How to teach a left-handed person to write with the right foot correctly. Poster consultation "How to teach a left-handed child to write". Helping children and parents: products for left-handers

How to teach a left-handed person to write beautifully

Most people are right-handed, they are more comfortable doing everything right hand, she is their leader. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the work of the right hand. It - leading hemisphere for right-handers, because he is responsible for speech, reading, writing, logic of reasoning ...
This is how nature arranged it. But almost a quarter of the world's population works with their left hand.
Those who find it more convenient to work with the left, left-handed, as scientists say, can be divided into 4 groups.

The first- those who inherited left-handedness. There are 9-11% of such people on the planet. Their leading hemisphere is right. It is this hemisphere that is responsible for their speech, reading, logic. And the number of such left-handers on the planet does not depend on the climate, on the race, does not change from century to century.

Second group- the so-called compensatory left-handers. Imagine that during childbirth or a difficult pregnancy, the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the work of the right hand, was injured. Then the leading function is taken over by right hemisphere and the left hand becomes the leading hand. Such compensatory left-handers are born with late pregnancies because these pregnancies are often difficult and end difficult childbirth; v large families where mother had frequent childbirth; among three to four twins - that is, in those cases when the conditions for the development of the fetus were unfavorable. Compensatory left-handers among us are now 12-13%. But there are more and more of them in developed countries, as more and more late children are born there.>

Third group- forcedly left-handed, received in early childhood hand injury. Hands, not the brain! If a child breaks his right hand, burns it, pinches a finger on it, he begins to take care of this hand and tries to do everything with his left. The left hand becomes a more trained hand. But when the kid comes to school, it turns out that he writes badly with his left hand. Of course, he has the left hemisphere! Forced to left-handed - 2-3%.

Fourth group- the smallest, less than half a percent of the population. They are imitative lefties. Several years ago, we had a mother with her two sons at a reception. The eldest son is a genetic left-hander. Both their dad are left-handed and their grandfather. When younger son began to do everything with his left hand, no one was surprised. But when he went to school and he had big problems with a letter, which the elder did not have, the parents decided to figure out what was the matter. It turned out that their youngest was right-handed, but since all the men in the family were left-handed, the boy also did everything with his left hand, like dad and brother.

To retrain or not?
Genetic lefty is not. It is not even discussed. This person is left-handed because his brain is so arranged.
Genetically, a left-handed child can write with his left hand flawlessly beautifully, it can be the same person who "bites a flea." These left-handers can have very fine and perfect coordination of movements.

Do I need to retrain the compensatory left-hander? No, no and NO. Moreover, it is impossible. His body found a way out, adapted, the healthy hemisphere took over the work of the damaged one, and we, shifting a pencil from the left hand to the right for such a child, want to make the damaged part of the brain work.
If such left-handers begin to retrain, they have a lot of neurotic problems: sleep and appetite are disturbed; headaches, fears appear; children start to stutter; enuresis and other troubles develop, up to severe nervous disease- writing spasm, when a child, as soon as he takes a pencil or pen, shakes his hand, his fingers cramp. These are the compensatory left-handers, if they begin to retrain, they can refuse to go to school.

Do I need to retrain a forced left-handed child? Complex issue... If such a child is already in school and at the very least writes with his left hand, do not. Going to the right hand will be stressful for him. If your child is still a preschooler and you know exactly what he eats and draws with his left hand, because in childhood he was injured with his right hand, consult a neuropsychiatrist on how best to develop his right hand, gently persuade the child to do everything with his right hand.

If your little "left-handed" in the family of left-handers draws something suspiciously badly and writes with his left hand, check him with a psychologist: is he really left-handed?

When starting to teach a left-handed child to write, remember that in the first stages of learning he needs special assistance: it is necessary to teach him how to sit correctly, put a notebook, hold a pen and only after that you can start studying letters

  1. You need to fix your attention on the right-left orientation of all elements.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the direction of the letter on the line (from left to right).
  3. It is necessary to specifically explain how the letters are connected using a connecting element (stroke) and in what cases it is necessary (oh, he, yuk), and in which not (whether, st, sha).
  4. It is necessary to disassemble in great detail the trajectory of the movement of the hand when writing each letter. Pay special attention to the items that extend up and down the line. It is necessary to repeat the movement and instructions several times in slow motion.

