Scheme for making Santa Claus from modules. Santa Claus from triangular modules

crafts on New Year can be quite funny and unusual. Their theme can remain quite traditional:

We offer you a master class on how to make a modular origami of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden out of paper. The craft is truly capable of arousing the admiration of guests, your friends and acquaintances. And if your child takes it to school, he will clearly receive the recognition of classmates and teachers. So, the scheme for assembling Santa Claus from modules.

A master class on how to make such paper blanks in the form of triangles is also not difficult. We take a sheet of paper and along the edge we divide the short side of the sheet into six segments of three and a half centimeters. In the same way, we divide the long side of a sheet of paper into six segments of five centimeters. We draw lines to make rectangles, and cut along the marked lines. The second way to make paper origami blanks for the figure of Santa Claus is as follows. We take a sheet and fold its long side in half, cut it. Without laying out the resulting parts, we bend the sheet in three layers in the form of a wave. Then we cut along the fold lines, and the resulting rectangles are again cut into three parts. The resulting rectangles must be bent in half in the area short side, then in half again. We turn the second bend back and bend the corners along the second fold line so that we get an airplane. We bend the corners and sides to make a triangle. Folding the triangle in half again, we get one of the modules, from which we will later get a modular origami Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Continuing our master class, we will collect from required amount prepared modules figure of Santa Claus.

Assembly diagram

Our modular origami Santa Claus is almost ready. Next, we create hands, taking one, two, three and again two red modules and three white ones. One red module will connect the torso of Santa Claus and his arms. We do this with two hands. Then we cut out mittens from red paper: it is better to glue them to the hands. We attach the hands to the body. From white and black paper, cut out the eyes and also glue them. modular origami Santa Claus is finished. As the master class shows, the assembly scheme is simple, but rather painstaking and time-consuming. However, such Santa Claus will serve as a worthy decoration for any Christmas tree.

Video master class

Snow Maiden

  • 274 whites,
  • and 78 yellow.
  1. forty pieces of modules white color spread around.
  2. repeat the previous one.
  3. We turn it inside out and lay out another of the same row.
  4. Another row of the same.
  5. thirty blue color and three whites.
  6. Thirty-one blue and two white.
  7. we lay out three white ones in a row, imitating fur on a fur coat, in four places we randomly lay one white module each - this is an imitation of snowflakes, two yellow modules will play the role of a braid, we evenly distribute twenty-four blue ones between them.
  8. For a fur coat, two white colors, two white for snowflakes, one yellow for a braid, twenty-two blue colors.
  9. for a fur coat we take three more white colors, for snowflakes - one white each, for a braid - two yellow, then twenty-four blue colors.
  10. For a fur coat, two white colors, for a braid - one yellow, thirty blue.
  11. For a fur coat - three white, for a braid - two yellow, twenty-four blue.
  12. For a fur coat - two white, for a braid one white, twenty-six blue.
  13. for a fur coat - three white, for a braid - two white, twenty-four blue.
  14. for a fur coat - two white, for a braid - one yellow, twenty-two blue.
  15. for a fur coat - three white, for a braid - two yellow, twenty-nine blue.
  16. for a fur coat - two white, for a braid - one yellow, twenty-two blue.
  17. for a fur coat - three white, for a braid - two yellow, on each side eight blue.
  18. Eighteen blue, for a fur coat - two white, for a braid - one yellow.
  19. Ten blue, on a fur coat - three white, on a braid - two yellow.
  20. Twelve blue, for a fur coat - two white, for a braid - one yellow.
  21. Thirteen white and two yellow.
  22. Ten white and one yellow.
  23. Eight blue, two yellow and one white.
  24. Eight blue, one yellow and two white.
  25. Reverse side down nine white pieces and two yellow.
  1. Six pieces white, four yellow.
  2. Five pieces of white and yellow.
  1. Eight white, six yellow.
  2. Six white, seven yellow. You can insert 1 pink (mouth) in the middle.
  3. Six white and eight yellow.
  4. Seven pieces of white and yellow.
  5. Four white, eight yellow. Can be inserted at a distance of 2 green (eyes).
  6. Five white, eight yellow.

Here you can see step by step photo- how to make a Snow Maiden from modules.

