How to make a nice man with your own hands. How to make a man feel good: the best ways. pleasant surprises made by yourself

At the beginning family life wives try to pamper their husbands as much as possible. But over time, everyday life kills and tender feelings, and a desire to please your soulmate. Do not relax, because marriage is permanent job, which requires maximum strength and dedication. Therefore, many women will find useful advice,


First of all, wives should understand one rule: a man will want to go to the house where he is expected and welcomed with joy, whether it be from work, from the market or from the store opposite. Therefore, no matter how bad a woman is, always when you meet, you need to make a man understand that he is long-awaited, that without him life is uninteresting and, perhaps, even empty. And if your wife is in a bad mood, you can report this a little later, but you must meet your beloved with a smile.



It can be pleasant to surprise your husband unusual dinner cooked by the hands of his wife. Do not be lazy and serve buckwheat with a cutlet every day. All the same, time is wasted on cooking, and everyone will get tired of the monotony even in food quickly. You can try looking for a simple but unusual recipe for a particular dish. And if you are really lazy, then today in supermarkets there are a huge number of preparations for dishes and pastries, which are also not a sin to use.


All women probably know that men love with their eyes. That is, they just like it when a lady is well-groomed, beautifully dressed and made up. But when such the woman is walking down the street with him arm in arm, so this is generally the height of bliss. Having a diamond is important for the stronger sex, so if you want to know how to please your husband, you just need to take care of yourself and always be at your best, drawing the looks of strangers to your person.

Common interests

In order to please your husband, you can try to ask what he likes to do in free time... Try to go fishing with him, go to football. And if you really don't like these things at all, you can at least talk about your husband's favorite topics, it will be nice to any person.


Wanting to know how to make her husband pleasant, it is worth paying attention to such an area of ​​family life as intimate relationship... Most of the stronger sex will be pleased if a woman does not become afraid to experiment in sex, many will like role-playing games... But the best way out in such a situation would be a simple conversation with your husband, from which you can find out what your beloved wants in bed. And then, at some unexpected moment, just do what you want.


If you are going to make your beloved something pleasant, you should try to figure out what gift to give your husband in order to please him. An excellent way out of the situation will be to buy a long-awaited thing. It would also be appropriate to present gifts that relate to the hobbies of a loved one. He will also be pleased with tickets, for example, go-karting, paintball, a certificate for a parachute jump.

Every woman strives to make her beloved man pleasant in bed. it natural desire, petting is not limited to foreplay or sex time. Pleasure can be given in different ways: using the tongue, kisses, hands. Trying to experiment and bring something new to intimate life it is important not to overdo it and not to hurt your loved one. This will help following simple rules and common sense.

How to work well with the language?

Any guy loves kissing. They are both a prelude to sex and a pleasant addition to it. During caresses, a woman with her tongue and lips will give her partner an unforgettable experience. Kisses can be divided into the following types:

  • teasing;
  • passionate;
  • alternating.

This is an incomplete list. There are other types of tongue fondling. With teasing kisses, a woman lightly touches the lips of her beloved, teasing him, provoking, touching his mouth with her tongue. This weasel is unhurried, with breaks. In order to enhance the feeling of pleasure, the partner alternates passionate kisses with teasing. It is a contrast that brings new sensations and increases desire. As the kisses get passionate and long, the excitement builds up. The tongue can be caressed in different ways. Men like it when a partner starts to suck in his tongue or caress the palate. Your partner will love suction lip kisses. During sex, such caress will prolong the sexual intercourse and give it new shades.

Erogenous zones in the stronger sex are not concentrated in the groin area. Sensitive zones are the abdomen (below the navel), nipples, neck, lips. Some may have special erogenous zones, therefore, it is worth paying attention to each part of the body.

Different caress techniques can bring different pleasure. So the "Inato" technique means that the partner is gentle and does not allow rudeness, does not touch the partner's teeth, covering every centimeter of the body with kisses. But the "Samayan" technique involves sucking on the tongue.

How to make Erotic massage man

What is the right way to give pleasure?

You can make a man feel good not only with kisses. Sensitive places - genitals. But I also stimulate erogenous zones in different ways.