We remind:

  • the slope when writing is achieved only by the position of the notebook, all lines when writing are straight;
  • the handle should be in one line with the hand (the angle can be very small);
  • in this case, the hand should be located under the line of the letter;
  • Of particular importance for a left-handed child is the position of the pen and hand when writing.
  • A left-handed child should hold the pen higher than a right-handed child - at a distance of about 4 cm from the tip of the pen (rod). At wrong ways holding a pen clearly and correctly writing is difficult;
  • the paper (notebook) is tilted (to the right) at about 20 ° and shifted to the left from the center of the body;
  • the right hand holds the paper (notebook) in the desired position and moves it as needed;
  • the light falls from the right when writing.

When writing, a left-handed child with his hand covers the sample of writing a letter, therefore, the writing of the sample should be located with right side strings.

Rice. 1. Position when writing with the left hand

Rice. 2. The position of the hand when writing with the left hand

Material prepared based on materials from sites

It is by no means necessary to retrain a left-handed child to write with his right hand, as this can lead to various neuroses. And with his right hand he will not learn to write beautifully, just like a right-handed person with his left, because of the different structure of the brain, where the leading hemisphere is right. Therefore, the left-hander should be taught to write at home and preferably before entering school.

How to teach a left-handed child to write correctly

Before learning how to write letters, teach your child to sit at a table, hold a pen and a piece of paper:

  1. A left-handed child writes letters straight or tilted to the left. The correct direction of the letters is created by tilting the paper. Put a sheet of paper in front of the child in a linear line so that the upper left corner is on top and the bottom right corner, i.e. the notebook should be shifted to the left at an angle of 20 degrees.
  2. The hand should be under the stitching. A left-handed child writes, covering the previous written letters, so it is necessary to teach him to place his hand under the writing line.
  3. A left-handed child should hold the handle slightly higher than right-handed people, about 4 cm from the shaft.
  4. The handle should form a line with the arm, not perpendicular.
  5. Place the lamp on the desk on the right side of the child.
  6. Place the book to the right of the child. The left-hander has difficulty perceiving the material on the left.

Left-handed exercises

And now about doing homework that will help your child learn to write correctly:

  • Play with your child to school daily for 40-45 minutes: 10-15 minutes - continuous work, then a little break, etc.
  • Start with easy tasks. Do not move on to another task if the previous one has not yet been completed or is being completed with difficulty.
  • The atmosphere of the class should be calm, do not scold the child if the letters are written incorrectly. If a left-handed child goes to school, he has enough unpleasant feedback about his letter from teachers, so his mother is his only support.
  • Make sure that all the letters are spelled correctly, if you make a mistake, correct the child immediately and build the subsequent classes with an emphasis on spelling those letters that he writes incorrectly.
  • A left-handed child can write letters in a mirror image, i.e. the tails of the letters "y", "d", "p", "c", "b" look into opposite side... In this case, write the rows of these letters so that they do not occur. correct writing... Give the child the task to find errors.
  • You can depict the letters listed above, without adding their "tails", and let the child finish writing them.

Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out the first time. The main thing is not to put pressure on the child, so that he does not completely lose interest in writing. He will definitely learn to write correctly, but only with your help and after a while.

Last updated article: 03/30/2018

The question of how to properly hold a pen when writing usually arises before parents when the child turns 5 or 6 years old. But experts are convinced that it is necessary to start learning much earlier so that the first grader does not have to retrain in an emergency mode.

Child psychologist

A small child tries to take a pencil in the most convenient way for himself, most often in a fist. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that such a habit quickly takes root, so the type of holding the writing instruments persists for life.

Naturally, children's handwriting suffers, but this is not the most important problem. If the position of the writing accessory is incorrect, the child's hand gets tired while working, the writing speed decreases, posture may suffer, and the curvature of the spine will worsen.

There are several simple techniques with which you can teach your child to hold a pen or pencil correctly. Moreover, it is necessary to start in the very early age when the toddler first picks up a rattle, spoon or crayon.

