Better cloth for umbrella. How to choose an umbrella: Practical recommendations. How to choose the right umbrella for several years

Outside the window of the shimmer autumn and monotonously knocking rain, pouring all day. Usually at this time there is a problem of buying a good and reliable umbrella. After all, it is the umbrella that can protect us, our clothes and our things from the blotch. In this article, I will describe the main nuances in detail, which must be taken into account when choosing an umbrella, tell about the main umbrella brands and, of course, prices.

What are the umbrellas?

Of course, children's, male and female! And if with children's more or less clear (they are small and colorful), then with distinction of female and male problems sometimes arise. Therefore, it is worth staying at this moment.

Umbrellas, canes are both men's and female. A man with a good umbrella-cane looks, by the way, is usually very elegant. But the umbrellas of the "quad" addition - almost exclusively female. In addition, the women's umbrellas with bright and color coloring, a variety of drawings are considered. Black, blue and gray umbrellas can be used by women, and men. This is true and in relation to the stripped and checkered umbrellas of nonsense tones - including canes.

Family and individual umbrellas. Everything is simple here: family umbrellas are larger than the diameter of the dome and they naturally have large dimensions and high weight. In addition, family umbrellas are more expensive than individual (other things being equal).

Umbrella can have different mechanisms Opening. Exist mechanical umbrellas (open and closed manually) semiautomatica (For opening it is necessary to push the handle, after which the dome will open itself; they are closed by hand), machines (open automatically by pressing the button; close manually) and double, or full automata (Opened and closed by simple clicking on the button). Naturally, the more automation, the more convenient to use the umbrella, but the higher it is its price. And it is worth noting that usually automatic umbrellas are less reliable than mechanical.

Form of execution. There are cost umbrellas And ordinary, classic umbrellas-sticks (let's say). Canes usually look elegant, water is rolled better with them (as the dome is more rounded), they dry faster. The main minus of canes is that they are cumbersome, you will not put them in the bag, and besides, you can forget somewhere.

It may be hooking (such umbrellas are comfortable to carry on the hand, but there may be problems with the placement of them in the bag / portfolio) or in the form of an abdam. In the latter case, it is usually attached to the handle another strap for wearing on hand. Tree handles (more expensive) and plastic (cheaper) are made. There are also rubberized handles, they are comfortable and do not slide. Last Fashion Pisk and High Technologies - Backlit Pens.

Pay attention to the convenience of the handle: how comfortable to keep the umbrella in hand, there is no unpleasant sensations, does not express the umbrella from the hands. Keep in mind also that shiny paint on a plastic handle can quickly peer. Wooden handles over time acquire a special charm. Metal may seem too cold and slippery. Handles from the leatherette can be pretty quickly.

Number of additions. The greater the number of additions, the more compact umbrella, the more often its price above, and the less its reliability. Umbrellas quartary Addition - In fact, pocket, which is very convenient, but they most often break. Golden middle, in my opinion, are umbrellas dual and triple addition.

We study the umbrella

Material of the spokes and mechanism. Buy umbrellas whose needles and opening mechanism are made of metal or fiberglass. Plastic elements break quickly and come into disrepair. This is very an important nuance. Umbrellas with fiberglass knitting needles and resistant to wind, light, but they are noticeably more expensive than with plastic spokes. In classical expensive umbrellas, metal knitting needles and other elements are usually used - too a good optionIf they are not too thin.

Number of spokes varies from six to sixteen depending on the quality and size of the umbrella. What they are more, the (on average) an umbrella is more expensive, harder, but also stronger, and better copes with its functions into windy weather. For an individual umbrella, there are enough eight spokes, for family - ten. In high-quality umbrellas of thoughtful structures made from high-tech materials, there may be even six spokes (for example, from the New Zealand company Blunt).

Dome material. As a rule, the dome of modern umbrellas are made from synthetic materials (less often - from a mixture of synthetic and natural fibers). So, you can meet duets from polyester, nylon, as well as from a mixture of polyester and silk, polyester and cotton and even from 100% natural silk (even more beautiful, but insanely expensive and impractical). Good material The Eponge Fabric is considered (Pongee), in the original silk, but now often manufactured from polyester with cotton or pure polyester. In addition, good materials with special impregnation (Teflonova): The rainding drops are immediately rolled off, the umbrella surface remains dry and does not wet. About Nylon Sometimes you can meet skeptical opinions, but it happens and qualitative, as well as polyester.

There are no direct relationship between the price of the umbrella and the quality of the dome material. Also, keep in mind that the same polyester is different: tactile sensations, appearance, wear resistance can vary.

