Summary of the lesson "Acquaintance with Nastya's family" in the second junior group. Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the second junior group "My family

Target: Continue to form children's ideas about the family and its members.


Educational: To teach to correctly name family members, to form the concept: my home, my family;

Developing: Develop an understanding of the family as people who live together, love each other, care for each other. To consolidate the skills of working with a glue brush, using the previously learned application techniques. Development of the ability to reason and prove, development of thinking

Educational: To foster a caring attitude towards loved ones, a sense of mutual help in the family. Let the child feel joy and pride in having a family.

Integration educational areas : Cognition, Socialization, Communication, Artistic Creativity.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning last name, first name, parents.


3. Learning poems about mom, dad, family.

4. The stories of children about their loved ones.

5. Viewing family photographs.

6. Learning finger games.

Equipment: Mishutka, pointer, flannelegraph, images of bears on flannel, dishes, tools, baskets for the game, hearts, cut pictures depicting people, glue, brushes, napkins, glue coasters, magic chest, sweet treat.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's take a tight hand

And we will smile at each other

Guys, what a house is there, and there is a light in the window ...

Let's look at it, repeat after me!

1. Finger game"House"

The house has a roof, (Hands in a triangle above your head.)

The house has a window, (We show a rectangle with our fingers.)

The house has a door (palms in front of the chest.)

And there is a lock on the door: (They crossed their fingers into a fist.)

Who could open it? (Twisted fingers crossed into the castle.)

Knock knock knock knock knock knock open - I'm your friend! (They knock on the palm with a fist.)

Q: Nobody opens something, I'll knock again: knock-knock-knock!

(The teacher knocks on the door of the house.)

2. Surprise moment: A bear appears.

3. Game "Hello guys!"

Q: Hello guys!

Are you guys kittens? (No)

Hello guys!

Are you guys kids? (No)

Hello guys!

Are you guys piglets? (No)

Who are you? Do you have a name, surname?

D: Yes. Come on, come on, do not be silent and name them soon

D: Children call their first and last name, passing the object to each other.

Q: Well, now our guests know that you are not kids or kittens, but children who have a first and last name.

The bear's story about his family:

"Hello guys. Do you recognize me? I am Mishutka from the fairy tale "Three Bears". I want to tell you about my family. Our family is small: there are only three of us, father Mikhailo Potapovich, mother Nastasya Petrovna and me Mishutka. I really love mom and dad. They love me too, they care about each other and about me. Do you guys have a family? Tell me about your family, how you live. "

Educator: Guys, family is home. Family is a world where love, devotion, friendship reign. Family is the most precious thing that every person has ...

Educator: Guys, who are the family members?

Family is mom, dad, and grandfather,

Granny prepares us a delicious lunch.

There are still brothers and sisters in the family,

Everyone in the family loves me and caresses me

AND better than family nothing happens!

4. Riddles.

Educator: Listen to my riddles and finish the guesswork:

1.There is no dearer in the world,
Fair and kinder.
I'll tell you friends straight to you -
Best of all in the world ... (mom)

Children: Mom.

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

How is your mother's name?

Who are you for mom?

What does mom call you affectionately?

Educator: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

2.Who is the hard job

Can I do it on Saturdays? -

With an ax, a saw, a shovel

Builds, ours works ... (dad)

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

What's your father's name?

Who are you for dad?

Educator: Great, guys! We read the following riddle:

3. Who does not get tired of love,

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is our ... (grandmother)

Children: Grandma.

Educator: Well done, guys, right!

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you for grandma?

4. Who has worked all his life,

Surrounded by care

Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Respected ordinary people?

Retired for many years

Our ageless ... (grandfather)

Children: Grandpa.

Educator: Yes, guys, that's right!

Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

Who are you for grandpa?

5. Who is the funny little one -

Crawling fast on the belly?

Amazing boy -

This is my youngest ... (brother)

6. Who loves both me and my brother,
But he loves to dress up more? -
Very fashionable girl -
My eldest ... (sister)

- Guys, who has a brother or sister?

