Hairstyle for the new year short hair. New Year's hairstyles for long hair: photo. New Year's hairstyles with fashionable hair accessories

New Year's hairstyle is the next most important item in the image after the outfit and makeup for every woman. It is the hairstyle that can connect the whole festive image and add zest to it. Therefore, you should not neglect such an important part of the New Year's look. At the same time, master a fashionable hairstyle for new year party better in advance. And first, it does not hurt to get acquainted with the current and most beautiful options festive styling that will help you meet the New 2017 fully armed. Below you will find an overview of the most fashionable hairstyles for short, medium and long hair, perfect for a meeting. Fire Rooster... Also you will find step by step photos and instructions that will tell you how to quickly and easily make your own festive styling. We hope that with our help your hairstyle for the New Year 2017 will be simply amazing!

The most beautiful and fashionable hairstyles for the New Year 2017 do it yourself, photo

In the beginning, a few words about what kind of beautiful do-it-yourself hairstyles will be the most fashionable for the New Year 2017. In other words, we will outline several main trends that are relevant on the eve of 2017. Since the Fire Rooster is the symbol of the coming year, it can be assumed that bright and extraordinary young ladies who are not afraid to attract too much attention will be in favor. This statement also applies to hairstyles, including festive styling on new year holidays... First of all, among actual options will be bright and unusual color solutions for hair. For example, pink opal, steel blond, gray ash. Seemingly completely incompatible combinations of shades will also be fashionable: blue with green, red with orange, black with blue.

As for the hairstyles, slightly sloppy and shabby styling is in fashion. For example, beach wave, vanilla onion, sloppy boho braids. To make such options look appropriate at a New Year's party, stylists recommend adding bright accessories to them: tiaras, hoops, shiny hairpins. There will be more trendy classic options festive hairstyles: Hollywood curls, fishnet braids, shells, bunches. It is also advisable to add accessories to their design. But the most fashionable and beautiful will be do-it-yourself hairstyles for the New Year 2017 using several trends at the same time. For example, the combination volumetric braids and a beam.

What original hairstyle to make for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 with your own hands

The upcoming New Year 2017 under the sign of the Fiery Rooster is conducive to vivid experiments, including in relation to original hairstyles, many of which can be done by hand. First of all, we are talking about unusual weaves using transparent elastic bands, which will help to create an interesting evening styling... At the heart of such styling is a simple tail with a twist, thanks to which the hair gains volume and original form... Depending on the length of such tails with a twist, there can be from 3-4 to 6-8 pieces. They can be connected with simple braids and openwork weaving. So that such original hairstyle looked even more luxurious, you can pull out the strands a little, adding volume to the styling.

Another version of the original hairstyle with your own hands can be made for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 based on the well-known "dragon". This is a pretty versatile styling that will work for just about any hair length. But it should be borne in mind that this option is not suitable for owners of thin hair. So, at the heart of the hairstyle is the classic "dragon" or "spikelet" - a braid that fits tightly to the hair roots. It is woven from the hair located on the top of the head, leaving loose strands at the back of the head and temples. Loose strands are curled with a curling iron into curls or made corrugated using corrugation.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for the New Year 2017 for short hair, photo

There are much more options for do-it-yourself hairstyles for the New Year 2017 for short hair than is commonly believed. Many women with short hair are sure that almost the only holiday option available to them is simple styling with a hairdryer or curling iron. But the do-it-yourself hairstyle options for the New Year 2017 for short hair, which we offer below, convince of the opposite. You can be beautiful and stylish at the New Year's party even with very short curls. The main thing is to choose the right hairstyle!

DIY hairstyle option for short hair # 1

  1. A very simple, but at the same time, effective styling option, which is perfect for a festive party. Separate a wide section of hair on the forehead and twist a loose tourniquet from the face. We fix the tip of the flagellum with an invisible one, as in the photo.
  2. Separate the next strand at the temple and repeat the procedure. Gradually moving from top to bottom, we twist all the hair into small flagella, fasten it with invisible ones.
  3. We fix the hairstyle with varnish, it is possible with sequins.

