Determine pregnancy by appearance. Not only a doctor can determine pregnancy! How to determine pregnancy at home: proven methods. Feeling of change in the female breast

Change in breast size... Under the influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, the size of the breasts will change in just a few days after conception. You will feel tingling, soreness, and heaviness in your chest. You may notice darkening of the nipples and halos.

Spasms... You can feel them as the uterus grows and stretches. This is normal; muscles that are stretched respond by contracting. (Hint: try to bend over and touch your toes. This is about what you feel in the ligaments and muscles of the legs, you feel in the muscles of the uterus and the ligaments that support it.) However, if the pain is very severe or you are worried about constant bleeding and spasms, immediately go to the doctor!

Fatigue... During the first trimester, you will feel very tired. This is not surprising: your body is busy building the basic systems and organs of your baby. Rest calmly, by the end of the first 13 weeks, the fatigue will pass.

Morning sickness and sensitivity to odors... Pregnancy toxicosis usually begins in the 5th week, although it may appear earlier.

Frequent urination. The culprit for this inconvenience is the hormone progesterone and the pressure of the ever-enlarging uterus on bladder... The muscles in the bladder are stressed even if there is little urine in the bladder.

Lack of menstruation or minor bleeding. Light and short-lived bleeding can occur when a fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus.

Hair and nail growth... They may start to grow "like crazy." These are all hormones! It's okay - pluck and wax. Nobody wants to look like a Bigfoot during pregnancy.

Only for dad... All these signs of pregnancy - changes in the mood of the expectant mother, changes in the body and growing fatigue - are a signal that dad needs to be patient. Get ready for anything.

  • We present how excited you are about the enlargement of your beloved's bust. But just try to touch it! Soreness in the chest is a common manifestation of pregnancy. It even hurts some expectant mothers to sleep on their stomachs.
  • Your partner can be exhausted, especially if you are used to having sex often. Assembling a toddler is not an easy task, and the release of hormones can drive her crazy. Hold your horses! Watch sports programs or action films so far.
  • If your loved one vomits, calm her down, walk to the toilet, hold her hair and never, never show her your displeased grimace. This creature bent over the toilet is the future mother of your child!

A modern woman, most likely, will not notice the onset of conception immediately after intercourse, although, provided a developed sense of the body and a sense of the soul, as well as good intuition, this is quite possible. This omission of knowledge of the state own body due, in particular, to the fact that over the centuries pregnancy was so devalued that it was kept secret for as long as possible. Is it any wonder that over time this repression manifested itself in the way a woman perceives her own body.

The most significant signs of pregnancy can be divided into 3 groups: presumptive, probable and reliable.

Presumptive (doubtful) signs include mainly subjective sensations - sensitivity to odors, changes in appetite, nausea and vomiting in the morning. And on the part of the neuropsychic sphere - nervousness, irritability, tearfulness, drowsiness. From the urinary system - frequent urination.

When examining the mammary glands, their tension and nipple sensitivity are determined. When pressed, colostrum is released from the nipples. At gynecological examination cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix is ​​determined. Study of the uterus determines the softening of the isthmus and some asymmetry of the uterus.

Signs are called reliable signs that reveal the presence of an embryo or fetus in the uterus. This includes pregnancy tests that cannot be falsely positive, cannot show pregnancy if not. This also includes laboratory research blood test for chorionic hormone or its beta subunit. The most reliable of the signs is the presence fetal egg in the uterus, on ultrasound, starting from one week of delay in menstruation. In the second half of pregnancy - determination of the height of the uterine fundus, with obstetric examination- determination of the position and presentation of the fetus, its small parts, listening with an obstetric stethoscope to the fetal heartbeat from 23-24 weeks of pregnancy. On ultrasound, the fetal heartbeat is determined from 4-5 weeks.