What is your sister doing at home? Brother?

Educator: Well done.

- Guys, do they love you in the family? (Yes, they do.)

- And how did you guess that you are loved? (They kiss me, caress me, say good words, pity me, play with me, take care of me.)

- Guys, why are you loved in the family? (I listen, I eat well, I love mom and dad, I help dad and mom, I put away toys.)

- Well done! So you also take care of your family. Obey your parents, help them, put away your toys. You don't want to upset adults: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers and sisters - your whole family.

And all these people together are called by one word - Family. How good it is when a person has Friendly family! Let's show our family in the palm of your hand.

5. Finger gymnastics"A family".

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is dad
This finger is mom

And this finger is I,

That's my whole family.

I love my family.

I love mom, dad,

I love grandfather and grandmother

And the puppy and the cat Musya!

Everyone I love so much-

They have a right to a family.

Q: Guys, Masha brought us a box with different items. She doesn't know what suits whom. Can we help Masha make it out?

6. Outdoor play"For whom, what suits."

Lie in the hoop different subjects: Boys should choose the ones that suit their dad and put them in the green basket, and the girls should choose those that suit their mothers and put them in the pink basket. They call them children sit down in their seats.

Q: Guys, look at my magic chest. Children sit in their seats. Let's fill the chest with affectionate words for mom.

I will open the chest: your words will fly over and fill it. So, let's begin! What kind of mom?

Educator guiding questions:

Q: When mom hugs you, kisses, regrets, what is she like?

D: Affectionate, kind, sweet, gentle.

Q: When mom dresses fashionably, what is she like?

D: Beautiful.

Q: When mom smiles, laughs, what is she like?

D: Merry.

Q: And if you love your mother, what is she like?

D: Favorite.

Q: When mom takes care of you, what is she like?

D: Caring.

Q: If mom does housework, we do a lot of household chores,

what is she?

D. Hardworking, economic.

Q: Well done! Here are how many wonderful words we have collected in a magic box. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten. Now let's open our magic chest and put it in sweet words for Dad. Dad, what is it?

D: Answers of children. (Brave, caring, skillful, hard-working, handsome, cheerful, strong)

Q: Well done, guys! Many good words and for dad you picked it up.

Let's now close our chest, it will still be useful to us.

(A palm with sad faces is exposed).

Educator: Oh, guys. Something happened in this family. See how sad they are. What do you think could have happened?

Children: They had a fight.

Educator: Can we help them?

Children: We need to reconcile the family.

Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

7. Game-dramatization "Reconciled"

- Bad mood in our family since the morning

And therefore, our family does not get along well. (Head down, arms along the torso, turns to the right, left)

Our grandfather's back hurts all day (bend forward, hands behind your back)

Grandma, u, old, dizzy ( circular motion head)

Daddy wanted to hammer in a nail, he suddenly hit his finger (knocking fists against each other)

Mom's dinner burned out, we have a scandal in the family (we look at open palms)

Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

Let's smile at each other and join hands (join hands and smile at each other)

Let's all hug together and then we will make up! (The family was reconciled, we turn our palm, the family smiles).

Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they made up.

There are different houses -
Brick, frame.
With iron balconies;
There are even snow ones

Just like the real ones.
But the best is mine
I live in it with my family.

Go to the tables where the paper-cut houses are. This is your family's home. If you look closely, you will notice that someone from the family is not there. Place the missing family member in your house (children glue)

Q: Guys, you probably know that the actions of children can make your family happy or sad. Now we will play with you. Stand next to your highchairs.

D: Children stand next to the chairs.

Q: I will name the action: if this action pleases your loved ones, you clap your hands, if it upsets you, you stomp.

8. The game "Joy or grief."

Scattered all the toys around the room;

Helped my mother wash the dishes;

Drawn and presented a beautiful drawing to dad or mom;

You have eaten all the porridge for breakfast;

Always say thank you, please, hello, goodbye to your family.

