What a man's ideal should be. What should be the perfect guy. Ideal man's eyes of representatives of strong sex

Perfect man - What is he? Someone will tell the purposeful, successful, strong, the other will call the perfect sexual macho. Each woman has its own image, which can periodically change. But there is any common featuresthat admire and excite beautiful half mankind? Definitely yes.

What does he look like?

The ideal of male beauty changed in centuries. For example, in the XVI century in Europe, a man who was pale was attractive, wore a corset, put on a wig, and on holidays dressed in Atlas, Ryushi and Feather. The Japanese ideal of beauty is a highly shaved forehead, necessarily with hair tied in a bundle on the painter. But the image of a handsome man in Greece is relevant so far. Take a look at the Greek sculptures, they all depict athletes that are proportionally folded, the faces of all expressive, the devices are correct.

IN modern world men's beauty Insiscimulating the way a successful person.

That's what it looks like:

It is important to note that women are most appropriate in the appearance of men tidy. The perfect man will never walk with dirt under the nails, in dusty shoes and crumpled trousers.


Today, men no longer need to hunt mammoths to feed the family. Modern women Can provide themselves. However, the representatives of the beautiful sex still believe that the perfect man is, above all, the miner. What other character traits should he possess?

Positive features of the ideal can be listed to infinity. Sometimes, they can contradict each other (for example, working and paying their family all the time). And let such people in nature do not exist, but no one has canceled the right to dream at leisure. The main thing is to return to reality in time and not to require the impossible men.

What do you really need a woman?

Female - amazing creation, she dreams of a prince, and herself lives Tyran or mamienekin son. The reality is that sexual noble beauties are missing at all and have to choose from what remains. Yes, and many fair sex representatives themselves are not princess. What is so clinging "woman"? How to become perfect in her eyes?

Answer the question "What the perfect guy should be" not just not just. Ideals for different girls Can differ much from each other.

Someone needs a beautiful and rich guy, and others want to find caring and loving man. To understand what kind of guy will be perfect, it is worth considering several qualities, which, according to the majority of women, should have a man.

During the definition of an ideal guy, it is important to take into account that, to attract women's attention, many can behave completely differently in other conditions.

My boyfriend is an ideal man ... - Ideal there is no happening! - Therefore, I have no boyfriend.
author unknown

Quality of perfect guy

To determine the perfect guy, it is enough to consider several criteria:

  • Eating alcohol and drugs. Even if the guy seems perfect, but periodically uses alcohol immensely - it will not be possible to build a normal relationship with it.

    Drinking people are not despicable and unreliable and hope for them is unreasonable.

  • Independence. If the guy is not able to make responsible decisions, then when solving emerging problems, it is pointless to hope for such a person. Disappointing guys are easy to determine their achievements.
  • Suitable. The guy must feel when the girl is bad and normally react to the change of mood.
  • Zingkihood on its own appearance. Guys, paying out much attention appearanceoften not suitable for creating a pair. This is due to what they think only about themselves. Often, the girl is only an attribute of a successful person.
  • Pupil. This criterion may seem not so important, but it is worth considering that after a year joint pastime Many flaws that seemed insignificant are noticeable. Rudeness and lack of rules of decency can strongly change the opinion of a person.

    And the pupil I. good manners On the contrary attract. For girls it is important. For example, many of them ask a question: which party should the guy go? According to the rules of etiquette, the girl should be on the side where it will be safe. If the couple goes near the roadway, the guy should be located closer to the stream of cars.

  • Initiative. Many girls are nice when the guy spontaneously invites them to visit the cafe or go to a small trip. Without spontaneous pleasant events, the pastime will seem boring.
  • Character. Hot-tempered guys do not know how to hold back, which can lead to a variety of quarrels. It should not be condescendingly related to nervousness and frequent rise in tone during a conversation when the guy is too aggressively reacting in some situations.
  • Intelligence. As far as important qualities were not described, the desire to develop is one of the most important characteristics. If a person is not thinking and interested in various topics, with him simply will not be able to talk. Ability to talk on interesting topics - one of the most important qualities. Without interesting communication Many couples quickly disintegrate.
  • Fidelity. Guy falling on women's Attentiondo not consider how potential partner.
  • Attitude to work. If the guy is not ready to work for the sake of well-being in the future, he will not do this after the wedding.
All qualities described are the main. Considering the guy as a potential partner, it is necessary to determine whether it corresponds to the described criteria.