Often, the first sign of pregnancy is no menstrual bleeding... In this case, the hormonal test will help to understand whether the woman made the correct assumptions. At the same time, even the onset of bleeding does not give a reason to assert with confidence that pregnancy has not occurred. It so happens that even during pregnancy, bleeding can begin on time, however, it will be much less profuse than usual.

The effect revealed by modern tests shortly after fertilization hCG hormone (chorionic gonadotropin person) is also not surprising, and many women soon enough have changes in the sphere of sensory sensations, for example, increased sex drive... From a biological point of view, this makes sense, since now a woman needs to especially reliably "tie" a man to her. However, interest in sexual relations may decrease as soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, for example, if she came against her desire, or if the woman still has not been able to work out her thoughts and feelings about a miscarriage that has already happened.

Extremely frequent are mood swings... For no reason, a woman has a desire to cry. This tearfulness corresponds to the water-salt aspect at the level of the body and the archetype of the Moon at the level of the system of first principles.

Another early sign of pregnancy is swelling and tension mammary glands , which, in particular, is due to an increase in the amount of water retained in the body. The body may begin to accept unfamiliar rounded shapes, which is also associated with weight gain. The body tries to become round and healthy in order to grow to the state in which it can best fulfill its important task. This phenomenon can be observed at such a level of manifestation as an undoubted improvement in the quality of the skin. It so happens that the first hint of new life circumstances is a ring, which suddenly becomes difficult to remove from the finger. In the morning hours, you may experience a feeling of puffiness, which is explained by the accumulation of more water at night. Since a pregnant woman every day more and more passes into the sphere of influence of the principle of the Moon, the night in her life acquires everything greater importance moreover, the soul element comes to the fore. Where, in a figurative sense, he does not receive enough space, the body comes to the rescue, as evidenced by the tendency for the body to retain water in large quantities.

At the level of the soul, the swelling of the mammary glands corresponds to an intense "ingrowth" into the sphere of the feminine archetype, which finds its expression through the principles of the Moon and Venus. The desire to feed and the desire to please the partner (and thereby bind him to himself even more tightly), due to the influence of the Moon and Venus, respectively, can manifest itself at various levels of life.

Increased and unfamiliar fatigue may appear, but not necessarily. However, if the body requires a lot of energy to rebuild, the woman will notice it this way. It would be ideal if she could adequately satisfy the increased need for sleep, because in this way she would help the body the best way gain the energy necessary for him to re-adjust all body systems. In addition, when the mother is resting, the child is able to develop in the most optimal way. Subsequently, by the way, he also grows much better at rest than in the activity phase.

Often associated with restructuring and occurring most often in the morning nausea is a reaction to the increased production of hormones; at a time when the feminine life pole is so little honor, it may well be considered a normal phenomenon. However, nausea will bother a pregnant woman only until the restructuring of the body is complete. The restructuring phase can take quite a long time (for recommendations on taking homeopathic remedies and other measures, see the section "Nausea and Vomiting" "Symptoms during pregnancy").

Nausea during pregnancy occurs in much the same way as dizziness and seasickness... There is a collision of two different internal information structures. The balance organ signals to the “central control room” that the body is on the rocking ship, while the eyes look below the deck and see that everything is calm. Something doesn't add up. The brain realizes that it is being deceived, and as a result, the head begins to spin, followed by nausea and vomiting. In order for the state to normalize, it is necessary to get rid of one of these conflicting information structures.

Much the same thing happens in the body of a pregnant woman experiencing nausea. This sensation manifests an archaic feminine principle, a typical basal need for motherhood. The woman is likened to the female animal. If earlier this woman put herself on the same level with a man, focused on isolation and thereby more and more moved away from the primordial ocean of the collective unconscious, now she suddenly finds herself under the crossfire of two archetypes. She has conflicting impulses, she tries to get out of the influence of one of the poles: she feels sick and vomits. This symptom takes root the more intensely, the more pronounced the opposite poles in the psyche or the individual, courageous pole.

