Powerful spells to attract money. How to read prayers and conspiracies for luck and money correctly? Simple conspiracies for a magic souvenir

Strange thing- our life: it brings many benefits to some people, without requiring them to make special efforts, and to others - practically nothing, despite all their zeal in the struggle for happiness. What determines such a distribution if not luck?

Rituals and conspiracies will help attract fortune

Believe in her or not is a personal matter for everyone, but there is hardly a person who has never blasphemed her without receiving what she wanted in return for her efforts. So how do you attract good luck? How to get Fortune's help? They will help in this difficult matter special conspiracies and rituals for good luck.

A kind of rituals for good luck

A huge number of rituals dedicated to attracting good luck are primarily aimed at luck in financial matters and in work or business. Whether we like it or not, material wealth and luck are closely related to each other in a natural way: if a person wants to conclude an important deal, get a job Good work or to sell the property as expensive as possible, a rite of passage for good luck would be a reasonable step.

But, for no one is a secret, money cannot buy happiness, therefore there are universal ways attract luck to yourself, covering more aspects of life. Magic can always help in performing such a task, Rites for good luck and conspiracies:

  1. A rite of passage for good luck through the birds.
  2. Better pay conspiracy.
  3. A rite of passage for good luck in business.
  4. A rite of passage for luck in business through the cream.
  5. A conspiracy for money and luck on black bread.
  6. A rite of passage for good luck and happiness.
  7. Happy water.
  8. Lucky ring.
  9. Chan Chu, or the Money Toad.

Rite of luck through the birds

Since ancient times, birds have personified the connection between the earthly stronghold and the firmament, which is why the rituals for attracting good luck associated with them have a special power.

What is needed for the ritual

Birds are not as picky as people, therefore, for a ritual for money and good luck, the magician will need:

To carry out a ceremony for good luck with the help of birds, you need to stock up on millet

  • a handful of millet;
  • bread crumbs.

How to perform the ritual

This Rite is held for good luck and money during the day for the growing moon. The conspirator, in order, needs to do the following:

  1. Choose a place for the ritual. Preference is given to deserted green areas, especially woodlands.
  2. Arriving at the selected site, you must wait for the birdsong.
  3. In response to twitter, the brought treats are thrown to the birds with a conspiracy:

    “Every bird sings, every bird brings food to its chicks, one cuckoo is a thin mother to its cuckoos, I won't throw bread to the cuckoo. Small birds, here's a treat for you, take to the little kids. As I feed you, I treat you, so I, the servant of God (name), of all prosperity and blessings would fall and fall. Amen".

Better pay conspiracy

This conspiracy of wealth and good luck allows you to attract well-being without leaving your workplace. All a fortune seeker needs is correct location spirit.

How to perform the ritual

You can carry out this ritual for luck as follows:

  1. Take maximum comfortable posture so that extraneous thoughts do not distract from the conspiracy, and concentrate on the ceremony.
  2. Look in the direction where payments are made: they usually look in the direction of the accounting department.
  3. Read the following conspiracy:

    “The Apostle Andrew fished fish in the Sea of ​​Galilee with Jesus Christ, our Lord, and said:“ Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, shovel the money ”. So let the Lord not forget the servant of God (name), not bypass, give good, feed, give to drink. Amen, amen, amen. "

A rite of passage for good luck in business

A somewhat scrupulous, but strong and old magic Rite of good luck in business, after which the magician will soon notice how his business has gone uphill.

How to perform the ritual

Before starting the ritual to attract good luck, you need to wait until the end of the working day. Once all employees have left, you can proceed with the ceremony as follows:

  1. The conspirator goes to a safe, cash register or other place where money is kept, opens it and reads:

    “The Jordan River flows from under the Siyanskaya Mountain. The Mother of God walked over the river, spoke with the river. Mother river, you flow quickly and fiercely, wash away the gold of the bank. Save my property, my gold and silver. Be my goodness untouchable, inexperienced, Come to me, the servant of God (name), soon, irrevocably, irrevocably. Just as a fish does not go against water, so do not go gold against me, Go straight into my hands, at dawn, at evening, Every day, every hour, on a day under the sun, on a night under a month, Under frequent stars, clear, under the whole world of God. To those words of mine, a key and a lock, in the name of the Lord, by the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

  2. After reading the conspiracy, you need to lock the vault and go home, along the way without talking to anyone or saying hello.
  3. Upon arrival home, they collect water in a glass and speak it with the words:

    "Along the mountain of seed, over the Egyptian land Mother of god walked, collected dew drops, carried them into the house, helped the servant of God (name). The house has become a full cup, not yours, but ours. With the help of God, we are happy, not envy of anyone. Multiply, wealth, multiply, multiply. For joy for good, so that everyone will be light. Amen".

  4. They wash their face three times with a spell of water, after which they sprinkle the corners of the house, and drink the rest.

Conspiracies for good luck in business through the cream

Strong conspiracy rituals for good luck and wealth can be not only productive, but also delicious. Such rituals include a cream conspiracy.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform a magic ritual for good luck you will need:

For the ceremony, you need to buy fresh cow's milk on the market

  • fresh cow's milk purchased from the market;
  • a bowl;
  • Cup;
  • tablespoon.

How to perform the ritual

Few business conspiracies can boast of such a pleasant accompaniment. To implement the plan, you must:

  1. Early in the morning you need to go to the market and buy fresh cow's milk, and preferably fresh milk.
  2. Arriving home, milk is poured into a bowl, covered with a towel and placed in a cool, dark place. A cellar is good for such a thing.
  3. The next day, you can see how the cream has formed. They must be carefully removed and placed in a glass.
  4. The resulting cream is spoken with the words:

    “I, servant of God (name), will go out from door to door, from gate to gate.

  5. I will go along a country path, but along a narrow path. Yes, I will see mother cow - mother cow steep sides. How mother-cow would give me cream, fresh cream. As soon as I drink fresh cream, a great force wakes up in me. With that great silushka, I will roll up a little bit. How gold-silver will fall on me from a little pile. How will I be all in gold and silver. And now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

The charmed cream is drunk in three sips. If there are more of them than intended, they are shared with the comrades in the case.

Conspiracy for money and luck on black bread

Conspiracies for good luck and luck - very good and efficient way find the desired in the future, especially if Wanga herself shared this conspiracy with the world.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator only needs a small slice of black bread.

How to perform the ritual

This ceremony should be performed exclusively at night without prying eyes and on an empty stomach. Having found a secluded place at home after sunset, the magician must:

  1. Put in front of you a slice of brown bread prepared in advance.
  2. Read the conspiracy over him in a half-whisper three times:

    “God, how you fed all the hungry and needy during life, so help all the members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring luck to me, but take my grief away. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to wisely spend every penny and help everyone in need. Amen".

  3. The spellbread must be eaten.

Rite of passage for good luck and happiness

This ritual is aimed at attracting good luck in all aspects of life and has considerable power, but requires a little endurance.

What is needed for the ritual

A person seeking happiness will need:

  • church candle;
  • a pair of mirrors.

How to perform the ritual

The ceremony should begin exactly at midnight from Saturday to Sunday. The magician's algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You need to stand between a pair of mirrors so that the first reflects the face, and the second reflects the back. Mirrors should be parallel.
  2. They light the flame of a candle and, without taking their eyes off her, read the conspiracy:

    “There is a golden church with a silver throne, talking icon looking at me. I will enter the church, stand before the throne under the icon, before the Mother of God. Mother of God, make me happy from this day. I will go out with my feet, I will take happiness with my hands. "

  3. The conspiracy repeats itself non-stop as long as the fire burns.
  4. The wax of an extinguished candle is hidden in a secret place.
  5. Waking up in the morning, you need to visit three churches and put a candle of the Mother of God in each.

Happy water

In our era, it is no secret to anyone that water is not just a liquid, but also a keeper of information, emotions and feelings that a person shares with it.

Water is the custodian of information

This ritual is for good luck in life and is based on such an unusual feature of the source of life.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the future lucky one will need:

  • any transparent vessel;
  • water.

How to perform the ritual

This ritual with water is very simple to perform, it can be repeated daily or even more often, and it does not require any financial investment or special efforts... All that a person really needs is his positive emotions. You need to carry out the ritual in this way:

  1. During the day, water is collected in the vessel. It is desirable that this be at noon, when the Sun shines especially brightly.
  2. A vessel with water is placed on the windowsill or in any other place. In this matter, the main condition is Sun rays must touch the water.
  3. The conspirator speaks to the water pleasant words that should be accompanied by positive emotions. You can talk about love, happiness, joy, luck, respect, etc. - what you want to invest in water, about that and share with it.

They drink the "happy" water.

