A strong conspiracy to return a loved one. Love spell to get her husband back: wedding rings. Lovely water conspiracy to bring a person home

Sometimes it happens that, having lent money, it is quite difficult to get it back. And it seems to be inconvenient to ask for your own, but the debtor is in no hurry to give back what was taken. If there is no desire to resort to threats or go to court, conspiracies to recover debts will be an excellent way out of the situation.

The rituals carried out for this are not much different from other magical counterparts, since they also affect the subconscious of the object. A simple ceremony will make the debtor yearn, tormented by remorse and remember the good that you have done to him.

A stronger conspiracy will literally force you to return the debt as soon as possible, and if the debtor does not do this, they are waiting for him serious problems with health. Therefore, before resorting to magical rituals, try again to talk to the debtor, maybe the person in this moment there is really no way to get your money back. If all else fails, wait for the right time for the ritual - the waxing moon phase. And after the loan is repaid, mentally thank the repaidor. This will remove negative emotions from yourself.

Rite of passage with the use of a chair

It is necessary to break off the leg from the old wooden chair by all means with your hands, without using available tools. Take the chair to the staircase. Using pliers or a knife, separate a few chips from the torn leg and say the following conspiracy over them twice:

“The one who asks and does not return, receives the devil as a visit. I lent money, and such and such (name) took it into my hands. If the money does not return to me, someone (name) will have to face the devil. Let him (name) take it for himself, and return the money to me. "

After reading the plot, the chair must be thrown away, and the chips must be taken to the intersection and left there.

A very strong old conspiracy

To perform this ritual, you need wool from three different dogs, wool three different cats, three bird feathers found on the street, three spoonfuls of salt, three needles, a black-handled knife, a bar of soap, and a small square of black material.

Put the cloth on the table and write on it the name of the person who does not give you the money with soap, put the assembled components on the canvas and mix them with a knife, moving counterclockwise. Pronounce a conspiracy while doing this.

“Hear me, prick the debtor, roar at him and hiss, gnaw his insides and burn with hot fire. Start in the morning and continue all day, in the evening and at night, so that it becomes very bad. Not a minute of rest so that (name) did not find, until he returned what he had taken to me in its entirety. Let him suffer, groan, not eat, he does not see the white light, does not know the good, does not understand anything. As said, so it is done. My words are firm. "

Strong conspiracy with icon

Get an icon with the name of the borrower in any temple or church. Put a black piece of cloth on the table, as a last resort dark will do paper. Place the mirror with the amalgam down on the fabric and place the icon on it. Fold your hands over the icon as if you are warming yourself by the fire, and read the conspiracy 40 times.

“Let the servant of God (...) return to me everything that was taken, and if he does, he will lose a hundred times more, until the end of his life he will not know peace, he will lose all his health, My words are strong, my deeds are true. Amen".

Another conspiracy

Get a candle, leave the change to the seller. Look in advance when the sun sets, and after it sets, pronounce the conspiracy over a lit candle 13 times.

“It’s not a candle that melts, it melts (name) because it doesn’t return the debt to me. If the debt does not return to me, then your (name) health will be shaken. My words are firm, assured by fire, sealed by fire. As it is said, so it is done. "

After reading, put out the candle, but do not throw it away. The next day, in the morning, take it to the temple and put it to the icon for health.

“I forgive you (name) for yesterday and tomorrow, for now and today. God is my witness, I ask him to help you get on the right path. "

A conspiracy read on the new moon for a quick return of debts

Get a candle, do not bargain and do not take change. Get up early in the morning, wait for the first rays of the sun, light a candle and read by the open window three times.

“I am sending on (…) nach. Let him burn and bake him, beat him, beat him, bring him to tears, he doesn’t let him live in peace, he interferes with sleep, he doesn’t know when he’s tired, pestering him all the time. Until (name) returns to me what was taken. "

Using eggs to pay off debts - the old proven way

Pierce two raw eggs gently with a needle and dip them in boiling water, throw a needle into the boiling water and say:

“As eggs boil in boiling water, so you boil (name) in remorse. Until you return the entire debt, you will not know either sleep or rest, not during the day, not in the evening, not at night, not in the morning. The needle will prick you - burn. No medicine will help you, no one will help you. Pay back the debt and live in peace. "

Hard boil the eggs. Leave one with you, bury the second near the debtor's house.

Easy conspiracy to pay back debt

If the money was borrowed to a loved one or to a friend, it is worth using only light ritual... Choose a new coin among the little things in your wallet, bury it early in the morning under a pine or spruce. When burying, sentence:

“I bury the coin so that the debt will be returned to me. To make (name) give everything. As soon as I return everything I have taken, I will dig out a coin and forget the insults caused! "

Wish the person who borrowed from you and is in no hurry to give back, the earliest possible appearance of money. After he returns everything to you, dig up a coin.

Rite of passage for a refund with a candle and a box of matches (for hopeless cases)

Purchase one yellow wax candle from a church or temple. After the sun goes down, put the candle in a plate or saucer and light it. Take a box of matches, light each match from a candle and put it on a plate without extinguishing it. During their burning, read the conspiracy:

“Burn, fire! Help pay back the debt. Let (name) be tormented by remorse until he gives back what he owes. Let him return everything mine! " Put matches and the stub of a candle in white shawl and put it in your wallet, saying: "let that which is not expected come back."

Rite of passage with a colored candle

This ritual is worth using if the case is completely hopeless, and the person who borrowed money from you avoids you in every possible way.

In a store selling esoteric goods, buy a green candle, as a simple decorative candle for the ceremony is categorically not suitable. Light it up every evening and read the conspiracy:

“My money, I appeal to you, I appeal to you! Come to me from a distant home, where everything is familiar to you. So that (...) he stopped living in peace, until he gave me the debt in full. Let the painful thoughts overwhelm him, his conscience interferes with sleep. "

After reading the plot, put out the candle and hide in a safe place. Repeat sessions until the person gives the money.