So, nausea indicates that a woman wants to get rid of something. Most often, it is not the child and pregnancy that she opposes, but that courageous part of herself that is this stage must recede into the background. On the other hand, to survive without this part in modern world hard (think about what man today would like to see next to him an extremely soft, labile woman living exclusively by feelings, near whom he should be much more time and whom he should continuously protect?). Thus, pregnancy poses a task for a woman to plunge into the realm of the archetypal feminine principle, to be soft and emotional and at the same time remain fully armed so as not to endanger her child and herself, not to give up her own independence.

Strengthening of mucous secretions associated with an increase in the intensity of blood circulation, sometimes it can also indicate the onset of pregnancy. All tissues of a woman gradually become more slimy, "juicy" and friable. A woman's psyche can also become more precarious, but at the same time strong, which gives her the opportunity to calm down her man, who so often experiences fear of the pregnancy of his half.

Hormonal changes also affect the vaginal environment, making it more alkaline. The vagina becomes less acidic, which can lead to a tendency to discharge, which is usually not a problem. At the same time, the threat of vaginal infections is increasing. A pregnant woman should be especially careful and often think about who and under what conditions she allows her to be near her. If swimming in a public pool is a threat to her, and using a public toilet is a provocation, then she should also be very careful when making direct contacts. Light pale blue (livid) skin tone in the area of ​​the entrance to the vagina is due to the natural activation of venous circulation and should not cause any concern.

In rare cases, pregnancy can be indicated by pigmentation changes... Darkening of the halos around the nipples - completely normal phenomenon... Later, these halos will indicate to the newborn his first goal and, at the level of archetypes, indicate a connection with the topic of feeding, which has already begun to gain strength in the life of a pregnant woman, but, nevertheless, will really come into its own only after 10 lunar months... Less commonly, there are cases when a dark stripe appears along the midline of the body, extending from the hypogastric region to the upper abdomen. She, as it were, demonstrates to a woman where her center is and where she should direct her main attention during the following months; in addition, such a strip denotes the need to share, to give.

Sometimes dark pigmentation can appear around the lips (note that this phenomenon is often underestimated), giving the skin not the most neat look... This can be interpreted as a hint that the woman should Special attention to devote to the transition to "cleaner" forms of interaction and communication.

There may be bleeding gums... She points out that a pregnant woman is in danger of losing vital energy along with blood. The gums symbolize basal trust, which is more important than ever in the early weeks of pregnancy. Through the bleeding, the theme of primordial trust manifests itself, which the exercises and meditation techniques mentioned above can help in working out.

The need for iron for hematopoiesis of the fetus is satisfied by the iron stores in the mother's body. From a spiritual point of view, we proceed from the fact that an increased need for iron is characteristic of a child because he is preparing to enter the world of opposites. Let's just say he needs to adjust to life between the north and south poles. And iron is the element that "feels" best in the earth's magnetic field.

The growth of dental carious lesions indicates that a pregnant woman should take more active care of her “weapon in the mouth” - her teeth, and, first of all, more courageously and even aggressively strengthen her position. It is also necessary to receive enough nutrients, since in emergency situations the formation child's body the reserves of the mother's body will be sacrificed, which can take the form of real "poaching". Popular wisdom that every pregnancy is worth one tooth illustrates this relationship. However, today a healthy and nutritious diet can make this sacrifice unnecessary.

Stomach and intestinal problems can also occur at the stage of body restructuring; they tell the pregnant woman that the new situation is not as easy to "digest" as her intellect imagines. Bloating may indicate aggression that needs to be freed from and which until this time has not been able to find a way out. If a woman starts to emit bad smell and thus evokes in the partner not the most blissful sensations, this can be regarded as a hint to both of them that something remains unsaid in their relationship - something that previously did not get a chance to declare itself. In addition, the obvious lack of integration mental strength partners.

