With or without bangs tips. Who are the bangs for? Tips and tricks for choosing straight, short or asymmetrical bangs. Jenna Coleman: wide face with a pointed chin

Bangs - it would seem, not the most radical remedy transformation - still able to change the face beyond recognition. Relationships of celebrities with bangs, as a rule, are fleeting and fickle: rarely any of the stars and strong ladies of this world has been faithful to her since school. For those who are just about to succumb to inspiration and cut bangs, we have picked up inspiring face to face from the red carpets (and not only).

Emma Watson

We cannot but express our sympathy to Emma Watson, who was by no means adorned with a micro-bang that came from nowhere at the Golden Globe-2018 (we wrote about the fact that such beauty requires certain sacrifices in the material "Highly short bangs» ). We think that the actress and now would be more suitable for the face of the fluffy children's bangs worn by the freshman Hermione than the current version. A heavily milled micro-bang with a natural disheveled effect is not bad because it turns 27-year-old Watson into a tomboy hooligan, but does it in an extremely disharmonious way.

Dakota Johnson

Bravo! Dakota bangs to the face: perfectly conceals the dizzying height of the forehead. A good option is the one that the aktirsa preferred ─ of medium density, milled, going for lengthening to the temples. Note that the appearance of Miss Johnson ─ both beauty and fashion ─ as a whole became much more successful after rumors about her affair with Elon Musk, however, was not confirmed. Well, her relationship with Chris Martin makes her a style icon. Love inspires.

Bella Hadid

Changing the image of the youngest Hadid is no stranger to, so in 2017 we had plenty of admiring her face with and without bangs. With this perfect oval everything is possible, but you should think in advance about how much effort it will take to maintain the model appearance of such a bang ─ thick, impeccably even and mirror-smooth (by the way, it requires appropriate framing, and Bella has this classic square).

Melania trump

Straight thin bangs, which the first lady of the United States wore more than ten years ago, in our opinion, she went more than the current doll styling with "side bangs" (but in fact ─ no bangs, but slightly twisted strands falling to the cheekbones) ...

Emma Stone

The most rich girl in Hollywood (what we are talking about, we will find out here ─ "10 best outfits of the richest Hollywood actress") loves bangs and wears it not only when he changes his hair color to blond. But it was this option that seemed to us the sweetest and somehow especially unearthly. Bangs, by the way, helps the actress to successfully visually correct small eyes.

Carla Bruni

The former first lady of France is better off without bangs, which make a little ruddy bun out of her face. Without bangs, Karla looks more refined and elegant. However, bangs for madam aged ─ "must have", which is proved by Brigitte Macron, because it is very convenient for her to mask wrinkles on her forehead (especially if you do not abuse Botox).

Reese Witherspoon

Reese's oval face is one of those successful exampleswhen it is good with and without bangs. The undoubted plus is that the neatly thinned bangs (usually Witherspoon wears the version "to one side") makes the actress's cute, perky baby-face even younger.

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama chose the typical " anti age option "bangs and did not lose. We would advise you to reduce the degree of fleece that gives off the dashing 80s.

Gigi Hadid

Thick torn bangs Gigi looks fashionably disheveled and disheveled, but we still don't believe this look (even a model in Versace). Perhaps because such a hairstyle ─ the last century (remember Rachel Green from Friends ─ by the way, we have not forgotten about Jennifer Aniston either).

Kate Middleton

The story of the Duchess of Cambridge is revealing: after quick decision (Kate cut her bangs in September 2015 while nursing newborn Charlotte at home), followed long period splicing. Kate Middleton almost immediately began to divide it into a double parting, twist it and put it behind the ears, pinning it with invisibility. The Duchess was lucky, because the oval of her face is a pun: oval! ─ allows her to experiment with hair and styling almost freely. But this is not the case for everyone, so do not regret making an impulsive decision.

Emilia Clarke

Bangs are not the most successful beauty experiment Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Moreover, such an indistinct ─ dense, with an even length, crumbling in structure. Take a note if you want to cut the bangs: determine in advance if you have a vortex that will guarantee an unaesthetic bangs split in two in the center.

