He called the girl for a walk what to do. How beautiful it is to invite a girl on a date: successful phrases. How to invite a girl on a date on the phone

One of the most difficult steps at the beginning of the relationship is the organization of the first date. Men often think about how beautiful it is to invite their beloved for a walk or a meeting. But it is not enough to persuade her to go somewhere, you need to keep the interest of the fair sex. Guys sometimes try to invite a girl not in person, but by sending her a message on social networks. To do this, it will be necessary to compose a beautiful and full of romantic text. Any lady will appreciate original invitation for the first date. This will become initial stage on the way to developing relationships.

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    How to contact a girl?

    The girl is invited on a date personally, and not by SMS, because she is likely to take it as a joke or someone else's joke and does not realize the seriousness of the guy's intentions. The message cannot fully assess the truth of the feeling. young man. It is not recommended to make the first meeting by phone, because when you do not see the eyes of the interlocutor, it is much easier to say “no” to him. Also, it is extremely rare for women to take messages received on a dating site seriously.

    In no case should you invite a girl on a date in the presence of her classmates, work colleagues, friends. She will be in an awkward position, and this will force her to reject the guy's offer.

    If you are talking about the first meeting with the girl you like, you should not call it a date. In order not to oblige to something and not to exert mental pressure on the object of sympathy, you should come up with, plan, organize and conduct dates unobtrusively. For example, you can say this: "Let me invite you to join me for a game of tennis (bowling, bridge, badminton, etc.)."

    Games are recommended to choose based on the preferences of the girl. You can construct the sentence in a different way: “You know, there is a place not far from here where they make the coolest cakes in the world! Come on, I'll eat. You don't mind, do you? »

    How to invite a guy for a walk

    Date conversation

    When communicating with a lady, you do not need to use memorized words, phrases, sentences. There is no need to play up or make a lasting impression right from the first date. No need to pour abstruse words.

    It is important to design an event. Think about a place where you can go, choose topics for casual conversation, analyze and think over their behavior.

    Girls love specifics. If she has even a little idea about the upcoming meeting, about the program spending time together, then, most likely, will agree to go. If something is not clear to her, it will cause irritability, and the young lady will begin to get nervous.

    Dialogues rehearsed before a date with a lady should ideally not be repeated, it is desirable to adapt them to the current situation. Then the guy will avoid wasting his nerves, and the girl will not be alert and frightened.

    How to interest a girl

    Meeting point

    No need to tell young ladies "let's go somewhere" or "sit somewhere". It is necessary to name the meeting place where you plan to go. A good option would be if you say: “There is a cool place nearby, a chic cafe. And their coffee is brewed to everyone's envy! Come on, I'll eat. » After drinking coffee, you should not leave immediately, it is advisable to go somewhere else with a girl, for example:

    • to the rink;
    • ride horses;
    • play something in pairs;
    • to the botanical garden;
    • to the museum;
    • for a city tour;
    • to the races;
    • to the theatre;
    • to the opera
    • to the ballet.

    In order to win female favor, originality will become an indispensable weapon. You should not be lazy, you need to make a simple calculation of how many times and in what places the girl was invited by the guys who tried to become her boyfriends. Maybe she was in a cafe 20 times, in a restaurant - 25 times, and in the cinema - 60 times. And if you invite her there again, perhaps it will cause in her Not Nice memories and she refuses to meet.

    For a date, a place where the girl has never gone is well suited.

    Absolutely all young ladies want romantic, tender, trusting, happy relationship. They are all ready to accept the young man's offer if he makes it in right moment using the right way under fortunate circumstances.

    Romantic date


    Young girls are very attracted to confident young men. Fear and timidity, noticed in a young man, can lead to opposite result. If the guy feels unnatural, tight, then the girl will definitely react to this and feel discomfort.

    To be self-confident, a guy does not have to try to seem like who he is not. You should pay attention to your appearance:

    • shoes (clean, untroubled, polished with shoe cream if necessary, corresponding to the style of clothing);
    • clothes (clean, stylish, not torn, correctly selected according to the color scheme);
    • hairstyle (dirty curls are completely excluded, it is desirable to have fashionable haircut, wash your hair with a good-smelling shampoo);
    • figure (if necessary, you can go on a diet, go to sports or Gym to lose weight, build muscle).

