What can be more dear to the family, the author greets the father's house with warmth. Synopsis of the educational event "What can be more expensive than a family?


  • educational: acquaintance with the family as a part of the clan, to give an idea of ​​the Christian understanding of the family;
  • educational: fostering interest and love for family traditions;
  • developing: development of skills of responsible behavior in the family, creative activity, development of speech.

Lesson Objectives: to acquaint children with the terms of the closest relationship, with the meaning of the rite weddings, to reveal the importance and need for each family member of love, respect, mutual help, harmony, peace in family life.

Key concepts of the lesson: family, wedding, burden, family traditions.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation for the lesson, illustrations (Lebedev K.V. "Boyar wedding", Kulikov I.S. "Rite of blessing of the bride in Murom"), family photos, music with the song "Parents' House".

During the classes

1. Announcement of the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

Guys! Today our conversation is about the family and the relationship in it, oh family holidays and traditions. Our family is the closest people who will help in difficult moment, and will enjoy your success more than anyone else in the world.

2. Questions from the teacher that arouse interest in the topic:

Why is it often said that the word family means seven I's? (Slide 2)

Why do people start a family? (Slide 3)

What are the names of people united by one family? (Relatives, relatives).

Relatives are both near and far.

Who are your closest relatives? (Parents - mom, dad.)

And who do you come to your parents, what do they call you? (Children, child, son, daughter.)

But your moms and dads also have parents. And they are also very close to you, loved and also you are close relatives.

Where do they belong to you? (Grandparents.)

And if your moms and dads have brothers or sisters, who are they to you? " (Uncles and aunts.)

When do you think parents can say about their children “This is my protection and support in old age”?

How should family members relate to each other to make the family happy?

3. Composing syncwine with the word "family".

A family
Friendly. Big.
Rejoices. Lives. Getting richer.
The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.
This is family".

4. Teacher's story

about the features family traditions in Orthodox culture.

Let us read once more into the biblical story about the creation of man: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them: be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it. "

(Slide 4)

The family is a small ark designed to keep children out of harm's way. This is a nest in which children are prepared for the time of their independent flight.

The family is founded on joy and created for it. A family is created by two people who love each other. To love means to make the whole life of another person yours. And give your whole life to someone else.

(Slide 5)

Family life is not a very simple combination of two lives. Marriage in Orthodoxy is called wedding. Crowns are placed on the heads of the bride and groom. This is a sign that on this day they are the "prince" and "princess", the most revered people in the area. The crown is also a reward for their determination to gift themselves to each other.

(Slide 6)

But it is also a "martyr's crown." When the newlyweds are solemnly led around the church with crowns on their heads, the choir sings a prayer to the martyrs - people who were once killed for their loyalty to God and the Church. (In turn, the expression martyr's crown recalls that a wreath woven from thorns was laid on the head of the crucified Christ). The martyrs loved Christ, did not deny Him, and therefore endured suffering and even death.

The bride and groom who love each other, like martyrs, are ready to endure everything in order to preserve the family.

The crown, like the ring, has no end. This means that in the same way, until death, the bride and groom must be faithful to each other when they become husband and wife. Even if there are illnesses and misfortunes in their lives, they should still stay together.

Is it difficult to stay married to a man who has lost his beauty, youth, health? Of course it's difficult. But therefore, before deciding on marriage, you need to weigh the measure of your love.

The Christian family remembers the words from the New Testament: "Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ" ( burdens - from the word burden: heaviness, burden).

5. Physical education.

6. Reading Bible stories.

Noah had three sons. After the flood, Noah began to grow grapes and make wine. Since he was the first - he did not know all the properties of wine. I did not know that it not only makes the heart of a person happy, but also deprives him of control over himself and puts him to sleep. Noah drank the wine he made, got drunk and fell asleep in his tent. Ham - one of Noah's sons - entered the tent, saw his father lying on the floor, and instead of shifting and covering him, he called the whole family to laugh. Since then, the name Ham has become a household name. It is used to mean rudeness: insensitive, cheeky, low attitude towards people, first of all - towards parents and teachers.

(Slide 7)

7. Selection of aphorisms, proverbs and sayings about the family.

(Slide 8)

One who has not learned to love in parental home, will not be able to love even when he creates his own family.

Loving children is also not easy. You yourself know how obnoxious you can be. And yet the birth of a child and the miracle of his growth - this is what fills family life with light and meaning.

In turn, parents want to fill the life of their children with high meaning. Therefore, they try to pass on their knowledge and their faith to children.

8. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Why is getting married in a church called a wedding?

What does the crown over the newlyweds mean?

What behavior is called boorish?

