a spring.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(Bow, circle.)

Bunnies sat down by the hemp,
At the raw hemp,

(Hares squat down.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(They wave their paws.)

The bunnies are knocking with their feet,
They don't want to freeze.

(They get up and stamp their feet.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(Bow and circle.)

Bunnies beat their paws with their paws,
They sing a song merrily

(They make plates.)

White bunnies
Friendly, brave.

(Bow and circle.)

The game "Friend"

I have a puppy, a black little puppy,

(Children jump like puppies.)

I'll play with the puppy, I'll throw the ball,

(They jump in place.)

Tapping-tapping, tapping-tapping, I'll throw the ball.

He will run with all his might, he will run with all his might,

(They run scatteringly.)

I shout to him: "Friend", the puppy says,

(They jump up, bark.)

Yap-ya, ya-ya, the puppy responds.

Study "Hen, Chickens and Cockerel"

Questionnaire The hens-mothers went out for a walk, walk around the yard, flap their wings, worry. (Educator and children they run slowly, waving their arms, clucking.) Chickens came running for the hens. (Children depicting chickens, finely touching legs, run fast, squeak.) Here came the cockerel into the yard. He walks importantly, slaps himself on the sides, crows. (Several baby cockerels make appropriate movements, crow.)

Suddenly the wind blew, the chickens got scared, they began to loudly call for mom. (Chickens are flapping their wings restlessly, running along yard, squeak.) Chickens run to their chickens, want to save them from the wind, cover the chicks with their wings. (Children chickens take under wing of their chickens.) So the wind ended, the hens and chickens calmed down.

The cockerel walks importantly around the yard. Chickens and chickens follow him. (Children make appropriate movements.)

Granny. So our journey is over. Time for the train, he will take you home. Goodbye!

Children get on the train and go home. The teacher, on his own behalf, asks if they liked visiting their grandmother whom they saw in the grandmother's yard.

Game "Hostess and guests"


Here are the guests on the doorstep:

(The hostess greets the guests.)

Better dry your feet
I'm glad to see you, come in
What do you want to tell me?


Congratulations, congratulations

(Guests give gifts.)

And we wish you health!


Thank you, that's cute

(They sit on the chairs.)

I also laid the table for you.


Congratulations, congratulations

(Clap their hands.)

And we wish you health!


Now let's go dancing

(The guests go out in a circle.)

We must turn on the music!

The teacher invites children to dance with dolls.

Dance with dolls

V o s p and t e l (sings).

We are on holiday on our

(Children hold the dolls by both hands, the dolls "dance".)

Together with the dolls we will dance
The dolls are spinning merrily

(Children whirl around with dolls, raising them above their heads.)

They have fun with us.
Let's run along the path

(Children hold dolls in front of them, run in a circle.)

Run your legs more cheerfully
Let's run one circle
And then one more time.
The dolls are spinning merrily

(The dolls are dancing.)

They have fun with us.

At the end of the lesson, the doll Katya thanks the children for teaching her and the guests how to behave correctly at the birthday party.

Sketches "Kittens"

1. "Kittens wake up"

Calm music sounds. Children sit on the rug, eyes closed, legs folded (kittens are sleeping). Then they stretch slowly, rub their eyes and stretch again.

2. "Kittens frolic"

Moving music sounds. Kittens are jumping in a circle; stop, dissolve "scratches", scratch in the air with their paws.

3. "Kittens hunt for a mouse"

Disturbing music sounds. Kittens sneak carefully and slowly, on tiptoe; then they run quietly; stop; "Smell" prey; sneak further with dashes.
The teacher puts on the hats of cats on the children and invites them to start a round dance game "How the cats danced."

Round dance game "How the cats danced"


That's how the cats were having fun

(The cats run scatteringly, spreading their claws.)

They forgot about the danger
Have fun by the river
They threw out their shoes.

K o sh k i.

Meow, meow, mur-mur-mur,

Laughing chickens, chickens.


The cats were jumping, frolicking,

(The cats are jumping.)

We immediately found ourselves in the river,

(They jump into a squatting position.)

Murki shouted:
Oh, the skin is wet!

(They shout the words of the text.)

K o sh k i.

Meow, meow, mur-mur-mur,

(They sing pitifully, sticking out their claws.)

Laughing chickens, chickens.


The clothes are dry

(They run scatteringly.)

The cats are having fun again.
Having fun by the river
They threw out their shoes.

K o sh k i.

Meow, meow, mur-mur-mur,

(They stop, claw in the air, spin.)

Laughing chickens, chickens.

Improvisation game "Snowflakes"


Snowflakes, snowflakes fly to the ground,

(Snowflakes are flying.)

Their beautiful white outfit sparkles.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, fly bolder

(They sit down whirling.)

And quietly lay down on the ground soon.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, it's time for you again

(Waving their wings.)

Spin over the field and fly into the sky.
Snowflakes, snowflakes, fly in the wind

(Snowflakes are flying.)

And fall right on the cheeks of the guys.

Round dance game "Under the Pine"

Wood Fairy.

In a clearing under a pine tree,

(The animals dance in a circle using familiar movements.)

The people of the forest danced:
Hares, bears and chanterelles,
Wolves in gray mittens.

Z e r y t a.

That's what a round dance

(Clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Wood Fairy.

The hedgehogs came running here:

(The hedgehogs go out to the center of the circle.)

E f and.

Our fur coats are good

(They become in pairs and whirl.)

We'll curl up in a ball

We are not in the hands.

Z e r y t a.

That's what a round dance

(The animals clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Wood Fairy.

A big bear came out into the circle:

(A bear comes out and sings.)


I can sing songs.
And behind him sleepily

(A bear cub runs out.)

A bear cub is racing.

Medvezhon about k.

That's what a round dance

(The bear sings.)

Everyone dances and sings.

Wood Fairy.

Had fun until the morning

(The animals are in a round dance.)

All the forest kids.
They jumped, danced,
The songs were sung.

Z e r y t a.

That's what a round dance

(The animals clap their hands.)

Everyone dances and sings.

(The children sit down.)

Wood Fairy.

You made me so happy, children, with the game that I want to give you a whole basket of snowdrops. Snowdrops are the very first spring flowers... There is still snow in the forest, and snowdrops are already blooming. They are not afraid of the cold, they are very beautiful.

The Forest Fairy gives children a basket of snowdrops. The teacher thanks the Forest Fairy and invites the children to dance with the snowdrops.
Children take snowdrops and dance with them.

The game "The sun is warming up"

Join hands and stand in a circle so that the kids are opposite each other. Sing a nursery rhyme while doing the movement, encourage children to imitate. Standing still, spring with your feet:

The sun warms up warmer

It became more fun in the house.

We're in a circle, we're in a circle

Let's get up quickly.

Stamp your feet quickly:

We'll sink a little

Dance more cheerfully, legs,

And like this, and like this,

Dance your legs!

Do not skimp on praise, rejoice together in children.

Finger game-gymnastics "Fingers walk"

Once the fingers walked

(Children clench and unclench their fingers rhythmically.)

Fingers, toes.
Fingers along the gully

(Spread their palms, swing them rhythmically from side to side.)

Fingers, toes.
The sun is in a cloud, fingers,

(Children clasp their fingers in front of them.)

Fingers, toes.
It will rain soon, fingers
Fingers, toes.
The rain fell: tra-ta-ta,

(Children shake their hands.)

Leave the yard.
Fingers ran
Fingers under the bridge.
They hid - and they sit.

(They removed their palms behind their backs.)


You guys know that the rains are different.
There is a mischievous rain. Here he is. (Rapid music sounds.) Hey naughty rain, run out!
(The teacher takes the child out and gives him rain sultans.)

D o w e - o z o rn and k.

I can run fast
I will water the weed in the kindergarten.

(To fast music, the rain-child runs and waves sultans.)


There are also other rains. There is a sloth rain. Its droplets drip so slowly that they are too lazy to drip to the ground. This rain will not run away, will not rush. Hear what he is? (Music of slow rain sounds.) Hey sloth rain, show yourself!
(A child pretends to be a rain-sloth.)

D o w d - l e n i v e c.

Drip-drip, and I am silent.
I don't want to drip anymore.

(To the music of a rare rain, the rain child rhythmically shakes the sultans.)


These are the different types of rain. In our clearing, the rain is dripping, then the sun is shining. Let's guess when the sun is shining, when the rain is falling. We will listen to music, it will tell us what the weather is like outside. We will walk in sunny weather. In a rainy day - we will listen to what kind of rain it is on the street: a mischievous person or a sloth.

Rainy-Sunny game

Children listen to music. To calm music, they walk in pairs, holding hands. When they hear the music of the rain, they run away to the chairs and continue to listen to the music further. The teacher helps the children to determine what kind of rain is coming. If it is a mischievous rain, then the children quickly knock themselves on the knees with their palms. If it's rain-sloth, then they knock slowly. The game is repeated several times. On different rains, rain children run out: sometimes a mischievous rain,
then the rain is a sloth.

The game "Walk in the rain"

The teacher invites the children to choose umbrellas and go for a walk in the warm spring rain. Children walk along to the calm music of the rain. Under the rhythmic part - squat lightly.

"Help the hedgehog to collect mushrooms"

Look at the hedgehog

Well, the fur coat is good!

And it sits so beautifully.

A sight for sore eyes, that's such a miracle!

In appearance, you can't tell right away

That needles are very sharp.

Only here is the trouble friends,

Do not stroke, we have a hedgehog!

Let us help the hedgehog, tell him everything we know about mushrooms.

Guys, what edible mushrooms do you know? (Chanterelles, boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom).

Now name the poisonous mushrooms (fly agaric, white toadstool, false mushrooms).

Now we are going to play the game "Guess the mushroom".

I will make riddles about mushrooms, and you will guess, and say whether they are edible or poisonous.

Slideshow "Mushrooms".

  1. I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the roots of aspen,

You will recognize me a mile away,

My name is ... (Boletus, edible)

  1. But someone important

On a little white leg.

He's with a red hat,

There are polka dots on the hat. (Amanita, poisonous)

  1. I do not argue - not white,

I, brothers, are simpler,

I usually grow

In a birch grove. (Boletus edible)

  1. What kind of yellow sisters

Hidden in the thick grass?

I see them all perfectly

I'll take it home soon.

Very clean, tasty mushroom -

Both the chef and the mushroom picker are happy.

These yellow sisters

Called ... (Chanterelles, edible)

  1. She stands pale

She has an edible look.

Bring it home - trouble

It is poison that food.

Know that this mushroom is a snag

Our enemy is pale ... (Toadstool, poisonous)

  1. Stood on a strong leg

Now lies in the basket. (White mushroom, edible).

Well done, you guessed all the mushrooms! I think the hedgehog remembered everything, and now he will be happy to pick mushrooms!

Guys, where do mushrooms mostly grow? (In the woods). Imagine that you are tall, beautiful trees that grow in the forest.

Song-game "In the meadow"

Children (walking in pairs).

And we are walking through the meadow,
We carry baskets
We carry baskets
We will collect the strawberries.

(Couples stop.)

GALI (sings, dancing).

I'm walking through the meadow
I'm in a hurry on the green
I see the berry is growing
I see ripe growing.

Children (walking in pairs again).

We will pick up berries,
Let's start a round dance.
You are my little basket
You are intact.

G a l i.

Now let's dance
In our clearing!

(At Gali's call, the children dance in a free dance. The Russian folk melody "Whether in the garden or in the garden" sounds.)


I invite you guys to listen to how the streams ring. (Music of running streams sounds.) Streams, run to us.

(Children in shiny capes run out with little sultans in their hands. The song-etude "Streams" is being performed.) \

Song-etude "Brooks"


Here is a trickle running

(Children stand and gently swing their arms alternately.)

His path is long.
It gurgles, it glitters
And shivers in the sun.

Children - hands.

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run,

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run
And we shine in the sun.


Where are you going, streams?

Children - hands.

We'll run to the river
We'll grumble, and then
We will turn home.

Reb e n o k - ruche e k.

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run,

(Children run, waving their hands.)

Zhur-zhur-zhur, we run
And we shine in the sun.

W o s p i t a t e l (with a horse in hand).

Here the horse screamed ...

Children (together with the teacher).


She screamed in the clearing ...

Children. Hoo-hoo!


Who will hear me now?

Children... Hoo-hoo!


Who will ride me?

Children. Hoo-hoo!


Heard Tanya and Vanya ...

Children. Hoo-hoo!


And they raced on a horse

Children. Hoo-hoo!

Scene "Mom-goat is coming home"

Koz a.

Little kids, kids!
Open up, open up,
Your mother came - she brought milk,
Milk flows over the reed,
From the sock to the cheese ground.

Golly t to and (do imaginary actions - unlock the door).

Mother Mother!

Koz a.

Do you kids recognize me?

K o z l y t k i.

K o z l y t k i.


Koz a.

Show how you sang.

K o z l y t k and (imitating his mother, subtly).

Little kids, kids ...

Koz a.

Did you open the door to the wolf?

K o z l y t k i.

K o z l y t k i.

Koz a.

Show how he sang.

C o w l y t k and (imitate a wolf, roughly).

Little kids, kids ...

