Original riddles for children 7 8. Riddles about things. What are the riddles

Students high school are often distracted, therefore, for the development of perseverance and attentiveness, riddles for children of 10 years old are used.

Puzzles - ancient art our ancestors to pass on wise thoughts and development of ingenuity. folk method has not lost its relevance even today. It is suitable for both preschoolers and teenagers 14 years old. Solving various puzzles increases them intellectual development teaches you to reason and not be afraid to prove your opinion.

What are the riddles?

If a child in kindergarten has not been instilled with a love of riddles, start studying them with simple examples even for 13-14 year olds. Describe allegorically any object, animal, bird or natural phenomenon. Let him think and tell the answer. Sometimes it can be hard to come up with the right answers quickly. Then simplify the task and describe the question in more detail. The child will surely guess.

Children as young as 12 love rhyming riddles. These are small quatrains in which it is necessary to correctly name the last word. 5th grade students are happy to participate in quizzes.

  1. The teacher collects 2 teams of students.
  2. In turn, 1 representative from each team comes out, and the teacher reads the riddle.
  3. The winner is the one who says the correct answer first.
  4. Points are awarded for winning and a small prize is awarded to the winning team.

When the guys get used to naming the answer, quickly rhyming the last word, complicate the task. Come up with children's tricky riddles in which the rhyming word at the end of the quatrain is incorrect. These methods are good for joke contests, cabbage. This is a fun activity that can easily captivate the entire class team and imperceptibly develop the attention of 12 year old schoolchildren, teach them to focus their thoughts.

You can use riddles-poems based on artistic images and knowledge of 12-13 year old children about the world around them.

Children's riddles are interesting not only to guess, but also to invent. This process allows the child to distinguish in things and phenomena important features and develops out-of-the-box thinking. If you start training logic as early as possible and continue at the age of 12, then at 14 summer age schoolchildren will not have problems with algebra and geometry. They get used to looking original solutions and get to the bottom of the matter.

High school students will be interested in complex puzzles, over the answers to which you need to thoroughly break your head. They are different:

  • mathematical;
  • based life situations;
  • on the development of erudition and deduction;
  • on the development of logic with a catch.

Teenagers with developed logical thinking sometimes click riddles that not every adult can handle.

Best Riddles

We have a girl of Light.

She has two secrets.

The first is all soft wool.

He lay in plain sight.

But then the second secret

Very small, a little light

Played with him a little.

Unwound all around the house.

Sveta saw it

And rolled it back.

What are the secrets

Started with our Sveta?

(Tangle, kitten)

There are no more whiners in the world,

But, crying, gives people light.

She is thin, she is small

But great are her deeds!

And without her, everything around

Tailors would be as if without hands.

Klim told us, almost crying:

— I have a cottage in the village.

But for the whole season on it

I didn't pick vegetables.

- How many times, - asked Sveta, -

Were you at the cottage during the summer?

Klim answered her, blinking:

- Once. At the harvest.

And now, just right,

I ask you friends

Why is Klim empty -

No potatoes, no cabbage?

(Because the vegetables in the country

do not grow on their own

Granddaughter Grandfather Luka taught:

- They are made of sand

And from iron, from hair.

What is it? Here is the question!

Behind the village, in the forest, for a long time

It ate into the tree.

And since then it happens

Emptiness inside gapes.

And it happens that it is full

The owl's head is visible.

Not a magician, but

He owns magic.

And a suddenly broken vase

He will make a whole one right away.

He has a huge body

It contains six KAMAZ cargo

With loads he quickly rushes,

Hurries to the right place.

And at the same time, he, mind you -

Well, well, well! - sings on the way.

(Railway carriage)

These shoes are good

But we are not in a hurry

And do not grind for a month -

You can only dump.

(Felt boots)

Children have a great interest in him.

A lot of miracles happen there.

So, for example, mongrels have football in honor

And they can even keep score.

Hockey players can be heard crying Missed their goalkeeper...?

(not a ball, but a puck)

He's a big naughty and comedian

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is...

(not Dunno, but Carlson)

A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell how many eggs were left in the basket.
(Not a single one, because the bottom fell ..)

Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

She is beautiful and sweet

And her name is from the word "ash".


One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?

(A cow peeks around the corner)

Five boys

Five closets.

Dispersed boys

In dark closets.

Every boy

Into your closet.

(Fingers and gloves)

The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Tail small crochet,

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three pigs)

My father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What a strange

Little wooden man

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key?

It has a long nose everywhere.

Who is this? .. (Pinocchio).

Autumn rain walked around the city,

The rain has lost its mirror.

The mirror lies on the asphalt,

The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

I've been wearing them for many years

I don't know how to count them.

If it weren't for him,

Wouldn't say anything.

There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Sea).

Thirty-two thresh

one turns.

(Teeth and tongue)

Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat.


People always have

There are always ships.

Little boy in a gray coat

Snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,

At night he wanders - he steals hemp.


All the time knocking, hollowing trees.

But they are not crippled, but only healed.

Black, nimble,

Shouts "krak" - the enemy of the worms.

Goes to four in the morning

During the day for two, and in the evening for three.

(Child, adult, old man)

Appeared in a yellow coat:

Farewell, two shells!


The beauty walks, lightly touches the ground,

Goes to the field, to the river,

And on the snow, and on the flower.

On the wall, in plain sight,

Gathers the news together

And then its residents

They will fly in all directions.


She has her whole soul wide open,

And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,

Not a turkey, but inflates,

And not a bird, but flooded.


Everyone rejoices today!

In the hands of a child

Dancing for joy


If I see dust, I will grumble, wrap and swallow.