Broom ritual

This ritual is suitable for those whose debtor lives nearby. Buy one new broom and take the old one from home. At night, make sure that no one sees you, and first sweep the abuser's threshold with a new broom, saying:

"A good broom sweeps - sweeps, sweeps my money to me!"

Then take an old broom, sweep the threshold with it, tear off a few twigs and throw it at the door with the words:

“Bad broom on the doorstep to give me a favor. To keep my conscience from sleeping, she whispered to me to return the money. "

Within a month, the debtor will repay the debt in full. After receiving the money, try to think of this person with positive attitude, it is necessary to remove negative consequences.

Let's take a closer look at the love spell to return home - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Love spell of a loved one - is there at least one woman in the world who would not be interested in this topic at least once in her life?

Magic can help conquer a person without love, it can turn away rivals or return a husband to the family. There is a love spell for the guy to return to the girl, a love spell for the return of his beloved husband, in general, there are a great many love spells.

Anyone who is unable to come to terms with the loss of a loved one can always resort to the help of witchcraft - but magic will ask its price for help, and you need to be ready to pay it. How to return a loved one with a love spell is easy to find out, it is more difficult, reasoning soberly and carefully, to assess the consequences of these actions.

Return of a loved one through a love spell

Every woman has a powerful energy - it is enough to produce very strong love spell to return a loved one on their own, without resorting to the help of sorcerers. Most of the rituals of the wife returning the husband are reassigned specifically for independent use.

The main dilemma here is the state of feelings between you. Relationships can be messy and upset, but if your mutual feelings live - a love spell will not do any harm. Although, if they are alive, then there is no special need for a love spell: a heart-to-heart conversation and mutual concessions will allow the situation to be adjusted no less quickly. The dead feelings that you are trying to resurrect for the sake of your pride or self-interest will remain dead.

If, by your magical intervention, you destroy the incipient true love, you will hardly ever be able to experience happiness.

Well, the requirements, in general, are standard - do not wish anyone harm, do not threaten with harmful consequences if the love spell is not fulfilled to the object and its new passion, imagine your future happiness, program yourself positively.

Types of returning love spells

Strong and effective love spell wife to return her husband - a love spell with a ring. Take a silver ring, wrap it carefully in a clean white matter, and bury deeper in the ground, thinking of your beloved. Pour some wine on top of the buried ring, while reading a strong conspiracy.

Forget about the ritual for a month, then dig out the ring, and always wear it. In this case, the beloved should be closer to you and your ring.

It is worth noting that in order to return a departed husband, you always need to use the most powerful ritual that can interrupt, if necessary, a love spell carried out by an insidious lovemaker.

A really powerful love spell to return a loved one is the ritual with a window. Walk up to an open window and imagine, down to the smallest detail, how he returns from work. He enters, greets you, takes pictures outerwear and shoes. Visualization will give you the mood to successfully carry out a love spell to return a loved one.

Imagine better with closed eyes, and when finished - open them, you need to read a very strong conspiracy.

The ritual must be repeated an unlimited number of times until it returns.

Before carrying out the ritual, you need to decide for yourself once and for all: do you really love him as much as you think now? Maybe you are just offended, and just want to annoy the lover? If you cannot say with certainty that you absolutely need a person, do not perform the ritual. How to return a loved one with a love spell is a simple question, you can find the answer to it on the Internet. But to answer to myself: "Do I need him?" - much more difficult. It is not only more difficult, but also more important, and in every sense.

Don't try to bring back a husband who has already built new family- You will pay for it for the rest of your life. Do not wish your former lover death or evil, do not wish him evil new love... Sometimes forgiving and letting go, for all the hackneyed phrase, is much better than holding, torturing and tormenting.

As a rule, having regained her husband or lover, the wife is disappointed: she ceases to be completely interested in him. She throws it herself, and leaves. And the unfortunate victim of a love spell experiences terrible torment, being in a state of uncertainty.

In this state, sleep for a short time or commit suicide, the fate of the "returned" husband is usually unenviable.

It also happens vice versa. The strong personality of a bewitched person may begin to resist love magic, this will manifest itself in aggressive forms, and instead family happiness love spell will bring domestic violence and grievous bodily harm. Think: do you have the right to break your own and other people's lives.

Lovely water conspiracy to bring a person home


Very strong love spell words spoken to water in a glass by front door will overtake a loved one with severe boredom and make him always return home. Read fast love spell on water any day and any time is light rite you can even do it several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of infidelity. As soon as a person leaves the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass of water on the threshold inside the apartment (house) and three times in a row tell the water a love spell :

Walk, walk, and go home to drink.

How to get your girlfriend or woman back if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return the beloved after parting and reawaken her love and interest in herself. After parting, go to church and perform a white magic ceremony to return love from a loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change at the mercy (saying to put it on the common candle). Within 3 - 7 days after the action of the return conspiracy, the beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be fully restored. A conspiracy to return a loved one to be read in

A strong conspiracy to return love and relationships will help to return your husband home after a quarrel or divorce, which you need to read at home - at home where you lived with your husband. Look for a worker and quick way how to get rid of a rival and return a beloved man will help a conspiracy to return feelings of love and warm relationships as before (until the moment of separation). A conspiracy to return the one who dumped you is read in the afternoon, just as in order to return a person with a conspiracy it is not important lunar cycle, any day is suitable except Sunday and major church holidays. Before reading a conspiracy that can quickly return a husband, beloved man or ex-husband, put yeast dough. When

It is not easy to instantly return a husband with the help of prayer - to return a loved one to a family, a wife needs to read a prayer for the return of her husband for 3 days in a row - in the morning, afternoon and evening, and only on the fourth day the prayer for return will work and the husband will return to his wife. This very strong prayer for family reunification, read with candles in church has tremendous power and quick action not uncommonly capable of returning a husband to himself and his children in one day and making peace after any quarrel. Prayer like reliable way quickly returning her husband is read by abandoned wives, whose loved ones have gone to their young mistress. After reading a prayer for the return of her husband, the unfaithful very quickly came to the family and repented of