Koz a.

You are obedient kids, go into the house, play, and do not open the door to the wolf.

Warm-up game "Goat, ay!"


Our goat in the forest

Where is she? We shout: "Hey!"

Children. Hey! Hey!


Children, children, I call you:

Helen, where are you? Hey!

Len a... Hey!


Our goat in the forest

Where is she? We shout: "Hey!"

Children. Hey! Hey!


Children, children, I call you:

Sasha, where are you? Hey!

Sasha. Hey!

Note. In the game, the children call the goat: "Mila, ay!", Echo each other: "Lena, ay, where are you?"

Children walk through the forest to the disturbing music. During the search for the goat, the howl of a wolf is periodically heard. The teacher offers the game "Drive away the evil wolf". Children begin to loudly clap their hands, stamp their feet and shout: "The hunters are going, the hunters are going!"

The children finally find Mila, the goat, entangled in the thicket. They help Mila out of trouble. The goat (a child of the older group) is happy.

K o z o h k and M and l a.

I like to wander in the woods

Extending legs

I can deceive the fox

I have horns.

I'm not afraid of anyone

Even with an evil wolf I will fight.

Hey you wolf and fox

Go to the woods.

Questionnaire Mila goat, how brave and formidable you are.

D e d M a t e y. Why didn't you listen to me? You have gone so far that we could not find you. Your bell is lost. Say "thank you" to our guys for finding your bell and helping you out of trouble.

K o z o h k and M and l a.

Thanks to all the guys

I will tell you from the bottom of my heart.

I am very glad to see you,

You are all so good.

I invite you to dance

And sing songs together!

The teacher invites children to play the game "Goats and Wolves".

Game "Goats and Wolves"


In a clearing, in a forest

(The goats dance with their horns out.)

Under the green pine

The goats were dancing the polka:

One step, one step, that much more.

(The goats are jumping.)

Dancing, having fun

The danger was forgotten.

At this time, the evil wolves

(Angry wolves go in circles.)

We often walked through the woods.

Trembling, teeth snapped -

(The wolves move their paws in the air.)

Don't get caught by the toothy!

Well, the goats all played

(The goats lead a round dance.)

And the wolves were not noticed.

We went around a hundred laps

(The wolves go in circles.)

One Hundred Hungry Bad Wolves.

On the last lap, they got angry

(They catch goats.)

Together we caught the goats!

Mila the goat thanks the children for the game. Grandfather Matvey thanks the children and the teacher for helping to find his beloved goat.

Staging games based on the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Cockerel appears on the screen. The teacher brings the child to the Cockerel, who reads poetry to him.


Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden scallop,
That you get up early
Sing loudly
Don't you let the kids sleep?


I am a cockerel
Golden scallop,
I get up early, early
I sing vociferously
I call everyone to work.
Do you guys know who lives with me?


Yes! These are mice.


What are their names?


Twist and Twirl.


Did they help me work?



Can you help?



Help me around the house, please. Let's do everything together: chop wood, sweep with a broom, shake out the rugs.

Finger gymnastics "Foxes walked along the path"

The cubs walked along the path

(Bend your fingers at the same time.)

In patent leather boots
Up the hill - top-top,

(They clap their hands forcefully.)

And down the hill - top-top top!

Squatting on exercise

(Rhythmically clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

Squatted in order.
To charge top-top,

(They clap their hands forcefully.)

And from charging - top-top-top!

(Lightly shake hands.)


Did you like playing with us, fox? (The fox nods his head: he liked it.) Guys, while we were playing, pancakes ripened on my stove. (The teacher goes to the children's toy stove and takes a toy saucepan and frying pan and begins to bake pancakes.) Here they are - pancakes. (The teacher comes up to the children and starts singing the song "Ladushki", the children get up and dance.)

Song-game "Ladushki"

Okay, okay,

(Children "bake pancakes" (put their palms in clap from one side to the other))

Where were you?
- By Grandma.
Grandma baked us
Sweet pancakes
I watered with oil,

(Children offer open palms.)

Gave children:

(The teacher lays out imaginary pancakes on his palms.)

Ole - two, Kolya - two,
Tanya - two, Vanya - two.
I gave it to everyone!

(The teacher approaches the fox and puts pancakes in his paws too).


Soon, fox, your mother will come. She went into the forest, kicked the birch bark, and began to weave the little shoes.
The teacher removes a bunch of bast shoes from the wall and shows them to the children, then puts a fox on its paws. Then he puts on a fox's hat and plays with the children, sings a joke.

Russian folk joke "The fox walked through the woods"

The fox walked through the forest,

(The children are sitting. The fox walks beside the children.)

The calls of the song were output.
The fox tore the stripes.

(The fox and the children "tear" the bast (make imitative movements))

The fox wove bast shoes.
The fox wove paws,

(They knock on the knees with their palms.)


(The fox is laying out imaginary bast shoes.)

To myself - two,
Husband - three,
And the kids - on sandwiches.

Long-term planning for theatrical activities in group No. 5 "Polyanka".


Children greet each other on behalf of any imaginary or fabulous

character (fox, hare, wolf), put on (optional) costumes and tell

what they looked like. The teacher helps them portray the selected characters through

Etude "Consolation".

The boy accidentally broke the girl's toy, she is crying, the rest of the guys must calm the girl down, comfort her. The performer of the role of the girl "cries". The children surround her, and each offers their own version of comfort (gives new toy, trying to repair the broken one, etc.).

(Theater on hand - glove) Game "Little Red Riding Hood". (C. Perrault)

Develop the ability to analyze the actions of fairytale heroes. Improve imaginative performing skills

Staging a fairy tale.

Game "Rain"

Teaching children the ability to coordinate their actions with other children; development of imagination.

Children are given the opportunity to imagine and depict how raindrops are knocking on the roof, the road. Show how children splash in puddles, clap their hands and have fun after the rain. Further, the teacher explains that in the game, instead of rain, music will sound, reminiscent of the murmur of water, the ringing of droplets. When the music is playing, all the children splash in puddles (cardboard or imaginary). As soon as the music ends, it means that a "thunderstorm" is approaching - everyone gathers together under a roof (umbrella). Children are invited to depict a "thunderstorm" (tapping movements with fists, claps of hands). At the moment when children depict a thunderstorm, the teacher says:

Thunder is everywhere, thunder is thundering

Lightning glistens in the sky!

The thunderstorm is over, and we again,

Let's have fun playing!


Game "Puss in Boots"

(Theater on the hand - finger)

Develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children.

Staging a fairy tale.

Study "Baba Yaga"

Develop the ability to communicate emotional condition with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

Baba Yaga caught Alyonushka, told her to light the stove, so that later she could eat Alyonushka, and she herself

fell asleep. I woke up, but Alyonushka did not - she ran away. Baba Yaga got angry that she was left without supper,

running around the hut, stamping his feet, swinging his fists.

Funny composers

Encourage children to write fairy tales; learn to enter the role; develop creativity and imagination of children; to teach to work together, together, amicably.

Mini - dramatization of the fable by I. A. Krylov "The Swan, Cancer and the Pike" (the fable is learned in advance with the children)

Develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children. Improve imaginative performing skills

Children choose their own equipment at will. Who chose the masks of the heroes are the artists, who the tickets for the performance are the audience. Children role-play the fable.


"Say a kind word about your friend"

Formation in children of a benevolent attitude towards each other.

The teacher gathers children in a round dance with the words:

In a round dance. In a round dance

The people have gathered here!

One-two-three - you start!

Following this, the teacher picks up an inflatable heart and affectionately addresses a number standing child... For example: - Sonechka, good morning!

The teacher specifies what kind and affectionate words we can pronounce,

addressing your friends (Hello, how glad I am to see you; what beautiful hair you have; you have an elegant shirt, etc.) After that, the children again go in a circle with a song. The teacher passes the heart

the next child, who should, in turn, tenderly turn to the next standing baby.

Study "Focus"

Develop the ability to convey an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures

The boy was very surprised: he saw how the magician put a cat in an empty suitcase and closed

him, and when he opened the suitcase, the cat was not there ... A dog jumped out of the suitcase.

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Staging a fairy tale.

Musical carousel.

Improve the ability to expressively move to the music, feeling its rhythm or smoothness of sound

Children come up with movements and dance to the music.


"Where we were, we will not tell"

Contributing to the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction; training in concerted action.

Children choose the driver who goes out the door, and the remaining children, together with the teacher, agree on who or what they will portray. Then the driver is invited, who enters with the words: "Tell us where you were, what you did." Children answer: “Where we were, we will not tell, but what we did, we will show! (if action). We will show whom we saw (if an animal), etc. During the game, the teacher helps to find the most characteristic features of animals or objects and convey them expressively.

Study "New Doll"

Develop the ability to convey an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures.

The girl was given new doll... She is happy, jumps merrily, whirls, plays with a doll.

(Theater on hand - mitten) Game " Snow bun". (Tale on new way)

Teach children to act expressively in accordance with musical accompaniment... Expand vocabulary and develop memory.

Staging a fairy tale with the help of a teacher

Outdoor play"Brave Mice"

Development of expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions.

First, the children listen to the poem:

The mice came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four -

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing ...

The mice ran away.

The teacher invites children to turn into mice and expressively portray them using gestures and facial expressions.


Study "Teddy bears"

Develop the ability to convey an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures.

The cubs lie in the den. Blew strong wind, made his way into the den. The cubs are frozen.

They shrank into balls - they are warming up. It got hot, the cubs turned around and growled

Fairy tale "Mitten"

Teach children to recognize characters by their characteristics.

Improve the ability of children to convey the images of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Form friendships.

Dramatization of a fairy tale.

In the clearing

To work out the expressiveness of facial expressions, gestures, voices and movements with individual heroes of the tale; encourage children to act in an imaginary situation.

Scene in the glade. New Year's ball.



Development of attention, observation.

One child describes one of the children, the rest guess by signs.

The game is repeated several times. The drivers are changing.

Study "Home Alone"

Develop the ability to convey an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures.

The mother raccoon went to get food, the baby raccoon was left alone in the hole. It's dark all around, you can hear

different rustles. Baby raccoon

scary - what if someone attacks him, and mom doesn't have time to come to the rescue?

Fairy tale "Geese-swans"

Improve the ability of children to convey the images of the heroes of the fairy tale.

Staging a fairy tale.

Merry transformations

Learn to skillfully use facial expressions, pantomime.

Depict different animals.


"Portray a Hero"

Development of expressiveness of movements, gestures, facial expressions, voice.

The presenter suggests depicting fairy-tale characters, reminding that each of them has its own characteristics, by which it is easy to recognize them:

Fox, fox-fox,

The coat is very good!

Red tail, cunning eyes,

I love chickens - yes, yes!

Petya, Petya the cockerel!

Gilded scallop!

When you see the dawn

You will shout: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Bunnies went out for a walk

They began to jump and play.

Clumsy, clubfoot

A bear walks through the forest.

If asked. What does he like,

He will say: "I would like to eat honey!"

Children portray different characters.

"Imagine the taste of an apple"

The teacher invites children to imitate how they bite an apple, depicting

mimicry, what they think it tastes like. Moreover, the adult begins first, and the children guess (sour, sweet, bitter, tasty, etc.). The teacher directs children to the fact that everyone can taste different apples, and facial expressions will depend on this.


Learn to show and reflect the signs of spring with the help of facial expressions and pantomime.

Children show and reflect with the help of facial expressions and pantomime the signs of spring, having previously divided into pairs. One child in a pair shows the movements, the second repeats the movements, as in a mirror.

Natural world

Encourage motor improvisation; improve the ability to convey the image through music and dance movements.

Learning the Dance of the Water Lilies


"Sly little animal"

Development of attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are all different animals, and they sit in

cages in the zoo. One of the children is chosen to be a zoo visitor. He will stand in the center and make various movements and gestures. "Animals"

mimic the visitor, accurately repeating his gestures and movements. The "visitor" is selected using a counting machine:

Over the rays, over the water

A torrential rain poured down.

And then a rocker hung in the sky.

The kids are happy with the golden rainbow.

“Visitors change several times during the game.

Etude "Deaf grandmother"

The child is talking with a deaf grandmother (the role of the grandmother is played by the teacher), who, it turns out, is looking for him. He already understood that he had to talk to his grandmother with the help of his hands, since she did not hear anything. Grandma asks: "Where is Sasha?" (calls the name of any child), "Whose books are these?", "Whose toys?", "Where is mom?" etc. the child responds with gestures.

"Birches" (pantomime)

Learn to show and reflect a birch tree using pantomime at different times of the year.

Children depict trees at different times of the year, following the words of the teacher:

Summer: "Birches talk to each other, rustling leaves, waving twigs."

Autumn: "Leaves are flying around, more often a strong, gusty wind blows, which shakes the trees from side to side."

Winter: "The twigs tremble from the cold, the snow bends them to the ground."

Spring: “The snow is melting, the branches are rising. The swollen buds burst and tender leaves appear from them.

"Fear has big eyes"

Develop creative independence in the transfer of the image. Develop skills independent organization theatrical activities

Staging a fairy tale.


Word intonation game

Development of attention, observation, imagination of children.