(A vacuum cleaner)

It crackled in the morning: “Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra!”

What's the time? What a mess with her

When it crackles...

Fidget motley, long-tailed bird,

The bird is talkative, the most talkative.

The white-sided prophetess, and her name is ...

They speak in Moscow, but we hear it.

Carpenter with a sharp chisel

Building a house with one window.

I'll sit under my arm and tell you what to do:

Either I'll put you to bed, or I'll let you walk.


Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

Not just one thread.

Blue house at the gate.

Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -

Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,

Not for the spring tenant,

Talking starling.

News is flying in through this door

They spend half an hour together.

The news does not stay for a long time -

Flying in all directions!


Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,

White feathers, red comb.

Who is that on the peg?


There are no clouds on the horizon

But an umbrella opened up in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down …


Complex options

  1. The hostess needs to bake 6 pies. How can she cope in 15 minutes if only 4 pies are placed in the pan, and the pie should be baked for 5 minutes on each side?
    (Answer: 1) put 4 pies; 2) 2 pies are turned over, 2 removed, put 2 new ones; 3) We remove 2 ready ones, turn over 2 and turn over 2 removed earlier.)
  2. Vova and Sasha played in a dirty and dark attic. Vova's face was completely smeared with soot, and Sashino miraculously remained clean. Having gone down, the guys looked at each other in the light of day, but for some reason it was not Vova, but Sasha who went to wash. (Answer: Sasha looked at Vova’s face, and since it was dirty, he thought that he, too, was dirty, and therefore went to wash. And Vova, who looked at clean face Sasha, it didn’t even occur to him that he himself could be grimy ..)
  3. What sign to put between the numbers 8 and 9so that the answer is less than 9, but more than 8? (Answer: you need to put a comma).
  4. Katya really wanted to buy chocolate, but in order to buy it, she had to add 11 kopecks. And Dima wanted chocolate, but he lacked 2 kopecks. They decided to buy at least one chocolate bar, but they still lacked 2 kopecks. How much does chocolate cost? (Answer: a chocolate bar costs 11 kopecks, Katya has no money at all).
  5. A prisoner was kept in an empty cell. He sat alone, every day they brought him dry bread, how did the bones appear in the cell? (Answer: bones from fish, bread was brought with an ear).
  6. One boy was walking in the park and saw a high school student. The senior student offered to argue: “If I write your exact height in a notebook, then you will give me 1000 rubles, and if I make a mistake, then I will give you. I promise I won't ask you any questions, and I won't measure you either." The boy agreed. The high school student wrote something in a notebook, showed it to the boy, the boy looked and gave the high school student 1,000 rubles. How did the high school student manage to win the argument? (Answer: a high school student wrote “your exact height” in a notebook).
  7. There were five apples on the plate for five children. Each child took an apple. However, one apple remained on the plate. How is this possible? (Answer: Last child took an apple along with a plate)
  8. Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is neither Saturday nor Sunday. Yesterday was neither Monday nor Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What day of the week is it today, given that one of the statements on the list is false? (Answer: Today is SUNDAY)

Children at the age of 14 love puzzles related to calculation. different numbers, for weighing and finding a mathematical sequence. To solve them, they often use a piece of paper and a pen to draw a condition. This makes it easier to find an answer. Such tasks are difficult at first glance, but it is worth a little thought, concentration, and the correct answer will be found.

Children's riddles based on life situations make you think outside the box. Sometimes you need to listen to the condition several times and imagine the picture in your head before the answer is found.

Riddles for erudition are the most interesting. To solve them 14 summer boys should be well versed in:

  • in history;
  • in literature;
  • in cinema.

Some answers can be found using only logic, but more often knowledge is also needed. For example:

  • Ask students to answer why the 22nd and 24th presidents of America had common parents if the rulers were not brothers?
  • The answer is simple, for those who know the history. Cleveland Grover was elected to the post 2 times. Since this is the same person, he cannot be his own brother.

If 12-14 year olds want to play detectives, offer them entertaining puzzles to develop deduction. There are many examples of such puzzles with answers on the Internet.

  • They look like short stories, which must contain complicated story.
  • It must be unraveled and, by logical reasoning, find the criminal, the lost thing, or answer the question correctly.
  • Tasks are often supported by pictures in which the correct answer is hidden.
  • You need to carefully study, think and solve a complex puzzle.

Baby logic riddles with a catch should be funny. Name 14 year olds common question, requiring a non-standard response. Classes train the mind, memory, teach to find original solutions. Fun riddles can entertain class students at a big break, after school or at a holiday.

When playing riddles with 14-year-olds, don't forget to get answers in case the kids can't do it. Help students to coach logical thinking. This will enable them to take right decisions in adult life, increase their intellectual level and make it interesting to conduct free time.

Riddles for younger students with answers

1. Where are the swamps of green mud,

The ballerina appeared.

On one leg she

Stayed until dark. (Heron.)

2. He plays on the chimney,

Wires serve as a harp,

Everyone knows the musician

Though I've never seen it. (Wind.)

3. Tourists are floating on the river

Or they walk.

They always have in their backpack

Comfortable light house. (Tent.)

4. Not a tailor, but always

Walks with needles. (Hedgehog.)

5. Without wings, it flies through the sky,

It breaks down and disappears. (Cloud.)

6. Our hats are like rings,

Like waves on a river.

Russula we are girlfriends,

Our name is mushrooms ... (Volnushka.)

7. Under the fallen leaves

Mushrooms hid together.

very smart sisters

These yellow ... (chanterelles.)

8. He is not used to bows,

Fat, important ... (Borovik.)