To determine suitable guy, it should be carefully referred to as he says and to behavior.

Controversial moments

Often parents themselves hint at of a certain personwhich is most suitable for creating. At the same time, they list just all described characteristics. But it is worth noting that working, the faithful and educated guy can be completely not interested in many girls.

This is due to the fact that when choosing the perfect guy, many do not take into account important details. Future partner may be worker and confident, but absolutely not interesting personAfter all, he spend all his time to earn money and demonstration of wealth. Such a person could provide himself and his girlfriend, but he is not able to delight the original act and or create a girl's feeling that she is loved.

The same applies to initiative. There are many girls who independently showing the initiative, and offer to make unplanned trips or visit interesting places. If the guy does not offer this, it does not mean that it is not perfect, because ideals can be very different.

It is worth saying about the character. The guy may seem attractive for the girl due to hot-tempered nature, because similar people more sensual. Calm and balanced person can be completely not interesting large quantity Women. During the definition of the characteristics of the perfect guy, it is necessary to consider a person in all life situations.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to determine the character of a person and its features after one or two meetings. But if you treat the guy with attention, you can find out about it quite a lot.

Conclusion about guy

Wanting to find a perfect guy you need to think about yourself. If a girl wants to just stop being lonely - this is not a reason to look for a guy.

It is worth noting that much about a person learns on how he belongs to friends, relatives and unfamiliar people. Do not idealize the guy, forgetting about the shortcomings. It is not easy to do so, because at first after the acquaintance, people look at each other through the prism of love.

We suggest you consider 20 signs that indicate that you have an ideal guy.

1. He listens to you

First of all, we all want to be heard. We want our values, opinions and beliefs to be heard. Even if someone disagrees with us, it is necessary that our opinion respected. Ideal guy Listens and hear you.

2. He does not control you

Be careful with a guy, which is too generous to "constructive" criticism and seeks to constantly control you. After all, certain freedom in relations must be present.

3. He talks about his feelings and emotions

Real men talk about their feelings and emotions. And there is nothing wrong with that. He tells you about his feelings, about his fears. He speaks with you on serious topicsHe is not afraid to love or tell you how he loves you.

4. He accepts you as you are

This may, one of the most important aspects of any relationship. He won't want to change something in you. You are unique and beautiful in your own way. If you, for example, have every morning you have on the whole house, take a shower or love to collect puzzles at night, the perfect guy will accept you as you are.

5. He leaves you free space

Psychologists argue that in relationships personal life Each of the partners can sometimes exceed even sex. The perfect boyfriend will never force you to always be near him, because he understands that everyone needs to spend some time on himself.

6. He is interested in what you like

He is really interested in what you like to do. It does not mean that he must love everything you love, or do everything you do. He really wants to know what you are interested.

7. He makes you laugh

Laughter really best medicine. Not every guy must be a professional comic, but the perfect guy has good feeling humor. He is playing and likes to joke. He can do nonsense only with you.

8. He is independent

The perfect guy is independent: living in itself and proud of what is independent person, He can provide himself.

9. He fully trusts you

Trust is the basis of all relationships. If there is no confidence, it is unlikely that such relationships will last long. The perfect guy will not call you every hour to figure out where you are when you are not together. We are all a little unsure and sometimes jealous, but the perfect man does not show its weakness and excitement.

10. He supports you

The perfect guy may not agree with all the solutions you accept, but always respect your choice. It will support you during takeoffs and falls, success and failures.

11. He discusses the problems

Let's look at the truth: two people, no matter how harmonious their relationships, still come from time to time with disagreements and quarrels. At the same time, the partners begin to accuse each other in something without thinking about the consequences. If something worries your boyfriend or there is some kind of problem, he will discuss her with you and find her decision.