Children are invited to say the usual words with different intonation: "hello" - joyfully, affably, carelessly, gloomy; "Goodbye" - with regret, with chagrin or hope for see you soon; "Thank you" - confidently, tenderly, impatiently, offended; "Sorry" - reluctantly, with remorse.

Etude "Delicious Candy"

Development of expressiveness of facial expressions, imagination.

The teacher is holding an imaginary bag of sweets. He holds it out to the children in turn. They take one candy at a time, give thanks, unfold the wrapper and put the candy in their mouths, showing with facial expressions and gestures what they taste like.

« Funny clowns»

Development of expressiveness of gestures, movements, facial expressions

To portray different clowns funny and sad.


Learn to show and reflect the signs of summer with the help of facial expressions and pantomime.

Children show and reflect the signs of summer with the help of facial expressions and pantomime, having previously divided into pairs. One child in a pair shows the movements, the second repeats the movements, as in a mirror.

Svetlana Georgievna Maximova
Prospective planning of theatrical activities in the preparatory group for school


Finger, desktop theatre"Turnip"

1. Familiarity with the basics theater culture

2. The knowledge game theater terminology

3. Game "Tops-roots"

4. Play exercises for the development of speech breathing "Whose Dandelion Will Fly Farther"

Mini flannelgraph "Three Bears"

Performing an improvisation scene "The Fox and the Crane"

1. Conversation on the topic "What is an etude?"

2. Etude "Draw an animal"

4. Patter "Sasha knocked bumps with a stick"

5. Game for the development of attention

"Pay attention"

6. Verbal creativity: acting out dialogue scenes "A meeting", "Morning of the Merry Men".

7. Reading a fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane".

8. Work on the content of the tale

Game-dramatization of a fairy tale "Teremok"

Finger theatre"Two greedy teddy bears"

1. Patter

"A slobber ginger cat lay down his stomach",

2. Game for the development of attention "Listen to the claps"

3. Exercise for rhythmoplasty "Caged bears".

4. Game "Pantomime"

5. Reading a fairy tale "Teremok"

6. Work on the content of the tale.

7. Rehearsal based on episodes of the fairy tale.

8. Acquaintance with a fairy tale

"Two greedy teddy bears"

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Morozko"

Shady theatre"Zayushkina hut"

1. Exercises for the development of speech breathing "Blow out the stubborn candle", "Locomotive"

2. Patter "The drying mice were dried, the mice were invited, the drying mice began to eat, the mice broke their teeth!"

2. Etude "What am I doing?" "Name the action"

3. Reading a fairy tale "Morozko"

4. Conversation on the content of the tale

5. Rehearsal for the episode "Sloth and Needlewoman".

A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"- showing the dramatization of an episode from a fairy tale

1. Exercises and games for practicing intonation expressiveness

2. Patter "Three magpies were talking on a slide".

3. Playing etudes for the main emotions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear.

4. Game "What we are doing, we will not say, but we will show".

5. Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

6. Conversation about what you read.

B-b-bo theater"Little Red Riding Hood"

Finger theatre"Three pigs"

1. Breathing exercises "Snowflake".

2. Patter "An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle"

3. Exercise for the development of expressive facial expressions "My mood"

4. Game "Magic Mirror"

5. Game "Pantomime"

6. Reading a fairy tale "Three pigs"

7. Conversation on the content of the tale.

Puppet theatre"The Fox and the Wolf"

1. Working with tongue twisters

“The bricks are hot!

Jump off the stove

Bake in the oven

From flour rolls! "

2. Breathing exercises "Drinking tea", "Sick tooth".

3. Study "Flower"

4. Board game "Compose a fairy tale"

5. Game "Mirror"

7. Exercise for the development of expressive facial expressions "My mood"

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Swan geese"

Acting out scenes "New tale"

1. Patter "Cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood"

2. Breathing exercise "Breeze"

3. Game "Learn by intonation"

4. Study "In zoo"

5. Game "Pantomime"

6. Rehearsal of episodes of the fairy tale "Swan geese" with improvised text.

Director's play "Compose a fairy tale"

1. Verbal creativity: solving problem situations: - How to save Kolobok from Fox?

2. Quiz game "Learn a fairy tale from a fragment of the play".

3. "Box with fairy tales"- composing fairy tales using substitute items

Work plan

mug "Teremok"

on theatrical activities


Educator: Bogdanova N.V., I sq. category.


2016-2017 academic year

The relevance of the use of theatrical activities in the upbringing of preschool children lies in the fact that it is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible to the child's perception of the arts. She brings joy to children, develops imagination and fantasy, promotes creative development the child and the formation of the basis of his personal culture. The idea of ​​fairy tales, their meaning is in the active struggle against evil, confidence in the victory of good, in the glorification of labor, in the protection of man. In a fairy tale, the child meets with the ideal images of the heroes, which helps him develop a certain moral attitude towards life. Stage images are generalized images, and therefore each specific image always carries the child more information about life, people, social experience the society around him. That's why special meaning in preschool educational institutions, it is possible and necessary to pay theatrical activities, all types children's theater that will help to form the correct model of behavior in modern world, to improve the general culture of the child, to acquaint him with children's literature, music, fine arts, the rules of etiquette, rituals, traditions.Purpose of the mug - Creation of conditions conducive to the formation of creative abilitiesthrough theatrical activities.The tasks of the circle.

1. To develop creative independence, artistic abilities, aesthetic taste, fantasy, speech - in the transfer of an image. 2. To cultivate a love of theater and theatrical activities.

3. To improve the plasticity of the body.

4. To form creative activity.Expected results:

Ability to independently organize theatrical games.

Ability to independently choose a fairy tale, poem, song for staging; prepare the necessary attributes and decorations for the future performance; distribute responsibilities and roles among themselves.

Creative independence, aesthetic taste intransfer of the image; distinct pronunciation.

Ability to use means of expression (posture, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, movements).

Interest and love for the theater.

Use in theatrical activities are different
types of theater (bibabo, finger, canned, picture theater, glove, puppet, etc.).

Knowledge of some theatrical professions. Middle group

The tasks of the circle in middle group: 1. To cultivate a sustained interest in theatrical - play activities. 2. To replenish and activate the children's vocabulary. Be able to identify and name the location of theatrical characters, objects, decorations. 3. Encourage children to improvise, accompany the movements of the dolls. Use of riding dolls.




1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

Games are substitutes.

Fairy tale "Ice and bast hut" - reading. Finger Theater.

Learn to see substitutes in various subjects.

Develop imagination.

Develop dialogue.


1-2 weeks

3-4 week

Composition short stories"Bunny

and a donkey. " Table theater.

Develop the speech of children.


1-2 weeks.

Games "Animals on the tracks". "Fold the pattern." - poems.

We are learning the roles-dialogues for the fairy tales "Ice and bast hut". Assignment to parents: Making a theater from corks.

Develop children's dialogue


3-4 weeks.

Show of the fairy tale "Ice and bast hut" Work for the result.

Using theater from traffic jams. Tale "Turnip".

Develop speech. Work on sound pronunciation.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

Pyramid of "Love." - a game.

We learn a fairy tale " Kind words»

Show of the fairy tale "Kind words"

Work for results.

Learn to choose kind words.

Pay attention to intonation. will express. speech on sound pronunciation.

Arouse feelings of experience for the heroes of the fairy tale.


Emotionally react

MARCH - 1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

APRIL 1-2 weeks.

3-4 week


Making masks, decorations.

Work on the content of stories about good deeds.

Fairy tale "Good Deeds".

Travel through the country of kind words. Creation of "Formulas of courtesy" Dramatization in costumes. Work for results.

Steps of kindness.

Games "Replace the hero of the fairy tale"

Box with fairy tales.

Writing fairy tales. box with fairy tales.

to the actions of the heroes.

Encourage children to speak to their parents. Instill a love of theater. art.

Teach children to convey their attitude to actions.

Form your appearance with justice. modesty

Create game images on your own using facial expressions.

To develop the ability to select to replace personal characters. phonograms.

Effectiveness - Show of the fairy tale "Kind words" for children of the younger group.

Senior group

The tasks of the circle in senior group: 1. Continue to develop a sustained interest in theater and play activities .. 2. To consolidate children's ideas about various types of puppet theaters., to be able to distinguish them and name them (table, riding dolls, with a living hand) 3. Encourage children to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, stories, stories of their own composition.


1-2 weeks

3-4 weeks.

Remember the lessons of acting. Work at the mirror. - on sound pronunciation.

Preparation for a mathematical performance based on the fairy tale "Teremok" with numbers.

Encourage children to compose stories by activating children's verbal communication.

Fix the numbers. Show resourcefulness, ingenuity.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

Using a joke task, a trap task, a quick wits task.

Making masks. Attributes for the holiday.

Work on the pronunciation of poetry ..

Develop the ability to support different images using intonation, gesture, facial expressions, movements.

Expand your understanding of the environment. Reality Clarify rep. about objects, toys, decorations.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

Reading the fairy tale "Matematicheskiy teremok".

Memorizing poems. Role work.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Teach children to convey their attitude to the actions of the heroes.


1-2 weeks.

Preparing for the show. Fairy tale "Matematicheskiy teremok". Dramatization in costumes. Work for results.

Work on sound pronunciation Game "On the contrary"

Arouse the desire to participate in dramatization - lead to the creation of the image of the heroes.

Development of emotions. Non-verbal communication (looks, gestures)


3-4 weeks.

Preparing for the holiday of K.I. Chukovsky. Reading poetry, looking at illustrations.

To develop the ability to assess the actions of the characters in the performances. Develop emotional expressive speech in children.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

Work on roles "Moidodyr" "Doctor Aibolit" - flonegraph.

The basics of puppetry.

Instill a love of theater. art the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale.

Teach puppetry techniques.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

Making masks for costumes. Involve parents in the production of benefits. Listening to a recording.

Work on sound pronunciation in the fairy tales "Moidodyr" "Doctor Aibolit" "Fly Tsokotukha"

Teach parents how to make crafts.

Listen to music.

Work on diction, facial expressions, movement.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks

Show of dramatization based on the works of Chukovsky.

"The Tale of the Tar Bull" Dramatization in costumes.

Arouse the desire to participate in performances, using correct facial expressions, gestures, movements.

To be able to assess the actions of the characters in the performances. Develop emotionality and expressiveness in children.


Basics of acting "Delicious Candy" "Fox Eavesdrops" sketches. Chistyakova

Develop children's ability to understand emotions. the state of another person.

Effectiveness - Show of fairy tales for preschool children"Matematicheskiy teremok". Dramatization in costumes.

Preparatory group

The tasks of the circle in the preparatory group. 1. To improve the all-round development of the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art. 2. To develop creative independence in the creation of an artistic image. using game, dance improvisations for this purpose. 3. To improve the dialogical and monologue form of speech. 4. Continue to cultivate humane feelings. Form ideas about honesty, justice, kindness. Foster a negative attitude towards cruelty, cunning.


1-2 weeks

3-4 weeks.

We begin work on a project based on the fairy tale of K.I. Chukovsky


Breathing "Blow out the candle"

Relaxation: "Heavy Vase"

Articulatory "The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Sketches: "Acquaintance", "Meeting"

nie "" Playing with sounds, and "

Staging of the fairy tale "Under the Stroke".

Learn to breathe correctly.

Encourage children to pick up familiar tunes from different sounds.

Encourage the use of improvisation on a given text.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks

Lesson- "The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

(based on the fairy tales "Turnip" "Kolobok" "Masha and the Bear" "Fox with a rolling pin".

Breathing "Warm-cold air"

Relaxation "Conversation through the glass"

Articulating "Smile", "Swing" "Spatula"

Develop memory, thinking, attention of children.

Continue to educate the humane feelings of children.


1-2 weeks

3-4 weeks.


Breathing "Syllable chains" (with sound-f)

For relaxation "Moidodyr" "Clock"

On the development of facial expressions "Gift"


On the development of plastic movements

"Two tributaries" "At the deer".

On the development of imagination: "Bring the object to life." "What the Dwarfs Think."

Environmental: "Magic transformations"

Pantomimes: “Talking on the Phone”.

Encourage children to stage familiar fairy tales.

Encourage children to write fairy tales.

Create danceable characters with the plasticity of your body.

Develop imagination.


1-2 weeks.

Sketches "Snowflakes" "What winter is sad about".

Improve the ability of children to reproduce various rhythms, melodies.


2 week


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.

Staging: "Barmaley's Pranks".

Exercises for the development of diction "Song on the ladders"

Learning, playing with ditties, riddles based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Classes on acquaintance with the work of K.I. Chukovsky.


For development auditory attention: "Who called?" What's gone? "

On the development of phonemic hearing: "The words are shifters"

On the development of diction: "Songs on the ladders"

On the development of facial expressions and plastics of movements "At the mirror2" Depict the mood "

Etudes: “Two Chickens On The Street”, “Meeting”, “Yes-No”.

The game is a dramatization of "Fedorino grief".

Encourage children to improvise.

Encourage to collectively compose plays from the life of children - to act them out.

To acquaint with the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Learn to listen and be able to listen.

Work on sound pronunciation.

Using the plasticity of your body, work on fabulous images.

