What can replace the eyeliner. What cannot be used? How to draw the lower eyelid with eyeliner

Many girls use eyeliner in their daily makeup but fans organic cosmetics wondering how to make eyeliner? And the answer turns out to be simple - easy. Since you can create your own homemade mascara, you can also make your own eyeliner. To do this, we need the main ingredient, activated carbon, which is sold in the pharmacy for a penny and is made from natural charcoal, petroleum and coal coke, as well as from the hard shell of coconuts.

The eyeliner is cosmetic product which is applied around the eyes to create a sharper and expressive look... It is available in many forms, most commonly in pencil form, and also as a liquid eyeliner. Eyeliner has been used for thousands of years and has graced the eyes of many courtiers.

Eyeliner history

Eyeliner has been used for centuries, long before Cleopatra. Queen Cleopatra also loved to use eyeliner to highlight her eyes. She applied a bright green malachite paste to her lower eyelids. She painted her upper eyelids with deep blue shadows and decorated the eyelid with lapis lazuli dots. golden color... To complete the make-up, the queen let down and lengthened her eyes with a black mixture of powdered lead sulfide and animal fat, and she also tinted her eyebrows with these compounds.

Historically, eyeliner was first used in Ancient egypt and Mesopotamia 10,000 BC. The eyeliner was used for visual augmentation eyes, it has also been used to protect the skin from the intense desert sun.

1920s were a turning point for womens fashion and mascara and eyeliner became more popular in those days. After the tomb of Tutankhamun was found in 1922, they found faces with eyeliner on the images of the ancient Egyptians. But it was the 1960s that popularized the use of liquid eyeliner.

Main ingredients of eyeliner

The main ingredients of the eyeliner are activated charcoal, mineral pigment, lanolin, wax, coconut or almond oil. When choosing mineral pigments, be sure to use only those approved for cosmetic use... There are many different colors but it's better to stick with classic shades such as brown and black.

Note: You can find mineral pigments in soap shops, they are well suited for making eyeliner.

Always use distilled water to prepare your eyeliner. Tap water or water from other sources may contain bacteria that can spoil the mass and possibly even harm your eyes. There are two types of eyeliner, these are:

  • water-based eyeliner;
  • oil-based eyeliner.

Both types of eyeliner are safe to use, but there are some health guidelines that need to be followed to prevent bacteria from entering your fresh eyeliner:

  • before makeup, take a small amount of eyeliner with a clean spatula;
  • store the mass in the refrigerator or any other cold place;
  • natural eyeliner should be stored in china or glass containers.

Safety regulations

All ingredients used in the preparation of the eyeliner are completely safe. But if you have allergic reaction(swelling, rash, or hives) on any of the prescription ingredients, it is best not to use it.

Any eyeliner has a shelf life and homemade is no exception, so be sure to change the eyeliner after a month. Making homemade eyeliner is not expensive, so take care of your health and throw it away after the expiration date of the natural eyeliner.

Do not use eyeliner on the inside of the lashes, only use on the outside of the lashes to avoid getting it in the eyes. Since the eyeliner can cause irritation and damage to the eyeball.

Never use mineral pigments that have not been approved for cosmetic use.

So, below we will consider several recipes for making natural eyeliner at home.

Activated charcoal and beeswax eyeliner recipe

2 tablets of activated carbon (grind into a fine powder)

⅛ teaspoon grated beeswax

⅛ teaspoon organic coconut oil(solid)

⅛ teaspoon distilled water

Melt in a water bath beeswax and coconut oil, add the rest of the ingredients in the box and mix all the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency. Then place the finished eyeliner in a small glass container with a tight lid. It is necessary to store the eyeliner in a cool place for up to one month.

Activated charcoal and aloe eyeliner recipe

To prepare the eyeliner you will need:

1 teaspoon of aloe vera (gel)

1 teaspoon coconut oil (hard)

Mix coconut oil, activated charcoal and aloe vera until smooth. Then place the finished eyeliner in a small glass container with a tight lid.

Note: You can adjust the amount of aloe gel or coconut oil to achieve the desired viscosity and texture of the eyeliner.

