Board games for children 2 3 years old with their own hands. Why children develop toys and how to make them with your own hands. The games in question develop

Why should a child play?

Dear moms and dads, don't forget that play is the need of a growing child's body. The game develops cognitive mental processes: perception, memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech; develop curiosity and mental capacity; primary intellectual skills and abilities. Children of this age actively learn the world according to the principle: "What I see, with what I act, I will know."

Children have simple shapes visual-effective thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the selection of certain external and internal features items. It is by playing with a child that you can develop in him all the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge.

Games for children 2-3 years old for the development of tactile sensations.

The first game " Guess without looking” or “Magic bag”

Required inventory: the most diverse miscellaneous items, differing in size, shape and material from which they are made.

  • Ask your child to close their eyes and guess what is in their hand. Let him comment on his feelings.
  • You can not close your eyes, but hide the object in an opaque bag, ask the child to put his hand there, feel for the object and guess what it is.
  • Let the child guess the object, feeling it with both his right and left hands. This will develop the tactile susceptibility of both hands equally.

Second game "What is the difference?"

On a walk, collect a variety of objects in a bucket: stones, branches, leaves
trees, cones. At home, pour out the contents of the bucket and carefully examine everything, comparing objects with each other.

When examining objects, explain to the child that the stone is heavy and the sheet is light.

Weigh objects in your hands, feel them. So the child will be able to get acquainted with the concepts of "heavy", "light", "hot", "cold", "smooth", "rough", "prickly".

Third game "Guess what it is?"

Required inventory: cereal jars.

  • The task of the child is to lower his hands alternately in containers with different cereals. Be sure to name the cereal and compare the sensations.
  • After some time, when the child is well versed in the cereals, invite him to determine them at random with his eyes closed.

Fourth game "Touch and Tell"

Required inventory: thick paper, various cereals, pieces of cloth different texture, glue.

  • It is necessary to cut out small squares from paper (with a side of about 10 cm). Glue cereal, pieces of fabric or textured colored paper.
  • You don't have to cut out just the squares. Make also circles and triangles. Keep this didactic material in a separate box.
  • Let the child take the card, touch it and say his feelings.
  • Help him by using as many definitions as possible.

Also great croup drawing game, semolina is very suitable for such a game.

Experiments and experiments for children from 2 to 3 years.

"Water Transformations"

The game introduces the properties of such a substance as water.

Required inventory: shaped molds and molds for ice.

  • First tell the child that the water placed in freezer freezes and turns into ice.
  • Then demonstrate it visually.
  • Show the child the ice figures, draw his attention to the fact that the ice repeats the shape of the vessels that you filled with water.
  • Watch the ice melt.
  • By adding paints to the water, you can get multi-colored ice and lay out beautiful patterns from it.

"The Invisible Letter"

The game will introduce the baby to the properties of such a substance as iodine.

Required inventory: paper, lemon, iodine.

  • Write on paper lemon juice child's name or draw a simple picture and let dry.
  • Then dilute iodine in water and moisten a sheet of paper with a brush - the pattern will appear.


The game contributes to the development of coordination of movement, expands ideas about the properties of a substance - water.

Required inventory: a container of water, one large and one small glass.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Show how you can scoop up water from one glass and pour it into another.
  • Give your child freedom of action.

"Squeeze out the washcloth"

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills.

Required inventory: two containers, foam sponge.

  • Fill one container with water. Show your child how to use a sponge to transfer water from one dish to another.
  • Suggest you try to do the same yourself.

"Water Carrier"

The game will introduce the concept of volume, promotes the development of coordination of movements.

Required inventory: a basin of water, two or three cans, wooden sticks.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Place a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a ladle, a strainer, a sponge nearby.
  • Invite the child to scoop up water from the basin with different objects and pour it into different jars.
  • Compare which jar of water will have more.
  • You can measure the depth of water in jars in the same way as sailors once did: by lowering a wooden stick into the jar.

"Through the sieve"

The game introduces the purpose of objects and the properties of matter - water.

Required inventory: glass, sieve.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Let the baby pour water from a glass into a sieve.
  • Explain to him why the water is leaking.

And for a change, you can put different objects in the water and use a sieve to catch them.

"Float or sink"

The game contributes to the development of observation, fine motor skills, mastering the skills of classifying objects.

