How to make a boy confess his love. An effective love spell to make a guy fall in love with a girl. Love spell for a guy on your own

By themselves, men do not like to talk about love and do not know how, so it is not surprising that one of the most FAQ from the side of a woman it sounds like: “Do you love me?”

The difference in the ease with which a man and a woman pronounce declarations of love is due not only socially, but also physiologically. In men, in principle, the need for speaking is weakly expressed. There are not as many linguistically gifted people among them as there are among women. And although women more easily translate thoughts and images into words, there are fewer of them among writers and poets only because historically women's writing was not encouraged. Being engaged in three "K" - kitchen, kinder and bed - the woman tried not to go across public opinion and if she wrote, she wrote to the table. There are many cases in the history of literature when the manuscripts for a great writer or scholar were corrected and brought to mind by his woman, secretary or housekeeper.

The male brain, for the most part, is arranged in such a way that the connection between the hemispheres is much less developed than in women. For signal transmission between the hemispheres, a special "jumper" between them, which is called the corpus callosum, is responsible. In women, this jumper is more massive, has more developed neural pathways. That is why a woman can constantly chirp about what she sees and feels. It is more difficult for a man to do this. For him, the situation from the category “I feel something, but I don’t know how to say or express it in words” is completely typical. So talking about love is polysyllabic and ornate, most of them do not know how because of the physiological limitations in the brain.

The speech ability of a person usually depends on the type of dominance of the cerebral hemispheres. Women often dominate left hemisphere, which is responsible for the ability to speak. Men are better oriented in space, understand mathematics and physics, can build complex spatial architectural models in their minds. All this they get due to the dominance of the right hemisphere. It is estimated that a woman wants to say 7,000 words a day. In men daily allowance speaking - 2000 words. If they have to talk more, they become stressed and panicky. Women, on the other hand, become nervous and irritable if their need to talk is not met. Usually, psychologists recommend that women do not bother their husband in vain, and spend a couple of unspent desires to speak in conversations with female friends. Nowadays, various blogs and communities also contribute well to this.

So all the same, what to do to make him confess his love? First, be patient. If your loved one is not Cicero in terms of oratory, give him the opportunity to formulate feelings in the words that he finds for each situation. Secondly, if you are directly burning with impatience, wait for the moment when the most enchanting sex happens in your relationship. In men, the areas of the brain responsible for love are not found at all. So when he says "I love you", at that time the areas of the brain responsible for sex are activated. Women have two different zones brain for this, and quite strong neural connections are laid between them. Moreover, experiments in the field of studying the brain have shown that in many women the brain area responsible for the desire for sex is not activated until the love zone is activated. A woman first falls in love, then she begins to really want a man. A man, on the other hand, can live for years with a woman with whom he has great sex, and he does not always even want to experience a feeling of love. And if you put pressure on him and ask him every day if he loves you, he will most likely say words of love at the time of the testosterone explosion. That is, this is that short period of time between the moment when he begins to want you, and the moment when this desire has already resulted in an erection.

It turns out that there is one answer to the question of what to do to make him confess his love, but from the point of view of a woman, he is rather cynical. You need to seduce a man, warm him up to the point where he is almost ready for sex, and then provoke him to confess his love. This feature male perception of love are perfectly able to use female dynamists. You must have met at least one lady in your life who inflames an unlucky admirer to an incredible desire for sex, flirts with him, flirts. And when it comes down to it, she backs down. But a man is ready to crumble in praises, confessions and gifts to such a lady, not noticing that everyone around her considers her an ordinary bitch.

So what happens that men do not want to confess their love at all? Of course, all this is not true. The difficulties described above speak to why it is more difficult for them than for women to talk about their feelings. But that doesn't mean they don't talk about them. Just a woman should not be upset if she cannot get him to confess his love. You need to focus on your female intuition, and if she says that in fact he loves you, it doesn’t matter what he says in words.

Sometimes men are in no hurry to confess their feelings. Shyness, uncertainty - all this postpones the moment cherished for every girl. What do you do when you can't wait anymore? How to push a loved one to confess his love? In this situation, magic and love spells seem not entirely stupid things. And a way out of this situation is found. Now it remains to pick effective conspiracies for a declaration of love.