The earlobes are nibbled and sucked. Back massage is the perfect prelude to sex. There are many nerve endings along the spine. A man can lie in bed on his stomach, and a woman at this time massage him. This is a relaxing treatment. Touching the tongue of his spine, running it along his back, the partner excites her beloved. The caress can be continued below, going down to the buttocks, biting them. Feet caresses can also be exciting. The inner part of the foot and the space between the toes are especially sensitive. Gradually, you can climb higher to the hips. So that a man does not get hurt, a woman should not get too carried away. Bite should be superficial. This also applies to kissing the nipples. The movements of the tongue should be gentle, barely touching the delicate skin. If a man feels good from the caresses of his beloved, the nipples become hard.

It is important to know that there are no uniform instructions on how to please a man, since all people are individual. Therefore, it is worth trying different techniques.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

Especially the eyes surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person as much as his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...

Any seducer who understands how to do it right for a man nice - ideal for every member of the stronger sex. An experienced woman who has made the most of her life will always be loved and desired. Little tricks how to properly satisfy your chosen one, both in bed and in Everyday life will help long time keep feelings and lasting relationships.

How to love men correctly

There is an opinion that women are very gentle and impressionable by nature, and men are cold, calculating and thick-skinned. But in fact, this statement is not true. Our gentlemen need various expressions of affection, care and tenderness towards them. They are not averse to hearing dear words in their ear, to receive a pleasant surprise. Therefore, every woman should know how to make a man pleasant not only in bed, but also simply so that he hurries only home and to his only chosen one.

How to make a man feel good - psychological moments

Don't neglect the basic psychological techniques that will help you retain your life partner.

The senses Actions
Respect Even the last loser will strive to change his lifestyle in the event that a woman who reveres him is nearby. If for ladies, the manifestation of love is in caring, then men value respectful relationships more.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about accepting the interests, opinions, habits and personal space of the companion. Be tactful and don't try to humiliate or insult him. Then you will feel truly happy. And, if such a criterion is not present in your relationship, then it is better to leave.

Attention This quality does not mean constant supervision and guardianship. Let it be light, unobtrusive care.

Take an interest in his activities at work, relationships with friends, and even achievements in a computer game.

Remember to be flirtatious and flirtatious. A man will appreciate it.

No matter how tired you are, gather your will into a fist and try to surround your soul mate with attention. Otherwise, he will make up for the lack of care on the side.

Compliments and light flattery Ears are able to love not only female part population. Vanity in men is also present, so he needs your approval and admiration.

Compliment his appearance, behavior, or character.

But do not overdo it and do not use lies that will exaggerate his abilities too much.

Subordination A strong half of humanity is accustomed to constantly trying on the role of a dominant.

Your partner just needs to feel like the head of the family.

Even if all the decisions are made by the woman, she should teach it in such a way as if everything comes from the spouse.

You may sometimes have to pacify your obstinacy and give in. Manage to arrange the roles in the family so that the loved one does not feel flawed and unnecessary.

How to create comfort for a man

Every beauty has the power to charm any man, but providing him with comfort in everyday life is a more difficult task.

It is known that our strong companions value comfort, and some approach this with quite serious requirements.

What men love in a relationship with a woman

What needs to be provided How to do it
Satiated state The well-known phrase that it is easier to get to a man's heart through the stomach is not unfounded. No need to cook pickles and delicacies. You can conquer your loved one with simple borscht or potato pies, if they are cooked with a soul.
Romantic mood It is accepted that a man should be a romantic. But, contrary to this opinion, our gentlemen will be pleased to receive an SMS declaration of love, a touching postcard or unusual present... A certain spirit of romance that will envelop your relationship can bring a touch of harmony and peace in them.
Comfortable existence As you know, many bachelors do not keep order in their den. But when a woman appears in her, it is believed that she will create coziness and comfort around. That is why lovely ladies are considered “keepers of the hearth”.
Personal space It so happens that sometimes we need to be alone. And men in such cases choose companies based on their interests, which are not always open to women. You should not be hindered in this and annoy with intrusive attention. A man who feels free will become even more attached to his beloved.

How to make a man pleasant in intimacy

Passionate kisses are foreplay before the start intimacy... There are many types of them.

What men love in foreplay - men's opinion

Using various variations of touching her partner with her lips, a woman is able to understand how to make a man feel good about it. With the help of a kiss, you can even bring your loved one to orgasm. According to statistics, this result is reached by about three percent of the stronger sex.

How to give a man maximum pleasure

The emotional state of two loving friend a friend of people can be conveyed with a simple touch of the lips. No one is interested in monotonous relationships, which means that the kissing technique must be used differently.