Tore up a new book;

Didn't want to wash their hands before eating;

Feed the dog or cat;

They ran away from adults;

Learned to dress themselves, without the help of adults;

Protected a brother or sister from a bully;

I see that you know what actions can upset and please your family.

Hope you only do good things!

Mishutka: Guys, I really liked your visit, I am glad that each of you also has a friendly family! And now it's time for me to go home, because it's good to visit, but it's better at home, my family is waiting for me at home! Goodbye!


- So guys, what were we talking about today? They talked about the family. The family is the closest people: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents. In the family, everyone loves each other, takes care of each other, helps each other (this is at home). And in kindergarten we also have a friendly family - we are with you.

Q: Now let's open our magic chest. Guys, look, a miracle happened: every affectionate word turned into a heart. (opens the chest and shows hearts made of colored paper.)

Now I will distribute hearts to you all, and in the evening you will give them to anyone from your family, and do not forget to remember the affectionate and kind words! Your family will be very pleased. And I want to wish you that you will bring a piece of warmth and light from our lesson to your family. Here is a piece of this warmth. Distributes hearts.

Topic: "My family"

1. Design component

Target: Teach children to develop communication and respect skills in the family.

Program tasks:

1) To give children an idea of ​​the family as people who live together; teach building elementary family ties; to activate the vocabulary of children based on the deepening of knowledge about their family.

2) Development of the ability to reason and prove, the development of thinking.

3) Foster a loving, caring attitude towards your family members, a sense of pride in your family.

Equipment: drawings on the theme "My family"; didactic game“Who does what work in the house”; characters from the "Turnip" fairy tale; pictures about the family);

Preliminary work: reading stories: L. Kvitko "Grandmother's hands", A. Yakovlev "Mom", Dora Gabe "My family", L. Voronkova "How Vovka rescued grandmothers", L. Tolstoy " old grandfather and granddaughters "; joint drawings of parents and children "Family coat of arms"; children's drawings on the theme "My family"; joint discussion of the meaning of proverbs about mom and family.

Integration of educational areas:



Vocabulary work: family, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, dad, mom.

Individual work: activate Sasha B., Alena H.

2. Organizational component

Educator: All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's take a tight hand

And we will smile at each other.

Educator: Children, today in class we will take a journey into a fairy tale. Want to?

You will recognize its name by answering the question: “What is the name of a fairy tale in which, thanks to friendly work the whole family managed to harvest a large harvest of this vegetable? "(Turnip is shown)

Educator: This is a fairy tale about friendly family... Name its members. (Children: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse)

Educator: How do you understand what a family is? (children's answers)

Educator: A family is a home. Family is a world where love, devotion and friendship reign. Family is the most precious thing that every person has ...

Educator: Turnip wants to introduce you to the family that raised her, tell a fairy tale about them.

Educator: “My grandfather planted a turnip. A turnip has grown large - great... My grandfather began to drag a turnip out of the ground: he pulls, he pulls, he cannot pull. The grandfather called for the help of the grandmother. And the grandmother says: “I will definitely help you, but I’m very interested in what kind of drawings the guys have?

Educator: Children, we'll tell grandma (children's answer)

Educator: Today we have an exhibition of drawings "My family" in class. Who wants to talk about their family? (Children, at will, go out to their drawings, tell who is depicted.)

Educator: Can we say that each picture depicts a family?

Educator: Why?

Educator: Correctly, children experience a sense of joy when they are surrounded by a family, because children delight their parents with the fact that they are growing up, getting stronger, learning new things in life. And the cubs are happy that their parents warm and protect them.

Educator: Zhuchka liked to look at the illustrations with you, you have to pull on the turnip further.

Educator: Whom did the Bug call?

Educator guiding questions for children:

Who do you live with?

Who is the oldest in your family?

Who is the youngest?

How do you take care of your family members?

Do you love your loved ones? Why?


Educator: Show what is the expression on the face of dad and mom, grandmother, when they are happy, when they are in a good mood?

Educator: And if they frown?

Educator: “A grandmother for a baby, a baby for a turnip, pull-pull, cannot pull. The grandmother called her granddaughter, and the granddaughter says: "With pleasure, and then I'll play with the guys."

