How to make a boy confess. Watch the video on how to make a love spell for a guy from a photo at home. Quick spells for action

girls love sweet words And tender confessions. Most of them are ready to listen about love from morning to evening and from evening to morning. Apparently, this is because all women love, first of all, with their ears. Such is the structure of their body. Guys often don't get it. Or understand, but how smart dogs they can't say anything. They only look lovingly, sadly and devotedly. Of course, a guy who is not very fluent in his tongue cannot be forced to talk about love around the clock. But, at least once, he is simply obliged to confess his feelings to you. And then a couple more times to repeat his confession.

But the first time is still the hardest. Is it possible to force a guy to confess his love? With skills psychological impact, Of course you can. Let's see how this can be done.

To begin with, it would be nice to understand why this a strange man, with whom you have been dating for several months (days, weeks, years) and who shows in every way that you are extremely indifferent to him, is still silent, like a partisan under interrogation, and still has not told you the three main words of all lovers.

  1. The worst assumption you can make is that he doesn't love you. Unfortunately, this really happens. Maybe he likes to spend time with you, maybe he is ready for a close relationship, but at the same time he does not feel love and he himself understands this. Therefore, it is silent. This, of course, is very sad. But honestly. Indeed, many guys, trying to achieve the location of a girl, scatter declarations of love right and left, but their words are empty and mean nothing. He's such a bunch of guys. Is it worth it in this case to seek his recognition? Hardly. But, if he is really dear to you, you should think about how to ignite his feelings and become the only one for him. If this works out, then it will be possible to think about confessions.
  2. Maybe he doesn't know if he loves you or not. He is at a crossroads. He likes you, but he’s not sure that he feels for you that same loud feeling that poets, rockers, rappers and other idols sing about. In this case, it is better not to rush it. Let him sort himself out. Sometimes it is worth even a little or a lot to move away from him. If you are truly dear to him, in separation he will understand it faster. And then, most likely, he will decide on recognition.
  3. Now let's turn to the third option. He loves you. You are sure of it. You see it in his eyes, you understand it by the bewildered, enthusiastic expression of his face, by incoherent speeches, and you read it in his heart, as in an open book. He loves but does not speak. Because he's afraid. Really you? Certainly. And not because you are so scary and formidable, but because you are afraid of being rejected. It is this fear that binds his lips with an iron seal.
  4. Another reason is shyness. Surely a cold sweat breaks through him, and his tongue becomes wooden and clumsy, at the mere thought of what needs to be said, looking into your beautiful eyes, “I love you.” In fact, fear and shyness are closely related. He is embarrassed to confess his love, because he is afraid of being rejected, and this makes his shyness even more. And she, in turn, provokes fear. It turns out a vicious circle.
How to break it and how to make a guy confess his love if he is shy?
  1. Create a favorable environment and atmosphere. Don't be too strict and don't act like yourself snow queen. You've already scared the guy out of his mouth. It's time to become a little softer and more tender, so that he finally realizes that you are also not indifferent. Smile more, compliment and everyone accessible ways give him confidence. Tell us what exactly in his appearance and character you like and admire. Explain that you consider him brave and decisive and you can always rely on him. Let him feel like a real man, forget about his shyness and confess his love to you.
  2. Confess first. This is perhaps the most effective way. Even in the case when the guy is not sure of his feelings, having heard your confession, he will be forced to confess in response. At least that's what the vast majority of guys do. Where this leads to is another question. But if we talk about a guy who loves you, then the result is obvious and predictable: he immediately confesses in response and everything will be fine with you.

    But here you have to forget about your pride, not every girl is ready for this. You can cheat and not admit directly. Hints can also be very transparent and completely understandable, especially for attentive listener. Say you like him very much. Wait for his reaction. If the reaction is insufficient, add that you miss him very much when he is not around. And that he is the best. You can also say that you are sad when you think that sooner or later you will leave. If after that he does not rush to console you and confess that he loves you with terrible force and wants you to be together all your life, then you probably won’t catch him at all. In addition to the clear and understandable words "I love you."

  3. It happens that a guy just doesn’t realize that it’s time to say the cherished words and bring your relationship to life. new level. You meet, go to the movies and cafes, have a good time together or with friends, and of course you are a couple, not just good friends. There is no doubt about it, neither you nor him. But he is in no hurry to say “I love you” simply because he does not understand how important it is for you and how much you want to hear these words. What to do? You need to explain to him, directly or in hints, what you want from him.

