What to give the goddaughter for her birthday. An icon for a wedding is a great option for a gift from the godmother

To be godmother or dad - honorable, but at the same time responsible. When it comes to choosing gifts for the holiday, many people panic, especially when it comes to a very baby. After all, I want to give something that will delight the child and parents and will be useful. Next, consider what to give the goddaughter for 1 year.

Traditional presents

Perhaps the most traditional gift from godparents is a silver spoon. It is customary to give it for the first tooth, but for a one-year-old baby, it will be an excellent gift. Most children at this age begin to get acquainted with the spoon, so the product will be used for its intended purpose. Silver has disinfecting properties, which is undoubtedly beneficial for the child's body.

Free personal space

Do you know if your goddaughter is 1 year old? Every person needs personal space and the one-year-old princess is no exception. To the child from the very early age you need a place for games, your own little world where you can climb, crawl and store toys. In addition, it is very useful - for a girl in game form you hear that you need to take care of your corner and things. Having presented a small tent house or a plastic structure to a girl for her birthday, you will inoculate these valuable qualities and please your parents.

Useful and entertaining gift

A bicycle will be an excellent and, of course, useful gift. A one-year-old toddler does not yet know how to pedal, but most modern devices are equipped with a handle for controlling parents, footrests and numerous buttons on the front of the bike. In addition, such a present will last for more than one year. When the girl grows up and starts pedaling on her own, the handle and stands can be removed.

Thinking about what to give your goddaughter for 1 year old? Even in a small apartment you can find a place for a swing. They can be free-standing or suspended. The child with great pleasure will swing on them himself, and swing his favorite toys. If there is absolutely no room in the room, then the swing can be replaced with a rocking toy in the shape of some animal. The rocking chair is an excellent toy and also strengthens the vestibular apparatus. In addition, this is the toy with which the baby can play on her own, without involving her parents.

Useful thing

When looking for an answer to the question of what to give your goddaughter for 1 year old, think about useful things. An excellent, and most importantly, a necessary present will be a feeding chair. Yes, the child is unlikely to appreciate it, but the parents will definitely be grateful. It is at this age that most children begin to eat on their own, and a high chair with a table will make this process more comfortable and safe.

In addition, the baby can use the chair during the games, placing toys there. And also a mother can place a child with an album and paints at the table, and she herself can cook. Thus, the child will be able to observe what is happening and at the same time go about his business. Therefore, if you do not know what to give a goddaughter or godson for 1 year old, then a highchair with a feeding table will become wonderful present, which will delight the whole family.

Memorable gift for a year

An unusual and original gift will be a set for creating the first footprint of the baby. Parents often insert such a cast into a frame and store long years... The girl and her parents will have a great time, together they will create casts of handles and legs, which will later decorate the walls of the children's room. In the process of growing up, the whole family will look at the product, and remember the godmother, and the baby will be surprised at how small her footprints were.

When picking up a present for the goddaughter for 1 year from the godmother, do not forget about your mother, because a year ago she put a lot of effort into bringing the baby into the world. She will be pleased to receive a bouquet and a souvenir.

First birthday toys

Not sure what you can give your goddaughter for 1 year old? Choose banal but pleasant and the right gift- toys. Choose them for one year old child it is a pleasure, since he is interested in everything, the baby is just beginning to get acquainted with the world around him. The main thing is that the product should be bright and attract attention. Consider several options for "toy" presentations that are recommended by experts at this age:

  1. Rolling toy on a rope. Little children like to carry around some cute thing with them, so let it be a special product on wheels. And if cars and trains are more suitable for boys, then girls are better off choosing an animal, a musical instrument or a telephone.
  2. Musical moving animal. All kids love dancing and music. A dancing and dancing toy with which you can move and sing along will become for a girl best friend... It is best to choose a product in the form of an animal, at this age children begin to love them very much.
  3. Children's maracas. It is both a musical instrument and an interesting toy.

Educational toys

Looking for a gift for your goddaughter for 1 year? Do you know that the most useful toys considered developing? They allow you to get certain skills in an easy way. The process turns out to be interesting and exciting. The most popular games will be listed below.

  1. Sorter. Playing with such sets makes the child concentrate and trains perseverance. Sorters develop fine motor skills hands tactile sensations... The process consists in the need to connect elements with special holes. Toy kits are produced in different variations: houses, animals, cars and more.
  2. Training shoes. Beautiful sneakers or shoes will help the girl learn how to put on shoes correctly, as well as cope with laces and Velcro. These products are very useful and can also be worn like normal boots.
  3. Baby phone... It's not just bright and musical toy, but a thing that parents have. Accordingly, the baby will begin to imitate them and, at the same time, hone speaking skills.

