Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten tree. Master class "Unconventional drawing methods as a means of forming color perception in children of preschool age. Drawing on wet paper

Irina Tyurin

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of teachers about non-traditional drawing methods, as a means of forming color perception in preschool children.

Introduce special knowledge and practical skills in the field of visual activity on unconventional drawing methods;

Teach to combine in practice several unconventional ways in drawing;

Increase the level of skill of teachers.

Methods and techniques: reproductive, practical.

Equipment: sheets of paper, simple pencils, erase, colored paper, PVA glue, salt, gouache, brushes, silicate glue, liquid soap, water, cocktail tubules, color grids.

Preliminary work: processing of special literature on this topic; preparation of equipment; Creating a computer presentation.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

The theme of today's master class: "Unconventional methods of drawing as a means of forming color perception in preschool children."

The color perception is the ability to perceive and distinguish between the colors and their shades. The value of the color perception in the life of the preschooler is very large, as it creates a foundation for development mental processes, promotes the development of speech. Acquaintance with color helps them fully and tightly perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

The task of the teacher is to help the child to discover the lifetime of the world, get the joy of this discovery and realize their opportunities in the embodiment of his vision.

Many want the lives of creative, do something new, unprecedented, not only for children, but also for themselves. Not only for yourself, but also for others. But what does it mean: to be a creator in kindergarten? Invent new learning techniques? Probably. Give children advice and knowledge? Too can be. Rejoice in their independent findings? Necessarily. All this refers to professional activity Children's garden teacher. Children I teach to perceive multifaceted the world By image color with unconventional drawing methods. These ways are demonstrated unusual combination Materials and tools. The technique of their implementation is interesting and accessible to both adult and children.

I propose to get to know you with some unconventional drawing methods that are offered to children of preschool age.

Dear colleagues, on the table in front of you are cards divided into three columns. Please answer the questions of the first two columns.

So, today we will get to know some methods of non-traditional drawing, united one topic - "Seasons". Speaking about any time of year, we subconsciously "stain" it in a certain color:

Autumn: Golden, Criminal, Gray ....

Winter: white, silver ...

Spring: light green, blue ...

Summer: green, red, multicolored ....

1. Our academic year begins with autumn, so the first way I want to introduce you is "Drawing an eraser". In this way, it is very good to draw late cloudy autumn, the autumn evenings when the circle is slurry and sad. The method is very interesting, but at the same time simple. Strike sheet of paper simple pencil And draw an eraser what I want: autumn tree In the wind, the moon, overlooking the clouds, a path in the park ...

2. But the autumn leaves, and the wizard-winter is in a hurry, it wraps the earth with a snow-white bedspread, disgusts the bunnies to new coats, puts trees and bushes in the outfits of the sparkling ynei. How to transfer it all in the picture? And what if you pour glue, and to sprinkle with salt on top of these sites? "Drawing salt on glue" certainly like children. Then it turns out amazing snowy pictures. They will look more effectively if they are performed on blue, blue, pink colored paper. In this way, it is interesting to draw snowmen, bunnies in the winter forest, a Christmas tree, sorry.

3. For the change of winter, the young spring is reluctantly comes to us. She just woke up, I don't want to get out of a warm soft lining. For a long time we are waiting for her, call ... And now Spring enters into its own possessions, and immediately rapidly: the droplets rang, the streams ran, nature wakes up. And here we already see the first leaflets on the trees, on the bushes, there is a young grass on the fields. All this can be depicted using "Drawing with mint paper": Many paper, dip in the paint and make a print on paper, then the tassel can be drawn the details of the picture. Just, interesting and accessible.

4. The grass is green, the sun shines ... And here our eyes are already pleased with the first flowers. The way I want to offer you, I was interested in myself, I enchanted, stunned. Fascinating and just draw "Paint for silicone glue". How it's done? We cover a sheet of paper with silicate glue, lay, do not regret so that it does not dry. Take thin brush (You can fade, wet the water, do in the paint and draw ... do not forget about the water! Magic flowers bloom one by one. Such drawings must be dried. In this way, you can draw paradise birds, try at leisure. I am sure the result will be stunning.

5. Behind the spring, the summer was glad red to visit us. Heat, light, joyful. Want, go swim, you want, sunbathing, you want, eat ice cream ...

And suggest to draw ice cream children ... soap bubbles. The delight will be "above the roof." This is one of the interesting, but complicated method of drawing a method of drawing with lungs. In several tanks with liquid soap (1 h. Water spoon to 1 tbsp. The soap spoon) add different paint (5 tbsp. Spoons per portion, blow into the tube until the formation of soap bubbles and to dip a sheet of paper about them. It turns out an air-fabulous image.

6. What is ice cream without a cup? Draw him will help us one old forgotten way - "Embossing". We apply paper to the surface of the subject (mesh from colors, straw napkin, relief wallpapers, etc.) and rub it with a wax chalk. The texture appears and imprinted on paper. Different surfaces household items - give different effects stamping on paper. The main thing is that the surface is not completely smooth so that there are convex details on it. That's ready ice cream in wafer cup! You can enjoy ... drawing!

Which of the presented ways did you have the greatest interest? Why? What questions arose during this master class?

Dear women, thank you for your interest in my experience, active participation In the master class, for wonderful paintings. Thank you for your cooperation! Creative success!

The result of everyday work -

Delight of magical flight!

All this is a wonderful sense -

The occupation born inspiration.

Cards for reflection.

What kind of drawing methods do I know? What kind of drawing ways I use in work? What new drawing methods did I recognize?

Publications on the topic:

2 part 3 part. Information and reference information: 1. The topic of experience: "Unconventional drawing techniques as a means of development.

Experience "Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing creative abilities in preschool children" 1 Part II.The technological section The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a children's hand, the thinner the interaction of the hand with.

Experience "Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing creative abilities in preschool children" 1 Part 2.2. Tasks solved in experience: the purpose of my work: the development of creative abilities in children of preschool age with the help of non-traditional.

Experience "Non-traditional drawing techniques as a means of developing creative abilities in preschool children" Monotypia - This technique We used the guys to the image of a mirror reflection of objects on a water stroke (pond, lakes, rivers.

Consultation for parents

"Drawing with unconventional ways"

Why and why do our children paint? Yes, because the visual activity is hardly the most interesting type of preschoolers. It allows the child to reflect their impressions of the world around the world, express their attitude towards them. At the same time, the visual activity is invaluable for a comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental Development Children. Having experienced this feeling once, the child will strive in his creative work Transfer what he found out, saw, survived. In order not to limit the possibilities of children in the expression of the surrounding world, not enough traditional set fine remedies and materials.

The term "non-traditional" (from lat. Traditio is familiar) implies the use of materials, tools, drawing methods that are not generally accepted. Children learn to draw paints, pencils, soap foam, candle.

But, teaching a child drawing, should not overdo it. Do not constantly force a child to draw. It is necessary to create a positive motivation to drawing, the desire to be a creator.

Try paint not only with brush, pencils, felt-powder, but also palm, fingers, cam, to get an image with the help of priest means (threads, tubes, trees leaves). Use of allnon-traditional drawing techniquesallows preschoolers experiment - mix paints with soap foam, watercolor with gouache.

Preschoolers for their nature are able to sympathize literary hero., play out in a complex role-playing game emotional various states, but to understand that there is beauty, and learn how to express yourself in the visual activity - a gift that you can only dream about, but it can be taught.

We are adults, you need to develop a sense of beauty in the child. It is from us that the rich or poor - will be his spiritual life. It should be remembered: if the perception of the wonderful will not be supported by the participation of the child in the creation of beauty, then, according to the child, "infantile enthusiasm" is formed.

To instill love for fine art, cause interest in drawing from younger preschool age, it is necessary to use unconventional image methods. Such an unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known items as art Materials, surprises its unpredictability.