12. He builds plans with you

From time to time, each person mentions in a conversation about his plans for the future. If you are present in these plans, you can not doubt that your young man is ideal.

13. He likes to be with you

He likes to stay next to you. And it does not matter what you do - the main thing that spend time together. You can stay at home and watch stupid romantic comedia, appetizing wrath chips, or go to the restaurant. But, whatever you do, if the guy is next to you - he is happy. The perfect guy believes that his feelings and behavior reflect his care.

14. He is preparing for you

We are accustomed that a woman should always cook. But now on the 21st century. If the guy sometimes prepares for you - this is another gesture of manifestation of his feelings.

15. His actions correspond to his words

The situation is very annoying when the guy gives you the word to do something, but in the end it is not holding this promise at all. True gentleman will never go. After all, if he promised something, it will certainly fulfill that.

16. He introduces you with his family and friends and wants you to communicate with them

If the guy hides you from close buddies, it may be a bad sign. After all, the in love person wants his girl to become an integral part of all aspects of his life. Therefore, he does not premict to introduce you to friends.

17. He shows his attachment

This is an important aspect. The perfect guy will never miss the opportunity to show what loves you. So, he will meet you at the airport with a bouquet of flowers, cook you delicious dinners, write pleasant messages during the day.

18. He respects you

The perfect guy is able to control your anger, he will do everything so that it does not affect your relationship. He loves you. He will be so upset if something happens to you. He admires you, he is ready to make a lot to you.

19. He is ready to compromise

When a man loves, he is ready to compromise and tries to change those traits of his character who do not suit you. Numerous studies have shown that successful family couples Periodically, something in oneself is changed, some kind of damn item. This is the key to strong and long-term relationships and a joint happy life.

20. He sympathize

When something serious happens in your life and you really bad, he is near ... consoles you. Through all the bad moments in life you will pass together. Even if he does not know what to help you and what to tell you, he will take you by the hand and firmly hug. If he sees that you are clearly upset, he will ask you to tell him about it.

Here it is. So cute and affectionate. And you can't understand that the one you have been waiting for, standing in front of you. I can not believe that in it all the qualities of the perfect guy. What if he is not the perfect guy, as it seems and the same deceiver, like all the previous ones? But how to check it out? Do your eyes, feelings and intuition can deceive? Everything happens when you see his look.

For what qualities you can learn the perfect guy

Physical data. For you, he is Apollo. You never met anyone with a figure better than him. Only his body can make you worry, causing a desire to touch him. The rest cause you a smile and miser congratulations to your address. You have seen the present body. You can no longer surprise you;

Vocabulary. He can say not only "beer, football, women." He brightly describes all the events taking place with him, leading various tones of words. He correctly says and competently builds suggestions in a conversation. Does not know the abnormative vocabulary when you are next;

Interests. They are so different and versatile that you can't believe it. how a common person may have time to be interested in such different things? But he has time and, moreover, well understands what he says. And this is important. And maybe he has few interests, but he really knows every detail that you listen to him with an open mouth;

Personal qualities of the perfect guy. He is kind, gentle and bold at the same time. His principles are more important than hulates of friends? This is the breath of breath! To go even against a friend, for the sake of your beloved girl and your happiness. Oddly enough, such people are very wounded. He is pure heart and soul. If he does not regret money on the girl and gifts for her, then this a win-win. You no longer have to endure the constant satellite whining that money is missing. And even more so, lent him large sumsflying into non-existence;

Ethical norms of the perfect guy. Do not swear with you an abnormative vocabulary? Is he polite and always give his hand? Nowadays, this behavior surprises and fascinates, but still remains an important criterion Assessing it as a person.

Be careful!

Perfect guy who wants fast developing relationships - This is a pickup. Do not fall on fabulous tricks and do not let you "hang noodles on your ears." Try measuring, slowly, develop your relationship, then you will be sure that he is really interested in you, and not in your bed.

