How to find out if a girl likes you. How to understand that a girl likes you: good advice. How to understand by correspondence that she sympathizes with you

Girls differ from guys not only in mentality, but also in body movements.

While guys love to both talk and show directly what they need, girls have such desires so veiled that it is often almost impossible to guess their intentions.

And, how, based on the logic and actions of the girl, to understand that she likes you and is interesting as a man? This article will help you identify the signs in the behavior of a girl who likes you.

I like you!
- And I like to like you.
The first love

1. She is constantly near

If you notice that wherever you go with your friends and whatever you do, the girl is always somewhere nearby - this is one of the first signs that she is interested in you.

At the same time, she looks differently outwardly. For example, if before she slouched, now she walks with her shoulders straightened. With all her appearance, she tries to show that she is not indifferent to you, and wants to present herself only from the best side.

2. She twists her hair

This is the second of the main signs of the girl's interest. When you start telling her something, she will consciously or unconsciously begin to twist a lock of hair. This gesture is supposed to emphasize femininity.

3. The toes of her feet are pointing in your direction

This is best seen in a large company. Sometimes you so want to approach some girl, but you hesitate. Look at her legs! If, despite communicating with her friends, she turned the socks of her legs in your direction, you can safely march towards her. This means that you are interested in her, and she will be glad to meet you.

4. She shows off her neck or wrists

The neck and wrists of women are considered very sensual areas, which is why they love to show them to men. A simple gesture of a girl throwing her hair to the side is intended to show exactly her thin neck, if, however, too hot weather is not to blame. In addition, the girl who likes you will involuntarily touch her wrist during a conversation with you.

5. She asks if you have a girlfriend

A girl who is interested in you will sooner or later ask you if you are dating. She can do it directly or indirectly through hints.

As for the last case, it may look like this: You compliment her, and she replies: "I'm sure your friend would not like it very much." Such a phrase suggests that she wants to find out if you are free. If not, then it's not worth wasting time on you.

6. She leans towards you to hear better.

A serious woman always respects her personal space and will not allow herself to violate it. If she is not indifferent to you, then she can allow herself some liberties. Therefore, instead of asking you to speak louder, she will simply lean over you or come close. This shows that she wants to get to know you better.

7. She remembers all sorts of little things.

Perhaps you just sat in a chat with her a couple of times or went on an excursion, and she remembers all the phrases you said and other nuances that you no longer remember. For example, she may remember which coffee you like and where you buy magazines.

8. When communicating with you, she does not pick up the phone and does not answer SMS

If during her conversation with you the phone rings, she prefers to just not pick up the phone or hang up the call. If she urgently needs to respond to emails, and she is busy with you, she will postpone her affairs until later. This is a very positive sign, buddy!

9. Accidental touches

Don't you think that in recent times Are you being touched too often? She will not miss the opportunity to lay her head on your shoulder or touch your hair. She constantly seeks to touch your hand, knee, thigh or chest. Such gestures do not mean at all that she wants to be in your bed as soon as possible. She just wants to communicate a little more.

10. She asks a lot of questions

If a girl is indifferent to you, she will not ask any unnecessary questions. But if she is interested in you, she will shower you with various questions. All her efforts are aimed at finding out whether it is worth continuing to meet you, or whether it is not worth her time and effort.

Agree, surely every person has had to think and guess about the sympathies of the opposite sex more than once. The question that most guys are interested in every day is how do you know if a girl likes you? What are the signs and sympathies that make it possible to understand whether a man likes a woman or not?

It is worth recognizing that it is much more difficult for the male part of the population to understand whether the ladies like them or not, since the ladies themselves sometimes do not know how they relate to the guys. But, the behavior and habits that a girl uses in your presence can tell a lot about her sympathy or antipathy towards you. Therefore further reading characteristic features will help you understand how a woman treats you.

Girls flirt with those they like. Most often this is manifested in grimaces, shaking the head, correcting bangs, hairstyles. The women themselves say that hair is a kind female problem which is difficult for them to cope with. As soon as a man they like looks at them, they immediately want to correct them. It's just that young ladies rarely straighten their hair when the hairstyle is normal.

They can often touch their face, lips, as if checking their makeup, or start using a cosmetic bag, lipstick. They may start looking in the mirror to see if they look presentable. As if before that they forgot to look in the mirror, and now they are trying to catch up.

A lady wants to look better than she looks and impress the man she likes. A glance can also testify to coquetry, for example, a girl playfully looks sideways at a guy she likes, as if flirting, even flirting with him.

The girl begins to examine the guy.
Since the female peripheral vision is developed better than the male, it is enough for her to half-turn or turn her head 45 degrees towards the guy, wanting to examine him. Or, for example, he will try to accidentally meet the eyes of the guy he likes, examining the objects around him.