Types of conspiracies for love

white magic more gentle and less dangerous. But even she can harm the caster if something is done wrong. It is worth adhering to the correct white conspiracies.
Black love spells primarily affect your health and emotional state. And they will also harm the one on whom the love spell is set. Black magic is usually used to harm a person.
  • vintage
We all know about old fortune-telling grandmothers - it was from these grandmothers that unusual conspiracies began. Mostly old women practiced on folk recipes. Herbs, etc.
  • with the help of specialists
Here you need to be extremely careful, as there are many scammers. Contact your friends, maybe they have already gone to one of these preachers.
  • independent
Independent divination can lead to both bad consequences and good ones.

Everything is up to you.

Conspiracies for a declaration of love

More interested in independent love spells associated with white magic. Since black magic (although it is stronger) will return to you with negative energy after a while. I don’t want to take dirty deeds into my soul, so let’s turn our attention to white magic.

Rules that all women must follow before going to make a love spell:

  • Necessary pay attention to the moon. It must be necessarily growing, rituals at this time acquire the greatest power. The feelings of a loved one will only grow, like the moon.
  • Need believe into what you are doing. After all, without faith, nothing will work out, and magic will not acquire its powers. Believe only in the best and imagine how the betrothed confesses his love to you.
  • In no case can't tell about what you have done. It's like with a wish, if you make it, then never tell anyone about it. otherwise, the spell won't work.

Effective love spell on a loved one

  1. Find a photo of your lover. On it, he should be imprinted alone.
  2. Flip it over and reverse side write: " The true master, the slave (name) cannot live without his shadow, he will not overcome longing for me, your slave (name). Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing. Like the sun in the sky, so are you with me, the slave of the master (name)".
  3. The plot must be read three times a day. After the ceremony is completed, you need to burn the photo, and get rid of the ashes (scatter in the wind).

Conspiracy for a declaration of love

To carry it out, we only need a glass of water.
We drink in small sips and quietly whisper a conspiracy:
"FROMI measure the hoarfrost of the sea with sips, you will say words with a feathered bird.
About love, the falcon will sing songs to me, but all sincere.
The slave (name) will say, the raven will not cover the black wing"

Vanga's strong conspiracy for love

You need a photo of your loved one.
  1. Put it next to you and say: " The bed without a loved one is empty, life is sad. How my beloved will come to me,love will bring with it, so the empty place will close,in my life the door to love will open. So be it".
  2. After that, put the photo under the pillow, when you wake up in the morning, kiss and say: " I spent the night, got attached, love woke me up, my soul sang. They are connected by one thread, the road is indicated to us with our beloved. Amen".

Conspiracies to make a loved one confess his love

It is also infrequent that there are conspiracies specifically for a declaration of love.

If in family life or feelings began to fade away in a relationship, or you haven’t heard a declaration of love for a long time, then you can use the following conspiracies:

  • Dress before bed Underwear, stroke yourself and say in a whisper: “ I radiate love and happiness happy relationship I attract to myself, I want my man's attention».
  • When brushing your hair: As my braid is long, so life with her husband will be cloudless and happy. Love is always with me, it comes from me and attracts everyone».
  • If, with all this, you also want to help your man: “ I love you very much, just as much you are smart, rich and successful».
After these whispers, your man or lover confesses his love to you. And finally, the pleasant will please the ear: " I love you!"

Do not forget that any love spell is valid for six months, and if during this time your lover did not have true feelings, then it is worth repeating it.