Develop the memory and imagination of children.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.


1-2 weeks.

3-4 weeks.



On the development of diction "Speak a clean phrase"

Games - "naughty icicles" "carry in a spoon."

Playing on poems by K.I. Chukovsky.

Sketches - "The Happiest" "Unexpected Meeting"

Parenting lessons


Respiratory: "Exhale through the mouth" "Divers"

Relaxation "Cat" "String"


Fingertips: "How much are pancakes"

On the development of speech: "Good - Bad" "Polite words." “It’s not good to be like that.”

Learning phrases and tongue twisters.

Defense of the project based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Activate the children's dictionary.

Continue to cultivate humane feelings. Form an idea of ​​honesty, fairness,


Encourage children to active search expressive means for conveying the characteristic features of the characters of the play.

To be able to assess the actions of actual persons.

Develop children's ability to understand emotions. the state of another person. And the ability to adequately express it.

Transfer of feelings. Learn to distinguish between emotional state.

Effectiveness -

Defense of the project based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky

Diagnostic examination of preschoolers : according to the method of A. Bureninaand criteria for assessing the results of theatrical and playful activities, developed by N.F. Sorokina.


Diagnostics of children's play positions.

In the older group: in games - dramatizations, children occupy the following positions: "Spectator - director" - 20% "Spectator - actor" -20% "Spectator - actor - director" - 10% Position "actor" -20%. "Spectators" -30%.

In the preparatory group. In dramatization games: "Spectator-director" -5% "Spectator-actor" - 50% "Spectator-actor-director" -45% "Actor" -95%.

Comparative analysis the results of diagnostics in the middle group and the preparatory group allows us to see that the level of the "actor" position has increased by 40%,

The level of development of children's creative abilities has increased. Childrenare fluent in improvisational skills. They skillfully use the means of theatrical expressiveness: facial expressions, gestures, movements and means of intonation. Possess the technique of puppetry. They possess the simplest performing skills and actively participate in theatrical performances. They are happy to perform creative tasks... They have become much more sociable.


1. Sorokina N.F. “We play puppet theater: Program“ Theater - creativity

children ", M., ARKTI, 2004

2. Artemova L.V. "Theatrical games of preschoolers", M., education, 1991.

3. E. V. Migunova "Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten",

4. Karamanenko Yu.G. "Puppet theater for preschoolers"

5. Sorokina N. F., Milanovich L. G. Program "Theater-creativity-children:

6. Development of children's creative abilities by means of theatrical art. Doshk. education - 1996 - №8 - p. 9-18; No. 9 - p. 14-20; No. 11 - p. 7-13.

7. Shchetkin A.V. "Theatrical activity in kindergarten" Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008.

8. Makhanova M.D. "Classes on theatrical activities in kindergarten"

9.Goncharova O.V. "Theatrical palette".

10. Antipina E.A. "Puppet theater in kindergarten"

11.Kryukova S.V. Slobodyannik N.P. Program- "I am surprised, angry, afraid, bragging and happy"

12. Vaskova O. F. A.A. Politykina "Fairytale therapy".

13. Agapova I.A. Davydova M. "Theatrical activities and games in kindergarten"

Long-term planning for theatrical activities

Target: develop intonational expressiveness of speech. To develop the ability to perceive the artistic image of a literary work and creatively reproduce it in scenes, theatrical actions.


  1. To develop intonational expressiveness of speech in children.
  2. Develop the ability to feel the character of a literary work.
  3. To develop in children the expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions.
  4. Develop the ability to distinguish between genres: nursery rhyme, fairy tale, story, highlight positive and negative qualities characters.
  5. To develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, situations, to feel humor.
  6. To develop the ability of children to take part in performances based on the plots of familiar works of art.
  7. Encourage initiative, creativity.
  8. Develop the ability to clearly and clearly pronounce all sounds; coordinate words in sentences.
  9. Foster a friendly attitude towards each other.



Conversation "What is theater"

Give children an idea of ​​the theater, introduce them to the types of theaters. To form a steady interest in various theatrical genres.

Conversation-dialogue "Theatrical professions"

Activate cognitive interest to the theatrical professions. To acquaint children with the professions: actor, director, artist, composer. Foster a desire to learn new things.

The game is improvisation. Mini-scene "The Old Man - Lesovichok"

Encourage to active participation in theatrical games; to induce a positive emotional mood in children; develop creative imagination; develop intonational expressiveness of speech

Telling the tale "Turnip" with children (Finger Theater)

Remember with children the characters of the fairy tale and their actions;

develop interest in the game; reinforce children's ability to use various means expressiveness in the transfer of images of the heroes of the fairy tale.


Show of the table theater "Repka"

Encourage children to stage familiar works; develop fine motor skills fingers; develop intonational expressiveness of speech;

Fun pantomime. "Silent dialogue", "Riddles without words"

Develop pantomime skills and creative imagination; shape communication skills and improvisation skills; teach children to speak intonationally and expressively preset phrases; develop fantasy and imagination

Quiz game "Learn a fairy tale from illustrations."

To consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about fairy tales.

Telling the Russian folk tale "Kolobok" with the use of theater masks

Continue teaching children to listen to a fairy tale, the story of which is accompanied by a tabletop theater show. Continue to teach children to follow the development of the action and answer questions about the content of the tale. Encourage children to take part in telling a fairy tale, by agreeing on individual words, phrases. Promote the intonational expressiveness of speech. To develop attention, memory, the ability to empathize with the heroes of the fairy tale. Cultivate interest in Russians folk tales, the desire to listen to them.

Tell the verses with your hands.

Encourage children to improvise.

Games for the development of expressive facial expressions (45)

Learn to use expressive facial expressions to create a vivid image.

Riddles about fairy tales and fairytale heroes

Clarify children's ideas about riddles, consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of fairytale heroes; foster love, respect for fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, cultivate perseverance.

Telling the tale "Teremok"

with display on flannelgraph

establish interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group; to work out the intonational expressiveness of speech, to develop the dialogical form of speech; arouse children's interest in theatricalization; develop the ability to imitate voices and characteristic movements of animals; to develop the ability to listen to fairy tales, to follow the development of the action.


"Cheerful account". The game "let's laugh". Role-playing of the poem "Who thinks what?"


Develop intonational expressiveness of speech, monologue speech; develop improvisation skills; encourage participation in theatrical games;

Playing a poem by B. Zakhoder: "The pussy is crying ...", I. Zhukov "Pussy" (18-19)

Develop pantomimic abilities, love for animals.

Rhythmoplasty. Sketches: "The Fox Eavesdrops", "Baba Yaga"

To develop imagination, imaginative thinking, the ability to convey in free improvisations the character and mood of the heroes of fairy tales

Reading and telling the fairy tale "Three Bears" (Table Theater)

Teach children to understand the beauty and power of the Russian language, teach to apply figurative expressions, speak beautifully and correctly; to form the ability to clearly, clearly and consistently answer the questions posed; develop creativity, memory, imagination; continue to improve the dialogical and monologue forms of speech.


Culture and technique of speech. Work on tongue twisters.

Train the clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word; whistling and hissing sounds

Rhythmoplasty. Sketches: "Fox Eavesdrops", "Baba Yaga".

To develop the ability to convey in free improvisations the character and mood of the heroes of fairy tales

Reading the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"

To acquaint children with a fairy tale; teach to comprehend the idea of ​​a fairy tale, evaluate the character of the characters; enrich the vocabulary of children; exercise in the ability to answer the question posed; to encourage an attempt to express their point of view in the answer to the question posed by the teacher; educate culture verbal communication: participate in the conversation, listening to the children, clarify their answers.

Shadow theater "Little Red Riding Hood"

Continue to develop an interest in performing arts


Theater basics. culture. Photo of the auditorium, concepts: "stage", "curtain", "backstage", "parterre", "balcony" (multimedia presentation)

To acquaint children with the structure of the theater, auditorium and stage

Theatrical play. Game "What we do, we will not tell, but we will show", "Birthday

Learn to act in concert; be able to navigate in space; develop imagination

One, two, three, four, five - do you want to play? Game "Theatrical warm-up". Competition for the best dramatization of the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen".

Develop imagination, creativity in the process of coming up with a dialogue for a fairy tale; to intensify the use of the concepts of "mimicry", "gesture" in the speech of children.

Table theater. (Cone "Three Little Pigs")

To activate and develop clear intonational and expressive speech, enrich vocabulary; foster interest in the theater, the ability to work in a team.


Spring, spring is red!Performance in Russian folk costumes. Execution of ditties.

Movement simulation game

Give ideas about Russian folklore, instill a love for folk art; develop imagination and memory; develop the ability to communicate emotionally and expressively; develop the ability to work with imaginary objects

Theatrical play. Game "The same thing in different ways", "Object transformation", "Travel around the world"

Continue to develop the imagination, fantasy of children; develop the ability to justify their behavior

Rhythmoplasty. Exercise "Rhythmic Etude", dance improvisation

Develop a sense of rhythm

Theater Day. Entertainment "In the world of fairy tales"

Develop children's literary speech, draw attention to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons), the ability to feel the beauty and magic of a fairy tale; to exercise in the ability to find and explain the main differences between literary genres: a fairy tale and other works; to familiarize children with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults; develop the ability to use expressive images of heroes of fairy tales

Let's play with fingers.Children playing out familiar fairy tales with the help of finger theater.

Acquaintance with the finger theater; mastering the skills of mastering this type of theatrical activity; develop fine motor skills of hands in combination with speech; development of a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements; to work out the ability of children to act out fairy tales with the help of finger theater.

“Dunno in the Theater”. Conversation is a game: "Let's help Dunno to behave correctly in the theater." Game, problem situations... Exercise "Breeze". Psycho-gymnastics "Take and pass". Playing out the mini-scene: “Fox” by I. Petrov.

To give children an idea of ​​the culture of behavior in the theater, through solving problem situations.


Culture of speech and technology. Exercise "I want to sleep", "Joke", tongue twisters. Pronunciation of individual phrases with different intonation

Improve the ability to use different intonations

Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Kids" (Dolls Bi-ba-bo)

Learn to get used to the artistic image; interact with a partner.

Our entertainment "

Teach children to compose short stories from personal experience and tell them expressively.

"Theatrical alphabet".Talking with children about theatrical concepts - stage, curtain, play, applause, screenwriter, understudy, etc. Speech exercise “Who is following whom” M. Kartushin. Exercise "We are sad", "We are happy." Role-playing of A. Tetivkin's poems: “As along a river along a river”.

Acquaintance with theatrical terms; activate the children's vocabulary: stage, curtain, play, applause, screenwriter, stunt double, etc .; continue to acquaint children with the concepts of "facial expressions", "gesture"; develop the ability to convey an emotional state through the creation of images.

"Bees, birds flew." Exercise "Fly, butterfly!" Speech play"Like Natasha's grandmother." Game "Onlookers". Fantasy dance "Grasshopper disco"

To acquaint children with spring signs; answer questions with full sentences; create favorable conditions for improvisation of children; development of creative abilities.


Final entertainment. Solving a crossword puzzle: "Theatrical professions". Exercise "Magic Dream".

Improve the dialogical form of speech; evoke a joyful mood in children, create a friendly atmosphere; to consolidate the name of theatrical professions; develop attention, memory, imagination.

Theatrical games card file for

  1. Game: "Cheerful Old Man-Lesovichok"

Target: learn to use different intonations.

The teacher reads a poem, the Old Man-Lesovichok pronounces his words in the text with different intonations, the children repeat.

Educator: An old man of small stature lived in the forest

And the old man laughed extremely simply:

Old Man-Lesovichok:

Ha ha ha da hehe hehe,

Hee-hee-hee yes boo-boo-boo


Ding-ding-ding and trick-trick!


Once, seeing a spider, I was terribly frightened,

But, clutching his sides, he laughed loudly:

Old Man-Lesovichok:

Hee hee hee yeah ha ha ha,

Ho ho ho ghoul ghoul ghoul!

fb-ho-ho yes bul-bul-bul. "


And when he saw the dragonfly, he became terribly angry,

But with laughter he fell down on the grass:

Old Man-Lesovichok:

Gee-gee-gee yes gu-gu-gu,

fb-ro-ro yes bang-bang-bang!

Oh guys, I can't!

Oh guys, ah-ah-ah!

(D. Harms) The game is played several times.

  1. Movement simulation game

The teacher addresses the children:

Remember how children walk?

Little feet walked along the path. Large feet walked along the path.

(Children first walk in small steps, then in large ones - in giant steps.)

- How does Old Man-Lesovichok walk?

How does the princess walk?

How does the bun roll?

How does a gray wolf prowl through the forest?

How does a hare run away from it with its ears flattened?

  1. "Silent dialogue" on the development of articulation

Educator: Imagine that your mother is in a store, and you are waiting for her on the street, at a shop window. She is telling you something, you do not hear her, but you are trying to guess.

(First, the teacher takes on the role of the mother, and the children guess. Then the children are invited to play the role of the mother.)

  1. "Riddles without words"


The teacher calls the children:

I sit side by side on a bench

I'll sit with you.

I ask you riddles

Who's the smartest - I'll see.