    All the steps described above are an important, and sometimes a priority moment in preparation for a very difficult struggle for the heart of a lady you like. Yes, and the young lady was chosen by the young men from many precisely because of her pleasant appearance, cleanliness, grooming.

    Ability to be flexible

    Love tactics includes in its arsenal such useful quality like flexibility. Not always easy to cut free time for a date, given the dynamic rhythm modern life. In this case, the guy has the opportunity to temporarily postpone the meeting attempt and approach the girl later, with an alternative proposal that will not create inconvenience for her. Sometimes a girl does not seem to mind going on a date with a young man, but puts off the answer. The guy will also have to be flexible and ask her later, offer another option for a cultural trip. Maybe for a young person, the second sentence is more suitable.

    Some girls may suspect a newly minted zealous fan of an ordinary pick-up artist. This is what will cause them to avoid the first date. But if a young man has a feeling, and his intentions are serious and sincere, it makes sense for him to try again to invite the girl he likes. So he will show the object of his sympathy that his motives are pure, and the chosen one will most likely agree to a meeting.

    In case of refusal, do not insist. Asking for a first date is not the same as starting a relationship, it's just a meeting. This is an opportunity for a young man to get to know a young lady better, to find common interests, points of contact, hear her judgment. Therefore, you do not need to plunge yourself into depression if the young creature answered “no”. The guy who survived the rejection becomes more experienced, wiser, more legible and mentally more resilient.

    How to invite a girl on a date VKontakte?

    You can call a girl for a walk for the first time using the social network VKontakte. Usually dating on the Internet is preceded by correspondence online. In such a situation, there are two ways to invite a young lady on a date.

    In the first case, the young man already assumes the presence of sympathy from the girl, since their online conversations are active, emotional, and fun. The guy’s confidence that he is attracted to her with something appears when the initiator of communication on the Internet is herself Young lady. Here you can ask for a meeting directly, informing her that there is a desire to continue communication in real life. You can contact her with a proposal to free up an evening or a day off for spending time together in a park, cafe or cinema.

    You should not avoid communicating with a girl on the Internet, it is advisable to continue the correspondence. If the pair have established and develop a good relationship perhaps the chosen one herself was thinking about a personal meeting, so there is no need to postpone a date in reality.

    But if there is no particularly close, close online contact with the girl, the offer to spend time together in real life can be expressed in a different way. For example, tell her that on Sunday the guy is going to ride on the river in a boat, and ask her if she would like to join, because it would be great to see and chat in nature. Or even better, invite a nice lady to go rollerblading, and then take a picture together to submit photos to some competition and win something. In case of refusal, the guy will be able to continue correspondence on the Internet, find out the interests of the chosen one, and later return to the date invitation.

No one said that it was easy and simple to ask a girl out on a date, especially if you are a high school student, because girls at this age are unpredictable and mysterious. But nothing is impossible! Imagine that this is just a small game to win her heart, make a plan of action, and, keeping calm, proceed to implement it - you will certainly come out the winner, and she will become your girlfriend. If you want to learn how to ask a girl out on a date, this article is definitely for you.



    The first thing to do is to make friends with her. If you want to ask a girl out on a date, you should first get to know her better so that you can get to know each other. This does not mean that you must be best friends, on the contrary, this is not very desirable, because otherwise you risk getting stuck in the notorious "friend zone" for a long time. But it can work if you have known her for some time, are constantly in her field of vision, and have earned a reputation. good guy in her eyes. If she has no idea who you are, and can only know you from some gossip and rumors, the likelihood of your date invitation being rejected increases significantly.

    • Be kind and friendly. Say hello to her by name, thus demonstrating that you think of her.
    • Sit next to her and start a conversation. Take an interest in how your day went or make an unobtrusive compliment.
    • Show more attention to her person. Give her a nod of greeting when she passes you in the lobby or sits down at the next desk.
    • Remember that you don't have to put in a lot of effort to get a girl's attention. On the contrary, sometimes lack of attention breeds interest. It's like the saying: "What less woman we love, the more she likes us."
  1. Start flirting with her slowly. If you want to ask a girl out on a date, you first need to create sympathy between us. You need to start with her light flirting in order to establish a bond between you, learn to laugh together and play pranks on each other. You can compliment her on her new outfit, tease her a little if she's not too vulnerable, or just joke or tell a joke in front of her that will let her know that you like her.

