Strong addiction to her husband. Drying for a man's love - how to do it at home. We make strong love spells from a photo at home

Before you start using magic, you need to understand how it works and what it is. The method of the so-called love curing has become very popular today, which has numerous reviews from practitioners. Magic allows you to attach a man to yourself, and a woman can do this on her own. For correct conduct of this ritual, you need to know some of its nuances.

It is important to know that a strong attachment cannot be used by novice practitioners, since an incompetent approach can bring many troubles to all participants in the ceremony. It is allowed to carry out the ceremony both at a distance from the married or free man, and in the immediate vicinity. As a means of achieving the goal, a photo of the chosen one, food and particles containing his energy can be used. So, often, along with the photo, you need to get the hair or blood of your beloved.

It is much easier to put a dough on a man than to remove it.

It is recommended to independently perform rituals in men's days(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), and the most suitable day to attract married man there will be one that falls on the growing phase of the moon. The best time- an hour after dawn.

The implementation of the ritual for love must be carried out in strict observance of all accompanying instructions. It is necessary from a person high concentration and a lot of energy. The performer is required to endow the object with the desired emotional state, then tie the object and the victim together. If this fails, instead of a suction you will get damage: on yourself or on the victim.

A man cannot live a day without meeting you

As the reviews of numerous practitioners show, it is quite easy to attach a man to oneself, while not everyone can remove such a spell. In order to prune a married man, very strong magic is required, since first it is necessary to destroy true love... It is not always possible to create love between people on their own, magic turns out to be an excellent helper here.

As soon as a man, including a married one, manages to stick to himself, he changes dramatically into emotionally. Dried people are distinguished by an obsession based on love. They show interest in the performer of the ritual with all their might, every minute they look for a meeting with him, they wish not to part for a minute. For dried people great importance has precisely contact with the performer, since they accept their emotional condition for true all-consuming love.

Dying a man is equal to enslavement.

By means of a stick, the performer tightly binds a person to himself, since the separation on the latter is incredibly difficult. The victim cannot spend a day without his beloved. If the meeting fails, the prone man plunges into deep depression, he loses interest in life, he becomes insane and dries up over time, like an object used in a ritual.

Casting a spell is easy - almost impossible to remove

Very often women spend love rituals without thinking about the consequences. As soon as they appear, the performers seek to correct what they have done - they want to remove the spell. Love is a very powerful driving force, but under its influence, few people managed to avoid making mistakes. In order not to think at some point how to remove the dryness, it is necessary to weigh in advance all the pros and cons.

Droughts negatively affect both participants in the process. Such magic is most often black, and therefore severely punished. Participants in the ritual later certain time can get a rollback from dryness.

In this case, they begin to appear serious problems from the performer and the victim. Both begin to suffer from mental and physical disorders - this is the development of complex diseases, possibly cancer, being in depressive, pessimistic states, leading an apathetic lifestyle and high probability suicide. That is why, after the first echoes appear, the performers wish to remove their spell.

Without love, our life would be different. Anyone who has ever truly been in love knows what it is wonderful feeling... It seems that wings grow behind his back and a person can do anything. There is only one condition - love must be mutual. And if suddenly your loved one leaves you, the pain of the loss is so great that we fall into depression, burst into torrents of tears and are unable to complete even simple tasks. Statistics say, and she does not lie, that the highest mortality and most suicides are due to love. Because of love, both men and women commit insane acts and seek salvation from magicians and sorcerers, conduct various rituals and read the most powerful and effective sugars.

Drying in deeds of love

Is it worth using the additive in love affairs

The man who has been abandoned is trying to do everything to bring back his beloved. It can be:

  • conspiracies;
  • love spells;
  • divination;
  • dryers.

People who have the least relation to magic also resort to them. Amulets for bringing back love are widely used and very effective.

After a while, the beloved will return to you and he will not need anyone except you.

Someone is trying to recover old relationship in the usual way, relying on the rational mind of his chosen one.

Others resort to the help of magicians, read love spells, utter conspiracies and use dry spells. But before you perform the ceremony yourself or order it, you need to carefully think about whether you really want to spend your whole life with this person? If not, then call for help and use strong magic not recommended, it doesn't make sense. But if you are confident in your feelings, there is nothing wrong with otherworldly forces helping you a little.

How and when

Love spells are carried out only on Friday nights. The best day is the border between full and new moon. A good day is also Saint Agnes's Day (January 21) or Valentine's Day (February 14). So if you have broken heart or love without reciprocity, use evenings for wonderful spells and powerful conspiracies.

Pulling on a guy will work more effectively if the feeling you have for him is real and true.

Visualizing your enchantments is important in charm at a distance. and the fact that they will not bring trouble to anyone.

In addition, when performing strong love spells, there should always be common sense... Magic is a serious business and should only be used for positive purposes.

Tie and fall in love

You are a woman and your strong love such that you yourself can return your loved one and his love. It often happens that men get lost in this world and fall into cunning traps that young women have set up in order to attract his attention and take them for themselves.

In order for the relationship to be strong, joyful and happy, you need to do the love spells yourself

In order for the relationship to be strong, joyful and happy, you need to make love spells, conspiracies, suckers on your own, then for your man you will be the ideal and he will only love you. Only then, even if the filler is made at a distance, will be strong, and for your man, you will be the only, unique, beloved. It will only be yours. Such conspiracies are very easy to do, and the effect of them lasts for a very long time.

Therefore, in the hands of a woman her happiness and only depends on her, so that there is mutual understanding and love in the family, and life is like a fairy tale.

Necklace of Aphrodite

Beads, balls and beads of unusual shape, strung on a thread, put on the neck and worn as a decoration. Such a necklace serves as an amulet that will attract and permanently attach your beloved to you.