The teacher, together with the first subgroup of children, sit down on the modules and consider illustrations for riddles without words. Children choose pictures that they can think of without saying a word. The second subgroup at this time is located in another part of the hall.

Children of the first subgroup without words, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict, for example: the wind, the sea, a stream, a kettle (if difficult, then: a cat, barking dog, mouse, etc.). Children of the second subgroup guess. Then the second subgroup guesses, and the first guesses.

  1. “Let's play. - we'll guess. "(ABoseva)


Parsley calls children: What do you guys know,

About my riddle poems?

Where there is an answer, there is an end.

Who will tell - well done!

Children sit in a semicircle near Petrushka. Parsley makes riddles and shows with pantomime riddles.

It is important that a crocodile walked around the yard with a sharp beak,

His head was shaking all day, muttering something loudly.

Only this, it is true, was no crocodile,

And turkeys are a true friend. Guess who? (Turkey.)

(The recording is turned on. Children, depicting a turkey, walk around the hall, raising their legs high, pressing their hands to the body, making sounds - woo, woo, woo, They shake their head, chatting at this time with their tongue in their mouths.)

Yes, turkey. To admit, brothers, it was hard to guess!

A miracle happened to the turkey - it turned into a camel!

He began to bark and growl, banging his tail on the ground.

I'm confused, however, is he a camel or ...? (Dog.)

(The recording is turned on, the children pretend to be a dog: barking, growling, running on all fours and wagging their tail.)

They do not cover her with Shavka, and she does not sleep under the bench,

And she looks out the window and meows like ... (Cat.)

(To the accompaniment of musical accompaniment, children depict cats: they move on all fours smoothly, meow, purr, “wash” with their paws, hiss and snort, show their “claws”.)

That's right, they guessed right, as if they saw her where!

Now let's go with you to the forest to pick mushrooms.

(Children sit on an imaginary car and, uttering various sounds, imitate the movement of the car.)

Tr-rr, we have arrived! Look, guys, there are chanterelles, there are mushrooms,

Well, these are poisonous in the clearing ... (Toadstools.)

(children disperse around the hall ("forest") and collect "mushrooms" (dummies).)

Wait. wait! What have I told you! What mushrooms? It's winter outside! Do mushrooms grow in the forest in winter? And what grows in the forest in winter? (Drifts.)

  1. Mirror game

Target: develop a monologue speech.

Parsley makes a riddle:

And shines and shines,

It does not flatter anyone,

And he will tell anyone the truth -

He will show him everything as it is!

What is this? (Mirror.)

A large mirror is brought into the group (hall). Each of the team goes to the mirror, and, looking into it, the first one praises himself, admires himself, the second talks about what he does not like about himself. Then the other team members do the same. Parsley and the jury evaluate this competition.

7. Game "Phone"

Target: develop imagination, dialogical speech.

Parsley on a riddle:

I will turn magic circle -

And my friend will hear me.

What is this? (Telephone.)

Petrushka invites two people from each team, especially those who like to talk on the phone. For each couple, a situation and a topic of conversation are proposed. A pair is made up of members of opposing teams.

1. Happy birthday and ask for a visit.

2. Invite to the performance a person who does not like going to the theater.

3. You bought new toys, and your friend wants to play in them.

4. You have been offended, but a friend comforts you.

5. Your friend (girlfriend) took away his favorite toy, and now he apologizes.

6. You have a name day

  1. Game: "Pantomime"

Children of one team use pantomime to show an object (train, iron, telephone, mushroom, tree, flower, bee, beetle, hare, dog, TV, crane, butterfly, book). The children of the other team are guessing.

  1. Game: "How the soup was cooked" to imitate movements

Target: develop imagination and pantomime skills.

I peel the potatoes with my right hand, remove the skin from it little by little.

I hold the potatoes with my left hand, spin the potatoes and wash them diligently.

With a knife I will draw along its middle, I will cut the potatoes in two


I hold the knife with my right hand and crumble the potatoes into pieces.

Well, now I light the burner, pour the potatoes from the plate into the pan.

I will cleanly wash the carrots and onions, shake the water from my labored hands.

Finely chop the onions and carrots, collect them in a handful, it turns out cleverly.

Wash a handful of rice with warm water, pour the rice into a saucepan with the left

by hand.

I will take a ladle with my right hand, mix the cereals and potatoes.

I will take the lid with my left hand, I will close the pan tightly with the lid.

Soup is brewing, boiling and boiling. It smells so delicious! Saucepan


Well, the soup is ready. Treat each other!(Russian folk plisse is included). Children and adults use imaginary ladles to pour soup soup into imaginary bowls and "eat".

Have you refreshed? And now everyone will wash their plate after themselves.

Children turn on an imaginary tap, wash dishes, spoons, turn off the water, dry their hands.

  1. Pantomime game "Snowdrift"

Target: develop expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures.

Children imitate movements in the text.

There is a snowdrift in the clearing. Big, great. But now the sun has warmed up. The snowdrift quietly began to settle under the rays of the warm sun. And small streams slowly flowed out of the snowdrift. They are still sleepy and weak. But then the sun warmed even more, and the streams woke up and quickly, quickly ran, bending around pebbles, bushes, trees. Soon they united, and now a stormy river is rustling in the forest. The river runs, carrying with it last year's leaves and branches. And soon the river merged into the lake and disappeared.

Why did the river disappear into the lake?

  1. Pantomime game "Bears"

Target: develop pantomimic skills

But look, a mountain of old dead wood. Oh, it's a den! And the cubs are sleeping in it. But then the sun warmed up, melted the snow. Water droplets seeped into the den. Water hit the nose, ears, paws of the cubs.

The cubs reached out, snorted, opened their eyes and began to get out of the den. Spreading the branches with their paws, they got out into the clearing. The sun's rays dazzle the eyes. The cubs cover their eyes with their paws and growl in displeasure. But soon the eyes got used to it. The cubs looked around, sniffed Fresh air and quietly scattered across the clearing. How many interesting things here! Further improvisation is possible.

Spring: Come to me soon! Hear what the sparrows are chirping about in spring!

  1. Game "Pick a Rhyme"

Target: develop a sense of rhyme.

The wizard sets rhymes in turn:

Bump - barrel, line, daughter, point ...

Potatoes - matryoshka, cloudberry, cat ...

Furnace - sword, flow, lie down ...

Frog - frog, girlfriend, mug ...

Bunny - finger, boy ...

Mouse - quiet, reed, rustling ...

A cat is a midge, a flea, a bowl ...

The hook is a knot, a cistern, a silence, a patch ...

A snowflake is a fluff, a spring ...

  1. Pantomime game "Nose, wash yourself!"(based on the poem by E. Moshkovskaya)

Target: develop initiative pantomimic skills.

The wizard pronounces the words of the poem, the children imitate the movements.

Crane, open up! Nose, wash yourself! Neck, wash yourself well!

Wash at once, both eyes! Wash, wash, shower!

Wash your ears, wash your neck! Dirt, wash away, dirt, wash away!

  1. Playing out the roles of the poem "Grasshopper" by A. Apukhtin.

Target: encourage active participation in the performance.

Host: A grasshopper jumped out of the grass onto a hummock.

The grasshopper knocked with a resounding hammer.

Grasshopper: Hammer thump thump! Who tends a blade of grass?

A beetle climbs, a beetle climbs, groans and groans!

Beetle: Oh, grasshopper, help me out, even if it's embarrassing to ask!

I myself do not know where and how the horseshoe burst.

I can't live without a horseshoe, that's how calluses are baked.

Neither work, nor walk, even scream in pain!

Grasshopper: It doesn't matter! Raise your leg!

Hammer thump and thump! Get a horseshoe, beetle!

(A mosquito appears.)

Komarik: I, the mosquito, is the most unfortunate of all, I am completely confused!

I broke a sharp needle as if it were a sin!

Grasshopper: Let the one who sucks other people's blood do not ask me!

Get out of my forge as soon as possible!

(The mosquito flies away. The centipede appears.)

Centipede: Oh, grasshopper, help! The leg cracked a little.

I was left without a leg, what a disaster!

Grasshopper: Leg leg, but which one?

Centipede: I think the fortieth.

Host: Knock, knock, knock, knock! This is a work of good hands.

The leg is whole again.

Centipede: No need to limp anymore

All amicably: the hammer is playing again, the anvil is singing!

The grasshopper helps everyone, quickly gives help!

If possible, both subgroups of children should act out the scene. After staging, it is necessary to discuss what happened, what needs to be worked on.

  1. Playing on the fingers (L.P. Savina) "Brothers"

Target: develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Let's go two brothers for a walk together.

And behind them are two more brothers.

Well, the elder did not walk, he called them very loudly.

He sat them down at the table, fed them with delicious porridge.

Put the palm on the table. Connect straight fingers. Move aside two pairs of fingers alternately: first the little finger and the ring finger, then the middle and index fingers. Thumbs up to "call" the brothers and "feed" them with porridge.

Guys, which of you loves porridge? What kind of porridge do you like? What kind of porridge do you dislike? (Answers of children.)

  1. Playing out the situation "I don't want semolina!"

Target: to teach intonationally expressively pronounce phrases.

Children are divided into pairs. One of them will be moms or dads, others will be children. Mom or Dad should insist that the child eat semolina(rolled oats, buckwheat ...), giving various reasons. And the child hates this dish. Have the children try out two conversation options. In one case, the child is naughty, which irritates the parents. In another case, the child speaks so politely and softly that the parents give in to him.

The same situation can be played out with other characters, for example: a sparrow and a sparrow, but with the condition that they must communicate only by chirping; a cat and a kitten - meowing; frog and frog - croaking.

  1. Pantomime "Morning Toilet"

Target: develop imagination, expressiveness of gestures.

The teacher says the children are doing

Imagine that you are lying in bed. But you need to get up, stretched, yawned, scratched your head. How I do not want to get up! But - the rise!

Let's go to the bath. Brush your teeth, wash your face, comb your hair, put on clothes. Go have breakfast. Fu, porridge again! But you have to eat. Eat

no pleasure, but you are given candy. Hooray! You unfold it and place it on your cheek. Yes, and where is the candy wrapper? That's right, throw it in the bucket. And run into the street!

  1. Playing a poem by B. Zakhoder: "The pussy is crying ..."

Target: develop pantomimic abilities, love for animals.

Pussy crying in the hallway:

She has great grief -

Wicked people poor pussy

Do not allow sausages to be stolen.

Imagine that you are a pussy who wants to pull a sausage off the table. You spin around the table, rub your back against its leg, stand on your hind legs and breathe in a pleasant smell with pleasure. But then the hostess left the kitchen. You reach for the sausage with your paw, and now it is in your paws. But here comes the hostess. Pussy throws a sausage and hides under the sofa.

Children are divided into pairs: a hostess and a pussy. Each pair offers its own version of the situation.

The teacher proposes to alter the poem a little. To read the words "She has a great grief" in the first person: "I have a great grief."

Children also play this situation in pairs.

Guys, are you sorry for the pussy? Let's take pity on her. Imagine that your left hand is a cat, and you are stroking it with your right hand:

Pussy, sissy, sissy! -

Julia called the kitten.

Don't rush home, wait! -

And she stroked her hand. (L.P. Savina)

Kitty calmed down and went into the yard. And in the courtyard she saw two crows, who were having a lively conversation with each other.

The teacher invites children to imagine themselves as crows and act out a conversation. One of the crows tells how she had fun at her friend's birthday party, what a wonderful cake it was, how they sang songs and danced loudly. The second crow listens and regrets very much that she did not get to this holiday. The crows communicate with a croak.

In the second situation, one of the crows talks about a terrible incident that happened to her. In the courtyard, where she was pecking a crust of bread, an angry boy appeared and almost caught her. The second crow sympathizes with her friend and is glad that she was able to fly away on time.

  1. Role-playing of I. Zhukov's poem "Pussy"

Hostess: Hello, Pussy, how are you? Why did you leave us?

Pussy: I can't live with you,

There is nowhere to put the ponytail.

Walk, yawn,

Step on the tail!

First, this poem is learned in free time, outside of class. Then, in class, children, acting out the situation in pairs, can improvise intonation. For example, the teacher sets the task: The hostess is glad that she found Kiska, or, conversely, Kiska treats her with disdain.

The pussy is offended by the Mistress or angry and is very glad that she left the house.

The relationship of the characters can be different. Each pair of children presents their own variation.

Hey, my Kitties, go, I'll treat you to milk. I'll give you a piece of sausage. I will stroke the back.

Children, pretending to be Kisonka, “lap milk” from an imaginary bowl, chew on an imaginary sausage, bend their backs and purr. Children's movements are improvisation.

  1. Say poetry with your hands

Target: encourage children to improvise.

The teacher reads a poem, the children imitate movements along the text:

The cat plays the button accordion,

The pussy is the one on the drum

Well, and the Bunny on the pipe

You are in a hurry to play.

If you help,

We will play together. (L.P. Savina.)

Children imitate playing various musical instruments. It is possible to use Russian dance recordings.

  1. Let's laugh game

Target: develop the skills of improvisation and monologue.

