What is the best time to do it? How to do and whether to prepare

It happens that the time comes for the next vaccination, and the baby already has missed vaccinations. Some pediatricians, obeying the schedule, prescribe 3 vaccinations to the child at once. How to proceed in this case? Is it possible to do 3 vaccinations at once to a child? Let's figure it out.

Many vaccinations can be done at the same time in the absence of any contraindications. Otherwise, the interval between vaccines should be 1 month.

Today we will not consider emergency vaccination against rabies, tetanus and tick-borne encephalitis. It is necessary to carry out these vaccinations no matter what. After all, the risk to life exceeds any arguments.

Don't worry about vaccine incompatibilities. These are, in fact, yellow fever and cholera vaccinations. If you are not going on vacation in such unfavorable country, don't worry. While in Russia, you do not need to have these vaccinations. It is also not recommended to combine the tuberculosis vaccine with any other. Vaccines for other diseases can be given at the same time.

In a healthy human body, there are billions of immune cells that can "process" several introduced antigens at once easily and simply, that's how we are arranged. At the same time, the risks of adverse reactions (temperature, allergies, rashes, etc.) do not add up, but remain within normal limits - about 30%.

But remember that 3 vaccinations cannot be combined in one syringe at once. Vaccination should be performed with separate instruments in different limbs of the child. However, this does not apply to DTP (where pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria are combined in one syringe) and OPV (three types of poliovirus). Also on modern pharmaceutical market there are combined preparations designed specifically for simultaneous administration with one syringe: PentAct-HIB, Tetagrip and Twinrix.

So is it possible to give 3 vaccinations to a child at once?

Yes, you can. IN European countries, for example, children are simultaneously injected with 6 vaccines - polio, hemophilia, hepatitis B, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. Clinical studies of this vaccine schedule have shown that the number side effects it does not increase, and the effectiveness of vaccination does not decrease.

Be sure to remember that the child should not have any contraindications to vaccinations: recent SARS, immunodeficiencies, snot, cough, diabetes, chronic renal failure and some others.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to make 3 vaccinations to your child at once; at the same time, the pediatrician examined the baby and gave the go-ahead, no doubt. Also remember, you can nullify any allergic reactions to vaccinations by preparing for vaccination. For this, it is recommended to take 3 days before and 3 days after vaccination.

Watch the video where the question "Is it possible to give 3 vaccinations to a child at once?" the allergist-immunologist answers:

The situation is as follows: now Onezhka is three months old, in the maternity hospital I stopped to refuse hepatitis vaccination (although there were plans). In a month, due to jaundice, the second vaccination was not given, but the immunologist said that since they had already begun, it makes sense to vaccinate. Now on the calendar DTP vaccination+ poliomyelitis + hemophilic infection. By itself, it’s already quite a lot, plus the immunologist, whom we consulted, offers to immediately put the missed hepatitis. It confuses me. Those. while I am for vaccinations, doing everything in one bunch seems a little excessive.
The question is: does anyone have any comments/experience/information on what is better to do now, and what can be postponed for now? Or is it meaningful to do everything at once, as suggested?

Message 34861408.


Time: 15:34

If you have insomnia and want to make the most of your night time, then we have some ideas. It's time to turn useless nights into productive ones. To do this, you do not have to change yourself and become a completely different person. Just use all your free time with benefit.

10 ideas to do at 3 am

When you notice that you are using your time more productively, your day will be easier. In the middle of the day, when you get tired, you decide to do some of the work later. As a result, it is carried over to the next day and so on. If you perform part of the tasks at night, when you have more strength and energy, this will make life much easier.

1. Read helpful books

Reading - The best way fall asleep. If you're an early riser, then read a boring book, and if you want to make the most of your time, then read a motivational book that will get you fully immersed in the material. Surely, you have one in mind, just during the day there is not enough time for it.

2. Make a to-do list

Planning is one of the secrets to long-term success. If you don't feel like getting out of bed, then make a list of tasks for the next day or the week ahead. Then your actions will be more organized. After all, during the day in a hurry, we do not always have time to think through all our tasks.

3. Do the laundry and wash the dishes

If you are not afraid to wake up your household, then feel free to deal with dirty linen and dishes. This will free you up a lot of time during the day.