Bath toys

Many young children are very fond of swimming. Routine hygiene can be an adventure every day, especially if your child has bath toys. Let's consider the most popular options:

  1. Ducks. Of course, this is not the most original gift. But if you approach the issue in detail, then you can find unusual ducks, for example, glowing or singing. The girl will have fun swimming in such a company.
  2. Sprinklers and attachments with suction cups. They are fixed to the tray or wall. Such toys are most often equipped with a musical function, that is, they lose funny songs... And if they also splatter, then the process will become especially exciting.
  3. Magic tap. It, like the previous version, is attached to a horizontal surface using suction cups. The crane has a block with a pump, it circulates the liquid. In addition, the toy is equipped with three small containers that begin to spin and spin under the pressure of water.

What not to give on your first birthday

The question of what the godmother gives to the goddaughter for 1 year is common, but there is also a list of unwanted gifts. It was created more for security reasons, and not on the principle of whether you like it or not. Children like everything new. So, it is not recommended to give the following for a year:

  1. Products of poor and dubious quality.
  2. Toys containing small elements(the child can inhale or swallow them).
  3. Sweets (in one year old craving for this kind of food can lead to health problems and allergies).

It is not difficult to find a gift and congratulations to the goddaughter for 1 year old. In stores today there are huge selection various toys and accessories for children of all ages. Godparents, as a rule, often communicate with the child and know what he likes and needs, so they will be able to pick up a present that the girl will single out from among others and will not part with him.

Baby baptism is not only significant event in the family of every believer, but also headache for godparents and guests about what you can give your baby for christening. After all, I want the present to be not only appropriate, but also as useful as possible.

Someone gives preference to "hackneyed" gifts, but for someone it is fundamentally important that the gift be symbolic or take part in the very implementation of the ritual. Consider all possible options presents that are given for christening.

Traditional Christening Gifts

Christening by Orthodox traditions are the second birth of a child. As on any other holiday, it is customary to present gifts to the hero of the occasion on this day. You can, of course, get by with a standard set of toys, clothes or sweets. But it is much more interesting to choose such a gift for a baby, which will become symbolic and will remind of this. important event.

The most common traditional baptismal gifts for a girl or boy are the following:

This gift is very useful, because you can then feed the baby from a spoon. Such an object is also used to disinfect water, for which it is enough to dip it into a jar of water. The spoon can be engraved with the name of the baby.

It was noticed that those children who used silver dishes in childhood do not have their milk teeth blackened.

This gift is one of the most important. Not knowing which icon to give for christening, you can opt for the icon depicting the Guardian Angel. They usually put it at the cradle, believing that in this case the baby's sleep will be strong and serene. Any icon of the Mother of God is also suitable as a gift. You can present the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. An icon depicting the face of a saint - the patron saint of the baby is perfect as a gift.

  • Children's Bible

Why is this necessary when the kid, most likely, will not even remember this strange trip to church, but modern parents do not differ in the strength of faith in the Most High? Isn't it easier to do without unnecessary fuss? What is the point of this strange "church" trip and the babies crying at the altar, taking a special "course" for godparents and sponsoring the church? As always, there are much more questions than answers to them, and, nevertheless, we will try to answer most of them ...


Baptism is one of the brightest and most joyful events in the life of parents and the baby himself. Of course, the child is still too young to consciously choose his own faith and take full part in this process. However, involvement in traditions, the conduct of this ritual will certainly leave its mark.

Among the Persians and Egyptians, the Phoenicians and Chaldeans, immersion in water also had a sacred meaning. The Romans and Greeks also paid great value ablution, which cleansed them not only physically but spiritually. By the way, the tradition of washing babies came from the Romans, who washed their children after 8 or 9 days after birth. It was at this time that the child was given a name.


The Jews also had a ritual of ablution in a mikvah called twila. In the course of this rite, the believers got rid of and washed themselves from impurities. The ceremony was performed in the Jordan River, and was conducted by John the Baptist himself, who told about the imminent meeting with the Messiah. Baptism for the Jews was a kind of sign of repentance for the earthly sins of those involved in the process. Jesus Christ himself took part in the baptism, despite the fact that he had no sins.

Be that as it may earlier, today it is necessary to approach the ceremony very carefully, observing traditions and following certain requirements.

The meaning of the rite of baptism


As a rule, long before the baby is born, parents are already beginning to think about whom to take as godparents. Today this tradition has somewhat lost its original meaning.

Once upon a time, in the distant dark times When the mortality rate was incredibly high, the godparents, taking part in this ceremony, gave their agreement to raise the child (both spiritual and physical), took on a huge responsibility if the child's parents left our world. Now, fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, and the function of godparents is reduced to at least annual congratulations to their godchildren on name days and birthday, at most - to spiritual education and taking care of your wards.