If several times your views with a girl crossed, it is almost one hundred percent that she likes you. Once or twice they crossed their eyes, perhaps - an accident, but more than that - already a pattern: you are being examined.

The girl laughs at any of your jokes.
Any girl can be polite and friendly when they talk to her. But only the one who likes the young man will laugh at any of his jokes, eagerly catching every word he says. If the laughter of the girl pushes you to speak even more, that's pretty clear sign: she likes your company.

A girl can smile, laugh only because she perceives you as a friend. Therefore, pay attention, she laughs at the jokes of any person present, or only your jokes, even the stupidest ones, make her laugh. If laughter is addressed to everyone, then you should not consider it as evidence of interest in you.


Make sure that your jokes do not cause a grin or a nervous giggle of a girl thinking, "My God, get me out of here." In other words, avoid buffoonery and clowning.

Listens to you attentively.
If a girl always listens to you attentively, focusing exclusively on your words, especially in a company, then you can be sure that she is sympathetic to her. At the same time, the girl is not distracted by email or news on the Internet. She also tries to end the conversation faster if someone calls her on the phone.

A characteristic feature is when a woman is not interested in a person or a conversation with him, she will definitely find an excuse to leave. At the same time, she will find an excuse to stay when she likes the man. For example, saying that he cannot get through to friends, so he can still chat or go for a walk together. These are some of the signs that a girl is sympathetic.

The maiden crosses with you everywhere.
When a girl likes a guy, she tries to constantly catch his eye under the guise of various accidents or coincidences. For example, he eats in the same restaurant or cafe where you like to eat, while your meal time has recently coincided. She suddenly showed an interest in the same hobbies, interests that you like.

It becomes interesting for her to communicate with your acquaintances and friends. Being in a common company, he tries to leave the last, staying the longest. In a joint study or work, you may notice that she more often than others passes by your desk, workplace. As a rule, girls do this with the hope of getting the guy's attention.

Of course, this may be a coincidence, but if it happens more and more often, she probably wants to show her sympathy for you. Read,

How to understand a girl's liking by her behavior

Tries to be around.
A lady wants to stay or be close only to the guy that she really likes. Women are pleased to be near people who help them feel comfortable and calm. Therefore, if a girl tries to sit next to you when there is a lot of space around, this is proof that your presence gives her a sense of security.

When female sex do not like a man, they will definitely keep a distance with him, constantly increasing it, and not reducing it.

Body temperature.
When a woman likes someone, her body temperature will rise as blood rushes to her skin, which makes her lips fuller and the touch warmer. Therefore, a woman may begin fanning herself or repeatedly lifting her hair from the back of her head, wanting to cool off. Drink soft drinks more often to moisten dry throat.

One of the factors how you can understand that a girl likes you is her trust in you. When a young lady shares personal information about her life, it is a sign of her interest in a guy with whom she is comfortable. Therefore, it gives him green light hoping for mutual trust, openness.

The more personal, emotional is the information about childhood, tragedies, happy sides of life, and the girl's goals stronger sign that she likes the interlocutor and is likable. If she reluctantly talks, and all information about her consists only in the name of her work and place of birth, then this is a sign that she is unsympathetic to the interlocutor.

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Shares his drink with you.
This is almost a 100% guarantee that the lady liked you. How can this happen? For example, in a cafe, a lady hands you her drink and says something like "try my drink." Or, on the contrary, it will ask "can I try what you drink?" All these are signs of sympathy, thanks to which you can understand that a woman likes you, since it is unlikely that a lady, even out of politeness, will offer her drink to others, let alone ask to try the taste of someone else's drink.

Strange behavior.
For example, she allegedly accidentally dropped some thing, hoping for your participation (help to pick up, collect). Also, when talking to you, she suddenly begins to quickly talk about unimportant subjects, as if her life depends on them. Or, on the contrary, in your presence he begins to speak quietly, becomes shy, although he usually speaks loudly, since he is not shy.

Proud girls, who even find it hard to admit their sympathies, strange behavior manifests itself in a different way. For example, they begin to behave defiantly cold, try to prick with a word, sarcastically, especially when other guys are not treated like that.

Also, a woman in front of a man she likes, as he approaches her, can begin to straighten her back, raise her chest or keep her head slightly higher, wanting to emphasize her female attractiveness... It can also start to blush, become restless, turning into a little capricious girl.

All these signs can be proof that a lady is nervous, embarrassed in the presence of a person she likes, because she does not know how to behave correctly next to him.