Game "Who does what work"

Children go to the blackboard. Each child is shown a picture of one or another action of family members, the children examine the picture and speak. What is depicted on it (for example: mom is making soup, grandfather is reading a book, grandmother is knitting socks)

The granddaughter with children participates in the game.

Educator: The tale continues: “The granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip. They pull, pull, they cannot pull. The granddaughter shouted to the Bug. You willingly came running to help. " Then she saw the illustrations on the board, and she wanted to stay with us. Let's solve the bug?

Work on illustrations.

Educator: The cat has come running and wants to play with you.

Finger gymnastics "Friendly family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother.

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

Together - a friendly family!

Educator: The tale continues. “A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip, they pull - they pull, they cannot pull. The cat called the mouse. "

Educator: The mouse did not come running empty-handed, brought riddles for you.

Who is the sweetest in the world?

Whom do children love very much?

I will answer the question directly:

All our sweeter (mother)

Who is the hard job

Can I do it on Saturdays? -

With an ax, a saw, a shovel

Our (dad) builds, works

Who does not get tired of love,

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is our (grandmother)

Who worked all his life

Surrounded by care

Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Respected ordinary children?

Retired for many years

Our ageless (grandfather)

Educator: Here are interesting tasks the mouse has prepared for you. All together Tony took the turnip and pulled it out of the ground.

Educator: And now let's pull out our turnip, we are also a family with you. Children are encouraged to pull out the turnip.

Why do you think they pulled out the turnip? (They pulled everything together, together)

It's good that you all have families. The main thing is that the family always has peace, friendship, respect, love for each other.

What do you want to wish your family? (health, happiness ..)

Nadezhda Kudryashova
Lesson summary in the second younger group"My family"

Synopsis of the lesson in the second junior group number 8 on the topic"My a family»


1. To contribute to the systematization of pupils' ideas about family; consolidate the ability to name members of their families and understand their role in family;

2. Promote the development of monologue and dialogical speech, long-term memory, arbitrary visual perception, activate vocabulary pupils;

3. Foster a respectful and friendly attitude towards members families.

Preliminary work: conversations on theme: "Me and my a family» , "Animals and their Cubs", “How we rested throughout family» ... Examination of illustrations depicting wild and domestic animals, birds and their babies in nodes and independent activity; viewing pictures of members families and their occupations... Reading fiction literature: L. Kvitko "Grandmother's hands"; A. Yakovlev "Mama"; Dora Gabe "My a family» ; JI. Voronkova "What would mom say", K. D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family» , learning riddles, poems and nursery rhymes about family.

Equipment: doll, doll house, pictures of members families, posters "My a family» , magic bag, ball, boxes, tools, dishes, photographs of pupils, glue, a sheet of Whatman paper.

Course of the lesson

Stages classes Activity content Note

1. Organizational moment Greetings

In the morning the kids got up

V Kindergarten uk came your own.

We have guests here since the morning,

Say hello friends!

D: Hello!

V: And now, I'll say hello to you again.

Game “Hello guys!

You guys kittens (No)

Hello guys!

Are you guys kids? (No)

Hello guys!

Are you guys piglets? (No)

Who are you? Do you have a name?

D: Yes. Come on, come on, do not be silent, and rather give your names!

Children pass the ball to each other

Motivational-orientational stage - Guys, what kind of house is there, and the light is on in the window.

Let's take a look at it, repeat after me!

Finger game "House"

The house has a roof (Arms in a triangle above your head.)

The house has a window (Show with fingers


The house has a door (Palms in front of chest.)

And the door has a lock: (They crossed their fingers into a fist.)

Who could open it? (Twisted crossed into the castle


Knock knock knock knock knock knock open - I'm your friend! (They knock with a fist

in the palm of your hand.)

Nobody opens something, I'll knock again once: Knock-Knock!

(The teacher knocks on the door of the house, the doll Masha appears from him.)

Hello Masha! What a beautiful house you have! Who do you live with?