Baptism is a special sacrament, during which a person unites with God, opening for himself the way to wonderful life(secular and spiritual). Baptism is a symbol of faith and hope, as well as a huge invisible connection between all family members, immeasurable in its strength and depth.

Parental consent is not always sufficient for baptism. So, before the child turns 7 years old, it is allowed to carry out the ceremony only with the consent of the child's parents, because only during this period they bear full responsibility for the child before God. In the period from 7 to 14 years old, to carry out the ritual, it will be necessary to obtain the consent of not only the parents, but also the child himself, who can already make a decision. For those who have crossed the age of 14, parental consent is no longer required - they can independently make such decisions.

When is baptism performed?


However, today there are often cases when adults are baptized. Despite the recommendations to carry out baptism as early as possible, it is the baptism of an adult that is considered the most complete and meaningful process, since a person approaches this consciously.

There is one more interesting fact about when to baptize children. Previously, when baptism was approached more seriously, people chose a later time for this ceremony. They wanted to enjoy sinful deeds all their lives, and they resorted to baptism almost on their deathbed in order to enter into the life of heaven cleansed from defilement and sinfulness. However, the church quickly saw through the evil plan of the cunning and began to fight this tendency, demanding that baptism be performed on the eighth day after the birth of the baby.


It is not recommended that godfathers of the kid were his own parents, and we have already discussed the reasons for this - the child must have reliable rear in case something happens to his parents.
Once you have chosen godparents for your child, they take on tremendous responsibility for the process. And the main manifestation of their responsibility is the choice of a gift for the godson or for the goddaughter. The chosen gift will testify to the reverent and touching attitude towards the child, as well as to the very event that occurs only once in the life of the baby.

What to give to the godson for christening?


The first and most important gift from godparents is a cross. It is not at all necessary that it be produced from noble and precious metals... The most important thing is to make a gift from the bottom of your heart. And the question of the cost of the gift should depend solely on the financial capabilities and on the views of the godparents.

By the way, even a simple wooden cross sometimes looks much more attractive than platinum and gold "congeners".

Today there is a lot of controversy about who should give this attribute - godmother or godfather. In fact, it doesn't matter at all. If you want to purchase valuable gift, but you are strapped for money, you can just negotiate with each other and purchase the cross stitch you like.

Another indispensable gift from godfathers is new clothes. This is not an indicator that the parent's parents do not take good care of the child or dress him well enough. There is a secret meaning here.

The death of sin is one of the most important symbols of such an event as baptism, during which a person is reborn for a righteous life, to follow religious canons and the path to God. New clothes- a symbol of rebirth after the death of sin.


For new things, they usually choose a new shirt or dress, as well as a new towel or a new cut of fabric, which is used to wipe the baby after washing with baptized water.

You can always sew a shirt yourself without spending huge sums on purchased clothes. Considering that the child will wear these clothes, most likely, only once in his life, and the rest of the time it will lie in the parental bins, here you will not have to have special talents and knowledge in sewing. To give the product a special charm, you can simply perform delicate embroidery (initials, symbolic drawing) or decorate the edges with exquisite lace. Agree, handmade gifts have always been worth their weight in gold.

In any case, a gift from godparents to their godchildren should be imbued with the special spirit of this holiday. It can be a children's Bible in pictures, a personalized icon, etc.


A gift in the form of a small cute night light is perfect, since baptism is the light that triumphed over darkness. Often godparents donate silver spoons with the names of their godchildren. However, this custom came only recently. It is believed that such a spoon will help the child retain teeth during the period when the first complementary foods will be introduced.

What to give for christening if you are an invited guest?


It is customary here to give everything that will be useful for the baby in life and in everyday life: sets of bed linen, towels, blankets and pillows, toys and much more.

Despite the fact that the children of this small age grow too quickly, invitees often give them beautiful dresses and suits, blouses and pants.

If you want to emphasize special deep meaning holiday, it will be great if you make a toy yourself, knitting or sewing it yourself.

For more hardworking and painstaking, religious and attentive to details guests, we can recommend embroidering on a blanket or towel given to the child, a protective prayer that will accompany the child throughout his life.


If we are talking about an invited man with golden hands, then you too can amaze everyone with your skills, especially if you have a jigsaw or a lathe. A little fantasy, a lot of love - and an excellent developing rattle, toy, chair, pyramid or cubes can come out from under your hand.

If you are a practical person and do not like such sentiments, you can directly ask the parents of the baby what they need for a more harmonious and full development child. Car seat, playpen, feeding chair, crib carousel, as well as necessary gift in the form of packaging diapers - will always help in the hard work of parents.

Congratulations from parents on this bright day will also not be superfluous. Agree which of the invitees can arrange flower delivery to your home, order a beautiful themed cake or give a basket with sweets or fruits. A wonderful gift a good photo album will become for them, in which you can place the most joyful events in the life of the baby and parents.