Santa Claus from the modules with their own hands

Master Class. "Santa Claus" craft from paper modules

Purpose: This master The class is intended for lovers of modular origami. Such a toy can be a decoration Christmas tree or as a gift, or take part in the New Year's exhibition.

Target: Learn to create a figure of Santa Claus from the usual paper sheet. Cultivate imagination, perseverance and interest in bulk modules when assembling the figurine.

Master class: "Santa Claus" crafts from paper modules

Modular origami. Father Frost

When the whole figure is assembled from a large number identical triangles, glue is sometimes used when gluing the bottom row for strength. The art of origami itself is a very common type of paperwork technique. Creating a variety of figures from an ordinary sheet of office paper is a very exciting activity, but it requires patience and perseverance. The figure is made up of many small details, the texture itself finished crafts similar to knitted fabric, which is connected from thick threads. During assembly, origami modules are held together by friction and allow the figure to give a variety of shapes.

This is the kind of Santa Claus we will do with you

Santa Claus - Red Nose

There is a hut in the dense forest,

It has carvings with patterns,

And a fluffy bed

On which it is prickly to sleep:

Instead of fluff in that feather bed

Only snowflake stars

ice cover

Replaces duvet.

And Frost lives in a hut

And it's called Red Nose.

He is cold sometimes

Covers the ground with white snow.

Helps the animals too

Gives snow pillows

Covered with white fluff

Whispers songs in your ear.

The gray she-wolf howls -

She can't sleep because of the cold.

And frost and night to morning

Insulate her hole.

And in the den - clubfoot,

Instead of honey, he licks his paw.

Let the Frost crackle on the roof

The bear doesn't hear anything!

perched on a pine tree,

Owl hoots in a dream:

"Wow, and the cold is cold,

Never get warm!"

Santa Claus walks through the forest

And puts things in order:

He's pine nuts

Throws squirrels for fun.

I met a red fox -

Gave her gloves.

And he gave his coat to the wolf,

Because the wolf was trembling.

This Santa Claus

What is called the Red Nose,

Helps all the animals

And saves from the cold.


Learn more about origami techniques

Learn to create a three-dimensional toy

Teach the basics

Step by step workflow:

For work we need: red, pink and white paper, eyes, nose, scissors

First, we make triangular modules from a red sheet of office paper.

We take a sheet of paper and prepare it for making triangles as shown in the photo

On the new year holidays every craftswoman tries to make various decorations. Santa Claus origami is original decoration, which can be made from plain paper. It is not expensive and very easy to use. Snowflakes and other thematic products are cut out of paper, and they also make interesting garlands and Christmas decorations.

In addition to the fact that the house needs to be decorated with toys and tinsel, it is also sure to be decorated Christmas tree(tree or pine). Under Christmas tree It is customary to fold gifts and put figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They are also easy to make by hand. For example, you can use the modular origami technique, in which special paper blanks are folded according to a certain pattern.

Santa Claus origami is an original decoration that can be made from plain paper

Making an origami Santa Claus is very simple if you understand the principle.

Important! The main thing is to stock up on elements desired color, and then put them in a certain sequence.

Making an origami Santa Claus is very simple if you understand the principle

This is very interesting job which will be useful for children. The technique of modular origami can be taught to a child, and then he will be able to independently create interesting crafts and home decorations. feature this process is that absolutely no glue is used, and scissors are only needed on the initial stage. The rest of the time, the child can work on the craft himself and parents do not have to worry about the fact that the baby will get hurt sharp object or will use glue for other purposes.

7 rows of white pieces

On a note! The modular origami technique itself involves the use of paper elements that will be folded in a certain sequence, most often you can find schemes that use 1/16 or 1/32 modules.

8 row - 4 white, 26 blue

Here we are talking about how many parts it is necessary to divide an A4 sheet in order to make elements for work from it.

9 row - 3 white, 27 blue

Modules are prepared from each individual piece of paper. To do this, you need to fold it in half, then connect the edges to get a triangle, the lower part of which will protrude slightly. Here, we also bend the edges to the middle line. The resulting even paper triangle is folded in half and we get a module for further work. So it is necessary to do with the rest of the elements. The number and color of modules depends on the specific scheme.

10, 11, 12 rows

Modular Santa Claus

To work on origami Santa Claus, you will need to prepare white, red and light pink blanks, in total it takes 1163 elements to make the figurine. Of these, 559 will be white, 529 red, 47 pink and 28 light pink.