What non-traditional drawing methods can be used at home?

  • drawing with fingers,
  • palm
  • cotton chopsticks
  • soap bubbles
  • splashing, etc.
  • Isn't you interested to know what happens?

A variety of materials puts new tasks and makes something invent something all the time. And from the doodle and masses, in the end, the recognizable object is emerged.

Having learned to express your feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome timidity, fear of drawing, before anything happens. He is sure that it will turn out, and it will turn out beautifully.

Mastering various materials, ways to work with them, an understanding of their expressiveness allows children to more effectively use them when reflected in the drawings of their impressions from the surrounding life.

Summarizing your experience with children in this direction, I can confidently say that the most interesting forms of visual activity for children are non-traditional techniques drawing. Similar non-standard approaches The organization of visual activities surprise and admire children, thereby causing the desire to engage in such an interesting business.

They love to draw and ... soap bubbles. You can draw in the way of blowing.

But you can draw both a toothbrush, and cotton, and finger, palm, swab, mint paper, driving up paint (drop) on a sheet of paper,

print different objects, create compositions with candle, lipstick,

feet ...

Dare, fantasize! And the joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Cheerful splashes

enrich children with knowledge of ways to work with them, their pictorial opportunities, make pictures of children more interesting, will increase the aesthetic side of the picture.

Try at first yourself, and then show the child what to do. Pick up a full paint brush,

keep it above the paper, and the other hand you hit the brush. So

you can get an interesting background for the future drawing. And it is possible to put templates on paper, cuttings cut from cardboard on paper.

For example, silhouettes of stars, crescent, colors, animals ... Faceted "White Spots"

you can leave empty or paint.

Prints of leaves ...

On the walk, collect the leaves of the most a variety of shapes. At home, inject paint in paper cups so that they are sufficient density. Cove the surface of the paint sheet and press it with a painted side to paper. From above, put another sheet of paper and arrange with hand or rolling. Remove the top paper and see what happened. Maybe you will have to first stretch a little, and then the child will be able to make a whole composition of the leaf prints.

Highly interesting effects It turns out if you create an image using your own fingerprints or palms. Of course, the paint needs to be easily flushing, for example, gouache. With watercolor patterns from prints, it turns out not as contrasting and expressive. You can start with simple images - a flower, a brush of grapes ... and the necessary parts can then be drawn with a pencil.


Together with the child, in turn, draw the straight lines and curves on the paper sheet, crossing each other. Then you can paint the plots limited by these lines, pencils or woven different color, Fill them with strokes, specks, cells.

Potato stamps

Cut in half the raw potatoes and on the spot of cutting cut the simple relief - flower, heart, fish, asterisk ... Soak the paint stamp pad and show the child how to make prints. If there is no special pad, you can take a piece of sponge or apply paint directly to the cutting surface. If you prepare several different stamps, the baby will be able to create it even scene pictures Or make a beautiful wrapping paper for a gift. This occupation is a good pretext to introduce a child with various geometric shapes: circle, square, etc.

Drawing sponge

You will need a few sponges - for each color separate. First, try yourself: dip the sponge into the paint, squeeze a slightly to remove the surplus. Now you can work on a sheet light touches. Osil new technique ourselves - teach the baby.


By this, of course, they themselves were engaged in childhood. It remains only to show your baby, as is done. The sheet of paper is folded in half, on one side of the sheet we draw paints or simply applied stains, blots, then cover the drawing of the second half, slightly carry out the hand on top. You can use several colors, you can add a bit of sequin.

Reveal - what happened: butterfly, a marvelous flower. Beautiful occupation for the development of imagination.

Painting reliefs

We take a sheet of paper, put the coin under it, paint the soft pencil or wax chalk on top. The relief is manifested on paper. You can find any other solid surfaces with an interesting texture: the leaves with thick streaks, the bark of trees, embroidered with a cross, a metal icon ... - Just look around. It will not only hobble the child, but will help develop its thin hand skills.

Prince Porolone

Age: from four years. Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color. Materials: Bowl or plastic box, in which a stamped pillow made of thin foam-powered, impregnated with gouache, dense paper Any color and size, pieces of foam rubber. A method of obtaining an image: The child presses the foam rubber to the stamped pillow with paint and puts off the paper. Other bowl and foam rubber are taken to change the color.

Crushing with mint paper

Age: from four years. Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color. Materials: saucer or plastic box, into which a stamped pillow of a thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method for obtaining an image: The child presses a crumpled paper to a stamped pillow with paint and puts out paper. To get another color, change the saucer and crumpled paper.

Prints of leaves

Age: from five years old. Means of expressiveness: texture, color. Materials: paper, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes. The image of the image: The child covers wood sheet with paints different colors, Then applies it to the paper painted side to get a print. Every time the new sheet is taken. Packers in leaves can be drawn with a brush.

Wax pencils + watercolor

Age: from four years. Means of expressiveness: color, line, stain, texture. Materials: Wax pencils, dense white paper, watercolor, brushes. A way to obtain an image: a child draws wax pencils on white paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. Figure with wax pencils remains impaired.

Monotype subject

Age: from five years old. Means of expressiveness: stain, color, symmetry. Materials: Dense paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor. The image of the image: The child folds the sheet of paper twice and on one half of it draws half the item depicted (items are selected symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint dried, the sheet is again folded in half to get an imprint. Then the image can be decorated, also folding the sheet after drawing several decorations.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in different age groups of kindergarten Junior group (2-4 years) Drawing hard semi-dry brush finger drawing palm drawing with a cotton wand cover from potatoes Potato cork Medium group (4-5 years) Prints Poroolone Prints in lacms, leaves wax crayons + watercolor candle + watercolor drawing mint paper monotypia subject senior and preparatory group (5-7 years) Monotype landscape drawing toothbrush combing paint on splashing air felt-tumbras Photocopy - Drawing Candle Rating black and white, color drawing threads.

Recommendations to parents Materials (pencils, paints, brushes, markers, wax pencils, etc.) It is necessary to have a baby in the field of view so that he has a desire to create; Make it with the world around

things, vibrant and inanimate nature, subjects visual arts, offer to draw everything, what the child loves to speak, and talk with him about everything he likes to draw; Meet him with the surrounding world of things, lively and inanimate nature, art objects, suggest to draw everything, what the child loves to speak, and talk with him about everything he likes to draw; Do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time stimulate the child's classes with drawing; Do not criticize

child and do not rush, on the contrary, time from time to time to stimulate the child's classes with drawing; Praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual! Praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!

Dare, fantasize! And the joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children

Consultation for parents

"Drawing with unconventional ways."

Amounted to: Gondan E.V.

Drawing is one of the most joyful and fascinating activities for the child. In kindergarten, a pretty long time ago in the kindergarten is given. The most important thing is that it is not necessary for this kind of creativity of the carappow - they themselves are enjoying drawing. It is important that each kid experiences a success situation regardless of its abilities in visual art. And to create such conditions for the help of the educator comes unconventional drawing techniques. Consider some of the features of the work, as well as the list of the list of the most successful to the development of this type of creativity in promising planning.

What are good non-traditional techniques

IN preparatory group Traditional drawing requires substantial complications of technology in comparison with more early stages educational activities In kindergarten. And what to do if the baby does not turn out to do smooth lines, withstand the proportions and read the contours clearly? After all, a couple of failures, and the karapuz may forever lose interest in drawing. In this case, non-traditional drawing techniques saves. The main thing is what they teach children - this is the lack of fear of mistakes. After all, the drawing is very easy to correct, it is enough to prick something or erase. In addition, non-traditional drawing techniques

The very furnishing of the field of drawing in T \u003d non-traditional techniques tunes the kids to a positive, waiting for success, regardless of the abilities

lavnoe, what they teach children - this is the lack of fear of mistakes. After all, the drawing is very easy to correct, it is enough to prick something or erase. In addition, non-traditional drawing techniques
  • give cappuses confidence in themselves;
  • develop aesthetic taste, creativity, imagination;
  • help to expand the ideas about the world;
  • develop small motor;
  • rise up independence of thinking.