The qualities of the perfect guy who do not have to be perfect for everyone. It should be perfect for you and just for you. You will rejoice at your meetings and sad when it won't be there. But you should not lose it. After all, he is ideal!

No need to sit and wait

In manual magic wand The perfect guy itself will not appear, so stop sitting and waiting for miracles. Do not miss the chance to see him in anyone who today meets on your path. It is possible that your fate today will stand with you in one queue in the supermarket, or will be at the next table in the cafe. It can not be at all the same guy, but pay attention to men who are found daily, still worth it.

Show yourself S. best side.

Try to be polite, kind and educated. Such people always attract attention, they are pleasant in communication, friendly, faithful to their principles and are very attractive. The perfect guy will attract exactly such a girl.

The smile always fascinates and highlights a person from the common crowd. This is very pleasant little things, Which is decorating any person.


As they say, who does not risk, he does not drink champagne! Do not be afraid of dating. If you notice that you like someone, someone is friendly to you configured, you smile, you should not be shy, approach and say just "hello." Who knows, maybe it is your chance, so you don't need to miss it in any case.


Do not treat new people and acquaintances biased. Sometimes the quality of the perfect guy is not on the surface, but inside. And they can reveal with time. You must always give a chance to a person, otherwise you can not find out something or not. Just be open with everyone, give a chance to be loved.

Do not give up

You can doubt, but give up - never. Let you spend years about dating people who will not mean anything in your life, but surely the same day will come when he will prove that this expectation was worth it.

Ideal guy

How to find an ideal guy, not knowing what is really the phrase for you. Is it possible in your potential chosen one in addition to the advantages and disadvantages. Everything is relative. One who is not perfection for one person will definitely definitely become them for another. It is necessary to clearly decide what the very ideal means for you.


Try not to be too closed, arrogant and dismissive. It does not speed up the process of finding an ideal person at all.

Whether, but at the same time adequately behave in society. "To do not care on everyone" - not to be yourself, and not respect others.


Most typical error When choosing the perfect guy is the desire to find yourself at least, a copy of Zak Efron, as a maximum, is Justin Bieber. The problem in relations with the copy will become that every day you will notice more and more differences from the original, but the saddest thing can be the fact that the nature of who is very similar to the star, most likely not sugar. In addition, in a few days you can find out what you wanted to be a girl a copy of the star much more than you thought, and therefore parting inevitably. Star, though the unreal, often uses its similarity to the full, and this is fraught with the fact that you already build some plans for the future, similar to the fairy tale, get as a result broken heart and lost time.

The likelihood that the relationship will end earlier than I would like, and in the event that you decide to get acquainted with a guy who "always with money." Significant amounts in pockets and a good car are far from an ideal guy, since he is usually not earned, but allocated by their parents, which means that even if your chosen one will respond to you, which, however, is unlikely, then your hike Under the crown will not be from him, but from parents. And they, as you understand, probably already found a party of the corresponding social status. Risk, of course, it is possible, but the probability of success is the same as if you try to make it up with closed eyes, hoped to take first place in the Miss Moscow contest. The option "Rich Pinoche" reject completely, of course, not worth it, but it is not necessary to count on it. If you still decided to this, then try to first get to know his parents, and then open your heart for his love. In this case, your chances in geometric progression increase, although here a certain risk share remains.

Let's go back to our perfect guy and listen to your own heart. Yes, yes, the perfect guy is not at all movie star, not a general and not even a multi-billioner, because the general of the general one can become, only coming out to marry a promising lieutenant. About the beauty of the perfect guy folk wisdom It says that it should be like a representative of the Gorill, and it is difficult to disagree with it. Firstly, this certainly will not lead, secondly, to appreciate your love it will be much more and, thirdly, it is such a type of guy most motivated to achieve success. Recall Napoleon, who, not differing neither by beauty nor the growth, conquered the whole of Europe and threw it to the legs of his beloved. The main thing is to stop it in time, and then - enjoy the happiness of who loves you.