The teacher invites children to remember any favorite song. Sing it, and then the melody of the song will laugh without words. First, the teacher plays: he "laughs" the song, and the children guess what kind of song it is. Then each of the children "laughs" the melody of their song, all the rest guess.

The teacher gathers the children in a circle on a copra and offers to say the phrase “Soon, soon New Year what will he bring us? " with different intonations. To begin with, it is specified with what intonations this phrase can be pronounced (thoughtfully, confidently, with a feeling of displeasure, with regret, with joy, with the expectation of magic, etc.).

The child says the phrase, then explains why this particular intonation was chosen.

  1. Role-playing of the poem "Who thinks what?" M. Karim

Target: develop intonational expressiveness of speech.

The theater of pictures is used. Children draw pictures of characters at home with their parents. The text of the poem is learned at home. Children are divided into two subgroups: one is the audience, the other is the actors, then they change. This performance can be shown at leisure to parents or children of other groups, or you can just play.

Rooster: I'm smarter than everyone!

Host: A rooster crowed.

Ferret: Just think!

Host: The ferret grumbles.

Ferret: And I can until four!

Beetle: I - until six!

Host: The beetle exclaimed.

Spider: I - until eight!

Host: A spider whispered. Then a centipede crawled up.

Centipede: I seem to be a little smarter

A beetle and even a spider -

I count to forty.

Already: Oh, horror!

Host: I was horrified.

Already: After all, I'm not stupid,

But why

I have no arms or legs

Disciple: And I have a pencil.

You ask him what you want.

With one foot he will multiply, add,

  1. Tell poems using facial expressions and gestures.

"Milk has run away"(M. Borovitskaya)

Target: develop pantomimic skills in children

Warmed up - and back:

Down the stairs it rolled down, It flew along the street,

Along the street started, Up the stairs puffed

It flowed through the square, and crawled into the pan,

The guard was bypassed, Puffing heavily.

It slipped under the bench, Then the hostess arrived in time:

Three old ladies got wet, Has it boiled?

He treated two kittens, Boiled!

All children participate in the pantomime. Before starting, you can remember and ask the children if they saw how milk "runs away" from the pan. The poem is read several times, movements and facial expressions are specified. Children can be divided into subgroups: spectators and actors. Then the children change.

The teacher gathers the children around him and offers to remember the fairy tale "Kolobok". Some scenes from a fairy tale can be played. And then the children are offered the following version of acting out: to sing all the roles in the fairy tales. And the melodies are invented by the actors themselves. This task is difficult, so at first the teacher sings along with the children. Caps-masks and theatrical costumes can be used.

  1. Game: "My Imaginations".

Target: develop improvisation skills, fantasy, creative imagination.

In my Imagination, in my Imagination There reigns fantasy in all its omnipotence; There all dreams come true, and our griefs Now turn into funny adventures; The teacher takes out magic bag masks "Cancer" and "Frog". Role-out of the mini-sienna "Loafer Cancer".

Host: He lived by the river under a snag Old hermit crab. He was a sleepyhead, a white-handed woman, a Quitter and a bum. He called the frog to him:

Cancer: Will you be my dressmaker

A seamstress, a dishwasher, a laundress, a cook.

Host: And the white-breasted frog Raku answers:

Frog: I do not want to be a servant to the Foolish bummer!

Children play the mini-scene several times various groups... And then it is proposed to come up with and act out the continuation of the dialogue. The teacher and parents are included in the game.

Educator: I will wave my magic wand, and you will no longer be able to speak, but will only move.

(Text sounds, children imitate movements.)

As soon as we came to the forest, mosquitoes appeared.

Suddenly we see: a chick has fallen out of its nest near a bush.

We quietly take the chick and carry it back to the nest.

We go into the clearing, we find a lot of berries.

The strawberries are so fragrant that you are not too lazy to bend over.

Ahead, a red fox looks out from behind a bush

We will outwit the fox, we will run on our toes.

We became lumberjacks, we took axes in our hands.

And making a wave with his hands, on a log strongly - BOOM!

In the swamp, two girlfriends, two green frogs

Early in the morning they washed themselves, rubbed themselves with a towel,

They spanked with their paws, clapped their paws.

Legs together, legs apart, legs straight, legs obliquely,

Paws here and paws there, what a noise and what a din!

(A funny dance melody turns on. Children dance at random.)

The teacher reads a poem:

It's not difficult to get into my Imagination,

It is extremely conveniently located!

And only the one who is completely devoid of imagination -

Alas, she doesn't know how to enter her location!

  1. Game: Uvula gymnastics

Target: teach the expressiveness of speech.

Educator: Once upon a time there was a NOISE!

Ate NOISE: Children: Khrum, Khrum, Khrum!

Educator: Ate soup: Children: Squish, squish, squish!

Educator: Slept like this: Children: Snoring, snoring, snoring!

Educator: There was NOISE: Children: Boom, boom, boom!

(Children not only say "!; But also imitate movements.)

  1. Game: "Imagine" 2

Target: develop imagination, pantomime skills. cultivate partnerships in the game.

The teacher invites children to remember any poem, for example:

As in our meadow Two grouses flew in,

There is a cup of cottage cheese. Pecked, flew away.



1. You were offended to tears, and you tell us your offense with the words of this poem.

2. You have a happy event, you were presented with a long-awaited toy. Tell us about your impressions in the words of the poem. (Children, finding the right intonations, using facial expressions, gestures, text, try to convey state of mind a person who is in a given situation. They themselves can think of or remember life situations.)

3. The alarm has rang. You woke up, stretched, opened your eyes, looking for slippers on the floor. Found, put on and went to the bath. Suddenly you find yourself unable to walk. There is a pebble in your slipper. Oh, how painful it is!

4. You are walking in the woods. Snow is all around, boots are on your feet, and suddenly something sharp sticks into your heel ... It's a button!

5. You are sleeping sweetly, and suddenly your mother wakes you up and says that you overslept. Everyone dresses quickly and goes to kindergarten. On the way, you find that you have put on your shoes. younger sister... They are terribly small for you. But there is no time to return. You barely made it to the kindergarten ...

Are your legs very sore? Sit back and rest. You can massage your feet.

  1. Pantomime game "The hare had a vegetable garden"(V. Stepanov.)

Target: develop pantomimic skills.

The teacher reads, the children imitate movements.

The bunny had a garden, the bunny is happy to go.

Equally two beds. But first he'll dig up everything

There he played snowballs in the winter, and then he evens it out,

Well, in the summer - hide and seek. Seeds will sow cleverly

And in the spring in the garden And will go to plant carrots.

The fossa is the seed, the fossa is the seed,

And you look, in the garden again

Peas and carrots will grow.

And how will fall fit

Harvest your own.

And just - here the story ended!

Develop facial expressions and plastic abilities of children;

Develop creative thinking children, imagination, fantasy.

  1. Game: "Let's agree on something that the author did not come up with"

Goals: develop dialogical and monologue speech of children;

To foster communication skills;

The teacher invites children to remember the tale of KI Chukovsky "Fly-Tsokotukha".

The teacher begins:

Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha,

Children in chorus pronounce the words of the fairy tale:

Gilded belly.

The fly went across the field,

The fly found the money ...

Let's imagine the situation in which Fly finds herself.

Children play a mini-scene at will, coming up with words. There can be a lot of variations. For example:

Oh, look, I found the money, what happiness. I'll go to the market and buy ... no, better samovar! I will invite friends, we will arrange a party ...


What is it? Money? I wonder who could have dropped it here? Maybe the bear was walking along the road to the bazaar and dropped it? Maybe a hare or a fox. Well does not matter. I will not give the money to anyone! This money is mine because I found it. What should I buy?

  1. Finger games:

Goals: develop fine motor skills of hands in combination with speech;

The teacher makes a riddle:

Who is fluffy and with a mustache lives nearby with us? (Dog and cat.)

Dog: The dog has a sharp nose, there is also a neck, there is also a tail. Right palm on the edge, towards yourself, thumb up. Index, middle and unnamed - together. The pinky goes up and down alternately

Cat: The cat has ears on the top of its head, so that you can better hear the mouse in the hole. The middle and ring fingers rest on the thumb. The index and little fingers are raised up.

  1. Playing with an imaginary object

Purpose: to develop skills in working with imaginary objects;

To cultivate a humane attitude towards animals.

Children in a circle. The teacher folds his palms in front of him: Guys, look, in my hands little kitty... He is very weak and helpless. I will let each of you hold him, and you stroke him, caress him, just be careful and say kind words to him.

The teacher passes on an imaginary kitten. Guiding questions helps children find the right words and movement.

  1. Game "Bees in a hive"

Goals: develop logical and associative thinking;

Teach children to pronounce phrases in an intonationally expressive way; ...


What kind of house, tell me, Who lives in that house,

Does every inhabitant fly in it? Stocking up sweet honey? (Bees and a beehive.)

How do bees fly and buzz?

(Children, pressing their elbows to the body, waving their palms like wings, and with the sound of F-F-F move around the group.)

Children build a "hive" from a large constructor (improvised material) and assemble in it. Flat paper flowers are spread out on the floor. The teacher reads to musical accompaniment.

The bees flew in the field, the bees sat on the flowers,

Buzzed, buzzed, I bee and you bee.

Children move in a group around the flowers. They sit down near flowers and "collect" nectar. They return to the "hive".

Guys, what kind of forest dweller loves honey and often climbs to the bees in the hive? (Bear.)

  1. Pronouncing dialogue with different intonations

Child: The bear found honey in the forest ...

Bear: Little honey, many bees!

The dialogue is spoken by all children. The teacher helps you find the right intonation.

  1. Pantomime game "Anthill"

Target to teach to identify oneself with a given character, to induce to an independent choice of a role:


There is bustle and bustle in the forest near the stump.

The working people are busy all day -

He wants to build a city for himself.

Who are these builders? What kind of house are they building? (The ants are building an anthill.)

Imagine that you are walking through the woods. The sun is hot, it's far from home, your legs are tired, and you decided to rest. And here is the stump!

We sat down on a tree stump, stretched out our legs, closed our eyes, and were resting.

And suddenly ... what is it? Someone is crawling on your feet ... Oh, these are ants! You sat on an anthill stump! Rather shake off the ants and, carefully, so as not to suppress them, jump to the side ...

The game is played several times collectively and individually at will.

  1. Transformation games.

Target: to teach future artists expressiveness, to revive fantasy and imagination, to improve imaginative performing skills. Develop creative independence in the transfer of the image.

Games on muscle tension and relaxation

"Wooden and rag dolls"

When depicting wooden dolls, the muscles of the legs, the body, and the arms lowered along the body are strained. Sharp turns of the whole body are made to the right and left, the immobility of the neck, arms, shoulders is preserved; feet firmly and motionless on the floor.

Imitating rag dolls, it is necessary to relieve excessive tension in the shoulders and body; arms hang passively.

In this position, you need to turn the body with short jerks to the right and then to the left; at the same time, the arms fly up and twine around the body, the head turns, the legs also turn, although the feet remain in place. The movements are performed several times in a row, now in one form, now in another form.


Stretch upward, straining the entire body to your fingertips ("the flower meets the sun"). Then successively drop the brushes ("the sun is hidden, the flower head is drooping"), bend your arms at the elbows ("the stalk is broken"), releasing the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders from tension, allow the body, head and arms to passively "fall" forward and bend slightly knees ("wilted flower").


Lean forward slightly, raising your arms to the sides and then dropping them. Hanging, they sway passively until they stop. Do not actively swing your arms after a fall. You can suggest a playful image: drop your hands like ropes.

« Shake the water off the handkerchiefs "

Bend your arms at the elbows, the hands hang down, palm down. Move your forearm several times in a row to throw them down passively. Before this movement, it is useful to clench the hands into fists in order to more clearly feel the difference in the tense and relaxed state of the muscles.


Raise your shoulders as high as possible, then let them drop freely to a normal position (drop them).

"Airplane wings and soft cushion"

Raise your arms to the sides, straightening all the joints to the limit, strain all the muscles from the shoulder to the ends of the fingers (depicting the wings of an airplane). Then, without lowering your arms, release the tension by letting your shoulders drop slightly and your elbows, hands and fingers to bend passively. Hands, as it were, lie on a soft pillow.


Free Roundabout Circulation hands in large forward and upward circles. The swinging movement: after a quick, energetic push, the arms and shoulders are freed from any tension, having made a circle, they fall freely. The movement is performed continuously, several times in a row, at a fairly fast pace (hands fly like "not your own"). It is necessary to ensure that there are no clamps in the shoulders, in which the correct circular movement is immediately disturbed and angularity appears.


Shifting the weight of the body from heels to toes and vice versa. Hands are lowered down and pressed to the body. Body weight is transferred slowly forward to the front of the foot and toes; the heels are not separated from the floor; the whole body leans forward slightly without bending the body. Then the weight of the body is also transferred to the heels. The socks are not detached from the floor. The transfer of the weight of the body is possible in another variant: from foot to foot from side to side. The movement is carried out on legs apart, the right and left hand are pressed to the body. Rocking from foot to foot is slow, without leaving the floor.


