An individual approach in the upbringing process: basic provisions and concepts. Participation in the competition “Young professionals. Waldorf school - imitate an adult

Today there is huge selection methods of teaching and upbringing of children, which differ significantly from each other. Some authors believe that it is necessary to teach reading from birth, while others advise not to rush until the age of seven. Someone focuses on physical development, while others - on intellectual or creative.

Some skeptics are generally convinced that early development is a common fashion, forcing parents to spend more money for the education of the baby. Let's see what educational methods are considered the most effective in our time.

Let us warn you right away that we are not campaigning for any one methodology and are not saying which one is better. The fact is that each baby is individual, develops at its own pace, mastering new skills step by step. Therefore, choose pedagogical methods you need, focusing only on the characteristics of your child.

Pedagogy of Maria Montessori

Perhaps the most common educational method- School of Maria Montessori. It is based on three simple principles: self-development, self-education and self-study.

The task of parents and educators is to help children realize their individuality, teach them to interact with objects. Hence the main motto of the method: "Help me do it myself."

In educational institutions dealing with this system, there is no division by age - younger and older preschoolers are engaged in one group.

The Montessori class is divided into five main areas (practical, sensory, linguistic, mathematical and space), consisting of a special didactic material.

Among the advantages of the method is the absence of compulsion to study. However, some critics believe that it undermines educational authority by turning the educator into an outside observer.

Professor Suzuki Music Academy

The Japanese violinist and teacher Shinichi Suzuki considered it his goal to raise from a child not a musician, but a decent and noble person.

If children fall in love with good music, they will begin to reach for beauty in all areas of life.

"The birth of talent" - this is the name of the method of Professor Suzuki. Its essence lies in three main points.

  1. All people have musical ability... It's just that someone in childhood was able to instill a love for music and instruments, and someone could not see these inclinations.
  2. The main component of the technique is true love to kids and a desire to help them. A teacher who is indifferent to children will never succeed in implementing this method.
  3. The system cannot work without the active participation of family members. Therefore, the author recommended that parents regularly attend music lessons, additionally study with the child at home, and even better - learn to play an instrument in order to understand all the subtleties of the technique.

Glen Doman's parenting system

The American scientist, in fact, is the pioneer of the idea of ​​developing children from the cradle. Glen Doman assured that the potential of little children is truly limitless, so they can be taught anything. By the way, some of the Nobel Prize winners in childhood studied using this method.

To teach a child to read, mathematics, you must observe single principle... During the day, the kid is shown cards that depict whole words, dots, animals, plants, historical figures, etc. At the same time, an adult must clearly pronounce the name of what is present in the pictures.

Opponents point to a number of significant disadvantages of the method:

  • passiveness of mastering skills;
  • about the huge amount of didactic material and the workload of the mother;
  • denial of ordinary games and toys.

Believe in your child

Belgian actress Cecile Lupan, carried away by ideas early development, successfully implemented them on my daughters. Her personalized approach was based on Glen Doman's method, but the author completely reworked it and added her own personal nuances.

Cecile developed strictly individual methodology education, taking into account children's inclinations and interest in certain activities.

Its program includes courses in the study of music, history, geography and other fields of knowledge for children of early and before school age.

For example, you can stimulate vision through mirrors, color and black-and-white pictures, grimaces.

Learning to read should be started only after the baby begins to speak. It is necessary to write the name of the item and hang it in strictly defined places - for example, attach the word "shelf" to the shelf.

In general, the work of Cecile Lupan "Believe in your child" is worth reading at least as an invaluable experience of a loving mother.

Zaitsev's magic cubes

The Russian scientist Nikolai Zaitsev became very famous for cubes, which are used by thousands and thousands of educators and parents.

However, in this technique there are also musical and noise toys, various cards, puzzles, building kits and much more.

The essence of the method is as follows - training affects all types children's perception: auditory and visual memory, thinking, tactile sensations. The main principle of Zaitsev's technique is that teaching a child to read and count must be fun, in a game, and not at a desk.

Didactic material consists of cubes different sizes and colors, on whose edges the warehouses are applied - consonant and vowel letters; consonant and soft or hard signs; one letter. Warehouse cubes are filled with:

  • metal objects (voiced letters);
  • wooden objects (muffled sounds);
  • bells (vowel sounds).

The followers of Nikolai Zaitsev consider his method to be the most progressive and practical to use. Whether this is so is up to you.

Nikitin-style education

The methodology of the Nikitin spouses is based on creativity, naturalness and closeness to natural sources.

Parents should not force their children, but only help to sort out difficult situations.

Principles of education for this method are unique in their own way for Russian pedagogy.