Required inventory: objects sinking in water (pebbles, spoons, screws, buttons), and objects that do not sink in water (ball, wooden planks, plastic toys), a container of water, two empty buckets.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of the child and lay out all the items. Let the baby throw objects into the water one by one and watch them.
  • Then get the items out of the water and put them in different buckets - in one, everything that did not drown, in the other - what was at the bottom.

DIY games for children.

Do-it-yourself games for children are made very simply, they can always be made from improvised means, and the ideas presented will help the development of your kids.

A selection of games for children with their own hands:

1. "Pictures with lacing"

For this game, you can use pictures - sun, cloud, flower, car.

In order to make such a toy you will need: white and multi-colored plastic; awl or self-tapping screws; scissors; fishing line; yellow lace.

Once you've made the game, show your child how to weave the lacing correctly. The kid will love these educational games.

2. "Games-winders"

I think you all understand perfectly well that it is useful to constantly teach your baby new skills, new movements of the hands and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child's speech, and on development in general.

The next game is just designed to teach the baby even better to coordinate the movements of both hands.

During such a game, the child learns to wrap a rope or ribbon around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, winding on a stick is much easier, so it’s better to start with it. A drumstick, a pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. She needs to be tied small piece rope, thick yarn or ribbon.

In order to increase the child's interest in the game, a small soft toy can be attached to the end of the tape. With each new turn, the toy will crawl closer and closer to the baby. It will be very exciting!

3. "The game is making soap suds"

For such a game, prepare a whisk. Then, together with the child, pour water into a bowl and drip a little shampoo. Show your baby how to get fluffy foam by vigorously working with a whisk. Usually kids are simply mesmerized by this educational game, it's almost like a trick - the water turns into foam. My daughter loves this game. 🙂

And after playing with the whisk, we begin to inflate bubble through a tube. Usually, for the first time, it’s hard for kids to catch that you don’t need to drink water through a straw, but rather blow it out, so if you’ve never tried to make a storm in a glass before, first experiment on plain water and make sure the baby is not drinking water. And only then move on to games with soapy water. Bubbles in this case are even more spectacular than with a whisk.

4 . “We shift pieces of foam rubber with clothespins”

For this game, cut into small pieces in advance foam sponge. Together with the baby, imagine that these are pies, cookies or potatoes - in general, something edible. Mashenka has lunch soon, so you need to put all the food on her plate. True, the food is hot, so in order not to burn yourself, you need to use a clothespin. My daughter loves to cook and feed her toys, so this game is very exciting for us.

5. "Play with tweezers"

This game is similar to the previous one, only here we will use tweezers instead of clothespins. First, try practicing with sponge pieces. When this works out well, you can also shift small beads with tweezers in the same way. This task, of course, is more difficult, but it is already within the power of a two-year-old child.

I would like to note that games with clothespins and tweezers are great for developing fine motor skills, coordination of movements, hone gun skills.

6. "Playing with nuts"

For a change tactile sensations, as well as to enrich knowledge about the world around it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of nuts in the shell (pieces of 5 of each type). We played with walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts.

Nuts can be used in role-playing games handing out nuts to toys, while pronouncing and remembering their names.

Also, you can sort the nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya doll loves walnuts, and Olya - peanuts).

Finally, you can put the nuts in a small opaque bag and feel them out of the bag.

7. « Laying out pasta

I offer another game that can be made in 2 minutes from improvised means. Such a game contributes to the improvement of motor skills and, of course, accuracy.

So, the task of the child is to carefully lay out the pasta along the drawn paths. Buttons will work too. If you are using materials different colors, then for each track you can define your own color, thereby adding color sorting.

Tip: To make the activity more interesting, place small toys along the edges of the paths, and explain that your mission is to build a pasta bridge for the toys, otherwise they will never meet.

8. "Playing with a pipette"

Another one simple toy, which is always at hand and which is capable of capturing children's attention for a long time, is a pipette. If your baby is not yet familiar with this device, then it is better to start with larger pears and dispensers, and at the same time just pour water from one dish to another. Well, when the child already catches the sequence of actions (press - lower the pipette into the water - unclench his fingers, etc.), then you can already offer more difficult tasks. For example, pour some water into the cells using a small pipette.

Lego pieces or mini bath mats are ideal as cells. It is advisable to tint the water for this developing lesson with gouache, so it will be clearer which cells are already filled and which are not yet.