We often do not have enough time for. Night - perfect time to create. Engage in knitting, embroidery, make jewelry, draw a picture. At 3 a.m., your talents can be revealed with extraordinary force. You may be able to create something great.

5. Keep a diary

Our life is so fleeting, you can’t remember everything. That is why you should start keeping a diary. Start writing down your memories. In 50 years, you will thank yourself for this.

At 3 a.m., thoughts can be deeper and more meaningful. This habit will help you improve your life, because expressing your thoughts in writing can, as it were, look at yourself from the outside.

6. Get cooking

During the day there is not enough time to indulge in gourmet dishes, but at night there is plenty of it. This does not mean that you need to go to the refrigerator and absorb everything. At night, you can improve your culinary skills. Find videos on YouTube where the best chefs share their secrets, stock up on ingredients in advance and start creating at 3 a.m. In the morning you can pamper your soulmate with a haute cuisine dish.

7. Learn

You, as a responsible person, understand the importance of education. Especially if you are a student. Take a course or graduation project. Don't leave everything to the last minute.

8. Iron your clothes

The appearance of a baby is important event in every woman's life. Each future mother, of course, wants to make sure that his unborn child does not have any pathologies.

In order to secure the future of the baby, as a rule, they resort to a special type of fetal diagnosis called 3d ultrasound (three-dimensional ultrasound), which can detect various anomalies and study almost every detail of development on certain deadlines pregnancy. This stage of the examination must be approached with intelligence and knowledge of the matter. The specifics of the preparation will be discussed in detail below.

What is 3d ultrasound?

The essence of volumetric sonography lies in the impact on the "cradle" of the baby special sound waves, which are reflected from the object of study and display a detailed image. A special gel is preliminarily applied to the patient's abdomen, which conducts the corresponding impulses through the body.

The photo turns out to be more detailed, colored and, most importantly, detailed: potential parents can, if they wish, examine each finger of the crumbs, his face. This type of diagnosis has repeatedly made it possible to detect violations in the work of certain systems of the child's body.

At the end of such a study, immediate timely intervention of medical specialists was carried out, who began to correct the unfavorable situation and prevented a dangerous outcome - the children were born healthy and unharmed.

Indications and contraindications for ultrasound

According to official statistics, sonography has no special contraindications due to the relative safety of the procedure.

EEG is not modern toy, but serious way examination of the fetus in the womb

3D diagnostics is often used modern fathers and mothers as a kind of entertainment that allows you to get an image of your unborn child as a unique piece of family history memory.

In fact, an ultrasound examination can be prescribed to pregnant women for medical reasons of a versatile nature, these primarily include:

  • an exception chromosomal pathologies, for example, Down's syndrome;
  • the presence of several fetuses in the womb;
  • conception by in vitro fertilization (IVF);
  • the likelihood of complications (heart disease, cleft lip, etc.);
  • genetic predisposition to dangerous diseases;
  • potential threat of miscarriage;
  • the presence of a previously born child with certain genetic abnormalities;
  • surrogacy.

When is the best time to do a 3d ultrasound during pregnancy?

It takes a considerable amount of time, equal to 9 months, to form an embryo. Every day is valuable and important in its own way, because the development of the child is carried out without any delays and interruptions - gradually and around the clock until birth.

It is not uncommon for physicians to authorize their patients to have multiple ultrasound scans because examining the fetus at various stages of pregnancy has a special purpose and a unique function. The special position of a woman is divided into special phases - 3 trimesters, each of which combines three months, respectively, ultrasound is most often prescribed the same number of times.

Term Features of the procedure
1st trimester (10-12 weeks) The first diagnosis allows you to consider the most important, necessary parameters of the fetus, which early stage is too small in size. On the this stage the sex of the child is indistinguishable. Sometimes 3d ultrasound is replaced by an ordinary type - a two-dimensional study.
2nd trimester (19-22 weeks) A more favorable period of time for diagnosing. A more detailed study of anomalies (if any) and facial contours is possible. The gender of the baby, with its proper location, is perfectly visible already with the onset of the 16th week of intrauterine formation. The specialist also determines the readiness of the placenta itself for upcoming birth: if there are some deviations, a caesarean section is possible.
3rd trimester (30–32 weeks) The development of the child in the third trimester comes to the final stage. It is already quite problematic to see the face on the monitor, since it does not fit into the screen frame. A study in late pregnancy is carried out in order to check the condition of the umbilical cord and the position of the crumbs in the uterine bladder. A mandatory study of the brain (CNS) is carried out - this is necessary to confirm or exclude hydrocephalus.