Quality of execution. Look, whether the threads are sticking out of the umbrella, whether the seams are neat, do not creak, whether the mechanism does not start, do not begin to peel the paint from the handle. Check how reliable the fabric to the needles is attached. In addition, the cloth must be stretched quite strongly and not to be saved when the umbrella is disclosed. Such little things allow to judge the quality of the umbrella as a whole, how durable it is durable.

Prices and brands

Lower price segment. This includes umbrellas with a price of up to 500 rubles, sold in transitions, in the markets, in trainers ... most of them are different in low (or very low quality), using the cheapest materials, Nevaznetsky quality of manufacture. They often break the knitting needles, rushes and lines the material of the dome, peeling the paint from the handle. The umbrella for 300 rubles, for example, may be out of order after a week after purchase. At most - it is enough for a couple of seasons. If you're lucky.

Middle price segment. Umbrellas worth 500 - 1500 rubles. it may be Quite high-quality products. For 500-800 rubles you can find good umbrellas Airton., for 1000-1500 - good umbrellas Zest Trust « Three elephants», Happy Rain.. Such umbrellas are reliable, most likely will serve several seasons, with careful circulation - and five years. They usually provide a guarantee (several months).

Keep in mind that Airton and Zest are not English brands, these umbrellas are sold only in Russia, other CIS countries and in the Baltic States. The domain of the Zest Group International Site (Zest and Airton Brands) is registered with Sergey Veshkov's private person (see). However, the ratio of price and quality in the umbrellas of these brands in any case is worthy.

Segment above average. 1500-3000 rubles. Here are more reliable and strong models of Zest and "Three Elephants" - with a lot of spokes, with best Material top and so on. Also, this segment includes Austrian brand umbrellas Doppler.and English brand umbrellas Fulton..

Upper price segment. From 3000 rubles. Often these are designer products, from Italian, French and other firms engaged in the manufacture of fashionable clothes, shoes, accessories. Examples: Baldinini., Fabi, Ferre, Pollini, Jean Paul. Gaultier ... In addition, some umbrellas of the English brand fall into this segment Fox Umbrellas.which are sold in (cost from 6 thousand rubles). Their quality is higher than that of the average "designer" umbrellas. The quality high-tech umbrellas of the New Zealand company deserve attention Bluntwhich can be purchased at the Bag & Wallet store (5-6 thousand rubles). Finally, you can still mention umbrellas

Umbrella segment premium. From 10,000 rubles. With pearl buttons, wood frame, tissue dome high-class, tip from natural horns ... Examples: Maglia Francesco, Mario Talarico, Ermenegildo Zegna, Brioni, Pasotti Ombreli. Prices start from several thousand rubles and leave almost indefinitely. Umbrella Brioni.For example, you can buy for 35,000 rubles, but this is not the limit. For details on how to choose an expensive, exclusive umbrella, read in.

Care for umbrella

A few words about leaving. Dry the umbrella in the fully opened position is not worth it, since the wet fabric is deformed stronger than dry. Strength, color is preserved better if you dry the umbrella in the "relaxed" position.

You can clean the umbrella using a sponge and soap (or any cleaning agent). After applying the means / soap, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the umbrella and dry it well.

Today we will tell you how to choose a male umbrella. But first tell a little about them. It is difficult to imagine modern life without this fashionable and so necessary accessory. On the rainy days of the streets are saturated with multi-colored umbrellas.

History of origin

Even in the old days, people had the idea to create a peculiar roof for the head. According to some scholars, the umbrellas came up with ancient Etruscans, from the words of others - the Chinese. In those times, the masters learned how to make such devices from ordinary palm leaves and bamboo. But such products were pieting. Therefore, only rich people could afford them. ABOUT material position A person could tell only one presence of this accessory.

The first umbrella

Thanks to Peter I, in the eighteenth century, this invention has come to our land. The dome of the umbrella was made of leather, and the role of the spokes played the bones of large fish. Translated from the Dutch "umbrella" ( zonnedek.) Dimensored canopy from the canas on the ship. Then the word zonnedek. Several times were subjected to every changes. As a result, it turned out the word "umbrella", which is not present in any language in any language, except Russian.

In ancient times in the countries of the East and the West, from where this accessory originates, even a special profession arose - the carrier of the umbrella. These are people who could accompany people in rainy weather, naturally for money. Weight such an accessory about five kilograms.

Handle umbrella

The handle umbrella is separate and not less interesting story. In its manufacture, three main types were highlighted. Now we will list them. First, this is a ring knob or half-trip from ivory. The second type is a model in the form of an ordinary loop of the skin. Third view - wooden handle - half-trip.