And if the baptism is in an adult?


If an adult has made a decision to be baptized, this speaks of his serious and conscientious approach, as well as a deep understanding and attitude towards the sacrament. Here the godparents and those invited need to be more attentive to actions and gifts, as they have the most sacred and deep meaning for the hero of the holiday.

When deciding what to give an adult godson for christening, you can rely on the experience of infant baptism. It will always be appropriate to donate a cross, a holy icon, in whose name an adult is baptized, a baptismal shirt. Such gifts will be especially appreciated by people of a conscious age, however, as well as gifts made with their own hands ...


It is not at all necessary to ideally make a gift (sew, craft, knit). Even with minor flaws, such things will have special value and attractive power. You can not embroider the whole shirt, for example, but only the cuffs or collar. Choose beautiful threads, gold or silver.

Give preference to practical gifts for an adult godson, but so that they have their own flavor. You can give mittens, socks, knitted scarves, sweaters, hats.

To give or not to give gifts to godparents?


The tradition of gifts for godparents is not very common, but it will never be superfluous.

Why is it worth giving gifts to godfathers?

1. Often the choice of godparents for many comes down to purely mercantile interests. That is, the relatives and parents of the baby pay unreasonably great attention to how expensive and useful gift godfathers will be able to give. So a gift from your parents will indicate that their material abilities are not at all important to you.

2. A gift for godparents is a symbol of the fact that you value their dedication and dedication, their willingness to take responsibility for your child. The gift will show that you perceive your godparents as new family members, whom you will always be glad to see in your home.

3. Present godparents Is a kind of wish for a long and healthy life, happiness and a bright future.

What to give a godmother for a christening?


When choosing a gift, remember that a symbolic date requires symbolic gifts... An excellent option would be a thing that will constantly remind her of this joyful event.

Print the most beautiful photo baby or a joint photo with the godmother and place in beautiful frame... Today, the service of printing photos on canvas is popular - why not a gift? On back side paintings can be dated.

A personalized napkin with embroidery can be a wonderful gift for your godmother. It will be convenient to hold baptismal candles in such a godmother's napkin. And despite the fact that it is not entirely practical, such a gift looks incredibly aesthetically pleasing.


Today, there are different thematic sets for godfather and godfather on sale. For example, you can find embroidered towels, personalized aprons, T-shirts and other textiles.

Warm things, especially made by hand, will also always be in place - a beautiful shawl, scarf, jumper.

Depending on the hobbies of the godparents, you can also give them pendants or coins made of precious metals with their names or with their zodiac signs.

And of course, there will always be a good practical gift- a set of bed linen, a tablecloth, a set bath accessories... Kitchen utensils are also a great option: stainless pots, cast iron pans, and more.

Festive table


A festive feast is an integral part of the celebration. However, you should always remember that the presence of alcohol on the table is inappropriate, because the holiday itself brings quiet joy, and alcohol is incompatible with a quiet and modest table.


Pay attention to light meals that will become a great addition to the tea party. Pancakes, delicious homemade cakes (sweet and savory), light salads a la carte, and more are great choices for this humble, spiritual celebration.

Christening: foreign traditions


Baptism in a Catholic and Orthodox Church has a number distinctive features, however, the meaning is the same both there and there - the path to the light.

Most Western countries profess the Catholic religion as the main state religion, so there are some differences from our traditions.

When baptized in the Catholic Church, the godparents give the baby not a cross, but a candle. It is on the feast of the baptism that the first presented candle is lit for the first time. The process of its burning symbolizes the filling of worldly life with true light, goodness. And godparents can give a cross later. After baptism, the candle will play its role several more times - it must be obtained on the day of the First Communion, and after - during the Wedding.


Remember that such a bright day is real holiday... Filled with meaning and light for both the child and his parents. However, the peculiarities of its implementation will primarily depend on you, and not on the accepted canons and rules.

Parents consider the day of the birth of a child to be one of the happiest. But a little time passes and they are preparing for another important event - the sacrament of the baptism of an infant. First of all, they choose the godparents for the baby. Then the date is determined and preparation begins. It is customary to give gifts to the baby on this day. Spiritual mom and dad always present certain gifts so that in the future they will become a talisman for a child. Boys and girls present may vary. Parents, close relatives and family friends also do not come to christenings empty-handed.

Many guests cannot decide on a gift, because baptism is a sacred rite, therefore presents should be appropriate. To help deal with important nuances, it is important to understand that there are two options for surprises:

  • obligatory: they are presented by the baby's godparents;
  • ordinary: guests choose on their own or consult with the child's parents what exactly the baby needs at this time.