The situation when a child incorrectly holds a pen, pencils, felt-tip pens during writing is quite common. Where does it come from similar problem? This habit is formed at a very early age, long before entering school.

Everything can start from the period when the child becomes interested in the rattle, holding it in the handle. Then comes the turn of brushes, soft pencils, with which the little one depicts scribbles on album sheets.

In addition, the skill of holding writing instruments is formed by working with plasticine or a special test.

Correct pinching and sculpting are performed with the right hand, using the large, index and middle finger and.

From the age of 4, it is necessary to observe how the child draws. Some kids hold a pencil in their cam. Others squeeze the writing material with excessive force.

It is impossible to let the process of formation of the capture take its course. If the child holds the markers the way he wants, then at school he will have to be retrained. The sooner the correct grip is formed, the easier the first grader will be able to adapt to school.

At the age of 6, children should already be able to use a pencil, even if it is just drawing patterns in copybooks or sketching block letters... Moreover, parents need to constantly monitor the correctness of the letter in order to prevent retraining.

As already noted, improper grasping of the writing instrument can lead to health problems for the child. The most dangerous unwanted consequences- blurred vision, curvature spinal column due to improper sitting at the table.

Even if such unpleasant complications do not arise in the child, he will simply become more likely to get tired when writing, shading or sketching. And this can negatively affect school performance and psychological adaptation.

Such troubles can be prevented if they are not detected in time. correct position hands and improper grip on writing utensils. Recognize the future school problem can on the following grounds:

  • the baby holds his thumb while working slightly below the index;
  • the pencil holds the index or ring fingers, and not the middle;
  • the felt-tip pen is taken with a pinch;
  • toes are either too low or too high;
  • a child, drawing a picture, rotates not a pencil, but the album sheet itself;
  • the upper end of the pencil is directed not towards the shoulder, but towards the neck;
  • the toddler presses on the paper either with excessive force or too lightly.

If you find one or more signs of mistakenly gripping the pencil, you need to immediately move on to correcting the habit. Otherwise, after entering school, the child may have problems with his studies.

The main nuance is the location of the fingers. A right-handed person takes a writing object as follows: the pen is placed on the upper part of the middle finger, and the index finger holds the writing accessory on top. The thumb is on the left.

For left-handed people, the grip is mirror-like: the handle is located on the upper part of the middle finger of the left hand, the index finger holds the object on top, and the large one - on the right side.

You can check the correct grip by lifting forefinger... Did the writing material remain in place and did not even budge? This means that the child is holding the pen correctly.

To the rest of your fingers special requirements not shown. The nameless and little finger can be positioned in any way convenient for the little scribe. Usually they are pressed against the palm of your hand.

In order for the child to finally understand how to hold a pencil correctly when writing and drawing, experts recommend reminding the baby about the following rules:

  • the writing object is placed exactly on the pillow of the terminal section of the middle finger;
  • all three fingers, which are involved in holding the object, seem to be rounded;
  • two other fingers bend and press against the palm;
  • the whole hand is completely relaxed;
  • ideal position - fingers are located above one and a half centimeters from the tip of a pen or pencil;
  • in the process of writing letters or drawing, the little finger may touch the table surface.

Regular repetition of these rules will allow you to put the correct capture of writing materials already at the senior preschool age, which will allow you not to waste time and nerves on retraining.

6 Ways to Teach Your Child to Hold the Pen Correctly

Not all parents know which technique is most effective in teaching their kids the optimal grip on writing accessories. Experts identify several simple ways, which are versatile (suitable for all children) and effectiveness (operate in almost 100% of cases).

Parents just have to choose the most suitable methodology and start the teaching process.

Capture with tweezers

To teach your child to correctly grasp the writing object in his hand, it is necessary to use the tweezers "grip". This is one of the simplest and most intuitive techniques for holding pencils.

A smooth object is placed with the slate end down perpendicular to the table top. The child grabs upper part with three working fingers, and then moves them downward until they take the optimal position, which is required when writing.