What techniques are used in the preparatory group

With children 6-7 years old, you can practice all the ways to create a picture with which kids get acquainted throughout the period of training in kindergarten. Moreover, creative educators bring a number of new techniques in this list.

It is interesting. Gouache for technician requiring strongly diluted paint, it is dangerous, because after drying it may appear white raids.

Drawing with cotton chopsticks

It is interesting. Scenes in this technique can be created within the contour, and without it.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the paint (watercolor or gouache) instead of the usual brushes is recaptured with a cotton wand. The drawing can be created by lines (in other words, use as a brush), and you can be tames, that is, apply a stick to a sheet of paper, press and so create a plot. It will take a simple set:

  • cotton wands (separate paint for each color);
  • paints;
  • wet wipes (wipe fingers and inaccuracies in the drawing).

It is interesting. In some pre-school educational institutions are used acrylic paints. But on the paper they do not differ quite convenient, since because of your consistency, they dry for a long time, but amazing pictures are obtained on the fabric. Thus, another unconventional drawing technique appeared - acrylic on the fabric.

Sample drawing with cotton chopsticks

"Spring mood"

This is an example of creating a drawing without a pre-applied circuit.

For this picture does not need to apply contours


  1. "Wash the paint wand green color and draw the stem with diverge different sides smaller stalks. The line is carried out solid for each piece of stem. "
  2. "Wash the wand of the paint of yellow color and we apply a circular strokes with a support for a stalk. The line must resemble the circles of the spiral - from smaller to more. "
  3. "Put a cotton wand in another color and repeat the previous step."

A child can create one flower with multi-colored boots, and can make a whole bouquet. If possible color gamut The kid must pick himself.

Video. Dandelions in the technique of drawing with cotton chopsticks

Photo Gallery drawings in the technique of drawing with cotton chopsticks

Drawings with cotton wands can be combined with the applique of the pattern with cotton sticks with cotton sticks often combined with the drawing technique with fingers (in this figure the berries are shown) To give the figure a clearer contour, the plot elements can be covered with floters

Tychka drawing: rainbow, rowan and other compositions

This technique is no longer accurately adjacent to the method of creating a drawing with cotton chopsticks. The fact is that in some sources these two ways are considered identical. Yes, indeed, the most common way to create a drawing with a cotton wand is a stick, that is, the wand plunges into the paint (gouache or watercolor) and with a vertical position in relation to the sheet, a print on paper is made. Especially beautiful drawings are obtained if the sticks take a few, connect them into the beam and draw this bundle. And nevertheless, the stump can be obtained when used

  • fingers - then the imprint is made in a finger in paint;
  • a rigid brush - the stump is needed needle;
  • soft brush - the imprint is softer, as if round.

It is interesting. Drawing with chip fingers is particularly widely used when working in the younger group. This method allows kids and small motorcy to develop, and at the same time know yourself, their creative opportunities.

Consider examples of creating drawings with a thaw using cotton sticks.

Examples of drawings of Tychka


Pictures in technique tych require maximum accuracy


  1. "Take 14 sticks."
  2. "Jump 2 sticks in a red color and make the arc of the rainbow arc."
  3. The guys then repeat the action with pairs of other rainbow colors (orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple).
  4. "Now we wet the wand paint yellow color and draw the sun with the sun with the rays."
  5. "Blue-color show the background sky."
  6. "Put the wand in white paint And create circular movements Clouds in the sky. "

There is another option to create a rainbow in this technique. But it requires a certain skill, as the multicolored couples we will connect to one line.


  1. "Wash the wand red and put it on blank sheet».
  2. "I quickly do the same operation with other colors."
  3. "Take the sticks with one linear beam and make the stags on the arc."
  4. Next, draw the plot according to the previous instructions.

It is interesting. This version of the drawing is performed faster, but requires certain skills from kids, as it is necessary to dip in the paint in the paint, and then it is clearly clearly located in the fingers.


With the help of a bunch of cotton wands, you can quickly draw a group of elements, for example, bunch of berries

Figure by autumn topics Allows you to combine two techniques: lines and stuck with cotton chopsticks.


  1. "Put the chopstick in the paint of black color and draw a tree trunk with branches."
  2. "Take a bundle of sticks, link it with rubber band."
  3. "Put the ligament in the paint of red and one tonchka creates a bunch of rowan."

Video. Verba in the drawing technique with a tychus brush

Photo gallery drawings in the technique of chuck

If the paint is diluted to the consistency of sour cream, then the drawing of the tile will turn out to be more relief for the tick of a rigid brush in the paint no need to add a lot of water with a cotton wander convenient to make precipitation

Solu drawing technique

As follows from the method of the method, salt will be required to create an image. Better if it is not extra, but the usual stone so that the crystals are different size - So the drawing will be more voluminous. In addition, to work in this technique will need

  • glue (PVA or silicate);
  • the sheet is a bright color sheet (this is a fundamental condition, since the substrate under the pattern of salt should be contrasting, otherwise the image is lost).

It is interesting. Alternative salt can be a semolina cereal. There are also substantive options for creating drawings using buckwheat, crushed rice, etc.

Work in the technique of drawing salt consists of 4 stages:

  1. Creating an image contour with a pencil.
  2. Drawing circuit with glue.
  3. Fall asleep substrate salt.
  4. Drying and getting rid of surplus salts.

If necessary, the drawing can be painted using a cutting machine with a tube or wet the paint a piece of a sponge. However, it requires a re-drying, as well as quite painstaking work on staining.

Examples of drawings in Salu drawing technique


To make the drawing be careful, you need to wove it well with glue it

This drawing is made of a combination of materials - the sun is made with the help of cereals.


  1. "On a blue sheet, we draw (supply stencil) bird in flight."
  2. "Draw the sun."
  3. "Abundantly applied glue to the whole bird and the sun, without leaving the contour of the drawing."
  4. "We give glue to" grab "- 30-60 seconds."
  5. "I fall asleep 2/3 of the sheet of salt, trying to impose a uniform layer on the bird. You can help with your fingers. "
  6. "A third of the sheet (where the sun) fall asleep with the gun."
  7. You can continue the next day.
  8. "I refer to the surplus of salt and millet."
  9. "Flomster of black color we make a bird eye."

"Planets in Space"

This example requires subsequent coloring. In addition, appliqué (stars) and paper design (rocket) are used as additional fine funds.

For more smooth transitions colors as the basis better use fine salt


  1. "On the substrate of blue color We draw 5 circles-planets of different sizes. " You can use a circulation or give children to circle circles from cardboard of different diameters.
  2. "Gently fill in the circuit boundaries with glue."
  3. "I fall asleep with a salt pattern."
  4. Work continues the next day.
  5. "I refer to surplus salts."
  6. "Divorce paints with water."
  7. "Plug to the paint and make a drop on the circle."
  8. "So we work out all the circles, making stains of different colors to get transitions."
  9. Work continue after paint dry (at least one day). During this time, children can make origami rocket and cut stars.
  10. "Printe the stars and rocket."

Video. Fireworks in Salu drawing technique

Photo gallery drawings Soluya

Salt - an indispensable material for night drawings winter paintings To keep the contour clarity, the next element must be painted only after the previous patterns dry up the salt develops in children a slim feeling of color

Pictures drawn pictures

As the name follows, the material for creating a picture will be the palms of kids. They can be applied with diluted water gouache or watercolor. Moreover, it may be one color, and maybe several, if, for example, palms are flowers in a vase. The main thing is that children have wet wipes and the ability to thoroughly wash their hands after drawing.