13-18 row

Step by step assembly modular origami Santa Claus is as follows. The first 5 rows, each of which will consist of 30 red modules, must be laid out from white elements in a circle. In the sixth row, you need to lay out 4 white elements, and the rest will be red. There will be only 3 white modules in the seventh row. They should be located above what was laid out in the sixth row. The eighth row is repeated similarly to the sixth.

19-23 rows

Starting from the 9th row, a pink insert is added. It will alternate in each row 1-2. They need to be placed one above the other, like the white elements. Everything else is covered in red.

On the 19th row, pink modules should end. There will be only one white element in this row and it needs to be fixed reverse side. In the 20th row there will be only red elements, but 2 new white modules are inserted above the white from the previous row.

25 row

Next comes 2 red rows, after which the formation of the collar and beard of Santa Claus will begin. In the 22-24th row we make only white elements. At 25, you need to start making a mouth from a light pink module. In the 26th row there will be a couple pink elements and the rest are white.

Laying out modules

The top of the face, which will follow the white beard, should also be made light pink. For this you need to right place calculate 8 elements of the desired color. For a product of this size, 4 rows for the face will be enough.

30 row

Then everything is complemented by a pair of rows of white modules, which will symbolize the hat of Santa Claus, and then everything gradually goes down with red elements.

32 row

Work on the modular origami technique is interesting because here you can show your imagination, and not act clearly according to the established scheme. In the process of creating origami Santa Claus, the master may have a desire to supplement the product additional elements. For example, it is not at all necessary to make Santa Claus with a long beard. Someone will want to make the character smile wider. In general, the proposed scheme can be easily changed.

37 and 38 rows

As for colors, you can combine not only traditional red with white, but also blue or gold with white modules. Novice origami masters can try their hand at products smaller, but it can be difficult to achieve realism in them, that is, the beard can be mixed with the face, hat, etc.

Adding a red module in the center

How to decorate a modular Santa Claus?

After the main work on creating a modular origami Santa Claus is completed, it is worth putting the product in order due to certain details. Santa Claus should make hands. They are easily made from a pair of rows of modules in red and white. Also this fairy tale character you need a staff. It can be made from rolled paper, and the top can be decorated with a star cut out of silver or gold foil.

unfolding the sleeve

The face of Santa Claus also needs to be further developed. In the place where the light pink modules were used, it is necessary to glue the eyes and the red nose. All this can be cut out of colored paper, but the toy will look more spectacular if the eyes are purchased in specialized store, and make a nose out of a pin with a large round tip.

Santa Claus - back view

Sleigh Santa Claus

On a note! Fairy Grandfather The origami frost itself will look great, but if you add a few more details, you get a whole composition that will not leave anyone indifferent.

For example, next to the figure of Santa Claus itself, you can put a fabulous sleigh and even make horses. Last option It is considered a very complex product, which only experienced craftsmen, so for starters, you should pay attention to simpler sleds.

The modular origami of Santa Claus's sleigh will consist of 2 parts, that is, first of all, you need to work on the top and back, and then you can move on to the front. It will take 633 red-brown modules and 269 yellow ones. The color of the sled can be changed if desired. For example, if possible, you can use glossy golden paper. These sleds will look just gorgeous.

As for the sleigh of Santa Claus, the modular rigami is done step by step in a certain sequence. From the first to the third row, we simply make 60 red-brown elements. In the fourth, we already alternate 4 yellow - 20 red - 4 yellow - 32 red. On the left side will be the back of the sled, and on the right - the front. We begin to assemble the product from behind. In the fifth row we insert 1 yellow module - 31 brown - 1 yellow. From the sixth to the eighth we do the same, but one less red-brown element each time.

Santa Claus on a sleigh

In the ninth row there will be one yellow module on each side, and in the middle there will be 29 red ones. In the next 2 rows, one less brown-red.

In the 12th row there will be 4 yellow elements on the sides and 22 red-brown in the middle. From each edge, one yellow in the 13th and 15th row and 21 brown triangles in the center. Also 14, 16 and 18, but in the middle there are only 20 red-brown elements. In the 17th and 19th row there will be 19 red-brown, in addition to the side yellow ones, and in the 20th row - one less element. We complete this part next to one of the yellow modules.