He's trying to figure out your marital status.
How do you know that a girl likes you? Ask your acquaintances, preferably in common, whether the girl is trying, in a veiled way, to inquire about you, that is, to find out if you are free, you are meeting with someone or not. For example, it can ask mutual acquaintances or ask you with whom do you live?

Do you want to experiment? Then, in the presence of the girl you like, tell me how well you had a rest at the resort from which you recently arrived. If the young lady is interested in you, she will begin to ask under the guise of simple curiosity, did you go alone or with someone? Such inquiries betray the veiled interest of the maiden, otherwise she would not care who you traveled with.

Through social networks, it provokes contact.
When a girl likes a guy, she can provoke him to take the first step. For example, add to him as friends on VKontakte or other social networks. Will put likes under the photos that he exposes, will often comment on his posts. In other words, he will begin to veiled himself to impose himself on him.


Two things are worth recognizing:

  1. Men do not always boast that they are experts in reading female signs.
  2. Women are so mysterious that sometimes it is simply impossible to tell why they do what they do and which of the signs signals their sympathy for a man.

All women are different, as are relationships, so the signs that one lady shows may not necessarily correspond to what you expect from another. But remember the signs that a girl likes you everywhere. In subtle ways she will try to attract your attention, therefore, having learned to recognize the signals given by the girl, you do not have to rack your brains whether she liked you or not.

Best regards, Andronic Oleg, Elena.

Watch the video in which you can find out some more signs of female sympathy.

Women's psychology and behavior are unpredictable and mysterious. Unraveling feelings and verifying their authenticity is not always so easy. How do you know that a girl likes you if she doesn't talk about it directly?

The main signs of sympathy

Finding out that a girl likes you is easy enough if you follow her behavior.

  • She will constantly follow her gaze, but look away if you look at her. Some girls prefer to flirt and look straight in the eyes, without lowering their gaze timidly.
  • If she likes you, the girl will sort out the strands and wind them on her finger, throw her hair over one shoulder, exposing her neck, shake her hair.
  • More brave girls make it clear that they like you by biting your lips or smiling slightly when you meet your gaze. More timid girls make it clear that they like you by looking down and blushing when you look.
  • As for body language, you can tell if a girl likes you by her gestures and gait. She tries to accept the most relaxed and beautiful pose during conversation, deliberately beautifully walks beside you, sits evenly, laughs loudly and gesticulates if he is not communicating with you in order to attract attention.

The sympathy of a stranger

It's easier to understand that a girl likes you at school, university or at work than it is to understand whether you like or dislike a girl you don't really know. It’s stupid enough to approach and get to know each other right away, as it may turn out that you are not in her taste, and the efforts were in vain.

In addition to the above signs that a girl you know likes you, there are a few more nuances in the event that she is unfamiliar.

  • For example, sitting at a nearby table in a restaurant, she plays with her jewelry, a glass, smiles slightly, meeting her gaze.
  • Another signal that a girl likes you is, for example, a blouse that accidentally slipped off her shoulder, a beautiful and relaxed posture, a gait if she walks past you.
  • She can also defiantly flirt with the interlocutor if the woman likes you. A sign that a girl likes you can be talking loudly and laughing as a way to get attention.
  • Signal from unfamiliar girl maybe more definite. She may ask you to look at her table while she leaves, speak to you first, ask for a light. Only a stupid man can miss such a chance without understanding the signals.

Social networking

How to tell if a guy likes penpals? After all, today social networks are becoming almost the main way to find new acquaintances.

A girl you like can often visit your page, follow the news posted on it, actively comment and flirt in the comments. Perhaps she will subscribe to the same publics and post the same news, hinting at the similarity of interests.

In discussions, she will speak on your side, and in messages she can ask for help if she likes your company. To be liked, it is enough to answer her request and not ignore these signs.

Sympathy after a few dates

Of course, if the guy long time meets with a girl, he does not have a question: "Do she like me or not?" But if there were only a couple of innocent encounters, it can be difficult for guys to know if they like them or not.

You will understand that sympathy really is, by the fact that she is always ready to communicate and rarely disappears from sight. She will willingly talk on the phone or skype, answer the message. She also informs about her plans, for example, that on Saturday she will go with her family to the dacha or with a friend in a cafe.

If she likes everything about you, she will tell a lot about herself, introduce her to her friends and try to look amazing on every date.

The girl will ask your advice and opinion on any issue, listen to him carefully and thank him - such a woman's tactics should not be neglected, a woman subconsciously wants to be weaker than men and demand his help.

She will also want you to share what you know, talk about your life and about yourself. She will not be indignant if you invite her to a cafe, that the establishment is cheap, the wine is not tasty and the atmosphere is terrible. She will be interested with you everywhere.