Example of drawing palms


So that the wings were smooth, palms need to apply symmetrically


  1. "Green paint draw a butterfly torso, slightly expanding the book."
  2. "Make a blue-color mustache, put the red dots at their ends."
  3. "We put in the palm of yellow paint and make a fingerprint to the left and right below, putting a palm with thumbs down."
  4. "Wash the handles, put the paint of pink color."
  5. "We apply the palms to the left and right at the top so that the thumbs are upstairs."
  6. "Wash the handles and draw the circles-stains on the wings of the butterfly."

Video. Draw a lion with palms

Photo gallery drawings palms

For this drawing, except palm, fingers were used after applying a print, octopus need to make a finished outline outline and draw them eyes if the palms do not wipe after one paint, and immediately apply the following, the trees will turn out to be multi-colored, truly autumn pictures can be turned into Appliques

Method drawing fingers

As mentioned, you can make fingers to fingers. But also in the preparatory group, a combination of prints with lines is actively used. For drawing, you need paint (gouache, watercolor), diluted with water, wet wipes.

It is interesting. Often drawing with fingers is combined with the creation of drawings using the prints of the palmus.

Example of drawing in finger drawing techniques

"Autumn paints on trees"

To give the shape of the foliage of a tree, a finger in green paint, as it were, draw a circle


  1. "Focus the index finger in the paint of green and draw big circle His imprints. "
  2. "In the boundaries of this circle, we make the stumps of different colors to get foliage on the trees."
  3. "Focus a big finger in paint brown color And we carry out one line at the bottom - this is the trunk of our tree. "
  4. "Add a foliage under the tree."

Video. Summer meadow in finger drawing technique

Photo gallery drawings with fingers

The technique of drawing with fingers is perfectly complemented by elements made by palms, you can create plots in motion so that the Christmas tree was bright, for each branch, the finger should be finger to dope in the paint

Drawing with wax crayons

The essence of this technique is that the kids create a plot with the help of wax chalk, and then paint the whole substrate with watercolor (or gouache, damp water). An alternative to color chalk can be used a conventional wax candle - then the picture will get a monophonic.

Example of drawing wax crayons

"Sunset over the sea"

Watercolor spreads in small, creating a different color concentration


  1. "We draw a semicircle of the sun with wax grid."
  2. "We make rays, draw waves on the sea by dark blue shallow."
  3. "A thick brush is wetting the blue paint and apply to the whole drawing without affecting the sun."

Video. Salute in drawing technique with wax crayons and watercolor

Photo gallery drawings wax crayons

If you mix a few shades of blue paint, then the background will turn out yet brighter for this picture, the background is made in a carcass, and the pattern shallow does not paint interesting pictures, if the watercolor does not cover the drawing made by shallow

Drawing in spray technique

The work of this unconventional way, unlike the previous ones, requires some preparation. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • the cardboard creates a drawing;
  • this silhouette is cut, applied to another cardboard sheet;
  • the stencil will be burned, the details (for example, flower petals) are drawn;
  • drawn elements are cut;
  • the sheet of paper is applied background;
  • applied template with slots;
  • the old toothbrush (with a finger, brush for paint) is made spray on the stencil (the toothpick, as it were, paint is erased from the bristles);
  • after drying, the necessary details of the pictures are drawn.

It is interesting. If the plot should remain not painted, then the procedure is simplified to the silhouette cutting stage, which then applies to the basis, protecting the contour from splashing to the substrate.

Example of drawing in spray technique

« Winter forest»

Work in spray technique requires a lot of time to prepare


  1. "For this picture you will need to create shades. Therefore, before spraying, we paint with the desired elements and give them to dry. "
  2. "Draw trees, cut out their silhouettes."
  3. "We apply the silhouettes to the other basis, teeming the form of foliage on it."
  4. "Cut this silhouette of foliage."
  5. Apply on again new foundation, Make the contour of foliage, slightly retreating from the finished layer. "
  6. "Cut the second silhouette of foliage."
  7. "Making the silhouette of the snowdrifts, leaving the slot. Cut. "
  8. "At the substrate we apply the trunk and the second silhouette of foliage."
  9. "Focus the brush in the paint, we have a spray on the entire sheet with your finger."
  10. "We impose the silhouettes of the second layer of foliage and drifts, spray again."
  11. "Remove stencils."

Video. Still life with flowers in spray technique

Photo gallery drawings in spray technique

Butterfly stencils can be positioned differently to give the picture ease and naturalness for spraying birds you need two stencils: back with your head and breast for this picture first make flowers, and then teeze the stalks, leaves

Technique Cleaxography with a tube

This method of creating pictures not only reveals creative potential children, but also a beneficial effect on their health, since paint blowing through the tube develops the power of the lungs and all respiratory system kids. For drawing, it will take a simple set:

  • liquid diluted paints (watercolor, gouache or mascara);
  • pipette or small spoon;
  • tube for cocktail;
  • tassels, pencils to supplement the plot of the drawing.

The essence of the technique is that the child picks up with a spoon or pipette paint, drips on a sheet of paper, and then through the tube inflates this spot in different areas, creating necessary forms. At the same time, the wand does not concern the drop of paint, nor a sheet of paper. If you need to make small branches, then the blows should be quick-down, right-left depending on the direction of the plot.

Example of drawing in technique Cleaxography with tube

"Polyana with flowers"

The sharper blow on a drop, the longer the elements will be


  1. "Kapama green paint and inflate the stems of flowers on the shoots. "
  2. "Now we drip the paint for colors, blow the petals."
  3. "We make the sun with the rays in the same way."
  4. "We drip a couple of small droplets for grass in the back background, a little spoil the drops."
  5. "Focus a brush into green paint and teeve the front plan - Polyana."

Video. How to draw a tree in the technique of kleaxography with a tube per minute

Photo Gallery of Pictures in Technique Cleaxography with Tube

In one drawing, you can combine blots and bloated through the tube of drops for landscapes. You can not particularly try to blow drops with the same force and in one direction. Pictures in the technique of klyaxography with a tube can be combined with a classic pattern - very original work is obtained.

Cheese drawing technique

Creating pictures for raw (it is also called wet) allows you to get images with blurred transitions. This is valuable, for example, for drawing animal wool. The essence of the method is that the base sheet is wetted with water, and then while it is wet to apply a drawing. To do this, go a gouache, watercolor or mascara. After the picture dries, the necessary parts are drawn.

It is interesting. To leave the longer longer wet, the wet napkin is put under it.

There is an alternative method of drawing in a wet technique: a drawing is applied on paper, and then the sheet is lowered down on the water, dramatically pulls out and turns over. So the colors flow into each other, creating original combinations. Usually in this way draws landscapes, sunset. If the image of the sky (sea) is thinking in the picture, then it can be done like this: apply a thick line to a dry leaf, dip this part of the sheet into water, and then the brush stretch the element to the desired size.

Example drawing for raw


Dorisovy thin elements can already be drawn after the basic parts deposited on wet paper are dry


  1. "Draw the contour of the kitten with a simple pencil."
  2. "Locked the sheet into water."
  3. "Color paint paint drawing."
  4. "Let's dry the picture."
  5. "Testing the paints (wovers) mustache, nose, eyes, eyelashes, mouth and tongue."