Since the ripening of the fetus is purely individual process, a specialist can develop for a particular patient special schedule diagnosis other than classical type. This is quite normal practice. For example, sometimes a woman is given an ultrasound at 36-37 weeks of gestation ( late deadline), examining the main parameters of the baby's head: size, position, etc.

It should be noted that the three-dimensional procedure is not considered a mandatory medical manipulation, but this study desirable in most cases. Carry out diagnostics own will without the appropriate permission of the attending physician is highly discouraged.


The modern procedure has a fairly good characteristic, confirmed by thousands of women around the world. Of the undoubted advantages of three-dimensional sonography, the following can be distinguished:

  • A more detailed study, carried out with the help of a simultaneous computer calculation of 3 main measurements. This provides a three-dimensional and clear image of the baby in the womb.
  • A comprehensive study of the structures, tissues of the fetus and pathologies of varying degrees.
  • The waveforms of the device are similar to those of conventional ultrasound, despite the more detailed analysis organism.
  • A clear reconstruction of the brain, revealing a violation in the formation of the central nervous system child.
  • The presence of additional information, which is the basis for the diagnosis.
  • Inspection by parents mimic features the child and the structure of its internal organs.

The list continues high level diagnosis of hypoxia with further elimination of the problem, identification of widespread and dangerous disease- heart disease early stages fetal development, timely detection ectopic pregnancy, a clear definition of the position of the child and the degree of entanglement with the umbilical cord.

Possible visualized study circulatory system and related deviations from the norm, setting the correct boundaries for the period of gestation of the baby. In addition to the considered advantages, the procedure has one drawback - the long duration of ultrasound is 30-50 minutes.

Is 3d-study dangerous for a child?

Scientists cannot give a full and reliable answer to the question, because there is not enough information about the negative impact of ultrasonic waves on the baby.

Cases unknown in medical practice negative impact radiation 3d ultrasound on baby

The vast majority of expectant mothers believe that their children may be exposed to dangerous influences that will affect their health in the future. Doctors say that there is nothing to fear with a proper approach to business: a small dose of radiation does not deform tissues, bone structure and genes.

But if a woman expresses strong doubts about the diagnosis of such a plan, she will need to carry it out only in case of appropriate medical indications. Under other circumstances, 3d ultrasound can be refrained from.

Cost of volumetric sonography

The price of an ultrasound depends on several factors. important indicators: the quality of the equipment, the purpose of diagnosis, the urgency and degree of qualification of the specialist. The location of the clinic also plays a significant role.

If you highlight average cost in quality medical centers various actors Russian Federation, you get the following indicator - 2500-4500 rubles. The amount is quite reasonable: there is no need to feel sorry for her in case of serious need, since the life of a child and his health is much more valuable than any amount of money.

It is worth realizing that 3d ultrasound is a necessary measure for the safety of the child and his mother, and not a parental whim. It is impossible to neglect the elementary safety rules when it comes to a medical device of complex structure and impact on the human body.

Of course, the danger of ultrasound has not been confirmed, but a similar situation is observed in relation to it. useful influence to the fruit. Therefore, if there is an individual schedule from the attending physician, do not neglect its points, visit the gynecologist at the right time.

Some 20 years ago, future mothers could not even dream of seeing their baby's face before childbirth, but now 3D ultrasound technology provides such an opportunity to everyone. With the help of a three-dimensional image, you can get a real idea of ​​​​the appearance of the unborn child, examine the father's nose and mother's eyes.

An online study, the so-called 4D ultrasound, allows you to observe the movements of the baby in the womb. For a fee, parents can make a video and burn a disc on which little man waving a pen, playing with the umbilical cord, or sucking his thumb.