In the XIX century, the Englishman invented the folding umbrella using the metal as the spoke of the metal, and in the role of the dome - bologne fabric. It is in this form that accessories reached us.

Production of this accessory

Before choosing a male umbrella, you should figure out what it consists of. The main elements - the dome, frame and handle.

The framework includes stops and rods. Such parts are made of steel.

Rod - metal tube. Tips and handles make metal, wood or plastics. The stem itself has a tip on top.

The dome is sewn in the form of wedges. Their number can vary from 8 to 14. Such tissues are used, which include water-repellent components. Fashionable was the manufacture of tires from ordinary polyethylene materials.
The Japanese umbrellas are not intended for operation in rainy weather. Made mostly from silk. Once this umbrella was made of bamboo and straw and was mounted on his shoulders. Such convenient option wearing allowed to protect yourself from sun ray and produce field work. After that, for noble persons, an umbrella with an ivory handle was invented, and the dome was made of a special washed paper, thanks to which the drops did not absorb into the cloth, but repelled from it.

Currently there are folding models and cane umbrellas. Now consider such types of accessories in more detail.

Stylish Male Umbrella: What should I choose?

Now let's stop on male umbrellas. We live at that time when men basically refuse to this accessory, as they have cars or when hiking walks Do not consider it necessary to occupy an umbrella hand. Someone is easier to throw a hood. Naturally, there are such situations when both hands are busy and carry an umbrella is simply no possibility. But few people know that this accessory is designed not only to protect his head from wetting, but also to extend the life of the upper clothes, fencing from the absorption of moisture.

Among male attributes, the umbrella occupies not the last place. Not only that he successfully performs his direct functions - protects against wind, wet snow and rain. At the same time, it is stylish and elegant accessorywho will never lose its relevance. The correctly selected umbrella gives strong half Solidity and respectableness, what every man seeks to seek.

Once the stylists consider the question of how to choose the mens umbrella. There is nothing complex in the selection. It is enough to know some rules when choosing.

Umbrella cane: what to pay attention to when choosing?

How to choose a mesh umbrella? This accessory has a sufficiently strong design.

There are no knees on the legs. A long leg suggests the presence of metal spokes without joints. Due to which the umbrella in open video It has a dome form. A cane has a rather presentable species, which means it may be an indicator of a man's status.

Such an umbrella is considered the most durable and reliable, but rather inconvenient in use because of its dimensions - can interfere with the people around public transport. The rain is over, and it will have to wear it all day. Since it does not fold to small sizes.

Umbrella cane - perfect accessory To flood, coat, shortened coat and classic jacket, as well as strict business suit.

Umbrella folding: What moments pay attention to when choosing?

How to choose a good male umbrella? The folding accessory is primarily choosing those men who value simplicity and convenience. Modern folding umbrellas may form enough small sizes and quietly fit into the bag or pocket coat. This is a weighty plus. And although such an accessory looks not so impressive as an umbrella cane, but in its functions does not lag behind him. But what is noteworthy, folding models of breakdowns are much more likely. This is due to the presence of several joints and knees, which lose strength during operation.

Folding umbrellas for disclosure and closing is much more convenient than canes. Among them are distinguished automatic and semi-automatic. The first when you press the button are disclosed. Semi-automatic when pressing only push the handle. There are also folding umbrellas - double automatic. Such in the first press is revealed, when repeated - close.

What kind of male choose? Based on what you need a guy - Elegance or ease of use, you can make your choice.
Folding umbrellas harmonize absolutely with any clothes, whether sports suit or strict coat. Mostly men choose black or gray. They are ideal for any color of clothes.

1. How to choose a mens umbrella durable? When choosing, you must definitely pay attention to what the fabric is made by the dome. Production uses such materials such as nylon, polyester and atlas. More expensive is the combination of cotton with polyester. To determine the type of material, it is enough to look at the light source through the open dome. Perfect option - buy an umbrella in specialized storewhere they can advise on this issue.

2. How to choose a male umbrella? When choosing, you should find out the weight of the accessory. Steel structures long ago in the past. Now in the production of umbrellas use fiberglass and durable aluminum. Weight of such umbrellas can be less than 250 grams. A good modern accessory should not be too heavy.

3. How to choose a male umbrella? It is necessary to deal with sizes. The shortest cane male umbrella This is eighteen centimeters. At the same time the size of the dome of the standard size. Cane length is one meter, and the diameter of the dome is 1-1.3 m.