Fragrant laurel

This spell will return a boyfriend or husband who for some reason left you or cheated on another woman. On Valentine's Day, burn a handful of bay leaves while reciting the name of the one who left you.

The magic of apple pie

Drying is performed on Valentine's Day, or when you notice unusual behavior of your husband:

  • there are too many things to do at work;
  • constantly the boss leaves for overtime work;
  • often they cannot hold production meetings without him (after work and on weekends);
  • does not want to have dinner at home;
  • frequent business trips on weekends;
  • constantly calls somewhere.

You should think about it, these are the first "bells" that try to communicate about an impending disaster. The further you go, the more obvious it is that another woman has appeared in your man's life. And in order to prevent leaving you and your family, you need to take urgent and effective measures and apple pie will help with this.

  1. Take a large red apple.
  2. Prick him several times with a needle while pronouncing the name of your loved one out loud.
  3. Place an apple under your pillow.
  4. In the morning, knead the pie dough and add the apple to it.
  5. Treat your husband (young man) with the resulting cake.

Hard choise

At the first sign unusual behavior men, you need to use your strength and charm to keep him, because returning it is much more difficult than leaving. Until he left, he still comes home and sits with you and watches TV, does homework with the children, helps to pick up the baby from the kindergarten. It is in front of difficult choice, doubts gnaw at him. On the side of his scales are: a young and unencumbered by household chores and children, a mistress and a wife with whom several happy years, and also children.

It is much easier for a single man to leave, but a married man faces a difficult choice.

It is much easier for a single man to leave, but a married man faces a difficult choice. But, it is not a secret for anyone that at the age of 40-50 years in men comes difficult period in life, they want to live for themselves, get rid of responsibilities in relation to the family, feel young again. And if the wife does not sympathize with him, does not support him, but only laughs at his feelings, it is easier to leave the family. Experienced and smart women noticing that their man is tired of the monotony of days, they try to change their lives, change their clothing style, pay a lot of attention outward appearance buy theater and concert tickets. They know if such simple methods do not help, then the strong attachment and the help of magic, which affects the object at a distance, will definitely help her with this. A reader who reads a conspiracy, a sentence, and an admonition must have good reasons - love for a husband or partner and a desire to live with him alone all his life.

Effective and strong

Dryers do not harm your health. They will only bind a loved one to you, even who is at some distance from you. A strong attachment will help you forget about attraction to another woman and remember your feelings and love for you.

Sack of Venus

  1. Sew a miniature red silk pouch.
  2. Place a light pink candle in it.
  3. Dried apple peel.
  4. Rose petals.
  5. Two white pigeon feathers.
  6. Drop in a little lemon or musk oil.
  7. Carry the pouch with you (around your neck, in your pocket, in your purse). He will bring home a loved one. After that, only you will exist for him.

Miracle - rope

An old conspiracy that will help to bind a loved one tightly to yourself.

  1. Take a rope that is 1 cm in diameter.
  2. Tie three strong knots on the rope, wet them with water so that they do not come loose.
  3. Say twelve times:

    “No matter how you twist the rope, the End knot will be there. No matter how you (the name of the man in diminutive form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.), did not run away from me, My slander will ruin you. Love, the soul of a servant of God ( full name men, (Ilya, Ivan, etc.), the Soul of a servant of God (his full name, Olga, Anna, Xenia, etc.) "

  4. Do not tell anyone about the ceremony. Hide the rope well so that no one can find it. Your life and happiness depend on it.
  5. The rope can be stored for a lifetime. To get rid of the conspiracy, you can only untie three knots.

Named garlic

On the head of the onion or garlic, write the name of your beloved in red marker or pen. Plant the onion in an earthen pot where indoor flowers are grown and say the name of your beloved.

Take garlic and a red marker for the ritual.

Water the plant every morning and evening, saying, "As the onion grows, (the name of the beloved's) love for me grows."

Citrus additive

  1. Gently cut the zest from the fresh lemon.
  2. Use a sharp knife to cut out a small heart.
  3. Dry it in the sun for 7 days.
  4. Always carry it with you: in your purse, in a pouch around your neck, in your wallet.
  5. The citrus amulet is a powerful addictive agent that works even over long distances to attract your man's love.

Red dawn

This is the strongest additive. If you believe that your love has undergone a serious change, and the betrayal of your husband (boyfriend) has gone far, then you need to take effective measures.

  1. Go to church and get a church candle.
  2. Take a candle in your hand, go out in the morning dawn in open field(you can go to the balcony, street, etc.). It is important that this is an unrestricted space.
  3. Watch the sunrise. As soon as the first ones appear Sun rays, say:

    “I will get up in the morning, blessing, go out into the courtyard, crossing myself, From the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea. There are twelve brothers standing, looking at me. I will go closer to them, I will bow to them below. Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, In the blue sea - an island, on it there is an oak, Under the oak - a heavy slab, sweeping longing. Lift the stove, take away the longing, Bring it from the sea-ocean, Lay it on the zealous heart of the slave (name of the man). Let the melancholy, grief-stricken, orphan-sadness, So that he yearns, twists, grieves For me, slave (name) night and day. That he could not be without me, not a day, not a minute while away. With you, mother-dawn of morning Mary, evening Marimyana, midnight Ulyana. Let any girl seem terrible to him, like a flying mouse, like an evil snake, like a striped devil, like a shaggy sorcerer. And for him, a slave (my name), a firebird, a sweet girl "

  4. After completing the ritual, the loved one should return to you, but if he did not return, then a strong love spell was made on him.