Masha: Hello guys, listen to the poem and learn:

I have a father,

I have a mother,

I have a grandfather

I have a Grandmother,

I have a brother

And they have me.

It's all mine. (A family)

Guys, tell me what we are going to talk about today occupations? What a family? Want to tell Masha about your families? House for a doll

Search stage Guys, let's think about how it is more interesting for us to tell Masha about our families? What do we need?

Work plan:

Stories, simulation games about each member families using illustrations;

Examining posters "My a family» ;

Manufacturing "Magic" and gifts for relatives.

Practical stage - Masha, sit down on the highchair, the guys and I will tell you today

say about family.

Now I’ll ask you a riddle, and you guys will tell Masha about

who is she:

Who is the most tender in the world?

Who's making us lunch?

And who do children love so much?

And who is not more beautiful?

Who reads books at night?

Doesn't she scold my brother and me?

Who is this ?.

D: Our mother.

That's right, mom! (V. lays out a picture of his mother on the easel.)

Do you love your mom?

D: Yes.

Guys, look at my magic bag.

Let's fill the box with affectionate words for mom.

I will open the chest: your words will follow and fill it.

So, let's begin! What kind of mom?

Educator's Guiding Questions:

When mom hugs you, kisses you, regrets you, what is she like?

D: Affectionate, kind, sweet, gentle.

When mom dresses fashionably, what is she like?

D: Beautiful.

When mom smiles, laughs, what is she like?

D: Cheerful.

And if you love your mother, what is she like?

D: Darling.

When mom takes care of you, what is she like?

D: Thoughtful.

If mom does housework, we do a lot of household chores,

what is she?

D. Hardworking, economic.

Well done! Here are how many wonderful words we have collected in a magic

In the meantime, we will close it so that our words do not get confused and


Guys, mom is economic, because she does a lot

household chores.

And now I suggest you play a game "What Mom Can Do",

I will throw the ball into everyone's hands, and you will tell me that

Mom knows how to do it.

The game "What Mom Can Do"

Wash up.

Boil soup, compote.


Dust off.

Mopping the floors.


Daughter to braid pigtails.

Guys, how many household chores mom has.

Physical minute:

One two three four (clap our hands)

Who lives in our apartment (we stamp on the spot)

One, two, three, four, five, (jumping in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (clap our hands)

Murka the cat, two kittens, (torso tilts to the right, left)

My puppy, cricket and me (turns left and right)

That's all, mine a family! (clap our hands).

Vika, read another poem, and the guys will tell the doll who it is about.


Maybe he can play football

Can he catch fish,

Fix the faucet in the kitchen

Can give you a ride

Instead of a fast horse

Always a hero for you

The best. ... (dad) my.

Well done! Of course it's dad.

Let's show the doll Masha what dad can do. I will

show you pictures, and you will guess what you see on them, and

portray it with movement.

Game - imitation "What Dad Can Do".

To cut - jik-jik;

Chop firewood - hands in the castle, swing your hands;

Vacuuming - oo-oo-oo;

To hammer in nails - knock-knock;

To pump up the wheels of a bicycle, a car - w-w-w;

To drive a car - imitation of the steering wheel by hands.

I think that our boys help dads to do men's affairs!

And now let's open our magic bag and collect affectionate words for dad in it. Dad, what is it?

D: Children's answers. (Brave, caring, skillful, hard-working,

beautiful, funny, strong)

V: Well done boys! You have chosen a lot of good words for dad.

Let's now close our chest, it will still be useful to us.

Guys, Masha brought us a box with various items. She doesn't know what suits whom. Can we help Masha make it out?

The game "Who suits what".

In the hoop are different subjects: boys have to choose those from

them that fit dad, and put them in the blue basket, and

girls are those that fit mom, and put them in red

Now let's check and name the items you chose for dad (mothers).

Nastya, please read one more poem, and the guys will tell Masha who else lives in their families.


Family is mom, dad, and grandfather,

Granny prepares us a delicious lunch.