Kendall Jenner

At the Golden Globe, Kendall appeared without a hint of bangs, which is a pity: she visually stretched her face well and, in our opinion, made the girl more mysterious, interesting and glamorous.

Jennifer Aniston

Once upon a time, at the dawn of her career, Jenn, who had not really decided on either the long hair, nor their color, nor the shape, experimented with wearing bangs that mercilessly "ate" the elegantly elongated oval of the actress's face and pretty much forgave her. It is not surprising that Aniston has not remembered her for a long time.

Ann Hataway

With such big features faces, like Ann's, with bangs must be handled extremely carefully: she immediately increased them even more at times - a dubious effect.

Chloe Moretz

Brooklyn Beckham's girlfriend does not abuse wearing bangs and does the right thing: the triangular oval of the face expanding upward does not dispose of this ─ the bangs make it even wider and more massive. Only one option is ideal: long bangs sideways (which, moreover, gives the girl an amazing resemblance to a potential mother-in-law).

Katy Perry

Before the singer confidently changed her haircut to an ultra-short one, she also tried a micro-bang. Too short length and strong filing "with a slope" with the correct oval and perfect eyebrows look nontrivial.

Lady Gaga

But Stephanie Joanne Angelina Germanotta (how many people will be able to remember Lady Gaga's real name?) Looks cute this way and that way (although it wouldn't hurt to lighten the eyebrows for the “no” option).

Experiments with hair are controversial due to the difficulties with correct selection haircuts. The wrong step towards fashionable, but not suitable, can significantly change your image not in better side... In particular, this is typical for different forms bangs. To whom does it suit, and who should bypass it? How to choose the best bangs for your face type? It is quite easy to answer these women's questions by contacting professionals.

In his opinion as to who bangs go, leading hairdressers and stylists are unanimous: it suits everyone. Moreover, its variations are countless, and almost any version can be transformed into features a certain person... However, not every master will be able to correctly read a face and make perfect haircutby combining the client's desire with the possibilities of his appearance. Therefore, in some cases, there are still recommendations for giving up bangs. But before you decide for yourself exactly whether you can wear it or not, you should find out exactly how the bangs are selected.

  • The main parameter to be equal to is the proportions of the head and face. The ideal is the ratio of the width and height of the latter as 1: 1.6, as well as oval shape... it the right face, which is suitable for absolutely any bangs, up to creative, shocking options. It is allowed to shorten, and lengthen, and cut different ways... But such parameters are rare. Therefore, girls often want to make bangs in order to correct certain shortcomings, or, on the contrary, to emphasize the delightful features.
  • Compact faces have a ratio of 1: 1.5 or less, sometimes reaching 1: 1.2. Therefore, they need to be narrowed and stretched, which will help the asymmetrical diagonal bangs. With a number of face shapes and some nuances of appearance, there is also a short bang, however, not straight: a slight upward bend should be traced in its line, under an oval.
  • In elongated faces, there is a need to cut them in height, especially if the elongation is not seen uniform, but only in the forehead or chin area. For this a straight line will do bangs that reach the eyebrows are especially good if they are thick. It is allowed to slightly raise it if there are deep-set slit-like eyes, which are already lost on the face, and with bangs will go to the farthest plane.
  • But also in the face of the right balance width and height, flaws can be observed, judging from the position of the once invented ideal, therefore the cases considered above are only general recommendations... And to choose the most good option bangs, it is important to take into account all the parameters of the face and appearance in general.
  • However, we can say for sure that bangs are shown with an increased height of the upper part of the face (from the hairline to the base of the eyebrow), with a wide forehead or a rectangular hairline. It will not be superfluous in a trapezoidal face when bottom part (from zygomatic bone to the jaw area) increases, and you should also pay attention to the bangs, if there is a need to shift some facial features to the background - nose, lips, eyes, etc.

Who is the short bang for?

