Makeup to the beach, create a resort Make Up. Evening makeup option for rest. Video: Master Class on Beach Makeup

Even on the seashore, women cannot fully relax and relax from cosmetics. And the point here is not only in the desire to always be beautiful and irresistible - after all, the scorching sun and salty water Make their "dirty" case, harm the skin of the face, lips and hair. In how to combine pleasant with useful and make a beach makeup, giving the face expressiveness and defending it from the influence of natural factors, we will understand.

First, let's try to answer the question, what should be the makeup for the beach? An unambiguous answer is the most natural, without screaming shades, which will only emphasize your natural beauty. From a thick layer tonal cream, three layers of carcasses on the eyelashes, the scarlet lipstick is better to abandon, stopping its choice on a tone of light texture, a pencil for the eyes instead of a carcass and a protective balm instead of lipstick.

Rules of Beach Makeup

The first thing you need to take care, going to the beach, so it's about the protection of the sun. Sunscreen cosmetics must accompany you throughout the holiday, and it is necessary to use it not only for the face, but also for the whole body.

Choose tone

If you can do without tone, it is very good, otherwise to disguise problem skin, choose light creams or mousses with SPF protection at least 15. At the same time, do not be afraid to combine several sunscreen products For the face, for example, the moisturizing cream with SPF15 and the tonal basis with SPF15 - such protection will be more efficient than if you used only one tool. Instead of a tone cream, you can also choose sunscreen with pigments, which not only lines the tone of the face, but also protects it from ultraviolet.

Remember that in a few days of active stay in the sun Your skin will cover the tan, so the light tone on a tanned face will look ugly. Is there a way out? Oh sure! You need to purchase two tone tubes: one light, another dark. At the same time, of course, it will take an intermediate version of the tone, which can be achieved by simply mixing these two means before applying to the skin.

Do not forget about the area around the eyes - here the skin is tender, so she needs special care. For this zone, use lightweight creams on aqueous or oxygen basis with sunscreen effect.

As a final stroke, apply on top Skul a little Rumyan. For the beach make up it is better to take a blush with a bronzer, because it is difficult to imagine something better for tanned skinthan bronze tint.

Choose mascara

Making makeup to the beach, you can restrict ourselves to a pencil-eyeliner, only slightly touched eyelids and giving the eyes expressiveness. If you need to highlight eyelashes, then take advantage of ink, just not ordinary, but waterproof. Even if you are not going to dive, there will still be a sharp kids or cheerful youth who splash you from head to head. And the black streams spread throughout the face, they will not add romance.

But not only for resistance to moisture you need to pay attention, choosing a mascara for beach holidays. It is necessary to watch, whether it leaves the divorces under the eyes, whether it does not cry, does not glue the eyelashes, does not cause allergic reaction. These properties are desirable to check even before traveling to rest, so as not to overshadow their vacation.

Lovers of natural can be advised to capture with them not black on vacation, but brown mascara. So you and your eyes will be able to emphasize by making them more expressive, and the unnaturalness of the bright make up to avoid.

We choose lipstick

The lips on the beach will quickly dwell, therefore, at a minimum, hygienic lipstick You need to use. Ideally, it is desirable to have in arsenal lipstick or Balsam with SPF protection from 15, which protects gentle skin from the scorching sun and negative impact Ultraviolet.

There are no restrictions in the colors, you can choose even red, purple or orange lipstick. But agree, such colors will seem too bright against the background of the resting crowd, so the makeup artists persistently recommend using a lipstick color, close to natural, it can be beige or pinkish shades.

Do you need shadows

In principle, makeup on the sea can do without shadows for the age, but if you wish to focus on beautiful eyes, Create creamy shadows that do not spread from moisture and do not roll away from the heat. But there is here little secret - When using creamy shadows, apply them to the upper eyelid, not reaching the fold. Otherwise, they will be born there and give our eyes an unclear look.