Language of the body

An important role in the psychology of sympathy is body language. Sympathy is manifested in the fact that she sincerely wants to please and strike up communication. If she sits sideways, this indicates a readiness for dialogue. If she sits in open pose, at ease and calm, this is a sign of sympathy.

A sign that you are not indifferent to her may be visiting the same places that you visit, changing your habits, appearance, wardrobe, hairstyle, makeup.

In addition, during a conversation, her pupils may dilate, her cheeks turn red, eyelashes tremble slightly and her eyes drop embarrassedly. She can also avoid direct gaze.

Often, girls avoid those whom they like, show indicative indifference, withdraw from conversations and completely distance themselves. This also indicates feelings, but something prevents her from showing them.

Subconsciously, a woman may strive for touch. Accidentally touch with your shoulder, easily touch your hip, as if by chance collide in the corridor, grab your hand, enthusiastically telling something.

If she asks to help her in something, makes fun of her, says that she is cold or hungry, these are attempts to attract attention. Don't miss these moments - offer to stop by for a snack or offer her your jacket, and the communication will improve on its own.

Features of temperament

Not everyone is ready to show their sympathy. There are shy and melancholic individuals who, on the contrary, are afraid of their feelings. In this case, everything will be quite the opposite. She will not catch the eye, impose herself, start conversations. Often, such a person also has a lot of complexes.

Considering herself unworthy of attention, comparison with girls who are popular with the opposite sex, she will in every possible way avoid even the shortest meetings, turn away and even run away.

It is easiest to establish communication with such a person alone or on a social network, when no one looks at her or condemns, does not scoff, as she thinks.

Girls with a more open character, on the contrary, try to attract attention, speak loudly, laugh, make friends with the friends of the person they like. It is possible that she herself can come up and make an acquaintance, not considering it something shameful and wrong.

Another model of behavior is indifference. Such women pretend not to notice young man, answer only with friendship and do not give any hope for a relationship. They wait to be favored, but it is too difficult to recognize this, because spending months on a person who may not even tolerate your presence is stupid.

Group of friends

It is easiest to notice sympathy in a company. A girl can timidly ask mutual friends about your person, or ask to introduce you and this will not oblige anyone to anything - after all, you are in the same society and have the right to know each other at least out of politeness.

When it comes to employees, the situation is similar. No matter what hierarchy you are in, you will always be familiar with each other. Then she may ask for help with something or keep company at lunch, compliment your work successes or your appearance, as if in a friendly way.


Unraveling the emotions and feelings of another person is not an easy task. On the other hand, if a person really shows interest, it is difficult not to notice him and there is no need to doubt - you can always find a reason for communication and friendship, and then get to know each other better. If all of these signs are not enough, it may be worth talking directly and working out your relationship.

You hope so, but you're not 100% sure about it. Most likely, you are not against the development of the relationship, but the lack of clarity in how the girl feels about you prevents you from taking the first step. In fact, the girls themselves give hints, which will be discussed in this article.

How to understand that a girl likes you. 26 hidden sexual signals

1. Women's chatter

If young girls like you, they will sneak glances at you (point at you) and giggle. They may even start to cuddle together.

Experienced women will whisper more quietly.

2. "Ku-ku"

She will glance at you over a book or menu.

Women love to flirt with men using this gesture, probably because they played these games with their fathers in the cradle. Daddy covered his eyes with his palms, and then, when he looked out again with the words “Ku-ku!”, The daughter giggled and squealed with delight.

3. Shy geisha

The girl, looking at you, with feigned modesty will look down and to the side. However, if she is interested in you, she will look at you again for 45 seconds.

Pay attention, if you were not interested in her, her line of sight would remain the same, or she would look up and to the side.

4. A sidelong glance

She will glance at you sideways, even if she is talking to someone else.

All the fault is as ancient as the world scientific opposition "nature versus upbringing."

5. Games with decorations

This usually starts with an instinctive reaction, as you make the girl nervous.

However, more experienced women They understand that they can seduce you by twisting a necklace or touching an earring in their fingers, because this draws attention to the hollow on the chest or neck.

The girl looks directly at you and assumes that you know: straight gaze combined with playing with a necklace in her language means: "Come on, come closer to me!"

This signal provides a great excuse to strike up an acquaintance. You can smile, walk up and compliment the girl by appreciating her taste in choosing jewelry.

6. Unobtrusive exhibitionism

Step by step, does the girl consciously expose every square centimeter of her skin? She is clearly and unambiguously flirting with you.

Very often a woman waits for the moment when she will be sure that you are looking at her, and only then will she allow her dress to slide off her shoulder. Or, straightening his shoulders, he will pull the fabric on a blouse or T-shirt, exposing part of his body.