    • If you are sitting next to her and talking, watch her reaction to your lines and try not to take up too much of her time. Get her to flirt back with you instead of waiting all the time for action from you.
  2. Find out if she likes you or not. Although there is no way to find out for sure before you ask a girl out on a date, you can look for some clear signs that she laid eyes on you. Knowing this, you will feel more confident when you invite her. Most obvious signs that you are not indifferent to her:

    • She may completely ignore you or, on the contrary, show excessive attention.
    • She may smile or blush when you meet her eyes.
    • Her friends may whisper or chuckle as they pass by you.
    • You can experience the pleasure of communicating with her.
    • Other people start teasing you about your mutual likes.
    • She can constantly come up with some stupid reasons just to talk to you.
  3. Select convenient time and a place to ask her out on a date. If you want her to agree, you do not need to choose the perfect place and time, but this can increase your chances of success in this difficult task. If she doesn't mind going for a walk with you, she will agree in most cases. But you can increase your chances of getting the answer you want by choosing a secluded place for the question where the girl will not feel embarrassed, and by choosing a time when she good mood and does not look too tired or aloof, you will only fix the result.

    • You don't have to wait too long for an opportunity to talk. girls in high school, like puzzles from higher mathematics - just as incomprehensible, so if you think that a good opportunity has presented itself, do not hesitate to invite her on a date, and do not wait for the weather by the sea.
  4. Think about spending time together. Before you invite her out, think about what you could do together. This should be something very obvious to you, but you can be so worried about whether you get a positive answer or not that you don’t even think about what you will do after you ask your main question. Even though some guys in high school ask girls out when they want to date them, it's not a bad thing when you think of a plan of action and decide on what you could do together, then, after getting her consent, you can say : "Great! How about…” instead of just saying, “Great! Hmm, well, I think I'll cross paths with you soon." Here are some ideas for what you can do:

    • Go to the school disco together
    • Go to the premiere of a new movie
    • invite her to a concert
    • Go to the mall
    • Just take a walk together after class
    • Attend a mutual friend's birthday party

    Ask her out

    1. Find a secluded spot. Make sure it's just the two of you and her friends aren't giggling around about how you feel, that she's not so isolated that she's scared or worried. Choose a time and place after school, or next to the lockers where things are stored, it can also be a party. You don't need to ask her before class, as she may be thinking about what she needs to get done that day. Also, do not ask her on the eve of an important test or exam.

      • Choose a time when she is not sad, tired or irritated, make sure she is in good location spirit.
    2. Exude confidence - this is the key to victory in any battle. While this won't help you if you're not her type, it will help you decide to invite her by trying to produce good impression for her to agree. Walk with your head up, put a smile on your face and remember to breathe. Your posture should be as relaxed as possible. Even if your stomach is doing somersaults, you need to be absolutely calm. Then you will soon notice that you have managed to make yourself feel confident in yourself and your abilities.

      • No need to be arrogant. Behave like an ordinary guy, then the girl will enjoy spending time together. You should not build yourself out of the unknown, which seems to be too different a person. Girls love sincerity and naturalness.
    3. Talk to her for a bit before getting down to business. You don't want to jump on her with the question: "Hi, would you agree to go on a date with me?". This will sound too harsh even for the most straightforward girls. At the same time, don't go overboard, talk for a minute or two to make both of them feel comfortable, then gather your strength and ask her out on a date. Say hello, ask how she is doing, exchange a couple more phrases before moving on to the most important thing.

      • If it has already become obvious that you are going to ask her out on a date, and you are still looking at the floor or blowing off invisible dust particles, then it's time to act.
    4. Ask her out. You don't have to worry too much about wording. Say, “I love spending time with you. Would you agree to go on a date with me?" or "Would you agree to be my girlfriend?". Don't beat around the bush for a long time. Do this and then watch her facial expression to see how she reacted to it. No need to list 20 reasons why you like her or convince her that you will be the "Guy of the Year". Express your desire in one or two sentences. After that, all you have to do is wait for a response.

      • Install eye contact while you invite her, and do not pretend that the patterns on the floor are very interesting. She will be blown away by your confidence.
    5. Get it right. Once you've asked her out on a date, she doesn't have many options: accept or refuse. If she said yes, hug her, smile and let her know that you are very happy about this, but you do not need to dance in joy. Show that you look forward to meeting and feel sympathy for her. Now put your plan into action, whatever it may be. And everything else is the lot of history.