And more makeup artists offer to use the lips gloss as shadows, which thanks to the sequins will give his eyes mystery and frankness.

Evening makeup for rest

Makeuping makeup to relax on the sea, remember that it is not limited to only lying on the beach - probably waiting for you nice talking And incendiary parties to the morning dawn. And it is clear that evening makeup will differ from the daytime abundance bright colors and saturated colors. Here you can afford to draw stunning arrows, make eyelashes with three layers of carcasses, cover the lips in the contour and apply a bright shine. But even in the evening, set aside the classic red lipstick to the side, replacing it with a lipstick of bright and avant-garde color (this season is popular colors: fuchsia, plum, mango).

After sunset, it is no longer necessary to use sunscreen and waterproof cosmetics, for the evening resort makeup will suit The usual cosmetics you use in everyday life.

Beach Makeup: Last Bar

Even resting and enjoying the bottomless sea-ocean, we stay in women, and a sense of style, regardless of our geographic location, is always present with us. That is why, thinking on the beach makeup, we involuntarily relate it to the colors of clothing, which we will wear, in this case with a tint. If your swimsuit blue coloradd heavenly color in eye makeup if the beach outfit has pink color, cover the lips of the lipstick of this shade.

Consider your beach makeup to the smallest detail, then your image will be the subject for imitation even on the beach!

During vacation, the face should also relax. But is it possible to give up from makeup at all? After all, even on vacation every woman does not leave the desire to be more beautiful, especially on sealand. However, it is worth considering that the makeup to the beach is a special kind of make-up, whose task not only to emphasize the merits and naturalness of appearance. It is necessary to ensure the skin reliable protection From the wind with sand, salty water, wearing the rays of the sun. At the same time, the traces of makeup should not be noticeable. How to act?

Protection of skin

The face should always look beautiful, and on the beach, especially, therefore, the skin of the face will require special care, taking into account the protection effect. the main task This stage is to correctly pick up a tonal cream, if without it can not do. What should be the main cosmetics:

  • have a sufficiently high factor SPF (no less than 15) so that makeup to the beach does not turn the face in the likeness of the mask;
  • have a shade that matches the tone of your dermis as possible so that its color is uniform;
  • different with a lightweight structure so that the protection does not deprive the epidermis of free breathing.

If not managed to find light tonal Fluid with necessarySpf- an indicator, prepare a mixture of creams from an ordinary tone and special sunscreen. But remember that the tone fluid should not be too light for a tanned face.

Before going to the beach, cream applies on the face, following a specific technique:

  • gently lubricate the face sufficient number moisturizing cream;
  • unaptive tools are removed, using matting napkins;
  • apply a tonic tanning with a wet foam sponge;
  • before sunbathing, the skin around the eye is treated with light waterproof cream.

Read: Balm with the effect of gradual sunburn: Application Rules

Instead of tonic, it is possible to use bbuses, effectively leveling the tonality, perfectly moisturizing and feeding the epidermis. BB Creams will help hide disadvantages, guaranteeing high makeup resistance.

Beauty with pale leather, going to sunbathe, uncomfortable feeling among the tanned bodies. With the masking of a natural pallor, the bronzer is perfectly coping. And you can apply it not only on the face, but even the body. Masking plan for the beach:

  • treat the area over cheekbones, the forehead zone at the hair growth boundary;
  • after applying to whiskey, do not forget about the chin, eyelids and area under the eyebrows;
  • go through the barrier along the zone of the neckline, touch the anem of the abdomen and legs.

To make the bronzer on the beach, the face of a baked apple decorated with a sunbath, the convex pieces of the cheekbar slightly decorate the rushes of pink shade.

It is important that the summer make up looked naturally, and its components - had a waterproof base. Some of the makeup artists are recommended from using a carcass to refuse at all, because it can flow or sprinkle after swimming, not to mention diving.

Going to the sea, it is worth visiting the salon to professionally paint eyebrows and eyelashes. The best option Eyelash will be. If you didn't have time to prepare in advance, find out how to paint before opening beach season.