After that, you can proceed to the design of the front side. Here already 4 rows will be ready, and from the fifth to the seventh we lay out one yellow from the sides and from 17 to 15 red-brown ones. At the end there will be 18 yellow elements.

On this Santa Claus sleigh can be considered ready. You can add a red bag using the modular origami technique, which is very simple to make. The traditional gift bag will wonderful decoration sleigh. This product must be installed next to Santa Claus himself, and next to put a slide of miniature wrapped gifts made using a similar technique. It turns out very interesting festive composition, which will look great under the Christmas tree or on the New Year's table.

Let's collect in technology modular origami Santa Claus to decorate the interior for the New Year and feel the approach of the holiday. Next to it we will put paper tree with a star. How to do it, you can read

In fact, it does not matter who you will do: Santa Claus or Santa Claus (Santa Claus). All the same, the craft will turn out to be easily recognizable and beautiful. The assembly technique is simple and straightforward. The only difficulty, if I may say so, is the manufacture of the modules themselves. They will need a lot - about a thousand. Prepare paper triangles in advance three colors: red, white, beige.

The model consists of 26 rows with different amount details. Not all modules fit the same way. Do not forget to follow the instructions, and then everything will work out.

Paper Santa Claus: step by step instructions

For work you will need:

  • 433 red modules ();
  • 390 white details;
  • 27 beige triangles;
  • glue;
  • colored paper for the eyes, mittens and staff;
  • small beige nose piece.

The Santa Claus model turns out to be quite strong, so it is not necessary to glue the parts. You can only fix the hands with glue, glue the base modules to make it easier to start assembling.

Collecting Santa Claus himself

The method of assembling the body of Santa Claus in rows is as follows:

  • The 1st and 2nd rows come together - this is the base (described in detail). For him, take 44 white modules and connect long ends, by inserting them into the pockets of 44 other modules, located opposite. Replace the circle, turn it inside out. One row has gone inside and will not be visible.
  • 3rd and 4th row consists of 44 white parts.
  • 5th row includes 42 red and 2 white triangles.
  • 6th row - 41 red, 3 white.
  • The 7th row is performed as the 5th.
  • 8th as sixth.
  • 9th again 42 red., 2 white.
  • 10th row - 41 red modules, as usual, and 3 white wrong side outward, that is, shorter.
  • The 11th row separates the top and lower part torso. It consists of 27 red and 5 white triangles, inserted with the short side out, as we did with the three white modules in the previous row. To reduce the number of modules evenly, do not put them on each end.
  • In the 12th, we begin to make a white beard. Put on the already long side 6 white, 26 red. details.
  • 13th row - 7 white, 25 red.
  • 14th row - 8 white, 24 red.
  • 15th row - 9 white, 23 red.
  • 16th row - 10 white, 22 red.
  • 17th row - 11 white, 21 red.
  • In the 18th row, we smoothly move on to the head of Santa Claus. It consists of 29 white triangles and one red one. Add it in the front in the middle - this is the mouth of Santa Claus.
  • 19th row of 32 white parts.
  • From the 20th, we begin to make out the face from beige modules. Attention! They are inserted opposite side, and white, as usual. 5 beige, 27 white
  • 21st - 6 beige, 26 Bel.
  • 22nd row - 7 beige, 25 white.
  • 23rd - 8 beige, 24 white.
  • In the 24th row, reduce the number of parts to 20 pieces. All of them are white.
  • In the 25th, you need to put on 12 red triangles.
  • In the final 26th, there are only 10 pieces. Get the ends as close as you can closer friend to friend.

The most time-consuming part of the craft is assembled! There remains an important design appearance character who always comes to the New Year holidays.

Hands, eyes and staff

From 7 red and 2 white parts, make the right and left hand by inserting them into each other. Cut out two mittens from red paper. Insert them into the holes of the modules at the ends of the arms, pre-lubricated with glue. Glue the limbs themselves to the body, attaching them to the body of Santa Claus.

Cut out from white paper Round eyes. Form a black center and glue. Eyes can be made any to your taste.

From a small beige rectangle, fold the module for the nose. Experiment with its size. You will definitely get your own unique face.

For a staff, take colored paper or with a pattern, 20x20 cm in size. A special one for origami is well suited. Roll the sheet into a tube and glue the edge.