4. How to choose a male umbrella to serve for a long time? Pay attention to the models with a double dome. Such an invention does not allow to turn the umbrella with strong wind.

5. When choosing an umbrella, be sure to check it in place. Check that this product works properly, and there are no stains on the frame.

6. Inspect the dome. He must be firmly with a framebashed. At the same time, the dome should not be saved. It should not have any damage. If you turn the dome to the light source, then you can see the smallest defects.

Little conclusion

Now it is clear how to choose a male umbrella, durable and beautiful. When choosing a guy, of course, it should be focused only on its own preferences.

Some enough and one for all occasions. Someone has both folding, and the cane so that in unhealthy weather to take with you exactly the one that is ideal for one or another clothes.

We could learn a lot from the penguin, well, in addition to trying to kill Batman. He is a big fashionista and understands the importance of a good monocle. And he still understands that, regardless of whether he faces with rain or glitter superheroes, an umbrella in this case is extremely necessary. After all, there is nothing worse than getting under the rain by surprise, so the umbrella is the thing is simply irreplaceable.

Nowadays, the umbrella is more than just protection against blotting. Numerous fantasies saw in this simple fighter device with wind, curious bauble, as well as terrible weapon, not inferior to throwing knife. Yes, the umbrella will not dive you, but this is not the only feature. Still doubt? Then take a look that these are capable of 5 best umbrellas.

Filson Two Tone - Uncompromising Style

Pros: water repellent surface
Cons: small diameter

Filson is a firm that produces umbrellas for true gentlemen. Their remarkable two-color umbrellas report others that you are a person with exquisite taste. The smooth knob made of maple is very comfortable, besides, it looks very elegant. The umbrella with ease repels the water and after severely shake dries in a matter of minutes. Water will be formed in the droplets and drain from it, so you can roll it and not be afraid that it will not dry completely and will be raw next time you decide to take advantage. Umbrella size with 1 meter - this is not the most large optionBut it is enough to let you stay dry, and at the same time you will not create discomfort to other people who also decided to walk in the rain on the boulevard.

Price: 6000 rub.

Blunt XS-Metro - Entry of Small Rain

Pros: Durable
Cons: You can not use with a strong rain

If there is no shower on the street, then Blunt XS-Metro is a pleasure. This umbrella can easily use one hand. XS-Metro is able to fully protect you from the rain, despite the fact that the diameter of it is only 94 centimeters. The secret, apparently, lies in a more flat design (the umbrella has a not so severe parabolic shape as the rest). It also allows you to comfortably use it under wind and are not afraid that it will turn out or break down (although, in this case, the wind pressure on the umbrella will significantly increase - see how not to fly away). The design seems strong, but it is still not recommended to use it with a torrential rain. If you live in London or in Seattle, consider the Blunt Classic version, this model has a heaving frame and larger diameter.

Price: 2000 rubles.

Totes Clear Bubble - Lone Hero

Pros: Deep Tilt
Cons: Easy bends

This is perhaps one of the best umbrellas for one person. Instead of a large diameter, the developers decided to create a form remotely resembling a bubble, which is designed to do one: protect you from water. True, we don't advise to try to fit under it - you both will get wet from the water flowing down from the umbrella. Vinyl awning does not allow water to linger on it, while a deep slope prevents bending from wind. The only problem is that the long imagination of the inner frame can be easily bent or broke, so they need to use with extreme caution. This umbrella does not allow you to put on it with friends, but if it does not give your shoes to get into the way, does it matter?

Price: 700 rub.

Gustbuster Classic - Wrestler Wrestle

Pros: well ventilated
Cons: not very stylish

Gustbuster knew that if they were going to use such a name, their product is simply obliged to cope with a serious wind. Fortunately, they all turned out. Technically, Classic is a golf umbrella intended for use on a flat, open area. The axis is made of reinforced fiberglass, so it does not miss electricity (even if zip will hit you, it does not happen because of the umbrella). Nylon was used for the awning, so it turns out almost a tent during a torrential rain. He misses the air perfectly, so you can not worry about that the umbrella will twist or take you to the puddle. The top cap looks a bit tasteless, but it can take pressure on him and thereby prevents the rod damage.

Price: 1400 rub.