9. Huddled in a flock, like chickens,

There are mushrooms near us ... (Agaric mushrooms.)

10. She does not sit still,

Carrying news on its tail. (Magpie.)

11. He is decorated with a tuft

And lives in a dry hollow.

Knows all the forest people:

This bird's name is ... (Hoopoe.)

12. Lives in a swamp,

He sings with soul

Legs like knitting needles

And he is small. (Sandpiper.)

13. Not a hillock

There is a girl in a scarf.

But autumn will come

She will throw off her dress. (Birch.)

14. Gray feather -

Golden neck. (Nightingale.)

15. I'm not afraid of anyone -

I'll stick with anyone. (Repe.)

16. He was yellow, he became white,

Only the breeze blows -

He will boldly fly up to the clouds,

He is a flying flower. (Dandelion.)

17. This yellow fruit is growing

Where it's summer all year round.

He's like the edge of the moon

All of you should know it. (Banana.)

18. This horse has striped clothes,

Her clothes look like a sailor suit. (Zebra.)

19. Forest fells,

Not a lumberjack

Building dams,

Not a hydraulic engineer. (Beaver.)

20. Along the paths, along the lowlands

The invisible walks through the forest,

repeating after me

All words in the silence of the forest. (Echo.)

21. What is this arrow

Burnt the black sky?

The black sky lit up -

It sank into the ground with a thud. (Lightning.)

22. How to name needles

At the pine and the Christmas tree? (Needles.)

23. The sheep's brother is formidable and horned. (Ram.)

24. She flows, flows, flows.

Winter will come - she will fall asleep. (River.)

25. Along the yellow river Limpopo

Floating green log.

Suddenly, silt rose in the river,

And it turns out ... (Crocodile.)

26. Walks on the sea,

The seagull overtakes

And it will reach the shore

This is where it will disappear. (Wave.)

27. We will find cities, seas,

Mountains, parts of the world -

fit on it

Whole planet. (The globe.)

28. A flower flies over a flower

And flutters, and flutters. (Butterfly.)

29. Although he has four legs,

He won't run down the road. (Chair or table.)

30. What water at once

Can't take a look? (Sea.)

31. Who lives in the water all the time,

And he does not drink the water itself:

Neither lake nor river

Not any other? (Fish.)

32. Where is the water from year to year

Doesn't run or run

Doesn't sing or murmur

And always a pillar stands. (In the well.)

33. When he is not there, everyone calls: “Here!”

And as soon as he comes, they run in all directions. (Rain.)

34. In heaven, a blacksmith forges a crown. (Thunder.)

35. Now white, then red.

Either love or dangerous. (Fire.)

36. Leggy skater

I've scribbled the notebook!

Whatever dance is a circle,

What's his name, friend? (Compass.)

37. He weaves a net, not a hammock,

Although he is not a fisherman at all.

And puts nets not in the river,

And in the corner, on the ceiling. (Spider.)

38. He goes out in the hot summer

AT white down jacket dressed.

But the wind will blow - instantly

The down jacket flies. (Dandelion.)

39. Look at the baby -

He takes it out slowly

neat, clean,

Letters and numbers.

One-two! One-two!

Weaves words from letters.

And crumbling in your hand

Lost on the board. (Chalk.)

40. It goes, it runs,

And it drags on.

But overtake, stop

He is not destined. (Time.)

41. I warned him

To wake me up.

Until the morning he worried

Everyone walked, walked, walked! (Alarm.)

42. Nimble sixty sisters

One brother!

But if there is no one sister.

Then there is no him. (Hour and minutes.)

43. Exactly one year

Twelve will pass.

Line up in a row

And they go through. (12 months.)

44. Passing this shift

For centuries unchanged.

From cold to heat goes

Well, then vice versa. (Seasons.)

45. If you make friends with me -

You won't get lost on the hike. (Compass.)

46. ​​First - find a consonant,

And then look at the face.

While you are struggling with the question -

The answer is digging the ground with its nose. (Mole.)

47. The beginning of a word is a measure of weight,

And the end is from the forest.

You can solve the problem

Guessing the breed of a dog. (Poodle.)

48. Mom has a sister,

You won't find better!

I'm very proud

After all, she is mine ... (aunt.)

49. At least read from the beginning,

At least from the end.

And the answer will be -

Part of the face. (Eye.)

50. Someone in the morning, slowly,

Blows up a red balloon

And how to get out of hand -

It will suddenly become light around. (Sun.)

51. I love it when the sea is quiet,

And I don't like bad weather.

Always persistent and dashing

I wink at the ship. (Lighthouse.)

52. He is the thinnest of all,

But still it happens

That once every four years

He gets better in a day. (February.)

53. Look east in the morning -

You will see a red bun.

And in heaven he is not lazy

Leaning west all day. (Sun.)

54. There is a back, four legs,

Not a dog or a cat. (Chair.)

55. The first syllable is a pronoun,

The second syllable is frog singing,

Well, the word itself is in nature,

Does it grow in the garden, in the garden. (Pumpkin.)

56. Joy in the eyes,

Surprise in the eyes

In our family today

Another addition!

In our house

A girl has appeared!

Now I'm her brother

And she told me ... (sister.)

57. He has four legs,

Paws - tsap-scratches,

A pair of sharp ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice. (Cat.)

58. She speaks silently,

It's understandable and not boring.

You talk more often with her -

You will become 10 times smarter. (Book.)

59. Has three different eyes,

But it won't open right away.

If the eye opens red -

Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!

Yellow eye - wait,

And green - come on! (Traffic light.)

60. Wooden sisters,

Two little sisters

pounded on the sides,

I answered: "Tram-there-there." (Drum.)