DIY hairstyle option for short hair number 2

DIY hairstyle option for short hair number 3

  1. An excellent New Year's option for owners of short asymmetrical haircuts... Separate the longer strands with a comb and fix them with clamps.
  2. We take a small long strand and wind it on the curling iron from the face. We move from the bottom to the top, curling all the long strands.
  3. Slightly dissolve tight curls, forming light curls. We twist the strands on the forehead and temple into a roller and fix them with invisible ones.
  4. We decorate the roller with a bright hairpin or flower, spray the styling for the New Year with strong fixation varnish.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for the New Year 2017 for medium hair, photo

Hair middle length for the New Year 2017 it is much easier to arrange in holiday hairstyle do it yourself. With this length, you can already experiment with braids, boho braids or volumetric beams. Do-it-yourself hairstyle options for the New Year 2017 for medium hair, which you will find below, will be especially relevant in winter season... But the main thing is that it is very easy to reproduce them on your own at home.

Hairstyle for medium hair # 1

  1. Apply the styling foam to the entire length of the hair, avoiding root zone... In random order, we wind small strands on the curling iron from the face.
  2. We take a small strand at the temple and twist it into a loose bundle, moving inward and grabbing small strands.
  3. We make a second similar tourniquet on the second temple. We connect the plaits at the back of the head, loosening the plaits slightly to make the hairstyle more voluminous. Comb the lower curls with your fingers and fix with varnish.

DIY hairstyle option for medium hair # 2

Hairstyle option for medium hair number 3

  1. Separate a narrow strand of hair from the forehead to the crown, fasten the tourniquet.
  2. From the resulting strand, we begin to weave a "spikelet" braid, tightly fitting to the roots.
  3. We leave the tip of the braid free and form a small, but volumetric beam... To do this, wrap the tip inward and make a volumetric roller. We fix it with invisibility and hairpins.
  4. We wind the rest of the hair on medium curling iron... You can also use standard curlers or pigtails. If you choose the second option, then it is better to braid the pigtails slightly wet hair processed saline... Then they will perfectly keep the wave and create the effect of beach styling.
  5. We fix the styling for the New Year with varnish. Ready!

Beautiful hairstyles for the New Year 2017 do it yourself for long hair, photo

A beautiful do-it-yourself hairstyle for the New Year 2017 for a girl with long hair is not a problem. Long-haired young ladies have much more options festive styling compared to girls with short hair and medium length hair. But such an abundance of options can confront tough choice: "What kind of fashionable hairstyle for the New 2017 of the Fire Rooster is still to make?" You will find the answer to this question in a selection of beautiful DIY hairstyles for the New Year 2017 for long hair with the photo below.

Long hair hairstyle option # 1

  1. Separate a wide strand on the forehead and lightly spray with varnish. Using a fine comb we do medium bouffant and fix it with invisible ones on the back of the head. We braid the strands at the temples into ordinary braids.
  2. We braid the remaining strands together with braids into a tail. Undo some of the braids in the tail. Separate a small strand from below and wrap it around the elastic. We fix the tip of the strand with a hairpin.
  3. We fix the hair with varnish.

Long hair hairstyle option # 2

  1. This option hairstyles fit and for medium length hair. From above, on the temporal part of the head, we separate a wide strand of hair and weave an ordinary loose pigtail. We repeat from the other side.
  2. We put the braids back and lay one on top of the other. We fix the pigtails with invisible ones.
  3. We wind the remaining hair on a curling iron and use our fingers to comb the curls in order to achieve fashionable negligence this season.