Blade Runner LED - Light Show

Pros: Unobtrusive Light
Cons: Cannot be used as a cane

When you go dark windy at night, then the flashlight is very necessary thing. And if it is not, then you will help blade Runner LED. In the dark, it looks like a real light sword, and it is cool. The entire axis of Blade Runner is highlighted by LED lighting, which is completely safe for use with high humidity. Soft lighting will allow you to consider each fracture in the sidewalk, but at the same time will not make you or random passers-by. When the backlight is enabled, you can be sure that other pedestrians and motorists will know where you are. If you prefer not to stand out, you can turn off the lighting. The axis is rather strong, but still this umbrella is not recommended to use as a cane - risk damage the lighting system. It has a parabolic shape and a diameter of a little more than a meter, so it is ideal for one or two people, and the gentle glow works better than straight upper light. Ultimately, his view is quite fascinating.

Price: 800 rub.

Sava Irina

A person has created many different things for his convenience and comfort. These things warm in the cold, give the coolness in the heat, deliver it faster to various places. There are universal things. Such can be attributed an umbrella. He will protect and from the rain, and from the sun. By the way, the first umbrella served just protect against sunlight. He received his name from the Netherlands Zondec, a literally meaningful "roof from sunlight on the ship." After he became referred to as the umbrella.

For today, no person will allow themselves to go out rainy weather, Whether it is spring, summer or autumn without an umbrella. The umbrella has become an indispensable accessory. Today's manufacturers indulge their buyers with such many umbrellas, various size, forms, colors and styles, which is sometimes difficult to decide on the choice.

What are the umbrellas.

However, you need to know that the umbrellas are classic, compact, automatic, mechanical, umbrellas, etc., etc.

The classic umbrella is an umbrella in our traditional understanding. They are perfectly protected from rain. Have a durable wooden handle, often underground shape.

The automatic umbrella is a variety of classic. Opened by pressing the button on the hint of the umbrella. Folding up to compact sizes, it is very convenient for everyday wearing in a business bag, a backpack, etc.

The dome of the mechanical umbrella opens with his hands, due to the characteristics of the structure.

The umbrella semi-automatic design can be opened by pressing the button. But the semi-automatic umbrellas will have to manually close.

The compact umbrella in the closed state does not exceed the length of 30 cm. The handle in such an umbrella has a telescopic design. Compact umbrellas can have both automatic, mechanical and semi-automatic design. It has a lightweight design, very compact, protects well from rain. But the minus of this type of umbrellas can be called what strong wind The compact umbrella will not stand.

All of the above umbrellas can be combined conditionally in the folding group.

Unlike them, the umbrella cane has spokes without bending connections. The dome of the umbrella has practically the shape of the semitter, the tissue base of the dome is strongly stretched. This contributes to the fastest rolling of rain drops from the umbrella, due to which it dries faster. The umbrella has a long rod, sharp tip. This makes it possible to use an umbrella as a cane for a support when walking. Because of the small number of connecting elements, such an umbrella is very durable, but that is not always convenient, small.

Often today can be seen on the streets of people under transparent semicircular umbrellas. These umbrellas have the name of the Bubble ("bubble"), an external view fully corresponding to the name. Reliably close from wind and rain, providing full Overview Through a transparent surface.

The so-called inside of the umbrella depends on the design of the frame of the umbrella and on the amount of the addition of the knap spokes. The knife knaps of the umbrella can have from two to five additions, which actually affects the domes of the umbrella dome.

From which the size of the umbrella depends.

The largest size of the umbrella dome with two additions of the spokes is. A more common option is the following addition - in three stages. Two and three-stage additions are used for mostly for classic umbrellas. The greatest application Such a number of additions of spokes - in children's umbrellas. This type of addition is used both in male and in female umbrellas. Four additions provide an umbrella compact size. Five-stage addition of the spokes as a result will make the umbrella of the minimum of all existing sizes With a dome of medium-sized dimensions.

The most popular material for the manufacturers today is a carbon fiber. Such an umbrella is practically not broken. The spokes and seats of bend, made of carbon fiber, can be bend in any direction without prejudice to the umbrella.

It will not be superfling that umbrellas of any design may have 6 - 8, 10, 12, 16, 24 knitting needles. The greater the number of spokes in the umbrella, the more reliable and the stronger will be its design. The umbrellas of such a design are the most expensive, it is rare. For the majority of 24-spoke umbrellas - canes. However, in folding umbrellas occurs the smallest number spokes (up to 8).

Frame for umbrella.

On general weight Umbrella An important value will be the framework of the frame. Made, mainly from 3 standard materials: aluminum, wood, steel.

The easiest and cheap is an aluminum frame. Umbrellas, for the most part, are obtained little size Folding. The umbrella of this species is almost each can lie in a bag without causing difficulties, always at hand to any weather.