In order for children's fingers to be able to take the correct position, it is necessary to stock up on half of a napkin and a pencil in advance. The paper accessory must be folded 4 times, after which the baby presses it to the palm with his little finger and ring finger.

The child straightens the fingers working when writing and takes a pencil with them as described above. "Extra" fingers will no longer prevent the child from correctly grabbing the writing object.


A child of 5 or 6 years old can be offered to throw darts in order to gain a correctly set grip. It turns out that darts are not easy addicting game, but also a kind of simulator that helps to understand the principle of holding the writing instrument.

The three-finger method of holding a dart is similar to that of a pencil or pen. Therefore, whenever a child sits down for a copy or a notebook, remind him that a written object must be taken as a playing accessory.

Art crayons- Another good option for learning how to hold the pencil correctly.

Previously, the pastel must be broken into pieces, the length of which does not exceed three centimeters.

Children cannot hide such small crayons in a fist, so they will have to hold the pastel with only three fingers.

Having worked with chalk, the child can easily switch to older writing accessories.

Finger mark

If the kid still does not understand how to properly hold a regular pen, you should use the simplest technique, which involves drawing a point on the place of the middle finger where the pencil should lie.

A similar mark (or a plus, a line) must be placed on the writing utensil, stepping back one and a half centimeters from the point of the lead. It is explained to the child that these two points must match in order to obtain a perfect grip.

Hold the pencil or pen correctly at all small child interesting game method, it does not matter at all whether the baby prefers the right or left grip.

The little one is told that the pencil is tired and wants to sleep, he needs to be helped to go to the "bed". A “pillow” is placed under his head, and a “blanket” is covered on top.

Let's explain: "bed" - middle finger, "pillow" - index finger, "blanket" - big. You can even compose fairy tale about a pencil and fingers.

Writing accessory manufacturers are also worried about the problem of teaching writing. In the stationery departments, parents can purchase special attachments, which are made in the form of animals.

These devices have special small notches and recesses. If the rubber attachment is put on the pen, then the child simply will not be able to grab the writing accessory incorrectly.

You can find many on the net positive feedback an accessory such as a training handle for learning the correct grip. The accessory looks like a fish with special grooves. Manufacturers and parents claim that such a simulator can even correct a child's handwriting.

Another option for teaching writing devices is the pens from the Stabilo LеftRight series. These devices have been developed with input from medical professionals, teachers and ergonomics specialists. On the triangular handles there are already special nozzles with recesses, which help the "scribe" to take the object correctly.

In addition, the writing utensils are made of light soft material, and their coloring gives children good mood, which is also important when deciding how to teach a child to hold a pencil correctly.

How do you choose the perfect handle?

At an early age, it is best to start familiarizing yourself with writing objects with a pencil, since it is easier to grasp and hold in the correct position. Then you should go to the handle.

To the future school affiliation the child liked and met all the requirements, it is necessary to take into account several important characteristics:

  • the presence of a rubber insert that eliminates slippage;
  • safety of the material, since the child will definitely pull the pen into his mouth;
  • triangular shape of the body;
  • the length of the product is less than 13 centimeters, and the thickness does not exceed 8 millimeters.

The best pen for drawing letters in a recipe is a ballpoint pen. Dark blue or purple inks should be preferred as they leave a distinct mark. The blue rod writes less clearly, so the first grader will press on the pen.

In order for the child to be able to hold the pen correctly while writing, he needs to take an optimal position at the table. Since olden times, schoolchildren have been taught to observe the principle of three right angles.

The ideal fit is when the right angle is formed by bent knees, hips and back, bent elbows.

And you should also remind the child so he:

  • kept his legs close;
  • put his feet entirely on the floor;
  • put his hands on the desk when writing;
  • kept a 2 cm gap between the table top and the body;
  • laid the prescription at a 30-degree angle to the body;
  • bowed his head slightly to the table.

Setting up a child's hand for writing is impossible without proper holding of the pen. To prevent the child from getting tired, it is necessary to observe a certain distance from the tip of the rod to the index finger - 1.5 centimeters.

Development of fine motor skills

For a child to be able to write correctly at 6 or 7 years old, it is necessary at an early and preschool age improve with him fine motor skills fingers. Such exercises will help develop beautiful handwriting and coordinate movements.