Lucky ring

Many lucky and successful people there is something all over the planet that brings them prosperity - their lucky talisman. This ritual will help you create your own amulet that will do its best to drive away possible failures of its wearer.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the magician will need:

  • any jewelry, it is advisable to use a silver ring;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • a bowl.

Preparing for the ritual

The ritual is performed exclusively on the growing moon. Clouds and clouds should not hide the star on the chosen night. Preparation takes place as follows:

  1. Before you start creating a talisman, you need to choose a piece of jewelry that will be endowed with magical properties in the future. It is recommended to give preference to silver rings.
  2. When the choice is completed, the magician proceeds to cleanse the future amulet in order to rid him of all sorts of vices. To do this, you need to collect water in a bowl, salt it, and then put the product in the vessel. When cleansing, read:

    “Water, water, cleanse the ring from all that is bad, from all that is unnecessary. Water takes in everything unnecessary. The ring becomes clean before my eyes. "

After reading the plot, the silver ring should be left in salt water for 10 minutes

After reading the plot, the jewelry is left in salt water for 10 minutes. At the end of the time, the bowl is emptied.

How to perform the ritual

When a piece of jewelry to create magic talisman already selected and purified, the magician continues the plot like this:

  1. The peeled ring is put on the ruler and goes out into the street.
  2. They look at the moon and, holding out their hand to it, speak:

    “Moonlight, help! Charge the ring with luck (love, wealth, health, etc.)! "

  3. It is significant that the moonlight falls on the future amulet.
  4. After the words of the conspiracy, the jewelry is removed and left on the street, going to sleep.
  5. Early in the morning they return for their talisman and put it on, saying:

    “The ring is on me! Good luck (love, wealth, health, etc.) to me! "

Chan Chu, or the Money Toad

The Monetary Toad tradition came to Europe from distant China. According to legends, Chan Chu was of a terrible disposition and harmed the lower Chinese gods. When Buddha found out about this, he deprived her of one limb and, in atonement for her guilt, forced her to serve people. Since then, the Money Toad has been a symbol of the prosperity of a family or enterprise.

Where to put the Money Toad

Despite the fact that Chan Chu is very popular, many people do not know where to place the toad in order for it to be beneficial, which is why they release positive energy flows from home. That is, the wrong location can be accompanied by family failures. Therefore, according to the old Chinese traditions Chan Chu should be in the following locations:

  • in the living room;
  • in the corner diagonally to the front door;
  • on the windowsill with your back to the street.

To increase the effect and multiply the luck given by the Money Toad, it can be placed in its favorite place - in the water.

If Ch'an Chu is located at work, then the ideal place for her will be the one where money turnover or transactions take place intensively.

What are the money toads

Exists different types Chan Chu figurines and each of them has its own unique purpose:

  1. Chan Chu, sitting on a large cluster of coins. She will give her owner financial independence.
  2. Chan Chu with the symbol of Bagua, an ancient Chinese trigram symbolizing the eight elements. The toad will attract cash flows, and Bagua will protect the abode from destructive energy.
  3. Chan Chu with Hotei, the god of well-being, whom many people mistakenly identify with the Buddha. Ancient god will direct the streams of luck towards the career of the owner of the house.
  4. Chan Chu with his mouth open. You need to put a coin in the mouth of the toad. It is believed that if Chan Chu spits out a coin, the owner of the house will experience rapid financial growth.

What to do with the Money Toad

Chan Chu's presence at home is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the owners for her services. In order for the Money Toad to be of more use, you need to interact with it regularly. By talking to the statuette and sharing their plans for the future, the owners provide themselves with a huge flow positive energy bringing money and luck into the house.

How to attract luck and money into your life and your home

A conspiracy so that prosperity will come for a long time.

Pour water into a glass bowl and speak aloud (you can read from a book) at it.

“How many will enter my door - so many assistants. But enemies, enemies do not have to go to my door. How many times the door opens - so much good will come into the house. And evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and misfortune have no way here. Happiness - in the house, good - in the house! Amen".

Then spray the threshold of your house with this water.

A conspiracy for good luck in a new business.

This conspiracy will help you when you start new job on which you have high hopes. This can be a new direction in the activity in the previous place of work, or work in a different place, or if you are starting work for the first time after graduation.

The conspiracy is read in the morning, after washing. Take a wide cup, made of any material, just not metal, pour water. The water should not be cold, but not very warm, but better room temperature... Speak this conspiracy over the bowl - aloud or in a whisper, you can read from the book:

“Water-water, my sister, you walked mountains and valleys, and underground paths, through dark woods where fields and meadows, and steep banks, and sands, and pebbles, and damp earth, and bright skies. Many times, water-water, you met the dawn, saw off the night, and with each dawn you washed yourself, shone with the sun, cleared yourself with white light. So cleanse me too, wash my soul and my body, sister water. Wash away the dirt and filth, fill it with cleanliness - so that my work is clean, full of goodness, shines with light, evolves - arguing, full of luck! Amen".

Then wash yourself with this water, pouring it on top of your head.

A conspiracy to attract monetary luck.

This conspiracy should be read in the morning, on an empty stomach, on a piece of bread. It helps start a new streak in your life - when money begins to come easily and in the right quantities. The conspiracy should be read aloud or in a whisper, you can read the book, but trying not to look at the book all the time, but to look at the bread:

“Lord our God, Jesus Christ, you fed the hungry with five loaves of bread, so feed me and my family, make my life abundant and well-fed, turn my luck to me, grief - turn away evil from me. Let the road of satiety and joy open into my house, let the money come to me, and I promise to spend it wisely, for the good of everyone, and wisely increase wealth, our Lord, for glory. To my words a key and a lock. Amen".

After that, the slice of bread you have spoken must be eaten.

A conspiracy for the successful implementation of all plans.

This conspiracy will help fulfill what you want in business and in personal life, and in any endeavors. Read on if you need luck and make the best of circumstances for you.

“Voditsa-voditsa, you give me a drink, you give me a wash. So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a lot of happiness. I close it with the key, wash it with water, according to my word, let everything come true. Amen".

Afterwards, drink the water slowly, in small sips.

So that wealth comes to the house.

This conspiracy will help bring goodness into your home so that it is rich, and even luxurious.

Take a little sheep's wool, or a piece of fur, skin, and say it out loud (you can look in a book):

“Sheep-lamb, walked around the world, wore a fur coat. That fur coat is warm and rich, it came to my house itself, brought warmth and wealth to me. So fill up, my house, with gold - silver and all kinds of good! Be my home, rich and abundant, for the good of everyone, for everyone. Be, my words, strong and molding! "

Put a piece of the said wool in a secluded place in your house so that no one finds it and inadvertently throws it away. Let it lie for a year. A year later, you need to take a new wool and slander the same conspiracy on it.

For a prosperous life.

This conspiracy will help if you want to live in abundance, and at the same time in peace and quiet, without shocks, so that peace and well-being will reign in your life for a long time.
At noon, go outside or open a window to allow the sun to enter. Place your hands with palms up, pointing them towards the sun, and say the words of the conspiracy three times loudly:

“Sun-sun, you warmly and affectionately walk across the sky, illuminate everyone, help everyone, give everyone good. So give me, sun, your warmth, light and all the good. May it be so".

Then place your palms on your chest and stand with your eyes closed for a minute. This should be done for seven days in a row at the same time (at noon). And even if the day is not sunny, do not miss it, remember that the sun behind the clouds still shines and warms. Look to the sun even if you can't see it.

So that the money grows quickly.

Wait for the full moon to appear in the sky at clear sky... Take
several coins or bills of any denomination and put them on the window, or any other place so that the moonlight falls on them. Say the words of the conspiracy out loud three times in a row (you can use the book):

“Moon-queen, you are silver, golden, growing and accreting. So give my money to light, so that it grows and grows. They drink money from the moonlight, grow from hour to hour, gain strength, fill my house. "

Leave the money in the moonlight for a few hours, and leave yourself so as not to look.

Then put this money in your wallet and do not waste a month. They will attract new money to you. After a month, spend and repeat the whole ritual with other money.

A conspiracy to keep money growing.

Take a piece of bread and say it out loud three times, using the book:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew up as a sprout, gilded with an ear, and turned into a loaf of bread. As there is plenty of bread in the fields, so I have money to heaven. As the bread grows, it spikes, so my money grows and increases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then eat the bread.

To raise money for the construction or purchase of an apartment.

In the morning, after washing your face, take some honey, spread it on the bread and say it out loud (you can read from the book):

“A bee builds a hive, collects honey, calls guests. As everyone is drawn to honey, so money is drawn to me. A bee is a beehive, a home is for me. Bee wax, money for me. "
Eat the bread and honey on an empty stomach. Repeat once a week for a month.

A protective conspiracy so that money is not transferred.