The image of Santa Claus or Santa Claus can be supplemented with a Christmas tree made of modules (see instructions) and a bag for gifts. Sew it yourself or take it ready-made. Most likely, there will be at home suitable option. Snow Maiden .

Now feel free to celebrate the New Year in a beautifully decorated apartment. Craft from modular origami - great gift close people.

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Santa Claus from modules will be a real decoration of the New Year's forest beauty, and the children are looking forward to the long-awaited gifts from him. Also, this craft can be presented as a souvenir to family and friends.

Modular origami Santa Claus made in the technique of modular origami from triangular modules.
At the base of the torso of Santa Claus there are 30 triangular modules. For the first three rows of the body, 90 white modules are needed. We assemble a chain of two rows of modules with the long side outward, we fix the chain with the third row. We got three rows of modules with 30 modules in each row. Add four more rows of white modules. We get seven rows of white modules.

We turn the craft with the corners up.

In the eighth row - 4 white, 26 blue modules;

ninth row - 3 white, 27 blue modules;

tenth row - 4 white, 2 blue, 1 white, 20 blue, 1 white, 2 blue;
eleventh row - 3 white, 2 blue, 2 white, 19 blue, 2 white, 2 blue;
twelfth row - 4 white, 2 blue, 1 white, 20 blue, 1 white, 2 blue;

thirteenth row - 3 white, 27 blue;
fourteenth row - 4 white, 26 blue;
fifteenth row - 3 white, 5 blue, 1 white, 15 blue, 1 white, 5 blue;
sixteenth row - 4 white, 4 blue, 2 white. 14 blue, 2 white, 4 blue;
seventeenth row - 3 white, 5 blue, 1 white, 15 blue, 1 white, 5 blue;
eighteenth row - 4 white, 26 blue;

nineteenth row - 3 white, 27 blue;
twentieth row - 4 white, 2 blue;, 1 white, 20 blue;, 1 white, 2 blue;
twenty-first row - 3 white, 2 blue;, 2 white, 19 blue;, 2 white, 2 blue;
twenty-second row - 4 white, 2 blue;, 1 white, 20 blue;, 1 white, 2 blue;
twenty third row - 1 white module long side out, 1 white short side out, 1 white long side out, 27 blue long side out;

twenty-fourth row - 4 white short side out, 26 blue short side out

twenty-fifth row - 1 white short side out, 25 blue short side out, 1 white short side out;

We continue to lay out the rows of modules without filling the central part.

Row 26 - 1 white short side out, 24 light blue short side out, 1 white short side out;

twenty-seventh row - 1 white short side out, 23 blue short side out, 1 white short side out;

twenty-eighth row - 1 white short side out, 22 blue short side out, 1 white short side out;

twenty-ninth row - 1 white short side out, 21 blue short side out, 1 white short side out.

We connect the corners of the lower white modules with a white module with the long side out.

We put two white modules on 6 corners, each module on 3 corners.

Then, rising from the bottom up, we connect 2 white corners with white modules with the long side outward.

In the thirtieth row, we reduce the number of modules - 18 white modules with the long side out. This is the number of modules without the central part. (That is, on 21 blue with the long side out and 2 white modules with the short side out, we put on 18 white modules - we put 12 modules on 3 corners, 6 modules on 2 corners).

We fill the central part with white modules with the short side out.

Add a red module in the center with the long side out.

Thirty-first row - 23 white long side out;

thirty-second row - 5 pink short side out, 18 white long side out;

thirty-third row - 6 pink short side out, 17 white long side out;

thirty-fourth row - 5 pink short side out, 18 white long side out;

thirty-fifth row - 23 white long side out;

thirty-sixth row - 16 blue short side out - we put 14 modules on 3 corners of each module, and put 2 modules on, as usual, each on 2 corners.

Thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth rows - 16 blue modules each with the short side out;

thirty-ninth row - 11 blue long side outward - we put 10 modules each on 3 corners, and 1 module, as usual, on 2 corners.

We collect a sleeve of 16 rows of modules: 4 rows of white modules, 12 rows of blue modules. The number of modules in rows alternates: 3 - 2 modules.

We glue the blue mittens into the pockets of the white modules.

On the sides of the body we glue the arms, glue the eyes, nose. Santa Claus from the modules is ready!