More elegant, but less folding umbrellas with wooden base of the frame. Often the framework of wood has umbrellas-canes. The tree is much more pleasant felt in hand in bad weather.

The steel frame is the most durable of frames. It will not be a detrimental strengths of winds. The current technologies provide the possibility of combining steel with other lightweight materials, which reduces the weight of the umbrella, avoiding the loss of strength characteristics. For the most part, such umbrellas are produced by male, creating a reinforced steel frame and double knitting needles.

Material for the domes of the umbrella.

In addition to the construction of umbrellas, there are differences in the material for the dome.

The most common to date, perhaps, can be called polyester fabric. Fabric when tensioning does not floss. In order to give polyerole, more than different qualitative and aesthetic characteristics in the manufacture of this material manufacturers use many different additional components. Therefore, it turns out such a huge variety of umbrellas with a dome from polyestera or matte, or shiny, or smooth, or rough, dense, thin, etc. Due to the additions of various components, polyester receives various other names. All this must be reflected in the label or on the packaging of the umbrella.

The polyester derivative is a fabric called a polyester suite. It has a denser structure, it does not differ from the polyester.

For greater protection against the surrounding effect on the polyester fabric, a Teflon spray is applied with its production. The fabric is less subjected to wear, fading, dust sticking, etc.

Special strength will be distinguished by the rubberized polyester. A little rough when touched, it perfectly pushes water.

It has not worse water-repellent properties Fabric from Epiona. It has a solid, dense structure, does not occur, not stretching. In appearance, this cloth resembles a cloak tissue, but it is less reliable than polyester.

Nylon domes of umbrellas are not less often polyeste. Unlike polyester, nylon is more elastic, soft and thin. Another plus nylon is a low price. The disadvantage of this fabric is that it can change its sizes (decrease from high temperatures Or stretch), lift.

For umbrellas called Bubble, the material on the dome is selected from the polyvinyl. The view is a film similar to polyethylene.

Surely, many came across an umbrella, whose dome is covered soft cloth With silky glitter. Such a fabric is called Sarge.

Many fewer satin and silk fabrics are used, because they do not have water-repellent characteristics. Often, such a fabric is used in the manufacture of umbrellas from sunlight, like decorative umbrellas for wedding ceremonies etc. In addition to silk and satin, satin fabric can also be used, in less - dome from Lena and cotton.

Umbrellas with chiffon domes also do not have protective properties from the rain. From aesthetic point of view, this material is suitable for decorative purposes due to its pleasant sturdy structural structure with pleasant shiny overflows.

Popular brands of umbrella manufacturers.

Today's umbrella manufacturers please the buyer with a variety of assortment: classical and modern models, designer works and everyday samples, male, female, children's, etc. World leaders whose products are characterized in quality and is popular, companies like Fulton, Zest, three elephants, Knirps, Doppler, Perletti, Happy Rain.

Fulton and Zest have been producing umbrellas that have been produced by traditional English quality for many years. Three elephants - probably know many of this Japanese brand, as it presents its products over the years on russian market. The smallest and highest quality umbrella can be proud today only german firm Knirps. Austrian umbrellas from Doppler are distinguished by the modernity of the design and the quality of the entire European. No one can pamper your customers as a wide range of umbrella-canes as the Italian company Perletti.

Absolutely all companies producing umbrellas produce their products, both for women and for men.

Umbrella for the whole family.

Often, women's umbrellas have a bright original colors, fashionable prints. For the most part, these are folding models. The length of the spokes in female umbrellas does not exceed 60 cm. Their price will be from 10 to $ 100.

Male umbrellas are less bright, the colors are more detained. As a rule, men's umbrellas have either a powerful wooden or reinforced steel frame. Mainly men's umbrellas are classic, folding mechanical, automatic or semi-automatic, canes. average cost High-quality male umbrella will range from 30 to $ 150.

Almost any company will not refuse himself the pleasure of producing a children's product line. Today, the assortment series of children's umbrellas sometimes happens more than umbrellas for men and women. Often, externally similar to the toy, children's umbrellas are absolutely coping with the traditional function - protection against rain, wind, sun. Materials for children's umbrellas are selected more carefully, they are more environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic. In a high-quality umbrella, there will be no child safety. These are more lightweight umbrella designs. The length of the knitting needles does not exceed 40 cm.

Caring for umbrella.

Over the umbrella, to extend its service life, need careful care. In no case can the umbrella be left in the wet state, it is possible to dry it, only a semi-week in order to avoid stretching the dome tissue. It is necessary to store an umbrella in a dry place, it's not worth it from above with heavy things to avoid breakdown of the frame. Clean the fabric of the umbrella can be a weak solution of ammonia with a soft non-rigid brush.