In the morning, after prompting, before washing, take a fine comb, comb your hair with it and say at least five times in a row the words of the conspiracy in a quiet whisper:

“Hair-hair, grow thicker, money-money, live more. Hair grows thickly, so let the money run thick. Amen".

A conspiracy to always have a lot of money.

Step out into the open sky on a starry night. Look to the sky and repeat:

"The stars are endless, the money is endless."

Repeat at least nine times in a row, or more.

A conspiracy to make money love you.

There are people for whom money either does not come, or it comes in small numbers, or does not stay late. Such people do not like money. This conspiracy will help you become attractive for money, so that it comes in abundance, and it stays with you.

In the morning, take an apple or pear, cut it in half and say out loud:

“I call on the spirit of money, I plant it in a pear (apple). I eat a pear (apple), I overshadow myself with the spirit of money. Love me money, come money to me. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen".

After that, the pear or apple must be eaten.

Conspiracy for rich life and big money.

Take an item that you often wear (coat, dress, etc.). Sew a small coin into the hem or under the floor.

When you sew, repeat in a whisper (you can look into the book):

“A thread with a needle, and money with me. As a thread pulls for a needle, so money is drawn to me. I hem the hem, sew the money to myself. Come to me, big and small money, copper, silver, gold, paper, all sorts of different, to buy, to sell, for your joy, for God's grace. Amen".

Repeat without stopping or distraction as you sew.

On this day, do not put on a thing, let it hang at home among other things. With next day wear as usual.

So that the money comes as often as possible.

Buy poppy seeds from the market. Wait for the new moon, and at the very hour when the new moon rises, take a handkerchief, spread it on the table, sprinkle a poppy in the center, and, drawing a cross on it with your finger, say the words of the conspiracy aloud or in a whisper (you can also look into a book, not learn by heart):

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Theotokos, save and preserve! I am baptized with the cross, I will bow to you. Mother of God, You know all my needs, how much money I need, without a coin in my wallet, I can neither get dressed, nor shoes, nor a piece of bread, nor a sip of water. Give me how much poppy is in a scarf, how much money is in your wallet. Amen".

Then the poppy must be tied in a scarf and stored in a secret place in the house.

Great wealth.

Boil fish soup, and when you butcher and cook the fish, sentence the words of the conspiracy:

“The waters of the earth are great, the seas-oceans are full of them. How much water is in the seas, oceans, how much fish is in that water, so much wealth is to me. Amen, amen, amen. "

You need to repeat continuously all the time while cooking. It is necessary that no one distracts, so it is better to do this when no one is at home. The soup should be eaten on the same day, and everyone in the house should taste at least a little.

So that goodness comes into the house.

On a new moon, pour water into a glass and place it on the window so that the moonlight gets there. Let it stand until the moon is full. On a full moon, take a glass in your hands and say aloud into the water:

“The moon was thin, but it became full. So my house so that it becomes full of all good, but gold and silver. "

Then you need to wash your face and hands with this water.

Everyone knows that in order to get rich, you need to work hard. But many work, work, and their money is not added. To correct this injustice, you can turn to the ancient magical rituals of white and black magic for help. But they help only those who believe in them.

People have always dreamed of possessing wealth, money, fame. From time immemorial, they fought for the possession of wealth, because life with it was much easier. Now spells and conspiracies to attract wealth are very popular.

Faith in spells

Since olden times, in order to get rich, people have resorted to different methods... The wisest turned to the rites of white magic. Skeptical people do not believe this, they chuckle and believe that whispering in the store will not pay off.

If people use magical rites or rituals, this does not mean that they do not have to work, and they just relax on the couch and wait for the rain from money. You still have to work. And in the end, life will not consist of waiting for a salary, but financial situation will improve a lot, money will appear and linger in the house.

All psychics, sorcerers, magicians have one opinion: they claim that energy flows rule human life. After all, for example, the most beautiful and a smart girl will be alone if she does not have a love energy. She will be more beautiful than her friends, but the male gender does not seem to see her and passes by. It's the same with money. A person around whom cash flows are concentrated will always be comfortable, regardless of how much he earns.

It is often possible to observe such a picture that one person works by the sweat of his brow and makes good money, but they slip away from him. ... Somewhere unexpected expenses appear, on which all the money earned goes. Such people live modestly and cannot get out of debt. And the other person, earning little money, does not infringe upon himself in anything, and even manages to save.

Therefore, with the help of special rituals, you can slightly improve your financial condition and make money fall in love with your home.

Black magic

It is very effective in attracting money, but if an inept person is engaged in this, black magic can do more harm than help. Lack of protective amulets will lead to even greater costs and losses, rather than wealth. A person will not improve his material condition, but will aggravate the situation.

If the person has not had any experience with black magic, then to attract wealth it is better to use white magic conspiracies.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use, then it is necessary to fulfill all the specified requirements. During the ritual, one should not be distracted., you need to overcome feelings of fear and doubt in yourself.

The danger of rituals

Of all the existing rituals, money is the most harmless. Using them, a person does not harm anyone. He does not suppress anyone's will, as in rituals associated with love spells, and also does not want evil, as in the case of damage. Therefore, after using white magic rituals no need to think about the consequences.

With black rituals, as mentioned above, you need to be more careful. The dark forces always demand payment for their services and never help just like that. For example, if they help to improve the financial situation for the better, then in return there is a possibility of losing health, love, loved one... Based on this, need to keep in mind that when using these rituals, you must be confident in your strong defense.

Elimination of possible consequences

When turning to rituals for help, one must not forget about the poor. Part of your income should be given to the poor, especially people who ask for the treatment of a child, and also to give alms to those in need. This money will definitely return to larger size.

You do not need to be greedy for tips, paying for the services rendered, you must definitely thank them, because then the money will return in a larger amount. And greed will not give positive emotions, and wealth with luck will bypass you.

You need to receive money rejoicing and always thank, because monetary energy directly related to the energy of joy. Money must be loved, looked after, treated with care, but in no case should it be elevated to a cult and worshiped.

You must always mentally thank fate for each amount received, even if there were hopes of getting a large ... There is no need to be angry in these moments, be angry so as not to block the monetary energy.

The simplest ceremony for attracting cash flows is as follows: in a store when shopping or during another financial transaction, you need to say in your thoughts “Your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

This ceremony will always tell you that you are in a financial flow, and will definitely work, attracting money into the house.

The next ceremony is performed on the young moon. You need to stop on the road at 12 o'clock at night, get 12 coins and stand in such a way that the moonlight falls on them. Say seven times:

“Everything that sprouts and comes to life is multiplied by the light of the Sun, and money - by the light of the Moon. Grow my money... Multiply my money. Add my money. Come to me (name), enrich me. May it be so!".

Then squeeze the coins tightly in your hand and go home, and then put them in your wallet. You should always take it with you when going shopping. All the ceremonies performed on the young moon are very effective.

For an uninterrupted cash flow, you need to squeeze money in your fist, go out with it, find a young spruce. Then knock on the Christmas tree with money and whisper three times:

"As young needles grow, so my money grows, not on a sugar cake, not on lime honey, not on a brew, not on steam, on gold-silver and copper."

This money must be buried under the spruce.

White magic

Hardworking and decent people often live below the poverty line. To fix this, you need to seek help from magical rituals, and then luck and luck will accompany them in life. The main requirement is faith in luck and success..

Ancient slavic ritual to attract money:

Effective Wealth Spell

Preparing for the ceremony and the ritual itself will take a lot of time. They spend it at home in certain days. There are such special days, or, more precisely, nights:

  • night from 30.04 to 01.05;
  • night from 31.07 to 01.08;
  • night from 31.10 to 01.11;
  • night from 31.01 to 01.02.

It is necessary to start the ritual after twelve o'clock in the morning. To carry it out, sixteen candles are required: one gold, nine white, six green. The candles should be greased with pine oil. Place a golden candle in the center, place green candles around it, and white surround the greens.

Pour salt around the white candles immediately after twelve o'clock. Then light a gold candle first, and then, clockwise, first the green candles, and then the white ones. Three times you need to go around the candles, all the time saying:

"Jupiter will walk around the sun three times - it will bring me money."

Then you need to sit for a while and imagine everything you want, which is most lacking. Then extinguish the candles in reverse order... The first to extinguish the candle that was lit last.

Wealth ladder

This is very ancient ritual... In any ceremony, the main thing is the belief that it will help. If everything is done correctly, then the money will soon become much more. The spell is cast on the young moon.

You will need: a green thread, a green candle, 9 carnation buds. You need to tie knots on the thread, tying the buds. The result is 9 knots. Take this thread in hand and say:

“Ladder of nine knots, I created you so that the wealth I want is mine. So that I can (la) climb through you to prosperity and well-being. This is my will, so be it! "

Tie this "ladder" around a candle and light it every day for 9 days. The burning time must be calculated as follows, so that in nine days the candle is completely burned out.