Drying and recipe for love

Take a photo of your loved one and an aromatherapy lamp. Put the photo in front of you on the table and looking at it mix:

  • 6 drops of sandalwood;
  • 3 drops of sage;
  • 2 drops essential oil jasmine;
  • 3 drops of mandarin essential oil;
  • 1 drop of ginger essential oil.

Repeat three times the phrase " Eternal love". Pour 10 drops of the obtained magic potion into the prepared lamp. Light the lamp when this person comes to you. Ready remedy is an powerful aphrodisiac... Only light the lamp in the presence of one person.

If you are fighting for your happiness, trying to preserve your family and love, your father to your children or just your beloved, not wishing any harm to anyone and using magical methods, there is nothing wrong with that - everyone wants to be happy and everyone deserves it.

Let's take a closer look at the love spell, I'll do it for free - with detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


You don't know how to bewitch a guy without severe harm make a quick and simple add-on, but now we will tell you how to do it. The prisushka for the love of your beloved boyfriend is done on a piece of candy, which you then need to treat to the guy you like, it can be either a classmate you like or an adult man on whom you do not want to make a strong love spell. To successfully complete the magic ritual, you will need to treat your loved one with any candy, while saying to yourself

words of strong love for love:

how to make a shot at a distance

Earlier If you do not have a photo of a guy, and you don’t know how to make a shot, we will tell you how to make a strong shot on the wind yourself without a photo of your beloved guy at a distance from you.

To make a suction yourself, memorize its words that you need to read on your own. At home, in strong windy weather, open a window and loudly say the memorized text of a suction for a guy's love, once to the wind, turning your face to the window, and once against the wind - turning away from the window, looking at your door into which, after the action of the suction, you must enter the man I love.

  • Words of a strong acting love addiction that you need to read on your own at home:

boyfriend love

The boyfriend's love affair which is given below is very strong and has long-lasting effect that is why this love spell is equated with love spells. If you decide to attach your beloved to yourself so that he “pisses on you” and yearns for you, but rather took you in marriage, use this particular love addiction for a guy's love and the very next day after the ceremony, the young man will start to miss. To make a bite, you need to take a small rope. white and tie as many knots on it as you can make from the very beginning of the rope to its end. Tied it up? Now you need to count the number of resulting nodes, an even one gives the go-ahead for reading the suction. Read on this rope the words of the guy who kindles the guy's love:

dough on an apple. how to dry a loved one on an apple on your own

In love magic, there are a variety of love rituals with an apple, and the easiest of them is a dough on an apple that you can make yourself. To make a dough, you need a red apple and an icon of the Virgin.

  • How to dry a loved one on an apple on your own:

Take an apple and put it behind the icon of the Mother of God, then go outside the threshold of the house or apartment where you live and say three times dry words on apple :

How to make the strongest love spell on your own?

Today, love magic is in demand among the fairer sex. Many women have already carried out a ritual on their own to dry their beloved. In this matter, it is important to exercise caution, because a strong love spell can harm the performer and victim of the ritual.

The power of a love spell is "regulated"

The degree of inducing a love spell

The power of a love spell is "regulated". Depending on the situation, you should choose the value energy impact... So, if a man clearly likes a woman, but he does not dare to approach her, you will need to conduct a small ritual or read a simple conspiracy that will push him to action. If a loved one left or found another one, it will take more strong influence on his energy center... If a man is not familiar with the performer of the love spell and does not feel any feelings for the woman who loves him, he will have to resort to a powerful love spell. Such magical effects can have negative consequences.

Features of a strong love spell

Influencing a person through an additive is a complex process and a responsible occupation. It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take to see the results. Usually, changes in the victim's behavior can be seen after 6 weeks.

Sometimes the bug does not bring any result, the behavior of the victim does not change. The lack of effect from a conspiracy can occur for several reasons:

  • the object of desire is too strong energy that blocks external influence;
  • the ritual was performed incorrectly, the attributes did not fit, the sequence of steps was violated;
  • the energy field of a person who has been bewitched is protected through magic.

Even the strongest love spell does not guarantee lifelong impact. The energy of a person can be cleansed, the influence on him will decrease, and then you will have to bewitch the person again.

Love spell rules

Some rules should be remembered before bewitching a loved one:

  • any magical action is carried out on an empty stomach;
  • you need to believe in positive result and the strength of the drying;
  • strictly observe all specified actions and their sequence;
  • no one should be around during the ritual;
  • the best time for a love spell is rainy or cloudy weather;
  • words of a conspiracy for love to speak at dawn;
  • a week before drying, do not smoke or drink alcohol.

You need to choose the right picture

If a love spell is used with photography, you need to choose the right picture. Damaged photo with bends will not work. The photo must be printed. The beloved must be depicted on it alone. You can charm a man through a fresh snapshot, it can be a maximum of a year ago. The ideal image for suction is a portrait where the eyes are clearly visible.

Love spell with a gift

If the beloved man is free, but it is in no way possible to attract his attention and awaken reciprocal feelings in him, on help will come strong love spell for a gift. You need to purchase any thing that can be presented to the object of desire for any event. For a gift, you should read the words of the conspiracy:

“I give you a gift, my beloved (name of beloved), with this magical object, with words spoken, I convey my great and sincere love. You will take the thing, enchanted by my power, and in my love you will be bogged down like a worm in the earth and you will be happy with me forever. Amen".

It is best to present the present the next day.

Love spell by photo

This is a simple but powerful love spell that you can use to bewitch your loved one. Write on a piece of paper your desires in relation to the object of the ritual. No need to rush you need to correctly formulate thoughts... A leaf with the text is folded and set on fire from a red candle. While the sheet is burning, it should be held over the photo of the beloved. And they read these words:

“What passes above the head will certainly enter the head. As it lights up behind the back - the heart of the slave (name) will inflame. "

The list should burn out completely. The result will not be long in coming.