Before the ceremony, future spiritual parents hold a conversation with the priest, who tells what things must be taken with you on the day of the sacrament.

Many parents make out festive table in a certain style, which symbolizes the conduct of the rite of baptism

What godmother and dad should give

Godmother and father bear great responsibility. On the day of the sacrament of baptism, they must give the child:

  • baptismal outfit: dress, cap, socks for the girl. For a boy, it's just a christening shirt. In cold weather, you can add the kit warm jacket... Clothes must be white which symbolizes purity and integrity. The godmother buys the outfit;

    You can order such a kit with personalized embroidery for the baby.

  • kryzhma: a special baptismal towel, which is also presented by the godmother. On sale there are special canters, which are made of dense natural fabric white. The set may also include a thin cotton swaddle to wrap the baby in it, and then in the canopy. The fabric is usually decorated with embroidery with church symbols and patterns. There must be a cross on it - a symbol of Orthodoxy. V recent times many order kryzhma with embroidered name baby on the fabric;

    After the baptism ceremony, the baby is wrapped in a kryzhma. This fabric is not washed, but stored in the house where the baby lives. She is considered strong amulet from all diseases.

  • pectoral cross: main gift given by the godfather. It can be any metal, not necessarily gold or silver. Before conducting the sacrament, the priest must consecrate him. You can immediately buy a cross in the church. It is not necessary to donate the chain, but the godparents can do joint gift and present it to the baby. Most often, an ordinary rope is used, and the chain is bought later, for example, on the first birthday of the crumbs or put on the child when he grows up.

    Traditionally, silver is considered a sacred metal, therefore silver crosses are most often bought.

Sometimes parents cannot choose both godparents for a child. In this case, there must be a godmother for the girl and a godfather for the boy. Then the godmother gives the baby a cross, in addition to the other obligatory gifts for the baby. And if a male baby has only a godfather, then he buys only a cross, and the child's parents give the canopy and the baptismal outfit. Although if the spiritual father wants, he can buy everything he needs himself.

Gallery: must-have gifts for the godson

A baptismal set for a girl includes a dress or shirt, a hat and socks. You can order the child's name to be embroidered on the rooftop.
For the boy they buy only a christening gown

Church gifts for a child

Such gifts are important, because this way the child quickly joins the faith, learns to understand the spiritual meaning. Church gifts include baby icons and the Bible. Of course, the relatives of the baby can also give them, but it is better if the spiritual mentors - the godmother and father - do it.

It is better to buy these gifts in the church, especially icons. The Bible is also available there.

Giving icons to children is a tradition that has been observed for more than one century. They protect the child from negativity, disease and evil forces. There are several options to choose from:

Another very an important gift will become a Bible for children. There are special editions for babies on sale, which are printed in simpler language in the form of stories, in large print, and are also provided with illustrations. Most often this book is given by the godmother. As soon as the child begins to grow up, they begin to acquaint him with the Bibles, reading stories and explaining their meaning.

The Bible for Children is sure to have bright and colorful illustrations.

Christening gift options for a girl

Otherwise, gifts from relatives and guests for the christening of the child are not presented with any special requirements... Of course, you can consult with the baby's parents and buy those things that will delight mom and dad and will be useful to the baby. Presentations can remind of such an important event in the life of a crumb or be just interesting and useful.

There are whole sets for baptism on sale, which can be donated not only by godparents, but also by guests, relatives of the baby.

Surprises from grandparents

Grandparents are the closest people to a child after their parents. Therefore, they carefully prepare and select an original, memorable, and most importantly, useful gift for the granddaughter. The options can be completely different, for example:

  • gold earrings: the girl will grow up and soon she will definitely have her ears pierced, so such a present will be very useful. Moreover, it is also memorable. Today, many mothers take babies to a beautician until they are another year old;
  • interior doll: you can order such a toy individually. The master will fulfill all the wishes of the customer, down to the smallest details. For example, a doll can be made with hair the same color as that of a granddaughter. And the outfit can repeat the christening dress of the child. Such a gift will be a decoration for a nursery and a memorable present;
  • silver spoon: it is often small spoons for the baby that are given for baptism. Sometimes engraving is ordered, for example, the name of the child and the date of his baptism;
  • a silver or gold coin with the image of the Guardian Angel on one side and the baby's name, date of birth or baptism on the other.

Also, grandparents can give clothes, toys and other things that the baby will need. But usually this is given by the guests of the holiday, but from the closest relatives they expect special gifts, memorable and valuable.

Gallery: presentation options

Earrings are usually bought in gold and small to fit the baby silver spoon can be decorated with engraving Coin is presented in a special case

Usually such a doll is ordered individually and is a small copy of the girl.