The solution may be to release yourself from excess pressure in a timely and appropriate manner, find a source of courage and a willingness to interact directly, and learn to speak openly. It is about learning to eat and digest this world - an exercise that in Hinduism and Buddhism is called "bhoga."

Pregnant stretch marks(striae) as a whole are rather rare today. Thanks to complete care behind the body and current trend maintain relatively light weight During pregnancy, fewer women suffer from this kind of stretch marks.

Relaxation of the uterine muscles in the old days there was important feature the onset of pregnancy. The muscles become softer, so that later they can stretch better. The increase is preceded by relaxation caused by the deposition of water and the growth of muscle cells. The masculine aspect of the musculature recedes, allowing the feminine aspect to expand and increase the willingness to accept.

If only she hadn't come!

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is a missed period - this is if menstruation was regular in the past.

Some women continue to menstruate in the first three months of pregnancy, but the amount of blood produced and the duration of bleeding decreases compared to normal periods. So if this happens to you, consult your doctor.

Most women also experience other pregnancy symptoms about a week after their first missed period or five weeks after PM:

  • swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling exhausted and tired;
  • severe dizziness;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • change in taste, strong addiction and aversion to certain foods;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • increased emotional vulnerability. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and other hormones such as progesterone are responsible for suppressing menstruation and these changes. Hormones are produced in a woman's body in order to support pregnancy and take care of the growing embryo. A urine pregnancy test is based on the presence of HCG in the blood and urine to confirm pregnancy.

Urine pregnancy test

Don't just rely on a delay in your period. To confirm pregnancy, you need positive test and examination by a doctor. Ten days after a missed period, a urine pregnancy test can detect the presence of human serum β-gamma globulin in the urine. This test can be ordered by your doctor, or you can use do-it-yourself tests that are available from pharmacies such as PFegcolour, TestPack, Gravindex.

For self-testing, carefully follow the attached instructions. To perform the test, the first morning urine must be collected in a clean, wide-mouth container. A positive test result is almost always correct. A negative result may be due to the fact that the test is performed too early or is more than three months late after PM. With the help of some modern tests, pregnancy can be determined even before menstruation is delayed. But such complex tests usually do not need to be done to confirm pregnancy.

As soon as you receive positive result urine pregnancy test, schedule a visit to your doctor.

In the early days? " some ask with obvious hope, while others with undisguised fear. Whatever motives the women are guided by, both of them need to find out if pregnancy has come. But how do you know if before next menstruation a few more days, and a pregnancy test is still pointless to do? And how early can you find out that conception did occur?

Reproductive specialists assure that one hundred percent of whether a woman is pregnant can be said using only proven methods - conducting ultrasound diagnostics, woman's blood test for quantitative indicators of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. All the rest, according to them, cannot be attributed to one hundred percent. Even tests to determine pregnancy, which are freely available in pharmacies and used at home, are sometimes wrong.

Nevertheless, even the best ultrasound machine will not "see" pregnancy until a certain time. And the woman, in the meantime, may already begin to experience some new sensations. From the very first minutes after conception, her body begins to change, new mechanisms are launched in it, which contribute to the consolidation of pregnancy and its successful development. And yet, no matter what the doctors say there, there are certain signs that help determine (or at least begin to guess) the fact of a pregnancy already in the first days after conception.

Naturally, when we say "the first days", this does not mean at all that we are talking about the first or second day after unprotected intercourse. But after a week and a half, the first messengers will certainly make themselves felt.

So how to determine pregnancy in the early days? Listen to yourself. And take a closer look.

If on underwear one day you will notice a small speck bloody discharge(they can be almost bloodless, yellowish), and the next menstruation is still far away, perhaps you are pregnant. This happens when an egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. But for many women this procedure is "dry", which, like the first case, is a variant of the norm. By the way, if you have cervical erosion, then pinkish or yellowish discharge also possible if pregnancy has occurred.