If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped coming in and does not write to call and in every possible way avoids meeting you, a strong conspiracy will help the right person I urgently called you, but this conspiracy works very quickly. This conspiracy must be read in order to force a loved one to call, write or come to the person he is calling. This ritual will be able to catch up on longing for a sweetheart and make him not only remember your existence, but also call you or come to your meeting. The conspiracy to call will make the one who you need to remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To independently perform a trouble-free ceremony to remind yourself, go to the open window in your house

The effect of a conspiracy to return and admonish is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever the beloved is, even in another city, he will have desire see you and will not disappear until the moment he returns to you. In love as in war - all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. And if a loved one went to a rival? Here, the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is very strong and sure remedy which a loved one will not be able to resist him. This ancient conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel between a husband and wife who left home

There is a good white conspiracy for marriage, after reading which you can quickly and successfully get married. You need to read this conspiracy for Easter and any woman or girl who does not have a groom or he is not so decisive that he does not make an offer to marry you can do it. This conspiracy will make your betrothed quickly marry the one who, in Easter week, read on him the words of the Easter conspiracy for a quick and successful marriage - read on

Love conspiracies that you can read yourself can be done both during the day and at night. At night the strongest love plot you need to read on the full moon, this time is considered the most suitable for conducting magical rites of love magic. If you need to quickly bewitch a person to yourself and read a strong conspiracy of love on him, you can conduct a ceremony on everlasting love using his photo and a red church candle doing everything yourself. Another very good one and quick conspiracy on love is done with candles and needles and refers to black magic... As you can see, there are a lot of love conspiracies that need to be read on candles. You can read them

A conspiracy in a cemetery made for love is committed for life. You can read a love plot on the cemetery ground both during the day in white light and on a black night in the light of the moon. Everything strong conspiracies for love to be read in the cemetery is called a cemetery love spell for eternal love and refers to black magic. To do it yourself love ceremony on cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy you need to be very brave man and strongly love the one for whom you are ready to conduct the ritual ceremony. Conspiracies will not open great secret black wedding and you will learn the best love conspiracies that should be read in the cemetery. By choosing and executing

Many are interested in how to independently make a love conspiracy from a photograph of a loved one. By itself, this is a very light love ritual with reading the words of the magical conspiracy of the caller strong feelings love in a person. You can read a conspiracy for love on your own both at home, and by choosing a faster black conspiracy for love using a photo and conduct love ritual at the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photograph of a person who is bewitched, his presence when you read a love plot is not required. You should also know that a love conspiracy based on a photo cannot be removed; it is performed only once in a lifetime. To

This magical rite of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and successfully get married, you just need to perform a simple rite with reading a love conspiracy to meet with your beloved. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, fate will send you your betrothed who is destined to become your husband. For the ceremony, take any small roadside stone that fits in your hand and take it home. At home, wash this stone seven times under running water while reading special conspiracy on the

In order for a friend to be the first to want to make peace and apologize for a quarrel, you need to read the reconciliation conspiracy looking after him. In fact, right after the reading, the friend will strongly want to return my friendship and begin to feel guilty about the quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is this:

This white conspiracy will help you quickly make peace with any person without causing him any harm and quickly recover with him. friendly relations who were before the quarrel. You need to read the conspiracy for reconciliation in the church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the ceremony, you will reconcile and will no longer quarrel over all sorts of trifles, constantly finding compromises that suit you. Put a candle to her and bowing, read the white conspiracy - a prayer to make peace with what you need

If quarrels with your husband began to occur in your family and you have a feeling that he is cheating, fix this situation and this strong conspiracy against her husband from his betrayal will help restore a happy family life. Immediately after reading the conspiracy from betrayal, the husband will love only his wife, experiencing next to her an endless feeling of love and happiness. The conspiracy is read on bread, which the husband must eat with any meal. Before you sit down at the table, read this conspiracy over a piece of bread. As soon as the husband eats the bread conspired from betrayal, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and most friendly

Cheese week is celebrated from 7 to 12 March, or Shrovetide. Conspiracies on Shrovetide week which you need to read on a loved one so that his love for you becomes even stronger. After reading this love conspiracy for Shrovetide, a guy or a man will fall in love with you so much that he will soon make an offer to play a wedding and you will successfully marry a loved one to whom you have recently read a love spell. Love conspiracy reads on a pancake pancake that needs to be treated to the person whom you decided to bewitch to yourself. Here are the conspiracy words you need

On January 19, at the Epiphany of the Lord, it is customary to read a strong love conspiracy for the love of the one you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with a love spell, but it is so strong that the person on whom the white Epiphany conspiracy was read will love his other half very much and will forever love and be faithful to her. Many who performed this magical rite on the night of baptism and spoke in a bright and strong love their chosen one has already lived together in love and harmony for many years, without quarreling and without betraying each other. Light a church candle holding it in your left hand with your right, pour a sip of holy water into a transparent glass. Without releasing a candle, take a glass in right hand and

Love spell to make her husband come home

M agic rituals for the return of the husband are very popular. The main rule in magic of this kind is to perform rituals on the growing moon. Moreover, necessary condition is the absence of resentment against her husband and the awareness of their share of the fault in what happened. It is advisable to continue to contact her husband.

If you yourself make a love spell, remember: no one should know about it. It is best to perform the rituals after sunset.

Love spell to get her husband back: wedding rings

Will need wedding rings husband and wife. The rings need to be tied with a red thread and dipped in holy water. For seven days, you need to read the prayer "Our Father" over holy water. On the eighth day, pour the water into a secluded place where no one walks.

Love spell with her husband's thing

For this love spell, you need a thing that your husband recently touched. It could be anything, even the napkin he used to wipe his mouth in the cafe.

From other items you will need: a bird's egg, a white feather, holy water, candles and a knife. The egg is a symbol of rebirth, in in this case reviving your relationship.