Video. Drawings on wet on watercolor paper

Photo gallery drawings on wet

If the composition is complex, then under the sheet you can put a wet napkin - so paper will last the desired condition of the rain drops, after the main plot dries - so they will be brighter for drawings on wet, you need to take thick paper, are ideal for watercolor sheets

Printing technique crumpled paper

In the younger groups of kids, the sheets of paper were kicked, and then applied paints - so the drawing was obtained from interesting shades and shadows. In the preparatory group, the technique is slightly complicated: a lump of the guys paint the contour of the plot, making the drawing boundaries blurred, oddels. For the implementation of ideas necessary

  • apply the contour of the plot on the sheet of paper;
  • pour paint (watercolor, gouache) into a flat ass and dilute it to the consistency sour cream water;
  • skick the sheet of paper (the more denser, the more clear it will be an impression).

It is interesting. The lump of paper is better to do from ordinary notebook pages. The smaller the lump, the smaller the prints are obtained.

Example of drawing in the technique of writing paper crumpled paper

"A fox"

For minor prints you need to take small pieces of paper


  1. "Make the fox loop on paper."
  2. "Comka ½ part of a single notebook sheet."
  3. "In the plate we pour paint, add a few drops of water."
  4. "Focus a lump in the paint and apply in the boundaries of the contour."
  5. "We repeat until the whole figure is painted."
  6. "Tassel dressing the eye, nose, claws."
  7. "Blue paint is very dragging with water and draw the background."

Video. Easy way to draw landscape

Pictures Photo Gallery Crumpled Paper

This drawing is executed small pieces Crumpled paper before working with color, you need to apply the contour of the pattern the elements of the crumpled paper are applied after the main elements of the composition are completed.

Scheme of abstract classes

To compile a teacher's classes, it is very important to correctly formulate the goals and objectives of the work. Only in this case it will be possible to pick up right techniques And interest the kids. Among the goalless factors, except for those that were indicated as the purpose of using non-traditional drawing techniques as a whole, you can allocate:

  • preparation of the child's hand to the letter;
  • development of the perception of a multicolor image;
  • the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the process of creativity;
  • development of cognitive abilities.

If the technique does not require a lot of time to perform a pattern, you can use the staging as a motivating start

Tasks you need to work on each lesson are

  • development of interest in various fine materials, as well as the urge to create available tools expressiveness;
  • training Skill mix paint to master the entire color palette manifold;
  • bring up patience in work;
  • form positive approach In assessing the result of its activities and works of other members of the team.

In addition to the wording of goals and objectives, the tutor is required to competently distribute the time between all the stages of occupation, the timing of which is 30 minutes. Work is built in 3 stages:

  • the introductory part (about 5 minutes) is the motivation of children, that is, the use of techniques that promote development in kids interest in work (conversation, beating visibility, role-playing game, listening to fairy tales, songs, etc.);
  • the main part (about 20 minutes) is the performance of the pattern, as well as physical attacks and articulation gymnastics;
  • final stage (about 5 minutes) - Summing up, encouraging from the teacher and self-analysis of children in the form of answers to questions ("you liked to draw such an unusual way? "," How do you think, did you get everything in the picture? "," Whose work, in your opinion, the most beautiful? " etc.).

It is important to note that such a distribution of time in the study of drawing in unconventional technique is conditional, since there are techniques, which takes significantly less than the set 20 minutes (for example, a salt pattern). In this case, the educator can pay more time to motivational techniques.

Example of abstract drawing classes in unconventional techniques

Kirsanova Natalia "Abstract Classes on non-traditional drawing techniques in the preparatory group" Winter. Winter Forest "(fragment)

<… Практическая деятельность. Под музыку Чайковского «Времена года», «Зима»
Winter: - Want, I will teach you to draw a winter tree without a brush and pencil. To do this, we will use the tube and air.
- On the blue paper we apply a pipette with a drop of liquid guashi and draw a trunk of a tree, blowing a drop through the tube ("blow" the trunk).
- If necessary, we drip still gouache on the basis of the branches and continue to inflate the ball "drawing" the tree of the desired height.
Winter: - You are just real wizards! Could draw trees with air without a brush and pencil!
- What do trees in winter? (In winter, trees seek, fall asleep until spring.)
- When do you go to bed in your crib, what are you doing? (Cover with a blanket)
- Let's, and we will cover our trees with a warm and lightweight blanket. But what can we cover them? (Snow)
- For this, the snow should go on our picture. What tool will help us to portray snow?
- Take the next "magic" object - cotton wand, make it in paint with a thin end and printed throughout the picture, saying the magic words:
"Let the snowball fall on the magical" leaflet! "
- Our snowball must first cover the branches.
- And the snow goes and goes, shelting the ground with a white fluffy blanket. And under the tree it is becoming more and more. Now turn over your cotton wand with another end, the mapping is in the paint and draw the drifts under the tree.
- Let's take another magic - put trees on the canvas, what did we do? (Winter Forest painting)
- What do you think our trees feel? (They are warm, cozy. They became even more beautiful.)
Educator: - Guys, did you like our meeting? What did you like? What are you learned today, what kind of magic? (Draw in an unusual way). Who was difficult to cope with the task? You all wonderfully coped. I give you these magic tubes, with the help of them you can create different images on paper ...\u003e

Perspective planning

In order for the education process in kindergarten in the kindergarten, and the work of the educator was ordered, meaningful and, most importantly, the effective, methodological association of preschool educators is a promising work plan.

Perspective planning allows you to combine techniques not only by topic, but also by the method of execution - individual or group

Usually the compilation of the plan is to specify the month of work, themes and techniques of the drawing, the purpose of using one or another technique. A source is also indicated in which this method of visual creativity is described in detail. The educator may indicate the date of holding and take the count under the note.

An example of promising planning

Naumova Elena " Perspective plan by non-traditional drawing. Preparatory Group »(Fragment of Program)

Topic: "Fish in aquarium among algae" (a stitch with a rigid brush with appliqué elements)
Objective: Improve the ability to transfer form, textures, proportional relationship in the figure. Educate the prishability, love for nature.
(Nikolkina T. A. P. 107)
Topic: "My little fluffy friend" (ackick of a rigid brush, writing with crumpled paper)
Purpose: Improve the ability of children in various visual techniques. Learn, most expressive, display animal appearance in the figure. Develop a sense of composition.
(Kazakova R. G. P. 110)
Topic: "Multicolored spray" (spray)
Objective: to introduce children with unconventional drawing technique - spray. Learning to create a diverse background for drawing. Develop fantasy, creativity.
(Kazakova R. G. P. 25)
Topic: "Fairy Bird" (palm drawing)
Purpose: Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination, creativity. Educate accuracy in work.
(Kazakova R. G. P. 7)
Topic: "On the New Year's Eve" (Intysk Porolone Tampon, Gouache)
Purpose: Teach children to schedule the silhouette of the New Year's tree and transmit fluffiness of the branches using a foam tampon. Decorate the New Year's Christmas tree with multi-colored toys. Develop a feeling of color, fantasy, creative skills and imagination.
(Colddis D. N. p. 40) ...\u003e

Classes drawing in kindergarten is one of the most important ways to know the child around the world, as the kids not only are engaged in creativity, but also independently find solutions to the practical tasks. This improves observation, forms aesthetic taste. However, the implementation of these goals requires the full inclusion of the child into the creative process, which is not easy to implement if the baby does not have fine abilities. In this case, unconventional drawing techniques come to the rescue. In the Preparatory Group, the list of ways to create plots on paper is significantly expanding in comparison with junior groups, And children who are accustomed to work with unusual drawings, are happy to continue to master this type of activity.

Tatyana Petrovna Belousova
Non-traditional drawing methods. Master class for educators

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 4 of Biryusinsk

Non-traditional drawing methods.

(master-class for educators)


Belousova Tatyana Petrovna,

Educator of the senior group

Relevance master class:

In class drawing The tasks of the comprehensive development of children, which is necessary for successfully learning in school are solved.

In the process of work in children, mental operations are formed (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc., work skills in the team, the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of peers.