To avoid contamination, use a clean brush every time you apply your eye product. It is necessary to store the eyeliner in a cool place for about two or three weeks.

Mineral pigment and micellar water liner recipe

To prepare the eyeliner you will need:

Stir the mineral pigment and micellar water until smooth and place in a glass jar for storage. It is necessary to store the eyeliner in a cool place for about one month.

Activated carbon and micellar water liner recipe

To prepare the eyeliner you will need:

1 teaspoon of activated carbon (fine powder)

0.5 teaspoon micellar water

Stir both ingredients until smooth and place in a glass jar for storage. It is necessary to store the eyeliner in a cool place for about one month.

Mineral Pigment Long Lasting Liner Recipe

To prepare the eyeliner you will need:

1 teaspoon mineral pigment (any color)

0.5 teaspoon fixing spray

Mix the mineral pigment and fixing spray thoroughly until smooth and place in a glass jar for storage. It is necessary to store the eyeliner in a cool place for about one month.

How to apply eyeliner

It's important to know The right way applying eyeliner so that your look is bright, expressive and does not look messy and unkempt. The eyeliner is applied to the upper and lower eyelids on the outer area of ​​the eyelid closer to the eyelashes. It enlarges your eyes, however, it is important to know how to apply it correctly to avoid curved lines that are thick. Follow the guidelines below to apply.

Make a dotted line from the outer corner inward- close your eye and place forefinger to the outer corner upper eyelid... Starting from the outer corner of the upper eyelid, draw a thin dotted line towards the upper lash line towards the inner corner of the eye.

Note: Use only a fine brush to apply the eyeliner.

Connect the dots with shadows- draw a line along the already drawn dotted line of the eyeliner to connect it. If you go beyond the line, then remove excess paint with wet wipes or a cotton swab.

Applying eyeliner to the lower eyelid- to apply eyeliner to the lower eyelid, it must be applied to open eyes it is advisable to look up. Start applying under the lower lash line from outer corner eyes and slowly draw a thin line inward towards the middle of the eye.

You can combine eyeliner and eyeshadow homemade... Then you will have a wonderful finishing look obtained from natural ingredients.

It would seem that difficult to use liquid eyeliner? Draw a line and you're done! But it turns out that here too there are secrets and difficulties. After all, if you make the eyeliner inaccurately, you will have to redo all the makeup.

Which eyeliner to choose is a matter of your taste. There are many types of liquid eyeliner, the most common is an eyeliner in a tube with a brush included. You can also use face painting. To do this, you will need a small container of water to wet the brush.

The eyeliner tool also has great value... The brush should be fine, smooth, without protruding hairs. This will allow you to draw as clear a line as possible.

How to make an even and neat eyeliner?

First of all, you need to sit down so that your elbows are resting on the table. This is necessary so that you have the best support and your hands do not tremble.

Do not pull the eyelid to the side. This way, you will never draw the line as close to the lash line as possible. It is best to cover your eyes and gently with your finger free hand lift the eyelid up just under the eyebrow. This will draw your arrow as close to the lashes as possible.

If you have never used liquid eyeliner before, then the first time you draw a straight, clear line, most likely it will not work. Therefore, try to start by making a few dots or dashes, which will then neatly connect into a line. Do not forget to slightly lift the line up at the end. This will "open" the eye and give it the desired shape.

Don't put too much eyeliner on the brush. This can result in a thick, sloppy line. Then your makeup will look rough. Carefully wipe off excess paint with a napkin or on the edge of the jar.

Eyeliner line inner corner the eyes should be as thin as possible, and gradually widen towards the outer corner.

Don't open your eyes right away. Let the paint dry. Otherwise, you risk getting an imprint on a motionless eyelid or even smearing your makeup.

After the eyeliner is dry, you can gently blend it with shadows. This will give your eyes a smoky effect and will save you from too much of a border. It will also hide the irregularities of the line and give a neat, finished look to the makeup.

If something didn't work out the first time, don't be discouraged. The main thing to remember is that nothing is given the first time. Everything takes practice. The more often you train, the better your line will be each time. And sooner you will learn how to draw arrows with one light movement of your hand.