Long hair hairstyle option # 3

  1. This is a very feminine and delicate styling option that is perfect for a New Year's party. First of all, we separate the two middle strands at the temples and wind them back, fix them in the free tail with an elastic band. We turn the tail inward twice.
  2. We divide the hair into three identical parts and weave each in regular braid... We weave the resulting three braids into one big one.
  3. Gently pull the hair out of the strands to create more volumetric styling... We move from top to bottom, slightly pulling out only the side strands. Ready!

Shine and shine in new year's eve brightest of all - the dream of any girl. Carnival night and chic dresses, unusual costumes and the most fashionable extravagant outfits gives you the opportunity to express yourself, your individuality and taste. But what kind of modern look can be created without carefully thought-out makeup and hairstyles? So when going to a party on a holiday night, take care of fashionable hairstyle for the New Year 2019 to be truly irresistible.

Hairstyles for hair length

The symbol of the year of the Fire Rooster will be red. It can be used in the form of rubber bands, ribbons and other hair accessories. For particularly courageous individuals, it is advisable to use a blue tonic.
Of course, it is not necessary to dye all your hair red, but it is quite acceptable to give some "sharpness" to some strands. Separately painted in blue color the strands will go well with a pink or red outfit. Owners of luxurious long hair are incredibly lucky. They can choose any hairstyle they like. For example, for medium hair excellent option will become a haircut cascade.

In this case, the hair can be styled in a kind of bun, leaving the front strands falling down, which can be previously curled in beautiful curls.

All types of weaves look great on long hair, even the most intricate ones. However, you should not get carried away especially, because the rule of harmony has not yet been canceled!

Women with short hair can also show imagination, because they can choose for themselves for the evening various hairpins and headbands. They have the opportunity to return to old days and make yourself a classic vintage hairstyle, which will be an excellent solution for festive evening.

It is very important that this look matches your general image and the theme of the upcoming party that you or someone you know is organizing. Fashionable hairstyles for New Year 2019 can be completely different! Everything will depend only on your imagination. You can do this hairstyle yourself. For this purpose, it will be enough to stock up on styling products, curlers, combs, hairdryer and curling iron.

Hairstyles for short hair

It is considered difficult to come up with New Year's styling for short hair. However, there are a number of hairstyles that are quick to do and look great on short lengths. Textured curls, like those of Hollywood divas of yesteryear - here suitable solution for short hair. Be sure to use fixatives with glitter to keep your curls looking expensive and well-groomed.

Headbands with feathers and stones will be a chic addition. You have radically short curls? We recommend making a mischievous crest that will delight the Fire Rooster. Such styling does not take much time and money, but it always looks elegant and sophisticated. If the length allows, then the hair can be curled in romantic curls in the style of Scarlett Johansson. To create it, you will need curlers and fixing agents. This styling will suit any outfit, creating the perfect look.

Hairstyles for medium hair

For medium-length hair, New Year's hairstyles in the form of curls, various tails, braids and buns are also suitable. New Year's hairstyles in greek style which can be complemented with a variety of hairpins, ribbons or artificial flowers.

New Year's retro hairstyles will complement yours well too. new year image... The hairstyles in the form of bows and lush styling will also become original.

Hairstyles for long hair

Long-haired beauties can safely try on the most unusual Fashionable New Year's hairstyles for meeting 2019 of the Rooster photo. If you are the happy owner of not only long, but also thick hair, then it makes sense for you to think about the classic "square".

It is very good if you choose for yourself styling on the side with a side parting and partial curling of curls, which would lie on one side while wearing the hairstyle. For 2019, shaving the temples under long hair... Therefore, if you are not afraid of such bold experiments with appearance, the New Year is the best moment to change something.

Braided braid with different strands

A casually braided braid with different strands, large and small. It needs to be woven in the same way as an ordinary spikelet, alternating large and small strands with each other.

To make such a hairstyle look festive, you can add a thin golden ribbon to the braid and tie it beautiful large flower or add some pearls to the braid itself. This hairstyle will be beautifully combined with romantic and loose dress on straps of short or double length, revealing flirty legs.