To return feelings

Sometimes it happens that the beloved man begins to cool down. If you need to return old feelings, a strong love spell will come to the rescue. In the evening, within 7 days, you must read the following conspiracy:

“As the Servant of God (the name of a loved one) wakes up early in the morning, so longing for me in his soul will wake up. It will not subside and will not weaken, but will only flare up more strongly. My beloved will soon return to the familiar threshold, as he will remember the road to it. And he will no longer be able to leave me, and in my arms he will find happiness. Amen!".

If in 3 months it was not possible to bewitch the beloved, then it will not be possible to restore the relationship.

Love spell on spouse

Drying on a beloved husband helps to find family happiness, to improve relations between spouses. It is used in the following situations:

  • quarrels and disagreements constantly occur in the family;
  • there is no sexual life in marriage;
  • the husband was carried away by another;
  • the spouse leaves the family;
  • using magic by another woman towards her husband.

Even the strongest love spell will not help return a loved one if the woman does not change. You need to learn to find a compromise, work with your character, try to understand each other.

You need to learn to find a compromise

Love spell on food for a spouse

If the husband is going to leave the family, you can bewitch him through strong conspiracy by eating or drinking. Prepare a food or drink and read on it:

“On bread, on water, not on a clear day or in bad weather, so that the servant of God, (the name of the husband), would not find a place for himself on the way, on the way. So that his legs tremble, the tears do not dry out, Dreams home to the servant of God, (his name), called back. The word is firm, it will be forever. Amen".

After that, you need to give your spouse to eat a dish or drink a liquid.

The next love spell is used in case of a spouse's infidelity. It is necessary to read the conspiracy on the sheet. They do this in the bedroom of the spouses. On the growing moon, place seven candles in a semicircle near the bed. They light up and represent the happy family life, tune in the right way. Then the words are read three times:

“Lord God, my protector and intercessor Go, find my dear and beloved servant of God (name) And bring me to your native threshold. Let him forget all other women, Let him know only my body and my caresses. So that his flesh only wants me to the servant of God (name) Forever, always, endlessly. Let it be so! Amen!".

You need to pronounce the text from memory. If the husband did not come home, then be sure to take advantage of this conspiracy. With this ritual, you can return a man home. The next day, the spouse will sleep on his bed. This rite helps to bewitch the spouse, to return old passion and protect yourself from betrayal. If the husband has left the family long ago, he will not work.

Consequences of drying

The negative consequences of the ceremony await the performer and the one who was bewitched in the following cases:

  • a love spell is made through black magic;
  • the ritual was performed incorrectly;
  • a voodoo doll was used.

Both people can face depression, apathy, health problems, alcoholism, and even suicide.

Strong love spells using the blood of a lover or a scribble through the cemetery are rituals that are difficult to remove. The consequences of such rituals are very dire. It may be death that will overtake both parties and their relatives. Therefore, it is advised to choose love spells that are simple in content with minimum amount negative consequences.


Today, I am a magician Sergey Artgrom will tell you about free love spells, and how, with the help of love magic, influence the one who likes, how to cause in him ardent love, attraction, longing, desire intimate relationships... No matter what situation you find yourself in - difficult, desperate or even hopeless, there is a rite in the meetings of black magic with which you will be able to change circumstances.

A life situations and in fact there are different. Someone needs a light love spell on a sleeping husband in order to spice up their feelings, and someone is in a state of magical war, fighting for a beloved man.

Free love spells for a man's love

For example, if you have seen a person once, and you practically do not know anything about him, but you feel that you need him, that this is your person, you can do a magic rite to reduce the roads, and the Forces will lead him to you. The dark assistants you turn to will give you a chance, and how you dispose of them will depend only on you. Rite of passage for road reduction can be supported, say, free (independent) love spell of your beloved guy from the photo... And with personal contact - to act using other methods, everything is in the hands of the magician - the performer.

It is generally accepted that independent love spells at home are made free of charge, although this is not so, if we are not talking about simple love spells (we will talk about this later, and I will give some good working rituals), but about powerful rites love magic. To get something from a business, you must first invest in the business. Transferring this to our soil, we get the same need for cash investments. Will have to buy Consumables for an independent love spell for a guy, as well as a ransom to the Forces. These expenses always fall on the initiator of the magic love spell - on the customer, or on the performer himself, if he conjures for himself.

Free love spell for a man at a distance - a magic ritual for ardent love

The love spell of the guy that I want to introduce to you now does not belong to the category of strong magic rituals with the submission of a beloved man. It works for free as a sucker, but quite stably, without causing serious resistance in the lover. Witchcraft ritual for many days, not demonic, not cemetery. This is an example of a guy's magic love spell with food, with an appeal to the Forces of Nature - the winds. Plus salt, which the bewitching magician speaks, personifies the earth, one of the basic elements of the world.

Love spell love rituals like this work mainly on the personal power of the performer. Read love spell you need salt alone, and, of course, such witchcraft cost the performer almost free.

Made with salt.

  • Read the text of the conspiracy on that guy who likes, holding salt in a salt shaker in right hand, 9 morning dawns in a row.
  • On the tenth day, salt food to your beloved boyfriend or legal husband with charmed salt.
  • You can repeat this many times as long as the charmed salt remains in the salt shaker.

The interesting thing is that this is just that free love spell for a guy that cannot be removed due to constant repetition. On the one hand, it would seem that the magic ritual for love is simple, insignificant, but on the other, it works well and does not give kickbacks. Naturally, this can be done on the person with whom you live together.

