How to spend the New Year fun and interesting? New Year's greetings to friends. You can’t wash clothes on New Year’s Eve, so as not to bring trouble to one of the family members

New Year for most of us - joyful and happy holiday. This is the time of magic, when people make wishes and hope for the best. But experts in parapsychology and bioenergy argue that new year holidays have their taboos. Follow them - and you will not have problems next year! So, what actions should be avoided during this period?

Seven days before the New Year, it is not recommended to use new things, such as combs, hair clips, belts, belts and other accessories. And it's better not to wear freshly bought clothes. Leave everything new until New Year's Eve!

It is also impossible to sew on buttons before the New Year - otherwise you will not get rid of old problems next year. You can’t give shoes for repair, otherwise next year you won’t have new shoes. You should not buy small manufactured goods, with the exception of gifts, otherwise you will not make large purchases in the new year.

From December 31 to January 19, you can not borrow anything, and this applies not only to money, but also to things. Otherwise, you will be in need all year. At the same time, you can’t celebrate the New Year with empty pockets - you will be in need all year. This does not mean that you must certainly meet the holiday, having a large sum of money. It is enough to carry out such a ritual. Under the chiming clock, take in left hand a glass of champagne, and in the right - a coin. Or put money in your pocket or shoes, the main thing is that you have at least some small money with you.

On New Year's Eve, you can't make wishes with a "not" particle. For example, instead of "don't get sick," think "be healthy." It is better to write wishes on pieces of paper, burn them, and put the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink it while the clock strikes.

You should avoid meeting the holiday in a purely female company. If it so happened that there are only ladies at the table, having met the New Year, be sure to go to congratulate the neighbors. good omen also, immediately after the onset of the New Year, pat a male creature on the head - you can even pet... And if a man congratulates you first in the New Year, this is good luck. on the table in new year's eve you can not put crayfish, crabs or lobsters. These animals have the ability to back away, which means that in the coming year you will return to the same problems again and again.

On January 1, you can’t clean up, especially sweeping and throwing garbage away - this promises losses and losses. You also can not do any hard or dirty work, otherwise you will plow all year. You can’t quarrel on the first day of the new year, shout at each other, otherwise the year will pass in quarrels.

You should not buy shoes on January 2 (however, most stores will be closed anyway). Also, on this day after sunset, you can’t sing songs and pin pins on yourself - this is not good ...

January 6 - eve Orthodox Christmas. On this day, you can not eat until the first star. If you find it difficult to starve - eat at least only lean food. You shouldn't do it either general cleaning in the house.

On January 7, you can’t drink water at breakfast and lunch (other drinks are allowed). It is forbidden on this day to lie and scold.

When you throw away the Christmas tree, do not throw out the fallen needles (if you have natural ones). For a cold, pour 1 cup of needles with 1 liter of boiling water and let it brew for three hours. Fill the bath and pour water with needles into it. After taking such a bath, the disease will be removed as if by hand!

Do not throw away candles that have not burned out for the holiday. During the year, they can remove negativity from the house and its inhabitants. To do this, you need to put a candle in the place where the Christmas tree stood, and light it for 15-20 minutes. Even with various negative situations, this technique helps. Put a chair in the place where the tree stood and sit on it for a quarter of an hour. "Magic" is valid during the day.

Wax or stearin that falls from burning Christmas tree candles also don't throw it away. Collect it and fashion a new candle. If you get sick, then light a candle and look at the flame. This will help you heal.

Also, do not remove the last toy taken from the discharged Christmas tree. It will serve as a talisman for your home. Hang it in the hallway or above front door, and it will protect you from any negative energies for a year.

January 18 - the eve of Epiphany. This morning you can not eat until the water in the churches is consecrated. If you brought baptismal water into the house, you cannot give it to others so that goodness does not leave the house. On January 19, after sunset, nothing can be taken out of the house.

How to spend the New Year: 5 components perfect party+ 7 ideas for a non-banal celebration + 7 party options outside the home + 7 benefits of a holiday for two.

I don’t know about you, but in December I already begin to dream that next year will be even better than the previous one, and I'm also starting to think how to spend new year to make it fun, unbanal, interesting.

And I also believe that New Year's Eve is full of miracles, so its power should be used to the maximum: organize a wonderful farewell to the old year, a warm meeting to the new one, make a wish secret desire and sincerely believe that it will come true.

How to spend the New Year: 5 things to take care of

New Year is one of my favorite holidays and I know for sure that I am not alone in my addictions.

Already in early December, the city begins to decorate with garlands, shops offer gift options, restaurants come up with New Year's programs to lure customers.

Already in mid-December, you should decide how to spend the New Year so that this magical holiday made you happy.