61. Carpenter with a sharp chisel

Building a house with one window. (Woodpecker.)

62. There is a commotion in the yard,

Peas are falling from the sky

Nina ate six peas,

She now has angina. (deg.)

63. The sun ordered - stop,

The Seven Colored Bridge is cool!

The cloud hid the light of the sun -

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow.)

64. Guess, guys,

What is an acrobat number?

If you stand on your head,

Exactly three will be less. (Nine.)

65. Black, tailed,

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite

And from class to class

Doesn't let. (Deuce.)

66. She will fluff up her sides,

Your four corners

And you, as the night falls,

It will still draw you in. (Pillow.)

67. Four blue suns

Grandma's in the kitchen

Four blue suns

They burned and faded.

Shchi is ripe, pancakes hiss.

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed. (Gas stove.)

68. On a stepladder

Lambs are hung.

Click yes click - five yes five -

69. Five steps - ladder,

On the steps - a song. (Notes.)

70. House without windows and doors,

Like a green box.

It has six round children

It is called - ... (pod.)

71. Eight legs, like eight arms,

Embroider a circle with silk.

The master in silk knows a lot

Buy, flies, silk! (Spider.)

72. Kind of like a comma

Crocheted tail, and it's no secret:

She loves all lazy people

And her lazy - no. (Deuce.)

73. I eat coal, I drink water,

When I'm drunk, I'll speed up.

I'm driving a convoy on a hundred wheels

And I am called ... (locomotive.)

74. Mathematical relations:

The more you take from it

The more she gets. (Pit.)

75. Canvas, not a track,

Horse, not horse - centipede

It crawls along that path,

The whole convoy is one lucky. (Train.)

76. I puff, puff, puff,

I haul a hundred wagons. (Locomotive.)

77. On the arm, and on the wall,

And on the tower above

Walk with a fight and without a fight,

Everyone needs - and we are with you. (Watch.)

78. I'm so sweet, I'm so round,

I am made up of two circles.

How glad I am that I found

Yourself like you, my friends. (Eight.)

79. He is old, but that's okay,

He is no better.

He is my dad's dad

And for me, he ... (grandfather)

80. Units of magnitude:

A mole climbed into our yard,

Digs the ground at the gate.

A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,

If the mole opens its mouth. (Excavator.)

81. Thirty-three native sisters -

written beauties,

Live on the same page

And they are famous everywhere! (Letters.)

82. I am stronger than ten horses.

Where in the fields I will pass in the spring,

In summer, bread will become a wall. (Tractor.)

83. In a clearing near the Christmas trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

It has a million residents. (Anthill.)

84. He is golden and mustachioed,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear.)

85. What kind of birds are flying by?

Seven in each flock,

They fly in a string,

They don't turn back. (Days of the week.)

86. Guess, guys,

What is an acrobat number?

If you stand on your head,

Exactly three more will be. (Six.)

87. Three brothers heat stoves,

Three - plow near the river,

Three brothers mow together

Three people bring mushrooms into the house. (Twelve months.)

88. Twelve brothers

They walk one after another

They don't bypass each other. (Months.)

Rhyming exercises (Riddles for a collective answer)

There is no end to the line

Where are the three dots.

Who will come up with the end

He will be ... (well done.)

She buzzes, buzzes,

Above the flower circles, circles,

She sat down, took the juice from the flower,

Honey is preparing for us ... (bee.)

Helps us in the household

And willingly settles

Wooden palace

Dark bronze ... (starling.)

We are in the forest and in the swamp,

You can always find us everywhere:

In the meadow, on the edge,

We are green ... (frogs.)

Instead of a nose - a patch,

I am cheerful ... (pig.)

Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead

Only the ice creaks

Let the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? (Skates.)

On the icy platform cry,

A student rushes to the gate.

Everyone screams:

"Washer! Hockey stick! Bey! -

A fun game ... (hockey.)

There are a lot of them in the summer

And in winter they all die.

Jumping, buzzing over the ear,

What are they called? (Flies.)

Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this? (Nightingale.)

I am in any bad weather

I have a lot of respect for water.

I stay away from dirt

Clean gray ... (goose.)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This animal is a forest ... (bear.)

I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill!

The sport became dearer and closer to me.

Who helped me with this? (Skis.)

I took two oak bars,

Two iron rails

I stuffed planks on the bars.

Give me snow! Ready ... (sled.)

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms

I do not fly to a warm land,

Here, I live under the roof.

Chick-chirp, don't be shy!

I am experienced ... (sparrow.)

Riddles for a child of 6 years old are an integral option for a fun home pastime, educational activities, games and lesson elements. Therefore, a set of such puzzles for kids of the transitional stage of development is simply necessary. The article presents riddles for children 6 years old with answers. Some of them are in poetic form, some - in prose, about the most common phenomena and objects.

Riddles for children 6 years old about animals

Especially children like to solve riddles about animals and birds:

  • "They fly and squeak, circle over the kids. If they suddenly sit on their feet, their legs may itch" (mosquitoes).
  • "He sits on a birch tree and persistently knocks" (woodpecker).
  • "A prickly little animal, he knows everyone in the forest. But he has needles, and he is not afraid of the fox" (hedgehog).
  • "She is graceful and fluffy. She loves to sleep in the sun, look out the window and catch mice" (cat).
  • "She is always silent, does not like fishing rods and breathes with gills" (fish).
  • "He is cheerful, fast, brave, guards the house skillfully. He often wags his tail if the ball is thrown red" (dog).
  • “She is very fragile, with colored wings. She was a caterpillar for a long time, and now she flies over raspberries” (butterfly).
  • "Give people delicious honey when they collect all the pollen" (bee).
  • "He loves to graze in the meadow, chew grass and share milk" (cow).
  • "A striped predatory cat, he lives in a zoo" (tiger).
  • “In the village, he wakes everyone up earlier than the sun, among the chickens he is the king, and among the chickens he is the eldest” (rooster).