As we know, an increase in a woman's body is a sign of impending or completed ovulation. But a sharp decrease in basal temperature, it is also called implantation sinking, indicates that conception has occurred. But a sharp decrease in temperature occurs within one day, and therefore only those women who daily and conscientiously monitor their basal temperature and make up for a long period of time will be able to track this sign. Moreover, the constant basal temperature women in the first days of pregnancy will be at "above 37".

An aggravated sense of smell, aversion to certain smells and not yet pronounced nausea - sure signs the onset of pregnancy. They are even called classic. These symptoms are experienced even by those women who have never vomited during their entire pregnancy. But vomiting in the early days of pregnancy is very even frequent occurrence... It is often accompanied by a significant decrease in appetite, a change in taste and increased salivation.

A woman's breasts, in which a new life has arisen, becomes more sensitive. Swollen mammary glands are a common, but not always unambiguous, sign of pregnancy, which appears within 6-7 days after conception. Ambiguous - because for many women, the breasts swell and ache a few days before the onset of the next menstruation. But breast tenderness during pregnancy does not go away in 2-3 days. The chest, on the contrary, increases even more, and reacts even to the slightest touch. By the way, darkened areolas around the nipples indicate that a woman will become a mother. Their lightening does not even occur after childbirth, but after a certain time after the end of lactation.

The feeling of heaviness felt on the “lower floor”, or rather, in the pelvic region, is another sign that helps to determine pregnancy in the first days. The fact is that a woman's body, if a pregnancy has taken place, directs all its resources to the area where colossal work needs to be done. Now the most the main task for him - to create the most favorable conditions for the development and preservation of a new life. Blood flow to the pelvic organs is now increasing, the uterus begins to grow. Thus, women feel “something is wrong”, but what exactly is happening to them, until a certain moment they cannot understand. Some women, especially those who have already given birth, may develop an unpleasant symptom - hemorrhoids. Its occurrence is associated with the same increased blood flow.

Many pregnant women in the first or second week may feel an incomprehensible tingling sensation in the uterus and "lumbago" in the perineum. The feeling of pain is so sudden and strong that women are seriously scared. But doctors explain this by physiological changes in the woman's body. Low back pain also often indicates that a woman is pregnant.

Quite often, an indicator that a woman is pregnant is strong feeling drowsiness and mild malaise. Some may even assume that they are starting to get sick. Increased fatigue- quite a natural phenomenon in the first days and even weeks of pregnancy. The body is rebuilding, immunity "falls" a little. The hormone progesterone, being produced in a larger than usual volume, depresses the psyche and provokes feelings of depression, drowsiness and even irritability. In addition, progesterone contributes to the retention of fluids and salts in the body, which, in turn, can lead to swelling of the hands.

If you do not determine, then at least you can suspect pregnancy in the first days if the woman has more frequent urination. In this case, urination is not accompanied by pain or burning. As a rule, such a pregnancy symptom as frequent urination goes away on its own by about four months. And this is also the "fault" of hormones, which are now produced in a woman's body in a completely different way.

Not always, but often, it is possible to determine pregnancy in the first days by observing a woman's sleep. Restless sleep, feeling "overwhelmed" in the morning, falling asleep early - almost all pregnant women know what it is, from their own experience.

If a woman has at least two or three of the signs described above at the same time, the probability that she is pregnant is about 75%. This means that you need to contact a specialist to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and, in case of a positive answer, start a new life.

Especially for Olga Rizak

A pregnancy test that responds to an increase in the concentration of hCG in the body is one of the most accurate and available ways self-diagnosis. But due to various circumstances, a woman may be interested in how to find out whether she is pregnant or not without a test. This need is associated with different factors- the inability to check hCG in the coming days or simply the desire to verify the test results. We will tell you how to find out about pregnancy and on what principles popular "folk" methods are based.

I'm pregnant or not: what happens in the early stages?