How to lure money to yourself is already known, and now you need to find out how to preserve accumulated savings:

Monetary well-being depends a lot on the energy that surrounds you. The accumulation of positive energy, good thoughts, wishes leads to improvement in the financial sphere of a person. Wealth is not evil, so you can't think badly about money and rich people. If you think that all the rich are mean and deceitful, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get rich. Negative thoughts will hinder financial self-sufficiency.

Attention, only TODAY!

Who among us does not want to attract luck, especially in money. Being rich and independent is what makes most people happy. For this, some work hard, but this does not guarantee a quick and accurate result, others seem to be doing nothing special, but they always have money. A good luck conspiracy will help you join these favorites of Fortune.

Luck loves those who love themselves and believe in their own strength. Therefore, you need to set yourself up to the fact that you are worthy of her help.

Cultivating a love of money will help you attract it to you.

Love what you do and believe in its success. Especially when everyone around you tells you that it is useless. Prove to them that you were wrong.

Movement is life, stick to this principle do not sit idly by waiting for heavenly manna.

To help those who wish good luck to become eternal companion life, there are a number of different conspiracies.

You are unlikely to succeed in completely subjugating the magic of money; this will require serious forces. But you can make money fortune welcoming to you.

Money loves counting and respect, so don't be a waste of money.

Choose the right day for a good luck conspiracy in money. Wednesday is considered ideal; in ancient mythology, it was the day of the god of profit and prosperity, Mercury. And if Wednesday falls on the third or fourth day of the new moon, it will be just perfect.

The ceremony should be carried out only on the growing moon, otherwise the conspiracy simply will not work.

Strong conspiracy for money

Stand before dawn

Lay on the table round shape but a square one would work too, a new white tablecloth.

Place seven golden coins, new and shiny, around the edge of the table in a circle. It is important that the coins are not issued in a leap year.

And with the first ray of the sun, you need to read the conspiracy continuously and smoothly, pronouncing each word. Do not be silent for a moment.

“Ever-Virgin Mary, have mercy on me, the servant of God (name). Help to fulfill the plan, we know about this. Amen".

Do not memorize a plot from a computer monitor, rewrite it to white clear sheet and teach from him.

Conspiracy for good luck in business

If you have problems in business, for example, the business has started to bring losses. Then, first of all, it is worth checking if there is any evil eye or damage directed at you by enemies. The conspiracy may not work if there are such energy blocks that do not let luck get in your way.

As soon as your energy is cleared, you can use several effective conspiracies for good luck in business.

Pick any month on the thirteenth and go to church. There you need to buy 13 candles, it is important that there is change, which will need to be exchanged for metal coins. You will need them for further action ritual.

When you come home, throw coins backhand on the floor so that they scatter around the house, and do not collect them until morning. On this day, you should not invite strangers or guests so as not to answer the question, why are coins scattered around the house?

The morning after the ritual, you need to get up without combing or washing, collect all the coins and tie them in a handkerchief. Place the money amulet under the bed and read the following words:

“Grandma-witch, you lie in the coffin and guard your coffin. You went through life boldly, doing magic. You took away people's happiness, you endowed yourself with luck. Give the witch luck to me, and with her happiness to boot. "

If you have already solved a difficult matter, then be sure to say to yourself:

"I take my luck, and I leave all the failure for change."

Conspiracy to attract good luck for every day

There is a conspiracy that will attract good luck to you every day and this requires the help of higher powers.

Therefore, do the following.

Press your left palm against the solar plexus. This is a special point on the body where the energy of the body and soul unites.

Then let go of all negative thoughts. Forgive everyone who wished you harm, and ask for forgiveness from those to whom you have a negative attitude.

After cleansing, say the following words:

“Good luck will be behind me, but troubles will remain behind me. As I want, so everything will be. "

To attract luck, you can make a special talisman every day that will save you from any negativity, attracting good luck in everything.

Ritual with Rice, Sugar and Salt

You will need a small saucer.

You should pour the following ingredients into it in a certain sequence: 3 tbsp. lies. salt - on top 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar - three tbsp. tablespoons of raw rice.

Each of the components has its own meaning.

Salt personifies all the troubles and adversities that come your way, filling them with sugar, you block the negativity, attracting good luck.

Rice in many cultures is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity.

Finally, you need to stick the open pin into the prepared slide on the saucer and remove it from your eyes at night.

In the morning, when going on business, pin the talisman to your clothes so that no one can see it.

Every evening, you need to break off a pin and immerse it in a slide of rice, sugar and salt. And in the morning, do not forget to pin her on your clothes.

After a month, you can guess the full moon, change these ingredients to new ones, since these have already worked their way and if they are not replaced, then your luck will begin to wane.

Conspiracy for good luck in business and work

So that your work always argues, bringing career, perform the following ceremony. Dig a hole anywhere convenient and place the following items:

A small remnant

A cockroach, real, not alive.

Gold coin, you can just choose a golden color.

Bury it all while uttering the following conspiracy

"How does this remnant end,

Let the bad luck end soon.

Erase the curse, stay with me luck.

How many bad owners have cockroaches,

May I have so much money and good luck. "

This ritual has been walking on the Internet for many years. He may seem strange and even stupid, but in fact he is very effective. People who performed this ceremony with faith in their actions received amazing results. Therefore, if you feel that it is worth trying, be sure to do it and you will succeed and you will come true.

A conspiracy for business success and for solving complex issues.

Before making a big deal, say the following words:

"The supreme angel, you are my guardian, love me, do not leave,

Your word is my word.

Show me the true path, instruct and protect me. Amen".

A conspiracy for those who are engaged in trade, who wish to trade profitably

There are also conspiracies for luck in this area. Trade relations have their own specifics, therefore, the magic used to attract good luck in this area also differs in some nuances.

The time when the ritual is performed is usually in the morning, at noon, or before sunset.

Since the sale of goods refers to items that need to be disposed of, the ritual is performed on the waning moon, reciting special prayers or spells.

The perfect day to read any spell on good trade is Wednesday or Saturday.

Own belief in the positive effect of the ceremony. No matter how strong the conspiracy is, if the operator himself does not believe in its effectiveness, there will be no result. How stronger desire the faster you reach your goal. But do not forget that nothing comes from sitting with folded arms.

Here are conspiracies for successful trading and customer acquisition

Take old rag and, brushing dust from the workplace, it can be both a table and a trade counter, sentencing.

“Dashing beggar, devilish devil, I ask you do not touch me, do not ruin my goods!

Get away from me, walk through the water, through the forest and through the swamp,

Don't call me, take the dead crab instead of me, but lie under the snag.

So that I do not know more poverty, my goods so as not to stale,

I send away all poverty, I drive away all misfortunes and bad weather! Amen".

After the conspiracy, it is necessary to get rid of the used rag by throwing it into a small body of water, a river or lake, if they are in the city, too. The result will not be long in coming.

To sell a certain thing, you can use a simple conspiracy.

"Giving less, getting more."

When pronouncing a conspiracy, you need to feel every word, putting into it the strength of your desire and positive emotions.

Conspiracies, prayers, rituals for luck in everything

The girl's luck is capricious, so she needs to be cajoled regularly. To attract constant luck in all endeavors, spend a conspiracy in the house with pre-fumigated incense or incense.

First, you need to wash all the floors, especially the threshold and in front of the threshold (at the entrance), light three church candles and say the following words:

“I opened the doors

I called good luck

I will live beautifully, cheerfully and happily. "

Another effective way for constant success in all matters.

It is necessary to collect all possible coins that are accepted in commercial use today, of different denominations, one piece at a time.

Put the collected coins in the bag.

Put three black peppercorns there.

You will also need one bay leaf and one feather of any bird, they also need to be put in this bag of coins.

After collecting all the ingredients, hang the bag where you spend most of your time: office, home, etc.

This talisman is very effective and easy to make.

Conspiracy for good luck in a conceived business

In order for the business you have conceived to come true exactly, it is important to have an effective talisman with you, which will always be with you.

You can do this by talking about any thing: a coin, a pin, a stone, a pendant and so on.

More important is the time of the conspiracy for the new moon. Every month when it appears young month, take the item of your choice in your hand and read the following words on it:

“The moon was born, filled with strength, gave me strength, brought good luck. As the light of this will not part with our land, so luck will not go away from this thing, it will pursue and follow on the heels ”.

Then put the item in a place where the moonlight will fall, leaving it until morning. Then you can carry it with you. In this method, it is important to know that the talisman should be charged every new moon so that its power does not fade away.