Love spell is done on the growing moon (also a symbol of rebirth). The husband's thing needs to be stroked clockwise with a feather 30 times. Then lightly ignite a knife on the fire and break the egg shell with it. Pour the egg into a cup of holy water.

When you pour out the egg, read the conspiracy: “Hurry, swan, to your swan. You will not see white light without her. " After reading the plot, cover the husband's cup and thing with a white cloth. In the morning, pour the contents of the cup under any window of the house where your husband lives.

Love spell with boiling water

Put the water to a boil (preferably over a fire). When it boils, read three times: “To run home, but never see life without me. May it be so". Pour the water out immediately.

So, if you want to use magic to return own husband then the chance you have. It is easier to return a husband with the help of magic than to bewitch a stranger.

Appeal to a master of magic

Here I mostly gave a description of these rituals for information only. If you need a love spell with a fast and guaranteed result, without negative consequences, then you definitely need to refer to experienced master who has constant practice and extensive experience.

Such a person can do everything without mistakes. And besides, for such work, you also need strength, which in most cases a simple person who has never been engaged in his development simply does not have.

You can contact me if you have problems with your husband and family on the verge of divorce, or if the family as such is no longer there. Almost always, the situation can be resolved and its development can be turned in the direction you need, that is, I'm talking about the return of my husband home!

Strong magician - Alexander

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For women who have been married for several years, it has long been no secret that building a happy relationship with a spouse and keeping a family for many years is not so difficult if you know exactly how to influence a man.

The creation and maintenance of a family has never been an elementary process, however, applying correct methods impact, achieve happiness in family life not that difficult.

A strong love spell so that my husband returns home.

In order for the husband to return home, you need to do the following: light a candle of any color over the water (not necessarily a pond or river, you can perform a love spell at home, over a basin), and draw a cross on the surface of the water with dripping wax.

A moment that must be taken into account:

the candle must be bought in the morning, on Sunday, and the actual execution of the ceremony takes place after 3 days.

After the cross is created on the surface of the water, the wax must be removed, and with the help of the remaining water, tea should be prepared for the person whom you want to return to the family. In the process of applying wax to the surface of the water, it is necessary to read into the floor - the voices are the following words:

"The demon of God is afraid, he cannot run around in church, and (the name of his spouse or beloved man) is no longer angry with me."

Such a conspiracy will be effective not only in the event of serious disagreements between the spouses, but also in the case when the man has a relationship on the side.

What other measures should be taken?

In order for the husband to return to the family, it is necessary to go to church, light a candle in the health of the man and his mistress, if any.

Despite the conflicting emotions that may arise in connection with the performance of this part of the ritual, it is necessary to try to do everything sincerely, wishing the girl well and not harboring anger at the man.

The effectiveness of the described ritual was tested during practical application more than one generation of women who suffered from the bad temper of their men, as well as from their hobbies for other women. The conspiracy is equally strong and effective both in the event of serious disagreements between a husband and wife, and if a man wants to leave his legal spouse for a new relationship.

This conspiracy, if done correctly, will not bring any negative consequences.


A strong love spell to return the husband to the family will help to break unfavorable situation v love triangle... Husbands are leaving for different reasons, and rivals are not always to blame. It happens that the wife herself will try to stay alone. And when a man leaves, bringing him back is not an easy task. If you own husband If you want to return it, but the usual everyday methods do not give a result, try to achieve your goal with witchcraft.

And what kind of home love spell you choose to return your husband to the family, to your wife and children, depends on your practice and experience in love witchcraft. If experience does not allow you to apply very strong rituals bewitch your beloved spouse, or you just don’t want it, make it easy self-love spell at home which will definitely work, this one, for example.

A quick love spell on the return of the ex-husband home - It went pop to church

Read a love conspiracy to return the departed husband three times in bad weather. In rain, thunderstorm, blizzard, or in a strong wind, the conspiracy is read with an appeal to the devil, it works as a challenge and a slight dryness. The main thing is that the stubborn spouse should appear, or in some other way come into contact with his wife, and there are already other independent love spells, in order to return the husband's love to his wife, you can try it out.

It is curious that with this home love spell you can return the husband's love in a situation where he himself did not go anywhere, but sincere feelings was gone. In the practices of Russian witchcraft, there are independent love conspiracies that different women give different results - for some they will work as a challenge, for others, like a sucker or a light love spell for the groom's love.

Acceptable independent husband's love conspiracy adjust for yourself or for the necessary situation. This is often used by people who practice magic. The point is strength, there is no strength and talent for magic, there is no result either - this is a pattern. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note to you - strength and experience with magical practice come. So, on such easy and useful in a practical sense love spells for the love of a lawful husband, one should learn.

This is a good love spell for the return of an ex-husband, which is easy to do at home, reading, for example, through a window on a blizzard or a thunderstorm. Usually works quickly, though its action is short-lived. A simple and not having negative consequences love spell of an unmarried husband. For an effect that is really strong and long-term, you will have to bewitch your lover in the cemetery on your own, or conjure a volt with the victim's biorefines.

You can read a love plot on any moon in the weather that is suitable for the condition of this magical ritual. Moreover, the worse the weather, the more stable the result. Remember the ransom, most often ransoms are worn at night. This is a common practice for working with demons. The fact is that black rituals are carried out mainly in dark time days, and it is advisable to carry the ransom immediately after work. But, again, depending on the experience and practice of the magician - the performer. Demons do not sleep day or night, and therefore practicing sorcerers know that you can pay off at any time of the day, depending on the circumstances.

Is it possible to read the love spell on the return of a beloved husband myself?

The result in witchcraft is not always ensured by the complexity of the proven love spell on the married husband who left. It's a paradox, but a slight attachment to an apple in a particular case can lead to a proposal of a hand and a heart, or to the restoration of a long-torn love affair wife and husband. And you can't take another lover even over strong love spells at the cemetery. What kind of love love spell on the return of the husband to the family to choose from a mistress, intuition and knowledge will tell you. But, of course, diagnostics comes first. Not a single practicing magician will undertake to correct the situation with the help of a proven love spell of a husband who left his wife without understanding what is happening.