7. Play with a shoe

She will toss the shoe with her toes, usually exposing her foot.

Pay attention to this wiggle - it indicates an excess of sexual energy.

Often, as bait, women will allow the shoe to slip off their toes and fall to the floor in order to attract the man's attention and attract him.

8. Close contact

If the girl moved a little closer to you, she did it on purpose.

She will carefully monitor your reaction. If you, noticing the reduction in the distance between you, express surprise in one way or another, your shares of attraction will greatly fall in value.

A woman may misunderstand you and decide that you are not interested in her and will not be able to give her in bed what she wants.

When she gets too close to you, you simply have to reward her courage with a smile or even a slight oncoming movement.

9. Invasion of personal space

A woman is well aware of how far from a man she is standing or sitting, how close this or that part of her body or any object is to him.

Instead of invading a man's “personal space” with her whole body, she allows her hand, knee, or any object to break an imaginary boundary.

If a girl makes similar movements when talking to you, try to express your pleasure. Otherwise, she will recoil and become more alienated from you.

10. "Accidental" touch

A woman will never touch someone she does not like. If she touched you, your reaction should be warm and positive.

Otherwise, the girl will decide that:

  1. You are as cold as a fish that is too tough for even a worm.
  2. You just don't like her.

Having made this or that decision, she will immediately erase you from her memory.

If a woman, under any pretext, reached out her hand and touched you, for example, brushed away a speck from your jacket, tried to examine your tie or watch, allegedly unconsciously touched your hand, laughing at the joke you made, you must demonstrate an extremely positive reaction. Otherwise, the girl will feel that she has gone too far and will retreat.

11. Tilt

There are situations when a girl is uncomfortable or indecent to touch a guy or invade his personal territory. In such cases, she simply leans towards him.

Never, remember, never get away from her!

12. "Palm-weather vane"

This sign is intended for those who are already versed enough in female tricks.

If a girl looks at you with her chin on her fingers and her hand facing you, it means that she likes your style. She seems to say: "I agree" or "I understand you."

13. Exposure of the neck

When two foxes are fighting, the defeated one sticks out her neck, thereby saying: "I surrender." And when the chanterelle shows her neck, it means her defenselessness in front of a man and willingness to go to meet him.

She perks up noticeably and, in particular, lifts her hair, giving her partner a frank signal. To keep the game up and running, compliment her gorgeous hair.

14. Demonstration of armpits

A woman's armpits are usually hidden from outsiders, so showing this part of the body means that the girl sets you apart from others.

She deliberately leans back, feigning relaxation, but at the same time she perfectly understands what she is doing.

15. Licking lips

Licking her lips, the girl subconsciously tells you: "You look very seductive." This is a very primitive and very frank invitation, almost on the verge of debauchery.

A woman can lick her lips defiantly or furtively for several reasons:

  1. She might want her lips to look more moist and attractive to you.
  2. She can think about intimacy with you and lick your lips in anticipation.
  3. She may be trying to tease you by hinting at how much pleasure lies in her lips.
16. Preening

If a girl likes you, she starts to smarten up in order to draw attention to her appearance - she paints her lips, powders her nose, or brushes her hair.

If you are not already familiar, she can use this technique as bait to get you to approach her from the other end of the room.

If you know each other, for example, you are having dinner together, leave for a while, supposedly to the toilet, and then carefully look if she didn’t suggest beauty in your absence.

If the girl managed to do this, it means that she values ​​you and wants to look her best.

17. Playing with hair

As they mature, girls notice that some men respond positively to “self-stroking”. Women like it, and such a signal from the unconscious turns into a conscious one.

If, talking to you, a girl begins to touch her hair, this indicates a subconscious (at first) desire for you to touch her.

If you respond correctly, the desire will become conscious and the woman will begin to use this signal as a stimulus to action.

Such a signal either serves as a sign of excessive sexual nervousness, or suggests that the woman is trying to make the man imagine that he is playing with her hair.

Depending on the mood, the girl with long hair can cover one eye with them, either to “hide” from you, starting a seductive game of “Hide and Seek”, or to demonstrate his charm.

18. Stroking

The pleasure centers of a woman, unlike men, are scattered all over the body, therefore, upon seeing a man she likes, the girl starts stroking herself with pleasure.

Smart women, noticing a positive reaction from a man, begin to stroke themselves more openly.

19. Violent gestures

Some girls, especially uninhibited and spontaneous, finding themselves in the company of a person who admires them, can behave like a child - sharply wave their hand, seductively move their breasts and round their eyes.

Much of this is a direct reaction to phenylethylamine, the "love hormone" released in their bodies.