And while you are thinking about how and where you are going to have a fun New Year, do not forget to take care of the 5 important components of the perfect holiday:

    Home decorations.

    Well, how can you imagine the main celebration of winter if you have not taken care of the decorations for your home?

    Be sure to decorate the Christmas tree (or spruce twigs), even if you have long grown out of childhood.

    Hang tinsel, "rain" and other decorations around the house.

    And, in my opinion, one cannot do without shining garlands, the lights of which create a mood.

    Rest on New Year's Eve.

    December 31 for many people (especially women) turns into one of hardest days in a year.

    Firstly, this is a working (albeit reduced) day.

    Secondly, after running home from work, many begin to clean the house, cook different dishes finish other important things.

    As a result, there is no longer any strength left.

    Take better care of your rest so that you can have fun all night long.


    It doesn’t matter where and with whom you decide to spend the New Year (even at home in proud loneliness), you must magical night look flawless.

    Beauty is what will save any holiday.

    Festive dinner.

    I don’t understand why people cook a million different heavy and satisfying dishes that cause drowsiness on the night of January 1st.

    Of course, most of all this is not eaten and you have to arrange a gorge for yourself for the next few days.

    It is better to prioritize quality over quantity.


    A pleasant company for you is an indispensable component of a merry New Year.

    And who it will be - a loved one, numerous friends or an adored cat - decide for yourself.

How to have a fun New Year's Eve at home?

It is not at all necessary to drop everything and go somewhere to visit for the New Year, travel to another city and even a country.

You can also have a fun holiday at home, if you decorate the house beautifully, cook a couple delicious meals, to gather a pleasant company, to come up with an unbanal program.

You can have a fun New Year's Eve at home if:

  1. Have a costume party.
  2. Take a film about your holiday with an amateur camera.
  3. Write a script with contests and quizzes.
  4. Prepare a small gift for each of those present.
  5. Bring a lot of music, laughter, dancing and to your holiday.

Do not be upset if, for financial or some other reasons, you have to spend the night of January 1 at home.

It is in your power to do everything to make your holiday memorable, fun and interesting.

How to spend the New Year fun: leaving your apartment

Do not want to hang around on such a significant night within the walls of your own home?

Well, you don't have to!

There are enough options for how to spend the New Year fun and interesting, leaving your home.

You can spend the New Year in:


    Today almost all establishments Catering offer their clients festive dinner and show program.

    There are so many options that you can easily find the right one for yourself.

    If you decide to spend the New Year fun in a restaurant, you won’t have to hang around the stove, and then, tired of the celebration, clear the table and wash the dishes.

    exotic country.

    Yes, such a program requires a lot of money, because for the New Year holidays, many tour operators double their prices, but you will definitely remember such a celebration.

    Another city.

    This option is cheaper than flying to another country, but it can be even more interesting and safer.

    Why not?

    Let the worries about preparing New Year's dinner and cleaning fall on the shoulders of someone else.

    This is a fairly popular way to spend the New Year today, but do not abuse heavy food and alcohol if you stop at it.


    Ideal if you have Vacation home or cottage.

    Then, having fun with fresh air After playing enough snowballs, admiring the fireworks, you can warm up by the fireplace or stove.

    On the main square of the country.

    Just dress warmly so as not to freeze, and behave decently so as not to end up in jail.

    This is also very interesting place in order to have a fun New Year. ☺

How else can you spend the New Year in an original way?

Well, if you want this New Year to be remembered for a lifetime, you will have to come up with something really original that you have never done before.

Let this New Year's Eve become a kind of experiment.

For example, you can have a fun New Year's Eve:

  • doing charity work;
  • peacefully falling asleep at 23.00;
  • in the church;
  • V all alone with a jar of caviar and a bottle of champagne;
  • in the forest in a tent;
  • on a train or plane.

Think about what an incredible idea you have long wanted to implement, but still did not dare to do it.

How to celebrate the New Year so that everyone remains happy,

and the holiday left only positive emotions, the psychologist will tell in the video:

How to spend the New Year together: 5 benefits of such a step

You do not need to gather a huge crowd to spend the New Year.

You may well limit yourself to a minimalist company: you and your loved one.

You will definitely remember this holiday for a long time.

In addition, New Year's Eve, spent under the sign of love and romance, guarantees the absence of problems in personal life the whole next year.