An excellent option for owners of medium-length hair can be a hairstyle with a braid headband and a feminine large flower. To do this, the hair must be combed to one side and a braid-rim is braided, the end must be mixed with the rest of the hair and tied with an elastic band, which must therefore be wrapped in a strand own hair.

On the side of the main mass, you need to beautifully fasten a hairpin with a large flower resembling a real one at the beginning of the rim. This hairstyle will look beautiful as New Year's version and will emphasize the youth and beauty of a woman. By the way, she can visually make you look a little younger than her years, especially when combined with natural shimmery makeup. This New Year's hairstyle goes well with long white, lilac, peach or pink dress any length to create romantic image and to short dress in red and black tones, if you use a large velvet red flower.

Owners of long hair need to know how to autumn-winter season you can style your curls beautifully and fashionably. The article will help them with this: “ Fashionable styling for long hair fall-winter 2019-2017 "

We've also prepared fashion tips for those with short hair.

The closer the New Year comes, the more questions arise about how to celebrate it, how it should be New Year's table... But, the image in which you will enjoy the holiday is no less important. And this applies not only New Year's outfit, but also everything that complements it. surprise and delight with their diversity. It doesn't matter how long your hair is. Hairstyle in the style of a la "Fire Rooster" can be chosen for absolutely everyone.

Every year dictates new fashion trends, which are sometimes strikingly different from the previous year. There is a growing need for the originality of the script for meeting the holiday, so it is better to plan everything in advance, including thinking over your image to the smallest detail.
Hairstyle plays an important role in creating the image. The year 2017 introduces new ideas and principles for creating New Year's hairstyles. Gloss and extravagance will be the highlights. An important role hair accessories will play. They must be necessarily bright so that with their help you can emphasize the head. No wonder women give great importance hair care, because they contain all of them female power and energy. In order for this strength and energy to multiply in the coming year, you should prepare your hair for the New Year beautiful hairstyle at least a week in advance.
In general, it is better not to visit hairdressers and beauty salons just before the holiday, otherwise the hair will be difficult to tame, and the hairstyle may not hold. You need to walk around with a new hairstyle for a while, get used to it. Hair coloring is also undesirable to carry out in the last days, so that there was time to correct imperfections, change the shade, if desired result was not reached.
When cooking with appearance hair is completed, you can directly engage in the selection of a fashionable hairstyle. The 2017 trend will be all high volume hairstyles for long hair and daring volume for short hair. Like a rooster's comb women's hairstyle should be shocked and should not be "sleek".

Short hair should either be dyed in bright color, or highlight individual strands, creating a sense of volume. You can create a dizzying shape with a curling iron or perm... Or style your hair in or glam rock. Of course, for such hairstyles, an appropriate one is also needed.

As for New Year's hairstyles for medium-length hair, you should proceed from the degree of their density. Can be done high tail or a bun, while decorating the hairstyle with some bright detail. To increase the volume of the hairstyle, you can use special rollers. Curls, braids and corrugated strands can be combined with each other in different interesting variations.

The braids, as before, remain relevant, and this a good option for long hair, but you need to choose unusual options weaving. It is worth giving preference bright accessories: ribbons, brooches, tiaras, large ones that can be woven into hair. Part of the hair can be left loose, then they should be styled with a curling iron or made "corrugated".

Hairstyles for the New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 are very active. There is no need to be afraid of brightness, on New Year's it is quite justified. After all, we do not wear such hairstyles every day. And besides, the extraordinary hairstyle will be remembered for a long time by everyone present at holiday party, and will allow you to become the queen of New Year's Eve.

And you already know with what hairstyle you will appear on magical holiday? Create yourself vivid image, which will be remembered for a whole year!

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Shining and shining on New Year's Eve brighter than anyone is the dream of any girl. The night of carnival and chic dresses, unusual costumes and the most fashionable extravagant outfits gives you the opportunity to express yourself, your individuality and taste. But what kind of modern look can be created without carefully thought-out makeup and hairstyles? So, when going to a party on a festive night, take care of a trendy hairstyle for New Year 2017 to be truly irresistible.