V family there are still brothers and sisters,

V family everyone loves me and caresses me,

And better family nothing happens!

Guys, who are the same the youngest in the family?

D: They are brothers and sisters.

Right! How should brothers and sisters live with each other?

D: They must live amicably: do not quarrel, do not fight, help and

protect each other, share toys, sweets.

Guys, who are the oldest in family?

D: Grandmothers and grandfathers. (V. puts pictures on the easel.)

Guys, since grandparents are the eldest in family, how are you

should treat them?

D: Take care, help, do not grieve, learn from them, because they live

in the world they know and know a lot for a long time.

Now let's show our guest the posters that you made with your parents.

Guys, but you have one more a family is our kindergarten. I suggest you make a poster of our new friendly families.

Using cooked attributes

Field play

Performing teacher-showing exercises

Reading a poem by a pupil

Dad illustration displayed on the board

The teacher asks leading questions

Activities in the play area

Reading a poem by a pupil

Examining posters "My a family»

Group work under the guidance of a teacher

4. Reflexive-evaluative stage Masha: Guys, I really liked visiting you, I'm glad that everyone has

of you, too, there is a friendly a family! And now I have to go home, because visiting

good, but home is better, my home is waiting for me a family! Goodbye!

Goodbye, Masha, come and visit us again.

Now let's open our magic bag

Guys, look what happened miracle: every sweet word

turned into a heart. (V. opens the chest and shows

hearts made of colored paper.)

Now I will distribute hearts to you all, and in the evening you will present them to anyone you want from yours. families, at the same time, do not forget to remember the affectionate and kind words! Your family will be very pleased!

Guys, who is on the lesson was interesting, he learned a lot - clap your hands 3 times, and who on occupations it was not comfortable 1 time.

Goals: To create conditions for the development of ideas about the family, family affiliation in children. Strengthen the ability to name family members. Form an understanding of the role of adults and children in the family.

Enrich the vocabulary of children (names of fingers), activate the use of adjectives in speech.

Form the ability to distinguish and name geometric figures, paint over contour pictures.

Develop the perception of shape and color, attention, memory, speech, general and fine motor skills, emotional sphere children.

Create conditions for fostering love, attentive and caring attitude to the members of your family

Course of the lesson:

Children, together with the teacher, come to the house:

What is the turret worth?

And the light is on in the window!

Let's go to this tower

And the tower is called - the house.

Guys, and you would like to live in such a house.

And who should live with you? (Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister). That's right, but all together, this is a family.

Now listen carefully to the riddle and try to guess it:

Five and five are brothers,

So everyone will be born together.

If you dig a garden bed -

Keep all one scapula.

And in winter everything is a crowd

Together they hide in teplushki.

Here are the "five and five",

Guess what their names are? (Fingers)

That's right, these are fingers. And what are these teplushki, in which they hide? (Gloves)

Let's play the Family finger game. Squeeze left hand into a fist, and with your right, you will gradually unbend each finger on your left hand.

The movement is accompanied by the text:

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This one is mommy's finger,

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

Educator. What do you think this game is about? (This game is about the family)

Who is the smallest in your family? What is your name at home?

Sit down more comfortably and listen to the poem:

Mom and I made cutlets

And outside the window it was raining.

My mother and I thought at the same time,

How good it is for us to be together.

Why did the girl feel good with her mother? Tell us, what is your mother?

(Affectionate, beloved, sweet, good, etc.).

Listen to another poem:

My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom.

Dad's are skillful strong hands.

And if anyone needs help,

My dad is always willing to work.

What can you say about such a dad? What kind words would you like to say about your dad? (strong, brave, brave, etc.)

And now, all in a circle, quickly and play more fun.

The teacher reads a poem and accompanies the words with movements.