  • Children's freedom cannot be limited. The child should do as much as he wants, combining exercise with other activities. Something new can be offered after the baby himself shows interest in it.
  • Children should not be prompted. If the baby can complete any task on his own, then he must do it himself. Work with him, not for him.
  • It is necessary to combine the intellectual and physical development of the child. That is why this technique is perfect for physically impaired babies.
  • Encourage children to work together - girls can help mom with housework, and boys can help dad. Such activities are very effective way communication, for which sometimes adults do not have enough time.

In addition to the above principles and ideas, the Nikitins have developed unusual educational toys for children of all ages: "Unicub", "Fold a square", "Fold a pattern", etc.

It's too late after three

The author of the technique, Masaru Ibuki, has a very interesting fate, which, in many respects, determined his discoveries in the field of pedagogy. The President of the Sony Company addressed early education after his son became seriously ill and became seriously retarded.

By developing his own teaching methods, Masaru restored his health and level mental development his child and passed on his experience to Japanese teachers and parents.

The main task of the methodology is to provide the child with a developing environment and free information. At the same time, the baby listens classical music and does not play the violin with the intention of becoming a great violinist. The most important thing is early childhood develop in the crumbs boundless abilities and a desire to learn.

Summing up, it is worth saying that in any method of education, a thinking parent can find interesting ways training and supplement them with your own developments. In addition, do not forget that every baby is a person with his own preferences, abilities and desires.

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Improving teaching and education methods ( short description techniques that the teacher uses in educational activities.)

In my work with children, I use the following modern technologies:

  1. Health-saving. Providing the child with the opportunity to maintain health, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills, skills for a healthy lifestyle. Morning exercises, classes in physical culture, healthy lifestyle classes, finger gymnastics, articulation, breathing, visual, self-massage, hardening, invigorating gymnastics.
  2. Project activities. Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere interpersonal interaction, in project activities. Working with the whole group and with a subgroup in research activities, in creative, in play, in informational activities.
  3. Research activities. Formation in children of the ability for a research type of thinking. Heuristic conversations, posing and solving problems of a problematic nature, observations, experiments, fixing the results of an experiment, experiment, didactic games, situations, work orders.
  4. Information and communication technologies. To form the foundations of the information culture of the individual, to increase professional level teachers and the competence of parents. Working with children: using presentations for classes, watching cartoons, films.

In the work of a teacher: selection illustrative material for classes, booth design, scanning, internet, printer, presentation creation, exchange of experience, paperwork.

5. Personality-oriented technology. Formation of the child's personality, provision comfortable conditions in the family and preschool educational institutions, the creation of personality-oriented interactions with children in a developing space. Revealing the pace of development of the child. Creation of conditions for personal creativity.

  • Humane and personal: providing assistance to a child with weakened health, during the period of adaptation.
  • Cooperation technology: partnership and equality in the system of relationships "Adult-child" Development of individual programs and projects, classes based on dialogue and imitation role-playing games.

6. Problematic learning. The purpose of the problem technology is the acquisition of ZUN, the assimilation of methods independent activity, development of cognitive and creative abilities of children. Creation problem situations in GCD, during regime moments, and independent activities of children, in conversations, in play activities.

7. Game technologies. The purpose of the game technology is not to change the child and not to remake him, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity "Live" in the game, situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult. Games, exercises, occupation, part of an occupation, labor, game tasks, situations.

(Technology of developing games by B.P. Nikitin.) Development mental processes, solving problems with the help of educational games that the child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares or plastic, parts from the constructor - mechanics, etc. Games, exercises, lesson, part of the lesson, work, game tasks, situations.

8. Technology "Trize" ... The development of mental processes, search activity, the desire for novelty, the development of speech and creative imagination... Instilling in the child the joy of creative discoveries. Learn to look for your solution and conclusion. Fairy tales; gaming, everyday situations; artistic creation(drawing, modeling, application, didactic games, classes.

9. Technology "Teacher's Portfolio" ... Development of the ability to own modern technologies, the ability to predict your result, create your own dossier of successes, take into account your results in a variety of activities, evaluate your professionalism. Creation of a portfolio of a teacher.

Health-saving technologies. Along with a set of mandatory measures for physical culture and health-improving and preventive actions (morning exercises, outdoor games, physical education), I spend wellness work with kids. One of the most important tasks is to reduce the risk of morbidity in children. That's why great attention I devote to the prevention of disease, strengthening and hardening child's body... Applying techniques such as: using dynamic pauses, movable and sports games, gymnastics: finger, breathing, invigorating, for the eyes, healthy lifestyle classes, etc., I increase the effectiveness of educational educational process, improve health.