The formation of artistic and creative abilities in the pre-school ages through creative tasks using interesting and unusual visual techniques, an unknown material.

The objectives of the visual activities using non-traditional materials Both technicians:

Develop a sense of composition and color;

Develop creative imagination, fantasy, thinking of preschoolers through development classes unconventional drawing equipment;

Develop colorPrig and visually - motor coordination;

Relieve feeling beautiful

Figure in art and children's creativity

Word "picture" came to replace the Staroslavan words "banner","the Omen"Meaning "Creating an image", I. "drawing", "Inscription"pointing to the image technique. From the 18th century word "picture" It became a term denoting the image as creating an image with lines, features, important to indicate signs subject: Forms, size, buildings, movements that are transmitted in all kinds of arts.

Easy techniques drawing Lines and versatility of the principles of formation of the form made a drawing of graphics and other art types. The drawing has distinctive features:

1) is performed by hand, increases the speed of the image and allows you to quickly respond to events of life;

2) is done on the eye;

3) Visraden, reports exterior signs subject;

4) expresses the internal content of the depicted object, causes certain thoughts and feelings from the viewer.

In the pre-school education system, a great place is given to drawinghaving important For the comprehensive development of the child. In the process drawing The child is improved by observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, creative abilities, the skill available tools to create a beautiful one.

A picture of a child displays his view on the world. In the figure, he can express his impressions of what they saw, transmit images of imagination, embodying them with line and color. Creating a drawing, the child controls its actions by the presentation of the depicted object and evaluates them.

To create a drawing in a child must be

Distinct ideas about the service station he wants draw, and certain skills.

Process observations drawing in children showWhat children experience great difficulties in creating a picture if they do not have graphic skills. And when they can not portray what they want, they generally refuse paint.

The technique of any type of visual art does not exist in itself, it is subordinate to the image task. The selection of one or another material for creating a picture is determined by its expressive capabilities. Mastering various materials, ways to work with them, understanding their expressiveness allows children to more effectively use them when reflected in the drawings of their impressions of the surrounding life. In art, the aesthetic image of humanity is transmitted in the form of images. They are not conceivable without emotions, but the experience of the image always implies his understanding. In relation to preschool children, it would be more correct to talk about the artistic and expressive image that transfers in the figure in the unity of experience, the understanding of the surrounding world, art, its inner world and displaying your impressions.

Art technicians are one of the bright and diverse means of expressiveness. With their help, you can simulate an image, giving it individual traits, especially if we are talking about non-classic techniques, which are based on the experiment with materials. Preschoolers in this experiment are included easily. Why? The bottom line is that they have not yet formed visual stereotypes that interfere with creative development.

We all know all traditional means drawing:

Pencil. There are several species pencils:

Simple Bridging Pencil, Color Pencils, Art Pencil "Retouch", wax pencils, watercolor pencils, automatic collet pencils, sangin, pastel, wax chalk, flomaster.

Tassels. Paints.

This is the first paint with which the kids are introduced. Gouache - material with an impurity bleel for drawing, colorful layer is dense, opaque, very thick paint.


Colorful material designed for watercolor painting. The main property is the transparency of the colorful layer, the color depends on the amount of water added to the paint. Main reception drawing paints - smears.

Oil paints

Previously, these paints are not didked in preschool institutionsBut they always attracted children with their brightness, the unusual way of work, the smell and originality of painting paintings. Due to the specific smell, paints can be operated at no longer than 10-15 minutes.

There are also exist non-traditional drawing techniques.

For example, if you add a flour or starchy hub in gouache, then drawings made by such a gouache will seem volumetric. For drawing Sticks from ice cream or hard brushes are used, paint is applied with large strokes. If you add salt, semolina or sawdust in the gouache, then the resulting drawing will be grainy.


The image is made of multiple small pointsperformed by the tile end of the brush or finger hands.

Stamps or prints.

Use purchased stamps or prints or make them in front of a child from potatoes, carrots, etc. You can use buttons, cubes, leaves as stamps.

Drawing by sprigs of plants.

This technique can be used for fishing animal drawing.

Using foam rubber.

For coloring objects Instead of a brush, you can use foam rubber. This gives a distinguished velvety surface.


The sheet of paper is folded in half and one way is applied bright spots. Then the sheet is folded and smoothed, it turns out a symmetrical image, which then can dorisite.

Scratching on raw paint.

On the image with stacks, strokes or stripes are applied.

Liabutivation of tone.

Brush or wet cloth Remove part of the paint, seeking her flames.


On a smooth surface (stack, plastic board, film) Made drawing of oil or gouache paint. The material on which the paint is applied should not pass water. From above superimposed sheet of paper, which is attached to the surface. It turns out an impression in mirror mapping and only one, hence the name "Monotypia". The number of paints in monotype can be any.


This technique is usually considered a variety of monotype, but there is also significant differences. Special roller (to smooth wallpaper) or tampon apply light layer Paints on glass or smooth surface of cardboard, top of a sheet of paper and start paint. Draw a pencil or a pointed wand, trying not to crush hard. Then the sheet is cleaned. On the other side that was pressed to the glass, it turns out an impression - a mirror repetition of the pattern.

Aquatute or Aquatipia.

On a dense sheet of paper draw mushroom, wood or fruit. When the gouache gets up, the whole drawing is covered with black ink. When the mascara will dry, the drawing is lowered into the bath with water. In the water, the gouache is washed off from paper, and mascara is only partially. On a black background there remains a white pattern with a slightly blurred circuits.

The method of isolating the pattern by turning into a pen or a sharp tool for paper or cardboard, filled with inlet, another name of the equipment - the equipment of the scratch.


On a white or tinted paper sheet with pipette, several drops of paint are applied and with the help of tubes or empty handles inflate the edges of the blots that acquire bizarre forms.

Print - cliche

On wooden and smooth blocks are glued at cardboard, and it is patterns that can be not only from paper, but also from the rope. Paint is applied to patterns, and they are stamped on paper or fabric.

Seal from flora

Collections collected on a walk, branches of plants are arid between the pages of books. Then these elements flashes gouache and put on a blank sheet of paper. From above covered with another sheet and tightly pressed.

Drawing in a pare

This smooth transition to the collective drawing. A sheet of paper is divided into half, each draws on its part. Paint You can different or one plot. If this is a plot, then you need to learn to negotiate with each other.

Drawing thread

Take a piece of cardboard 25x25cm and folded in half, woolen thread to dip in thick paint. The thread is chaotic folded into a seed cardboard, which is then bend in half and pressed one hand, the second slowly pull the thread. It turns out a chaotic image, which then you can dorisite.

Magic pattern

A sharpened wax candle on paper is drawing. Then foam or cotton paint is applied to the entire image. The paint falls on the wax, so the drawing manifests itself unexpectedly before the eyes of the child. Instead of a candle, you can use the household soap.


Wanted sheet velvet paper And woolen colorful threads from which you can make multicolored patterns.

Drawing in wet paper

Certain plots better draw not on dry paper, and on wet, if it is topics associated with rain or fog, and maybe someone is a dream. Fucetitude image "By wet" Give the desired effect.

Drawing on pebbles

Children like to play with flat rounded pebbles. And if you consider the brooch - Kameu, and then draw On pebushka something like that.

Drawing finger.

Who said, that paint can be a tassel or pencil? And if a finger stretches to the paint? Finger to put the points well by filling differed contour.

When conducting classes using non-traditional drawing techniques, I should not forget that the child is a subject of creativity.

And you want to finish the words of Pablo Picasso "Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain the artist, coming out of children's age "

Holding master class . Division into three groups:

1. Drawing thread

2. Magic Figure

3. Cleaxography

And in conclusion - drawing couples.