And also love spells can turn into bad consequences:

  • May be haunted by nightmares.
  • Increase the feeling of hatred towards all the people around. There will be a desire to tear yourself apart.
  • After a love spell, an aversion to a loved one will appear. You don't want to be with him.
  • The appearance of addictions, alcohol, etc.
  • Depression and negative state.
Remember, before bewitching a person, think about your actions. Any spell can help or hurt you. It may be worth considering whether it is necessary to resort to non-traditional means, after all, you can try to achieve your own betrothed. If you nevertheless decide on a ceremony, then you must subsequently turn to an experienced fortune teller, perhaps you did something wrong. And it can turn negative consequences for you and your partner.

girls love sweet words and tender confessions. Most of them are ready to listen about love from morning to evening and from evening to morning. Apparently, this happens because all women love, first of all, with their ears. Such is the structure of their body. Guys often don't get it. Or understand, but how smart dogs they can't say anything. They only look lovingly, sadly and devotedly. Of course, a guy who is not very fluent in his tongue cannot be forced to talk about love around the clock. But, at least once, he is simply obliged to confess his feelings to you. And then a couple more times to repeat his confession.

But the first time is still the hardest. Is it possible to force a guy to confess his love? With skills psychological impact, Yes, you certainly may. Let's see how this can be done.

To begin with, it would be nice to understand why this a strange man, with whom you have been dating for several months (days, weeks, years) and who shows in every way that you are extremely indifferent to him, is still silent, like a partisan under interrogation, and still has not told you the three main words of all lovers.

  1. The worst assumption you can make is that he doesn't love you. Unfortunately, this really happens. Maybe he likes to spend time with you, maybe he is ready for a close relationship, but at the same time he does not feel love and he himself understands this. Therefore, it is silent. This, of course, is very sad. But honestly. Indeed, many guys, trying to achieve the location of a girl, scatter declarations of love right and left, but their words are empty and mean nothing. He's such a bunch of guys. Is it worth it in this case to seek his recognition? Hardly. But, if he is really dear to you, you should think about how to ignite his feelings and become the only one for him. If this works out, then it will be possible to think about confessions.
  2. Maybe he doesn't know if he loves you or not. He is at a crossroads. He likes you, but he’s not sure that he feels for you that same loud feeling that poets, rockers, rappers and other idols sing about. In this case, it is better not to rush it. Let him sort himself out. Sometimes it is worth even a little or a lot to move away from him. If you are truly dear to him, in separation he will understand it faster. And then, most likely, he will decide on recognition.
  3. Now let's turn to the third option. He loves you. You are sure of it. You see it in his eyes, you understand it by the bewildered, enthusiastic expression of his face, by incoherent speeches, and you read it in his heart, as in an open book. He loves but does not speak. Because he's afraid. Really you? Of course. And not because you are so scary and formidable, but because you are afraid of being rejected. It is this fear that binds his lips with an iron seal.
  4. Another reason is shyness. Surely a cold sweat breaks through him, and his tongue becomes wooden and clumsy, at the mere thought of what needs to be said, looking into your beautiful eyes, “I love you.” In fact, fear and shyness are closely related. He is embarrassed to confess his love, because he is afraid of being rejected, and this makes his shyness even more. And she, in turn, provokes fear. It turns out a vicious circle.
How to break it and how to make a guy confess his love if he is shy?
  1. Create a favorable environment and atmosphere. Don't be too strict and don't act like yourself snow queen. You've already scared the guy out of his mouth. It's time to become a little softer and more tender, so that he finally realizes that you are also not indifferent. Smile more, compliment and everyone accessible ways give him confidence. Tell us what exactly in his appearance and character you like and admire. Explain that you consider him brave and decisive and you can always rely on him. Let him feel like a real man, forget about his shyness and confess his love to you.
  2. Confess first. This is perhaps the most efficient way. Even in the case when the guy is not sure of his feelings, having heard your confession, he will be forced to confess in response. At least that's what the vast majority of guys do. Where this leads to is another question. But if we talk about a guy who loves you, then the result is obvious and predictable: he immediately confesses in response and everything will be fine with you.

    But here you have to forget about your pride, not every girl is ready for this. You can cheat and not admit directly. Hints can also be very transparent and completely understandable, especially for attentive listener. Say you like him very much. Wait for his reaction. If the reaction is insufficient, add that you miss him very much when he is not around. And that he is the best. You can also say that you are sad when you think that sooner or later you will leave. If after that he does not rush to console you and confess that he loves you with terrible force and wants you to be together all your life, then you probably won’t catch him at all. In addition to the clear and understandable words "I love you."