For all types of gymnastics, I have created a card index.

The effectiveness of recreational activities depends on the conditions and lifestyle of the families of pupils, as well as on an integrated approach to its organization. Therefore, health-preserving technology is carried out in the following forms:

  • preventive medicine - the organization of monitoring the health of children, the development of recommendations for the prevention of health, the organization preventive measures, hardening;
  • physical culture and recreation activities are aimed at the physical development and health improvement of children (development physical qualities, formation of correct posture.
  • valeological education of parents - on how the child's day regimen is properly organized, what attention parents pay to the child's health, his mood and state of physical comfort depend. In order to cooperate with parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children, I carry out the following activities: parenting meetings, conversations, consultations, questionnaires, memos, booklets « Finger gymnastics» , Breathing exercises», "How to temper a child correctly?" , "Prevention of influenza" , and etc.; sporting events "Dad, mom, I - Friendly family» , health weeks, project "Be healthy!" .

Mastering innovations, you need to constantly be in an active creative search, master efficient technologies teaching, educating, developing the creative abilities of pupils, experimenting and researching, strives to improve the results of his work. For the efficiency of my work, I use various modern technologies.

I use the design technology in my work with both children and parents. I used short-term and long-term projects: "One grain of sand, two grain of sand ..." (cognitive and research), "Be healthy" (for parents, in order to motivate parents to strengthen healthy image family life).

Also in my work I use a personality-oriented technology, which includes a humanistic direction, provides comfortable, conflict and safe conditions development of the child's personality. In my work I also use game learning technologies:

  • as an occupation or part of it (introduction, consolidation, exercise, control)
  • as independent technologies to master the topic, concept
  • as didactic games; I use travel games, entertainment games. Game moments penetrate into all types of activities of children: work and play, learning activities and play, daily routine activities, and play. By using gaming technologies I develop in children attention, memory, thinking, imagination. For example, games like this: "Find the same" , "Draw it as it was" .

In my work, I also use problem learning for children. I create for children a cognitive task, situations in all areas of educational activity, and let children find the means to solve it, using the previously acquired knowledge and skills. I create a problem situation with the help of activating actions, questions that emphasize the novelty, importance, beauty and other distinctive qualities of the object of knowledge.

I use problem situations in conversations on the safety of life and health, in mathematics classes, familiarization with the world around, in game activities, sensory education... As a result, children learn to think and reason.

I create a problem situation with the help of certain techniques, methods and means. I use, for example, the following methodological techniques:

  • I lead the children to a contradiction and invite them to find a way to resolve it themselves. (for example, while walking, I ask the children: “What time of year is it? - winter. And why is winter, as you know, but I think that now is summer ... " children begin to prove themselves, draw conclusions.
  • We present different points of view on the same issue;
  • I encourage children to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation;
  • I set problematic tasks. Problematic tasks, which I put, are accessible, feasible, interesting.

Play is the leading type of activity most accessible to children; it is a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. Already in early childhood, the child has greatest opportunity it is in the game, and not in any other activity, to be independent, to communicate with peers at your own discretion, to choose toys and use different subjects, to overcome certain difficulties logically connected with the plot of the game, its rules. In the game, he develops as a person, those aspects of the psyche are formed in him, on which the success of his social practice will subsequently depend. Therefore, using gaming technologies in the educational process, I follow the principle of benevolence, I try to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, and encourage any inventions and fantasies of the child. I believe that only in this case will the game be useful for the development of the child and create a positive atmosphere of cooperation with the adult. I try to organize pedagogical process so that gaming technologies, as gaming moments, penetrate all types of children's activities: work and play, educational activities and play, regime moments and the game. Game moments are playing important role in the pedagogical process, especially during the adaptation period. From two to three years, their main task is to form emotional contact, children's trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help (like Mom), interesting partner in Game. I organize the first play situations frontally, so that not a single child feels deprived of attention. For example, these are games such as a round dance "Loaf" , "Try, catch up" , "Easter cakes for Masha" and others. Next, I include game situations such as "What's rolling?" , "Who will roll the ball faster" - while organizing children into a game - competition. I use gaming technologies to develop children's attention. In preschool children, there is a gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary attention. Arbitrary attention requires focusing on the task, even if it is not very interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to develop children using play techniques. For example, I suggest game situation attention: "Find the same" - you can offer the child to choose from several balls, cubes, figures, toys "same" (by color, size) like his. Or suggest a game "What's wrong?" , deliberately making a mistake in their actions, and the child must notice it.

The use of gaming technology helps me in the development of children's memory. These are games like "Remember and name" , "What first, what then" and etc.

Gaming technologies also contribute to the formation of the basic forms of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical.