So, in some cases, even on a specific person white or light effects of a love spell on the return of a husband after strong quarrel show best effect than black. But, these are special cases. If we talk about general rules carrying out real love spells to return the husband to the family after swearing, it turns out that for difficult cases serious work is also needed.

Life situations develop in different ways. If you need to quickly return husband from mistress- this is a serious case, when you often have to conjure from a distance, and the effect of a home spell is effective in half of the cases. If there is a mistress, dry spells and harmonization of relations will not change the situation.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: it is necessary complex work with the help of a strongly acting love spell on the return of a husband from a photo - impact on a beloved man, a rival, well, and for yourself you need to do something good - magic rites for weight loss, beauty, charm ...

The way to bewitch the ex-husband herself is better to choose from the category of cemetery ones, here is an example of the strongest love spell on a personal grave.

Return a husband with a love spell from a photo through a personal grave

This proven love spell based on a photograph of her husband is not for beginners, but for those who already have experience in cemetery witchcraft. It is done in full accordance with the work on the graves of the old cemetery.

  • To do on the waxing moon
  • at a personal grave.
  • You will need a photo of your spouse and 4 candles.

Now, in more detail, how to make a love spell from a photo in order to return your husband home after a divorce.

Place 3 candles on the grave.

  • At the cross - 1 church candle which was bought personally,
  • at the opposite end of the grave - 2 ordinary wax candles.

Many experienced practitioners make candles themselves for love spells. The candles should be in a triangle. An equilateral cross is drawn in the middle of the triangle, and a ceramic cup is placed in the center of the cross. 3 copper coins are put there, 1 a raw egg and solid honey. Sprinkle the contents of the cup with earth from the same grave.

Place a photo of the bewitched husband under the cup face side down. To stand at the grave, light a wax candle, hold it in your hands so that the wax drips into the cup, and read a strong conspiracy in the cemetery, which will help bring your husband back with the help of an independent love spell from the photo.

The conspiracy to return the husband's love must be read 3 times:

Put out the candle that you are holding in your hands in a cup, and then dig in the cup with all the contents at the head of the named grave. Do not touch the rest of the candles, let them burn out. Keep your husband's photo especially, away from prying eyes and sunlight... Technically, it is not difficult to make a love spell on your husband for a return after a recent divorce, if you have at least some experience of cemetery love magic, it can be done by you yourself as a beginner. This is one of the ways that helps a lot. quickly return the husband to the family after breaking up, if he even already has another woman.

Strong love spell to return the husband to the family through an unmarked grave

Observe all the rules for conducting an independent love spell on your husband in the cemetery, as well as the rules for working with an unmarked grave. Take a sprig of oak and a sprig of linden. On Wednesday, on the waxing moon, go to an unmarked grave. Stick an oak branch in the center of the grave, and a linden branch on the edge. On an oak branch, read the words of the conspiracy to return the husband to his wife:

Having stuck a linden branch into the edge of the grave, read the words of the love spell on the return of her husband:

Walk around the unmarked grave three times against the course of the sun, stand with your back to it and read the plot 7 times:

After reading the words of her husband's love spell 7 times, pull out an oak branch from the ground, and then a linden one. Tie them together with a white woolen thread, and bury them in the middle of the grave with the words:

The oak branch symbolizes masculinity, while a linden twig is feminine. Lipa personifies the Slavic goddess Lada, the patroness of spring, love and family. That is why linden is not used in negative, harmful magic, as well as in the home love spells of a married man.

But in order to save the family, to return the husband from the young mistress, this cemetery love spell can be done at a distance. As follows from the text old conspiracy on your spouse, this independent love spell can give binary. In the case where the wife wants to bring her husband back and strengthen the marriage, this effect seems appropriate.

The strongest love spell on the return of a husband to the family - the Gate of bodily rage

A strong black love spell for the return of a beloved husband, for unquenchable lust, you need to read yourself on the old waning moon. This is one of the strongest rites of the Warlock, demonic black practice. Such very powerful love spells can be destructive for the Orthodox soul. For whom it will be done, he will forget everything - and peace, and promises, and mistresses, everything will not be needed, everything will go by the wayside, only passion will remain. Only a languid black haze on the husband's faithful love for his wife. And the desire for sex is only with her.

To work, you need to have 3 cemetery candles taken from the graves by name (name of the man), weave them together. Draw a triangle on the floor with charcoal, and an equilateral cross in the middle of the triangle. In the center of the cross, put burning candles woven together, taken from the cemetery.

3 times read the conspiracy of the most powerful love spell on the return of the husband to the family from his mistress:

After reading the black conspiracy, you need to once again stipulate what is needed and who is being done. This strong love spell on the return of the lascivious husband unwinds quickly. Dark spirits instill in a man and lustful furious love for sex with his wife, and desire sensual love... If the connection with ex-husband still strong, dark spirits in short term will bring him. Leave the retinue candle to burn out, all work is carried out according to the rules of black magic.

Many people are familiar with the situation when the heart breaks with longing for a loved one who has left. In this case, you can speed up the arrival of your beloved with special magic conspiracies. In addition, such rituals contribute to the removal mental stress, which arises when waiting and drive away any doubts about the devotion of a loved one.

Strong ritual

One of the strong conspiracies for a loved one to come is read in the evening during the waxing moon. A magical rite involves the use of the following attributes:
    Magnet; Metal hook; Red candle; Key lock.
It is necessary to retire in a separate room, where to light a candle on the table and lay out all the prepared items. Then read the following conspiracy:

“Just as you cannot open another lock with this key, so you are a servant of God (the name of a loved one) you cannot be a servant of God without me ( given name) to live. I attract you to me like a magnet, so very soon you will come to me, my dear. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, you should drop liquid wax on the magnet, lock and key several times, and then connect them tightly. The candle flame must then be extinguished. The charmed ritual attributes, fastened with wax, must be carefully, without separating, wrapped in two new scarves and placed in the far corner of the cabinet in which personal belongings are stored.