Its following types are known:

Kind of kiss Actions taken
Tantalizing If you have the role of teasing, then gently touch your partner's lips, lightly nibbling them and running your tongue over them. Take short breaks in the process. This will show that you are ready to continue the mutual affection.
Contrasting Alternate the gentle and passionate movements of your tongue, superficial light touches of the lips with deeper parts of the body.
Passionate it full of emotions actions that are performed at the peak of the sensations that arise. Such kisses are long lasting and full of excitement. Usually, additional techniques are used with the language:

Rotational movements

Sucking in a lover's tongue

Caressing movements across the sky

Pushing in.

Technique "Inato" It involves romantic, gentle touches of the entire surface of the lips, complemented by caressing movements of all parts of the body.
Technique "Samayan" A kind of caress using the tongue. The woman gently squeezes it with her teeth and sucks it lightly. Readiness for more active actions - gradually drawing it into the oral cavity.
Prim Performed without passion. They are a light touch of the lips of the lips, neck and face of the partner.
Furious This technique speaks of some sadistic inclinations that a woman has. In this case, she fondles her man with a certain frenzy until he is weakened. Most often used by powerful and dominant ladies.

How to get a man to get horny

Distribution of erogenous zones according to their importance in men.

Often women have a misconception about how to do well for a man, so they only use the groin area.

In fact, there are a great many zones of excitement and they can be divided according to their importance. Naturally no need to be discounted individual characteristics organism. But if a lady has certain secrets of influencing the main places, then she can easily bring her partner to the pinnacle of bliss.

The main erogenous zones and tips for managing them are presented in the table.

Part of the body How to act to generate desire
Areas with 100% arousal
Lips, tongue The lips and tongue are the main participants in the kiss of two loving people... Their nerve endings are able to give the most vivid and intense sensations. But you need to be careful, as unpleasant marks can remain with excessive pressure on the lips, which not everyone likes.
Neck The most important part of foreplay is the back of the neck. Perhaps there is an association from childhood, when my mother stroked the head. That's why this action permissible only for a worthy chosen one.
Stomach Particular attention should be paid to the navel and the area between it and intimate area... Use a variety of ways and options for caress. First, you can iron with your hands, and then start touching this area with your tongue in different directions. This will show your partner that you are ready for more.
Nipples Men are quite sensitive when touching their nipples. Therefore, you should concentrate on them. You will quickly arouse your partner by stroking your nipples lightly with your lips, touching your tongue and sucking lightly. The ultimate goal is achieved as soon as their hardening appeared, and the beloved's breathing increased.
Male organ Finally, the most sensitive part of a man's body is the penis, scrotum and testicles. But when caressing them with your tongue, you should be as careful as possible. Any careless movement can cause discomfort and pain. But do not dwell solely on these parts of your beloved's body, be sure to try all the others to find those that can bring him to a state of extreme arousal.
Sites with excitement 50%
Back, buttocks The area from the neck to the coccyx is described in the Kamasutra as one of the erogenous. It is the back that needs to be given Special attention with foreplay. To do this, make caressing movements on the skin between the shoulder blades, bringing the man into indescribable delight. You can also bite the buttocks, alternating gentle movements with more rigid ones.
Ears Some men are not happy to touch this part of their body. But, if suddenly you are lucky, and a kiss in the ear gives your partner pleasure, then he is a sensual nature. You can easily wind it up by touching the tongue of the auricle, sucking and nibbling it.
Fingers Pay attention not only to your fingers, but also to your feet. Can't leave anyone indifferent driving the tongue on the surface of the skin between them.
Areas of individual sensitivity
Back area
The spine is rich nerve endings, touching which, you can easily make a man feel real pleasure. Combine gentle tongue movements with light nibbling, but no pressure. You should not evoke negative emotions that will prevent you from achieving bliss in intimacy.
Legs Legs and feet are very important in foreplay. Combine gentle movements with light skin biting.
Knees Many men like to be cuddled in the knee area. But you need to observe the measure, since after some movements it can be ticklish, which will distract from the main goal - getting pleasure.

What you need to do to "get" a partner.

It is important to understand how to properly give a man an erotic massage, in order to then experience the pleasure of intimate pleasures.