This helps me to be included in the educational process. game techniques and methods. At the same time, the child learns to compare, highlight the most essential in objects and can carry out his actions, focusing not on the situation, but on figurative representations. Logical thinking I form in the process of teaching a child the ability to reason, find cause-and-effect relationships, make inferences.

In class and outside of class, I actively use the developmental games of the Nikitins: "Fold the pattern" , "Attention!" , "Attention, guess!" , "Cubes for everyone" , "Fold square" ... Children play with both factory manuals and those made by me.

I also use games such as "Blocks of Gienesh" , "Mongolian game" , "Columbus egg" , "Tangram" ... The kids in my group are happy to use these aids.

The use of play techniques and methods in non-standard, problematic situations requiring the choice of a solution from a number of alternatives, forms flexible, original thinking in children. For example, in classes to familiarize children with fiction (joint retelling of works of art or composition of new fairy tales, stories) children gain experience that will enable them to play games later.

I comprehensively use gaming technologies of different target orientations in my teaching activities that helps prepare your child for school.

As one of effective species game therapeutic agents are folk games with dolls, nursery rhymes, round dances, joke games. I use them in the pedagogical process, with their help I not only implement the teaching and developmental functions of game technologies, but also various educational functions: they introduce pupils to folk culture, traditions, foster tolerance and respect for different nations... This is an important direction regional component educational program kindergarten.

TRIZ technologies help me not only to develop children's imagination, but also creativity. I use this technology to paint in unconventional ways... Children paint with their fingers "Snowing" , palms « Autumn tree» , "Sun" , with a password "Fish live in the water" , cotton swabs "Rowan brush" , leaf prints, etc. During classes, the children enjoy playing the game "Good bad" - this game can be used to discuss the rules of behavior on the street, in transport, in nature. The game "Find the contradictions" suitable for observation, conversation, and contradictions can be found in the weather, in toys, in objects, situations, sizes, and children, divided into two teams, will enthusiastically come up with new solutions to the problem. I use the game to develop memory and observation "Memory check" , in which, after a short display of a drawing or object, I ask the children to reproduce this object or answer questions about its content. Especially for this purpose, I made a set of cards with the simplest schematic drawings, letters, symbols and at the beginning of the lesson, especially in mathematics, I put them on the board, I invite the children to remember and reproduce them on paper. At the beginning of the year it can be 4-5 cards, and by the end of the year the number can be increased. You can use the game for attention as a physical education minute. "Ears, eyes, nose" ... The guys play these games with interest themselves, not even realizing that all this is called TRIZ. It's just that they are interested, unusual and they never get bored, but play with enthusiasm. In the classroom in mathematics, they are happy to look for the missing number, they recognize it in familiar subjects geometric figures and vice versa, they paint, transforming geometric shapes into real or fantastic objects. The guys are very fond of working with fairy tales, changing them, inventing new end to a fairy tale, add heroes to familiar fairy tales, compose new and modern fairy tales. The lesson is very interesting when, after reading already known or new fairy tales, I suggest the children themselves come up with a different ending to the fairy tale or help the hero get out of a difficult situation. The imagination and creativity of children does not dry out. I believe that the use of TRIZ in working with children helps not only in the development of creative abilities, but also enables children to feel more confident, calmer, go to kindergarten with joy and interest in anticipation of daily miracles, discoveries, magic and transformations.

To improve the efficiency of the educational process, I use ICT:

  • in the selection of illustrative material for the GCD, for the design of stands, groups (scanning, printer, presentations, Internet resources
  • in the selection of additional cognitive material for the GCD, acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays and other entertainments
  • in the design of group documentation, reports (the computer allows you not to write reports, analyzes, plans every time, but it is enough to type the scheme once and enter necessary changes, in the use of Power Point presentations to improve the efficiency of GCD, speeches at teachers' councils, in the use of digital photographic equipment and photo editing programs, in the design of booklets, business card groups, materials on various areas of activity, in the use of the Internet in pedagogical activities for the purpose of information and scientific-methodological support of the educational process, as a search additional information for GCD, expanding the horizons of children.

Basic ICT tools used in work with children and parents: computer, printer, scanner, radio tape recorder, camera.

All my work is structured with multilevel learning in mind. I take into account the child's abilities, his pace of activity, the level of fatigue. And the cards help it individual accompaniment... The maps were compiled taking into account the observations of children in direct educational activities, in free time and taking into account the conversations conducted with the parents. In our work, it is important to be able to find an approach to each child: to determine individual abilities, be interested in worries and achievements.

The use of these techniques and technologies resulted in stable positive achievements in physical and personal development students.