Riddles for children 6 years old - short sentences, in which you can fit the whole story about some object. It is important that for the child they have elements of magic, fiction, fairy tales. Then the process of guessing will take place with special enthusiasm.

Riddles about fruits for children 6 years old

  • "Long, yellow, sweet fruit, for monkeys - best friend"(banana).
  • "Round like a cam has a sweet barrel" (apple).
  • "Yellow, sour, acts quickly in colds" (lemon).
  • "Round like the sun, an orange ball. The kids are under the tree now" (orange).
  • "Red earrings are poured into a dumpling with a spoon" (cherries).
  • "Like a tumbler doll, sweet, honey" (pear).
  • "Sweet and sour circles grow on a stalk in a bunch" (grapes).
  • "Burgundy berries sit in a thick red peel" (pomegranate).
  • "Younger brother of the orange" (mandarin).

Riddles for kids about winter

Riddles for children 6 years old about winter cover all manifestations of this season: weather, New Year, fairy tale characters etc.:

  • "It will cover everything around with snow, because frost is her best friend" (winter).
  • "Such a carriage will help the guys to ride down the hill, to follow dad" (sled).
  • "Painting without brushes and paints on the windows beautiful fairy tales" (freezing).
  • "Beautiful until you touch her with your finger. With beautiful pattern until it turns into water" (snowflake).
  • "The children are really looking forward to his arrival, otherwise they will not be taken on a sled" (snow).
  • "A kind old man who comes with gifts to obedient children" (Santa Claus).
  • "Faithful companion of Santa Claus" (Snow Maiden).
  • "A bag of gifts brought the good old ..." (Santa Claus).
  • "A million tiny ice floes covered both the street and the house" (snowflakes, snow).
  • "It flies on the head, cracks underfoot" (snow).
  • "He stings his nose, stings his cheeks, he stings his hands cruelly" (frost).
  • "He invites the kids to skate, and dad to go fishing" (ice).
  • "What is the river covered with a crust, like a hard board?" (ice).
  • "Nose-carrot, coal-eyes, it comes to life only in a fairy tale" (Snowman).
  • "Grandpa puts gifts under the Christmas tree. What kind of holiday?..." ( New Year).
  • "He will give you anything if you listen to mom and dad. And he will pour more sweets if your verse is the best" (Santa Claus).

Riddles about things

You can solve riddles with children about ordinary household things:

  • "All the motes in the house are afraid of him, because he is pleased to clean them" (broom).
  • "It's a wonderful miracle, it will show the cinema itself to everyone" (TV).
  • "A big closet. Mom loves it very much, because he helps her do the laundry" (washing machine).
  • "Like a star, it illuminates the apartment on a dark night" (light bulb).
  • "I'm put under my arm by both adults and children" (thermometer).
  • "Two round transparent twins that help grandmother read" (glasses).
  • "The sound is piercing and sharp, he honestly makes in the morning" (alarm clock).
  • "Where does winter live in the apartment all year round?" (fridge).
  • “It is big, soft, I love to sleep in it. And if suddenly no one sees, then jump with friends” (bed).
  • "A house filled with water. There the fish feel peace" (aquarium).
  • "As soon as someone wants to talk, this device always rings" (telephone).

Riddles about people and professions

To study professions, the following riddles will be useful:

  • "He knows all the roads in the area, he will give a lift to both his grandmother and his friend" (driver, taxi driver).
  • "Night and day he fights fire" (fireman).
  • "A man who can fly not only in his sleep" (pilot).
  • "Houses grow from under his hands" (builder).
  • "The most cheerful circus performer, with a red nose to perform trickster" (clown).
  • "Brave, strong and stern, he keeps order in the yard" (policeman).
  • "Not afraid of injections, knows everything about vitamins, wears white bathrobe" (doctor).
  • "He will tell the children about the globe, about Africa, he will give grades and go to work again with joy" (teacher).
  • “He understands sausages, he sells bread and cheese with a margin. For all this he asks for money and often wears an apron” (seller).
  • "Most native person who escorts you to school in the morning and kisses you goodnight" (mother).
  • "The good one will give advice, teach you how to catch carp, only the most a wise man, only our beloved ... "(dad).

Riddles for a child of 6 years old will help to master the basic concepts that relate to the world of people's professions. In such an unobtrusive game form you can tell the kid about the subtleties and differences in professions and the working life of a person as a whole.

Riddles for children about sweets and other food

The most "tasty" and favorite riddles for children:

  • "Wrapped in foil, very sweet. It will melt in your hands if you don't eat it quickly" (chocolate).
  • "Fragrant, warm, soft, it is the main thing for all food" (bread).
  • "This vegetable from our garden makes us all cry" (onion).
  • "It is found underground, baked and fried. On all tables it frequent guest when they cook in their uniforms "(potatoes).
  • "Without this white snow, neither tea is tasty, nor cake" (sugar).
  • "On a leg and in a cup, girls and boys love it in summer" (ice cream).
  • "It can become a chicken someday if you don't break it into a frying pan" (egg).
  • "White as snow. It flows, but not water" (milk).
  • "Sweet, beautiful, indispensable for the holidays. It happens fruity, and creamy, and chocolate, and even with a candle in the center for a birthday" (cake).
  • "The bees collected it in a hive, and the man put it in a jar" (honey).
  • "Maybe a simple broth, maybe buckwheat or pickle" (soup).
  • "The circles are sunbathing in a frying pan, waiting for them to be greased with oil and poured with jam" (pancakes).
  • "From apricots, from cherries and even from roses. Grandma will cook it to eat it in cold weather" (jam).
  • "Long legs hang from the fork" (pasta).
  • "The younger, the greener. The older - the yellower" (cucumber).
  • “You definitely won’t spoil their porridge, even if you put more than one spoon” (butter).
  • "In a beautiful rustling wrapper, these sweets are often placed under the Christmas tree" (candy).