You can blame the arrival of a loved one with one more simple rite... The magic ritual can be spent on any evening during the waxing moon. You should first purchase a thing that should become a gift for your loved one. Visualizing the image of the beloved in your thoughts, you need to read over her in a secluded room three times the well-known prayer "Our Father". After that, you can directly carry out the magic ritual. You must first prepare the following additional attributes:
    Red candle; Red thread.
First, a candle is lit in a secluded room, and the following are pronounced clearly magic words:

“Like fire from a burning red candle, which necessarily melts wax, your heart beloved (name) cannot resist my love. Now I will tie seven strong knots on this red thread and make a wish to see you in the near future. Amen".

When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, it is necessary to tie the gift item with a red thread tied to seven knots. The charmed thing should be presented to the dear at the first opportunity. After the ceremony, a loved one from any trip will strive, as soon as possible, to you, and no one except you will be interested in him. You should know that a conspiracy for a loved one to come will be effective only if the feelings of the partners are mutual. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the result by magical action, moreover, you can harm a person. In this regard, if there is no confidence in the sincerity of feelings, it is better to be patient and wait for your loved one as long as it takes. After all, time always puts everything in its place, therefore, if people love each other, then sooner or later they will still be together.

Very often before long trip we don’t think about a whole series of actions to be performed. Without knowing it, we sit down “on the path”, put an icon in our pocket at random, don't clean the house, and so on. In addition to all other "road" procedures, there are special conspiracies that help along the way.

A conspiracy for a successful road was used by our distant ancestors. Going to long journey they whispered special spells. They also performed magic rites before battles. They were also very influential and helped along the way.

All kinds of things can happen along the way unpleasant situations: from a puncture of a wheel, stopping by a traffic police inspector to road accidents. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to use a conspiracy on the road.

A conspiracy from trouble along the way

So that unpleasant situations do not happen to you or your loved one on the way, you need to apply the following conspiracy. Before pronouncing it, it is necessary to baptize the person who is going to long haul. They cross him in the back and say the following words:

“Go, servant of God (name), along the wide and straight road, along the easy path. Most Holy Theotokos, I pray you, see (name), take away all troubles and problems from him on the long road. Zadoroga, zadoroga, take sadness from the servant of God (name), And give him luck and happiness in return. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Even from all sorts of troubles, you can apply prayer for unforeseen situations. You will need to write the magic words on a blank piece of paper and carry it with you at all times. The text of the prayer is as follows:

“Lord God, bless! Go, Servant of God (name) with God, with the name of Jesus Christ On your lips. May God protect you from fire and water, From a dashing person and from any misfortune. The Lord God will go in front, the Mother of God - behind, the angels of heaven on the sides, the first parents Adam and Eve will go with them. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, ever and ever. Amen".

Carrying a prayer in your pocket all the time can save you from many unforeseen situations. Her Magic power will save your precious health and will not allow trouble to overtake you on the way.

Long-distance prayers

If you have a long trip, or are sent on a business trip at work, or you just love to travel, you should definitely know these prayers.

Before any trip, even the most mundane, we experience a slight stress. We cannot know how our path will turn out. After all, the road is not only a place for one person, it is a place increased danger... Here you can get various injuries, get into a car accident. And this is not always due to your carelessness or inexperience.

In addition to you, there are drunk or inexperienced drivers on the road, due to which an emergency situation may arise on the road. Be sure to read the following prayer before a long journey:

“My angel, come with me, you are in front, I am behind you. Amen".

And to make your path easy and without incident, sit down for a minute. Then fill up a glass of holy water and cast this spell:

“Let this water flow, let it run in a clean stream, as long as I, the servant of God (name), will be on my way, you, water, turn away all troubles and misfortunes from me, protect me from loss and grief. I close my words with the golden key, but I throw it into the fast stream. The water will take the key into the deep sea, where no one can find it, my words cannot be dissuaded. Word. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After the words you have spoken, drink the slowly spoken water, and then go on a long journey. You can also write this prayer on a blank piece of paper and carry it with you. Try to keep the prayer sheet as close to your body as possible. Then he will act more effectively.

If you have poppy seeds, use this plot. To complete it, you need to scatter a handful of poppy seeds on the table and cast a spell over them:

“The nine measures of the Maku, the tenth measure is I. Whoever counts nine measures to the maku, only he will cope with my amulet. Guardian angels with me. God's icons on the wall. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Then collect the grains in a linen bag and put it in your pocket before your long trip. After a successful return home, be sure to thank the seeds for their help. They can be dumped on the ground at the entrance to the house, or they can be left until the next trip.

It is important to remember: if the next trip is not expected soon, the seeds should be spoken again.

If a long journey overtook you suddenly, and you did not have time to properly prepare for the trip, you need to read this spell:

“Earthly passions, travel passions. The immeasurable depth of the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will take away, by the hand of enemies he will turn away from me on the way. All troubles, all misfortunes, all passions, all deceptions of all kinds of businessmen, thieves, scoundrels, murderers, infectious and hungry different people, cover with your holy robe. Mother of God and the Lord is with me. Amen".

Such a conspiracy helps very well along the way. It can be read just before the trip. It doesn't matter at all whether you are on the train, in the car or on the plane.

Very good in similar situations the following conspiracy helps. It is quite simple and easy to pronounce. It can be easily memorized as a verse and read at any opportunity. The conspiracy words are:

“The burden is heavy - the path is easy. Amen".

After a spell has been uttered, you cannot turn back, you only need to go forward. Even if someone called out to you, do not be tempted to turn around. Otherwise, the magic words may not work properly.

How to properly prepare for a long journey

Even in the most sincere and beautiful love relationship there is never any guarantee that they will last forever. Lovers disperse, it happens. It also happens that one of the couple then regrets that he let go of a loved one. In this situation, it is very suitable to use a conspiracy to return a loved one.