  3. It happens that a guy just doesn’t realize that it’s time to say the cherished words and bring your relationship to life. new level. You meet, go to the movies and cafes, have a good time together or with friends, and of course you are a couple, not just good friends. There is no doubt about it, neither you nor him. But he is in no hurry to say “I love you” simply because he does not understand how important it is for you and how much you want to hear these words. What to do? You need to explain to him, directly or in hints, what you want from him.

    This can be done with the power of art. Invite him to a movie where, as you know, the hero beautifully and romantically confesses his love to the heroine. During the movie, hold his hand and give him meaningful looks. Continue after the movie. If he has intelligence and at least elementary powers of observation, he will understand what you want from him. Instead of a movie, you can use a play, a musical, and even listening to heartfelt songs containing love confessions together.

    If you meet somewhere a poster with a declaration of love or an inscription on the pavement “Dasha, I love you”, show him that you consider such actions very romantic and hint that you would be pleased to hear a confession. A poster or an inscription may come your way and it is not by chance. Take care of it.

  4. Some people use jealousy to stimulate a guy. If he does not tell you that he loves, then you are completely free and not bound by any obligations. And, accordingly, you can do whatever you want and with whom you want. If he finds out that someone else invited you to the cinema, he will be surprised at first, then upset, and later afraid that he might lose you. And he wants to keep with the help of magic words.
Sometimes there is nothing better than just waiting. In some cases, your activity can only scare the guy away. And he will think about confessing his love to you, although before that he really wanted to. If you are going to take some kind of stimulating action in relation to your boyfriend, you must definitely take into account his temperament. If he is by nature unhurried and thorough, then he will not be in a hurry with recognition. And don't rush. Everything has its time.

Talking about your feelings has always been difficult. Moreover, it is difficult to unequivocally answer the question " how to confess to a guy in love so that he does not refuse ? A declaration of love is a delicate matter, it does not tolerate haste. After all, a guy can be timid and misunderstand if you decide to put pressure or talk about love in the forehead, and not every girl will be the first to decide to talk about her feelings. So, if you firmly decided to fall in love with a guy, try to act prudently and adhere to certain rules:
Always look great. For this purpose, it is not necessary to use thick layers of cosmetic plaster, it is enough to look feminine and well-groomed.
Always remain a mystery. No need to give out all your secrets and secrets.
Hit him with your eccentricity. For example, skydive, start collecting stamps or something like that 🙂
find common interests with a guy.
Be charismatic, but be yourself, you don't need a complete reincarnation.
Be smart, read more, diversify so that the guy is interested in you in every way.
Stay inaccessible.
Don't be pushy and demanding.

So, for starters, develop tactics for declaring love. You don’t need to rush, as if into a pool, on his neck with cries of “I love you”, but you don’t have to be afraid to confess your love. The main thing is to do it delicately. Think not about what to say to a guy to make him fall in love, but about how to make sure that he does not think that you are trying to manipulate him.

Try to find out about the guy as much as you can more information: his interests, what he loves most, how he relaxes, with whom he communicates, what kind of character he has, what hobbies.

The information received will give more opportunities to get to know the guy better and understand from which side it is better to approach him. At the same time, do not forget to watch him. Watching your beloved, you can understand how he treats you, namely: how he looks at you, whether he shows signs of attention, what kind of reaction to your words. Find out by chance from friends and girlfriends (if there is reason to trust them) what he says about you. Having received necessary information, maybe you can figure out how to tell a guy that you like him in such an unobtrusive way, so that the guy thinks that he himself confessed his love to you.