    This can be done with the power of art. Invite him to a movie where, as you know, the hero beautifully and romantically confesses his love to the heroine. During the movie, hold his hand and give him meaningful looks. Continue after the movie. If he has intelligence and at least elementary powers of observation, he will understand what you want from him. Instead of a movie, you can use a play, a musical, and even listening to heartfelt songs containing love confessions together.

    If you meet somewhere a poster with a declaration of love or an inscription on the pavement “Dasha, I love you”, show him that you consider such actions very romantic and hint that you would be pleased to hear a confession. A poster or an inscription may come your way and it is not by chance. Take care of it.

  4. Some people use jealousy to stimulate a guy. If he does not tell you that he loves, then you are completely free and not bound by any obligations. And, accordingly, you can do whatever you want and with whom you want. If he finds out that someone else invited you to the cinema, he will be surprised at first, then upset, and later afraid that he might lose you. And he wants to keep with the help of magic words.
Sometimes there is nothing better than just waiting. In some cases, your activity can only scare the guy away. And he will think about confessing his love to you, although before that he really wanted to. If you are going to take some kind of stimulating action in relation to your boyfriend, you must definitely take into account his temperament. If he is by nature unhurried and thorough, then he will not be in a hurry with recognition. And don't rush. Everything has its time.

If a woman says: “I love you!”, then most likely she really loves. With men, it's different. confessing fair sex in love, they can be completely sincere - and at the same time, their feeling may have nothing to do with what is sung in novels ...

So, what reasons most often push the stronger sex to love confessions?

Reason one. Desire for sex

You can be outraged all you want, but it's true. Most men see nothing wrong with saying "I love you!" and get rewarded for it. They treat it like a kind of ritual. It’s just that under the phrase about love, voluptuaries mean: “I want you!” Rather, "I love your body!" So no cheating: there is love. Just not as sublime as you dreamed of.

Sometimes in such a situation it seems to a man that he really loves. And only if it comes real love finally sees the difference, realizing that previously there was only sexual attraction

The second reason. Because that's how it's supposed to be

Many women have a habit of asking, sometimes in their most intimate moments, "Do you love me?" It’s much easier to answer in the affirmative than to explain why you don’t love her, and yet you are with her ... Well, it’s somehow uncomfortable: since you are together, it means that he must love you ... It’s so accepted.

Reason three. Sympathy

He is pleased to be with you, he likes the way you look, talk, and in general he is comfortable with you ... Why not? After all, it's true! He loves you - as a friend, or a sister, or just loved one. He can have thirty such “relatives”, no less. And you are one of them. And again - he does not deceive! He really loves you - like all of them.

Reason four. Love

In vain do we scold the Don Juan. The moment they confess their love to a woman, they really love her. The only trouble is that falling in love can pass in one day. That is, when a man confesses his love to you, he is absolutely honest with you. But as soon as he meets another more or less attractive person, he immediately forgets about his “feeling” and switches to her. Well, what can you do if you are not the only one who is able to light a fire of passion in him? He has such a specialty!

And now - how to understand if a man really loves you, or just wants, or feels sympathy, or is in love?

True love is timid. It is associated with a special state of mind. In this state, a man can generally strive for solitude and even avoid the object of his feelings ... It takes time for this feeling to “ripen”. Therefore, if your chosen one is in a hurry to make a confession a week after they met, then be critical of his words.

Psychologists also advise to be wary if a man repeats words about love too often. Better watch his behavior. If a man literally “undresses” you with his eyes, then you are most likely interested in him exclusively in sexually. That is, maybe he loves, but only your body. If he looks around and only occasionally at you, then he treats you quite evenly, maybe with sympathy, but he is unlikely to have you deep feeling... But if he constantly strives to look into your eyes, then there is a chance that he is at least in love.

A downcast look in your presence can also testify to: a man is afraid to look at you, because he is afraid of being rejected by his “sun”. But still it's not obligatory attribute love, because there are men who are simply shy of women or not interested in them at all.

Love tends to be self-sacrificing. Therefore, if your boyfriend takes the last hundred out of his purse to treat you to ice cream, or goes to the other end of the city to walk you home, then he is at least seriously interested in you. If he says: “Sorry, I don’t have much money left, maybe we’ll take a walk like that?” or asks: “It’s already late, maybe you’ll get there yourself?” - then let's face it: there is no smell of feelings here.

A man who simply likes you, or who meets you solely for the sake of sex, can easily postpone your next meeting in order to go with friends to. A man who truly loves will never prefer friends to a date with his beloved.