(clap their hands)

And grandmother's palms are all wrinkled. (show palms)

And grandmother's palms are kind, kind. (stroking one palms about


After all, the palms have been working for many years. (banging their fists)

Good palms smell of cabbage soup, pies. (bring palms to face)

Kind palms will stroke my curls. (imitate stroking)

And warm palms will cope with my sorrow. (bring palms to face,

blowing on them)

Okay, okay, where were you? By Grandma. (clap their hands)

What can grandmother do? What do you love to do with your grandmother? Let's praise your grandmother: “My grandmother is the most ... (sweet, smart, beautiful, kind, good, skillful).

Listen to the poem:

I have a grandfather, like winter, gray-haired,

I have a grandfather with a white beard.

My grandfather can give me an answer to everything.

And my grandfather is not old, even though he is a hundred years old!

What can you say about your grandfather? What is he? (Kind, strong, skillful, strong, brave).

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development

in the 2nd junior group

Topic: "My family"

Educator: Stechkevich S.V.

Integration of educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard: social and communicative development, physical development, speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Target: to reveal the knowledge of children on the topic "Family", to arouse the desire to talk about their family, to create a joyful emotional mood;


Educational: reinforce children's ideas about the family as people living together; continue to learn to form diminutive forms of nouns, to exercise in the ability to identify names family relations between family members.

Developing: develop a sense of pride in your family, the ability to guess riddles about family members.

Educational: to bring up the child's attachment to the family, the desire to take care of loved ones, to please them; the ability to listen to the statements of comrades.

Course of the lesson

Q: Guys, let's greet each other. (The teacher shows a mnemonic table: hand-heart-smile, children perform movements)

I will stretch my hand to a friend,

I will say a good word, (they say to each other)

I will hug him heartily

and of course I will smile!

Q: I have prepared riddles for you. Listen carefully.

Who loves you children more,
Who loves you so dearly
And takes care of you,
Without closing your eyes at night? ... (mother)

Who is serious, not joking
Will the nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach the courage to be?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratching my knee,
Don't cry? Of course ... (dad)

Who knits socks best of all,
He will tell a glorious fairy tale,
He will sing a lullaby
And gives us advice? (Granny)

Who worked all his life

Surrounded by care

Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Respected ordinary people?

Retired for many years

Our ageless ... (grandfather)

V .: Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles. And how to call all these people in one word? (family) What is family (children's answers)

Q: A family is adults and children who live together, love each other and take care of each other.

Let's play.

Word d / game "Name affectionately"(children pass the ball to each other and call their family members affectionately)

V .: We have a photo album "My family" in our group, who wants to tell about their family, guys. (The teacher helps, asks about family members)

Who do you live with?

Who is the oldest in the family?

What is the name of your mom (dad, grandmother

Who does what in the family?

How do your relatives take care of you?

How do you take care of your family members? .....

Q: Now I will see which of you is the best helper

Sketches: "Wash the handkerchiefs", "Sweep the floor", "Wash the dishes"

V .: Well done, everything is very good helpers for adults.

Both adults and children live in a family. And now we will find out who has whom.

D / And "Who has whom to whom"(the teacher throws the ball and asks the child a question, the child answers and throws the ball back)

Who are you for mom? (dads)

Who are you for grandma? (grandfathers)

Are you an older brother or a younger one?

Who are you for your little sister? etc.

V .: Guys, everyone should have a family. Families can be large and small, the most important thing is that everyone in the family loves each other, respects, helps each other, and does not quarrel. Listen to a wonderful poem

"Family is a great happiness" (Natalie Samoniy)

Everyone in the world
Mom and dad should be -
For those who are more obedient,
And the most disobedient ones.

Everyone in the world
There must be brothers, sisters ...
So that life is fun
And motley smiles.

Everyone in the world:
Children, birds, animals,
There must be those who are dear -
Dear family!

Everyone in the world
There must be mom and dad
Family is a great happiness -
The most-most gift

Q: And our fingers are also a family and they want to play.

Finger game "Family"

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.
All my family

V .: Guys, let's please all our mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers who come to kindergarten for children and draw a beautiful sun with rays of palms as a gift to our families, and on each ray of palm we will write what kind of family you have ...

(children draw the sun with their palms, the teacher writes down what the children say about their family, in the evening a presentation to their parents)