In such a modest, full of love and romance, seeing off the New Year has many advantages:

  1. You don’t have to spend all day at the stove to feed a bunch of people, just one hot meal, a couple of snacks and a plate of fruit is enough.
  2. You can look as you see fit, for example, spend the New Year in a sexy dressing gown or an original fancy dress.
  3. You can spend the outgoing year in a way that you could not do in a company, for example, by engaging in intimate games))).
  4. This a great opportunity save money, because you can get by with minimal spending.
  5. You can immediately exchange gifts after the chiming clock.
  6. Any New Year's rituals that you are embarrassed to carry out in the company are available to you.
  7. On New Year's Eve, you will be with a loved one. And what could be better than this?

By the way, you can completely combine the celebration of the New Year together and in the company.

My girlfriend and her husband have been together for 5 years life together they adhere to one ritual: they listen to the New Year's chimes together with their husband, and then after 24.00 they take a bottle of champagne, tangerines and go on a visit to have fun with friends until the morning.

It's up to you to decide how to spend new year: romantic together, fun in noisy company, original.

The main thing is that you like and remember this holiday, because New Year's Eve marks new stage in life.

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In order to succeed in the New Year, you need to make good impression for a new patron. However, it is on New Year's Eve that we often make mistakes that subsequently negatively affect our lives.

On New Year's Eve, you can not quarrel and scold other people, otherwise in 2018 you will find many conflicts and new enemies.

In the New Year, it is necessary to formulate your desire so that there is no “not” particle in it. Sometimes it is for this reason that dreams do not come true.

If on New Year's Eve guests unexpectedly descended on you, in no case should you refuse hospitality. Otherwise, you can spend the whole year in conflicts and quarrels.

Some people are simply annoyed by the huge pile of dirty dishes in the sink, but it is not recommended to wash them on New Year's Eve. Get over yourself and leave this lesson the next day, so that next year there will be more joyful and bright moments in your life than routine.

During the celebration, you can’t lie and spread bad rumors about other people, otherwise in 2018 you will have many enemies.

Even if on New Year's Eve your pet does not behave too accommodatingly, you cannot scold him, let alone beat him for it. In this case, the new patroness will hold a grudge against you, and 2018 will be hectic for your family.

If during the holiday one of your friends or acquaintances asks you for a loan, it is better to politely refuse. Otherwise, along with the money, you will give away your luck.

Many people are forced to work on New Year's Eve. Even in this case, you should not ignore the onset of the New Year: meet the holiday so that good luck will accompany you in 2018.

A bad sign if you break dishes or Christmas tree toy right at the time of the holiday. In this case, you should not leave damaged things in your house, it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible, then next year you will avoid serious troubles.

In 2018, you can change your life for the better, but whether you are lucky and whether these changes will be positive, you can find out now. Name plays important role in our destiny, and it largely depends on him whether the next year will be happy for you. We wish you happiness and success in 2018 Yellow Earth Dog, and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.12.2017 06:49

In the New Year, everyone wants to know what the new stage has prepared for him. WITH...

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be a great opportunity to strengthen family bonds, have fun and enter the new year with loved ones. If you take care of fun, food, drinks, games and entertainment in advance, then you will have a wonderful time.


Part 1

Drinks and food

    Prepare homemade meals. Taking into account the fact that food delivery goes up in price on New Year's Eve (like other products before the holidays), there is nothing stopping you from spending a little money and preparing a family dinner. Choose dishes that will appeal to all family members and that you can’t afford every day - steak, barbecue or seafood. Such a family dinner can turn into a New Year's tradition.

    Prepare fun appetizers and desserts. Try making cookies, toffees, or other desserts that the whole family can enjoy over New Year's Eve. You can also add New Year's spirit and prepare special New Year's desserts. Many cultures have their own New Year's desserts like Vasilopita, a Greek New Year's cake that hides a coin in the dough when baked. It is believed that a person who comes across a piece with a coin will be lucky in the coming year.

    Prepare festive drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails. All children love hot cocoa, sugary drinks and fizzy drinks. grape juice. You can also make other cocktails with strawberries and kiwis, cranberries and peppermint. Be sure to use champagne glasses and other “adult” plastic utensils so that the children celebrate with you. For adults, you can prepare individual cocktails or stick to classic version with champagne.

    Watch movies. Include movies you already have in your collection and buy new releases you've been wanting to watch for a long time. Make movies one of the many entertainments or arrange non-stop movie watching. During the movies, you can eat snacks and drink drinks that you have prepared together.

    Create a New Year's photo corner. Organize a place in the room where you can take pictures. Choose a wall or corner to use as a backdrop and decorate with ready-made or homemade holiday decorations. Can also print some details fancy dress to get your own photo props.

    Put on sophisticated outfits. Invite all family members to wear best clothes to feel like participants in the New Year's ball. You can turn on music, dance and take pictures in irresistible costumes.