But do not draw premature conclusions. Love at first sight is not for everyone. It is possible that your relationship will begin with friendship or mutual sympathy. Or even sex. But over time, they can grow into something more. And the phrase “I love you”, uttered, say, six months after the start of a relationship, already deserves much more trust than if a man said it on a second or third date or during the first intimate meeting. During this period, feelings may well “take place”. unmistakable sign true love: uttering a confession, a man is always a little embarrassed.

Among the magical rites and conspiracies, a special place is occupied by those whose action is aimed at performing another action. For example, a love spell for a guy to call, write, come, give, take, confess, and the like.

For the most part, such conspiracies are very simple, practically nothing is needed when they are carried out, basically, knowledge of certain words, that is, the text and performing the simplest actions.

Quick spells for action

  • The procedure itself can be carried out anywhere. The main thing is that at this moment there is no one around. For example, in a park on a bench, in an empty room.

There are love spells for various actions, these are, as it were, unspoken orders and instructions that are designed, first of all, to defeat a person’s indecision, his shyness. At their core, these are the most harmless conspiracies, their action is short-lived, and there are practically no consequences.

You should not, however, forget that this is still magic, and under certain circumstances (taunts, the use of love spells for entertainment) can play a cruel joke with the performer.
Love spell to make a guy confess his love

Drink a glass of water in small sips, saying: “I measure the blue sea with sips, you will say words like a feathered bird. About love, the falcon will sing songs to me, but all sincere. Slave<имя>he will say that a black raven will not cover with a wing.

Write your phone number in letters, not numbers, on a white piece of paper. Take a coin and erase the letters with an edge, saying: “Money knows my name, money will remember the number. A dove will fly into the window to the slave<имя>, remind him of the number, tell him the name. As the letters are erased from the sheet, so the hand will pick up the numbers. The slave will call<имя>or will toil.

Love spell to make a guy come to visit

Stand on the threshold so that one leg is behind him, and the other is in the house. Say: “I see the empty line, I see the front door. How to become a slave<имя>cross the threshold, so will the slave<имя>to visit me to think to go. My threshold is gilded, my threshold is smeared with honey. A dove flies to a dove quickly - to drink water, to wash with water.

Love spell for a guy to give a gift

Crush white bread into a bowl, saying: “Bread crumbs will come to me, slave<имя>feed her. The grass will grow high, the sun will shine brightly. Slave<имя>he will bring me a gift, to red, to brocade. I am waiting for scarves and stones, in return I offer love.

Love spell for a guy to return a thing

Take gold or silver ring and tie it to a string. Holding over an open bag or suitcase, say: “Give me back a slave<имя>my<название>. Ring knock loudly, remind the slave<имя>about debt. will return<название>safe and sound. But if he doesn’t give it back, I’ll tie it in a knot and won’t unravel it.”

Conditions for performing love spells for action

The main condition is desertion. The presence of strangers will make the love spell unworkable. In addition, it is advisable to do love spells in the evening, when the sun is already starting to set.

In order for the love spell to have an effect great power, you can do it in the forest or by the river, but, again, alone without witnesses. Among the tools at hand, food or drinks can be used, as well as materials such as dishes, wooden chests, light-colored fabrics.

When conducting love spells at home, it is advisable to turn off all electrical appliances from the network, as well as open at least one window. A love spell for a guy to call requires a pencil and paper.

Roman and Arabic numerals while you can not write, they are replaced by letters. For example, 5 - 21 -98 should be written as "Five - twenty one - ninety eight."

At the mere thought of the guy you are in love with, your heart starts beating and your palms sweat. When you like someone - whether you've known each other for years or only talked a couple of times - you instinctively want to know how this person feels about you. Once it becomes clear to you yourself how you feel about this person, it is perfectly natural to want to know how he feels in return. In order not to guess too long, there are many ways to provoke a guy to confess his feelings. Once you understand that this is your person, use the right approach.