For those who are already quite well accustomed, we can offer an advanced option - to alternate the color of the water when filling in the rows of cells.

9. "Playing with kinetic sand"

Recently kinetic sand became quite popular and, in general, quite deservedly: it is great alternative ordinary sand in the cold season, captivates children for a long time, develops motor skills and imagination with a bang.

Despite the fact that kinetic sand looks like wet river sand, it differs significantly in its properties. It is less crumbly and is something like a cohesive mass (at the same time, it is not as plastic as modeling dough or plasticine). In addition, kinetic sand has a "fluidity". So, a tower molded from it, after standing for several minutes, will slowly begin to creep away, while a tower made of ordinary sand can stand at least all day until someone destroys it. However, all this does not mean that kinetic sand is worse or uninteresting to play with!

In the game, we use ordinary sand molds, build castles for princesses and zoos for animals, but most of all, perhaps, we love to cook various pies and sausages with our hands, decorate them, cut them with a toy knife and treat everyone in a row.

Educational cartoon for kids. We learn colors.

Of course, there are a lot of educational games for children that you can play with your child at home, I told you about those that my child loves.

And also, in between games, we stumbled upon one very informative cartoon "Kids", look, maybe your kid will learn from it. 😉

It's time to finish my article. I would be very happy if you share your ideas for classes with our children in the comments. And remember, everything depends on you, on your desire, on your imagination. Good luck to you!! Play - evolve!

Sincerely, Tatyana Kashitsina.

Board games are fun and colorful to diversify the leisure time of every family. Do not rush to buy games in stores, but try to make them yourself, this will help you create a special style of play. In this article we will look at: how to make board games with your own hands.

Everyone knows this game from school. However, you thought that it needed a pen and a leaf, and yet it can be made from wood, fabric, magnets, stones, buttons and other figures. Just dream up and create a playing field, for example, on a refrigerator or pieces of fabric in the shape of a heart.

round the world travel walking game

This game can be played by 2 to 6 people. You will need a "card", a die and chips. Each player rolls a digital die in turn, he gets a number and he takes the required number of steps on the map. The one who gets to the finish line first wins, and the catch is that there are numbers on the map that return the player a few steps back, or move him forward.

The main process is to create a map. Lay out 8 sheets of A4 format in 2 rows, leave gaps of half a centimeter so that you can later fold the card. Place a weight on each sheet to keep it from moving, then tape the sheets along each row. Draw a route of moves with a pencil and place stops, for example (1-60 or 1-90), make a distance of 2-3 cm between each stop. Mark bonus and penalty steps, indicate the direction with arrows. Fill in the empty spaces on the map with drawings. A digital cube can be purchased at an office supply store or made from cardboard. As chips, use small toys kinder surprise, buttons, small cookies ...

You can create a geographical puzzle to explore the country. Buy or print out a contour map, color each area with a separate color (you can also mark clues - sea, mountains, sights ...), then glue the map on a thick sheet of cardboard, cut it into squares or other figures.

It is also very easy to create another puzzle. Collect 7-10 popsicle sticks and cut out suitable picture from a magazine or draw your own. Place the sticks on a flat surface next to each other, paste the picture, wait for the glue to dry and cut the sticks. WITH reverse side attach Velcro to each stick to later attach the puzzle to the felt.

Another name for the game is “say it differently”. The essence is simple: play from 4 to 16 people. The participants are divided into teams. There can be 2,3,4 people in a team. One of them pulls out a card on which 8-10 words are written, each word must be explained in other words, sounds can be used (for example: wow-wow, meow ...) you can’t show and use single-root words. 1 minute is given for 1 card, you need to quickly guess as possible more words. You can make add-on cards on which emotions or instructions will be written. During the explanation, the person must be joyful, or vice versa, sad, and the team must additionally guess the emotion and action that the explainer is doing. The team with the most guessed words wins. This game perfectly develops logical thinking and increases lexicon.

Cut out cards from cardboard and beautifully write commonly used words, for example: soup, ice, monkey, enemy, sweet, photograph ... There should be at least 30 cards with 10 words each. Words must not be repeated.

You can create a playing field for alias. Mark the steps on it and make chips. The principle of creation is described in the game round the world trip. However, you can play without a field, just appoint a referee who will count the points and keep time.