With great interest I am constantly studying new technologies in the field of education, modern techniques and unconventional visual techniques, everything new is interesting to me. And the main goal of my work, I see, is to fill the daily life of the kindergarten interesting things, ideas, to include each child in an exciting activity for him.

Unfortunately, today's children spend more time at the computer and TV. Sports halls and leisure forgotten. Due to lack of physical activity, our children are prone to laziness. Against the background of progressive hypodynamia, the task of developing children's interest in movement, physical culture and sports has become urgent. To develop interest in motor activity i use on physical education elements of dance and game gymnastics "Sa-Fi-Danse" Zh.E. Firilev, which is aimed at all-round development personality, strengthening the health of children. I also run a "Gnomes" circle based on this program. Children are happy to perform dance and rhythmic gymnastics, unconventional species exercises and creative gymnastics. They have become more flexible and hardy. There was quality in the technique of performing movements and expressiveness in motor skills, an emotional response to physical activity, sports passion, interest, endurance in different types activity, increased mental capacity for work, perseverance, they became more restrained and more attentive. The children began to show a proud posture, freedom and ease in movements.

Only in full in the system of events, in close contact with preschool educators and parents, can you achieve good result... And this result was obtained. Our children took first place in the district sporting events « Fun starts”, Which took place in four stages, and received a challenge cup.

The concept of modernization of Russian education says that a developing society needs modern educated, moral, enterprising people, distinguished by constructive thinking, who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting them. possible consequences... Therefore, I tried to introduce the technology of experimental research into practice.... V the group has created a corner of nature, in which there is room for experimentation.Children with great pleasure participate in the formulation of experiments, such as: how to quickly sort out cereals, purify the water, etc., conducting elementary research, come to certain conclusions. Children perceive the experiments as tricks, they are unusual, and most importantly, preschoolers do everything themselves. The teacher's task is to support them cognitive interest and the desire for independent observation, solving problem situations. The guys planted onions in special jars, and each child watched his bulb. In the spring, children take Active participation in growing flower seedlings, working in a flower bed. The project "Garden on the Window" was carried out, in which the problem was posed: is it possible to grow vegetable crops in indoor conditions... A vegetable garden was set up in the group on the windowsill. Children have learned

take care of the plants and get acquainted with the conditions of their maintenance. The children developed knowledge about the growth of a plant in indoor conditions, the ability to observe and analyze, compare, and generalize.

The experience of research activities was presented when studying the theme of the Second World War in the project "I remember, I am proud", aimed at researching the unity of generations. The problem was taken from real life, had the most close relationship to each family, her decision required from the child cognitive activity and the ability to use existing knowledge to gain new life concepts.

Exactly project activities helped me to connect the process of education and upbringing with real events in the life of the child, as well as to interest him, to carry him into this activity. It allows you to unite teachers, children, parents, teach how to work in a team, collaborate, plan your work. Each child will be able to prove himself, to feel needed, which means that he will have confidence in his abilities. The projects "What is kindness", "My homeland is Russia", "Conquerors of space" and others have passed with great efficiency. Participating in the municipal competitionin the nomination "Protection of local history projects" a pupil of the Nikishin group Dima took 2nd place.

For development intellectual abilities, I used a variety of didactic games, since play is the main activity of a child in preschool age, playing, he learns the world of people, playing, the child develops. And here the result was achieved. In the municipal competition "Preschooler - Intellectual" in the nomination "Clever and Clever" the pupil of the group Erykalin Petya took 3rd place.

As a lover of literature, I try to instill in my children a love for the living word. To acquaint them with the works of wonderful children's writers and poets. Very often we used theatrical activities, both in the classroom and during holidays, such as the theatrical performance "Here he is fragrant bread", New Year's party based on A. Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker" by dr.

I pay great attention to the subject-developing environment as the basis of an individual approach to children. Considering age features, with the help of parents, has updated the centers for different types children's activity.

Efficiency in working with children can only be achieved through joint efforts of the MDOU and the family. Therefore, I devoted an important role to working with parents. Bit by bit, I managed to win their trust, understanding and affection. Consultations, conversations, discussions were held: "Teach a child to do good", "Punishing, think, why ?!", questioning and testing, making family albums "Me and my family", "We are on vacation"; joint holidays and entertainment. TO preparatory group the result of this approach was mutual understanding between me, the children and their parents.

I try to actively participate in kindergarten life: I show open classes, matinees, consultations for educators, I also take part in methodological associations at the municipal level.

Quite recently, your child was small, did not know how to stand, speak and hold a spoon in his hands, but now he already shows his character and often puts parents in an uncomfortable and difficult position. Familiar situation? Then it's time to find out what approaches exist in raising children, and how to correctly apply this knowledge in practice.