To prepare for the letter, you can do exercises such as:

  • finger gymnastics;
  • rolling beads between the fingers;
  • stringing beads or large beads on a thread;
  • cutting out patterns from paper with safe scissors;
  • tying and untying knots;
  • sewing on buttons;
  • Painting;
  • performing various shading;
  • finishing of patterns;
  • modeling from plastic mass;
  • lacing;
  • fun with the designer;
  • fun with a bumpy ball, etc.

It is no secret that the world is imprisoned for the right-handed majority, so those 11-13% of the general population who mainly use their left hand have to adapt to this world. You may not take the problems of left-handers seriously, but if you list a few of the difficulties they have to face, it becomes clear why recent times left-handers receive more attention and develop special products for them. For example, left-handed people:

  • use standard scissors with difficulty (the blade of the right-handed scissors closes the contour along which the left-hander cuts);
  • cannot write in spiral notebooks or rings;
  • have problems writing on the blackboard or whiteboard: their hand, following the chalk or marker, erases the text they just wrote);
  • take a long time to adapt to kitchen appliances: knives, can opener, measuring cups, the divisions on which are not logical for left-handers;
  • smeared hand written text ballpoint pen, and the back of the hand is often stained with ink.

It comes to funny: left-handers admit that sometimes for festive table accidentally drink from a glass of a right-handed neighbor, stretch out their left hand for a handshake, cannot get along with colleagues who rearrange folders in the closet in an uncomfortable order for left-handed people, go down the stairs from the side where people on the way usually go up, and also complain that in the car, the coffee cup holder is on the right-hand side.

It happens that children are not determined with the leading hand for a long time, and often switch from right to left, for example, they eat with their right hand, and draw with their left. And this confuses parents, making them think that their children are ambidextrous (people who use both hands equally). But by the beginning of school, as a rule, it becomes clear which hand is dominant. There are several simple tests, which will help parents understand which hand the child is performing active actions with: throwing the ball at the target, combing, stringing beads on a string, twisting the cap on the bottle, holding scissors, cutlery and a pencil. If the child performs most of these actions with his left hand, it means that he is in the team of those who have a more developed right hemisphere, which is responsible for emotions, creativity, and the ability to art.

Left-handers are often suspected of dysgraphia (writing disorder) and dyslexia (reading disorder) due to the fact that children read words from right to left or write letters in mirror. However, modern experts associate dyslexia and dysgraphia with speech therapy problems, and left-handers have mirror writing and reading in reverse order connected with individual characteristics perception of the text and are, as a rule, temporary. It is also a common misconception that left-handers have dirty handwriting and incorrect sloping letters. But many parents of left-handed children do not confirm this. The handwriting of a left-handed child will be neat if you put the correct grip on a pencil and pen in time and teach him to position the paper so that the hand is at the bottom of the line: the child will see what he is writing and not smear the letters.

The first thing to do for the parents of the future student is to warn the teacher that their child is left-handed. This will allow the teacher to show understanding where the left-hander will be slower than others. Most teachers work with the right hand, and it takes a child for the child to switch to their own coordinate system and repeat what the right-handed teacher is showing. Well, the main task - to teach a child to write, draw and use various household appliances falls on the parents.

Here are some tips to make life easier for lefties:

Specially designed stationery marked "L" will help you to hold your pen or pencil correctly. These can be nozzles with indentations for your fingers, as well as pencils and pens themselves. Such writing instruments have quick-drying ink that prevents the text from smearing, as well as a special rod shape that will not tear the paper (when writing, the left-handed person pushes the pen on the paper, while the right-hander smoothly pulls the pen behind the leading hand). Within a few weeks of training, the fingers will become accustomed to correct location, and the child will be able to switch to writing with ordinary pens.

The light from the lamp behind the desk should be for the left-handed person on the right. Also teach your child to tilt the notebook to the right 45 degrees: in this position, he will be able to keep his hand below the line and will see what he is writing.