This is very funny game in which 2 people participate. I press the edge of the bean with a coin and it bounces like a flea. The main task is to get a flea into the opponent's goal, then you get a point and the flea is removed from the field. If the flea hits your field, you can pick it up and use it next time, if the flea hits the opponent’s field, the point is not counted and it just remains lying until the next move. If the flea hits its own goal, the point is counted to the opponent. The game is played until someone runs out of fleas.

To make a playing field, take a candy box, colored paper and thick fabric. Paste the inside of the box with colored paper, make the sides of the fabric so that the fleas do not fly away. Take beans as fleas and do not forget about large coins.

This game is played by 2 to 10 people. 16 cards are made. Every two cards have the same image. One person lays out the cards in a square in a chaotic pattern with the face up, at the same time the person who will play stands with his back. It turns for exactly 5 seconds and tries to memorize the images. It is turned away and the cards are turned over to the other side. Now he must turn over the cards and find pairs within a minute. The person who guesses the most wins a large number of couples with the same pattern. Cards can be made from cardboard and draw any drawings.

To create this game, you will need a candy box, cocktail tubes And small ball, you can use a bead. Think and draw a maze. Glue the cocktail tubes. Place the ball and start the game.

As checkers, you can use covers, buttons, sewn circles of fabric, various figures and even plasticine. Fantasize and surprise everyone with your creativity!

Create original chess that will not walk, but jump. Make 16 white and 16 black jumping frogs and draw the titles. Detailed master class how to make a jumping paper frog

For dominoes, create 28 chips, they can be made by painting pebbles, ice cream sticks, sewn from felt ...

Chip scheme

Dominoes from pebbles

Dominoes from felt

Dominoes from ice cream sticks

By creating this game with your own hands, you can use your city - it will be more interesting. Think over the colors of the districts, print almost "real" money and come up with realistic tasks, for example: pay utility bills. Create your exciting original game.

Almost everyone knows this exciting psychological game. She is perfect for big company. Make cards by drawing them yourself, or simply print them from the Internet, then cut them out.

Such an exciting game can be made from the same buttons, caps, checkers and even M&M's. How to play it and why it is so exciting, see this video!

To create an original and high-quality game, consider the design, materials, dimensions of the game. Pay Special attention on the hobbies and hobbies of the players, maybe this will be the basis for creating a masterpiece. Board game will become wonderful gift and a reason to spend leisure time with your loved ones.

How to do exciting game"Rakedr" look in this video!

DIY games for children are made very simply from improvised means. The ideas presented will help the development of toddlers and older children.

Educational games for children 2-3 years old

At this age, it is important to train fine motor skills, the following pictures with laces are perfect for this:

  1. Sun;
  2. cloud;
  3. flower;
  4. machine.

To make crafts of this format for children, you will need:
  • white and multi-colored plastic;
  • awl or self-tapping screws;
  • scissors;
  • fishing line;
  • yellow lace.

If you don't have sheets of plastic, take the white one from an old plastic bucket. Small parts are made from colored containers of the same material. If you don't have any of these, use cardboard.

For the first DIY game for kids or by asking someone, you need to cut out white plastic square, rounding its corners with scissors. Make a circle out of yellow, attach it to the main sheet with a fishing line. To do this, make holes with an awl, and then sew with a transparent cord.

Cut out flowers from colored plastic, attach them in the same way. To make the rays of the sun, the holes must be larger. You will do them with a heated self-tapping screw, which you will hold by the hat with pliers.

When the holes are cool, give the string to the child, show how to weave it to make rays. The kid will like such educational games for children. The second is based on the same principle. Only for her, in addition to white, you need blue plastic. You will cut a cloud out of it and also attach it with a fishing line.

Other educational games for kids are also interesting.

To make such a flower, you will need:
  • empty shampoo bottles
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • lace;
  • cardboard.
Cut out blanks from shampoo bubbles. Cover the core of the flower with petals from this material, make holes with an awl that will pass through both elements. The child will be able to braid the cord and thereby develop fine motor skills.

Boys will surely like this machine. To make it, enlarge the image, transfer it to a sheet of plastic, outline and cut it out. Make wheels from white plastic bottle from under the milk. Make holes with an awl, start weaving the lace, let the child continue this interesting activity.

We can recommend other games for kids 2 years old. They are based on the same manufacturing principle, but the toys are voluminous. Take the lid from the ketchup, make a hole in it with a hot nail or a drill bit. Drop some glue into it, put a felt-tip pen, upper part which must first be split with a sharp knife. Attach a fly agaric hat to this crevice. It is cut from a red ketchup bottle. White circles can be made from a light milk bottle or buttons of this color can be taken.