Fortune conspiracy for the castle

To carry out this ceremony, you need an old lock and a key to it. For those who cannot find a suitable one old item, you can purchase any the padlock with key only big size... You also need a red candle of medium size and thickness.

The ceremony is carried out on a sunny day, as the energy of the sun is used, therefore, in cloudy weather, it is better to postpone the ceremony for another day. Sit in front of a lit candle. Holding a lock in one hand and a key in the other.

Then unlock it, and in the process of opening, pronounce the words of the conspiracy, three times:

“How I unlock the lock with this key,

So I attract good luck to myself.

Where I am, there is my luck,

And doors open to me. Amen".

After reading the conspiracy, you need to put the charmed lock by the candle and wait until it burns out. Once this happens, collect all the pieces of the candle onto paper.

On the same day, go to the nearest forest and hang the castle on the tree, the type of tree is not important, the main thing is to choose a thicker branch. This will help your success stay with you at all times.

Having decided on the tree, hang a lock on it, and when closing, say the following words:

“The word has been said, the deed is done. Key. Lock. Language".

Put a paper roll with pieces of a candle near a tree and go home without looking back.

Keep the key with you and do not show it to anyone; it is best to hide it in a secret place. In moments of need, hold the charmed key in your hands and whisper your desire to him.

It can be a great talisman if you take it on important events like making a good contract.

Conspiracy for luck on the ring

It is very important to choose a decoration for the mascot. And here the main thing is not the metal from which it is made, but that you like it.

Tip: Silver is an excellent conductor, therefore talismans from silver rings will be very strong.

Once you decide on the ring, proceed to the next step. The ceremony begins with hanging the ring on a red thread like a pendulum.

Hold it in your right hand and read the conspiracy

“Be a happy and successful ring.

I will enclose Fortune in a circle, will never turn away from me, will not leave.

Good luck is always with me, for centuries and hand in hand. "

The ritual is performed at night, in clear weather outside.

This amulet will bring good luck in any area of ​​your life, be it love or business, whatever your hand touches, it will bring you profit and success.

When choosing a piece of jewelry, choose a size that will be worn on the middle finger.

Instant luck conspiracy

This conspiracy must be pronounced on his birthday, because exactly how he possesses strong energy aimed specifically at you.

Guardian angel, protect me from the power of evil,

A dashing eye, an abusive word, an unfaithful friend!

May grace and joy bestow upon me,

Health and youth! Amen".

You need to pronounce it in the morning, as you woke up on your special day.

A quick conspiracy for good luck, read on a pin

“Protect the pin from the evil eye and other infection.

Give a pin good luck in business and clarity in your eyes! Amen".

Another powerful ritual of instant luck

Throw any coin up, and after catching, do not open your hand and read on it:

“Even if it’s tails, even if it’s heads,

My luck is always with me. "

Then put it in your pocket.

For a good purchase

To protect yourself from deception, you need to protect yourself with a talisman before buying. For its manufacture, you can use an ordinary coin of any denomination, the main thing is to keep it with you while concluding a deal or important purchase.

Or, you can create for yourself such a talisman as "unchangeable coin". Then you can buy without fear, since a bent coin is a very strong artifact and its sphere of influence is more extensive than that of an ordinary coin. Read how to make such a coin.

Before you go to a meeting with a seller, take a coin in your hand and say

“I am making a successful purchase,

I drive away all the bad things from myself.

To my piggy bank great thing add ".

Read it three times. And already in the store, touch the talisman and repeat:

“The best is for the best. May it be so".

Conspiracy to bait good luck

An excellent conspiracy to lure good luck. Take a silk thread, red or green, and, tying it in a knot, say:

"As the end meets the end, so I would have done it."

Then put it on the threshold of the house and step over, going out on business, re-sentencing this conspiracy.

Conspiracy-appeal to the Sun

This conspiracy is done at dawn. It is necessary to get up and wash cold water contact the owner of the water three times:

“Master of water, wash away my nightly sins,

Give me in the afternoon new beauty... Amen".

Then you need to go outside and stretch out your hands to the rising sun, saying:

“I will stand up a servant of God (name), blessing,

I will go, cross myself, go out into the open field,

I will look to the east, in the direction of that stand

The sun is clear

All people are beautiful.

And how flowers bloom under the Sun, fruits ripen, people rejoice,

So I would also be a servant of God, (name), blossomed, matured, grew stronger.

Yes, and all people would rejoice at me, as in the clear sun.

Be you, my conspiracy, stronger than stone, stronger than iron, from now on to the ages. Amen".

After reading the conspiracy, be sure to wash yourself and cross yourself three times to the east before leaving the house.

Conspiracy of luck for a favorite thing

Your favorite thing has a special energy, so making a talisman out of it is very good idea... You will always carry it with you, and it will protect you and attract good luck.

The next conspiracy needs to be pronounced

“Lord, my God, I kneel before you,

My guardian angel

Deliver from evil thoughts, save me, protect me,

How loving mother cannot wean the child from the breast until the right time

So that no one, ever, at any time, will take, take away my luck.

Increase my luck, Lord, let's go

Lord deliverance from enemies.

My angel, come with me, keep my happiness and good luck.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Food conspiracy

When preparing food, tune in only to positive emotions. You can pronounce a conspiracy any main thing is the power of your desire. Be clear about your goals and talk about food.

Here are the words for the conspiracy

"Food that nourishes the body,

Let the spirit be satisfied, giving prosperity to my cause. "

Good luck conspiracy for Muslims

Muslims are very religious people who read namaz six times a day. To attract good luck to yourself, to protect yourself from the machinations of the shaitan, after the evening prayer, read Surah Al-Bakara.

Another good sign is eating 7 dates on an empty stomach, as the great prophet Muhammad did.

When attracting good luck, it is important to be careful not to use black rituals, because you will have to pay for the benefits received, and the price can be much higher than the acquired wealth or fame.

Money is a flow of energy, like life. Sorcerers and practicing magicians vouch that the use of conspiracies is the most effective method getting rid of life's troubles. A simple conspiracy for money can be quite powerful and bring a lot of abundance. Success depends on self-confidence and trust in life, God and love.

In this article

Is it possible to make a conspiracy for money at home?

Conspiracy is small text, basically a prayer, accompanied by a certain ritual, which creates the necessary energy and helps to tune in to the result. To carry out the ritual, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Create a clear monetary goal.
  2. Determine the materials required for the ritual.
  3. Choose a place, time and moon phase.
  4. Find the appropriate conspiracy.

Don't forget that magic is only a tool and a set of skills, common sense should prevail. You can devote an entire day to rituals and spells to uncover cash flow, but your chances of success will be greatly reduced if you don't make an important call and send a copy of your resume!

Reading rules

By following all the rules, you will achieve everything you dream of:

  1. belief higher power and in what you do.
  2. Visualization is a mental practice in which you present scenes or situations as clearly as you can. Try to use all your senses. Imagine the place you want to visit, what it looks like, what smells, sounds and aromas are present there. You can use this technique to visualize goals in your life, to be successful in money matters.
  3. Make sure the spell you are casting is correct. Don't swap words. You need to read the conspiracy verbatim, as written.
  4. It is forbidden to read a conspiracy for money to pregnant women. This can harm the baby.
  5. If another person conducts the ceremony for money, you need to give something in return. You cannot give alcohol or money.
  6. Before the ritual for money, you must observe a three-day fast.
  7. During the ritual, women must loose their hair and remove all jewelry.
  8. Be sure to keep everything a secret.

Thoughts have properties to materialize, therefore, they must be positive. "Do no harm!" - this is the main law of magic, do good, and it will definitely return to you.

Conspiracy from Vanga

It is considered a very strong conspiracy and will help in solving financial difficulties... To perform the ritual, you will need:

  • plantain seeds;
  • red cloth or linen bag.

Put the seeds in the palm of your hand and whisper a conspiracy from Vanga on them:

Road grass knows all the paths,
so give the money a path-path to my house.
That path will never overgrow, never trample,
but it will expand and grow,
money, goodness and prosperity to lead my house.
Money - into the house, money - into the house, money - into the house.

Then put them in a bag or wrap them in red cloth. Hide so no one can find it.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Ritual rules:

  • choose the day of the week: Wednesday or Saturday;
  • spend on the growing moon;
  • choose a room so that no one can interfere with you.

For a conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova you will need:

  • coins;
  • white saucer;
  • wheat;
  • handkerchief;
  • water.

Put coins on the bottom of the saucer, put wheat on top and cover with a handkerchief. After three days add warm water, saying:

Mother wheat
you feed both young and old,
and beggars, and a bar.
You give ten of the grain,
and fifteen and twenty.
Give also to me, God's servant,
to be born with money,
like this wheat.
How it grows day and night
does not allow to die of hunger,
so let my money grow
and they feed me.