      • If she said no, don't despair. Thank her for the conversation and leave with dignity. No need to be rude to her, slam doors in annoyance or look like a weakling. Remember that you would like her to respect you, even if she does not want to be your girlfriend. And do not forget that the world did not converge on it, because the school is full of beautiful girls which you may like.

    Alternative ways to invite a date

    1. Ask her out while dancing. school disco- this is a great place for such an invitation. Wait for a slow dance and invite her, then ask her if she wants to be your girlfriend at the end of the song. You will read the answer in her eyes during a joint dance. You can use the dance as an excuse to ask her out before you start dating. Yes, it takes a certain amount of courage and makes you worry, but it great way invite a girl on a date.

      • The vibes during the dance will be more romantic than in the school cafeteria during the snack, so if you invite her during the dance, the chance of development romantic relationship rises. But there is one thing: sometimes it is almost impossible to tear a girl away from her friends.
    2. Write her a note. If you consider yourself the new Casanova, then when it comes to writing a message, write a short note that will let her know that you like her and want to date her. This is very nice way surprise her and relieve tension that could not be avoided during a personal conversation. But make sure that the note reaches the addressee, regardless of whether you leave it on the desk in the office or pin it to the notebook with a paper clip or put it in the locker.

      • Ask for a response from new note. Whatever happens, you have no reason to worry, since she will not be able to see your reaction to her answer.
    3. Ask your friends to talk to her. This, however, is quite an extreme measure. If you are really shy but still want to ask her out, find a more determined and charismatic friend ask to hang out with the object of your sympathy (without winning her) and then work up the courage to approach her and then ask if she wants to go somewhere. to go with you. Make sure your friends know what to say and don't make you look like a spineless weakling by distorting your ideas.

      • If you really want to ask a friend to ask her out on a date, you need to find out what he will say to her. Yes, it may sound strange, but you will thank fate for taking such a step.
    4. Call her. You can also ask her for her mobile number if you are a sociable guy. Dial her and invite her for a walk. Your friend can ask her to give you a mobile phone number, if she, of course, gives. And then when you call, she will know roughly what to expect.

    • Don't act like an idiot if you get a rejection.
    • No need to brag and talk a lot about yourself and your life, otherwise she will think that you are a narcissistic peacock.
    • Don't ask your friend to give her your invitation.
    • As difficult as it may be, don't eat it with your eyes. Otherwise, in the eyes of a girl, you will look like a preoccupied jerk.
    • You don't have to be intrusive. It's annoying, and not just girls.
    • Make sure she knows you and don't tell anyone, even her, about your sympathies until you ask her out on a date. If you want to share this with a friend, make sure they can be trusted, or at least blackmailed.
    • Do not shelve the invitation. There is nothing worse than not knowing about the reciprocity of one's sympathies. Even getting rejected is not as painful as tormenting yourself with suspicion.
    • Do not invite her on a date via the Internet or by SMS. These relationships will not be stable and long-term.
    • Do not invite a girl who is two grades younger, otherwise everyone will look askance at you.
    • Behave decently, do not use swearing in speech and do not insult her. Show maturity, this is a very good and desirable quality.


    • If she says yes, don't try to kiss her right away or make physical contact. It might turn her off.
    • Remember that you can arouse her sympathy in return, which means that the game is worth the candle.
    • Try not to yell or get hysterical if she says no, just say something like "if you change your mind let me know".
    • If she turned you down, remember that she wasn't a hit-and-miss, and that there are plenty of other girls who might like you during your high school years.

Kiss for the first time in my life. Falling in love for the first time, saying "I love you". Invite a girl for a walk for the first time - as soon as all this happens, the heart begins to beat faster, palms sweat, breath catches. Sometimes this “for the first time” is not easy for everyone, but sometime, never it must be overcome, leaving pleasant memories of this moment in the mind.

How to properly and at the same time, beautifully, invite a girl for a walk?

Conventionally, there are several ways of such an ideal invitation. Each of them should be considered based on what the fair sex loves and what approach she requires.