  • Start from the eyebrows - they need to pull out and lay, using a transparent gel. Can be used cosmetic WaxBut the eyeliner and the fat pencil better hide until the end of the holidays.
  • Choosing shadows, do not forget about the maximum nature of the appearance. Pay attention to coffee and golden tones, shades of gray. The texture of the shadows should be creamy, but to apply them to the fold of the century is prohibited.
  • For the beach, pick up a waterproof mascara with an elongation effect, but without increasing the volume. Hairs painted in brown color, Better black will emphasize the expressiveness of the view without gaining brightness.

Waterproof Mascara Do not apply multiple layers. If we decided to take advantage of ordinary ink, the eyelashes after it cover the waterproof coating (gel).

On the beach lips it is important to protect against direct sun ray And wind, otherwise you will get lit by dry crust. To power and moisture of gentle leather, choose balm (tinted) with SPF protection from ultraviolet to tone lips.

If you use the brilliance, give preference to the transparent means. But from the beloved lipstick, especially bright tones We'll have to refuse.

Another small nuance - the sea do not do without wet napkins and small mirror. Even the best meicap is not protected from accidents, and the skin is from the droplets of sweat, which is hot in the afternoon it is convenient to get into the napkin.

Summer stands on the threshold and we would like to spend our free time On the lake or during the holidays to go to the sea. To look seductively on the beach, many women do not forget about makeup. That makeup does not swam during swimming and in the sun, you should pay attention to styling, which is suitable for the beach.

What do you need for beach makeup

  • Water Resistant Eye Pencil
  • Waterproof mascara
  • Blush in the form of cream
  • Cream can be bronze
  • Transparent lip gloss

On the beach, the main rule: better less, yes better! Natural view On the beach produces best impressionthan bright, screaming style.
But what you have to do is be sure to cover your nails. It can be a bit catchy and good to match the color of bikini. And covered nails legs thin layer Laca look significantly elegant. Who loves natural color, that resorts to transparent varnishes or pink tones.

How to prepare a person

Abundant tone cream on your facial should not be on the beach. You can apply a little moisturizing cream and liquid erma (powder from the sunscreen turns into stains). If you have already tanned or your natural color of the dark-type skin, then a bronze tone looks very beautifully. He can even sparkle a little.

Ideal eyelashes you reach using a waterproof pencil or eyeliner to which the whole eye will be burned. It looks like a rather small use of makeup and with wet hairDamn sexually!

If you would like to use the mascara, then only the waterproof option, and use it, also very economically. Even waterproof mascara It does not always fulfill what she promises. And who wants to go out with black mourning circles around the eye from the water?

Features of making lips for the beach

For natural style A transparent lip gloss is recommended, which makes your lips constantly seductive. Better if it is lip gloss with sunscreen factor. Avoid eyelashing and bright shiny shades. A transparent look is just better suitable for the beach and emphasizes the lips modestly and sexy.

What to do with hair

Refuse expensive morning hair styling, as laying on hair will not hold on long. Protect your hair from chlorine, salt and sun with a protective spray and make a bet on naturalness. If the version for you without styling is absolutely unacceptable, enchant the exquisite hairstyle or focus on towels and hats. This, besides, perfectly protects from the sun.

Pamper yourself during the holidays at the visit of the cosmetologist and hairdresser and paint the hairdresser eyebrows and eyelashes. Well painted eyelashes give the face more expressiveness and open their eyes. After long Day On the beach you will look just wonderful. The skin tanned, it looks fresh and alive. In the evening she sparkles more and overflow, it emphasizes your tan and is perfect for a night-party.

© Svetlana Kalinina

What makeup to do on the beach to look beautiful? Should I do it at all?

Without a doubt, with the beginning of the summer beach season, everyone wants to become slimmer, it looks spectacle in the new fashionable swimsuit And look attractive. The advice of makeup artists in this case can be completely different, but you decide what to choose: naturalness or still makeup to the beach.