Make sure the guy is open and ready

    First of all, make sure he is not in a relationship with someone else. You should not cross someone's path, trying to wrest a confession from a guy who is already taken. Also, don't get your hopes up about a guy who spends a lot of time with another girl and might just be after her. In fact, in order to understand the situation, a lot of effort is not required. All you need is to chat a little among his friends, look at the profile in in social networks or even just ask him a question directly. Here are examples of such questions:

    • If you're brave enough, ask during one of the conversations if he's seeing anyone. Ask a question as if by the way: “Do you have a girlfriend?” or “Have you already noticed someone?” Questions like this won't reveal your feelings.
    • If you cannot ask him directly due to natural shyness or the rarity of meetings, try to find out about it from his friends. Casually mention him in a conversation, and then ask: “By the way, do you know if he is dating anyone?”
    • If you have no one to ask about it, check his status on social networks.
  1. Clarify his position regarding relationships with girls. If it turns out that he is alone, it is worth asking how he generally relates to girls. So you can understand if he is potentially ready for a relationship as well as you. Be subtle, and try to ask such questions in private. Example relationship questions:

    • "When was the last time you dated a girl?"
    • "Would you like to date any of the girls?"
    • "Do you often go on dates?"
  2. Be with him light and cheerful. When you're talking, try to bring in pleasant and funny notes to the conversation to see if he enjoys joking in your presence. You can even try giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder during a conversation to see how he reacts. If he laughs and makes some kind of reciprocal gesture, this good sign. Humor - great way open a heart inclined towards you, because this way you show your interest, and the guy will feel more comfortable.

    Watch for the chemistry between you. If it turns out that in the presence of each other you constantly laugh and find a lot in common with each other, then there is a great chance that you mutually like each other. Constant laughter and smiles main indicator something going on between two people. Guys in love also very often call their passion by name. Here are a couple more signs that expose him true feelings:

    Lead him to confession

    1. Develop trusting relationships. Let him feel special because of your interest in his personality. Be interested in his hobbies and dreams for the future. React openly and positively to everything he talks about so that he feels comfortable sharing it with you. Don't be afraid to appear vulnerable by revealing something about yourself, as this will make him feel that you have special trust in him.

      • Talk about your biggest fears or share a story about how you got into an embarrassing situation.
      • If you demonstrate your trust, it will be easier for him to open up to you.
    2. Listen to him and avoid value judgments. Let him show himself for who he is. Let him know that you are not going to rate him and appreciate everything that makes him so unique. Your goal is to build trust and create a safe environment where you can talk about anything. Guys are reluctant to share their inner experiences. What holds him back most is the fear of rejection on your part. Let him know that you will not criticize him or reject his feelings.

      • In order to open up emotionally, a guy needs to feel free from judgment.
    3. Don't pressure him. Guys don't like to feel like they're trapped. And flattery and fawning, most likely, will completely push him away from you. Even if he has any feelings for you, he will not rush to confess if you are too intrusive.

      • Be patient. By rushing, you can scare him away and make him close even more.
      • Don't sleep him text messages. You should not turn into a person whose messages he will read first in the morning and last night. Make sure that communication is mutual, not one-sided.
      • At least from time to time, he should be the initiator of your meetings. If you invited him somewhere, but he refused, wait next time for an invitation from him.
    4. Don't chase him. If you chase a guy in the hope that he will confess his feelings to you, you will only achieve that he wants to run away from you. In addition, he may like your desire to achieve him - he does not need to achieve you! Pause and let him realize that he doesn't want to lose you. This will make him more inclined to confess his feelings to you.

      • Do not come to his home or work without an invitation.
      • If you cross paths at a party, don't follow him all evening. Chat with other friends and show that you're having a good time on your own.
      • There is only one courting in a pair, and it should not be you.
    5. Be sincere and humble. If you act confident and boastful while hiding your true feelings, the guy will feel awkward around you, because he will subtly feel that you are faking it. Be confident, but don't act haughty or boastful - it's off-putting.

    6. Flirt a little with his friend. If you focus your attention on one of his friends, he may be afraid that he has lost your interest and rush to explain his feelings to you. You don't have to go too far with flirting, just strike up an engaging conversation with one of his friends to spark a little jealousy and that will be enough. Here's what you can talk about with his friends:

      • "What do you like to do in your free time?"
      • "Where do you work?" or “What job do you want in the future?”
      • "What are your favorite films?"
    7. Don't let him guess how you feel too soon. Perhaps what keeps him from recognizing him is the certainty that you already have him, and nothing more needs to be done. Once you understand that you want him to confess his feelings, play a little touchy: do not always agree to a meeting and do not answer all his calls. This will spur him to speed up the confession of his true feelings.