We choose correct solution What to do if your eyeliner is dry. Many girls are faced with the fact that new eyeliner or mascara dried up after a couple of times of use. Dry cosmetics lose their properties, crumble, clump and fade. Now we will figure it out with you. It's no secret for girls that improvised means can revive their favorite eyeliner, but not everyone knows which remedy to choose so that it does not harm the skin of the eyelids.

What to do if eyeliner is dry? There is a way out - a thinner for cosmetics, and it is the most advantageous option. For creating perfect shooters I take any cosmetic thinner that is on sale in stores. These products revitalize dry and dried eyeliners and make them creamy out of dry textures. Many of them do not leave marks or stains on the skin. The price ranges from two hundred rubles to two thousand.

Everyday tricks

The most proven and common way to dilute thickened eyeliner is thermal water... If you don't have one, or if you don't want it once again transfer, a simple one will do boiled water... Greatly helps mineral water... True, after some time the eyeliner will begin to dry out again and again it will not be possible to do without reanimation. And if you periodically add a drop of water to the eyeliner, then in this way you can extend its life by long period.

Vodka or alcohol... Sprinkle perfume or any other alcohol-based product on the mascara or eyeliner brush. Depending on the consistency of the eyeliner, sometimes it is not necessary to drip alcohol directly into the tube, it is enough just to moisten or sprinkle a brush before use. Be careful as alcohol can irritate your eyes. Another disadvantage is that it quickly wears off, bringing temporary results.

Face tonic... Every girl has a face toner on the shelf. As with water, we just add a little tonic to the eyeliner bottle. The downside is that this procedure will have to be done every time before applying makeup.

Eye drops... They will save your eyeliner and mascara for at least a month. Vizin fits perfectly. The eyeliner with drops should be infused for several hours before use. Not everyone has a lens disinfectant, and it can be used successfully, too. Plus, it has an antibacterial effect and does not cause allergies, which is very important.

Aloe juice... If this irreplaceable plant grows on your windowsill, feel free to add it. Aloe will not only revive old cosmetics, but also enrich it with its own useful properties... Enjoy your eyeliner as good as new!

Micellar water... You need to add a drop of micellar water to a jar with eyeliner and stir with a brush. Similarly, you can soak it cotton pad and cover the eyeliner with it so that the micellar water vapor is absorbed. Leave for a day. The eyeliner will be in its original form!

Cut off the tip. Jagged arrows can be obtained if the writing tip of the felt-tip eyeliner is dry. It can be carefully cut at an angle with sharp manicure scissors. The second option is to simply remove the rod and insert it back opposite side... And now your eyeliner has healed a new life!

Drop of oil... Peach, almond, grape seed or simple olive oil will help fix everything. Makeup artists do not recommend taking heavy Castor oil as it is too difficult to mix with the eyeliner. It is important not to overdo it with their addition, because you only need a couple of drops per bottle. For convenience, I use an eyedropper.

Ignite... You can hold a dry pencil over a lighter or hotplate. Only you need to do this at a distance and in time quite a bit. Other girls just dip the eyeliner into the glass with hot water... The texture begins to melt and the eyeliner becomes runny.

And if there is nothing at hand, and the ink or eyeliner is dry, just hold it under the stream hot water ... The longer you hold it, the thinner the eyeliner.

If, nevertheless, you overdo it with diluting the eyeliner, then this can be corrected, putting it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. The eyeliner will stop crumbling and will return to normal.

Silicone primer... Gel liner often dries up as the helium portion of the base evaporates and the wax portion becomes too dense. The silicone base of the liner thickens over time, which is precisely the reason for its drying. Therefore, the silicone primer returns the texture of the liner to its previous shape.

So, we crumble what is left of the eyeliner and drip a little bit of silicone primer, mix thoroughly, and then heat it in the microwave for literally 10-15 seconds! There is absolutely no need to bring to a boil. If you don't have a microwave, take a hair dryer. Using a hair dryer, you will see whether the mixture is boiling or not. Stir again and leave to cool until thickened. The eyeliner will thus return its firmness and density to its original level.