  1. For those who love extreme. First of all, the guy's adrenaline will go off scale. Why? Yes, because it is not always known what the beauty will answer. So, you can record a video message, write an SMS or an email message. It is important to indicate something like “Sorry, but I need to tell you something important and at the same time urgently. Discuss it in in social networks I can not. It will be better if we meet. I'm waiting for your answer." When composing the text of such, let's say, an alarming message, one should refrain from the words “you must”, “you need”. You shouldn't force her to do anything. Such pressure may not please everyone. Despite the fact that the invitation can get on both nerves a lot, it will be remembered for a long time.
  2. romantic approach. Perfect option how to invite a girl to a meeting, giving her countless pleasant and unforgettable memories. Inside every young lady lives a tender and vulnerable creature who just wants to be protected, cherished and cherished. So, for the first time, a bouquet of flowers sent with her favorite candies in an iron box will help to invite her on a date. In more detail, it is important to put the invitation between the buds of fragrant flowers. When you don’t want to send banal roses, then everyone will tell about her interests, VKontakte, Facebook. For those who want to show originality, an invitation in the form of a bouquet of soft toys. It is worth noting that such gifts are now enjoying unprecedented popularity.
  3. It is impossible to hear "no" in your address. Not every guy will take such a step. It will not be superfluous to remember that this invitation, or rather a date organized without her knowledge, should be carried out by someone who is sure that the girl also has sympathy for the guy, just like he does for her. For example, if lovers study in the same group or class, he can ask her to pull him up in some subject by appointing a meeting place in such and such a cafe. So, she arrives at the appointed time and instead of a pile of books she sees an impeccably set table and the guy of her dreams with a bouquet of flowers as beautiful as she is.

Where to invite a girl for a walk for the first time?

It all depends on the interests of both. In no case should you invite her to a place where, for example, a guy feels like a fish in water, and she stumbles with excitement and cannot say anything significant. If you don't want to post a lot sum of money for the first meeting, then the most suitable option- a walk in the park, visiting the zoo, admiring the sunset on the seashore. At the same time, you can just give her Balloons, offering to run them together. An alternative to such a gift can be sky lanterns, the launch of which is impossible without two people. The main thing here is to remember what she likes and what annoys. After weighing all the pros and cons, it is important to organize an ideal walk that will end in success for both.

I have been coaching guys with Roman for many years, I was at a live training, I think that the training "Date: from meeting to sex" is the only most informative information product on this topic in Runet. Roman is an experienced trainer and has been in the topic of seduction for many years, he himself learned a lot from him. I came to Novosibirsk to Roman for personal coaching. I was very pleased, as Roman changed my life in better side and taught me how to get the most out of whatever I do. I also found myself and my way, now there is a business, there is a beloved girl nearby. Everything is fine!

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Peter, Omsk, 22 years old

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Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

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Suggest girlfriend just walk together. Warn that you want to talk about something serious. Choose the place for the walk. Best Options: cafe, park, just a walk along the street. Bad Options: cinema, theater, disco. You must make contact and exclude distractions from loud music, video, or other activities. Naturally, how, you will pay the bills in a cafe, even if it is customary in the company to pay for yourself.

It is not necessary to start a conversation right off the bat. Discuss first common topics: events in the company, in the city, in the country. To myself important point move only when both are comfortable and relaxed.

In any formulation of recognition, you must demonstrate your strong start willingness to start a business and continue despite obstacles. Even if you are in a modest environment, the choice of a woman depends more on the strength you have shown and the ability to be caring.

Thinking about how to spend time With girl, you can not reinvent the wheel, but ask her directly. Maybe she has been dreaming of going to some interesting place for a long time and she will tell about it herself. But more often, she is waiting for the initiative from you.


Go to nature, to parks, where you can just walk along the shady alleys, decorating the walk with a small photo session as a keepsake.

If nature is not to your liking, but craving for outdoor activities yes, you can offer her to play billiards, bowling, or go to the water park. She's sure to love one of these.

If it's all wrong, swipe time outside the box: skydiving, horseback riding, swimming with dolphins. If faced with this, the impressions will permanently crash into maiden memory like the person who was in it time near.

Football fans can be advised to take to the match. Girls usually resist at first, but after the match, in a voice hoarse from shouting, they admit that they even liked it.

How to spend time With girl if you don't have much money in your pocket. You can invite her to look at your city from the roofs of houses - romantic, practical and exciting.