Several effective ways to confess your love:

  • Use of ambiguous phrases. To make sure that the guy to whom you are going to confess your feelings likes you, you can play with words. For example: “You have a great sense of humor, that’s why I love you!” or “I would like to see your reaction if I confessed my love to you” and much more. But remember that you should not impose yourself, there should be a measure in everything. No need to write a lot of messages on the phone, get it with regular calls and follow him around.
  • Think about what to say to the guy to make him melt. Say he's reliable, attractive, and more. Sometimes you can thank the guy for his help and, as if by chance, add: “What would I do without you.” - Moreover, it would be nice to look into his eyes that way deeply and penetratingly.
  • "Eyes to eyes". This method will be needed if the guy does not want to understand your "transparent" hints. The method is perhaps the most difficult, which will require courage and confidence, but it is the most effective. Since you will look into his eyes, you will be able to see the reaction and, if possible, react. If you choose this particular method, then you need to choose and rehearse the words that you will pronounce so that there is no confusion in your thoughts. You need to speak clearly and confidently.
  • Letter of recognition. This method has always been considered more romantic than all other confessions. And an important factor: you will not blush and turn pale from stare guy when you try to confess your love to him. In a letter it is always easier to describe your feelings than in words, it is easier to gather your thoughts, moreover, it can be not just thoughts, but also poems written by you personally.

At the mere thought of the guy you are in love with, your heart starts beating and your palms sweat. When you like someone - whether you've known each other for years or only talked a couple of times - you instinctively want to know how this person feels about you. Once it becomes clear to you yourself how you feel about this person, it is perfectly natural to want to know how he feels in return. In order not to guess too long, there are many ways to provoke a guy to confess his feelings. Once you understand that this is your person, use the right approach.


Make sure the guy is open and ready

    First of all, make sure he is not in a relationship with someone else. You should not cross someone's path, trying to wrest a confession from a guy who is already taken. Also, don't get your hopes up about a guy who spends a lot of time with another girl and might just be after her. In fact, in order to understand the situation, a lot of effort is not required. All you need is to chat a little among his friends, look at the profile in in social networks or even just ask him a question directly. Here are examples of such questions:

    • If you're brave enough, ask during one of the conversations if he's seeing anyone. Ask a question as if by the way: “Do you have a girlfriend?” or “Have you already noticed someone?” Questions like this won't reveal your feelings.
    • If you cannot ask him directly due to natural shyness or the rarity of meetings, try to find out about this from his friends. Casually mention him in a conversation, and then ask: “By the way, do you know if he is dating anyone?”
    • If you have no one to ask about it, check his status on social networks.
  1. Clarify his position regarding relationships with girls. If it turns out that he is alone, it is worth asking how he generally relates to girls. So you can understand if he is potentially ready for a relationship as well as you. Be subtle, and try to ask such questions in private. Example relationship questions:

    • "When was the last time you dated a girl?"
    • "Would you like to date any of the girls?"
    • "Do you often go on dates?"
  2. Be with him light and cheerful. When you're talking, try to bring in pleasant and funny notes to the conversation to see if he enjoys joking in your presence. You can even try giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder during a conversation to see how he reacts. If he laughs and makes some kind of reciprocal gesture, this good sign. Humor - great way open a heart inclined towards you, because this way you show your interest, and the guy will feel more comfortable.

    Watch for the chemistry between you. If it turns out that in the presence of each other you constantly laugh and find a lot in common with each other, then there is a great chance that you mutually like each other. Constant laughter and smiles main indicator something going on between two people. Guys in love also very often call their passion by name. Here are a couple more signs that expose him true feelings:

    Lead him to confession

    1. Develop trusting relationships. Let him feel special because of your interest in his personality. Be interested in his hobbies and dreams for the future. React openly and positively to everything he talks about so that he feels comfortable sharing it with you. Don't be afraid to appear vulnerable by revealing something about yourself, as this will make him feel that you have special trust in him.

      • Talk about your biggest fears or share a story about how you got into an embarrassing situation.
      • If you demonstrate your trust, it will be easier for him to open up to you.
    2. Listen to him and avoid value judgments. Let him show himself for who he is. Let him know that you are not going to rate him and appreciate everything that makes him so unique. Your goal is to build trust and create a safe environment where you can talk about anything. Guys are reluctant to share their inner experiences. What holds him back most is the fear of rejection on your part. Let him know that you will not criticize him or reject his feelings.

      • In order to open up emotionally, a guy needs to feel free from judgment.
    3. Don't pressure him. Guys don't like to feel like they're trapped. And flattery and fawning, most likely, will completely push him away from you. Even if he has any feelings for you, he will not rush to confess if you are too intrusive.