How does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy to return a loved one will change the information field in which you are with your ex-lover... If now the biofield of your couple is charged with some information that contributed to your departure from each other, then a magical love ritual will change everything. Just don't hope that the comeback conspiracy will work in such a way that you will feel like you were at the beginning of the novel. It is impossible, that moment has passed irrevocably. But this is not a tragedy, because there is a great opportunity at this moment to create a completely new atmosphere for your relationship.

A strong conspiracy to return a loved one will update the girl and the guy, as a result, they will have the opportunity to look at each other in a completely new way. This means that the girl will also need to work on getting rid of negativity in relation to her beloved or idealization in relation to him.

When can a conspiracy be used?

  1. A conspiracy to return a loved one can be used if you broke up with your loved one and regretted it quickly enough. I must say, honestly, that the sooner after breaking up you apply this love conspiracy, the sooner after the slander it will turn out to converge again.
  2. An active conspiracy to return the betrothed can be carried out if your loved one very unexpectedly left for another woman. The return then will consist in the fact that with the help of magic you will form in him completely new image myself. By the way, it is more effective to carry out such a conspiracy on a church holiday, for example, in the Annunciation. Then it works as well as the rituals of the famous Natalia Stepanova. V church holidays white magic intensifies.
  3. At home, a strong conspiracy to return a loved one can be read if you yourself left your boyfriend and now want to return him, but out of pride he does not want to return.
  4. There are situations when a beloved man has been somewhere at a distance for a long time. And suddenly, for no reason, no reason ends the relationship with you. The girl, of course, in this situation will be dumbfounded. But the action of a slander will help correct the situation and at least bring a loved one to honest conversation where the couple will sort things out.

It is clear that in similar situations, a conspiracy is being carried out to return a beloved girl.

The conspiracy for the wedding hour

You were together for a long time, to love him was a great pleasure, as well as to receive love from him. But it so happens that a man sometimes leaves his wife for the sake of a random woman. But this does not mean that your beloved has left you forever. There is an opportunity to influence this situation with the help of a ceremony. This ceremony is called the "wedding hour". It must be performed at 12 in the afternoon, it is believed that those marriages that were concluded at this hour are very strong. The ritual should be performed at this particular hour. It does not matter at all that you and the faithful were painted at a different time. So, if you want to take your loved one away from another, then take a red thread at twelve in the afternoon, stand at the window and say such a conspiracy to return him:

“The servant of God (his name) is what I need, the one who is my husband. We with him in the daylight promised each other's destinies. That promise I resurrect with magic. Whoever has forgotten, let him remember him again. The thread of passion does not break, it will not remain outside of marriage. Higher powers help me to make you next to me. At the next dawn you will come to me, again you will be by my side. Come back home, love your family. The soul of my man, next to another will not be, only next to me he will be. All that was sacred was returning home tonight. ”

While you are saying this text, you are winding a red thread around your finger. You can do this by looking at a photo of a man, but not necessarily. Then this thread should be put under your family bed. In this way, love can be returned. The ritual is effective even at home. For more quick effect no need to sit and shed tears for your spouse. Better clean yourself up before he returns. It is very good for the restoration of relationships when a woman takes care of herself. Go to a beauty salon, do new hairstyle... All this is needed not just to distract yourself.

The point is that all these women's events increase female energy... The wife and husband have a very strong energy connection... This means that he will definitely feel your feminine strength... So that such women's events are very capable of strengthening this love magic conspiracy... The consequences of this will be that the husband will return home even faster.

Conspiracy for a new lover

A conspiracy on how to return a loved one must be sought based on the present situation. It happens that a guy leaves a girl almost at the very beginning of a relationship. A month has passed, which was full of passion and love. And suddenly the guy decided to part with the girl, said that it was better for them to remain friends. And the girl has already managed to get very involved in relationships, for women this is especially characteristic. If this happened, then the girl, instead of shedding tears over the fact that she was abandoned better in the morning conduct a conspiracy to return a loved one. Such a ritual will help both of them get out of the relationship more worthily or continue them in a different context. To implement this conspiracy, in order to return a loved one, you need to go to the first intersection, which is located near the house, and say such a strong conspiracy to return it:

“He touched my heart, he didn’t regret feelings for me, biting his tongue listened to you, whoever loved, he understands. And then he broke his heart and left. Love remained, but no heart. I want to return you to a conversation. Help me, out of love for the past, to restore my heart. Don't kill the woman in me. Come from any direction, I will accept, come and say, come back. "

Then you need to silently, without looking back, go to your home. And at home you still need to stand in the middle of your apartment and say these words of conspiracy in order to return your beloved:

It is important to say this very energetically so that the energetic echo reaches the man. With the help of such a conspiracy, you will be able to return the man at least for the main conversation, in which you can clarify everything. Most likely, he will come to you in a few days. This conversation may end in a very different ending, but your relationship will never be the same. In a conversation, a woman can also tell sincerely about her resentment against a man, just do not throw a tantrum at the same time. It is also important during this period to read prayers to the Mother of God for the restoration of her female heart.

Conspiracy with candles

To return a loved one, you can apply a ritual with three church candles. Such a conspiracy acts as a standard love spells... Therefore, it is imperative to carry out such a ritual during the waxing moon. Stay alone with yourself in the evening. Light all the candles, and all electrical appliances, on the contrary, must be turned off. Place the candles in a triangle shape. Look at the triangle with candles and imagine the loved one you want to return. It is important here to let yourself experience the full range of feelings that you have for this person. These can be both negative and positive experiences, let them all freely revive in your soul. Only after that, look at each of the candles and say such a conspiracy to return your beloved:

“As a candle does not live without a flame, it does not live its life. So I do not live a servant of God (my name) without a servant of God (name of a man) my life is full. You are my fire, you are my life, be with me, believe me as I believe you. I want to return you, I always dream of you. The flame of my life does not burn without you. Higher powers, I ask that your candle only burn with mine. In the morning you will get up, you will see my image in front of you, but you will want to see me in reality. See the woman of your life in me in me, come to me, love me, to bring you back means to return life to yourself. I am with you, you are with me, we are together forever. "

After that, let the candles burn out to the end. At the same time, prepare yourself mentally for the arrival of your beloved. You should go to bed, imagining that he is about to come to visit you. This feeling should be as realistic as possible. Do not be surprised if this night your loved one comes to you in a dream, this means that very soon he will appear in your life and in reality.