Fashionable hairstyles 2017: what will be in trend?

Ethno-style will again be at the peak of popularity, represented by various combinations of hair weaves in the form of plaits and braids.

Naturalness and emphasized carelessness when creating hairstyles is more relevant than ever. Returns to fashion natural color hair and their natural shine.

Retro style is reviving again, but now in a more modern format - in 2017, young ladies will see a real boom in short hair giving the representatives fair half mankind has a fresh and youthful appearance.

The symbol of the year of the Fire Rooster will be red. It can be used in the form of rubber bands, ribbons and other hair accessories. For particularly courageous individuals, it is advisable to use a blue tonic. Of course, it is not necessary to dye all your hair red, but it is quite acceptable to give some "sharpness" to some strands. Separately dyed blue strands will perfectly match an outfit in pink or red.

Owners of luxurious long hair are incredibly lucky. They can choose any hairstyle they like. For example, for medium hair, a cascade haircut would be an excellent option. In this case, the hair can be laid in a kind of bun, leaving the front strands falling down, which can be previously curled into beautiful curls. All types of weaves look great on long hair, even the most intricate ones. However, you should not get carried away especially, because the rule of harmony has not yet been canceled!

Women with short hair can also show their imagination, because they can choose for themselves a variety of hairpins and headbands for the evening. They have the opportunity to go back to the old days and do themselves a classic vintage hairstyle, which will be a great solution for a festive evening. It is very important that this look matches your general image and the theme of the upcoming party that you or someone you know is organizing.

Fashionable hairstyles for the new year 2017 can be completely different! Everything will depend only on your imagination. You can do this hairstyle yourself. For this purpose, it will be enough to stock up on styling products, curlers, combs, hairdryer and curling iron.

Hairstyles for short hair for the New Year 2017

Fashionable New Year's hairstyles for meeting 2017 of the Rooster photo for owners short haircuts are unlikely to be somehow different from their everyday life. For festive event short-haired beauties will not have to "bother" especially. The only thing that makes sense to say is that in 2017 such haircuts as “pixie”, “bob”, “bob-bob”, “bob” will be in fashion. Therefore, if you plan to surprise others with your new image on New Year's Eve and cut off your long curls, feel free to choose the haircut option that will emphasize your merits and become a real decoration of the image.

Hairstyles for long hair for the New Year 2017

Long-haired beauties can safely try on the most unusual Fashionable New Year's hairstyles for meeting the 2017 Rooster photo. If you are the happy owner of not only long, but also thick hair, then it makes sense for you to think about the classic "square". It is very good if you choose for yourself styling on the side with a side parting and partial curling of curls, which would lie on one side while wearing the hairstyle. For 2017, shaving the temples under long hair will be very appropriate. Therefore, if you are not afraid of such bold experiments with appearance, the New Year is the best moment to change something.

Hairstyles for medium hair for the New Year 2017

In the upcoming 2017 season of the Fire Rooster, hairstyles for medium hair will remain fashionable different variants"Boba", "square", "ladders" and "cascade".

Agree, the classics will always be relevant and in demand, so an exquisite bob haircut with straight bangs to the very eyebrows and smoothed hair to the shoulders will remain in the favorites of fashionistas throughout the season. One of the most stylish options"Square" is also considered a side parting.

A fashionable bob hairstyle is distinguished from a bob hairstyle, by more elongated front strands of hair in the hairstyle and shortened at the back, which gives the hairstyle a certain femininity, allowing the wearer of this hairstyle to correct the shortcomings of her appearance.

The "ladder" haircut is generally recommended to be done on fine hair, because she is able to add volume to the wearer of this hairstyle. Concerning layered haircut"Cascade", then it looks great on the hair of the most different types, allowing the wearer of this hairstyle to use a variety of styling options, without requiring correction of the hairstyle in the process of growth.