Why are riddles useful?

Riddles for a child of 6 years old are invaluable for his mental development. They allow not only to diversify leisure time with the baby, but also to spend this time with the benefit of his cognitive abilities.

The fact is that the solution of the riddle activates the child's processes of remembering, comparing, comparing the facts known to him, establishing a connection between them, which ultimately develops abstract and logical thinking. For a child of 6 years old who has just started or is going to school, this has great value. Since there he will have to deal with just such information.

Riddles help train memory, attention, speed and flexibility of thinking, learn facts about phenomena and objects of the world, develop speech and replenish vocabulary. In addition, if carried out group lessons or games, riddles for a child of 6 years will also be an opportunity to learn how to communicate with peers and interact in a group.

Children love riddles, and they not only love to guess them, but they do it masterfully, because they creative thinking corresponds to the allegorical poetic description of objects and phenomena that distinguish riddles. With the help of riddles, children learn the world, train ingenuity. And riddles-jokes are created good mood and develop a sense of humor. In a word, the riddle is a remarkable phenomenon in all respects.

Riddles are a favorite entertainment for both kids and older children. They can simply be guessed and guessed aloud at speed or arrange a competition "Who guesses more."

It's even more fun to play...

Mystery Lotto

To do this, you will need a piece of paper, preferably an A2 paper, markers, a cube with divisions (from 1 to 6), chips according to the number of players and picture cards. Cards can be made by simply pasting suitable picture on a square of cardboard.

Whatman is drawn into squares. They write texts of riddles. Players take it in turns to roll the die and move on to the number of squares shown on the die. The one who falls on the riddle square reads it aloud. The one who has a picture with a riddle says the riddle loudly and puts the picture on the riddle square. The move goes to him. If the answer is not found, the same participant continues the game.

The winner can be found in two ways. The first - the winner is the one who runs out of cards with drawings before the others. The second - the game continues until all the squares are closed. In this case, the one who scores the most points wins. Points (for example, from 1 to 3) depend on the level of difficulty of the riddle (how many signs of an object or event are indicated, to what extent they reveal the riddle).

Sample list of lotto riddles

Universe and natural phenomena

The blue sheet dresses the whole world. (Sky)

The fiery eye wanders alone.

Wherever it happens, it warms with a glance. (Sun)

L. Sandler

It was a horn - it became a circle. (Moon)

L. Ulyanitskaya

Bagel, bagel, golden horns!

Cloud sat on his shoulders,

He dangled his legs from the cloud. (Month)

L. Company

The white blanket is not made by hand,

Not woven and not cut,

It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow)

V. Fetisov

He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes. (Rain)

One flies, the other drinks,

And the third is eating. (Rain, earth, grass)

Through the fields, through the meadows, an elegant arc rises. (Rainbow)

The gates have risen, the beauty of the whole world. (Rainbow)

It is not known where he lives.

It will fly in - the trees are oppressed, it will whistle - there is a trembling along the river.

Mischievous, but you won't get away. (Wind)

V. Fetisov

We do not know grief, but weep bitterly. (Clouds)

Not water and not land, you can’t sail away on a boat and you won’t pass with your feet. (Swamp)

I have sleeves

Although there are no hands

And though I'm not made of glass,

I'm bright like a mirror...

Who am I? Give an answer! (River)

A ribbon trembles in the breeze in the open, a narrow tip in a spring, and a wide one in the sea. (River)

V. Fetisov

No one sees me, but everyone hears me.

And anyone can see my companion, but no one hears. (Thunder and lightning)

Red Cat

The tree gnaws

The tree gnaws

Lives happily.

And drink water

He hisses, he dies.

Don't touch him with your hand

This is a red cat ... (Fire)

I am a cloud, and a fog, and a stream, and an ocean, and I fly, and I run, and I can be glass! (Water)

V. Fetisov

It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire. (Ice)

Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the house. (Cold)

Himself without hands, without eyes, but he knows how to draw. (Freezing)

What grows upside down? (Icicle)

Technology and transport

I am a giant: that huge

multipood stove

I'm like a chocolate bar.

I instantly raise in height.

And if I use a mighty paw

I will grab an elephant or a camel,

I'll be happy to pick them both up

Like little kittens.. (Crane)

K. Chukovsky

An even cord stretches for hundreds of miles, it will not get lost anywhere. (Railway)

The horse runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours from the nostrils. (Locomotive)

Behind the smoke, behind the whistle, the brothers run in single file. (Locomotive and wagons)

For me to take you

I don't need oats.

Feed me gasoline

Give rubber to the hooves

And then, raising the dust,

Will run ... (car)

Who lives far away

He will not walk.

Our friend is right there.

He will rush everyone in five minutes.

Hey, sit down, don't yawn

Departs ... (tram)

Animal world

In the summer it eats, in the winter it sleeps. (Bear)

Slender, fast, branched horns, grazing all day.

Who is this? (Deer)

Fast as a ball from branch to branch.

A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.

Here on the fly he tore off a bump.