      • Give him the opportunity to miss you or reflect on what you do. Let him be the first to call or send SMS.
      • If he asks what you do on the weekend, answer honestly, but always in a positive way. You can say, "I'm hanging out with friends or watching movies," or "I'm planning to spend some time with my family this week, but I haven't decided what I'm going to do."
      • Whatever you say, in no case give the impression that you will be bored and sit at home, not knowing what to do with yourself.
    8. Playfully ask him if he likes you. Nothing bad will happen if you ask him about it directly. If he's too shy to admit that he likes you, be honest that you like him. This can help him take a step towards revealing his secret feelings. If you have been friends for a long time, and suddenly you notice that he is smiling at you and constantly flirting, ask him a question directly. For example:

      • Sit next to him and say: “I like you, and I wonder if you like me?” or “I really enjoy spending time with you and I kind of want you to enjoy it too. Do you like me?"
      • If he doesn't know what to say, giggle and say, "Well, do you like me?" He will simply fall victim to your charm.
      • If he says yes, you have achieved the desire of your heart. If he says no, at least you'll know it now and won't waste your time on him. If he paused and didn't answer, don't worry, he might just be having a hard time articulating his thoughts.
      • If you subtly hint to him that you like him and you are open towards him, perhaps he will decide and admit that he likes you.
      • Give him the opportunity to be close to you himself.
      • If he enjoys playfully teasing you, that's a sign that he likes you.
      • Try not to flirt too much with other guys. Yes, this can provoke jealousy in him, but it can also make him lose hope and forever shut up about his feelings.
      • Smile at him, and if he smiles back and nods his head, then he has you in his field of vision!
      • A good sign that someone likes you is if the person constantly seeks to communicate with you, even to the point of ignoring everyone else.
      • Enjoy life whether he is around or not. Enjoy activities that have nothing to do with it. This is an indicator of your emotional stability, and it is this position that makes you want to be around.
      • Don't change for anyone, and don't expect them to change.
      • If his friends tease him in your presence, this may also be a sign that he likes you.


      • Don't follow him online or check your phone all the time. If it's meant to happen, it will happen. If you get too close, you will only cause a desire to move away.
      • Don't push him away from his friends or you risk irritating him. Give him space to support other significant relationships in his life.
      • Be prepared for him to say no and take it easy. If he refuses, it just means that you are not suitable for each other.

Let's talk about the real effectiveness of love spells, about how, by reading the text of a white magic conspiracy, to bewitch a guy yourself. In the arsenal of Russian white magic, love rites are not only performed through Christian Powers, there is a huge layer ancient conspiracies with an appeal to nature, its phenomena and powerful life-giving force.

There are completely different independent conspiracies, for, both for the love of the one you like, and for attracting the love of guys in general - for beauty, attractiveness and charm. Real conspiracies is in every magical tradition, and, undoubtedly, they bring positive and fulfillment of desire to the performer.

If you already have a beloved man, but he doubts his feelings, and the relationship does not develop in any way, he can be pushed by force love witchcraft. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give examples of this strong love spell for the love of a guy.

White conspiracy to make a guy confess his love

If over running water at sunrise 3 days in a row, read 3 times love spell, then you can excite love and sexual attraction in the heart of the guy you like. How effective a real conspiracy to love a guy is, one can say only by testing it in practice, but in natural white magic there are indeed many effective sinless love spells for a lover.

“Water is flowing, it will stumble upon a stone, it will break on the threshold, it will turn back so that the heart of a dear friend, a servant of God (name) can be found. He will bring it, put it under the threshold, put sadness and longing for me (name) in his heart, crush it with a stone, cover it with sand. Until that stone moves from its place, until the sand crumbles, the servant of God (name) will love me, keep me in his heart. The stone is heavy, the age is long, love is strong, and my witchcraft word is even stronger. Truly said. Let it be so".

How to independently read strong conspiracies for a guy's love

It should be noted that love conspiracies with an appeal to the Forces of nature - the river, wind, rain, snowstorm, fire, etc. Warlock magicians practice widely and successfully, as well as sorcerers working with the Forces. Nature is loyal to man and to everything with which it is filled. The forces of nature are creative, and do not conflict with either dark or light spirits. Read neutral, or white conspiracy on the love of a guy can even a girl living everyday life layman; cast spells, and get the desired result.

Old, repeatedly tested conspiracies for a guy's love work, this is confirmed by practice and numerous reviews of people who resorted to natural divination, experienced the influence of the alliance of light natural forces and a conspiracy witch word.