20. Proud posture

Seeing or noticing you, she perks up, straightens her shoulders, becomes more energetic and, possibly, lifts her chest high.

21. Mirroring

Often, after one or two extra glasses, a woman relaxes and begins to imitate the man's movements, if she likes him.

It can even be used as a test. Raising her glass, see if she raised hers. Place your elbow on the table and see if she does the same.

Here's another tip: copy her movements to establish a subconscious sense of similarity. The girl will become very comfortable next to you, but she will not understand the reasons for this.

Smart women, especially those who are familiar with NLP, often use this "mirror" effect to connect with the interlocutor.

By the way, if she does it deliberately, that's fine. This means that she liked you.

22. Seductive nibbling

Even without a degree in biology, anyone can easily understand what a woman means who, carried away by a man, takes an object in his mouth.

Often she adds something else to this technique, for example, playing with a shoe or fluttering eyelashes, while she herself, meanwhile, bites a toothpick, plastic spoon or even the tip of your finger.

23. Sexy thing

If you see a girl looking at you from the other end of the room and not smiling, you hardly think that she wants you to come up to her.

However, if you look closely at her hands, you can see that she is running her finger over the glass. It's not out of boredom. Perhaps she even imagines that she caresses you.

Sometimes a woman gives this signal by gently and promisingly stroking the handle or running her fingers up and down the stem of the glass.

If you are already talking with a girl, the movement is likely to be calculated - she will slowly and seductively run her finger along the rim of the glass or up and down the leg, without interrupting the conversation.

For such a hint, you can use almost any object - a pen, something from the serving items, a toothpick, etc.

24. Foolish

Many women, especially those who are younger, upon seeing a man they like, practically lose their heads, begin to giggle and do stupid things. At the same time, they do not allow themselves to laugh and behave stupidly around men who are indifferent to them.

The older version includes some other signals, such as winking or touching an object to the mouth or ear.

25. Posing

To attract a man, a woman uses her body, and takes an attractive pose, hoping that he will look in her direction. She seems to show herself in all her glory.

26. Demonstration of legs

Women have learned to use their legs in the most seductive way to lure men.

A girl can lift the hem of her skirt to expose a section of her leg, or even part them slightly, allowing you to look deeper for a moment, or swing her leg, thereby saying, "Hey, pay attention to me."

22 more ways to tell if a girl likes you

1. She loves to talk to you

She really wants to talk to you and stay in your company. Start a conversation with her. If she's happy with you, that's a good sign.

Some couples just flare up with interest right from the start of the conversation and can talk for hours.

If she is nervous, she may have trouble communicating. Give her a chance to deal with the excitement.

And wait for her to answer. It may take a while for her to collect her thoughts.

It's a bad sign - she's bored or she just answers your questions with a shrug. Or worse, she grabs onto another guy and lets herself be dragged away.

2. She laughs at what you say

Keep in mind that laughter is better than giggling, and even better when you laugh together. If a girl likes you, she will laugh at almost every joke you make.

  1. It's better if the girl finds you really funny and not just works hard to fill with giggles. an awkward silence... But even if she tries too hard, it's okay. Obviously she thinks you are worth the effort.
  2. Some girls giggle when they're nervous.
  3. The laugh that definitely sparks a girl's attitude towards you is when you both laugh so hard that you almost cry. It seems to you that you will soon burst with laughter, and people around you think that you are crazy.
3. She is afraid to meet your eyes

One of the tips on how to understand that a girl likes you is as follows. Some girls are afraid of being caught by your gaze when they look at you.

It should be noted that there are girls who can meet your eyes.

The girl who likes you can shy away from looking you straight in the eye. If somehow your eyes meet, she might blink and look away.

In this case, the girl does not want the feeling that the initiative for the development of the relationship comes from her. She is waiting for you to take the first step.

More confident women can give clues through their eyes: their eyes sparkle and invite you to come and say hello.

A confident girl will look you in the eye longer than usual before looking away.

4. She turns her attention to you.

This way of knowing that a girl likes you can take different forms depending on the girl and the specific situation.

A girl who cares about you does not forget that you exist. Even if the girl is very shy, she will find a way to communicate that she remembers you.

If you appear in her area of ​​attention, she will definitely switch it to you.

If you are, she is not interested in you. But is she really ignoring you, or is she sending a subtle signal that she has noticed you but doesn't know how to react?

Here are some examples of how a girl who likes you can act if she is really shy:

  1. She is silent, being with you in a common company.
  2. She nods or smiles in your direction.
  3. Sudden interruption or termination of her activities as soon as she sees you. She may have stopped working or talking.
5. She smiles at you

This is one of those smiles that makes her eyes sparkle. The girl who smiles at you most likely has a clear sympathy.

Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule, for example, when a girl hopes to win some popularity contest and smiles at everyone. But most don't bother smiling at someone they don't like.

A shy girl is unlikely to smile broadly. Her smiles may be brief, but she's definitely glad to see you. Sometimes her smile is more pronounced in her eyes than on her face.

6. She doesn't like it when you flirt with other girls

How do you know that a girl likes you? Get started. Nobody likes having rivals, and your girlfriend will be unpleasant.

She may react openly, or she may simply leave you because she doesn't want to watch you interact with another mademoiselle.

Before flirting with other girls, remember what this can have Negative consequences, up to the girl's loss of interest in you.

How can she trust a guy who flirts with several girls at the same time?

7. She hugs you

Does she hug you at every opportunity? We only hug those people we like. are an excuse to get closer to you and feel your body.

Surely she likes you, but she cannot express it with words. She may find it easier to use other strategies, such as approaching you and hugging you.

Hugs manifest in different forms... It can be a welcoming hug when you meet on the street or in the mall.

Other girls are more likely to put their hand on your shoulder, for example, if you are sitting in a chair and grappling with a problem on your computer.

She can lean, hug, and comfort you to help solve the problem.

8. Her friends give hints that she likes you.

Her best friends know if a girl likes you. Observe their clues.

What do her friends do when you are around? How does she react to her friends?

  1. Do her friends look at you when you approach?
  2. Do they smile when you approach them?
  3. Are her friends teasing her?
  4. Is she afraid that one of her friends might say that she likes you?
  5. Some of her friends asked if you like her?
9. She asks you to talk

She stays by your side when other people leave.

10. She begins to be interested in things that interest you.

Did the girl start listening to your favorite music or watching your favorite sports programs? If you are a fan of Real Madrid, she will also take an interest in this team.

11. She blushes next to you

This happens not once, but all the time.

12. She bumps into you often

This could be a sign that she wants you to start a conversation with her.

When you sit or rest somewhere, you will notice that the girl will pass past several times. She's probably trying to get your attention. She's probably waiting for you to take the first step and start a conversation with her.

13. Her hands are relaxed when she talks to you.

If her arms are open wide and relaxed when she talks to you, this could be interpreted as “I am open to you”. In other words, it's kind of unconscious way encourage you to get close to a girl.

14. She breaks away from conversations with her friends to talk to you

When a girl is talking to friends and sees that you are approaching or are nearby, she leaves the company and approaches you. She wants to be there at any time, and this sure sign, allowing you to understand that the girl likes you.

15. She says you look good

If a girl notices how you are dressed or changes your clothes, and also says that you look good, this indicates that she likes you.

16. She hints that she is not in a relationship.

Does the girl talk about relationships that were in the past, making it clear that they are over, and now she is alone?

Don't think she's still obsessed with her ex-boyfriend... Most likely this is an invitation to take his place.

17. She quickly agrees with your proposal.

The girl offers to chat with you or does not hesitate to say yes when you suggest that she spend time together, especially if she has other plans.

18. She opens up to you

If a girl tells you about her problems, which she usually does not talk about, this will be evidence that she trusts you very much.

19. She talks about your joint plans for the future.

The girl may mention watching a movie together or attending a concert in a month or so. She cannot forget about you.

20. She watches your news on social media.

The girl follows your updates on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, and she often likes your posts, or publishes your materials on her wall.

21. She puts her phone away when you're together.

If a girl focuses exclusively on you, this is a signal that she is really interested in making a good impression on you.

22. You text frequently

If you correspond regularly text messages, and the girl is also the initiator, at least she likes you very much. Especially if you text at night.

Women are so contradictory creatures that sometimes men spend a lot of time learning to understand them. However, many young people never have success with the fair sex, because they are not able to recognize secret signals, signs and hints.

And yet you can understand women by paying attention to their facial expressions, gestures, behavior in social networks for correspondence. How do you know that a girl likes you? Observe her, recognize signs of interest in your person and act.

You have been in contact with a young lady for a long time, but you still cannot understand whether she likes you as a friend or is there something more possible between you? Pay attention to her gaze, body position, and involuntary (or arbitrary) gestures.


Maiden eyes are a truly lethal weapon. When answering the question of how to understand whether you are attractive to a girl, observe her gaze. If she loves you or is passionate about your person, then you will notice the following:

  • eye contact lasts longer than usual (at least 6 seconds);
  • pupils dilate when the damsel looks at you;
  • a classmate or friend in a company often glances at you than at the people around them;
  • the girl looks askance, as if looking in the other direction (the fair sex has excellent peripheral vision).