Hairstyles for New Year 2017: braided braid with different strands

A casually braided braid with different strands, large and small. It needs to be woven in the same way as an ordinary spikelet, alternating large and small strands with each other. To make such a hairstyle look festive, you can add a thin golden ribbon to the braid and tie it with a beautiful large flower, or add some pearls to the braid itself. This hairstyle will be beautifully combined with a romantic and loose dress with spaghetti straps, short or double length, revealing flirty legs.

Hairstyles for New Year 2017: braid headband

An excellent option for owners of medium-length hair can be a hairstyle with a braid headband and a feminine large flower. To do this, the hair needs to be combed to one side and a braid-rim is braided, the end is mixed with the rest of the hair and tied with an elastic band, which therefore needs to be wrapped with a strand of your own hair. On the side of the main mass, you need to beautifully fasten a hairpin with a large flower resembling a real one at the beginning of the rim. This hairstyle will look beautiful as a New Year's version and will emphasize the youth and beauty of a woman.

By the way, she can visually make you look a little younger than her years, especially when combined with natural shimmery makeup. This New Year's hairstyle will suit a long white, lilac, peach or pink dress of any length for a romantic look, and a short dress in red and black tones if you use a large velvet red flower.

Hairstyles for New Year 2017: French tail

It may seem to someone that a simple hairstyle was done in a hurry, or they even forgot to do it. A tail that looks disheveled, done on hastily, with falling strands - this is the very thing. And you don't need to fix anything, the hairstyle always looks right.

Hairstyles for New Year 2017: retro hairstyles

Films in the spirit of "The Great Gatsby" have once again revived the fashion for retro hairstyles. They are perfect for anyone New Year's dress, and by themselves they look gorgeous. You can choose lighter options, or you can create a whole retro design on your head with the help of gel. Make-up also plays a very important role - black arrows and red lips, a classic that is perfectly combined with this type of hairstyle.

Fashionable New Year's hairstyles 2017 at home

In the fashion of the owner of 2017, the Rooster, there will be natural naturalness and deliberate negligence in hairstyles. These phrases, with all the variety offered stylish hairstyles and styling can become a motto fashion haircuts next season. Rapidly becoming popular natural color hair and their healthy shine.

For those wearers who prefer medium-length hair, the large curls, designed to create the effect of curly from nature and which will need to be collected in a bun, while leaving several strands free.

A huge variety of hairstyles with long hair offered by stylists for the 2017 season will delight wearers of such hair - this is styling with rings, braids and a variety of weaves. Stylists paid a lot of attention to the upcoming season and to the retro style loved by some women, in its updated form. For those who are thin and not lush hair by resorting to the help of fleece, they can create a very good result.

Finally, video instructions for creating New Year's styling.

The January holidays are a fabulous time. Women are looking forward to their coming, because the New Year is already an excuse to dress up in a special way beautifully, to try on the most magical images... But - this is only half the battle. Special attention you need to give your hair! The choice of styling is troublesome. After all, it should harmoniously complement your look, go with the outfit and emphasize the dignity of your appearance.

New Year's hairstyles for different hair types

Whatever type your hair is, you can always find suitable option styling. Even short hairstyles can be experimented with. For example, you need to raise part of the hair with the forehead and fix it at the back of the head, and then connect the side strands to them. can be supplemented with original hairpins and headbands. Slightly disheveled curls look good too. In addition, on the holidays, vintage styling in waves is relevant, especially if you complement it with the appropriate makeup.

Retro style is back in fashion - keep this in mind when choosing a New Year's look

On medium-length hair, curls and braids, styling with side parting and bunches look cute. Girls with long hair can choose from a variety of styling options. A variety of weaves are very beautiful - from simple to the most intricate. For many years they have not gone out of fashion. If you're going to theme party in a retro style, you can do the styling in the best traditions of the 60s. She represents voluminous fleece that can be decorated with a headband or glittery headband.