Here is the text of a free conspiracy to love a guy:

Who will help to make a love spell and who will consult for free

As rightly noted, there is no free magic. As a rule, anyone who seeks free magical help ends up in the hands of charlatans. And the scammer will not let you go just like that, and your desire to get free help in your husband's love spell will turn into big financial losses for you.

Free can be online consultation real magician. Many people use the advice of online magicians. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, doubt the usefulness and effectiveness of such techniques. Today we are dealing with an entire magic industry. And, go, know who is a really knowledgeable, seriously practicing sorcerer in the Internet space, and who is engaged in fraud.

There are, of course, traits by which you can distinguish a real magician from a charlatan. There are several such features. And first of all, it is a loud, absurd advertisement on the verge of a foul, such as: I make a strong love spell for free 100% effectively... These hooks are designed for those who need it right now and at a cheaper price. I repeat, a true magician will not work for free. But, he will not set tariffs for his work either. The price list with fixed prices is also distinctive feature deceiver.

So, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, do not advise looking for a person who will make a love spell for free. It's like walking on thin ice... If you need magic help, contact a trusted magician on the recommendation, read the reviews. And to real person rather than a virtual wizard.

An easy and completely free love spell for a guy to sleep

A real love spell for a beloved guy can be called snags for a lover's sleep. With the help of this magic rite one can penetrate into the dreams of a lover. Thinking about you in the waking state, seeing your image in his dreams, the young man, imperceptibly to himself, will become more and more attached to you. And here is some advice on how to make this light love spell for a man's sleep.

To do on the waxing moon. Starting out witchcraft ritual, Open the window. Before going to bed, take a bunch of straw, remove 1 straw from it and put it next to it. Light the straw on the candle flame and while it burns read free conspiracy love spell on a man for sleep and dreams:

Every night, put the straw that remains under your pillow and, falling asleep, think about the man in whose dream you want to be. This is a very light love spell on a sleeping loved one, and therefore it must be repeated often. It is interesting that a person who is usually bewitched in this way tells the performer about his dreams.

Any girl can make effective love spells at home, and absolutely free. But, I hope you understand the difference between a light addiction and a powerful love spell by the powers of black magic.

A simple and completely free love spell for a sleeping guy

To enter the dreams of your beloved guy, and make him yearn for you even in the world of morphea, call the demons for help and do love dryness, sleepy wraith. At night, lying in bed and feeling that you are falling asleep.

How to make a strong love spell on a photo yourself?

From time immemorial, a love spell was considered the most effective way to keep a loved one next to you or even return. A love spell in our time is, perhaps, the most demanded magical service. But is it necessary to contact a magician or psychic in order to make a love spell? Not at all. For example, it is not at all difficult to make the strongest love spell from a photo on your own, and, as the reviews say, a person who does not have to practical magic nothing to do.

But if you are going to do just that, you should definitely remember that even the smallest inaccuracies and mistakes during the ritual can lead to the most unpredictable consequences. On the other hand, who will guarantee that, having turned to a magician for help, you will not meet an ordinary crook who will try to trick you into shelling out a tidy sum? It's in best case, and at worst - by their illiterate actions, a charlatan or an amateur can inflict real harm your health. So the choice, to do everything yourself and for free, or to seek outside help for this, is yours alone.

Let's take a closer look at what a love spell is

Love spell is an influence on a certain person on the subconscious level... This is a ritual, as a result of which a person who is the object of a love spell develops an attraction to another person on an emotional and physical level.

Love spell can be directed to both men and women. The mechanism of action of love spells is the same for both sexes.

Distinguish between strong (add) and weak love spells. Strong love spells differ from weak ones in their energy, efficiency and choice of love spell components. A very strong love spell causes a powerful sex drive to the customer a love spell. Often, the influence on the bewitched is so strong that he is physically unable to overcome this attraction. In order to do strong ritual on your own, you need some preliminary preparation:

  • It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the relevant literature and choose the most suitable method for conducting the ritual;
  • Then you should carefully select all necessary accessories and materials;
  • It is also very important right choice time and place of the ritual.

Exact fulfillment of all the requirements and conditions of the ritual will allow you to carry out the love spell as efficiently as possible! When carrying out a love spell ritual, as a rule, they are used special conspiracies as well as personal belongings or clothing of the desired person. In some cases, materials taken from ritual places (consecrated water, earth, flowers from a cemetery, etc.) may be used. But despite all these difficulties, do strong love spells at home is absolutely real.

What is the power of black love spells?

All of the above love spells cannot be compared in their effectiveness with black love spells, which should only be performed by very qualified magicians. Black love spell - strong and most reliable magic way induce attraction to oneself the right person... However, holding black love spells has increased danger, because it disturbs the world of spirits and the dead, and this can be fraught with the most unpleasant consequences both for the customer and for the person who directly conducts the ritual.

In the case of black love spells, you should also remember that only the magician who applied it can remove the love spell.

How to independently make a strong love spell ritual for a girl or a guy?

It is not so difficult to perform a very strong love spell on your own. As a rule, love spells at home are short rhymed expressions. When they are carried out, a photograph of a loved one and others can be used. necessary items... If, among other things, you are worried about problems with your appearance, then weight loss conspiracies can help you.

There are certain general rules carrying out love spells, namely:

  • All magical actions should be performed exclusively on an empty stomach. Moreover, the longer you have not taken food, the greater the effect you can achieve;
  • Learning how to make a strong and effective love spell of a loved one on your own, you need to stock up positive energy and tune in to the ritual as much as possible. A person who is confident in himself will more quickly achieve the desired result than a person who has lost faith and lowered his hands;
  • On the eve of the ritual, you need to get distracted from household chores. Try to communicate more with nature in order to breathe her life force;
  • It is necessary to resolutely refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking and having sex for the week before the ritual;
  • It is required to accurately follow all the instructions for the ritual and be sure to bring them to the end. Incompleteness of actions or any changes in their sequence can lead not only to the uselessness of the ritual, but even to the weakening of your body or illness.