Jumped on the trunk and rode away. (Squirrel)

L. Stanchev

Not a tailor, but grooming with needles all his life (Hedgehog)

I'm always called blind.

But this is not a problem at all.

I built a house underground.

All pantries are full in it. (Mole)

Where are these red paws walking barefoot on the grass?

They hurriedly ran to the river and wandered into the water in a crowd ...

And loudly they shouted:

We also came to swim!

To the farm by the green lawn

They run in a friendly flock.

At the little bird Dusi

What obedient ... (geese).

L. Painting

Instead of a nose - a patch,

I am cheerful ... (piggy).

I dig a hole day and night,

I don't know the sun

Who will find my long move.

He will immediately say: this is ... (mole).

Her bottom is stone, but not stone, her top is stone, but not stone

Four legs, but not a sheep, a snake's head, but not a snake. (Turtle)

A huge cat will flash behind the trunks,

Eyes are golden and ears with tassels.

But it's not a cat, watch out

The insidious goes hunting ... (lynx).

I've been catching bugs all day

I eat worms.

I do not fly to a warm land,

Here, I live under the roof.

Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!

I am experienced ... (sparrow).

Blacker than all migratory birds,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

Jump back and forth across the arable land,

And the bird is called ... (rook).

Helps us in the household

And willingly settles

Wooden palace

Dark bronze ... (starling).

A giant swims across the ocean, and hides a mustache in his mouth. (Whale)

Worth a mop:

front fork,

And behind the broom. (Cow)

Born with a beard, no one marvels. (Goat)

The wool is soft, but the claw is sharp. (Cat)

The night is pitch black.

The gray bird is not up to sleep:

Between the bushes, like a shadow, glides,

Guards who does not sleep.

Catches every rustle sensitively,

And when he screams, it becomes scary,

Sleeping grass shudders.

It hoots ... (owl).

A. Painting

She grew up - she grew a tail,

wore a dark dress

She grew up - she became green,

Changed the tail to the oars (Frog)

To Fetisov

Front - awl.

Behind - fork.

Top is black cloth.

Bottom - white towel(Martin)

The brothers got up on stilts,

Looking for food along the way.

On the run, on the go

They can't get off their stilts. (Cranes)

Even though I'm not a hammer

I knock on wood:

It has every corner

I want to explore.

I walk in a red hat

And a great acrobat. (Woodpecker)

And he doesn’t sing, and he doesn’t fly ...

Why then is he considered a bird? (Ostrich)

V. Kononova

It has wings, but it doesn't fly.

There are no legs, but you can’t catch up. (Fish)

Who is in the forest without axes

Building a hut without corners? (Ants)

Who can go out into the open field without leaving their home? (Snail)

plant world

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house

You will see miracles in it! (Forest)

V. Fetisov

Threw one - took a whole handful. (Corn)

In the garden by the path

The sun stands on a leg

Only yellow beams

He is not hot. (Sunflower)

V. Lazov

He is golden and mustache,

In a hundred pockets - a hundred guys. (Ear)

V. Fetisov

Two people walked, stopped, one asked the other:

- Is it black?

No, it's red.

Why is she white?

Because it's green.

What were they talking about? (Currant)

The caftan on me is green, and my heart is like a kumach,

It tastes like sugar, is sweet, and looks like a ball. (Watermelon)

Without windows, without doors, the upper room is full of people. (Cucumber)

Round, but not the moon,

Green, but not oak forest,

With a tail, but not a mouse. (Turnip)

The longleg boasts.

"Am I not beautiful?"

But just a bone

Yes, a red shirt. (Cherry)

To Fetisov

Sideways hat.

Hid behind a stump.

Who comes close.

Bows low. (Mushroom)

Holding a girl in her hand

Cloud on a stem.

It is worth blowing on him -

And there will be nothing. (Dandelion)

G. Novitskaya


My brother lives behind the mountain,

Can't face me (Eyes)

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't say anything. (Language)

Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Language)

One speaks, two look, two listen. (Language, eyes and ears.)

All my life they go in overtaking,

And they can't overtake each other. (Legs)

They don’t sow, they don’t plant, but they themselves grow (Hair)

I have workers

Hunters help in everything.

Live not over the mountain -

Day and night with me:

A whole dozen faithful guys. (Fingers)

M. Pozharova

Housing and things

The two brothers look at each other, but they can't get along. (floor and ceiling)

I will let you into any house.

You knock - I'm glad to knock.

But one thing I will not forgive -

If you don't give me your hand. (Door)

V. Danko

Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.

Whoever turns his tail will enter the house. (Key in the lock)

The dog does not bark, but does not let him into the house. (Lock)

In the house the room walks, surprises no one. (Elevator)

L. Sandler

What kind of road is this: whoever walks along it is lame? (Stairs)

What freezes at home in winter, but not on the street? (Window glass)

Four brothers live under one roof. (Table)

Two bellies, four ears.

What it is? (Pillow)

Worth Erosh,

Shaggy and disheveled!

Will dance along the hut -

Waving twigs.

For a dashing dance

Belted with a bast. (Broom)

M. Pozharova

The tail is made of bone, and bristles on the back. (Toothbrush)

I'm sitting on horseback, I don't know on whom,

I will meet a friend, I will jump off - I will welcome. (Hat)

Five fingers, no bones, no meat, no nails. (Gloves)

It looks like a wedge, but if you turn it around - damn it. (Umbrella)

The wind blows - I do not blow,

He does not blow - I blow,

But as soon as I wind

The wind blows from me. (Fan)

She will be born in water

But a strange fate

She is afraid of water

And it always dies. (Salt)

White as snow, in honor of everyone,

It got into my mouth and disappeared there. (Sugar)

He sits on a spoon with his legs dangling. (Noodles)

school supplies

What a siskin on a black field

Draws a white trail with its beak?