    Make pouches to keep track of time. Place various goodies and sweets in small bags to open one bag every hour while waiting for midnight. The number of pouches you need depends on what time you start opening them. You can put the following in them:

    Make your own Christmas decorations. Use thick paper, threads and embellishments to make party hats. Also try to make homemade New Year's rattles by placing in plastic bottles rice, confetti and glitter. Close them with a lid and shake them loudly to greet the arrival of the New Year noisily. Can also be mounted to the ceiling air balloons and let them go when the clock strikes midnight:

Part 3

New Year's Eve

    Think back to the past year and make plans for the coming year. Around midnight, or at any other time, get together and remember what happened last year with each of you individually and with the whole family. After that, try to formulate plans for the next year. You can make a plan for the whole family to be responsible for it to each other.

    Celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. If there are small children in the family, it will be difficult for them not to fall asleep before midnight. Try celebrating the New Year in a different time zone. For example, depending on your country of residence, you can celebrate the New Year with the French or the Japanese. Thanks to this, small children will be able to celebrate the New Year with you and go to bed earlier.

  1. Don't forget about those who are a little bored to spend new Year's Eve in the family. Teenagers and young adults tend to think that by staying home for the New Year, they are missing out on all the fun. You can ask them about pleasant moments outgoing year and expectations for the next 12 months. This conversation will help you get closer.
  2. You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Surely some family members will not want to party all night! If you are tired and want to go to bed earlier, then this is completely normal. In the morning there will be the same New Year, the meeting of which can be slightly shifted.
  3. Warnings

  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Be mindful of your neighbors when you turn on the music. Even on New Year's Eve, people have small children and sick relatives.
  • If you spend the whole evening regretting that you stayed with your family and could have had much more fun, then it will be difficult for you to feel the moment and appreciate its importance. It will be much easier and more fun for you if you treat this as another great way celebrate New Year. Think about what you have avoided - long taxi waits, drunken brawls, slightly crazy crowds of people who strive to hug everyone in honor of the New Year!


Still, the New Year’s Eve at home has absolutely no competitors (okay, dinner under a palm tree on the beach doesn’t count!), and we’ll tell you in detail why, so that you don’t despair that you don’t have any plans for December 31 and is not expected. Firstly, it will definitely be a warm New Year. Secondly, you will avoid the triple payment for dinner, which restaurants "hospitably" charge on New Year's Eve (by the way, including frankly cheap champagne in this abnormal price).

Thirdly, no screamers, crazy people and drunkards will ruin your holiday. Fourth, you can honorably celebrate the New Year in pajamas, and no one will tell you anything about it. And, finally, fifthly, at the end of the holiday, you can simply fall asleep elegantly on your own sofa without any bills, a taxi and a frozen intercom. Persuaded? Do not forget to invite your friends to visit for the New Year, because the holiday will be much more fun in the company. It is for such a homemade New Year with friends that we came up with several entertaining ideas.

Order "anonymous" gifts for guests

In Spain there is a tradition Secret Santa”: you write the names of all the guests invited to the New Year, sort them and give each one a piece of paper. The person whose name you got on a piece of paper is the addressee new year gift which you buy and choose. The price and theme of gifts can be discussed separately, but the main thing is that such an unconventional exchange of presents for the New Year will definitely turn out to be fun.

Surprise your guests

For example, prepare “fateful cookies” in advance, but only the usual predictions in the style of “You are waiting for a career advancement” should alternate with the most idiotic ones. And none of the guests should know about the catch in advance!

Give up the New Year's table in favor of a buffet table

In order not to waste time slicing salads together and not to oblige someone to cook for everyone, order each guest some hearty snack in mini-portions, based on the number of invited people. Or plan a fondue dinner, either cheesy or sweet, the same way: everyone brings fondue starters and they all chip in for the base ingredients.

Make some easy cocktails together

You can find a lot of recipes on the Internet - from classic cocktails that you can find in any bar to crazy ones (like bright blue “boiling” champagne). Everyone can make a contribution and bring one or another ingredient, just do not forget to take into account that on New Year's Eve, alcohol is perhaps the most popular product in stores.

Prepare games

Once everyone is refreshed, you can move on to entertainment. You can take guests board game in which everyone will be involved. For the state of “everyone has already drunk, but is still sober”, for example, a jenga contest is suitable, and at a more drunken stage, you can move on to the game “Who am I” with pieces of paper on your forehead from the movie “Inglourious Basterds”.

Invite guests to make predictions for the coming year

This trick works with close friends whom you see often and not the first time you celebrate the New Year. Ask them to list events they think will happen to them personally or in the world in the coming year. A few months after the New Year or at a meeting already of the year 2017, you will have a reason to laugh: get predictions and find out who “wanged” the best.