The shortened bangs from the upper border of the eyebrows can be at a distance of 3-5 cm or more, and also barely move away from the hairline. A visually similar haircut can both expand and narrow the face depending on the cut, but in any of the situations it lengthens the face, since it pretty much opens the forehead. Therefore, such bangs are contraindicated for elongated faces and looks good on compact ones. However, even on the latter, it can become an element that even more stretches the face to the sides.

A compact face (circle, square) should consider such options for short bangs, where the cut line is not clearly horizontal. It must either be an upward arc or a diagonal. Or - to have thinning, so that the impression of a broken line is created, and also facilitates general image... Only by taking these nuances into account will you be able to get a short bang that does not distort your features.

The next point is the condition of the hair and the haircut. Short bangs are shown with thin and sparse hairah, because it should not be thick and dense: otherwise it will look like a failed experiment of a hairdresser who intended to do classic version to the eyebrows, but accidentally cut off the excess. In terms of styling, short bangs look most advantageous with ultra short haircuts and in situations where the ends of the hair barely reach the shoulders. With long hair, short bangs most often knock out of the image, creating disharmony with it. Therefore, if you want to get such a bang, think about changing your haircut to a pixie, bob, bob, etc.

Read also:Haircuts for long hair without bangs

Straight bangs are a classic at all times

Straight bangs have long been a classic: most girls in school years wore it, and therefore many people associate it with youth and study time... In a way, such associations are not devoid of logic: a straight bang that reaches the base of the eyebrows makes a woman younger. Therefore, girls who want to be perceived as older, but have gentle, youthful features, make straight bangs even more reduce their age. This is especially true for voluminous straight bangs, which repeat and reinforce soft lines female appearance.

Straight bangs are most attractive on elongated faces, because with its ideal horizontal it cuts them, removing the length. At the same time, the same horizontal line visually slightly expands the frontotemporal zone, so you should not pay attention to it if you have a wide forehead (typically a rectangular face). But this property straight bangs will help balance the trapezoid, which lacks volume at the top, but there is excess at the bottom. But straight bangs look best on an elongated oval: it will hide a high forehead and look away from a heavy chin.

As for the condition of the hair, straight bangs are the choice of girls with thick and dense hair that will not require constant styling, since they will keep their shape due to their severity. This is especially important for long straight bangs: rare, thin hair they will look sloppy in it and, moreover, they will constantly seem dirty, even if you washed your hair 2-3 hours ago. And, of course, it is undesirable to do straight bangs if you have curly curls: Straightening them daily will negatively affect your hair.

With regard to haircuts, straight bangs are quite loyal: it looks great with a square, but it will work just as well with long curlsreaching the shoulder blades or waist. It is allowed to create straight bangs even with ultra-short haircuts "page", "hat", etc., but in such a situation it is recommended to raise the cut line above the eyebrows by 1-1.5 cm. The same advice is applicable in the presence of small eyes with deep fit so as not to make them even more invisible.

Various options for asymmetrical bangs

Asymmetrical bangs have the most variety of options, making them the most versatile for different types persons. Moreover, it is perfect choice both for thin, thin hair, and for dense thick curls... In addition, asymmetrical bangs will look advantageous on curly hair, which cannot be said about straight or short bangs.

Beveled asymmetrical long side bangs attached to the side parting is considered great option for visually stretching the face, therefore it is recommended in the presence of a round or square shape... And, due to this property, it is contraindicated for an elongated oval. In addition, such bangs can distract attention from long nose, inharmoniously located eyes, heavy chin.

Short, asymmetrical bangs with a small bevel angle can narrow the forehead as well as flatten the square hairline. This version is ideal for girls with a square and rectangular face, and in the presence of a triangular elongated shapebecause it does not contribute to an even greater lengthening of the face.

If you have curly hair, you can make an asymmetrical milled bangs. It looks most advantageous with page and pixie haircuts, but it can be applied to A-bob and many other styling.

In general, as you can see, bangs are suitable for absolutely everyone, but they require careful coordination with facial features. Finally, it should be noted that, unlike the rest of the hair, the bangs become stale faster, it needs to be washed more often. And also in some cases it means permanent job from styling products and thermal devices.