Umbrella - necessary accessory for everybody. It is important to choose a durable and strong product that will serve not one season, reliably protect from rain and wind, will be comfortable during operation. In addition, the accessory should approach the style and complement the image, create a positive image. Let's look at how to choose the right umbrella.

How to choose and check the umbrella for quality

  • The highest quality umbrellas are French, Japanese and Dutch. However, they fake such models more often than others. This corporate umbrella has a logo of the company on the handle and dome, hlystics and a button, a sewn label;
  • Quality original products have barcode, hygienic certificate and warranty period In 6-12 months. In addition, the label necessarily indicate the composition of the material;
  • When checking, expand several times and close the product to check the action of the mechanism. He should not dine, and the umbrella must easily open and close;
  • In the open state, the dome material should not be saved. In the canes, the tissue is tight enough, and the folding model is slightly weaker;
  • Shake and shake umbrella. The rod must be firmly and securely fixed. Check that nothing fell off, did not hang out, did not creak and did not crack;
  • The needles must have the same length, create a dome proper form and stay fixed when sharp moves and moving the product;
  • The knitting needles should be attached to the groove, and the convex side - to lay down to the fabric so that the dome does not turn the wind. For canes, the tips of the spokes must have special caps so that they do not cling to the surrounding items;
  • Choose products with two or more points for mounting the spice to the surface of the dome. The more such points, the higher the strength and reliability of the model;
  • At the place of attachment of the dome to the rod, there should be a screwed cover of metal, as the plastic is easily cracking;
  • In the folding model, carefully check the stem connection locations. They should not hang out and be weakened;
  • The dome fabric must be sewn in several places and is fixed with the needles with plastic caps. And the cap on the top should be firmly attached;
  • Children's umbrella should be lightweight and safe, comfortable in use. Choose products from hypoallergenic material with knitting needles, the ends of which are covered with plastic tips. The top of the umbrella should not be acute, and the retainer is made of plastic, so as not to pinch your fingers;
  • Be sure to pick a cover for storing and transporting the product. So that the accessory is easy and comfortable to wear, choose a cover with a handle.

What umbrella to choose: cane or folding

Umbrellas differ in type and design. Stay cane and folding accessory. The first model looks sophisticated and solid. Such a product is distinguished by increased strength and lack of joints on the rod and knitting needles, due to which it will not break.

In addition, a strong umbrella cane will not be inside out with strong wind. It has a rounded dome, which will cover a large area and reliably protect even in heavy rain. And the durable whole rod will never break. Among the minuses of such a model - bulky and heavy weight.

Folding umbrella is comfortable in use. It is easy to fit in the bag and does not take up much space. But he is less durable and reliable than a cane. After all, the more addictions, the higher the risk of breakage. In addition, such a product is easily turned inside out during a strong wind. Folding umbrellas have two, three or more addictions. A product with two additions is more durable and reliable.

For convenience, it is better to buy both models. Cane take on the walk and in a strong shower, and the folding umbrella uses everyday lifeWhen the product is easy to remove in a bag or diplomat. And to be more convenient to wear a cane, select a cover with a handle that is put on or over the shoulder. This is an excellent male and female option.

In addition, today the manufacturer releases special models "for two" with a width of 120-130 centimeters and products with the "An feeder" function, which contain two layers of dome tissue and reinforced steel needles. In independence from the form before choosing an umbrella, pay attention to the quality and strength of the product.

Rod and needles

To choose quality umbrellaIt is important to choose reliable and durable material of the rod and spice. Steel heavy and brilliant elements already go into the past, but the steel remains durable and durable raw materials. Such an umbrella is not turned out due to severe and sharp impacts of wind.

Modern canes are made of fiberglass. It is practical, soft and light materialwhich is fine. Umbrellas are obtained flexible, elastic and strong. Folding models are released with combined spokes of plastic and steel. In no case do not choose aluminum knitting needles, as they are easily breaking and reduce the load of the wind, strong shower.

One product can be 8-32 spokes. This does not affect the quality and strength of the accessory. But the more needles, the more aesthetically and elegant the dome looks. This is achieved due to the original rounded form and big number faces.

The rod is round and multifaceted. The more faces, the more reliable the product. When choosing, also pay attention to the fastening of the spokes. The fastening of the "crown" implies the presence of springs that are practical, since the elements are easier to repair. The type of "winches" is attached to the lace, so it is less reliable.