Owners of curls this year will not have to bother at all. The trend is natural - just beat the hair into a lush head and decorate with a red ribbon. Girls with straight hair can curl curls or use curling tongs, leaving the hair roots straight. Young girls can transform the classic French "snail" by twisting their hair a little more loosely to create a graceful "chamomile with petals".

DIY Christmas styling

Delight with accessories in red tones

So, as we have already found out, hairstyles for a celebration can be very diverse. The main thing is that the styling does not knock out of general image and was able to hold out until dawn. Most hairstyles can be done on your own without even visiting a beauty salon. It is enough to arm yourself with combs, a styler, a hairdryer, an arsenal of gels and hair mousses. Let's look at the most interesting ideas that stylists offer us.

Braid with a tail

Exquisite braid " fish tail"in combination with a beam

This "star" hairstyle will take you quite a bit of your time. First, part your hair in the front with a side part, and in the back with a horizontal part. Leave part of the hair on one side, collect the rest in a ponytail. From the strands left, braid a braid and secure it at the back of the head with hairpins. Comb the tail thoroughly and connect with a braid. Secure your hairstyle with an elastic band, which can be hidden by wrapping a lock of hair.

Hairstyle variation: a ponytail with a spikelet, braided from forehead to nape

Three-braid styling perfect for a festive night

The next styling is perfect for long-haired beauties. At first glance, it seems very tricky, but if you follow the instructions, the result will pleasantly surprise you. Divide your hair into three sections. Central, the most magnificent, collect in low tail... Braid the strands on the sides into loose braids and secure them at the base of the tail. Middle part braid your hair too and put it in low beam, fixing it with invisible ones.

Step-by-step instruction to create a hairstyle

Low beam

Lush festive bun gathered at the bottom of the nape

This hairstyle always looks very elegant and romantic. For such styling, a twist hairpin is used. The procedure is as follows. First, part your hair into a side part, then twist the strands into a roll and strengthen it with invisibility. Then divide the hair at the back of the head into two equal parts and make rolls out of them in the same way.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a simple bundle

Use bobby pins to tie them together and use hairspray to secure. To make the styling look elegant and festive, it can be decorated with a tiara or a hairpin with pebbles. A bun is a hairstyle for all time. On the Internet you can find a lot of schemes and video tutorials on how to make beams of the most different types... It's time to experiment!

Hair bow

A hair bow will decorate absolutely any festive styling!

Such styling is immediately evident. It is done quite simply, but it lasts a long time. No wonder many stars wear "bows": Lady Gaga and Paris Hilton were seen with them. To style this hairstyle, tie your hair into a high ponytail. Free one strand and twist the base of the tail with it. Secure the tip with a hair clip and secure with varnish.

Create a bow from curls in three easy steps

Then divide the tail into two equal parts. First take the first half and twist it around two fingers to create a roll. Then secure it with invisible ones at the base of the tail. Create a roll from the second section of the hair in the same way. The resulting bow can be decorated with a ribbon or hairpin. And let everyone know who main gift on this holiday!

French waterfall

French braid looks harmonious with loose hair

Do you want to feel like the heroine of a fairy tale? Then try to create a hairstyle worthy of a real princess! Comb your hair in a side parting, take a small strand from the temple area and divide it into three equal parts. Make one binding according to the pattern classic braids... As a result, the strand above your face will move downward. Take it to the side (it will no longer be needed), and weave a curl of the same thickness, taken from below, into the hairstyle. In the top strand, insert some hair from the top.

Experiment with weaving patterns for new results!

Continue braiding in this pattern, releasing the lower strands each time. Having reached the middle of the back of the head, secure the resulting braid with an elastic band and start braiding another one on the other side. When the braids meet, collect them invisibly into one. This should be done discreetly so that the "waterfall" looks continuous. If desired, you can braid a single braid around the entire circumference of your head. Either way, this hairstyle looks impressive.