Cream... Normal will do nutritious cream for the face or for the eyelids. A small pea of ​​cream will be just right. You can mix all the components cotton swab, or better with a toothpick.

Correct storage... To avoid eyeliner problems, it is best to prevent them by choosing right place storage of cosmetics. On the forum of makeup artists, it is recommended to properly care for the eyeliner - to close the caps tightly, to prevent weathering. It is unacceptable to store eyeliner and mascara in the refrigerator. They need room temperature... A the best place for this - not a bathroom, as many thought, because there high humidity- but in a cosmetic bag or closet. Most felt-tip eyeliners are very capricious and need to be placed only in an upright position with the tip down, otherwise in a couple of weeks you will have to say goodbye to such an eyeliner.

What cannot be used?

A two-phase makeup remover and makeup remover in general. As you yourself well understand, together these substances give absolutely different effects... Owners sensitive skin rashes may appear from such a mixture, and the eyeliner can hardly be called resistant after that.

And last but not least, it is a responsible choice of eyeliner, because a high-quality and proven eyeliner will last you much longer and you will not have to search the Internet for what to do if your eyeliner is dry. Now, thanks to our advice, you don't have to throw out new or little-used cosmetics in the trash can. After all, you can always replace your eyeliner with mascara. If you need to apply makeup urgently, and the eyeliner failed today, use a bottle of mascara. We dip the brush into the tube, remove the excess and use it!

Every woman wants to have an attractive look, but despite the abundance cosmetic products on the market, not everyone can afford to use eyeliner industrial production... There is a category of women who have very sensitive facial skin. The skin around the eyes tends to be irritated and inflamed. It is for them that we recommend using homemade cosmetics.

Eyeliner recipe at home:

  • - 2 teaspoons;
  • - 4 teaspoons;
  • Activated carbon- 1-2 capsules (for black eyeliner);
  • Or cocoa powder - ½ teaspoon (for brown eyeliner).


Melt the coconut oil in a water bath, gradually add the remaining ingredients to the mixture, stirring thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Store your home eyeliner in a sealed container in a cool, dark place.

When applying to the skin, use a clean brush to avoid contamination of the product with bacteria and dust particles.

The main ingredient for making a pencil is activated carbon. Adding coconut oil, or any other cosmetic oil will make the composition more plastic and easier to apply. The ingredients are hypoallergenic and suitable for sensitive eye skin.

DIY eyeliner recipe


Open the activated charcoal capsules and pour the powder into a small container.

Gradually add coconut oil to the powder, stirring well with a stick or eyeliner brush.

The consistency of the mixture must be uniform. You can adjust the thickness at your discretion by adding more or less coconut oil.

The intensity of the color will depend on the amount of activated carbon.

Store the mixture in a container with a resealable lid. Use an eyeliner brush to apply.

When preparing the pencil, be careful not to get the ingredients on your clothes, as they will be difficult to clean.

You can prepare a pencil based on water and activated carbon but this mixture will not be as pliable as when using coconut oil. These same ingredients can be used to make eye shadow and mascara at home. Using cosmetics home made, you will look perfect and achieve the enchanting look of Queen Cleopatra herself.

Black eyeliner is made from activated charcoal. Take activated charcoal capsules and place a few in a clean container (you can use a jar of lip gloss). Activated carbon can be used as usual, or mixed with small amount water and coconut oil. You need to apply either with a damp brush or on damp eyelids.

You can buy activated charcoal at a pharmacy. Be careful: it is usually sold in pills, and this is not very convenient. After all, then you have to grind it until the tablet turns into powder.

Method number 2

Make a brown eyeliner with regular cocoa powder. Cocoa must be natural and free of sweeteners. Mix it with a few drops of water and almond oil... Then use a damp eyeliner brush to apply to your eyelids.

Method number 3

Probably the most extreme way making eyeliner with your own hands. You will need to burn the almonds. Black soot from almonds is a great substitute for eyeliner. The soot can be used in pure form without any additives.