How to bewitch a guy for a wreath - the benefits of white love magic

Weave from cornflowers, or any other blue flowers, a wreath, and during the rain with the sun not covered by clouds, after which a rainbow appears in the sky (blind, mushroom rain) 3 times on a wreath, read the words of a conspiracy to love a guy from the arsenal of old village white magic:

“My wreath, charmed for divination, fits me, God's servant (name). I will fly to you, God's servant (name), with a light cloud, I will sing with a clean rain to take with my sonorous voice for the soul. I will sing a sincere song, I will inflame your heart cold. The fire will blaze, the water will seethe, the blood of the brave will also flame. You will fly up to me as a light cloud, together we will pour rain on the ground. The river will run up to the blue sea, in a single undivided stream, crowned with a miraculous wreath. My speech is an azure flower, you can’t throw out a word, you can’t pull out a petal. Now and always. It will be as it is said. Amen".

The charmed wreath must be floated down the river. This witchcraft rite will not subdue a man you like, will not make your obedient subjects. Will not break the will, and, therefore, will not cause harm. The effect will manifest itself in the form of attention, care, tenderness. Such feminine rites of natural white magic with simple conspiracies on the guy, his attention and care, make the girl very attractive in the eyes of her beloved man, fill her with a unique natural feminine energy and strength.

Effective conspiracies for the attention of guys - how to get married using white magic

Natural white magic good because benevolent spirits that do not fight with a person, called by the magician in places of Power, do not break or force the victim. Rather, they direct the one who is affected, and the person commits necessary actions, relatively speaking, at will.

Read over the flowers 9 times a very strong conspiracy to love a guy at a distance:

“Forget-me-nots in a bowl, your love, the servant of God (name) is close. Forget-me-nots rise, they wash themselves with spring water, the heart of God's servant (name) is cleansed of rubbish, for love for me, God's servant (name) is reborn. The spring will spill, the heart (name) will beat harder. My dear friend will remember me, but he will not forget until the century, he will not deceive. Just as these forget-me-nots can’t live without water, so you won’t be without me from this day on, don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t rejoice, don’t look at other impudent girls, young women. You will reach out to me, God's servant (name), you will stay with me forever. Flowers - to the water, and you (name), to me. Amen".

Keep a cup of flowers at home for 3 days, and then take it to the river and throw the flowers into running water. Keep the cup at home until the onset desired result. When the goal is reached, it must be broken under your feet, and the fragments buried in the place where forget-me-nots grow.

Love plots for an ex-boyfriend, current and future

With the help of white magic, you can solve various issues of a love plan, ranging from such simple rituals as love guy call spell, and ending with a powerful complex work with a specific goal - to take the man away from the family, to take him at his disposal. Of course than harder task, the wiser and magical rituals to solve it.

It is good to use white magical conspiracies and witchcraft whispers when you are already in a relationship or marriage, and your task is to keep your beloved husband in good shape, not to let love fade away, not to let it die in everyday life and everyday worries. In such cases, white, say, white conspiracies for a beloved guy from a photo, or rituals for a husband’s things, can be used as strong amulet relationships, from betrayal, to passionate love, as well as from the harmful addictions of the husband, because of which the family breaks up very often.

But, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, warn you if you destroy someone else's marriage in order to create your own family, light love spells married man white magic will not be enough. One way or another, you will have to use heavy artillery in the form of the strongest rites for love by black magic.

Home conspiracy to love a guy - read at night

When reading the text of this conspiracy, a high-quality visualization of the result is necessary. As, however, when reading any whisper and love spell. At midnight on the growing moon, facing east, light a candle and read the words of the conspiracy for the night for your beloved guy three times:

“Do not wander, servant of God (name), across the open field, that the tour is astray, that the raven is flying. Take my golden keys, unlock the chest forged with gold. From it you take out a girl's heart, faithful to you, incorruptible. Take care of my crystal heart, my heart is pure, like a fish tooth. We will be together, we will not part either in longing, sadness, or in joy. I will lock the word strong in a golden casket with golden keys forever so that the slave (name) is always with me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

“Golden sand flows between the fingers, the sea of ​​​​honey oozes with honey, the bee strives for the flower. A honey-sweet flower, tender and sweet, in mine you don’t want to fly away. You will plunge into the honey sea, you will drink sweet nectar, you will never forget me, you will not cool your heart. You, servant of God (name), hurry to me, servant of God (name), like a bee to reach for honey, bathe in sweet bliss, stay with me forever! My witch's word is forged in a golden chest, under a golden lock with a golden key, under golden sand at the bottom of the sea. Amen!".