Remember that if a young lady looks at you, this does not mean that she likes you. Sociable people prefer to make eye contact with their interlocutors. Observe how she behaves with others. If the girl is restrained with the rest of the men, but flirts with you, you are not mistaken in her look!


Playing with curls is a favorite pastime of a girl in love or flirting. In addition, being next to a man who is pleasant to her makes the young lady nervous, which also affects involuntary finger movements, including:

  • constantly touching the hairstyle, throwing the bangs back or blowing it off the forehead;
  • Curling your hair around a finger, pencil, or other writing material (such as at school or office)
  • throwing back the hair from the neck, and at this moment the girl is trying to catch your gaze.


When communicating with a cute young lady, pay more attention to her lips. To say about her sympathy, the girl does not have to say anything at all. If she likes you, then she is highly likely to be:

  • lick your lips;
  • barely bite the lower lip;
  • to smile temptingly;
  • touch your lips with your fingers, as if wanting to check your makeup.

Body position

Observe the position of a girl's body during a conversation to see if the girl likes you. If she crosses her arms on her chest, does not look at you, you can assume that she is indifferent. Signs of interest and sympathy are movements such as:

  • tilt and turn in your direction when talking;
  • reducing the distance between you;
  • a touch, even a fleeting one;
  • pointing the socks of her shoes at you;
  • arbitrary or involuntary mirroring of your actions and gestures.

However, do not forget that modest girls they are often nervous, shy, therefore they begin to "get pinched", and you may not find the above signs. Wait until she relaxes in your presence, and make it clear that you also like her.

Most important sign sympathy of a young lady for a guy - flirting. A girl likes you (or even she loves you) if in your company she starts laughing, touching you, or getting into controversy. However, keeping in mind that every woman is a bright individual, consider the following rules:

Also, pay attention to the changes in appearance a young person. If she likes you, she will try to change her wardrobe, hairstyle or makeup. However, there are some girls who look almost perfect in all situations. In this case, you need to observe her for some time to notice the changes in her appearance.

It should not be assumed that the changes in the appearance of the young lady are connected with her sympathy for your person. Some girls do not consider it necessary to change their appearance, because they are confident and prefer to be themselves.

To find out if a girl likes you, first of all, take a closer look at her behavior while communicating with you. A classmate at school, a young lady in a company or a work colleague, upon contact with a pleasant young man, begins:

  • listen to him carefully (and it is not so important what he says), actively maintain a conversation on almost any topic;
  • smile at the guy's jokes and laugh at the jokes he told and funny stories(smart girls in love understand that even bad jokes need positive evaluation).

Interest in a guy when communicating on social networks

V this case we will talk about how to find out by correspondence in VK and other social networks that a girl likes you. Quite difficult to define female sympathy on distance. However, there are several signs that will help you make at least an approximate picture and establish how much the interlocutor is interested in you.

Pay attention to such signs and features of communication by correspondence in VK, as:

  • the speed of her responses to your message (not the most accurate point, since a young lady can just be very busy);
  • whether she writes to you first when you appear on the network or prefers to wait for your messages (modest girls may not write first);
  • numerous likes and comments to photos, video or music videos on your VK page;
  • how detailed her messages are, whether she willingly answers, what words she uses (“clear”, “yes” are considered impersonal and indifferent words);
  • whether she likes to be frank with you.

To resolve all issues, force the situation. There is no need to ask every morning about the state of her affairs, about the weather, just offer to meet, sit in a cafe or exchange phone numbers. If she refuses, you will not waste much time on fruitless courtship.

How to tell if a girl likes you?

There are a couple of simple ones, but effective techniques, allowing you to understand whether he feels for you warm feelings a certain young lady. In practice, they look like this:

  1. Smile at her when she looks at you. Just like that, without any ulterior motive. If the girl immediately returns your smile, it can be considered a good sign.
  2. Try to cause jealousy by flirting a little with her friend or just another young lady in her presence. When flirting, watch the feedback carefully. The girl will definitely try to hide her irritation, but she may be betrayed:
    • rapid breathing;
    • a dramatically changed mood;
    • nervousness;
    • any attempt to get your attention.

Of course, these signs are not enough to say with “reinforced concrete” confidence that a girl likes you. Perhaps the best way out is to invite her on a date, to a cafe or cinema, where you can accurately answer the question that torments you.

So, it should be admitted that young people can not always accurately understand all those signs that are given by the fair sex.

Remember that you cannot meet two identical girls. One, absolutely indifferent to you, can show almost all of the above signs of interest, the other, in love with you, will not show a single secret signal. Therefore, be patient, get to know your interlocutor better and feel in your heart whether she likes you.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising children. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.