Preparation for conception begins from the first days of the cycle. While menstruation is underway and the uterus "sheds" the old endometrium, the dominant follicle matures in the ovaries. From it on the days of ovulation, and it normally falls in the middle of the cycle, an egg is released - mature, healthy and ready for fertilization within 12-36 hours. If at this time she meets a sperm, an embryo is formed when the male and female germ cells merge. A day after the connection of the oocyte and the sperm, it will begin to divide and, at the same time, move into the uterine cavity. After 3-5 days, implantation is started, when the chorionic villi slowly grow into the endometrium. This process gives rise to many biochemical and physiological changes in a woman's body. They are regulated by different hormones - estrogen, estradiol, progesterone, androgens. Each of them has its own function, and their action affects the well-being of the expectant mother. It is with this that the methods are connected, suggesting how to understand if you are pregnant, without a test.

What happens in the body at the beginning of pregnancy?

The main symptom

The main and most obvious sign pregnancy - delayed menstruation. If there was sexual intercourse 2 weeks before her, then even in the absence of any indirect symptoms, we can say that there is a possibility of conception. Many other factors also cause delay - stress, increased physical exercise, abrupt loss or, conversely, an increase in body weight, illness, anemia. Deviations within 7 days of the usual cycle time are considered normal. If after 7 days from the expected date of the onset of menstruation, menstruation does not start and there is no way to conduct a test, you need to consult a gynecologist - to check the pregnancy and exclude diseases of the reproductive system.

How to know if I'm pregnant by basal temperature

For those who want to know how to tell if a girl is pregnant without a test, a simple and simple scientific method- measurement of basal temperature (BT). It is measured rectally, using a thermometer with a flexible rubber tip, always in the morning - immediately after waking up, at the same time. The principle of this method is associated with the proven patterns of changes in BT in different phases menstrual cycle. So, from the beginning of menstruation, the temperature slowly decreases, reaching a minimum on the eve of ovulation, when the dominant follicle matures in the ovary. In the luteal phase, during which a mature and ready-for-fertilization egg is released, BT rises sharply to 37-37.2 degrees Celsius. If the oocyte and sperm have not joined, then 36-48 hours after ovulation, BT will gradually return to normal levels. If conception has taken place, the basal temperature will remain above 37.1-37.2 degrees - this is how the body creates optimal conditions for the preservation of the embryo, its advancement into the uterine cavity and implantation.

High basal temperature in the second half of the cycle is one of the symptoms of pregnancy

This method will give the most accurate results if the woman kept a basal temperature chart for at least 2-3 months, she knows approximate days ovulation and indications for each phase of the menstrual cycle. But even if such a study was not carried out, a high BT in the second half of the cycle, and even more so on the days of delayed menstruation, should be a reason for a test, donating blood for hCG and visiting a gynecologist.

Pregnant or not: subjective feelings

How do you know if you are pregnant or not? First of all, you need to pay attention to changes in well-being. They are associated with strong changes in hormonal levels and adaptation of the body to new conditions of functioning. Simply put, part of the body's protective functions perceives the embryo implanted in the uterus as foreign body, a kind of threat that you need to get rid of as soon as possible. In the same time reproductive system works in the diametrically opposite direction - trying to stop defense reactions so that the embryo is fixed in the endometrium and begins to receive nutrients for normal development... Such a "conflict of interest" somehow affects the state of the expectant mother, and some of its changes may make a woman ask the question - "Am I pregnant or not?"

Morning nausea is a typical early sign of pregnancy.