When is the best time to perform the ritual?

  • It is believed that rainy, cloudy days are the most favorable time for carrying out sexual love spells;
  • Conspiracies are best pronounced in the morning;
  • At night, the person pronouncing the conspiracy must look to the east;
  • Conspiracies pronounced during the day are always directed towards the sun, and those that are pronounced in the evening - to the west towards the setting sun.

Does not have of particular importance how exactly to pronounce the text of the conspiracy, loudly or in a whisper. The main thing is that the text must be pronounced with feeling, slowly, clearly, without crumpling words and without stuttering. An example of this is old recipe... Take a few branches of fern and rowan leaves. Pour church oil on them and set them on fire with a match. On top of the vegetation, you need to throw a photo where you and your loved one are together. After that, pronounce the words loudly and clearly:

“The power of the fern and mountain ash will protect me! The power of the fire will kindle the heart of ... such and such! "

After everything burns down, you need to collect the ashes. Put part of it in a canvas bag and carry it constantly with you, and put a small pinch of ash in the food of your beloved. You can also do this with the help of such a conspiracy:

We make strong love spells from a photo at home

It is common knowledge that every photograph carries a certain energy. If you strive to conduct such a ceremony, then you must understand that its effect is not eternal. It can last for several hours and for the whole life. Ultimately, it all depends on how sincere your feeling and great desire to unite your fate with the fate of your chosen one. In order to successfully carry out such a procedure at home, you need to have a photograph that meets certain requirements. It should be single, that is, no strangers should be captured in the photograph, except for the bewitched one (unless other conditions are stipulated in the ritual). The face of the subject should be clearly visible in the photograph, and the photograph should be as free of various foreign objects that can be distracting.

It should also be remembered that the ritual will be more effective if the photo was taken recently.

Before you start doing everything yourself, it is very important to choose the right ritual. It should be as simple as possible, accessible and understandable to the smallest detail. You should also know that any magical action takes a lot of strength and energy, so you should be prepared for the fact that after you carry out the procedure, you may feel bad, depressed and not completely control your emotions.

It is simply pointless to argue about which one is the strongest love spell from a photo, because there are so many of them. The choice of a specific course of action is a purely individual matter. As an example, we can consider such a love spell from a photo, which is strong in its simplicity and effectiveness. Take a photo of your chosen one in your hands. Light a church candle. Flip the photo face down to the candle flame. Lead a photo of your beloved around the flame, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

Another option. Place a photograph of your beloved in front of you. Light a church candle at midnight sharp. Holding it in your hand, repeat the words of the conspiracy 12 times:

After reading the conspiracy, you need to burn the photo around the edges with a candle, sprinkle it with holy water and put it at the head of the bed.

How does the execution of love spells take place?

The result of performing any ritual primarily depends on how much energy is invested in it, on the understanding of your actions and desires, the correct assessment of your strengths and capabilities, the absence of selfish motives, which means, if you wish, even the strongest love spell for the love of a guy or a girl can be do it yourself.

There is a very easy, but at the same time proven way to make a strong ritual for love yourself. This is a whisper to the wind. This method does not require any additional items and materials. Love spell is carried out only by the power of your thoughts. You need to focus as much as possible and clearly imagine desired result... However, it must be borne in mind that such a love spell requires a large number of energy and not everyone can get it. The ritual should be performed in the late afternoon, preferably in windy weather. You need to stand near an open window or window and say 9 times:

Another way is to utter a conspiracy after the person who leaves your home. Only after you read the conspiracy after your beloved, you can close the door behind him.

More complex love spells

The most powerful love spell can be done using the personal belongings of the bewitched. It doesn't matter what kind of things they are, the main thing is that they carry his energy on themselves and that the bewitched person does not know for what purposes you are going to use these things. It is important that no one can interfere with you during the ritual. The duration of the procedure depends on the type of love spell and the energy that is invested in it.

Towel plot. If desirable man the first time he came to your house, you need to notice when he washes his hands and wipes them on a fresh towel. After that, the towel must be removed immediately so that others cannot use it. While the towel is still damp, it should be tied in a knot while saying the following:

Then the towel must be securely hidden and never untied.

Another ritual. At night, on the growing moon, preferably on Friday, you need to cast a spell (to enhance the effect, you can light red or orange candles):

Obviously, performing this ritual on a guy on your own will not amount to hard work... Naturally, there are similar rituals for a girl. Having decided to make a love spell, you should definitely remember that this should never be done for the sake of a joke or as entertainment. A love spell can greatly affect your fate and the fate of a loved one, so this step should be taken very responsibly!

But, it's good when love is mutual, otherwise, everything flies to smithereens. When a loved one leaves, anger, negativity and depression settle in the soul. According to experts, most suicides decide suicide precisely because of unrequited feelings.

Most girls seek solace from magicians, fortune tellers, sorcerers. At home, you can use the guy's strongest remote control.

What is it and how does it work?

Before you deal with the dosing, you need to understand that this is one of the types of magical effects. And not to be confused given view love magic with another, slightly similar - love spell. Unlike a love spell, the add-on is more powerful and accurate. Also, it is worth considering the fact that the dough is a kind of black magic and can cause trouble for the person who orders, or makes the dough himself.

The meaning of the suction boils down to the fact that, to whom it was done, begins to constantly think about the girl who performed a magical act... He begins to "dry up", get bored and this person does not get out of his head.