If your solution is in favor of makeup, then in this case, make up should be executed very carefully, keeping its main function to hide disadvantages, emphasize the advantages, put focus on the eyes or lips, but at the same time be resistant to the summer heat, relevant and harmonious with Natural elements.

How to make makeup to the beach?

Making makeup to the beach, you should consider all the circumstances and be ready for summer weather conditions. It is necessary to moisturize the face, neck and zone with the neckline, so that the skin looks well maintained throughout the entire stay in the sun, use the protection against ultraviolet at least 20 SPF and thermal waterThereby not giving the skin of the slightest chance to be overwhelmed. Very beautiful and naturally in such makeup use glossy, smooth, pearl and cream structures, and OT matte shadows And the powders better refuse - they will only emphasize age and mimic wrinkles.


Mascara It is advisable to use waterproof, brown, blue or gray shades. With flowers can be experimenting on the topic of marine elements - turquoise, coral, blue, blue, sea wave color, sand, pearly white. It will be wonderful to look neutral, pastel and cool shades, and will not be superfluous to emphasize the cheekbones with shimmer Bronze. Saturation should be made moderate, only slightly emphasizing the dignity and neutralizing the existing shortcomings.

The main thing, everything should look very natural, to harmoniously merge with the color of the sky, blue water, gray cliffs, sand and sun. Remember that there are no strict rules, but still, if you appear on the beach with a bright evening MakeupThe face will look ridiculous, the impression of a heavy makeup will create, and you yourself will be inconvenient to swim, sunbathe and relax from the city bustle. Even better, the skin is completely resting without decorative cosmetics. In any case, you should feel a complete harmony with you.

How to make mend for a beach photo shoot?

If you are going to spend a photo session on the beach, in this case you can not do without professional makeup products - waterproof tonal cream, lungs cream shadows From water-repellent particles and moisturizing lipstick. It is worth considering primarily personal preferences and features of appearance, color of clothing, time shooting and its subject.


A photo session for myself is preferable to do already at the setting sun - a shade of photos will be warm, soft, romantic. In the afternoon the sun is much brighter, so I advise you make a makeup for photos, choosing opened shades deeper dark color.

The beach makeup is significantly different from all other types of MAKE- UP, since its task is not only an emphasis of the advantages of appearance, but also protective functionThat is, the protection of the face from harmful sunlight. In addition, the beach makeup should look as if you used the most minimum set cosmetics, and your face should look healthy and maintain natural naturalness. Let's wonder about cosmeticswho must lie in your summer cosmetics in order to make a stunning makeup for the beach.

We collect beach cosmetic

Tone Fluide

In your cosmetics, there must be such a tool as tone-fluid. Tone fluid is an indispensable tool To perform beach makes of APA. After all, it contains such important tasks as the protection of the skin of the face, in which it looks healthy and barely noticeable Make- Up. This skeleton tint contains a protective screen with a level SPF \u003d 8. But with an active scorching sun, the finest fluid will not cope, so before applying it sunscreen. who has more high degree protection- SPF. Not less than 20. The use of these 2 tools will save your face from sunlight, and fresh and barely noticeable tone appears on the skin, which gives your image a more well-kept view.

If there was no tone-fluid in your cosmetic, then use the usual tone base and your usual daily moisturizing cream. Mix them in equal proportions and apply on your face. Another replacement option is BB or CC cream. In such cosmetics are contained sunflowers and a tinting basis, but they have a minus, they are not waterproof. Therefore, updating the beach makeup is needed after each bathing.


Going to the beach Only units of beauties want to demonstrate the pallor of their skin. Disguise the pallor and give your leaning and body light Tangle will help. The bronzer must be applied over the cheekbones, on the scratch of the forehead, where the hair growth line passes, on the temporal areas, chin and droplet under the line of eyebrows. Also, the bronzer can be walking along such zones as a decollet, stomach and legs. Such a slight pointing helps not only become tanned, but even a little to put up.