The most obvious early and common symptoms are:

  • nausea - toxicosis can manifest itself in the form of urge to vomit already in the first days of the delay, and in some women - even before it, in the absence of direct reasons like food poisoning nausea may be from signs of conception;
  • malaise in the morning - this symptom, as a rule, accompanies nausea and manifests itself in weakness, inability to quickly get up and gather, unusual slowness, it can cause it and chronic fatigue either a lack of iron in the body;
  • drowsiness - due to restructuring, the body begins to intensively save resources and energy, which is why a pregnant woman early dates may face an irresistible desire to sleep and rest while lying down, even if her daily routine and lifestyle have not changed;
  • spontaneous dizziness is another companion early toxicosis, it can be caused by the formation of a new uteroplacental circle of blood circulation and the associated increase in the volume of fluid in the body;
  • decreased performance - this symptom manifests itself in absent-mindedness, difficulty with concentration in the process of mental work, forgetfulness, which have not been encountered before;
  • a feeling of chills - due to the adaptation of the body to pregnancy, a woman may notice that she has begun to freeze all the time, regardless of the season, room temperature and clothing;
  • enlargement and soreness of the breast - even on the eve of menstruation, the breast becomes rough, but after fertilization, its sensitivity and volume change faster and in a larger range.

The "interesting position" is often indicated by subjective feelings. Many of them are associated with the appearance of the so-called dominant of pregnancy - a special focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex, which regulates various physiological and psychosomatic changes. How can you find out if you are pregnant without a test? The sense of smell changes most often and fastest - familiar smells become unpleasant, and some aromas can provoke nausea and loss of appetite for a long time. Sources of odors causing negative reactions, include meat and dishes made from it, household chemicals, hygiene products, men's items, fats, some legumes and spices.

Perception of familiar smells may change after conception.

Simultaneously or following the sense of smell, and eating habits- a woman begins to want to eat a definition of foods, even those that are rarely found in her diet. This is how the body tries to find the source of the nutrients it needs. It is worth listening to such unusual "requests" both during pregnancy and in everyday life. For example, the desire to eat sweets indicates a lack of magnesium and chromium, and craving for inedible things (ice, chalk, etc.) signals an iron deficiency.

The third sign by which you can understand whether you are pregnant or not is a sudden change in appetite. So, some women, due to early toxicosis, literally stop eating and lose up to 5-6 kg in the first trimester, while others, on the contrary, feel the need to eat for two.

How can you tell if you are pregnant or not by your belly?

Those who have had a chance to register with a antenatal clinic know that during examinations from the first days, the doctor, with the help of careful palpation, determines the increase in the uterus, assesses the location and height of its bottom. How can you tell by your belly that you are pregnant? It will hardly be possible to do this on your own - the specialist has a special skill and experience that allows you to notice changes in the pelvic organs from the very first weeks at the onset of conception. Another thing is unusual sensations in the lower abdomen - there is bursting, pressure, some heaviness, giving to the sacrum and lower back, but there is no pain. Such symptoms are associated with the action of progesterone, which softens the ligaments and relaxes the muscle muscles, so that the organs can gradually shift as the uterus grows.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy by the belly?

Another way to find out if a girl is pregnant or not is to feel the pulse on her stomach - about 8 cm above the navel. If the pulse is felt - pregnancy with very likely came. The results of such a "study" are explained by the fact that with the beginning of implantation, the blood flow to the small pelvis increases and a "beat" appears above the navel. In any case, none of the popular methods can replace the analysis for hCG and examination by a gynecologist.

How to determine that a girl is pregnant in folk ways?

Is it possible with the help of folk methods to check whether you are pregnant or not? Such "tests" can be auxiliary, but not the main way of diagnosing conception. However, they are safe, do not require expensive materials, and therefore can be carried out at home without any restrictions.

Iodine drop

The urine should be collected in a transparent small container. Next, you need to drop iodine into it - just one drop. If it diffuses immediately, gradually dissolving and losing intensity, it means that conception did not take place. In a pregnant woman already in the early stages, according to this method, urine is denser and has a special composition, so a drop of iodine will remain on the surface for some time.

Home test strip

This method is largely identical to the previous one. To complete it, you need to take a strip of clean white paper, moisten it in urine and apply 1-2 drops of iodine. The strip on contact with it will turn colored, if it changes color to purple-pink - the test result is positive, pregnancy has begun. A blue tint indicates a lack of conception.