Drying can usually be done at home, it is done on any object or food that acts as a "transmitter" magical properties.

Types and time of execution

It is worth warning immediately that rituals for drying are carried out only at night and preferably at the cemetery. You can not do the ritual in daytime as it might not work.

As mentioned above, a certain object is needed for the ceremony; for such objects, the types of attachments differ. Consider the two most popular and effective ways.

For a gift

In order to make a gift for a gift, you need to buy such a thing that a loved one will constantly carry with him... Among the things available for a gift, you can choose a business card holder, a pen, a key chain, a wallet - everything that you can carry with you at all times. Before giving such a gift, it is necessary that it be saturated with your energy, for this, the thing must be carried with you for three days.

Before the fourth night, it is necessary cover the table with a white tablecloth and place two red candles in the center, and a person is placed between them which must be dried. Now, we read the spell:

"My beauty overshadows your light (pronounce 9 times)."

After that, the candles are blown out.

For food

Drying food is best done on the growing moon. In order for the additive to bring results, you have to keep it at night left hand on the subject of the spell, and baptize with the right reading a prayer:

In the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit.

I say, the servant of God (your name), words are distant,

Far away sins, far away prayers.

As water from the earth goes through the stones, breaks through,

So my words through this food

Shedding and breaking through

Lie on them with a ring, a cross, a violent force

From now on, until forever, forever and ever. Amen.

On the sea, on the okiyane,

On the Buyan island, there is a table-throne,

at the table sits an old man angry and naked.

You can see his white bones, you can see his pain,

The old man wants to drink and eat.

There is no bread and salt dearer to him,

He has nothing in his stomach but pain.

He cries, bends over,

Hands grabbing food,

He asks for food and drinks, begs,

For that he even offers his soul.

So would I be a servant of God (the name of the inscribed)

He loved, suffered, did not know how to sleep.

How people cannot live without food,

How can they not live without water,

So would you, servant of God (the name of the inscribed),

I could not live and be without me.

I am your food, I am your water.

Go slave, to me, to God's slave (your name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

After this slander, in the morning the food must be given to a loved one.

How to dry a guy instantly?

If you don't want to wait long, you should consider the option of instant drying, but for this you need to get some things:

  • Birch stake.
  • Aspen branch.
  • Large potato (bigger is better).

It is best not to buy potato, but to take it from the garden, moreover, from someone else's. The peg must be made with your own hands, and the aspen must be necessarily with leaves.

Now, directly, the rite itself. On Thursday night, open all the windows in the house, thereby allowing dark forces needed for help. Now, imagine your beloved guy and pierce a potato, after which, you need to put it on the threshold of an open (front) door, hit it with the words:

Dry for me (name of the beloved) my dear,

Dry in the same way as potatoes will dry from a birch stake,

May you not have a quiet life without me,

Only with me will you find peace and happiness,

Find the way to my house and come as soon as possible

I longed for you, you are my clear falcon,

There is no rest for me from unrequited love,

May the impure forces help me,

Let them fulfill my will,

May they bring me female happiness,

My word is strong and let it be as I wish!

Now you have to go to bed with the potatoes... If everything is done according to the rules, soon the young man will declare himself.


Please note that the rite of drying refers to those whose consequences affect the free will of a person. Before taking any action, you need to become familiar with what you and the object of your desire can expect.

  • The first and, perhaps, the most important point: dryers are made for life, which is why, it is worth knowing that the lapel will not be so easy to make - many times more difficult than making the filler itself. Choose your partner carefully.
  • Black magic can change the direction of life both yours and your man's, which is why the consequences can be unpredictable.
  • Often, a person does not get exactly what he wants, for example, a young man will not at all inflame with feelings for you, if he did not have them for you before, he will simply miss you and will be irresistibly drawn to you.
  • Health, of course. From drying your health can be shaken both mental and physical. Your boyfriend may start having problems with.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that it is not difficult to be with a loved one if you have your will, desire and self-sacrifice for this. But, do not forget about the consequences, because maybe it is best to achieve it yourself? In any case, it's up to you to decide.

One of the most common practices in love magic is dryness. So what is dryness and what is it? Various dictionaries and reference books interpret this concept for the most part in the same way. A dry (or dry) is a type of witchcraft, as a result of which, through the use of special magical means (potions, whisperings, incantations, etc.), the desired object is "attached", bewitched to the one who performs this ritual.

Love magic is one of the most ancient and powerful in the Universe, since it is nourished by the most vivid human feelings and experiences. Most important advantage love magic is that even the most hopeless situation or the most flawed and bad relationship can be stabilized. With the help of love magic, even the most spoiled relationships can be brought to a decent level through magical rituals, spells, rituals and conspiracies.

Of course, love magic is not always safe and innocent. Often, the use of certain slander or love spells can turn into unpleasant consequences both for the subject of such actions and for the object thereof. However, if you use it wisely, clearly defining that the effect you get from your magical actions is really necessary for you and will not harm the object of your sighs, then it can be beneficial.

Among such magical rituals, a love spell for a boyfriend's love, a wife's dryness, conspiracies for love and the return of a husband to the family, conspiracies for the reunion of lovers and similar rituals.

What is dryness and what symptoms does it have?

One of the most common practices in love magic is dryness. So what is dryness and what is it? Various dictionaries and reference books interpret this concept for the most part in the same way.

A dry (or dry) is a type of witchcraft, as a result of which, through the use of special magical means (potions, whisperings, incantations, etc.), the desired object is "attached", bewitched to the one who performs this ritual.

In other words, the ritual makes one person fall in love with another, even against his will. It is in this addition "against their will" that lies main reason what this practice not welcome in the practice of white magic spells.