Circular movements with the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are gathered into a fist. Continuous, unhurried circular movement of the shoulders up and back - down and forward. The elbows are not pulled away from the body. Amplitude in all directions should be maximum. When the shoulders are tilted back, the tension increases, the elbows draw closer, the head tilts back. The exercise is performed several times without stopping. It is desirable that the movement of the shoulders starts up and back, and not forward, i.e. expanding rather than narrowing the chest.

"The cat releases its claws"

Gradually straightening and flexing the fingers and hands. Bend your arms at the elbows, palms down, squeeze your hands into fists and bend up. Gradually with an effort to straighten all the fingers up and spread them to the limit to the sides ("the cat releases its claws"). Then, without stopping, bend the hands downward, while squeezing the fingers into a fist ("the cat hid its claws"), and finally return to its original position. The movement is repeated several times non-stop and smoothly, but with great tension. Later, the exercise should include the movement of the entire arm - either bending it at the elbows and bringing the hand to the shoulders, then straightening the whole arm ("the cat rakes in its paws").

"Giants and Dwarfs"

Putting your hands on your belt, stand with your heels together, taking your socks to the sides. Slowly climb onto your half-toes, continuing to keep your heels together. After a short pause, lower the entire foot, not transferring the weight to the heels.

  1. Games for the development of expressiveness and imagination

Target: teach children to control their bodies, freely and naturally use the movements of their arms and legs. To form the simplest figurative and expressive skills.

"Chanterelle overhears"

The chanterelle stands at the window of the hut in which the Kitty and the Cockerel live, and overhears what they are talking about.

Pose: put your leg forward, tilt your body slightly forward.

Expressive movements: tilt your head to the side (listen, putting your ear in), look to the other side, half-open your mouth.


The girl was walking in the garden and suddenly saw a large green grasshopper. She began to sneak up on him. She just stretched out her hands to cover him with her palms, and he jumped - and now it chirps in a completely different place.

Expressive movements: stretch the neck forward "gaze, tilt the body slightly forward, step on the fingers.

« Tasty candy"

The girl is holding an imaginary box of chocolates. She holds it out to the children in turn. They take one candy at a time and thank the girl, then unfold the pieces of paper and put the candy in their mouth. You can see from the childish faces that the treat is delicious.

Facial expressions: chewing movements, smile.

"New doll"

The girl was presented with a new doll. She is happy, jumps merrily, spins, shows everyone welcome gift, pulls her to him and spins around again.

"After the rain "

Hot Summer. The rain has just passed. Children step carefully, walk around an imaginary puddle, trying not to get their feet wet. Then, being naughty, they jump over the puddles so hard that the spray is flying in all directions. They have a lot of fun.


A warm ray of the sun fell to the ground and warmed the seed. A sprout emerged from it. From a sprout grew beautiful flower... The flower lusts in the sun, exposes each of its petals to the warmth and light, turning its head to follow the sun.

Expressive movements: squat down, lower your head and arms; raise your head, straighten the body, raise your arms to the sides, then up - the flower bloomed; tilt your head back slightly, slowly turn it after the sun.

Facial expressions: eyes are half-closed, smile, facial muscles are relaxed.

"Dance of the Rose"

To a beautiful melody (recording, own melody), perform a dance of an amazingly beautiful flower - a rose. The child himself comes up with movements for him.

Suddenly the music stops. This gust of the north wind "froze" lovely rose... The child freezes in any pose he comes up with.

"Along the shore"

A swan floats along the shore,

Waving a white wing,

Shakes some water from the wing.

A young fellow walks along the coast,

A young fellow walks higher along the bank,

Above the shore, the little head carries,

He taps with his boot

Yes on the heels taps.

  1. "Guess who we are"

The leader is selected. He is told that in his absence children will turn into animals (season, weather, or some object). The leader leaves the room, the players agree and invite the leader.

With their movements, children show what or who they have become (elephants, hares, rainy weather, artists, builders, woodcutters, etc.). The presenter guesses - having guessed, he disenchants the children.

  1. "Who am I"

An adult or a child, with a gesture, facial expressions, sound, depicts something or someone: a train, a car, a kettle, a tree, a dog, a good wizard, Mukhu-Tsokotukhu, a samovar. Children are asked to guess the depicted object. After the correct answer, you should ask how the child guessed and recognized what was depicted.

  1. Game: "At the Mirror". Role gymnastics at the mirror.

Target: , improve imaginative performing skills. Develop creative independence in the transfer of the image.

1) Frown like:

a) the king,

b) a child whose toy was taken away,

c) a person hiding a smile.

2) Smile like:

a) polite Japanese,

b) a dog to its owner,

c) mother to baby,

d) mother's baby,

e) a cat in the sun.

3) Sit down like:

a) a bee per flower,

b) punished by Buratino,

c) offended dog,

d) the monkey that portrayed you,

e) horse rider,

f) the bride at the wedding.

"Playing with a handkerchief". Invite the child to depict with the help of a scarf, movements, facial expressions: a) a butterfly,

b) fox,

c) a princess,

d) a magician,

e) grandmother,

f) magician,

g) a patient with a toothache.

  1. Game: "Pantomimes"

Target : teach children the elements of the art of pantomime, develop the expressiveness of facial expressions. To improve the performing skills of children in creating an expressive image.

1. Dressing for the street. We undress.

2. A lot of snow - let's trample the path.

3. We wash the dishes. We wipe it off.

4. Mom and Dad are going to the theater.

5. How a snowflake falls.

6. How silence walks.

7. How the sun bunny gallops.

8. We fry potatoes: we collect, wash, clean, cut, fry, eat.

9. We eat cabbage soup, we got a tasty bone.

10. Fishing: packing, hike, worm hunting, casting a rod, fishing.

11. We make a fire: collect different branches, prick chips, light, put firewood. Extinguished.

12. Making snowballs.

13. Bloomed like flowers. Withered.

14. The wolf sneaks up on the hare. I didn't catch it.

15. Horse: beats with a hoof, shakes its mane, gallops (trot, gallop), has arrived.

16. Kitten in the sun: squinting, basking.

17. A bee on a flower.

18. Offended puppy.

19. The monkey representing you

20. Piglet in a puddle.

21. Horse rider.

22. The bride at the wedding. Groom.

23. A butterfly flutters from flower to flower.

24. The tooth hurts.

25. The princess is capricious, majestic.

26. Old grandmother, limping.

27. Cold: feet, hands, body are cold.

28. We catch a grasshopper. Nothing succeeded.

29. Icicle.

Under our roof

The white nail is hanging (hands are raised up).

The sun will rise -

The nail will fall (relaxed hands falling-

down, sit down).

30. A warm ray fell on the ground and warmed the grain. A sprout emerged from it. A beautiful flower grew out of it. It basks in the sun, exposes each petal to the warmth, turning its head towards the sun.

31. It is a shame: the eyebrows are raised up and brought together, the shoulders are raised.

32. I don’t know.

33. The ugly duckling, everyone is chasing him (head down, shoulders pulled back).

34. I am a scary hyena, I am an angry hyena.

Foam always boils from anger on my lips.

35. Fry with eggs. Eat.

36. "We are in the forest." "Sweet Dream" by P.I. Tchaikovsky. All children choose their image on a given topic, come up with a plot and embody it in movements. The music stopped and the children stopped, the adult asks the children questions.

Who are you? - The bug. - What are you doing? - I’m sleeping. Etc.

  1. Games-etudes:

Target: develop children's imagination. Teach children to express various emotions and reproduce certain character traits.

1. Imagine early morning. Yesterday you were presented with a new toy, you want to carry it with you everywhere. For example, on the street. But my mother didn’t allow it. You are offended (lips "pout"). But this is my mother - forgiven, smiled (teeth closed).

2. Imagine yourself as a dog in a booth. Serious dog. Yeah, someone is coming, we must warn (growl).

3. We take a snowflake in hand and say good words to it. We speak quickly until it melts.

4. I am a sweet worker,

All day in the garden:

I eat strawberries, I eat raspberries

To eat all the winter ...

Ahead are watermelons - here! ..

Where can I get my second belly?

5. I walk on tiptoes -

I won't wake my mother.

6. Oh, what sparkling ice, And the penguin is walking on the ice.

7. The boy strokes the kitten, which covers his eyes with pleasure, purrs, rubs his head against the boy's hands.

8. The child is holding an imaginary bag (box) with sweets. He treats his comrades, who take and thank. They unfold candy wrappers, put candies in their mouths, chew. Tasty.

9. Greedy dog

I brought firewood,

I applied water,

Kneaded the dough,

I baked pies,

Hid in a corner

And I ate it myself.

Din, din, din!

10. Mom angrily scolds her son, who wet his feet in a puddle

11. The janitor grumbles, sweeping out of the melted snow last year's garbage.

12. The spring snowman, whose head was baked by the spring sun; frightened, weak and unwell.

13. A cow carefully chewing the first spring grass. Calmly, with pleasure.

:and 14. The hare had a house like a home

Under a spreading bush

And he was pleased with the scythe:

There is a roof over your head! - ""

And autumn has come

I threw off a bush of leaves,

The rain poured from a bucket,

The hare soaked the fur coat. -

A hare is freezing under a bush:

This house is useless!

15. Scratching wool - the hand hurts,

Writing a letter - the hand hurts,

Carrying water - the hand hurts,

Cook porridge - the hand hurts,

And the porridge is ready - the hand is healthy.

16. The fence is lonely

Nettles have become disheartened.

Maybe who is offended by?

I came closer

And she is, the evil one,

Burned my hand.

17. Balloon inflated by two girlfriends

They took away from each other.

All the pepper was scratched! The balloon burst

And two girlfriends looked -

No toy, sat down and cried ...

18. What's that creak? What a crunch? What is this bush?

How to be without crunch, If I am a cabbage.

(Hands out to the sides, palms up, shoulders raised, mouth open, eyebrows and eyelids raised.)

19. Let's admire a little,

As the cat steps gently.

Barely audible: top-top-top

Ponytail down: op-op-op.

But, raising your fluffy tail,

The cat can be fast.

Throws up bravely

And then walks importantly again.

  1. GAMES - poems.

Target: to teach children to play around with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.


Let's play the plane? (Yes.)

You are all wings, I am a pilot.

Received instruction -

We start aerobatics. (They are built one after another.)

We fly into the snow and blizzard, (Ooh-ooh-ooh!)

We see someone's shores. (A-ah-ah-ah!)

Ry-ry-ry - the motor growls,

We are flying above the mountains.

Here we are all going down

To our runway!

Well, our flight is over.

Goodbye, plane.

"We wash our face"

Open the tap

Wash your nose

Don't be afraid of water!

Wash your forehead

Wash your cheeks


Wash your temples

One ear, second ear -

Wipe dry!

Oh, how clean we have become!

Now it's time to walk

We will go to the forest to play

And on what we will go, you have to say. (Plane, tram, bus, bicycle.) (And they go.)


Tires burst, friends.

We will pump the pump,

Inflate air into tires.

Wow! Pumped up.

"Cat and mouse"

This pen is Mouse,

This pen is a Cat,

Play cat and mouse

Can we do it a little.

The mouse scratches its paws,

The mouse gnaws at the crust.

The cat hears it

And sneaks up to the Mouse.

Mouse, snatching Cat,

Runs away into the burrow.

The cat sits and waits:

"Why isn't the Mouse coming?"


Clumsy feet

Sleeps in a den in winter,

Guess and answer

Who is this sleeping? (Bear.)

Here he is Mishenka-bear,

He walks through the forest.

Finds honey in the hollows

And puts it in his mouth.

Licks the paw

The clubfoot is sweet.

And the bees come flying

The bear is driven away.

And the bees sting the Bear:

"Don't eat our honey, thief!"

Wandering along the forest road

Bear to his den,

Lays down, falls asleep

And he remembers the bees ...

"A sonorous day»

(to the tune "Oh you, seni")

Toptygin took a contrabass:

“Come on, everybody start dancing!

There is nothing to grumble and get angry,

We'd better have fun! "

Here and the Wolf in the clearing

Played on the drum:

“Have fun, so be it!

I won't howl anymore! "

Miracles, miracles! Lisa at the piano,

Fox the pianist is a red-haired soloist!

The old badger blew out the mouthpiece:

"To what a pipe

Great sound! "

Boredom escapes from such a sound!

Beat and beat on drums

Hares on the lawn

Hedgehog-grandfather and Hedgehog-grandson

We took balalaikas….

Picked up by Squirrels

Fashionable plates.

Ding-ding! Crap, crap!

A very clear day!


Target:improve imagination, perception in children, teach to look for expressive means to create a vivid image.

1. Guys, imagine that you are artists. Hands are brushes. We dipped them in blue paint and paint the sky, listening to the music.

And now - in yellow paint, draw the sun. Circle. And now - rays, expressive eyes.

Now let's draw a clearing. What color is it? (Green.) We draw.

We inhale the smell with our nose: what does it smell like? (Flowers.) And what? (Daisies.) We draw.

Listen: the wind is rustling with branches of a tree - which one? (Birches.) We draw.

So, we are in the forest, in a clearing.

Imagine that you are flowers.

Early morning, the sun came out. The flower is still asleep, but now it rises, wiggles the leaves - these are fingers. Let's listen. Do you hear? The stream is running.