Repeat the ritual every third day until the wheat germinates.

Money conspiracies for items

Items store power. Trees, herbs, flowers, can heal and bestow love, success. Silver jewelry- tell about the state of health or become a conductor of energy, both positive and negative. Conducting money conspiracies on objects is not so difficult: a secluded place and faith in yourself and higher powers are enough.

On a silver spoon

Silver is a lunar metal, so the ritual is performed daily full moon... Then the metal will absorb strength and be able to help you.

During the ritual, you need to take a spoon in your palm and raise it so that the moonlight falls on it, and read the conspiracy:

Mount Abraham,
The strength of Adam,
I'm talking to you
I know the forces of the Almighty!
Do not refuse me, (name).
Like a snake sheds its skin,
so I will forever throw off my thinness,
poverty and poverty.
Wind, you pick up and carry my trouble
distant lands
and bring the royal mansions at my feet,
Good horse
mountains of gold and silver.
In all this gold is its
I will lay down a spoon, and I will never find it!
May my word be strong!
Key, lock, tongue, amen!

After the ritual, the spoon should be hidden until the next full moon. The ritual should be repeated until the desired is fulfilled.

On the money tree

The magic of trees has been known since the time of the Celts, when druids performed rituals in the forests, calling on the forces of nature for help. One of these plants is the Fat ( Money Tree) - brings financial well-being to the house.

A conspiracy for a money tree must be carried out on the growing moon. To do this, you will need:

  • plant seedling;
  • ceramic pot, black or green;
  • eight coins of the same denomination.

On Wednesday, you should retire to the room and prepare everything for the ritual. Put coins on the bottom of the pot, cover with earth and plant the Fatty Woman with the words:

You grow
and I bloom in wealth.
This is my will.

Place the pot with the plant in the eastern part of the house, and make sure that it is always clean around it. Watering should be done on Wednesdays, each time reading the plot.

On a red thread

No wonder, on the wrists of many pop stars you can find this simple thing... A conspiracy on a red thread can help in solving financial problems and bring prosperity to its owner.

Before starting the ritual, you should read the prayer "Our Father" and after that, ask a wealthy friend to tie a thread. While he is tying the red thread, the following words should be pronounced:

I attract money
and increase my income
in (number) times.
This must be said for each new node. At the last node, it should be said:
It is done.

Don't forget to thank your friend.

At the door

The front door can become a strong defender of the house from otherworldly forces and protect your wealth if you perform a certain ritual.

For the ritual, you need to buy three nails, while not taking change. At home, drive them into the door or above it, so as to visually create a triangle. One is at the top, two others are at the bottom and utter a conspiracy:

Three nails in my door.
The first will kill all enemies,
the second will lead all inhumans,
the third will take away all unkindness.
All words turn into deeds,
all nails in favor of the turnover.

After such a ritual, the sorcerer or evil person will not be able to enter and harm the house. Damage and evil eye will be bypassed, peace and prosperity will come in the family.

For 12 coins

"Money to money" - these words are often uttered by salespeople after the first client, and for good reason. Money always attracts money. A conspiracy for 12 coins will be able to attract wealth to a family.

  1. For the ritual, you will need 12 coins of the same denomination.
  2. After sunset, take the coins in your hands and start shaking them, then throw them in front of you like dice.
  3. Those coins that fell heads up - put aside, and those that fell heads up - collect.
  4. The actions must be repeated until all the coins fall heads.
  5. After that, collect everything and wrap it in red cloth.

The resulting bag will become your home talisman and will help keep your family wealthy.

To wallet

The wallet is home to money, so buying such a house should be taken seriously:

  • you shouldn't buy a cheap wallet;
  • the color should be red, brown or green;
  • make a purchase during the waxing moon;
  • do not bargain;
  • the wallet must be roomy.

In order to help the growth of money, you need to pronounce a conspiracy on the wallet that you just bought:

My purse is a bottomless pit,
will contain immeasurable wealth.
Be my words, the key and the lock,
and business - a lesson.

After reading the conspiracy, put a bill in your wallet and never waste it. This will help preserve the family's savings. Never leave your wallet empty, there must be money in it, even if it is a trifle.

To the piggy bank

To attract financial well-being families need to spend a conspiracy on the piggy bank. To do this, take a piggy bank and put coins in it, saying:

  1. The first coin is a salary increase.
  2. The second is inheritance.
  3. The third is winning the lottery, etc.
  4. When all the coins have been lowered, add the bay leaf.

Shake the piggy bank with the words:

Poverty, leave my doorstep
Benefit come and let it be a lot.
My money
safeguard bay leaves,
wealth is multiplied.
How the piggy bank is filled with a ringing coin,
so my wallet will be filled with new bills.

Hide the piggy bank from prying eyes. When money will come to the piggy bank, you should throw a coin with words of gratitude.

For bread

"Bread is the head of everything!" From childhood, grandmothers taught me to be careful with bread. It was impossible to drop, and if that happened, you should have asked for forgiveness from the bread. In the old days, people were treated with bread, and the smell of a freshly baked bakery product can attract prosperity to the house.

In order to carry out a conspiracy for bread, you need holy water and the bread itself. At dawn, you should retire to the room. Put a white tablecloth on the table, put a glass of holy water and half a loaf. Pronounce a conspiracy three times:

so that my house is always full of food
and kind people.
show me the way to wealth
and i promise
That I will direct the money for good purposes.

After the ritual, drink holy water, and divide the bread among all family members. You need to eat your portion right away, and distribute the rest of the bread to your relatives and make sure that they eat it. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual.

For sugar

With the help of sugar, you can attract cash to the house, for this you need to read the sugar conspiracy. On a piece of paper, write the amount you want to have. Seal the note in a white envelope, add sugar and a bill. Write “Sweet Life” on the envelope and say the following words:

My life is sweet
my life is smooth
I live in abundance
and all troubles are outside the fence.
White sugar is pure
free life in abundance!

The envelope must be carried with you until what is written. When you get the result, the note must be burned and the sugar blown down the wind.

We bring to your attention a video selection of sugar conspiracies:

On a bay leaf

For the ritual, you need to take a jar with a lid. A conspiracy on a bay leaf should be carried out on the growing moon. Put a note with the desired amount at the bottom of the can, then add 7 coins of the same denomination, saying the following words:

Coins are sparkling
coins are ringing!
I have more and more of them!
Where I don't expect
I get income,
and the money in my account is coming!

After you read the conspiracy, you need to lower the bay leaf into the jar, on which you need to write the names of all family members. Put one coin into the piggy bank every day, and financial well-being will surely come in the house.

After 60 days, bury the note and bay leaves in a deserted place, and buy something with coins.

Rite of passage for financial well-being and good luck

The magic for financial well-being and good luck is carried out with the help of a green candle. Green color- a symbol of prosperity, attracting good luck and help in overcoming the financial crisis.

  1. The ritual should be performed on the growing moon, for this you will need green candle, any bills and coins.
  2. Light a candle, light it, and spread money around it.
  3. Looking at the flame, imagine how clouds of green smoke emanate from the candle and saturate you, the whole environment, with the energy of wealth.
  4. After the visualizations, the candle can be left to burn out.

The ceremony is simple, but quite powerful.

To receive money quickly

It may turn out that the money may be required in the near future, but there is no way to take it somewhere. No need to run to the bank for a loan and beg friends for a loan. It is enough to use a quick money conspiracy. To perform the ritual, you need:

  1. Go to the market early in the morning and buy 12 liters of village milk.
  2. It is advisable to buy from your grandmother.
  3. Don't take change.

At home, pour milk into small jars, saying:

There is a hill in the field
there is a high mountain right on the hill,
there is a green meadow under the mountain,
a bull and a cow graze in the meadow.
The bull has huge horns
they reached the very sun,
cow has udder
half the earth.
I will go out into the field
climb the hill
I will find that meadow
cut off the horns of that bull
and milk the cow.
The bull will immediately grow horns,
and the cow's udder will fill with milk.
And my profit will grow in my house,
prosperity will increase.

You need to prepare 12 dishes from this milk and treat acquaintances, friends, colleagues within three days. All those whom you treat will bring you the required amount within three months.

On a comb

The comb has been used since ancient times for beauty and attraction of love. But this is not all that she is capable of. You can spend a conspiracy on a comb to increase cash.

To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a beautiful comb, preferably with flat or thin teeth. At home, read a conspiracy on her:

The scallop has frequent sharp teeth,
let him lead me to people,
which have large scars.
You stroke the comb
every hair of mine
so as to lead
many new clients
to my doorstep.
People come and go to me
do not leave me.
They happily give me the scars for my product.
I'm lucky
and change to the buyer.
Everything is for the client's use,
and I have money in my wallet.
All thanks to the hair and the comb!