Everyone knows: straight hair should be curled, curly hair should be straightened, long hair should be cut, and short hair should be grown. What to do with the bangs?

Surely each of us at least once in our life wanted to change our hairstyle, and the most quick way - this, of course, is to cut the bangs. It will not take much time and money for this - in general, once - and you're done. It just happens that the next day comes the realization .. Why? And a long and harsh path begins, lasting at least six months (or even a year), in order to hide the traces of his momentary "weakness".

Someone, but I have no right to pass by this project. As far as I can remember, all my life I wore a bang, you know, straight, long, covering my eyebrows. Probably, somewhere in the first grade or earlier, my mother decided that I had big forehead, and what to close it with bangs - the right decision... According to her, walking with such a large forehead without bangs is ugly. Needless to say, how firmly it has stuck in my head that I CAN'T walk without a bang?

When I was 14 or 15 years old, I decided that I would pin my bangs up and go for a walk near the house, I really wanted to see the reaction of others, because no one ever saw me without a bang. However, after walking 100 meters from home, I realized that I felt very uncomfortable: I was as if naked, I wanted to urgently put on sunglasses or a cap, or ... take off the hairpins and release the bangs - my "armor", without which I was so uncomfortable. So strong was my conviction that without bangs I was an ugly duckling. A belief imposed from the outside.

Probably, I would have gone with bangs to this day, if not for my husband, who convinced me to try to grow it. In January 2015, I stocked up on hairpins, strong hold hairspray and patience - and started growing. I suffered for almost a year, only in the fall my bangs started tucking behind my ear, all summer it fell out, scattered from the wind and looked untidy. But it was worth it.

Now I can't even imagine that I once walked with bangs. It seems to me so uncomfortable, old-fashioned, limiting ... I am very glad that I finally grew it at the age of 26, and now I don’t need to go to the salon for trimming every 2-3 weeks, nothing comes into my eyes, and in summer it’s not like that hot.

In my opinion, bangs rejuvenate any face and accentuate the look. It suits almost everyone. At the same time, I consider straight bangs a bit old-school element of the image, which will slightly forgive the face. Of course, bangs are different - oblique, geometric, milled, etc. Therefore, if you have never worn bangs, you can take a chance, the image changes dramatically. But keep in mind that growing is long and dreary.

There have been many different "never" in my life. And, of course, it so happened that the vows given to oneself were violated, interests changed, circumstances forced. Now I try not to abuse this word, but there is one "never" that I am not going to give up.

I will never go with bangs again.

In childhood and adolescence, I either grew it or cut it off with varying success - now I can't even remember exactly the moment when I made the final choice in favor of the bangs and went with it through life. I was thirteen or so, perhaps a little less.

At that time, I was not very concerned about my appearance - that is, it seemed to me that everything was fine anyway: strange makeup, incomprehensible how lying hair, completely unstyled bangs. The only thing that irritated her was her height. But I could put up with it.

It is worth noting here that I am not the owner of the most obedient hair... And the shorter they are, the correspondingly easier, which means they are worse. This primarily applies to the bangs. And then in my life the moment came when I realized that I could not go out with hair that had not been styled. That is, I could pull my hair into a ponytail, braid it, do whatever. But the bangs still had to be styled.

Do you know how many times in my life I was completely satisfied with her appearance? Yes, never.

I didn't like everything about the bangs. Starting with the fact that it constantly needs to be trimmed, ending with the need to spend time, electricity, nerves on it in the morning. And then put on your hat, walk to your destination and find that everything was in vain.

It was February 2010. In once morewhen it came time to cut my bangs, I just didn’t do it. It was difficult to grow it. During those months, I got so many hair accessories - hairpins, headbands - as I have never had in my entire life. And, probably, there will be no more, I am not a fan of such decorations and still believe that best hairstyle for me it is straightened hair.