The ideal time for 3D imaging is the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, approximately from 25 to 30 weeks. It is at this moment that the most successful pictures are obtained, since all the organs are formed, and the child begins to gain weight. On the early dates pregnancy, the baby looks like an alien and bears little resemblance to pictures from magazines. After 30 weeks, the fetus becomes quite large and it becomes problematic to see its entire face on the screen.

However, with medical point view, the advantages of 3D ultrasound during pregnancy over a two-dimensional image are insignificant, they only allow you to confirm the data of 2D ultrasound. Therefore, this service is provided only in paid clinics.

Why do 3-D ultrasound

With the help of 3D ultrasound, it is possible to diagnose at the early stages various pathologies of fetal development, which are not always visible on a classic examination. So, 3D ultrasound can show:

  • defects and anomalies of the limbs.
  • Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.
  • pathological deviation in the development of the musculoskeletal system, spine, joints.
  • deviations from the norm of development of the maxillofacial region - "cleft lip", "cleft palate", pathology of the eyes and ears.
  • you can find out if there is a deficiency in the body weight of the child, entanglement with the umbilical cord.
  • abnormal course of pregnancy, manifested in low or polyhydramnios, irregular, dangerous presentation placenta.

The difference between 3D and conventional ultrasound

The main difference between three-dimensional ultrasound and two-dimensional ultrasound is the construction of the picture. The latter allows you to see the baby in a plane, so only a specialist can figure out what's what. Parents in this case it’s too hard to understand where the baby’s arms and legs are, and it’s not even worth talking about gender. And here 3D ultrasound recreates a three-dimensional color picture, so future mom and dad can independently examine the parts of the baby’s body, see his face and even understand that he is smiling.

Of course, before going for a 3D study, parents want to be sure that such an event is safe. Safety concerns both mother and baby. And although today there is still an opinion that ultrasound is far from safe procedure, and it is worth resorting to her help as little as possible, doctors do not stop claiming that there is no danger.

Is 3D ultrasound safe?

Often, future parents are interested in how safe two- and three-dimensional ultrasound is for pregnancy and if there are any contraindications to its implementation.

You should know that 3D ultrasound is not only the most accurate, but also completely in a safe way examinations, both for the mother and for the unborn child, and at the same time, the modern device allows you to get a more accurate, voluminous and legible picture. This means that the power of ultrasound, its frequency and intensity did not increase, but remained at the same level as in a two-dimensional examination.
Regarding 3D ultrasound, we can say that in such a study, the level of ultrasound action takes only 1% of the total time, the rest time runs for processing and visualization of reflected signals.

However, any ultrasound, regardless of the purpose of its conduct: in order to trace the dynamics of the development of pathologies or simply to get to know the baby, should not be carried out arbitrarily. Any ultrasound procedure should be carried out as prescribed by the attending physician. Professionals are encouraged to adhere to the basic principle safe research ultrasound - ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) or "as little as possible." That is, avoid ultrasound research without any obvious need.

When is 3D ultrasound indicated during pregnancy?

Often it is 3D ultrasound that awakens parental instinct future dads, so both doctors and psychologists recommend going through this exciting procedure with your husband.

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To make this happen not soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing detergent, a tablespoon of glycerin. The solution barrel is ready!

22. Painting without spots

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a strong hermetically sealed bag, the child can draw futuristic pictures with his fingers and not get dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Children can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic canister, dishwashing sponges and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister, you need to cut out the sink body with entry and exit. Cut the sponges for washing dishes into thin long sticks and glue them vertically to the sink ceiling. Color the design with permanent markers. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt jars, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The rest will be done by the imagination.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemistry experiment in the kitchen. Pour in balloon a spoonful of soda, but in an empty plastic bottle pour in the vinegar. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually pour the soda from the ball into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will lead to the release a large number carbon dioxide to inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen dinosaur egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Put a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with tinted water, then send the balloon to the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs, consider the dinosaur in the thickness of the ice. You can get the toy with a small hammer (only you need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably a little overripe), remove the peel and cut into thin pieces. Put in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take out the frozen bananas and mix in a blender until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older kids can do the cooking themselves!