What guests give for a baby

In this case, the choice is simply huge and is focused primarily on the financial capabilities of the invitees. The most common gift ideas for a little princess are:

  • clothing sets: the set includes several wardrobe items, packed in a gift box and matched in style. You can find a variety of products in children's stores different options... There is never a lot of clothes, because children grow up so quickly;
  • lush White dress on the first birthday: some guests prefer to make surprises for the growth of the crumbs. This is popular and is a good idea, because on average, all children under one year old grow about the same and it is easy to choose clothes for them. And so the baby will already have chic outfit on your holiday;
  • toys: a developing rug, a mobile, a pool with balls, large soft toys are always useful, because baptism is a holiday for a child;
  • highchair: time will fly by and after six months it will be very useful for the baby;
  • Walkers: Another very useful gadget. There are many models for sale, both classic and with a play panel or gurney;
  • designer toys: today, on store shelves, you can find truly incredible toys that an adult would be happy with. They can be sewn to order and supplemented with a name tag or made completely individual, so that no one else in the world has the same;
  • soft armchair-bed: this device is a soft pouf made in bright colors and complemented by many elements. The baby can spend time in a lying position, and when he grows up, the chair transforms so that the child can sit in it.

Gallery: gifts from guests of the holiday

Walkers are popular with parents: they often buy them for their children, so this is a great option as a gift.
Clothing sets can be different: from one or two items in a set to ten or more

Large soft toys are still relevant as a gift. Such a product can be easily transformed from a kind of bed into an armchair. Dress for the first year is usually white and very elegant
A highchair makes a great baptismal gift
This designer toy is made according to an individual order especially for a girl.

Video: review of author's toys

Gift ideas for a boy

Of course, many christening gifts are universal and will suit both a girl and a boy. But some options, nevertheless, are suitable only for one sex and are completely inappropriate for the other. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you should carefully consider all possible ideas so that the surprise is really useful and memorable.

What will grandparents give their grandson

Memorable gifts from close relatives to a boy can be as follows:

Gifts from those invited to the holiday

Many gifts, such as a highchair, are suitable for a boy. But there are others interesting options, which the parents of the baby will only be happy with:

  • a chaise longue for a baby: a very useful thing, especially when you need the baby to be in the same room with the parents, and the crib cannot be moved. This invention can be worn in any part of the apartment, and there are also models with a motion sickness mechanism and relaxing melodies;
  • tolokar: it's not only fun entertainment for crumbs, but even during a trip on such a machine, the child strengthens the muscles. After all, the main idea of ​​such a toy is that the baby pushes himself off with his feet and only then the car drives;
  • electric car: recently, not only the baby wants to buy such an invention, but also the parents themselves, especially the dads. Of course, an adult man will not sit down and ride in an electric car, but to operate it like a car on a remote control, only several times larger, dad will be with great pleasure. And how much joy to the boy from these games;
  • Baby pouf: it is also easy to move to another room if needed. The product has special seat belts that fix the child so that he does not fall;
  • pool with balls: a great invention, it is not only interesting for children, but also has a positive effect on nervous system and the motor skills of the crumbs.

Gallery: what to give a boy

You can rock your baby in a sun lounger.The electric car is very popular with children, especially boys
In such a pouf, the baby feels comfortable
There is on sale big choice different models that differ in size
Tolokars are very popular with young children.

Video: review of the children's electric car

DIY christening gifts

Every year, gifts that are made in the style of hand made, which in translation from of English language means handmade. They are individual, the master puts a piece of his soul into each product and it is always pleasant to accept such gifts.

The undoubted advantage of products that professionals make by hand is that the customer can control or independently choose the material from which the gift will be made. After all, these things are for a baby, therefore, the naturalness and safety of products is important.

Embroidered picture

Many people are engaged in embroidery, but not everyone knows how to do it professionally. The masters perform the work in such a way that the image on them seems to come to life, penetrate the soul and fill it with warmth from the inside. For the christening of a baby, you can order or try to embroider a thematic picture yourself. Supplement it with the baby's name, date of birth or christening. Then, in a baguette workshop, pick up a frame and wrap the gift in a package.

Themed pictures are embroidered for the christening of the baby

Video: a picture with a cross stitch for a baby

Children under two or three years old sleep in cribs, so the sides will be an excellent gift for christenings. You can consult with your parents and order, or sew on your own, such a kit that will fit colors to the child's nursery. You can add bedding to the set:

  • a pillow for crumbs;
  • a sheet with an elastic band;
  • canopy;
  • blanket;
  • cushions for the baby in the crib.

The set should be made from natural fabrics, it is better to give preference to cotton so as not to irritate the delicate skin of the baby.