Having made holes in the red plastic with an awl, attach white elements to this mushroom cap, fasten with lacing.

Fun games for kids 3-7 years old

Set up a group of kids fun entertainment. You can play "Fishing" with your family. It is easy to do it yourself. This children's game is not only fun, but also useful activity, which helps the development of fine motor skills, coordination, strengthening the muscles of the hands.

Here are some materials you can make fish with your own hands. From:

  • fabrics;
  • felt;
  • plastic;
  • thick cardboard.
For creativity, you will need auxiliary materials:
  • felt in a contrasting color;
  • ready-made eyes or beads for the eyes;
  • for the rod - a wooden stick;
  • paper clips;
  • magnet;
  • rope.

If you want the figures to be voluminous and colorful, then take colored fabric, cut out 2 blanks for each fish. Sew them in pairs, stuff with padding polyester.

If you want to sew felt fish with your own hands, then first make paper blanks, attach them to this thick fabric, outline and cut out. In this way, you will make fish from other materials, for example, from plastic. Now you need to attach 2 eyes to each. To do this, first glue a circle of felt, and a bead on it. A paper clip must be inserted into the nose of these inhabitants of the deep sea. It is these metal parts that will help the rod to be magnetized to them.

We master it in the following way. To make a fishing rod, tie a piece of string to one end of a wooden stick. To keep it strong, you can make a notch in a circle in this place with a knife, and then wind a string here, on the edge of which you need to tie a magnet, and the game for children, created with your own hands, is ready.

How to make a finger theatre?

Here is another entertainment that will make any holiday fun and diversify your leisure time. Finger theater will allow you to play any fairy tale, and one person can play several roles.

Perhaps your child is a born actor. Then he will, changing his voice, his intonation, speak for different heroes of the action.

One of the most popular heroines Russians folk tales Masha. Sew it together with your daughter, after which she will be able to try herself in an interesting role. To create this heroine game for kids, you will need:
  • felt of different colors for: body, sundress, decoration, scarf;
  • rope or yarn;
  • tapes;
  • 2 beads for eyes;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

Looking at the following photos, you will learn how to sew a sundress. But first it needs to be cut out. Requires 2 similar parts, differing only in neck cutouts. It is smaller on the back than on the front.

In the photo, the sundress is cut out of yellow felt, the body of the doll is made of orange, and the frill of the sundress, pockets and scarf are made of red.

Please note that the doll's scarf consists of two parts: the front part with a round hole cut out for the face and the back of the head.

We begin to sew a sundress. Attach a pocket to its front part, sew it with threads. Light ones will become an interesting element of decoration. In the same way, you need to sew the second pocket. Put the frill of the sundress on its wrong side, stitch with the bottom of the shelf and back.

We continue to sew the Masha doll. Put a shelf on the front of the body, sew both parts together along the neckline, armhole. Fold the thread as in the photo, lowering it over the doll's face. Put the front part of the scarf on top, stitch it with the head in the inner circle.

Trim the bangs from the threads, sew on the eyes. 2 stitches of white thread will turn into a nose, decorate the mouth with red.

We will sew a doll with our own hands or with the involvement of children further. Thread a needle with a thick eye, make a stitch on the back of the head, then attach a few more fragments of it in the same way on one and the other side of the back of the head. You should get 4 strands of braids, connect the 2 central ones together.

After adding ribbons, start weaving a braid. When you are almost to the end, tie beautiful bow. Sew or glue the nape of the scarf to the head.

Now connect the back and front halves of the doll, sew them on the sides on all sides, except for the bottom.

Duplicate the scarf with the outer seam, after which main character finger game ready for kids.

This is how the doll will look from behind:

By the same principle, you can sew other characters of the fairy tale:
  • bear
  • hare;
  • kolobok;
  • mushroom.
Let the child wearing these Stuffed Toys on the fingers, come up with a new interesting story. Thus, developing your speech, vocabulary, imagination, thinking.

Home entertainment for the whole family

Children love it when adults play with them. If the child is sick or on the street bad weather and do not want to go for a walk, spend this time for joint entertainment. There are many quiet games, because if children are unwell, active noisy fun at this time is contraindicated for them.