  1. First, turn your attention to the inside of your fingers or toes. Soft skin in these places is able to enhance the sensations. Apply gentle kissing, hand stroking, and light biting at the same time.
  2. From the areas under the knees, gradually move to the inner thighs.
  3. Try not to ignore the lower leg. Minor biting with teeth is permissible in these places. But it is important to calculate the strength, since pain can stop the wave of pleasure. If you learn to do the right movements, then a stormy and lasting relationship is guaranteed for you.
  4. Gradually move to the most sensitive back head and neck. But do not use your nails or fingertips when petting. So you can only tickle your partner, which will not add sexuality to your actions at all.
  5. Therefore, proceed with your palm or the pads of your fingers. With gentle touches, massage lightly without using brute force.
  6. It is best to use your lips and tongue to bring a man to a state of arousal. Such erotic actions are most often used in foreplay.
  7. Any woman should know how to pre-prepare her man for a stormy night. To do this, you need to be able to correctly drive the tongue along the sensual and unusual part of his body - the navel.
  8. Pre-massage the abdomen with your fingertips, and then proceed to the main process. Your chosen one will start with sex. But do not forget that movements should be done slowly and not abruptly.
  9. Then move on to the most unusual erogenous zone - the popliteal fossa areas.
  10. As mentioned above, avoid tickling as it is distracting. Just slide your tongue slowly in different directions.
  11. Should be combined tender kisses with passionate and deep. The latter are able to bring the moment of the coming excitement as close as possible. Therefore, if you are ready for sexual pleasures, then use them.

At french kiss the partner first makes gentle touches of the man's lips, then gently tickles her tongue between his closed jaws. The mouth opens slightly, which is an invitation to further action. Languages ​​come into contact with a special passion, seeking to penetrate as deeply as possible.

Carried away, do not forget about another erogenous zone - the nipples. Any female representative will be happy to understand how to make a man feel good with his tongue and not only. But in a fit of passion, you should be careful to use your teeth to painful sensation did not spoil all your efforts.

Kissing technique

  • Cover every part of the man's face with kisses.
  • Start from the eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes and move on to the lips. It is better not to use the language in this case.
  • Use your lips exclusively, gently touching the tips of your eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Make sure that your slow movements are not too slow, but not too fast. In the process of constant training, you will learn to keep the necessary line.
  • Going to the area of ​​the buttocks, do not be gentle. Use pinching and patting movements. This will excite your partner even more than if you move your hands gently.

Biting and sucking on the area auricles and no man will be allowed to stand behind them. Light kisses should be used when you no longer have the strength to wait and you crave sex. At the same time, you become aroused yourself.

In foreplay, try to use not only sponges, but also hands, tongue, breath. Delightful sensations are given by the light and hot breath of the wind from the partner. But do not breathe in sharply, as the breath will be colder. Try to do it slowly and languidly.

Avoid increased salivation with caresses. Such actions are more pleasant than those after which you drown in the amount of saliva on the surface of the skin.

If both of you are ready to go to decisive action, then you do not need to immediately start with kisses in the ear. Better still, warm up with a gentle or passionate touch with your lips, and only then pay attention to this area. In this case, you will get a vivid and unforgettable experience.

Basic rules of love games

If you are planning to get true satisfaction from sex, then be careful not to overstep the boundaries of what is permissible immediately, with pressure.

Stick to the following rules:

  • Slow, barely audible tangential movements of the lips to the ear.
  • Controlled salivation.
  • Do not use force when biting only if your partner asks you to do so.
  • Do not focus on the ear area long time. Average duration caresses should be no more than three minutes.
  • Alternate ear kissing with stroking your neck and touching your lips.

That men are pleased

Many men are pleased when his partner caresses the back and shoulder blades. These zones are the most sensitive. There is a place where fantasies can roam, but don't overdo it. The biting movement should not be too rough, your boyfriend will love it.

How to kiss a man below

The final part of your foreplay should focus on the genitals. The movement of your uvula in the area between the scrotum and the anus is very exciting. The gradual transition to the main organ will be especially pleasant for a man.

Make the most of your imagination with your tongue and hands. Light kisses foreskin excite more and the readiness for intercourse increases. At the same time, you can grasp the penis in a ring with your hands and carry out movements up and down or in a circle. It is better to caress the head with the tongue and lips. So you moisturize it even more and make your man pleasant.

Seeing the growing arousal of your partner, it will be quite difficult for you to resist on your own. It is the caresses of the genitals that will give him maximum pleasure and pleasure. But avoid using teeth when playing these games. This will delay the moment of ejaculation and nullify all your previous efforts.

Any woman seeks to learn how to do it right for a man in everyday life or intimate life. As you can see, it is not difficult. The main thing is to learn to understand your partner, to explore every piece of his body, giving him and himself true pleasure. Thus, you can further strengthen your relationship and experience the pleasure of every minute of being with your loved one.