Correctly selected approaches to education modern child in the family, to his education, and development help to fully reveal his abilities and individual characteristics.

An integrated approach to parenting and personality formation

Upbringing should be understood as a purposeful and methodical personality formation, its preparation for participation in cultural and public life, in accordance with generally accepted social and cultural patterns of behavior. V Everyday life upbringing refers to the influence that parents have on their children.

However, according to experts, even if parents do not purposefully or consciously somehow influence their child, the personality of him will still grow and be formed. He just grows up like his parents, as he will learn everything that he will see in his house. This applies to habits (good and bad), behavior in public, communication with adults and peers, etc. therefore, if you do not want him to inherit any traits from you, try to get rid of them as soon as possible.

If we are talking about approaches to raising children, new or old, time-tested, then it is a conscious and purposeful influence that is meant. The success of adults in raising their children directly depends on the chosen approach to education and methodology. In turn, the choice of the approach itself depends on the goals and objectives set by the parent.

What are your main goals and objectives as a parent in raising children? Do you want to raise and “train” your child in such a way that he behaves “correctly” and is “comfortable” for you and the people around him? Or is it still better for him to have a trusting close relationship with you, listen to your advice and trust secrets? The results, as you can see, are completely opposite, as well as the goals of their achievement.

The mistake of many parents is the desire to see, of course, the second option for the development of their child, and at the same time, the use of methods that are more suitable for the first. This is why the relationship with your matured son or daughter does not live up to expectations.

Of course, experts recommend using A complex approach in the upbringing of modern children, which accumulates all best practices and moments from different systems education. To determine for yourself exactly how you will educate your child, you need to get acquainted with all existing approaches to education.

An individual approach to the physical and emotional education of children

From the very first minutes of his life, a child is a unique, special creature, unlike anyone else. This applies not only to the appearance, but also to the style and characteristics of behavior, physical and emotional development... Individual, that is, inherent only to him, features of behavior and development, to a greater extent depend on the conditions of the upbringing and life of the child. So, for example, a baby is not born greedy or cruel, inept or very independent. These features and skills appear gradually, under constant influence. parenting, living conditions and child.

An individual approach to the upbringing and education of modern children implies productive learning "with an eye on" his personality traits, behavior, ability to quickly perceive the environment, etc.

When implementing an individual approach in physical education children also take into account the fact that some aspects of the child's behavior are formed taking into account the innate characteristics of his nervous system, or the so-called type of higher nervous activity... For example, some children are born and develop as very nimble and energetic individuals, others are less active, and still others are active, but too slow.

What presupposes an individual approach to a child in upbringing

It is important to understand that the peculiarities of the nervous system in no way predetermine the acquisition of certain skills, habits and habits by a person, character traits, etc. It depends on the quality of education and the type of means of pedagogical influence. So, for example, the strict tone of an adult (a kindergarten teacher, a teacher at a school, or a parent) is simply necessary when dealing with some children and at the same time is categorically inappropriate when dealing with others.

Thus, individual approach to a child in upbringing presupposes knowledge by an adult or a teacher of the characteristics of a child, the degree of his susceptibility to certain teaching methods and communication styles.

An individual approach to the upbringing of preschool children, taking into account the characteristics of his nervous system, established habits, the level of his mental and physical development and reactions to the methods of pedagogical influence are extremely necessary for the full, harmonious and multifaceted development of the baby, as well as for a cheerful mood and good health.

Individual differentiated approach for the upbringing of socially unadapted children

An individual approach is especially important for the upbringing of socially unadapted children, since communication with strangers is a real stress for them. When communicating with them, you must also take into account existing types higher nervous activity, which are determined by the properties of such nervous processes as excitation and inhibition. They occur in the cerebral cortex, their weakness or strength, as well as balancing each other or the predominance of one of them, determine the behavior of the individual and his learning.

The use of an individually differentiated approach in the upbringing of children allows you to reveal their capabilities and hidden abilities and also provide normal process the formation of self-determination and self-awareness. Parents and teachers who use an individual approach to teaching value him highly, instill in him moral, intellectual and social values... This approach focuses on each student, as well as on his capabilities and desires.

What is a new activity-based approach in parenting

An activity-based approach to parenting is an effective teaching method. In the process of teaching and upbringing, the child received information and skills of educational and cognitive activities. At the same time, knowledge is not presented to the child in a ready-made form, so that he only needs to remember it. The educational process is organized in such a way that the learning children need to actively develop themselves and learn everything new on their own.