Bumpers can be made in the form of original and fun pillows

Video: we sew pillow bumpers in the crib ourselves

In this style, you can give your baby a personalized toy with a metric. Those. it will contain information about when the child was born, with what weight and height. Today, these individual toys are very popular. Some people order them according to an individual sketch so that there are no repetitions and a completely individual product is obtained.

Often, toys of this kind are not meant to be played, as children quickly make them look inappropriate. Rather, they represent an interior detail and a memento. Tilda toys are popular, they are soft, interesting and original design.

The toys can be completely different, but the size should fit into the baby's crib and not take up much space.

Video: how to sew a tilde bunny

Volumetric soft letter-pillows

Pillows in the form of beeches named after crumbs are a real boom today. And this is not surprising, because they:

  • beautiful: you can choose any material and color;
  • soft: the child can use them instead of a pillow when he grows up;
  • original: serve as decoration of the room, and if strings are sewn, such letters can be fixed on the baby's crib;
  • natural: the material from which the pillows will be sewn and the filler are discussed in advance with the master so that it does not cause allergies in the crumbs.

You can give not a whole name, but one capital letter, a full name embroider the child on the side of the letter.

Such letters are a great decoration for a baby's crib.

Video: DIY beech pillows

Reversible blanket for the crib

Donors try to make it their gift that is the most memorable and useful. Therefore, more and more guests prefer not ordinary factory sets of toys, but something more original and exclusive. But today there are so many things you can think of for kids. Therefore, one of great options for a gift on the day of christening there will be a double-sided blanket. On the one hand, it is made of soft, hypoallergenic plush, and on the other, it is made of natural, dense cotton fabric. You can order the colors yourself, and the master will complement the product with personalized machine embroidery.

Packaging plays an important role, because it is a gift. Therefore, the manufacturer will definitely decorate the blanket beautifully so that it would be pleasant to hand over the crumbs to the parents.

You can supplement the blanket with a pillow to match, then you get a real gift set

Video: master class on sewing a double-sided blanket

The blanket will definitely come in handy for the baby in cold weather. But even if the christening takes place in the summer, the bomb is a great gift. After all, it can be used as a soft rug on which the child can play. This blanket model is lightweight, and the filler is hypoallergenic, so parents do not need to worry about the baby's health. The colors can be chosen brighter as a single color, or in several colors, so that in the future the baby will remember different tones.

In a set with a blanket, you can give and soft letter pillows in one color scheme

Video: how to sew a bomb blanket

Author's doll for a girl

All girls love dolls, so when the baby grows up, she will definitely appreciate such a necessary gift. In the meantime, such a toy can decorate the nursery of a little princess. Can be ordered original doll from a master who will sew it exclusively by hand. The hair color, style of clothing and the growth of such a toy are discussed in advance.

It would be a great idea to buy a set of clothes for the baby as a gift, and order the same wardrobe for the doll. Then both gifts will harmoniously complement each other: both useful and original.

Video: the process of making a textile doll

Baby cocoon

Newborns are accustomed to being in a cramped space, it is more comfortable and safer for them. Therefore, for children under three to six months, a special cocoon for sleeping will be an excellent gift. It can be donated separately or together with a set of bumpers and bedding into the crib. Another advantage of such a product is its mobility: it is easy to transfer the cocoon to another room and the baby can sleep next to its parents.

The cocoon helps the baby sleep more calmly, it resembles finding a crumbs in the mother's stomach

Video: Cocoon-nest for a baby

Photo album for baby

An album for photos using the scrapbooking technique is another interesting and memorable gift. It is designed depending on the gender of the child, because there are many sets for making products in this style on sale. For girls - with butterflies, flowers and ruffles, for a boy - in a more restrained form. Parents will be able to fill in the pages of the baby's photo, as well as take notes, which will then be interesting to re-read with the child.

You can attach to the album gift Certificate for a family photo session to leave the most important points from the life of a baby.

Photo albums can be of different sizes

Video: how to design a photo album using scrapbooking technique

Is it appropriate to give money

This question worries many guests, because not always adults can choose the really necessary gift. And I don't want to give something that will never come in handy. In some cases, parents themselves even ask to make a present in monetary terms, and they themselves will buy what is needed for their baby. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with a gift with money. But it remains open main point: how much is considered acceptable. In fact, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the donor and the salary in the region. On average, today a gift in the form of three to five thousand rubles will become quite normal. Of course, those who can and want to present more in an envelope can do it quite well.

Baby baptism day - big holiday both for the child and for his parents. Therefore, many guests, relatives and close people always come with gifts to congratulate the baby on the introduction to the Christian faith. Presentations can be completely different: memorable and useful, expensive and not so, hand-made and purchased in a store. The main thing is that they should be done from the heart and with pure thoughts.