If you do not want. To your face resemble a baked apple after using the bronzer, then from pink Gamma.. Cover the cheeks apples them.

Waterproof mascara

Makeup for a hike to the beach can not do without such a means like a waterproof mascara. She gives the look expressiveness and emphasizes all the beauty of your eyes. As for the color of the carcass, it can be any, from the classic black shade to blue. Do not save when buying waterproof carcassIf you do not want to face spreading make-up after bathing or the formation of ugly lumps that can crumble at any time.

If you do not want to use the mascara in your beach of Make Apay, but you want to look expressively, squeeze your eyes brown pencil Or use waterproof cream shadows from golden, coffee or gray gamma.

Lip balm

Beach Makeup Lips, as any other, does not exclude the use proper cosmetics. In our case, it must contain protection from UV rays of UVA- and UVB spectra. It is best to take advantage of a toning balm with SPF protection factor. Under the burst sunshine, the skin of the lips begins to dry, and the balm from such a series saturates their moisture. As for the tint this meansIt is better to choose a color from nude gamma to the tone of your lips.

Fat lips for lips and beloved lipstick of screaming color Leave at home. Under the influence of sunlight and salt water, the beach makeup of the lips with such means will be sticky, and its borders can break.

Step-by-step makeup creation technique for a hike on the beach

  1. Take the foam sponge moisten it in water, and then squeeze it well. Apply to the sponge you choose a toning agent and light movements cover the face with a tone basis;
  2. After your tone is absorbed into the skin of the face, you can begin to apply the bronzing agent, as well as the Rumen. With the help of make brushes, treat the necessary places with a bronzer. The final stroke will be the application of the Rumba on the cheeks;
  3. With the help of special eyebrows and tassels, apply suitable shade on your eyebrows to make their shape more perfect.
  4. Arm yourself with a foam applicator and proceed to applying cream shadows of the color you need. Some of you can be convenient to apply this cosmetics with a finger pad. To avoid rolling down the creamy shadow structure, this tool must be applied so that it does not go to the fold of the century.
  5. With the help of a waterproof carcass, the top cilia is scorched. And then discharge them with a special brush. It is necessary in order to avoid ugly lumps.
  6. There is one little secret, for everyone who wants to create the effect of wet eyes, you need to arm a brush small size With the rounded edge of the villi, as well as gel with shiny particles. Treated with a gel tassel Spend line along the growth line of eyelashes on upper eyelids. After that, squeeze the growth line of the lower eyelashes.
  7. Take a protective balsam for lips and cover your sponges to them. Your beach makeup is ready!

Blondes on a note

To make a makeup to the beach, all the blondes were perfect, use our small prompts.

  1. Take the bronzer and emphasize them the cheekbones. At the same time, you should draw a similarity of the number 3. That is, spend a line from the temporal zone to your cheek, and then move towards the corner of the mouth. This technique will help you make your face expressive and get rid of oily shine.
  2. Blondes can use blue eyes without any fear turquoise shades. It is best if it is shadow-pencils, they are easy to apply and easily be decisive. If you do not belong to lovers of such shades, then use brown-golden shadows. They, like any others emphasize the tan.
  3. Choosing a protective lip gloss in its beach make-up, stop the choice of gentle pink.

Brunettes on a note

  1. When you finish applying tonal Basics, You can start applying the Rumyan. Brunettes are perfectly suitable blush natural pink shade. Such a tone will give freshness and make an image easy.
  2. To make expressiveness look, brunettes can take advantage of the pencil gray. Cock them the eye contour, and then grow carefully.
  3. As for the choice of the shade of a protective balsam for the lips, then the brunettes can afford more bright colors, for example, berry.

To make your makeup to the beach, it is always perfect, carry with you, it will refresh your Make- Up and make your image flawless.

Video: Master Class on Beach Makeup