      • Be patient. By rushing, you can scare him away and make him close even more.
      • Don't sleep him text messages. You should not turn into a person whose messages he will read first in the morning and last night. Make sure that communication is mutual, not one-sided.
      • At least from time to time, he should be the initiator of your meetings. If you invited him somewhere, but he refused, wait next time for an invitation from him.
    4. Don't chase him. If you chase a guy in the hope that he will confess his feelings to you, you will only achieve that he wants to run away from you. In addition, he may like your desire to achieve him - he does not need to achieve you! Pause and let him realize that he doesn't want to lose you. This will make him more inclined to confess his feelings to you.

      • Do not come to his home or work without an invitation.
      • If you cross paths at a party, don't follow him all evening. Chat with other friends and show that you're having a good time on your own.
      • There is only one courting in a couple, and it should not be you.
    5. Be sincere and humble. If you act confident and boastful while hiding your true feelings, the guy will feel awkward around you, because he will subtly feel that you are faking it. Be confident, but don't act haughty or boastful - it's off-putting.

    6. Flirt a little with his friend. If you focus your attention on one of his friends, he may be afraid that he has lost your interest and rush to explain his feelings to you. You don't have to go too far with flirting, just strike up an engaging conversation with one of his friends to spark a little jealousy and that will be enough. Here's what you can talk about with his friends:

      • "What do you like to do in your free time?"
      • "Where do you work?" or “What job do you want in the future?”
      • "What are your favorite films?"
    7. Don't let him guess how you feel too soon. Perhaps what keeps him from recognizing him is the certainty that you already have him, and nothing more needs to be done. Once you understand that you want him to confess his feelings, play a little touchy: do not always agree to a meeting and do not answer all his calls. This will spur him to speed up the confession of his true feelings.

      • Give him the opportunity to miss you or reflect on what you do. Let him be the first to call or send SMS.
      • If he asks what you do on the weekend, answer honestly, but always in a positive way. You can say, "I'm hanging out with friends or watching movies," or "I'm planning to spend some time with my family this week, but I haven't decided what I'm going to do."
      • Whatever you say, in no case give the impression that you will be bored and sit at home, not knowing what to do with yourself.
    8. Playfully ask him if he likes you. Nothing bad will happen if you ask him about it directly. If he's too shy to admit that he likes you, be honest that you like him. This can help him take a step towards revealing his secret feelings. If you have been friends for a long time, and suddenly you notice that he is smiling at you and constantly flirting, ask him a question directly. For example:

      • Sit next to him and say: “I like you, and I wonder if you like me?” or “I really enjoy spending time with you and I kind of want you to enjoy it too. Do you like me?"
      • If he doesn't know what to say, giggle and say, "Well, do you like me?" He will simply fall victim to your charm.
      • If he says yes, you have achieved the desire of your heart. If he says no, at least you'll know it now and won't waste your time on him. If he paused and didn't answer, don't worry, he might just be having a hard time articulating his thoughts.
      • If you subtly hint to him that you like him and you are open towards him, perhaps he will decide and admit that he likes you.
      • Give him the opportunity to be close to you himself.
      • If he enjoys playfully teasing you, that's a sign that he likes you.
      • Try not to flirt too much with other guys. Yes, this can provoke jealousy in him, but it can also make him lose hope and forever shut up about his feelings.
      • Smile at him, and if he smiles back and nods his head, then he has you in his field of vision!
      • A good sign that someone likes you is if the person constantly seeks to communicate with you, even to the point of ignoring everyone else.
      • Enjoy life whether he is around or not. Enjoy activities that have nothing to do with it. This is an indicator of your emotional stability, and it is this position that makes you want to be around.
      • Don't change for anyone, and don't expect them to change.
      • If his friends tease him in your presence, this may also be a sign that he likes you.


      • Don't follow him online or check your phone all the time. If it's meant to happen, it will happen. If you get too close, you will only cause a desire to move away.
      • Don't push him away from his friends or you risk irritating him. Give him space to support other significant relationships in his life.
      • Be prepared for him to say no and take it easy. If he refuses, it just means that you are not suitable for each other.