Teach your favorite children to the old entertainment called "Fleas". Such do-it-yourself games are made, literally, out of nothing. After all, every house has buttons, and cardboard box can be obtained by removing a pair of shoes from it. For this, you need to cut the sides so that they become 5 cm high. A candy box is also suitable.

With a felt-tip pen or pen, draw the markings inside the container. It will look like a football field. In the center, draw a circle, on the sides - opposite each other, two gates. You can first paste over the halves of the field with colored paper of two colors in order to know whose “flea” will jump on.

If you are doing entertainment for children in the country, then you can carve “fleas” out of wood. Linden is best suited for this. Grind off the edges of the circles, then you will get the elements of fun that were made in the old days.

For a DIY game, you can use the following attributes:
  • circles made of wood;
  • buttons;
  • coins;
  • beans.
The latter are very funny "jump" if you press on their edges with coins. Take beans of two colors - for each competitor his own.

The rules of the game can be invented right on the go. For example, whose flea will jump higher and further, or which one will be in the goal or on the opponent's half. At the same time, you need to hit her with your “flea”, throwing it from above.

You can also compete in accuracy. Each player is given the same number of fleas. You need to get your own into the opponent's goal. If the “flea” remains on the playing field of its color, the owner of the attribute takes it and uses it in the future. And if she did not hit the goal and remained on the opponent's field, he takes her to himself.

Whoever has more of these trophies at the end of the game wins.

If you want to make another quick game for kids, then tic-tac-toe is for you. The field is drawn on paper, and the chips are made from bottle caps. On top of some you need to draw crosses, and on others - zeros.

When it's your turn, put a cover of a suitable pattern on the field, and then your opponent will put his. You can make chips not from lids, but from soft material. For these, you need to prepare:
  • textile;
  • tapes;
  • thread with a needle or glue.

It is better to use a dense fabric that will hold its shape and will not fray. If it is thin, cut out 2 squares and sew them in pairs.

TO front side fabric squares, sew ribbons folded in a cross. Attach circles from the same braid to other blanks. They can either be sewn on or glued on.

If the baby does not let you cook in the kitchen, demanding attention, figure out what to do with him. Draw a playing field on a sheet, attach it with magnets to the refrigerator. Connect the ice cream sticks with a cross, tying on a magnet. The zeroes can be made from felt or other suitable material. They are attached in the same way.

Intellectual games for children from 7 years old

Older children can be introduced to chess and checkers. For the board a simple one will do sheet of cardboard. You need to draw vertical and horizontal stripes on it, shade it to make squares and apply symbols.

If you want to make a chessboard with your own hands, so that it is big size then use a sheet of plywood. Stick painter's tape on it vertically and horizontally. Cover the surface dark paint. When it dries, peel off the tape and see what even squares you get.

Craftswomen can sew a field of dense dark-colored fabric, on which light squares will be sewn.

Ordinary bottle caps or flat buttons turn into checkers. Only for one player are taken light, for the other - dark.

Attributes for chess are also easy to make. Draw knights, pawns, etc. with a marker or felt-tip pen on the lid. You can use scrap paper for this. Draw on it and then stick to the lids.

You can also make your own dominoes. To do this, dots are applied to pebbles or figurines from salt dough with a corrector.

When making dominoes with your own hands, be guided by this scheme:

As you can see, making games with your own hands is very simple. To do this, they use improvised materials that will help the development of children, teach them new things and allow them to have fun and usefully spend their leisure time.

We think you will be interested to see how to make games for kids using original ideas. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following videos:


Happy child 08.12.2016

Dear readers, today on the blog we will talk about how you can have fun with our children and grandchildren. And this will be a selection of educational games for children 3-4 years old. Pick up new topics and ideas for yourself. Julia Verenkina, mother of two children, will tell about such games. I pass the floor to Julia.

When a child is three years old, it begins to be very difficult period for parents. Indeed, at the age of 3-4 years, the baby wants to try everything and do a lot on his own. The child wants to prove to everyone that he is smart enough and should be treated as equals. But at the same time the baby is still too small and he needs mother's love and care. And it is during this period that great attention to devote to the development of the child - exciting and educational games using improvised materials. This article will be devoted to this, which will tell you what educational games for children 3-4 years old can be played.