More than six years have passed since then. Not for a second did I doubt the correctness of my decision. Firstly, I got rid of the tiresome fuss in the morning with a hairdryer and an iron (and all for the sake of one bang, for the length I only need an iron). Secondly, I don’t have to think every two or three weeks when and where to taxi in order to get rid of extra centimeter on the bangs. Thirdly, the face with the bangs looks rounder than it actually is, and the oval is somehow more to my liking. Fourthly, in my passport photo at 20 I look older than now, at 27. And the bangs are to blame for that too.

Moreover, I believe that bangs generally go very few people. And if it does, then without it, as a rule, it's still better. And if someone asks my opinion on the question "to cut or not", I definitely answer - no. After all, for me personally, bangs are one complete evil and no advantages.

I have never been a rebel, I did not want to dye my hair in green tint or drastically change their length. It was only in the 7th grade that I cut off half of my long hair for the first time. However, one day I certainly wanted to change something in myself, to look different - so I decided on a bang. I don’t remember what the first one looked like, but I remember very well how many compliments I received the next day at school. I myself understood - I feel good with bangs. About 11 years have passed since then, and only 1 of them I spent without a bang. It visually makes my face not so elongated, so all those 10 years I rather preferred changing hair color, but my straight bangs remained a constant attribute of my hairstyle: only the length, density, shape changed until I found "mine".

If you think that I have never thought to grow it, you are wrong. Every time, when the bangs were already beginning to overlap the eyes, thoughts appeared: "Maybe, well, her?". Countless attempts to do THIS ended in failure, and I was able to reach the end only now, having started my journey almost a year ago (in September 2015). Now, having grown it, I do not want to change anything at all - I like the way I look.

Looking through old photos, I understand that I would not want to return to the bangs: in my opinion, the usual straight bangs will greatly forgive the image, and sometimes I wanted to look more ... feminine. In addition, despite the fact that my hair is naturally straight, there are vortices, because of which the bangs stubbornly did not want to lie flat. Yes and I for a long time I didn’t pay attention to it - and walked around anyway, until I began to lay her down. And maybe strange, but final decision I accepted it when I really wanted my eyebrows to be visible - the "fashion for eyebrows" did its job, while my long bangs always covered them.

I admit that someday I will want to make some interesting elongated bangs, but I probably will never return to the usual straight one.

All my life I do nothing but grow bangs, and hair in general. Back in school, I remember, I tried to pin the bangs up and grow them, because, as the owner of wavy hair, it was always much more difficult for me with bangs.

What is the main disadvantage of bangs for girls with straight hair? It grows rapidly and it is always costly. As a child, you are not always given money for a haircut, but in more independent age there is not always time to get to the hairdresser.

For girls with wavy hair the problems are much more global. After washing my hair, my bangs stand up with a stake. Curly up, to be more precise.

When the irons appeared, I started pulling my bangs, and everyone around me began to think that I was curling my hair. It even seemed pleasant until the thought began to creep into my head that the bangs live a separate life: curly hair, bangs - straight.

It was not possible to grow it for a long time - again, since the hair is curly, the growth is barely noticeable, and if the bangs have grown to the chin, then in an unstretched state it jumps up to the eyes. And it also seemed to me that without a bang I had a huge forehead, so I cut my hair and began to grow again.

I managed to grow it only in 2014, when I got patience, I met good guy - now my husband. When anyone loves you, it is much easier to grow bangs.

Would I like to return the bangs? In fact, recently returned and immediately started growing again.

There are many advantages without a bang - it does not need to be styled, trimmed every month, and since it curls with me, it looks like a harmonious and beautiful hairstyle, and you can't even say that I just washed my hair.

Looking at others, it seems to me that most girls are also much better off without bangs, so I am totally against it.

It seems to me that in childhood we all went with bangs, but someone later grew it, and someone left it for an indefinite period. After watching my classmates, in the fall of 2010 (in the 8th grade) I again wanted to make a bang. At that time, my hair was about chest-high.

I never did bangs on purpose because my hair is straight. The only downside to her was that she got dirty faster than the rest of her hair. Later, a ladder was made for me, which I do not like - I like a straight, even cut, so I cut my hair under a square and began to grow my hair.