Used Books:

1. Komarova T.S. "Child learning technician drawing»

2. Kosmoskaya V. B., Vasilyeva E. I., Kazakova R. G., and others. "Theory I. methodik Fine activities »

3. Catering N. P. "Training painting»

4. Yezhova N. V. "Forms of work in a preschool educational institution"

5. Journal "Preschool education» № 4/2010 year

6. Master - class on the topic« Unconventional drawing methods as a means of formation colorography In preschool children "

Children and creativity are inseparable concepts. Each child in the soul is an artist and sculptor, singer and musician. Creative gusts in children appear in the unimaginable form, but very often associated with artistic activities. Many mothers are sooner or later asked about what the child learns to draw? And truth, why, if you do not plan to grow another Surikov or Aivazovsky? If your task is to see your child with successful, self-confident man, then encourage creative manifestations, because any fine workimportant condition for normal Development kid.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and at home helps to develop spatial thinking, eye meter, coordination. After all, the baby needs to be associated with a single composition, the ratio of the size of parts and harmoniously arrange them on the sheet. When working on a complex decorative composition Child learns to plan their actions, choose suitable material. It is very important for him to understand that he can create something with his own hands.

Everyone knows that drawing is one of the most favorite classes of our children. With great pleasure, they draw with colored pencils, woven, paints, a brush in a bright substance. Why not mock your finger or smearing the paint all the palm? Fine creativity cannot be installed framework, you need to destroy all the boundaries of the usual and traditional!

Non-traditional drawing techniques attract our fidgets significantly more, because they do not require amazing, they give their potential more brightly during creativity, familiar to the child with the ability to unusually apply us things around us as materials for creativity. If the most unusual paints and bright pencils at the kid no longer cause their own interest, you can dilute the work of your fidget by other methods of drawing. What is useful to draw with unconventional ways in kindergarten and at home?

  • The kid uses a variety of materials, learns differences in textures, which makes it possible to improve small motility.
  • There is a familiarity with the volume, form and space, which develops imagination.
  • The ability to combine and mix shades is developing aesthetic taste.
  • Using unusual materials Developing thinking, teaches to accept non-standard solutions.
  • Pictures using such techniques are much faster that it pleases the crumbs, which is so lacking perpetuity.
  • Adds confidence in yourself and faith in your strength, because without outstanding skills you can create a unique "masterpiece"!

All the most interesting techniques and techniques collected and systematized G.N. Davydova in the book "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten". This book is an excellent assistant for both the teacher and the mummy, which wants to diversify leisure with the baby.

We start to create: fingers or palms

Non-traditional drawing techniques imply an image of images using various materials, including "non-counted": crumpled paper, foam rubber, threads, paraffin candle or wax chalk, dried leaves; Drawing without using tools - palms or fingers and many more than. Such methods are successfully used both in kindergarten and at home.

For of different ages You can offer your technique, for example, the smallest will be interesting to draw with your fingers, because the brush is still difficult to keep the baby, but with your own handles, the baby is already posing brilliantly. Bold the palm of the crumbs in the paint and offer to leave a trace on paper, how to leave traces of kitty and dogs. Consider a print with the baby, to whom it looks like? Looks like an elephant or a turtle, and if Dorisis Glazik, there will be a fish! All the action only runs the fantasy of your baby, and if he suddenly confused, help him, spend a master class - color your palm and leave the imprint. "Look, I got a mom of an elephant, and where is the baby elephant?", - the child will gladly turn on such a funny game.

You can hurt in paint and not all palms, but only fingers, and leave tiny prints. The more multicolored prints, the more interesting picture- Let the kid fantasize in his pleasure. Adults should be prepared for the fact that the paint will not only be on the leaves, but also on the baby, more precisely, the baby will be all the surrounding items too. Therefore, it is possible to take care of the cleanliness in advance: check the table where you plan to arrange a creative workshop, the glue, and put on the toddle of the apron and the wrappers, otherwise about what flight of fantasy can be a thing if you constantly defeat the baby: "Carefully get dirty!".

We continue to fantasize. Stamps, ottysi

Children of different ages during the drawing like to use stamps. This unique technique The non-traditional method of drawing in kindergarten is so easy to perform and diverse in manifestation, which is perfect for work and in kindergarten, and at home. Finished stamps can be purchased at the art goods store. But it is much more interesting to make a stamp yourself, and even better with the baby.

Almost everything is suitable as a stamp, which can be hushed into the paint, and then leave a print on a sheet of paper. You can cut an apple or potatoes - this is the easiest stamp. On the half of the potatoes, you can cut some feature: a heart or flower. A stamp is still made from ordinary threads, wounding them for any reason. Threads can not be coated, but simply immerse in paint. After careful impregnation, they are laid out on one sheet, others are covered, slightly pressed, and admire the intricate pattern.

It is easy to make a stamp from ordinary plasticine. Come up interesting form And make a small piece of plasticine. Paint for classic stamps is better to choose thick. The unusual texture of the background can be given by applying a crumpled napkin or paper, and then on the spent scheme: Macaem in paint and stamps. Very beautiful stamps are obtained from dried leaves: Paint the leaf of paint on the one hand, put on paper and press it. After the painted leaf was removed, the painting "Golden Autumn" was a kid in full delight.

There is another non-traditional drawing technique, similar to a stamp, but with an interesting feature, - drawing by foam rubber. Cut a small piece from an ordinary sponge, dip in the paint and with a mesmer pressure cover the sheet. It is so easy and just the wonderful background for further drawing, and if you use stencils or templates for children's drawingIt turns out an amazing floral, or a geometric pattern.

Drawing points

As a method of visual creativity for kids, you can select drawing by points. This simple technique is understandable even to the crumb. You will need paints and cotton wands or ordinary marksters. Put the wand in the paint, and we draw a point on a sheet of paper, then another one - so as long as the invented image does not manifest on the landscape sheet. You can help the baby, drawing the outline of the future picture, and it will fill it with a large number of bright prints. The subject of the point drawing can be any - and winter fairy tale, and bright sun. Training in this gentle age It should be unobtrusively, in the form of the game.

MONotypia technique

For older kids, you can offer more interesting views Artistic creativity. For example, an interesting technique, which is also based on prints - "Monotypia". Its purpose is to create a symmetric pattern, such as a mushroom, an insect (butterfly or ladybug), for the senior preschool group you can depict a landscape that reflects in the lake.

We take the album sheet of paper, bend in half, then we turn around and draw on one half relative to the fold line. Since we agreed to portray the butterfly, we draw one wing, then stroke the hand folded sheet. Reveal - the butterfly has two wings and they are completely the same! The missing items can be drawn with a brush.

The feeling of delight is provided, while the child understands that his "hooligan" actions, when blots and splashes fly on a leaf of the album, is also a kind of art. "Klyaxography" still has the name "spray". Such technicians can achieve unusual artistic effects.

Sprinkling paint, he "spray". Toothbrush will come to your aid. Gently make her in the paint and are mildly tapping with a pen or pencil towards himself. The sheet remains a huge number of small droplets. With the help of such non-traditional drawing techniques, a very realistic winter landscape is obtained or a distant space with a lot of stars. "Klyaxography" will help the young artist settle the uninhabited planets of space with funny aliens. It is only possible to score more paint on the brush and give her to drain on a sheet of paper, it turned out a blots. And now I blow on it, accelerating the rays in different directions. Dorisuy the dried blossie a couple of eyes, and you can also two pairs, it is an unknown animal, and send it to settles his distant worlds!

An interesting texture can be achieved by using a dry brush. A dry wide brush is slightly immersed in the gouache, wipe over the jar of excess paint. Draw vertical tile movements. The image is obtained by "lochmata" and "barbed", in such a way. Christmas trees and hedgehogs are obtained, a field with green grass. In such an unconventional way in kindergarten, flowers can be drawing, for example, asters.