The siskin has neither legs nor wings,

There is no feather or fluff. (Chalk)

Black Ivashka, wooden shirt:

Wherever it passes, there remains a trace. (Pencil)

If you sharpen it

Draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach - what is it? ... (Pencil)

M. Lapisova

Black birds on every page

They are silent, waiting for someone to read them. (Letters)

Not in the forest, not in the garden Roots - in plain sight,

There are no branches - only leaves.

What are those strange bushes? (Book)

G. Satir

There is a road - you can not go,

There is land - you can’t plow,

There are meadows - you can’t mow,

There is no water in rivers, seas. (Geographic map)

The ball is small, it does not order to be lazy, if you know the subject, then you will show the whole world. (The globe)

I. Demyanov

AT school bag I lying,

I'll tell you how you learn. (A diary)

I. Demyanov

colorful sisters

Were bored without water.

Uncle, long and thin,

Carries water with a beard.

And sisters with him

Draw a house and smoke. (Brushes and paints)

V. Fetisov

Two legs conspired to make arcs and circles. (Compass)

V. Musatov

The white stone melted

Left footprints on the board. (Chalk)

G. Satir

Riddles to rhyme

Our Danil blew into the pipe, bit his (lip).

So that Lyuba would not freeze in the cold, her mother bought her (a fur coat).

Fields walks in Kindergarten. Leads the field to the kindergarten (brother).

Where do you frogs live? They croaked: (in the swamp).

On the forest deaf edge of Babka-Ezhkin (hut).

The hare was timid, timid. White snow and a bunny (white).

We washed the floor and walls, and washed the window (forgot).

Lumberjacks cut pine forest, everyone has an axe.

The horse runs on smooth slabs, the horse knocks loudly (with a hoof).

Little horses walk, we simply call them (ponies).

We warmed the samovar, and (steam) curls over the cup.

We have not yet seen (spider) in the web.

Vadik swept with a broom and washed the boardwalk (floor).


1. Which month is the shortest?

(May has only three letters.)

2. What stands between the mountain and the valley?

(Letter "I".)

3. What will happen to the red ball if it falls into the Black Sea?

(He gets wet.)

4. Which hand is best for stirring tea?

(It's best to stir with a spoon.)

5. What question cannot be answered with “yes”?

("Are you sleeping?")

6. What question cannot be answered with “no”?

("You are alive?")

7. Which nose does not smell?

(The nose of a shoe or boot, the spout of a teapot.)

8. When is a person a tree?

(When he is "pine" - from sleep.)

9. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One thing. Everything else will not be eaten on an empty stomach.)

10. You are given, but people use it. What's this?

11. Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

(No, because he can't speak.)

12. The man was driving in a car. He did not turn on the headlights, there was no moon either, the street lamps did not shine along the road. An old woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver braked in time and the accident did not happen. How did he manage to see the old woman?

(It was daytime.)

13. Which ear does not hear?

(Ear (ear) at the mug.)

14. How does summer end and autumn begin? (Letter "O".)

15. What do we eat for?

(At the table.)

16. What can you see with your eyes closed?

17. What is not in America, can be found in Moscow, not in St. Petersburg, but visible in the Neva?

(letter "B"),

18. How long can you go to the forest?

19. The son of my father, but not my brother. Who is it? —

20. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender.)

21. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can if you are in a submarine.)

22. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself?

(Jump down the bottom step.)

23. Small, gray, like an elephant. Who is it?

(Baby elephant.)

24. When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into the house?

(Many people immediately say that at night. Everything is much simpler: when the door is open.)

25. What dishes can not eat anything?

(From empty.)

26. What can be cooked but not eaten?

27. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it?

(The rope was not tied to anything.)

28. What is often walked and never driven?

(On the stairs.)

29. What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (To wet.)

30. What kind of comb should not be combed? (Petushin.)

31. When a car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare.)

32. Why does the cow lie down?

(Because he can't sit down.)

33. Can it rain two days in a row?

(No, because the night separates the days.)


Charades are the guessing of words in parts (usually in syllables). Before making charades, it is necessary to show the children, using the example of one of the charades, the technique of guessing them. For example, the word “beans” is encrypted: “The first is a note” (fa), “the second is also” (sol), “and the whole looks like a pea” (fa-sol).

Only two suggestions

And there's a lot of hair. (Must)

The first can be sown with the second,

But in general, we often lie in the country. (Hammock)

Everyone knows my first syllable -

He is always in class.

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

You need to name the city. (Melitopol)

My first syllable is on a tree

My second syllable is union,

But in general I am matter

And I'm fit for a suit. (Cloth)

There are many strange things in the world:

Here is an excuse, an alliance, and again an excuse.

And as soon as I met the whole,

With fear, he barely dragged his legs. (Boa)

A collection of puzzles for fun and cognitive activities with kids. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are rhymes or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the main attention in children's riddles is given to some unique property object or its resemblance to another object.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of test of wisdom and ingenuity. fairytale heroes. In almost every fairy tale, questions were asked that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to share riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, the solution of which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your baby. Their number is constantly growing, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for kids are answered so you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the clue. Play guessing games with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's puzzles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, the children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all kinds of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy tale characters and heroes of modern cartoons.

To turn guesswork into entertaining game, you need to choose topics in accordance with what you are doing now and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, if you went to pick mushrooms in the forest - riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your baby saw a fish. And if you prepared in advance and took riddles about fish with you? Success to you in the game of guessing on the water and nautical theme secured.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".