Carry a comb with you, you do not need to use it for its intended purpose, only if nothing happens, you need to comb her hair and once again pronounce the conspiracy.

Moon phases and holidays conspiracies

The moon is a strong conductor of energy. Carrying out rituals for the phases of the moon, you should follow some rules:

  1. When reading conspiracies, you need to put more respect and reverence in words.
  2. Trust is one of the main factors, without which it is impossible to build relationships, both personal and magical.
  3. Always, after working with moon magic thank Luna for her help!

On the new moon

During the new moon, you can conduct a ritual to grow money, which will allow you to establish cash flow.

To do this, in the house, on cabinets, spread money of various denominations, saying a conspiracy for wealth:

To have the money
Slave (s) of God (s) (name)
were and are constantly growing.
My word is strong and sticky
no one can change it.

Leave the money for three days so that they "sprout", then collect everything and spend on the right thing for home.

To the growing moon

It is believed that along with the growing moon, wealth and well-being in the house grows.

For a conspiracy, you need to take a glass of water and put coins in it, put it so that the moonlight falls on it and, stirring with your finger, say the following words:

The moon is growing-growing round
and the money is big.
Money sees her
and begin to grow larger.
The moon is growing,
money grows.
From small money
growing large.
How do they see her
and grow larger
take an example from her!

Put one coin of the money that was in the glass in your wallet, and spend the rest to attract wealth.

Full moon for 100 rubles

The full moon is the moment when it is gaining enough energy and you can carry out one of the most powerful conspiracies to keep money in the house. For the ritual, you need a 100-ruble bill, you need to fold it so that you get a triangle and whisper a conspiracy on the bill:

How attracts and unites in itself
small streams mighty river,
as the wide sea gathers the rivers in itself,
how a woman attracts a man,
and a woman is a man,
as night attracts day to itself,
so attract your own kind
and this money will collect them together.
I have a lot of you,
and I will be rich.
As said (a),
so it will be.
Amen (repeat 3 times)!

After the ritual, hide the bill in your wallet. You cannot spend it.

Full moon for random money

To carry out a conspiracy, you will need money received by chance: found, received through a win, someone paid a debt, and so on. Take a note of greater denomination and put it in an old wallet, which you no longer use, with the words:

Like a lost puppy
rushes to his mother,
like a lost dog
strives for its master,
like a weaned cat
always returns to it,
so are all lost,
excommunicated money and money
would hurry to me today,
tomorrow, always!

Repeat the conspiracy seven times, then remove the wallet to a secluded place.

For a waning month

To do this, take a glass of water and dip the change in it, leave it on the window overnight. So that the moonlight gets in. In the morning, look if the water has become cloudy - this is damage, if not, then you can perform a ritual.

Go outside and drain the water, with the words:

Like water flows into the ground
So the lack of money leaves behind.
May it always be so!

Repeat three times, and then the coins can be spent on the needs of the house.

In the morning dawn

Get up early in the morning and go to the stream, if this is not possible - you can do this at home, as long as the water is running. When you wash, say:

How clear water pours out
Also, even if money is attracted to me,
Stay with me
and I never run out.

After that, wipe your face with a clean handkerchief and hide it from strangers for a month.

In this video Martina suggests simple words that will help to attract money:

To the church candle

For the conspiracy, you need to buy three church candles. On the same night, put a candle on a coin, set it on fire and say three times a conspiracy from lack of money:

I'll light a candle on a coin,
so I will take the first step to wealth.
The candle shines with a bright light
my path to money illuminates,
my lack of money will remain in yesterday,
and a new day will begin with a new one,
as it was not before.
Candle fire to help me

Put out the candle and put it in some casket along with the coin. Clean up the house in the morning. On the evening of this day, read the plot three times, only for another candle:

The candle burns lightly and warmly,
gives me wealth,
Yes, he gives me money.
I'm waiting for wealth
yes i'm starting to change
changing so
what money to me now
will be attracted.
I am changing,
and life around is changing,
soon it will be rich for me to live,

Put out the candle and remove to the first. In the morning, take care of your appearance, make masks, go to the hairdresser. At night, again, repeat the ritual. Take a new candle and read the plot seven times:

I open ways-roads for money,
I lock myself up for poverty.
The time has come
that now the money will be for me
and pour in the doors and windows,
and it never stops
but there will be no end and edge to it.
He did not live richly
and now I will be in luxury
yes, there will be no reason to think about need.

Put out the candle and put it away with the rest. You should always carry the coin with you as a talisman and hold it in your hands at least once a day.

Earth rituals

“Mother earth” - this is how our ancestors called the land and gave it a low bow and respect. And she gave in return good harvest and wealth. Earth rituals will help to get rid of poverty. To do this, you need to read the following conspiracies for well-being.

On a full moon, take three candles, a pen, and a piece of paper. Make sure you are alone in the room. Take a piece of paper and write the following words on it:

The moon is full
give me good.
Save from troubles
give me bread.
You are the mistress of the night,
Take me out of poverty.

After performing the ritual, burn the paper from the flame of the three candles and spread the ash in the wind.

The second ritual, like the first, is performed on the full moon. Take the white handkerchief you bought the day before and tie three knots on it, saying:

Knots fit
lives add up.
The road leads
the way will find me.
The moon is big round
so the amount will be large and round.
Tie a knot pull wealth!

After the ritual, put the scarf in your bag and carry it with you at all times.

Conspiracy to find money on the street

Finding money on the street is a kind of luck. So that fortune smiles at you at least once, perform a ritual on the growing moon. Go outside and say the following words:

You see the moon from the sky
teach me moon
find money.
So that any money
it caught my eye.

Repeat the plot three times and return home. The ritual can be performed every time the moon rises.

An appeal to the saints

Holiness - this property was attributed to pagan gods, in Christianity - to people, some natural phenomena... For modern man, holiness is associated with a person who sacrificed his life for the good of others or in the name of God.

The culture of the Middle Ages was focused on religious life. It was believed that life on Earth is a journey into eternity, where condemnation or eternal happiness awaits a person. In order for a person to enjoy life in paradise, he must completely surrender to God, and give up worldly desires and temptations. Such a person becomes an example and a prototype of a correct Christian life.

Prayer for prosperity to Saint Spyridon of Trimyphus

During his lifetime, he came a long way to holiness. No matter how many problems he encountered on his way, he never left God.

Sometimes it seems like financial problems are something endless. People take loans, go into debt, eventually fail and drive themselves into a bigger financial hole. It is very important to learn how to handle money correctly, or no conspiracy from poverty or prayer will save you from problems. Only in this case, higher powers or saints will come to the rescue.

Spiridon Trimifuntsky is the patron saint of the poor.

If something worries you, there are problems, you need to go to confession and ask the priest for advice. First of all, think about the salvation of the soul, and only then about worldly well-being. There are no specific rituals for reading a prayer, it will be enough that you kneel down, cross yourself and read the following words:

O blessed Saint Spyridon!
Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover of God,
may he not condemn us according to our iniquities,
but let him do with us according to his mercy.
Ask us, servants of God (names),
Christ and God have our peaceful, serene life,
mental and physical health.
Deliver us from all troubles of soul and body,
from all yearning and devil slander.
Remember us at the throne of the Almighty
and pray to the Lord,
may he grant forgiveness of many of our sins,
May it grant us a comfortable and peaceful life,
the death of the belly is not shameful and peaceful
and will give us eternal bliss in the future,
let us ceaselessly give glory and thanksgiving
Father and Son and Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and forever and ever.

Address to Nicholas the Wonderworker

For a believer, prayer is stronger than any witchcraft. When there is a lot of incomprehensible happening in life, it is better to turn to God. Reading a prayer to St. Nicholas, his image will bestow good luck on you, charge you with confidence and help you in difficult situations... Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker:

O All-Holy Nicholas,
splendid saint of the Lord,
our warm intercessor
and everywhere in sorrow, an ambulance!
Help me, sinful and sad,
in this family life,
pray the Lord God to grant me
the forgiveness of all my sins,
who have sinned greatly from my youth,
in all my life, deed, word,
with my thoughts and all my senses;
and help me at the end of my soul,
accursed, pray to the Lord God,
of all the creatures of the Make-up,
save me airy troubles
and eternal torment,
yes I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
and your gracious intercession,
now and ever and forever and ever.

Gypsy conspiracies for money

Whoever at the train stations did not get pestered by the gypsies, and in fact they really have strong magic. Gypsy people has an interesting history, they are nomadic. Their life is a holiday, they possess many secrets, and their prophecies come true. But some of the strongest directions gypsy magic are conspiracies for money.