Incredible capabilities of familiar things.

  1. Bubble.

It turns out bubble You can not only inflate and burst, and they can still draw. In a cup with a soap solution to dilute a little paint, take the tube and pushing the bubbles into the glass. Such a focus your kids do with pleasure. Well, a lot of bright multicolored foam, apply a sheet of paper to it, and as soon as bubbles begin to manifest, paper should be removed - the colorful pattern is ready!

  1. Salt.

Do not be surprised, but salt can be used not only in cooking. An interesting texture will turn out if a low drawing sprinkle with salt, and when the paint dries, just to decide.

  1. Sand, beads and different cereals Also used to create creative textures. There are several options for using such materials.
  • Pre-covered sheet covered with cereal, sand or beads, and then draw on a textured surface.
  • Covered by glue areas in places where the drawing will be depicted.
  • Paint and dry in advance the necessary materialsAnd then decorate with pictures.

Classic in unconventional reading

Let's postpone stamps and salt, extremely handles, soaked with paint, get watercolor and tassels. Boring? It is not boring at all, but very interesting, because with the help of classic watercolor colors we will work wonders!

It is necessary to take dense paper ( the best way - Special watercolor), wet so that it is enough wet. Type a brush a little paint and a slight movement, touch the brush to wet paper. Movements should be easy and smooth, the beauty of the result depends on it. In your eyes, the paint droplets are sprawling in different directions, turning into something amazing! Suitable time Tell your baby about the rules for obtaining new colors and shades. Now this practice is most visual. The resulting inconceivable divorces will serve as an interesting background for future creative works.

The following non-traditional drawing technique, which we consider, too, from the category of "miracles nearby", is called "Aquatipia".

This is a drawing technique with paints and water, it is also known as a water seal. Just as in the previous method, you will use dense paper, pick up the paints no less traditional - gouache, still need black or any dark mascara. Think with the baby, what would he like to portray? This method is extremely beautifully flowers. After drying the paints, the leaf is fully fascinated, then immerse your work in a bowl with water, and enjoy wonderful transformations! Gouache will dissolve everything, only your drawing will remain on a dark background. What is not magic?

A series of incredible transformations did not end! Take all the same dense paper, and wax shallow (if it was not at hand, you can use an ordinary candle) I will apply a drawing or pattern. Next, apply watercolor paint On the entire sheet (places treated with wax not painted). On color watercolor background The drawing will appear, which will be a surprise for the baby, because when you draw a colorless shallow on a white sheet, it is quite difficult to submit the end result. The process of magic in the end can also bring a fairly practical result.

The manufacture of "marble paper" is an extremely fascinating occupation that I really like the kids: it's funny to play with things that are not allowed at all. For example, daddy shaving foam. For work you will need:

  • shaving foam;
  • watercolor paints;
  • flat plate;
  • dense paper sheet.

First you need to get a saturated solution: mix the paint with water. Then apply a thick layer of shaving foam to a plate, and drop a few bright paint drops in chaotic order. With the help of brushes, paint paints on the foam, getting intricate zigzags and patterns. Here it is a magical sacrament, which will completely absorb the passionate baby. And here is the promised practical effect. Sheet apply to rainbow foam, and then turn over so that the foam is from top of the sheet. Removing foam on paper we clean the scraper. And - about a miracle! From under the foam, unimaginable divorces appear similar to the marble pattern. Paper has absorbed paint. After drying, "marble paper" can be used in the manufacture of crafts or as an addition to the decor.

No limit creative manifestations

For the guys who have already met many interesting techniques And they showed their uncommon creative abilities, it is possible to offer a rather difficult drawing technique - "GRUTAZH".

Dense paper is needed, it is necessary to paint it with wax shallow, preferably bright colors, further, with wide brushes Covered with black gouache or ink. If you intend to use gouache, add a bit of PVA glue so that the dried paint does not crumble. When the mascara (or gouache) dries, the workpiece for further work Ready. Now we take a thin stack (any sharp, not writing tool) and begin to draw. But this process can be drawn only conditionally, as the top layer of paint occurs. So, the stroke behind the stroke is manifested by a bright wax layer and projected into the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist.

For young artists will be an exciting drawing technique with a plasticine on glass.

Choose your favorite drawing, cover with glass, apply a black felt-tip pen of the picture on the glass. Then proceed to filling the contours soft plasticine, trying not to play the edge. Painted side Looks not so accurately, but with front face It is visible bright and clear picture. Insert the work in the frame, and as a background you can use color cardboard.

There is still whole line Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten, which will easily starve children of the middle and older pre-school group. For everyday occupations, a combination of appliqués with a classic pattern can be suitable. Pre-carved elements are glued to the landscape sheet, and then with the help of pencils or paints give the image a finished look.

One of the available and entertaining techniques is "Front".

This type of visual creativity is familiar to us since childhood, remember, hid the coin under the sheet of paper and shaped a simple pencil? In the same way, instead of a coin, you can use dry leaflets, and not shaped with a pencil, but a colored pastel. The drawing will be bright and saturated.

We met with a lot of drawing techniques and have already learned much, so why not apply our knowledge in practice? With the help of both traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques decorate any interior items. Decorative drawing in kindergarten is also applied, the child can already decorate, for example, a stand for pencils or a clay vase, and may be pleased with mom and create a unique pattern on a cutting board. It should only be remembered that the paints for such work need to choose waterproof: acrylic or oil. That the result pleased longer, cover finished crawl varnish.

For the interior decor, the Stained Service technique is used.

The essence of the technique is to apply the adhesive contour and filling it with paint. Options for execution of this technique There are many, but one of the most interesting is the drawing of a drawing on the liner, and after drying, the drawing can be removed from the cylints and glued to any surface, for example, on the glass, it will be a translucent bright picture.

Let us dwell in more detail on the technique of execution.

The ideal option will use specialized stained glass paintsBut if there have been no such, you can show a mixture and make them yourself. Take an ordinary gouache and add PVA glue, after drying, paints have an elastic structure, which will allow you to decorate the picture from the film without difficulty. Select the picture you like and apply its contour to the transparent liner (you can take a regular file or plastic transparent folder). The contour is better to do the first pencil or felt-tip pen, and then bother or ready-made stained glass outline, or conventional pva glue from a tube with a dispenser. Wait for the contour drying, then fill in bright colors. After complete drying, you can draw a drawing from the film, and decorate the planned surface.

You can decorate not only interior items, but also the objects of the wardrobe special paints For fabric. This technique is called "Cold Batik". Offer the child to make the designer painting of an ordinary white T-shirt, this will only have your baby, the only and unique!

  • Previously, the T-shirt must be fixed in the stares for embroidery or in the subframe for drawing on the canvas.
  • With the help of a pencil and tracing, transfer the image of your favorite cartoon hero on the fabric.

One of the main stages of this method is to apply a reservation composition, in other words, a protective contour, which will prevent the spreading paint on the fabric. The contour must be closed to prevent spreads.

  • After drying, according to us, the scheme is fill in paint contours.
  • Then the drawing must be fixed. Place one sheet of paper under the drawing, and the other to the drawing and endure the iron.

You can erase such a product, but better in manual mode in cool water. The unique product is ready.


All considered non-traditional drawing techniques are applicable only in placing conditions. What about the summer walks on fresh air? Is it really suitable for the street outdoor games? No, you can enjoy visual creativity. Drawing in the summer in kindergarten can be held on the street using classic chalk. Drawing on asphalt in kindergarten - Beautiful entertainment and cognitive occupation. Children draw crayons everywhere where there is more or less solid coating: asphalt, tile, fence, walls of the house. It is wonderful to see instead of gray asphalt bright embodiment of fantasy.