When there is violence against a person, over her will and spirit (even if it is done for her good), this is already a guarantee that someone will have to pay for it. If you decide to stick someone, then accept the thought that this will become your cross for life.

Dryers are very powerful and have practically no antidotes. So it is best to be wary of such magical influences and not allow them into your fate. Droughts break karmic connections that existed before, imposing new ones instead, without bringing happiness to either side.

This ritual and its symptoms are very similar to the love spell, with which they are often confused, but, oddly enough, the love spell only draws the attention of the object of witchcraft to the subject, without causing critical dependence on him, while a properly done dry spell becomes a heavy burden for both. Dryness causes addiction at the physical level, paralyzing the will and personality of the addicted person.

Varieties of dryness

Depending on what items are used in dry conditions, different varieties of these rituals are distinguished. So, one of the most common additives today is dryness by photo.

Its popularity is due to the significant effectiveness and efficiency of this kind of slander. At the same time, they are as simple as possible in execution (you just need to get a photo of your beloved) and, according to experts, are as safe as possible for both parties participating in the action.

Drought by photo

Drought by photo is done as follows.
Need to find:

  • Photo of a loved one or beloved
  • Red silk threads
  • A couple of red candles
  • Rosebud in full bloom (also exceptionally red)
  • Your photo
  • Thick book volume
  • A regular needle, pre-moistened with rose oil.

Drought by photo is carried out on one of the days of the waxing moon, immediately after sunset. In the room where you are going to carry out the love spell, you need to close all the curtains, turn off the lights and light both candles. Photos are placed one by one, they are laid out with a flower symbolizing love feeling, passion. It will be difficult to fit the flower between the photos, but you really need to try to do it.

After that, you need to very carefully and carefully sew the resulting composition with a thread and a needle, but this should be done so as not to accidentally pierce the people shown in the photo. The resulting postcard should be placed in a thick book so that all its elements are well "pressed" into each other.

Dry on the apple

Another common type of items used in dryers is dryness on food, more precisely, on any food product - gingerbread, candy, beer, sandwich, chips, whatever! With only one but - this food product will then have to be eaten by the object of sighing.

In other words, if your loved one or loved one does not eat sweets, then it is useless to whisper to candy or cakes. Choose food that is likely to interest him or her.

In Russia, the most common were such varieties of love spells, as, for example, dryness on an apple, bread, water, egg, potato. Salt dryness was especially popular.

In a word, neutral products were chosen that would certainly be eaten. However, there is a danger here - if a conspiracy is whispered to any dish, you need to be careful to make sure that only the one who should eat it, the one on whom the grip is being made.

Otherwise, all the guests who come to your holiday will ignite to you. unearthly love, which can turn into a real disaster for everyone (and you don't even need to know how to develop clairvoyance in order to understand what kind of horror it will be). So, whispering to any food product:

At the end of the spell, you must spit three times at once in confirmation of its truth. It is very strong and ancient spell, therefore, when pronouncing it, you need to be careful not to confuse words.

Dry on the broom

Popular in love magic are not only love spells produced for food, but also whispers, conspiracies, slander, carried out over certain things. It can be both things of the object of a love spell, and things that are prepared for him as a gift, or extraneous things that have nothing to do with him.

In our example, dryness on the thing will be done on an ordinary new broom. It is best done on Friday. Beforehand, the dry object should be invited to visit.

In the meantime, from a broom (never used before!) You need to take out one twig and put it on the threshold of the door through which this person will enter. After he steps over the twig (try to make sure that neither he nor any other person sees the twig!) You need to carefully hide it. When the guest leaves, the twig is placed on a shelf in a well-heated bath and the following words are whispered over it:

"As this bar dries, let the servant of God (the name of the object of the love spell) dry for me."

Varieties of dryness depending on the object of magical influences

Depending on who the filler is being made on, that is, who is the object magical influences, one can distinguish such varieties of them: dryness for a woman or dryness for a man.

And although they are fundamentally no different (most often gender does not play a role in the implementation of such rituals and does not affect their effectiveness), nevertheless, if you look in the literature on witchcraft and magic, you can find some of the spell-spells that are created specifically to influence to a certain gender of people.

How is dryness carried out on a girl? It is read out loud in a room where there is no one, preferably by candlelight. You can read in front of a photo of your beloved woman or with thoughts of her (the presence of a photo is optional). The text is as follows:

An elementary chuckle on a guy is also very simple. You need to find a knot in the floor or in the wall (in modern apartments this is quite difficult to do, because everything was written for the huts, but for this purpose you can go to relatives in the village), circle it with your finger several times and say at the same time:

“As you, bitch, dried up, so dry, servant of God (the name of the object of the love spell), for me, the servant of God (the name of the subject of the love spell). Amen".

What if you need to dry someone hard?

There are situations when there are no other options left how to dry someone very strongly. For example, when a person does not see the meaning in life, drinks large amounts of alcohol, expresses signs of addictive behavior. Or the love of a person who has decided on a love spell is so great that it begins to harass him and calls into question his health nervous system and mental stability.

In such cases, there is no choice but to make a conspiracy dry. It is advisable to slander him about any food, water or other liquid that the object of sighing will eat without a trace. The text of such a slander is as follows:

This is very severe dryness on love, the use of which is recommended by specialists in the field of magical knowledge only in an exceptional case, when one of the participants in the dry spell is threatened with serious misfortune or death. After all, the consequences of this type of love spells are quite unpredictable.

Consider that with these words you are addressing an ancient and powerful universal evil that is constantly on the lookout for weak souls. However, this is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that you always have to pay for the fulfillment of any desires (whoever fulfills them - good or evil forces). But sometimes the price you will be charged for sucking on another person can be overwhelming. Be sure to consider this!