Over time, romance becomes less pronounced, passion disappears, absorbed by everyday life. Is it possible to somehow revive the relationship, give them a new flow, no less expressive than at the beginning life together? Of course, if the girl knows how to please her beloved guy.

First of all, it is worth remembering that obsession is not the best way out. If you flicker daily in front of your spouse in an erotic underwear, soon for him and this image will become a routine. It is advisable to resort to such tricks not too often, when the intensity of passion clearly begins to weaken.

In an effort to make a guy feel good, a girl can involuntarily behave promiscuously. It can really have an effect. But if similar situation repeats constantly, the guy will start to think, where did his chosen one get the experience and pressure?

You should not directly express dissatisfaction with the lack of sex, its short duration or ineffectiveness. This topic is extremely painful for a man. He may suspect that the woman he loves considers him impotent. Such thoughts will not motivate a guy to sexual exploits, but, on the contrary, can cause problems with potency. It is better to talk not about the lack of sex, but about how pleasant the night in the arms of a loved one is.

At the same time, you should not blame the development of relations only on your partner. You need to think about how to make your husband pleasant at night, so that he feels a rush of passion and shows himself in bed, like a real alpha male.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to study a mountain of literature for this. It is enough to know a few simple tricks.

Want to drive a man crazy? We'll have to master the science of seduction:

Using all the tips given, it is necessary to learn, it is impossible using an established scheme to make pleasant to my husband since every man is different. Someone likes to be a leader in sex, someone prefers the position of a follower. One man loves slow caresses, and the second burns out at a frantic pace. Only loving woman knows exactly what her man wants and can give him fabulous pleasure.


To be one and only is the ideal that every seducer strives for.

Wise women know how to always remain loved and desired for their chosen one.

Little "tricks" and knowledge of how to make a man feel good in bed and in everyday life are able to maintain harmony and sensuality even in long-term relationships.

How to do it right for a man: psychological subtleties

Scientists have long proven that women are sensitive and impressionable, while men are less vulnerable, calculating, cold-blooded creatures. In practice, things are a little different. Representatives of the stronger sex, no less than their emotional halves, need tenderness, care and affection. They are also not averse to listening to compliments or a pleasant present. Therefore, special attention should be paid to psychological "tricks".

Respect... Even the last loser flourishes next to the woman who reveres him. It is known that the care of the second half is most important for the fair sex. For men direct evidence love is respect. It is important to accept it life position, opinion, friends. Be sensitive to personal space, interests, and habits.

Regular insults and attempts to humiliate dignity are incompatible with the concept of tact, so you should leave angry statements to yourself. A woman herself can feel safe and happy only with her respected chosen one, therefore, in the absence of this important criterion in a relationship, you should think about parting.

Attention... Strict control can scare anyone away. This is not the case with unobtrusive care. The question of how the working day went or who won yesterday's match will let the man know that he is interesting to his beloved. The chosen one is sick? Who will cook broth and tuck a blanket if not a charming friend?

It will not be superfluous to show interest in the form of flirting and coquetry. Men love initiative and playful women! To maintain interest in a relationship, you need to find the strength and time to pay attention to the object of adoration every day. Otherwise, the forgotten partner will start looking for him on the side.

Compliments and flattery... Who said that only women love with ears? Representatives strong half of humanity are vain and need approval, admiration, compliments. The object of praise can be character traits, appearance, actions. Subtle flattery is also appropriate (not to be confused with obvious lies), in which the abilities of the chosen one will be slightly exaggerated.

Subordination... Nature has determined the role of a man as a dominant. He should feel in charge, even if most of the decisions are made by the other half. True femininity is inseparable from moderate obedience and the ability to compromise, so your obstinacy should be pacified as often as possible. It doesn't matter who has the decisive opinion. The main thing is how a woman presents the arrangement of roles in the family. A man can be henpecked for his beloved, but at the same time he should feel dominant in a relationship.

How to do it right for a man: living together

It is easy to charm a man you like, but not every seductress can do it so that he feels good and comfortable. Representatives of the stronger sex love comfort, and to cohabitation they have certain requirements.

1. Satiety... "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." The well-known truth is 100% true. It is not necessary to come up with amazing recipes - even fried potatoes and delicious pies cooked with love will help to conquer male heart.

2. Romance in everyday life... It is believed that a man should take care of the object of love. However, the strong halves of humanity also do not mind getting touching SMS, a cute confession note, or nice gift... Maintaining a romantic "spirit" promotes harmony in any relationship.