When and where are held

Rituals can be performed at home or in a place where no one bothers you. It is not necessary to turn to fortune-tellers, sorcerers or gypsies. The ritual that you perform on your own will be as powerful as if it were performed by a "master of magical sciences."

Rules of conduct

To carry out a gypsy ritual for money, you need to understand how their magic works:

  1. The main power in rituals is the power of nature.
  2. Many rituals are intertwined with the religion of the area where the gypsies settled.
  3. Always, after a gypsy ritual, you need to pay off the spirits that helped.
  4. Treat the spirit of the gypsy family with respect.
  5. Follow clearly everything that is written in the rituals and recipes.

Strong gypsy conspiracy for money on the crescent

To get it strong conspiracy for money, it should be read on the crescent moon. The ritual should be performed in the evening, when it was already dark. You need to take bills and coins in equal quantities and read the following words on them:

Magnificent moon
you grow also fast
as my capital.
Combine your light with my money
so that every day
I walked / walked on the way to them.
How full the moon is
my house will be so full of blessings.

After you read the plot, the result must be consolidated. The money must be left on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it. After a few hours, go into the room and collect the money. Wrap in red cloth and carry with you for a month. After a month, you can spend them.

Powerful gypsy conspiracy for money, luck and love

Gypsy rituals can be used not only for financial well-being, but can also attract love and good luck.

For the ritual, take three candles: green, white and brown. Choose a place where no one can disturb you. Place the candles on the table so that they form a triangle, light them and read the following words:

My soul burns like fire.
The power of money and power
let them be subordinate to me!

After these words, watch the candles burn for a few minutes. Then combine them into one large candle. Sit a little more and observe the flame. After it goes out, collect the leftovers and carry with you at all times.

Conspiracies from lack of money

There are people who, making various attempts, still suffer from financial difficulties. They work a lot, but there was no money and no money. They change jobs, move, change their profession, but nothing helps. The reason may be bad luck sent, damage or the evil eye. To get rid of this evil fate, you need to perform a ritual.

On a full moon, when it gets dark outside, take a church candle and a five-ruble coin. Hold a lit candle over the coin and read the plot:

The fire is eternal
my spirit is marked.
Gold and silver.
And all good!

  1. Repeat these words until the candle falls on the coin.
  2. Then, we put a candle on a coin, continuing to read the plot, and wait until it burns out.
  3. Wrap a coin with a stump in a white cloth.
  4. Leave on the windowsill until morning.
  5. Check if the wax has darkened, if this happened, it means that there is damage to your family.

To get rid of it, you need to wrap the fabric with its contents with red thread, crosswise, and leave it at the crossroads. When you return home, do not turn around, otherwise damage will return to you.

What is the reason for the lack of money

There is a reason for everything in our world, even for lack of money. And this is far from bad job and a small salary, the reason is "buried" very deeply, somewhere at the level of the subconscious or the spiritual body.

  1. Born to be a beggar. In childhood, a certain program is laid, if the parents did not have a goal to achieve something or the family is not prosperous, the child will absorb this information. And as a result, as an adult, he will not be able to achieve anything more.
  2. Karmic poverty. It so happens that in a prosperous family, everything is even not bad, but there is some kind of invisible block that interferes with cash flow. The reason for this is the sins of the ancestors. Someone in the past has committed bad thing, for example, deceived the poor or profited from someone else's grief. As a result, poverty will come in seven generations.
  3. Magical effect. A prosperous family, a good income and a job, and at one point everything collapses. They are fired from work, the family is collapsing, the reason for this may be damage or the evil eye.

In this video, Svetlana Raevskaya will tell you what is the reason for the lack of money and how to get rid of it:

No matter how many reasons, they can be solved, the main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself. The burden is not given, which you could not bear.

Correct outlook on life

When you make statements such as “I cannot allow this” or “I will never be in my life ...”, you surround yourself with an energy that attracts poverty and financial problems to your life. It's important to think of yourself as happy, blessed, and even wealthy if you truly want to become that way.

This is basically a "Counterfeit" concept. It's not that you lie to others about how much money you are making. You just have to be optimistic. Stay focused on what you want, not what you don't want or can't. Correct thoughts and positive outlook for life is the rule of success.

How to determine if you have damage

There are many ways to determine the presence of damage, here are some of them:

  • with the help of a magical ritual of diagnosis;
  • with the help of Runes;
  • tarot cards;
  • wax castings.

If you have established the presence of damage, it must be urgently removed. There are many rituals for this. But it is better to turn to professionals. These rituals are very complex and can be harmful to your health.

Reading rules

To carry out magic rituals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Follow what is written clearly.
  2. Buy candles in the church, light them only with matches.
  3. A good time for a ritual to get rid of financial problems is Maundy Thursday.
  4. Carry out a ritual on the waxing moon, but there are conspiracies where you can carry out a ritual on the waning moon.
  5. Rituals require a secluded area.
  6. Do not tell anyone about the rituals performed.

If you follow all the rules, you will definitely succeed!

At the cemetery

The ritual is performed on the full moon. At night, taking a wallet with money, you go to the cemetery. Find a tree and knock on it and say the following words:

As the dead are not destined to rise from the grave,
so the money will not come away from me.
As the cemetery filled with the dead
so my wallet was replenished with coins
and eliminate poverty.

After that, walk away at a brisk pace and do not turn around.

For bread

For the ritual, take the water drawn from the stream and a loaf of bread. Stand over the groceries and read the conspiracy:

I believe in the mercy of the Lord,
I believe in people's luck,
by virtue of the angelic,
into the highest pleasure.
Found my way
now I would like to find money,
so that you never recognize grief.
Locked the lock and the key to poverty.
He threw it into the water.
Amen (three times).

Eat bread and drink water. The ritual can be repeated until what you want is fulfilled.

With old shoes

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. You will need:

  • candle;
  • White paper;
  • old shoes.

Put your shoes on white paper, take a knife in your hand. Read: Our Father, May God Rise, and Psalm 90. Cross your shoes with a knife and read the words of the conspiracy:

Lord, Father,
so devastation overtook me,
that's covered with poverty headlong.
This is how I stand on the doorstep
and I don’t know how to continue to live.
Show me my way.
Guide me to a new life.
Do not judge strictly.
I'm just your slave.

After that, drip wax into each shoe and cut them into small pieces... Collect everything in a black bag and at midnight, take it to the intersection. Returning, you cannot turn around and talk. Take a shower at home. For three days, do not lend money to anyone and do not borrow.

Technique for pumping money channels

If you are one of those people who constantly save on everything, save up for a "rainy day", your destiny is not to live, but to exist! But this does not mean that money should be spent thoughtlessly. There should be a respectful attitude towards money and clear control, there should be no fear that you will lose it and be left with nothing. To open the money channel and increase income, you need to:

  • define and expand your comfort zone;
  • stop spending and start investing.

When buying a product, you look not at quality, but at its price, you send a signal of fear to the Universe that you have nothing and you are not worthy to have more. The world is like a mirror that reflects all emotions and thoughts. Therefore, your sent fear returns to you, and you really become a beggar, unable to provide yourself with a better life. You need to act the other way around, focus not on price, but on quality, because you deserve more.

It is necessary to understand the difference between "spending" and "investing". You invest in yourself, in your home, family. Even when paying for services, you do not spend, you invest in your comfort! Life is not a waste, it is a provision normal life for yourself.

In this video, you will learn how to open a money channel and what exercises will help raise money:

Start simple. For example, going to the store:

  1. Find a store that offers quality, not price. Go there and purchase a product you like. Do this at least once a week.
  2. With time will pass shock from high prices and you will finally be able to understand that quality is not a luxury.
  3. Experience shopping with joy, not regret. Remember, you deserve the best!
  4. When you understand this, there will be something to strive for, and you will notice how your life is transforming, wealth appears, which you lacked so much.

To pump your cash flow, you do not need to resist life and put blocks. Go with the flow, help your boat move and one day you will land in abundance.


No one knows for sure what forces are involved in rituals and when reading conspiracies, it can be both good and evil. It is very difficult to assess the consequences.

Suppose you performed a ritual to find money, but someone must lose it. It could be poor family, then the consequences for you will be really dire. And if a rich person has lost, he may not notice this loss, just like the Universe of your deed.

By pursuing money rituals in a cemetery, in the woods - you must provide a ransom. Prayer for the dead, sacrifice to nature. Not human, it will be enough to bury a coin under a tree and say Thank you.

Everything that happens in the world has meaning and logic. This means that every thought, every emotion and every action is indelible and will return to us like a boomerang. All bad experiences in life are not punishment from God, but serving us as part of our path to enlightenment and self-realization through experience and knowledge. The laws of the Universe require enormous responsibility for our actions. Be careful in your desires, but try to follow your dream. Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!