Features of children of this age

The features of babies at 3-4 years old are considered sociability, curiosity, the desire to be given as much attention as possible. But psychologists also say that from the age of three, a child acquires such qualities as capriciousness, disobedience and stubbornness. Thanks to games, these problems become easily solved. While playing, it is easier for the baby to establish a connection with the world around him, with adults, and he also develops the ability to internal dialogue, which is required for productive thinking.

But it is important to reiterate the fact that given age- exemplary, because one child can cope with a certain task earlier and better, and the other a little later. All children are different. And among other things, one educational game may not appeal to your child at all, and the other will become his favorite. In this case, experiments are indispensable.

Didactic game for children 3-4 years old "All objects by color"

At the age of 3 years, you should already begin to teach your child colors and the ability to distinguish one shade from another. The All Objects by Color game is an excellent method for accomplishing this task. So, you must have: sheets of blue, red, green and yellow flowers, which will serve as clearings, as well as mushrooms cut out of paper of the same shades.

The parent should offer the baby to place mushrooms of two colors, of all possible ones, in the clearing. The blue meadow should be planted with blue mushrooms, and the green one with green ones. After that, the other two clearings should acquire fungi of their own color.

  • Sveta, what mushroom did you take?
  • Red.
  • Sveta, in which clearing do you want to plant a red fungus?
  • I want to plant a red mushroom in the red meadow.

This game will help develop fine motor skills of hands and speech of children.

Logic games for children 3-4 years old

Logic is the ability to think rationally. In our life, it is very difficult to do without it. And in order to help the formation of the logic of the baby, we need special logical educational games for 3-4-year-old children.

Game "Cook"

For example, the game "Cook" using improvised items fits just fine. It is necessary to put empty pots available in the house on the floor, and lay out their lids next to them. Little Sherlock needs to find its “hat” from each pan, analyzing their size and color.

The game "Leaf fall"

The game "Leaf Fall" requires a little preparation. It is necessary to collect leaves from trees that will simply be guessed along the contour, for example, maple, oak and birch leaves. Next, the parent should outline them on paper, and the baby should determine which contour will fit this or that leaflet. Important: it is forbidden to attach a sheet to the drawn image.

Fruit cocktail game

"Fruit cocktail": you need to blindfold the child and let him feel the familiar fruits: banana, tangerine, apple, kiwi, etc. simple game, and to the child we develop both logic and imagination.

Games for the development of speech for children 3-4 years old

At this age, you need to engage with the child in the formation grammatical structure and an increase in vocabulary. It is necessary to select those games that will not only be effective in the development of the baby, but will also interest him.

Game "Vredinka"

3-4 years old are the most stubborn in children, and this is definitely worth using. A preschooler should already be able to name antonyms for simple words, for example, light - dark, sad - joyful, poor - rich.

Sound trainer game

Excellent developing speech therapy game, which will allow you to achieve flawless speech. It is necessary to repeat with the child the sounds that animals make. It is necessary to achieve the most accurate imitation.

Game "Baby Detective"

This game develops both speech and attention. During the walk, you need to ask the child to describe everything that is happening around him. He needs to correctly and competently build his story, speak big sentences and pay attention to even the most small nuances that catch his eye.

Such games help to replenish the vocabulary of a 3-4-year-old child and teach him to correctly compose sentences, summarizing them into a whole text.

These correct speech skills will be excellent helpers in school. In the exam before entering the first grade, a child who has played educational games with his parents can show excellent results.

But a good result in this case is simply impossible without the development of fine motor skills of the hands, because the correct functioning of the speech apparatus is directly related to such a skill.

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills 3-4 years old

With a baby of 3-4 years of age, you should organize joint games for the development of fine motor skills. Physiologists tend to argue that this is what contributes to normal development speech. Such a moment should not be missed.

The game "Magic Clay"

The game "Magic Plasticine" has already become almost a classic for the development of hand motor skills. The kingdom of plasticine is recommended to be sculpted together with the baby, this contributes good communication and parent-child contact. Every day you need to create one hero, dimensions and appearance which you can invent yourself. And fingers can be trained not only with plasticine, but also with clay and dough.

Puzzle picture

Puzzle painting is also a very popular and exciting way to develop in this area. Puzzles must be connected into one whole picture. As the age increases, the pieces of the puzzles should decrease. At the age of three, you can start with 9 puzzles, and at the age of 5, you can assemble a canvas from 200 pieces.