3. Comfort... Many single men live in their apartments like bears in a den. Scattered things, confused socks, unwashed dishes ... The appearance of a woman in the house is associated with the induction of coziness and comfort in the home, because it is not for nothing that the fairer sex is called “the keepers of the hearth”.

4. Personal space... Each person needs solitude with himself. It is important to give the chosen one time to personal interests and hobbies, relieving him of annoying control. How freer man he feels, the more he becomes attached to his beloved.

At the beginning of a relationship, it is unlikely that anyone would think of checking their beloved for "professional suitability" in business. And yet, there are relatively fewer lovers of sloths and selfishness than those who prefer to put on a shirt ironed with their second half in the morning and return home in the evening, where a delicious, well-fed dinner awaits.

Washing, ironing, and cooking are non-coercive actions, but what man wouldn't be happy with washed and paired socks, ironed items, and freshly prepared meals?

We delight the look or how to make a man feel good about his appearance

Contemplation female body gives great pleasure to the stronger sex. To make viewing even more exciting, you need to carefully monitor your appearance.

Women have heard a lot about the fact that a skilled seductress is obliged to meet her faithful in sexy clothes, with makeup and elegant styling. This, of course, is a win-win option, but its constant maintenance is almost impossible. However, even in long-term relationship a woman must remain beautiful. What do men pay attention to?

Hair must be washed and tidy. Unpainted roots, tangled strands and dandruff can scare off the most persistent suitor.

Nails must be clean and tidy. Intricate manicure is a woman's whim, men usually notice either stripped or brightly acidic varnish.

Competently selected clothes emphasizes advantages and hides shortcomings, moreover, attracts representatives of the stronger sex. It should be neat - torn and dirty branded items are significantly inferior to clean and ironed wardrobe items purchased somewhere on the market.

The woman should smell delicious... Not a single perfume is able to "kill" the smell of sweat and unwashed body.

Each man has his own preferences for parameters. female figure... Someone loves slender beauties, give others girls with "curvy" forms. However, the proportionality of the body, its neatness and elasticity are encouraged by everyone, without exception.

Clean and well appointed leather always attractive and without makeup. Problems that the woman herself cannot eliminate should be solved with the help of specialists (cosmetologist, dermatologist).

To always look good, you do not need to visit beauty salons every day and stand in front of a mirror for half a day. It is enough to regularly maintain neatness and beauty, consistently devoting at least an hour a day to personal care.

Do not neglect the tricks available only to representatives fair half humanity. Lace underwear, sexy stockings, thin heels and other "things" drive any man crazy! Seductive wardrobe items can add passion to relationships for both new and seasoned couples.

How to make a man feel good in bed?

Representatives of the stronger sex quickly “get turned on” and do not need lengthy preparations for the act of love, as their partners do. But this does not mean that you can cheat your chosen one. foreplay and games... Erotic dance, relaxing massage and gentle kisses will make the seductress in the eyes of her beloved even more desirable.

Cold and withdrawn partners during sex reduce a man's self-esteem and interest. The realization that the other half is having pleasure during intimate contact, even more inflames the passion of the lover. Screaming and replaying furiously, of course, is not worth it. But languid moans, barely restraining a cry and other manifestations of ardent emotions will drive a partner crazy.

How more active and assertive the impulse of a mistress, the more desirable she is in the eyes of a man. No need to be ashamed of feelings, you can and even need to declare your beloved about your erotic desires! But the lack of initiative will make the partner doubt his own sex appeal for woman.

Every man has in stock love script, which he dreams of realizing in life. As a rule, fantasies are simple to perform: sex with a maid, in public place or handcuffed. Make your partner's erotic dream come true not difficult, besides a brave deed will help to bring variety to the intimate life, and the woman - to feel even more desirable.

The naked body of a partner excites and drives a man crazy, so during sex you should not hide under the covers and turn off all light sources. Complexes associated with figure imperfection should be removed along with clothing. In a fit of passion, the lover will not notice cellulite or stretch marks, since the image of a woman is perceived by him as a whole. Shyness and shyness in bed must be abandoned. Experiment with poses, influence your partner's erogenous zones, do not disdain oral sex and fantasies of your man, and then he will count you best lover.

Working on relationships and improving in love science helps to maintain the interest of the adored person at all times. However, theoretical knowledge of how to make a man feel good in bed and outside is not enough without sincere feelings and emotions. Love, be relaxed during sex, friendly in society, an economic house, attentive to the chosen one, and then he will not go anywhere from you!