This folk method, with which you can find out whether you are pregnant or not, relies on the fact that the urine of a woman in an interesting position changes its composition. To carry out the analysis, you need to collect the biomaterial in a clean transparent container and put 1 spoonful of baking soda in it - just put it, carefully, without stirring. If the soda just sinks to the bottom of the container, there is no pregnancy, if it gives any reaction, we can say that conception has begun.

Am I pregnant or not?


Subjective feelings, changes in well-being can be caused not only by pregnancy, but also by many other factors - fatigue and stress, results strict diet or, conversely, overweight, diseases and latent pathologies. That is why it is impossible to take into account only them, trying to find out whether a girl is pregnant or not. Check only hCG level using a pharmacy test or blood test, supplemented by a visit to a gynecologist, will allow you to give an accurate and unambiguous answer about whether conception has occurred, whether the embryo was implanted in the uterus, and not in the fallopian tube, whether it develops normally.

The same applies to folk methods - in some cases, their result may coincide with the real one, but, again, the composition and density of urine may change due to problems with the kidney metabolism, hormonal levels and other prerequisites. Therefore, it is important, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, to seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

It is believed that it is possible to more or less reliably determine the presence of pregnancy only if the first day of the delay in menstruation has already come. However, many women want to know as soon as possible if conception has occurred. Someone is waiting for this moment with trepidation, dreaming of a new life and a miracle, someone, on the contrary, is afraid of this, and mentally prepare for an abortion. Usually this situation occurs if unprotected intercourse has occurred.

In both cases early diagnosis pregnancy would be very helpful. The sooner a pregnant woman registers, the more chances of a successful gestation. There is no need to talk about the fact that it is better to have an abortion at the earliest possible date, everyone already knows this very well. How to determine early pregnancy and can it be done?

In fact, this can still be done with varying degrees of reliability. However, for this you need to understand what is happening in female body before and after conception, because it is the changes occurring in the body at this moment that can tell whether pregnancy has occurred.

What happens in the body after conception?

Pregnancy is rigidly tied to a woman's menstrual cycle, and conception can occur in a strictly certain days: 1-2 days after ovulation. The cycle is not in vain counted from the first day of menstruation. It is from this time that the new egg begins to prepare to leave the ovary. It ripens by the middle of the cycle, usually by about 14 days, unless, of course, your cycle is 28 days. If the cycle is longer or shorter, this must be taken into account, especially if you are using a calendar method of contraception. It itself is extremely unreliable, but if it is incorrect to calculate the day of ovulation, then its reliability disappears altogether.

In parallel with ovulation, a woman's body prepares for a possible conception: the endometrium softens and thickens, preparing to receive a fertilized egg, the follicle that has released a ripe egg is reborn into corpus luteum and it is taken to produce progesterone, which is necessary for successful implantation and preservation of pregnancy, the basal body temperature increases to 37 degrees, which are most comfortable for conception. The body is in this state for a little more than a week.

If conception does not occur, then everything returns to normal: the temperature drops, the corpus luteum degrades, the endometrium exfoliates and leaves with menstruation. The cycle starts again. And if fertilization occurs?

The fertilized egg continues to move through the fallopian tube. Already on this path, its division and development begins. A week or a little more later, the introduction of the ovum occurs. From that moment on, the chorion, one of fetal membranes, begins to produce the hormone hCG. Gradually, this hormone accumulates in the body.

Medical methods for diagnosing pregnancy

Early pregnancy detection is possible only after implantation. Until this moment, the fertilized egg does not come into contact with the parent's organism in any way, that is, the organism itself does not yet know about pregnancy.

Accordingly, there are no changes associated with pregnancy.

With one hundred percent probability, pregnancy can be diagnosed only in a medical institution. To do this, you need to donate blood no earlier than 7-10 days after conception. This analysis is based on determining the presence of hCG in a woman's blood.

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