At the school desk, a left-handed child should take a place on the left side, then his elbows will not touch the elbows of his right-handed neighbor. The same point applies to seating for dining table: Left-handed is better to allocate space on the left edge.

As a rule, children do not have problems using a standard computer mouse, they just put it to their left. However, if you wish, you can change the settings in the mouse parameters by rearranging the button configuration.

It is not uncommon to see that left-handers hold scissors in their right hand: this is due to the fact that when you take standard scissors in your left hand, their upper blade covers the contour of the cut. If you see that your child is having difficulty cutting, try purchasing special scissors for left-handers with opposite blades.

To reinforce the skill of writing from left to right, stick an asterisk in the left corner of the sheet and remind you that you always start a line with an asterisk. Develop future imitation correct letter it is also possible in games, inviting the child to fold patterns from the mosaic, paint the cars of the locomotive and count the surrounding objects from left to right.

When choosing recipes for preschoolers, pay attention to those in which the letter or figure is proposed to first circle along the dotted line. The left-handed hand will remember the spelling better than if he was asked to immediately sketch desired sign from the given example.

If you are right-handed, then before you teach your child any movement or sports skills, for example, how to hold a badminton racket, try to take it yourself in your left hand and understand how best to demonstrate and explain the grip. Parents of left-handers share a secret: it is easier to teach a child some things if you put a mirror in front of you, in which he will look: for example, this way it will be easier for a child to understand how to tie shoelaces than if he watches your hands.

Novice left-handed readers often lose a line. Until the moment when the reading skill acquires automatism, you can hold your finger under the line or close the next syllable with your finger so that the gaze is focused only on the syllable that the child is reading at the moment.

The main advice for parents of little left-handers is to have a little more patience, because some things children learn a little longer than their right-handed peers: for example, cope with fasteners, zippers and laces, or telling the time by the dial. It is not uncommon when, looking at the clock, which shows the time of 1 hour 30 minutes, a left-hander, confusing the small and large hands, answers - “five minutes past seven”. The slowness and thoughtfulness characteristic of left-handers does not always fit into the head of a person who has been accustomed to using his right hand all his life, so even showing a child how to hold a pen correctly is a problem for parents: they simply cannot fold the fingers of their left hand as they are accustomed to. add up when writing.

However, left-handers are susceptible and vulnerable, so adults need to show more understanding and use praise more often, then left-handers will learn to read, write and cut neatly faster. You will still notice peculiarities behind them, strange for your eyes: how sugar is stirred in tea counterclockwise, bread is cut with a tilt to the left, or mugs are placed in the cupboard with handles in the “wrong” direction. But it's still very interesting: to live next to a person who perceives the world from a different angle.

Does your newborn baby grab the rattles and cat tail with the left handle? Does it use it, trying to bring cookies to the mouth or concentrating on putting together a mosaic? Congratulations! Your baby is left-handed!

This is actually a gift from fate. After all, a left-handed child is often more sensitive, creatively gifted, and talented than his right-handed peers. Suffice it to recall such geniuses as Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and our contemporary - Bill Gates. They are all left-handed.

However, almost everything in our world is oriented towards those who belong to the majority, that is, right-handers, even school desks. What to do left-handed child? How to write correctly to keep up with classmates and not interfere educational process? This must be taken care of in advance.

Where to begin

Most worst advice, which the parents of a little left-hander can get, is to force him to act only with his right hand. In the memory of many, the times are still fresh when the child's left hand was tied to the body, a pencil was put into the right hand and, clenching it in a fist, they scribbled in notebooks. Over time, this method brought a certain result: the little student learned to write with his right hand. But handwriting remained very mediocre throughout his life, unless, after becoming an adult, a person deliberately began to write with his left hand.
To form a beautiful handwriting and a relaxed manner of writing in a baby, it is necessary with early years develop fine motor skills... Give your baby a couple of pots, mix the colored beans and buckwheat in a bag and ask him to sort out the contents by sending the beans to a large pot, and cereals - in a smaller one. The child will be busy important matter, you will have time to leisurely cook dinner, and in the meantime little fingers will get used to handling small objects.