The activity-based approach in raising children, which is a relatively new direction of pedagogical science, is based on the following didactic principles:

  • activities - the child is aware of the knowledge gained and actively uses it in his life;
  • continuity - consists in continuity at all levels of learning;
  • integrity - allows you to form systemic and generalized knowledge about the world around;
  • psychological comfort - forms favorable conditions for the implementation of cognitive activity;
  • variability - giving freedom of choice and forming the ability to seek different options solving problems;
  • creativity - use creativity in the process of studying.

The most important role in this approach is played by the activities of the children themselves, their participation in the process and independent decision all problems and tasks of learning. Parents and teachers in this case are only a supportive, stimulating and corrective side.

What is the personality-centered approach to raising a child based on?

V recent times more and more in demand is far from new approach in the upbringing of children, which is called personality-oriented, on the basis of which developmental curricula in schools are based.

In the event that parents want to maintain a warm and close relationship with the child, want to be a friend for him, with whom he will share his problems and thoughts, so that he listens to their advice, grows happy, then the choice should be stopped on a personal approach to education.

A personality-oriented approach to raising a child is based on the principles of interaction with him, complete trust and mutual understanding. Giving preference to this particular approach, you need to accept the fact that a child brought up in this way will not be "comfortable" for you, especially at first.

Parents need to give him a lot of attention and time, and constantly fight the temptation to force the child to do something, to put pressure on him and manipulate him in a given situation. After all, it’s much easier to make him by his willful decision, to change something in his own life against own desire and will.

Applying a personality-centered approach to parenting correctly

The correct application of a personality-oriented approach in the upbringing of children forces parents and teachers to constantly come up with and look for solutions without manipulating the child. They will have to learn to trust him, accept and respect his decisions. This approach allows parents to educate and grow with their children, work on themselves, change and grow. At the same time, they will have to completely abandon parental authority and replace it. respectful attitude to the personality of the child.

The result of using a personality-oriented approach will be the upbringing of a decent, happy and self-sufficient person who knows how to respect other people and listen to their opinions.

What is far from a new approach to parenting

The complete opposite of personal education is the authoritarian approach - far from new, and not always effective. V in this case the learning process is more like "training", the results of which are always temporary and questionable. This approach does not allow the child to have his own opinion on a particular issue. His opinions and desires are never taken into account, he should always do only what his parents or teachers tell him. At the same time, very uncomplicated methods of education are used - a stick and a carrot.

The child is completely at the mercy of the parent, who constantly and methodically "trains" him. It is difficult to call such a family member happy, since he is under pressure and in tension all the time. Children raised in a family where an authoritarian approach to parenting is practiced experience a constant lack of sincerity in relationships, a lack of love and trust, understanding and respect.

A child with an authoritarian approach is brought up in severity and unconditionally obeys his parents. Despite the fact that everything inside him rebelles and opposes this, over time he gets used to unquestioning obedience and parental opinion that he simply does not know how to be independent, loses initiatory undertakings and Creative skills... The prohibitions imposed on the life and existence of a child by his parents hinder his full development and, over time, turn him into a frightened beast.

Unfortunately, a child whose parents were "trained" in childhood, growing up, becomes incapable of sincere communication and cannot build trusting relationship with other people. Most often, such people are lonely and unhappy, despite the fact that they are quite capable of socializing and playing different roles in relationships and society.

Gender approach in education of children of preschool and primary school age

Educators often talk about the importance of gender mainstreaming in the upbringing of children of kindergarten and primary school age, because gender problems in modern world very relevant. According to experts, it is the lack of competent gender training that leads to the fact that men are increasingly becoming weak, cowardly and helpless, and women, forced to shoulder male problems become aggressive, can give back to the offenders no worse than a man.

Parents should understand that their child already at the age of two or three years feels like a person of a certain gender, but the final formation and consolidation gender roles in children it occurs only by the age of seven. If during this period of his life the child does not receive the correct gender education, the differences between the sexes can simply be erased.

As they grow older, the problem will only get worse, and the matured child will no longer be able to perform his functions in society. This situation leads to the fact that more and more appears in society aggressive women who do not want to have children, and lazy men who do not take on any responsibility. That is why psychologists are seriously concerned about this problem and strongly recommend giving gender education preschoolers as much time as possible.

The gender approach in the upbringing of preschool children is far from a novelty in pedagogy. For a long time, the upbringing of the younger generation was carried out in accordance with their gender: boys over three years old were brought up by tutors or uncles, in peasant families they always helped my father. The girls were brought up by mothers, grandmothers and nannies, who taught them needlework and the basics of housekeeping.

Age approach in the upbringing and education of children: psychological aspects

However, in the 20th century, more attention was paid to pedagogy. psychological aspects development of the child and its characteristics depending on age. It was when the age-related approach in the upbringing and education of children came to the fore that a gradual, slow, but constant process of erasing the boundary between the sexes began.