Addition and handle mechanisms

Depending on the type of mechanism, the following types are distinguished:

  • Mechanical folds and opens manually;
  • The semi-automatic is disclosed when the button is pressed and manually folds;
  • The machine creates and is revealed by pressing the button, which simplifies the use.

The semi-automatic and the machine breaks more often, as the button quickly fails. As statistics show, mechanical umbrellas serve longer. Important role The type and material of the handle play the umbrella. Choose a convenient and practical handle that fits in your hand.

Do not choose a plastic handle, as it breaks quickly, it is cleared and loses color. Preference gave a strong and aesthetic tree with lacquered. Either choose a rubberized material that does not slide and does not wet. Hook handle is most comfortable with toe. In addition, it is convenient to hang an umbrella.

Fabric dome

Nylon is the cheapest and affordable. It is a coarse material that is quickly rushing, it becomes unusable and loses an attractive appearance. It fades, and sometimes lines under strong shower. In addition, it can paint a man's clothing during the rain or items with which lies nearby. Wherein this material Does not require careful care.

Rubberized satin - luxurious and stylish Material With water-repellent impregnation, which is characterized by high strength and does not break, does not fade and dries in five minutes. Raindrops run quickly from the dome and leave the fabric almost dry.

Polyester and Eponge - strong synthetic fabrics. The most common polyester, which characterize the strength and operational drying. It does not sit down and is not stretched, but it can break in places of fastening of the spokes. It effectively imitates silk or atlas, well repels moisture and resistant to ultraviolet.

Eponge represents polyester with the addition of cotton, sometimes silk. It looks more aesthetic and costs more. Durable I. dense fabric characterized high quality, durability and long operational period.

Eponge will dry in five minutes and does not wet strongly, as the rainy drops quickly roll up with the rough spongy texture of the dome and do not delay on the material. How to care for polyester, empty and other synthetic fabrics, read.

Some designers offer expensive exclusive umbrellas from genuine leatherHowever, such products are uncomfortable and very heavy. Choose a polyester, eponym or satin model.

Color and style

Pay attention not only for quality, but also on the style and color of the umbrella. What umbrella to choose color gamma and design depends on taste preferences. However, there are several general recommendations.

Under the green dome, the complexion will be pale and painful. The red material refreshes the face, but can irritate either boring. White, yellow, blue and light umbrella looks attractive and aesthetic, but quickly gets dirty. Besides, gentle colors And shades are more suitable for representatives of the beautiful sex, therefore it is a greater degree of a female umbrella.

A suitable option will be black, golden or silver, a beige product. It looks solid and suitable for universal use. Apply for both women and men. Besides dark fabric Not so noticeable traces of rain, dirt and stains. But for the child it is better to choose a bright accessory with drawings.

How to choose a beach umbrella

Classic beach umbrellas are designed to cover the body from the scorching sun. Today we produce models that simultaneously protect from the sun, wind and rain. In addition, some products are equipped with mosquito nets.

The minimum diameter of this accessory is 1.8 meters. Baby beach umbrellas are smaller than in diameter and have a bright coloring. Some models are equipped with a children's chair and a beacon for the beach or an umbrella style.

The product frame must be made of durable and strong material to resist the wind, loads and do not break. In this case, choose fiberglass or steel. The most reliable material - steel with titanium coating, which will easily serve several seasons. Do not take a lightweight aluminum frame. It will break at the first strong rush wind.

The dome of the beach umbrella is made of satin, cotton or polyester with polyamide coating. The last option is considered the most durable. However, cotton and satin products look more aesthetic and attractive. When choosing cotton products, choose a dome with water-repellent impregnation.

Spokes choose metal, not plastic. Such an umbrella is harder, but stronger and more durable. Plastics will break quickly. Well, if the accessory is equipped with an airborne hole, which creates air circulation and increases the resistance to the wind.

For comfortable operation, choose an umbrella from the sun, the angle of tilt of which can be adjusted. Then you can set the desired angle without removing the leg and without moving the product. And to install an umbrella where the leg is impossible, use a special stand.

The stand has a flat form, which is filled with sand or water, where the umbrella is then installed. It firmly and reliably secure the product, because it is important that it does not fall during the busting of the wind. In addition, the stand simplifies the installation of the accessory and allows you to put an umbrella where the leg is not like.

Care for umbrella

In order for the accessory to serve a long time, did not break and maintain a presentable appearance, you need to properly store, dry and wash the umbrella. The classic product is stored at room temperature in the folded state and in the case. Check the umbrella regularly, and in front of the long storage, lubricate metal parts machine oil And wrap joints in paper.