2. Now let's breathe correctly: put the right hand on the stomach, and the left hand on the belt. The belly is balloon... Slow inhalation - exhalation - "the thread at the ball smoothly unfolds."

Inhale - right hand forward into the cam. They opened the cam, and there was a small feather. Exhale - they blew on it, it flew away.

Frightened by the sudden crackling of branches - a quick breath. But it turns out, it's okay. Slow exhalation is freedom.

Breathe in and take the elevator: 1st floor, 2nd, 3, 4, 5, 6th - that's all, we've arrived. Did you all get there? Who made the remains on which floor? Now we are going down.

3. Music with a clear rhythm sounds.

“We go to Orchard"(Walking around the hall). "We breathe in the aroma of apples." "We are trying to get apples on the tree" (raise first left hand up, then right). “Once again we are trying to get the apples” (we jump in place, hands up in turn).

"How do you get apples?" (half-squats, arms to the sides - down).

“We need to substitute a ladder and climb on it” (we simulate climbing a ladder).

"We pick apples and put them in a bucket" (imitate picking apples).

“We have a rest” (we go down and sit, eyes closed, on the carpet).

  1. Game: "Voiced palms".


Draw the attention of children to the nature of the claps depending on the music and images. To teach the ability to clap quietly and loudly, with a swing and holding hands close to one another., Convey the rhythmic pattern of music, fill the movement with emotional meaning.

1. "Bells".

Active overhead claps. The movement is bright, with a large swing, slightly bent at the elbows and relaxed arms.

2. "Bells».

Small slaps with straight fingers of one hand on the palm of the other. The movement is light, not loud in strength. The arms can be bent at the elbows, straightened, or raised to the sides (right or left). Variants of "bells" sounding near the right ear or near the left are possible

3. "Plate".

Sliding claps. One hand swings from top to bottom, the other from bottom to top.

4. "I catch mosquitoes."

Light sonorous claps with straight palms to the right and left of the body, above and below - with arms bent at the elbows.

5. "Tambourine".

Claps with the palm of one hand on the motionless open palm of the other.

The claps can be loud or soft depending on the dynamics of the musical image.

6. "Pillow".

The claps are performed loose, unstressed, soft hands in front of and behind the body.

7. "Turntables".

They are based on turning the hands from the body and back. The arms are bent at the elbows and fixed in a static position, only the hands work, the force of the blow of the palm against the palm is small. The movement is playful.

44. Ira on the development of smooth hand movements

1. "Breeze".

Cross movements of the arms above the head. The shoulder, forearm, hand are involved in the work.

2. "Ribbons».

Alternating plastic movements of the right and left hands up and down in front of the chest.

3. "Wave".

Smooth movement up and down with one hand. It can be swiveled to the side or extended forward. "Wave" is formed due to plastic movements of the shoulder, forearm, hand. The "wave" can flow smoothly from one hand to another.

4. "Wings».

Smooth swinging movements with arms spread apart. It should be remembered that when raising the arms, the hands are lowered, and when lowering the arms, the elbows are slightly bent, the hands are expressively raised up.

5. "Singing hands".

From the "arms to the sides" position with a gentle movement

brushes are directed towards each other, as if collecting elastic air in front of them. With the same plastic movements, the arms are again spread apart. The body helps expressive movement by leaning slightly forward and leaning back.


Target:to consolidate expressive techniques of creating a play image. to make sure that children themselves notice the differences in the performance of their friends and strive to find their movements, facial expressions.

1. Invite the children to walk the pebbles across the stream on behalf of any character (fairy tale, story, cartoon) of their choice.

2. Suggest the child, on behalf of any character, to sneak up on a sleeping animal (hare, bear, wolf).

3. Offer to catch a butterfly or a fly on behalf of various characters.

4. Depict the walk of a family of three bears, but so that all three bears behave and act differently.

Note. The tasks above show the path by which to search

  1. Games for the development of expressive facial expressions.

Target:learn to use expressive facial expressions to create a vivid image.

1. Salty tea.

2. I eat lemon.

3. Angry grandfather.

4. The light went out, came on.

5. Dirty piece of paper.

6. Warm and cold.

7. Get angry with the fighter.

8. Met a good friend.

9. Offended.

10. Were surprised.

11. Frightened by the bully.

12. We know how to dissemble (wink).

13. Show how the cat begs for sausage (dog).

14. I'm sad.

15. Receive a gift.

16. Two monkeys: one grimaces - the other copies the first.

17. Don't be angry!

18. The camel decided that he was a giraffe,

And he walks with his head lifted.

It makes everyone laugh

And he, the camel, spits on everyone.

19. Met a bull hedgehog

And licked it in the barrel.

And licking his flank,

I pricked my tongue.

And the spiny hedgehog laughs:

- Don't put anything in your mouth!

20. Be attentive.

21. Joy.

22. Delight.

23. I brush my teeth.

  1. Game: "Musical Dialogue"

Target:encourage children to compose their answer by improvising a melody. Given texts:

1. Two chickens under a rope Flap their wings awkwardly:

- Oh, what a big worm! There is no way to get it!

(Supposed answer: "It's not a worm.")

2. The dog sits at the well And does not approach:

- A bucket hangs on a chain ... Maybe it bites ?.

(Supposed answer: "They draw water from a well with a bucket.")

3. Chickens walk along the paths, Kvokhchut in the alley:

- Do buns really grow from crumbs?

(Supposed answer: "On the contrary, crumbs are made from buns.")

4. Foal from a stack Grabbed some grass:

- I have never seen such large and tasty mountains.

(Suggested answer: "This is a haystack, not a mountain.")

5. The kitten climbed on the fence, He became as tall as heaven. He said: “Oh, friends! Look - I grew up! "

(Estimated answer: “No, I haven't grown up.”)

6. The puppy sits at the booth,

Sits the second day.

He just can't understand

Where does the sun go to sleep.

(Estimated answer: “Over the mountain,” etc.)

7. A calf walks through the forest,

In red spots on the side.

- Why is there no milk in the green grass?

(Children answer.)

  1. Game: "Song Creativity"
  1. In the clearing, in the meadow

Three bears lived

Three bears lived

They loved to eat raspberries.

How will they find raspberries -

They will sing the song right away.

Papa Misha sang low

: "La la la la".

Mom sang a song tenderly:

"La la la la".

And Mishutka-teddy bear

I sang a song loudly

Yes, I finished eating raspberries:

"La la la la!"

2. Sing your first and last name, address, mom's name, etc.

3. Sing a dialogue: "Olya, where are you?" - "I'm here". (With cheerful and affectionate intonations.)

48. Game: "Musical improvisation"

1. Take sticks in your hands, help the Bears to sing, And the forest melody

You tap rhythmically.

2. Repeat the rhythm on a metallophone, xylophone, etc. Come up with your own.

3. Draw a sad and cheerful rain on the xylophone.

  1. Games for the development of plastics.

Target:develop motor ability, motor skills of different parts of the body, coordination of movements, the ability to perform movements in the text.

1.Two tributaries, Two taps,

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (brush rotation)

Anchored, annealed (blows with a fist on a fist)

Scissors, scissors (crossing arms).

Running in place

Running in place

Bunnies, bunnies (jumping).

Come on, amicably,

Come on, together (spring),

Girls boys.

2.It is necessary to do sports

("Pull" the back, shoulders back):

Train every day.

We will begin now without delay.

And stomp your feet together,

And clap your hands loudly -

We carry out the movements correctly.

Turns left-right,

We are doing well.

Let's all be healthy and strong!

And now - jumping in place,

Come on, together, come on, together -

We must be the most beautiful!

3. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman

In a clearing by the river

And they loved very, very

Koloboks on sour cream.

Although the grandmother has little strength (bends forward with the movement of the hands),

The grandmother kneaded the dough.

Came out even,

Came out smooth,

Not salty

And not sweet

Very round,

Very tasty,:

Even have it

We are sad.

The gray mouse was running

I saw the gingerbread man.

Oh! How does it smell

Kolobochka (sniff)


At least a piece!

With a bun

Little sense

Rides stupid


Need to take

Our bun

Under the lock (showing with your hands).

4. (Tilts left and right, hands slide over the body.)

I repeat in the morning (bends back and forth, hands

on the belt):

My spine is

Flexible, straight,

When I sleep (hands on a shelf)

I stand, I sit (hands on my knees),

I follow the spine (lock with the wrists, hands

wind up alternately over each shoulder behind the back).

I am the spine of the shore (we stroke the palm of one hand

on the stomach, with the back of the other hand "- on the back)

And I will run away from diseases.

5.The deer has a big house (arms crosswise over the head,)

He looks out his window.

The bunny runs across the field

There is a knock on his door.

Hurry the door, Deer, open it,

There, in the forest, the hunter is evil (to portray that he is holding a toil).

Bunny, bunny, run in (beckon), give me a paw.

6. A goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Found myself a princess, princess, princess

Come on, goat, jump, jump, jump,

And we kick up, kick up, kick up our legs,

And clap, clap, clap,

And we will sink with our feet, we will sink, we will sink.

Shake the head ... And let's start over.

7. I play the violin:

Tir-li-li yes tir-li-li

Bunnies are jumping on the lawn

Tili-li yes tili-li.

And now on the drum:

Tram-there-there, tram-there-there.

The hares scattered in fear

Through the bushes, through the bushes.

8. I jump, jump, jump

And I twist the rope.

You, rope, spin,

Learn Russian dance.

9. As at our gate

The janitor sweeps the street,

The janitor sweeps the street,

He will pick up all the specks.

The goat went out for a walk

He began to jump and jump.

The goat is knocking its legs,

Shouts like a goat: "Be-e!"

I knock with heels (pick),

I teach Russian dance (fraction)

... My Russian dance is wonderful!

Sit-stand, sit-stand

And I will jump like a ball.

I won't get tired of squatting

I want to become a dancer.

10. Skiing fun

And we'll all go through the snow.

We raise our legs high through the snowdrifts,

And it's very easy on the ice

We walk quietly.

We are trees and bushes

We'll go around with a snake

And to the fluffy tree

We'll be here soon.

12. Goose bought himself an accordion,

But a little full of holes.

The accordion sang broadly,

It hissed like a goose.

13. There are eight pairs on the floor -

The flies were dancing

They saw a spider


14. Our tongues are tired

But the necks were resting

... Come on, neck, turn around,

Come on, neck, frolic

Hello everyone in the world:

For moms, dads, children!

We will shake our head deftly:

Oh-oh-oh, shake our head.

15. Children walked in the woods,

Nature was watched

They looked up at the sun,

And their rays warmed up.

Butterflies flew, flapped their wings.

Clap together]

One, two, three, four, five!

We need to collect a bouquet.

One - sat down, two - sat down,

The lilies of the valley sang in their hands.

Ringing on the right - ding-dong,

Left - ding-dong!

A bee sat on the nose, look what she is!

We raised the leaves

The berries were collected in the palms (imitation of movements).

16. I walk, I walk, lifting my legs,

I have new boots on my feet.

High, I raise my legs high

To show everyone new boots.

Ah ah ah! Look, what a puddle!

Ah ah ah! Look, the puddle is big

High, high, jump high.

I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'll jump over a puddle.

  1. Game: "St. John's Carp"(music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by A. Khait)

The cat sat on the window And began to wash her ears with her paw. Having watched her a little, we can repeat her movements.

Chorus: One, two, three - well, repeat! One, two, three - well, repeat! Three, four, five - do it again! Three, four, five - do it again!

A snake crawls along a forest path, Like a ribbon, slides along the ground, And we can depict such movement with our Hand.


The heron stands in the swamp all day

And he catches frogs with his beak.

It's not hard to stand a drop like this

For us, for trained guys.


Lives in the world a lot

But, man, you are a friend of nature

And he must know the habits of all animals.


  1. The game: . "Soldiers" (finger game training)

The palms are closed. Little fingers are children (speak in a thin voice).

Unnamed fingers- mom (speaks in a normal voice).

Middle fingers - dad (speaks in a low voice).

Index fingers- soldiers (speaking in a bass).

Crossed thumbs- the threshold of the hut.

Night. Everyone is asleep in the hut. There is a knock.

Soldiers. Knock Knock! Index fingers tapping-

they talk about each other.

Children. Who's there? Little fingers are tapping each other about


Soldiers. Two soldiers. Index fingers tapping-

They came to spend the night! they talk about each other.

Children. Let's ask mom. Little fingers are tapping each other about

Mama! friend.

Mama. What, kids? Unnamed fingers tapping-

huddle together.

They came to spend the night! friend.

Mama. Ask your dad! Unnamed fingers tap each other.

Children. Dad! Little fingers are tapping each other about


Dad. What, kids? Middle fingers are tapping

about each other.

Children. Two soldiers. Little fingers are tapping each other about

They came to spend the night, friend.

Dad. Let in! Middle fingers are tapping

about each other.

Children. Come in! Little fingers are tapping each other about


Soldiers. Ah, the index fingers "dance

What a grace, fool, ”making cross

That they let us spend the night! movement.

Come in!

Turn the closed palms with the fingers to the chest, then a quick turn of the hands follows 180 "so that the backs of the palms touch. The arms are extended forward.