Memory Games

You also need to pay attention to the development of the memory of your 3-4-year-old miracle. In the future, this will have a positive effect on the easy mastering of a large school material. And then success in training is guaranteed.

Supermarket game

The game "Supermarket" implies that the parent gives the child a task, during which certain goods should be purchased, discussed earlier. With each game, it is worth expanding the shopping list.

Game "Cleaner"

“Clean” is a game whose rules are as follows: it is necessary to give time for the child to look around in the room and remember as many objects as possible. After that, the baby goes to another room, and the parent makes a change in the location of some things. Going back, the child should guess what has changed in the room.

Live coloring pages

You can offer kids live coloring pages, the characters of which can be revived. How much surprise the children will have! And not only with them, but also with adults! If you are not familiar with live coloring, I invite you to watch a short video.

And you can also download live coloring pages for free here.

Free live coloring pages

Board educational games

Board games are always very exciting for a child due to their colorfulness and variety. What games can you play?

Game "Scoobidoo" will help develop attention and fine motor skills. During the game, you should be the fastest to make your centipede.

Alla Melnikova

Prepared material:

Eroshova Tatyana Mikhailovna

teacher second junior group.

d / s "Firefly".

Sensory education aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience.

The success of the mental, physical, aesthetic development children, it depends. on how perfectly the child hears, sees, touches the environment. How less baby, topics greater value in his life has sensory experience.

Sensory Parenting - Purposeful Improvement sensory processes: sensations, perceptions, ideas about external properties objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, smell, taste.

The child is constantly learning the world. The main method of information accumulation is touch. Children need to grab, touch, stroke everything. For a child to speak well, you need to develop his hands!

Color has a huge emotional impact on a child. During the game, children learn to solve simple mental tasks, such as: put two objects of the same color next to each other, compare them, group objects of the same color, name the color correctly. Working on the sensory development of the child, she produced a variety of didactic material.

I work with children 3-4 years old. At this age, the main task of familiarizing kids with the properties of objects is to ensure the accumulation of ideas about the color, shape and size of objects.

I bring to your attention do-it-yourself didactic games for the 2nd junior group. All games are quite simple to manufacture, have low cost Consumables. They can be used as educational activities, as well as in free time. Children play with great interest and enthusiasm.

D / and "Games with clothespins"

Target: Develop fine motor skills. To form the ability to distinguish and combine objects by feature and color. Develop children's speech.

For this game, you need to prepare figures (I found on the Internet, printed and laminated from various covers, and of course, the clothespins themselves. Ordinary linen plastic multi-colored clothespins. It would be better if the colors are more “real” (i.e., blue, namely yellow

D / and "Pick up the cups to the saucers"

Target: Develop children's ability to distinguish colors and use the name of colors in

speech. Develop fine motor skills, attention.

For this game, you need to cut out “cups” and “saucers” from colored cardboard (it is better to use primary colors). Children need to assemble a tea pair in accordance with the color.

D / and "Decorate a butterfly",

Target: To develop the ability of children to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about a geometric figure - a circle, about the concepts of "one-many", "big-small". Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention.

D / and "Patch for a mitten"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes(circle, square, rectangle, triangle, color. Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention.

D / and “From which tree is the leaf?”

Target: To develop the ability of children to distinguish colors and use the name of colors in speech. Develop fine motor skills, attention.

Lacing game.

The game manual is aimed at the development of fine motor skills of the hand, the refinement of finger movements, concentration of attention, contributes to the development of the accuracy of the eye, coordination and sequence of actions.

It is a good preparation of the hand for writing, trains perseverance, often such a game calms the child.

In this game, the development of the imagination is also not forgotten: "embroidering" conditional contours by association with real objects is the basis for the development of abstract thinking, generalizations of properties, "seeing the essence of an object."

I develop manual dexterity

I play with string.

I train logic and fine motor skills!

D / and “Drawing in the sand.

Target. Generate interest in unconventional ways drawing. Learn to work with the material. Develop a sense of form, color, rhythm, composition.

Develop children's visual skills and Creative skills Develop self-confidence. Develop fine motor skills. Have fun while working.

sensory development child in didactic game happening in inseparable connection with his development logical thinking and the ability to express their thoughts in words. To solve game task, it is required to compare the features of objects, establish similarities and differences, generalize, draw conclusions. Thus, the ability to judge, reasoning, the ability to apply one's knowledge in different conditions develops.

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