Conspiracy to return from a mistress

If you are not married with a man, but live together, then it is also quite painful if he suddenly found another woman for himself, in fact a mistress. In this case, the girl does not have the power that has legal spouse, but to restore relationships and return your man, you can still carry out the following ceremony.

To return the sweetheart, the girl will need a new pack of salt, a cast-iron pan and a linen bag. One more will be needed church candle... It is advisable to perform this ritual on a full moon, the closer to twelve at night, the better. You need to do it in the kitchen. Stay alone in the kitchen, it is necessary that there are not even pets in this room during the period of the magic ritual. Light a candle. You can read a prayer. Prayer will help raise the vibrations of the body to more subtle levels so that the ceremony will be even more successful. Then put a cast iron skillet on the fire. Pour in seven tablespoons of salt. Stir the salt with a wooden spoon and say a conspiracy to bring your loved one back:

“My heart is as hot as this frying pan. Your heart is red-hot with love for another. But I didn’t leave your heart either, it cannot be like that. I need you back. Forgive me darling, I pour salt on your heart. It’s not salt, then the memories of me. As this salt heats up in a frying pan, your heart will warm up to me again. In the morning you will get up, you will not be able to think about anyone but me. You will return to me, this is inevitable. And I burn the other from your heart with the same salt. Your passion is not there, your love is not. There is no more you, only separately now. Only you need me, only I am important to you. Until tomorrow night you won't stop thinking about me, you will come back to me, you will forget her. "

Actually, this rite works to ensure that the period of passion in young man ended with the girl as quickly as possible. It would have ended anyway, and at the end of all this, he would still remember you, but this will happen much faster. But this is not the end of the ritual. Now this fried charmed salt needs to be collected in a linen bag. Take this bag of salt out into the yard and bury it under a tree. female... That is, it can be birch, aspen, willow. When you bury, then say next part conspiracy:

“Give it back to yourself, take it away from her. You are a tree friend, help your female power me to win back from someone else's. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise ”.

Then go home and go to bed right away. The girl's soul will feel better after this magical ritual. You guessed it, it acts like a lapel from another woman.

The conspiracy in the photo

To bring back the beloved who is now on great distance it is very good for you to use this really working ritual in photography. The photo contains a lot of energy from a person, it is with her that you will work in a conspiracy. It doesn't matter if you do the ceremony in the early morning or late evening, the main thing is that it is the day of the growing moon. On such a day, you need to go up to the window with a photo, so that the daytime or Moonlight... First, consider the photograph in detail, the woman needs, as if to completely absorb with her imagination all the facial features of her chosen one. Then close your eyes, it is important that at this moment the image of your chosen one pops up in the mind as clearly as possible. If this still fails, then spend a little more time working with photography, achieve the clarity of the image. And when this is so, then you can read the magic text:

“You are far away, but your love is near. Your love is in me, I remember it, I know it, I will never be able to live without it. Your heart clouded over, you don't remember me, I forgot. I am sending you the sun, which will take away the fog and remind you of me. May this sun illuminate your soul, may I myself become this sun for you. Be my sky, return to your sun. Just as the sky cannot be without the sun, so the servant of God (his name) cannot live happily without the servant of God (her name). Come for happiness, come for me. I am your love, hear it, see it, accept it and come back to me with open heart... I accept, I return, I love. "

It is advisable to speak this strong magical text without resentment against the man. The purer and more open your heart is at this moment, the better the conspiracy itself will work. If so, you will get the result in just a few days. Your loved one will show up. If before he did not get in touch, then after this conspiracy, there is a high probability that it will come out. It is interesting that such a magical ritual can sometimes change even some objective circumstances. Sometimes it happens that a man had to stay on the trip very long time, but thanks to the conspiracy, external circumstances changed, and he came earlier. This is how power works female love... It is only important to put it into action correctly. This conspiracy to return a loved one is effective if you clear your heart of resentment.

Ring conspiracy

Women usually want certainty in a relationship, so they often force things. They are very happy to meet their betrothed, and they want him to make them a marriage proposal as soon as possible. Men are often afraid of responsibility, so sometimes they are even ready to leave a relationship where they are under pressure about serious decisions. If your parting with your beloved happened on the same occasion, then you can do the following ceremony. Take a ring that will look very much like an engagement ring. Light a candle on the evening of the growing moon, sit in front of it and read such a powerful conspiracy:

“A stream of water, a stream of love fell upon you. I created that water. My love pressed you down. Forgive me dear, forgive my beloved. Dear, I love, that's why I want everything at once. I see your return in a dream and in reality. I need you, you don't need a ring. Come in the name of our love. Come hug and kiss. Yours. I'm waiting, come back. Amen".

After that, the ring must be thrown through the window. Yes, yes, that's exactly what you need to do. This will indicate that the woman is ready to give up her expectations about the wedding, and is accepted by her beloved for who he is. By the way, this is one of the conditions unconditional love... As paradoxical as it sounds, a girl can get almost anything from a man if she does not demand anything. Men are very attracted to independent women... They just want to give everything, even what they don't ask for. This is a strong conspiracy, but it will only be valid if the woman is truly able to give up her wedding expectations. If so, then even simple rituals, including this one, will work just instantly.

Very strong conspiracies to return a husband, beloved guy

Prayer to return a loved one


These are all essentially white love spells that you can quickly carry out on your own. Choose one conspiracy that best suits your situation and spend on the day of the waxing moon. Do this and happiness will return to the house. For the return of the sweetheart, rituals for the wind and rain are also popular.