With a square bangs, I began to like it much more - with long hair she looked, in my opinion, worse. And when they grew a little, I wondered: "Isn't it time to grow a bang too?" I did a lot of Vkontakte polls to find out how I feel better: the number of votes was always almost equal, or the bangs won.

But I did it my own way, because I like myself more without her. And now, when I have grown my hair, it seems to me that it would have looked a little ridiculous, since I still think that bangs go only with a short haircut.

While I was in high school, I really wanted a change in appearance. And it jammed me on the bangs, because before that I wore it only once, when I was 5 years old. Then it was liquid, rather it was an imitation of bangs. Now I needed the "real" one!

Somehow I begged my mother's permission (my mother was very resisted - apparently, looking forward to the subsequent regrowth and the associated torment). I liked the result. So - with bangs - I went about a year and a half, then I began to get bored with the daily morning ritual in the form of stretching, and I grew it.

But after a while, I again wanted to go back to the hairstyle with bangs. And I finally decided on it ... with the purchase of an iron! It's funny, but the fact that I had a straightening assistant was decisive. And I cut my bangs again. This time I got to good master, which was able to pick up exactly "my" bangs. Later, the master left, while others just mechanically cut my hair without trying to preserve my personality.

This time I wore bangs for almost 2 years and decided to grow it again. Almost 6 years have passed since this regrowth. To be honest, I was repeatedly thought to cut off the bangs again - I feel like a young naughty girl with her, and the older I get, the more I want to return to this hairstyle. One thing stops me - when I get bored again, I will have to grow again, and this process is quite long.

And yet, I feel like I’m going to cut some more bangs. And, quite possibly, it will happen pretty soon.

What have you chosen for yourself? Have you ever worn bangs and enjoyed it?

Fashion is changing at an incredible rate. It also seems that yesterday women of fashion went crazy with long hair, and tomorrow bob-caret is already in fashion. The same situation is with the bangs: last year women of fashion did not favor her, but this year she is again in trend.

What bangs will be fashionable this year.

Fashionable haircuts with bangs

1. Straight bangs

To be honest, straight bangs never went out of style. It's just that this solution is clearly not for everyone. This haircut is perfect for oval face, but not at all suitable for owners of a square face. Undoubtedly, such a haircut will add zest and mystery to your image. The bangs successfully highlight the eyes, making them brighter. It also helps to hide a couple of years!

2. Oblique bangs

But this is already the trend of 2018. Slanting bangs broke into the fashion world and captured the hearts of many beauties. Looks very good with long hair, successfully emphasizes the face, gives it a smoothed shape. This haircut will perfectly complement business image... If you've never had bangs, this is perfect.

3. Custom bangs

Very bold and unusual solution, such a bang is clearly not suitable for every girl. But for those who like to experiment - that's it! If you trust the case experienced master, it can turn out very interesting. The essence of the hairstyle is to give the bangs an unusual geometric shape... Looks amazing to me!

4. Torn bangs

We already wrote that naturalness is still in vogue. So, torn bangs, like nothing else, create a natural and slightly disheveled image. This slight negligence looks extremely attractive and playful. Visually, it helps to lengthen the face.

5. Short bangs

Such bangs will add zest to the image and show that you have good taste... But it is not suitable for every girl. Hairdressers do not recommend such a haircut for girls with high forehead... In addition, it is better to wear it straight, because it will lose its appearance if you lay it on its side. If there are no contraindications - act, because it looks extremely stylish, but on short square also very tempting.

6. Graduated bangs

Graduation is the undoubted hit of this season! It suits all face types, looks modern, unusual and even bold. The only drawback of this hairstyle is the constant styling.

7. Colored bangs

And another trend this year is colored bangs. The option is also not for all fashionistas, but if you like to experiment, you should think about it. The main thing is that the colors are combined with each other, then it will look good. By the way, it is not necessary to dye your bangs in bright color, you can just experiment with shades close to yours.

You can't keep up with trends, but that's not the main thing. The most important thing is to choose a hairstyle that suits you and yours. inner peace and successfully emphasize the features of your face. Good luck searching!

Do you like hairstyles with bangs? Share with us in the comments!