Be a godmother / godfather little child- always a joy and honor for a person. However, choosing a gift for your lovely goddaughter is not always easy, especially if she is still quite a baby. Some may puzzle over this question for weeks. And when you go into a children's hypermarket, your eyes run wild - the choice is enormous! Another complication is that a child of 1 year old does not understand much. But like any person, we want to present something that will delight the child and benefit him. Let's consider the possible options for a gift to the goddaughter for 1 year.

It is still possible to choose a gift for the goddaughter for 1 year, but it will not necessarily be a gift only to her, rather it will help parents in the care and development of the child.

You can focus on one or more of the following categories:

Regardless of your final choice, try to make the gift bright and attractive primarily for the child. And of course safe.

But to make it clearer, let's immediately outline the boundaries and find out if there is no need to give the goddaughter for 1 year.

What should not be gifted?

Oddly enough, but there is such a list. True, it was formed from the experience of many people, based primarily on the safety of use, and not on the principle of "like it or not." Small children have not yet known the world, so they will be interested in everything.

What not to present:

  1. Toys Bad quality(conspicuous "Chinese products", for the production of which untested materials and paints are used);
  2. Objects containing small details (the baby can tear them off and, like anything he likes, can be pulled into his mouth);
  3. Sweets (at this age, an excessive passion for such a product can develop a child's allergies for life and other health problems);

There are also those gifts that can be attributed to both recommended and undesirable at the same time.

They are traditional gifts, how:

  1. Gold jewelry;
  2. Silver spoons;
  3. Cross or small icon;

Of course, such gifts are very precious, but they will be more appropriate for the christening and will be incomprehensible, without any practical benefit for the child himself.

A little girl is unlikely to appreciate gold earrings. But the decision is of course yours. Perhaps the child already has enough gifts in the form of toys, games and other things. Then such expensive gifts will be appropriate.

Top 10 gifts for his goddaughter for 1 year

  • Children's play tent in the form of a house;
  • Comfortable and beautiful highchair;
  • A game table for developing a child;
  • Inflatable pool with balls (or for filling it with water);
  • Toy stroller with a doll;
  • Rocking horse;
  • The toy is a repeat;
  • Talking book (card);
  • Elegant dress for the matinee;
  • A set of matryoshka dolls;

Toys are a great gift for a baby

Choosing a gift for a one-year-old goddaughter is a sheer pleasure.
She is just beginning to get acquainted with the world around her, she is interested in absolutely everything! The main thing is that the objects are bright and attract attention. We offer several options related only to toys that your goddaughter will definitely like.

  1. Toy with a rope on wheels. One-year-old children who have just learned to walk love toys on a string that you can carry with you. And if boys like cars, girls love toys in the form of dogs, cats or a telephone. Do you want your gift to become the goddaughter's favorite toy? Then this is a win-win.
  2. The animal that sings and dances. Young children love catchy music and dancing. A gift toy that will sing and dance will delight the baby and become her true friend! It is at this age that children begin to love animals. But in principle, the child will also like his favorite character from his favorite cartoon. The main thing is that the toy sings louder and moves as actively as possible!
  3. Children's maracas. And here is already a toy with a musical bias. Moreover, many children love such a toy more than others. Plus, maracas don't sound as loud as drums. For this you will be told thank you very much parents of the baby.

Advice: when the goddaughter is already a year old, she will not be interested in toys like those that she liked before (rattles, etc.). Consider this when choosing a gift.

Educational toys

Educational toys are also useful in nature, because they are already with early childhood teach the child to develop certain skills, doing it in the form exciting game... Below we will consider similar options.

Advice: try to choose an educational toy that will fit your age. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the goddaughter will simply abandon your gift and will no longer use it.

Bath toys

What kid doesn't like to swim? Especially if we turn a simple hygiene procedure into a real adventure! It will be fun if she has special toys for bathing.

  1. Ducks. Of course, this is the traditional option. But as a gift to the goddaughter for 1 year old, it will be a wonderful present! Well, if you present the luminous ducks, then it will be doubly pleasant for her to play with them. There are also sets, where the kit includes a net. They can catch swimming ducks. This will also develop the child's hand motor skills.
  2. Spray toys, or clockwork. This is also a fun option for bath procedures... Moreover, the child will appreciate the opportunity to splash and splash, as well as look at the clockwork mechanical fish that will swim in the bathroom.
  3. Magic tap. It also needs to be attached to a horizontal surface using suction cups. There is a block with a pump in the tap, due to which the liquid will circulate. The toy will also have three molds that spin and spin under the influence of water.

Tip: Parents will buy bath toys for their child too, so make sure you don't buy the same beforehand. Such toys will not be annoying, but it is important that they are different.

Now it is not difficult to choose a gift for the goddaughter, because manufacturers are focused on children and their development. We wish our one-year-old goddaughter to love your gift the most and not part with it as long as possible!