Learning to hold the pen correctly

Before the kid goes to school, it is very important to teach him how to hold the pen correctly. Do not let it go by itself. Improper placement of fingers while drawing or writing text will inevitably lead to the fact that the child will quickly get tired, irritated, become distracted and inattentive. Not only writing skills will suffer, but also the quality of assimilation teaching material.
If there is an adult left-hander in the family, instilling in a preschooler the skill of correct writing will not be hard work... For those who have all adult family members right-handed, it is somewhat more difficult. However, in this case, you should not despair: training videos from the Internet will come to the rescue.

In a nutshell, the writing process for a left-handed person should look like this:

  • working arm and the pen (or pencil) form a straight line, sometimes with a slight tilt, the child moves the notebook with his right hand;
  • left hand when writing, it is located "under the line", the position "above the line" is considered incorrect;
  • left-handed fingers should cover the pen or pencil 3-3.5 cm higher than right-handers;
  • the lines that the child draws when writing should only be straight, you can reach a certain slope by turning the notebook;
  • it is necessary to avoid undue stress on the index finger - it must move completely freely.

Parents need to keep in mind that their little left-handed handwriting is likely to be either straight or tilted to the left. The main thing is that it is clear and legible.

Choosing the right handle

The main criteria for choosing a handle for a left-hander:

  • it should not be too bulky: the thinner the case, the more convenient it is to use it;
  • it is preferable to choose a thin rod that will write at any angle of inclination;
  • the paste or ink with which it is filled should dry faster than conventional pens, because the left-handed hand slides over the text just written when writing.

The first time you can use regular pen putting blotting paper under the child's arm.
In addition to special pens, you can find many other products on sale intended for little left-handers: bright scissors, funny pencil sharpeners, pencils and rulers themselves.

We organize a workplace

For a left-handed child, it is extremely important comfortable conditions for classes. It should be convenient for him, and not at all for you, a great-aunt or a teacher.

Try to position the desk in such a way that the child sitting behind it is in front of the window or to the right of it. So he can study for him in daytime without straining your eyes, and your left hand will not interfere with your writing, blocking out the light.

In the left-handed class, special conditions must also be created. Such children are seated only on the left side, so that the elbow protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the desk. In this position, the child himself will be comfortable, and he will not be able to interfere with his neighbor.

Both at school and at home, the notebook should be tilted when writing, but not to the left, as in right-handers, but to the right. Then the words will not be closed, the child will be able to freely read what he wrote. The classic position of the notebook tilted 30 ° to the left is completely unsuitable for a left-handed person. This can cause severe discomfort in the child.

The most comfortable position- when the lower left corner of the notebook is opposite the child's right shoulder. Special substrates that are on sale will help to control this.
However, if your child begins to fidget and tries to move the notebook more comfortably, you should not interfere with him. Perhaps, in this position, he is really uncomfortable to write. Most the best way can only be found empirically.

In this case, it is very important to develop the correct posture in the child. Lefties like no other are capable at runtime written assignments take the most incredible poses. Patiently return the child to the correct position, otherwise you will have to fight the scoliosis.

Features of teaching writing

Children, whose working hand is left, remember letters and the principle of their writing just as well as right-handers. However, their parents often encounter the phenomenon of "mirroring", when the child writes some letters, or even whole words, in the opposite direction - so that they can be read only by holding them to the mirror. In this case, the letter "I" will look like "N", "I" - like "R", and the word "MAMA" is mysteriously transformed into "AMAM". To overcome such mistakes can only be persistent, patient studies. But do not forget that even in adult left-handers, in moments of absent-mindedness, such mistakes can "slip". And the genius Leonardo da Vinci used two types of writing at all: one - the traditional one - used for business and personal correspondence, and the other - the one that can only be read with the help of a mirror - wrote his famous diaries.
If you are just starting to teach your toddler how to write, you can develop legible handwriting and the correct spelling of letters that are difficult for a child to write specially designed for left-handed people.

Most importantly, do not leave your child alone with difficulties. Don't forget to praise for the smallest achievement. If something doesn't work out, tactfully prompt and show. Be sure to do homework with your child, and not just supervise the process. This is the only way you will be able to discern the problem in time and cope with it with joint efforts.