Then all educational functions were taken over by educational institutions, in which almost only women work. The upbringing of girls and boys was carried out using the same methods, because it is more convenient that way.

Gender learning enables educators and parents to take into account existing differences between girls and boys, which is actually quite substantial. They differ not only in temperament and development. fine motor skills, their brains work differently.

Modern preschool institutions and their plans for the education of children, unfortunately, do not include different approach in dealing with children of different genders. While he is very important and needed. For example, girls very easily and quickly perceive information by ear, while boys are better at visual and tactile perception. Physical exercises also given to different sexes in different ways. Boys are agile and fast, so they can do difficult exercises and girls are more flexible.

When choosing one or another approach to raising their child, parents should always remember that children are the same equal members of the family and society, like themselves. He should have the right to his own opinion and parents are obliged to reckon with him. No one talks about permissiveness or indifference. Wise parent must find ways and methods of teaching and communication, a kind of " the golden mean"Between all known approaches to education. This will make it possible to grow a fair and honest man, which the .

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Approaches in raising children allow you to choose the right direction for the education, formation and development of a child, to reveal his individual characteristics and abilities.

Modern approaches to raising children

A parenting approach is essential for a comfortable and full development... In the preschool period, the social environment in which the child lives plays an important role; it directly affects him and his development.

V modern pedagogy actively use the life-raising approach. Within the framework of this methodology, the upbringing and education of the child occurs at the expense of his own experience as well as taking into account the right and wrong actions. Living conditions directly affect the personality of the child.

When raising preschool children, you can use a labor approach, which can include both labor activity home in kindergarten and other preschool institutions, and sports. Training and sport exercises help to temper the character of the child, to cultivate endurance, willpower and spirit, hard work and patience in him.

Modern approaches to parenting are to gradually instill in the child basic life skills.

When choosing certain approaches in the upbringing of children, an appropriate direction should be selected - authoritarian, liberal, democratic and indifferent.

The authoritarian approach involves raising a child in rigidity and severity, unconditional obedience and adherence to strict rules. The child is in a passive state, he depends on his parents and does not make decisions. A serious drawback of the authoritarian approach in raising children is the loss of creativity and lack of initiative, lack of independence and the ability to make serious decisions.

The opposite direction in upbringing is a liberal approach, in which the personality of the child plays an important role. In the process of education, there are no prohibitions, rules and restrictions. In pedagogy, this approach is called the "method of permissiveness." The disadvantage of this approach is the absence of restrictions, which can lead to selfishness and spoiledness, lack of purpose in life.

A democratic approach to the upbringing of children implies an equal relationship between parents and children. Decisions are made at family council, and at all stages of development, the child is an equal participant in upbringing, expresses his opinion and defends his personal interests.

An indifferent approach to parenting is a method free development a child in which the parents do not participate. The child is considered an independent and free person who should not be burdened different rules, limitations and problems. Parents, using this approach, do not participate in the child's life, in his inner and external development... As a result of such upbringing, the child lacks guidelines in life, he does not feel support and protection, and he also does not have a spiritual connection with his parents. Ultimately, such upbringing children become closed and asocial.

In order for a child to grow up as a full-fledged person, approaches to education must be chosen taking into account the characteristics of the child. When raising, there should be no a large number prohibitions, but parents and educators need to be the guiding and controlling party.

Features of the individual and activity-based approach to education

The most effective in pedagogy are individual and activity-based approaches to raising children.

An individual approach to raising a child is a pedagogical process that takes into account individual characteristics that affect behavior and development. This approach uses different methods upbringing (in accordance with the personality of the child) aimed at achieving positive results... The child is seen as an independent, unique and responsible person.

When using an individual approach in the upbringing of a child, hidden abilities and opportunities are revealed, the formation of self-awareness and self-determination takes place. The child's personality prevails over the team, its humanistic, creative, intellectual and physical abilities are taken into account.

Teachers who use an individual approach value the child highly, instill in him intellectual, moral and social values. In this approach, attention is focused on each child, his desires and capabilities.

An activity-based approach to parenting is effective method learning, in the process of which the child receives, remembers and uses knowledge in educational and cognitive activities. Knowledge is not given to the child in a finished form, but is organized studying proccess so that the child actively and systematically develops and learns.

The activity-based approach to raising children is based on the following didactic principles:

Cognition of the activity approach in raising children is considered in a broad sense, and also includes world outlook, personal development and self-determination child. Main role in this approach, the activities of children play, in the process of which solutions to problems are found. Teachers and parents are corrective, supportive and stimulating.