What traditions do you have in your family?

9. Reading family poetry, viewing family photos(to the music "Parents' House") .

(Slides 9 - 10)

What could be more expensive for a family?

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
Sit behind festive table,
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.

Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
On this fabulous land.

Our family

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family you are!

10. Summing up the lesson.

(Slide 11)

Guys, we talked with you about the family, its traditions, but since ancient times, each family had its own family coat of arms... On it, symbols were depicted important points family history, traditions and values.

I suggest that you create a general image of the family crest.

To do this, you need to think about what the coat of arms of the family can be?

How do you imagine it?

What colors would you add to the family coat of arms?

What can be in the coat of arms?

(possible student responses)

Guys, what is the most important thing in life for each of us?

That's right, family! (Slide 12 )

  1. These are close and dear people.
  2. These are the people we love, with whom we take an example.
  3. These are the people we care about, whom we wish good and happiness.
  4. These are our parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters and brothers.

- "If you want to know the truth, listen to what the legend says"

Listen to the Chinese parable "Good Family" and answer the question: "What is the basis of a good family?"

Chinese parable "Okay family"

Once upon a time there was a family. It was not easy. More than 100 people were in this family. And she occupied the whole village. So they lived with the whole family and the whole village. You say: so what, you never know large families in the world. But the fact is that the family was special - peace and harmony reigned in this family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no abuse, no, God forbid, fights and strife.

The rumor about this family reached Vladyka himself. And he decided to check whether people say the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. Vladyka was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such a harmony, came to the head of the family; tell them how you achieve such harmony and peace in your family. He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. He wrote for a long time - apparently, he was not very strong in literacy. Then he handed over the sheet to Vladyka. He took the paper and began to take apart the old man's scribbles. I disassembled it with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper: love, forgiveness, patience... And at the end of the sheet: a hundred times love, a hundred times forgiveness, a hundred times patience.

Vladyka read it, scratched, as usual, behind the ear and asked: "Is that all?"

Yes, - replied the old man, - this is the basis of the life of any good family.

And the world too.

11. Homework:

write an essay "Our Friendly family"Or" It's not easy to love children either. "

What could be more expensive for a family?

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.

Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
In this fairy land

Tatiana Bulkovskaya

I cross the threshold of a cozy private house in Maksimovka. Lives here big family- mom, dad and their ten children. Why ten, you ask? Because four of them already live separately ... The mother of the family, Galina Anatolyevna Semyonova, meets me and invites me to the kitchen, where over a cup of tea I discover new world- family Orphanage.

- Galina Anatolyevna, tell me, please, where did you get acquainted with the experience of creating family orphanages?

- My husband and I learned about this from the newspaper "Semya". There was an article in which it was said that family orphanages have existed in Austria since 1947.

- Do they differ in any way from our Russian ones?

- Yes, in Austria children are raised by one mother without a father, but in Russia full family- mom and dad with experience in raising their own children. Family orphanages began to open in the 90s, and I was always drawn to difficult children- I worked as a counselor in the camps, took the guys on hikes. In Russia, the chairman children's fund- A. A. Likhanov, he has many articles on this subject, which you can read in the collection For the Little Ones.

- Who first came up with this idea and how did it all start?

- The idea came to me, and my husband supported me - the main thing is that there are no rejected children ... We already had two of our children - one 4.5 years old, the second six months, when we went to Oktyabrsky and brought four children. When the idea was just being born, it was hoped that we would be given the status of a "Family Orphanage", that is, we would be able to take as many children as needed and their upbringing would be our main job, but a mistake crept into the legislation and now we are seeking our status. After all, we are a family, not an organization! We do not want someone to come and close our family, because the menu is not posted ... In general, there are enough problems, but we did not stop there and now there are 14 children in our family.

- How do you manage to keep order and the children? What do they do for you?

- My husband and I try to keep up everywhere. Children study constantly, attend circles and sections, do creative work, go to the Ukrainian Sunday school "Zlagoda", teach Ukrainian language... Two daughters this year graduated from a music school in the piano class. We do not force them - they themselves are interested and they ask to be given the opportunity to do something.

- Does anyone help you?

The state allocates allowances for children, but it is not always enough, given that there is absolutely no time to work somewhere else. I help us, of course - the world is not without kind people... The public fund for the development of the city invites to various interesting events, new year holidays, allocates vouchers to children's camps. Sometimes private individuals help - there are unselfish people, we thank them very much. In general, when work is joyful, it is happiness. And for us, work is our family.

- Thank you very much for the conversation and be happy!

What could be more expensive for a family?

What could be more expensive for a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love

And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children together

They sit at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,

And the five of us are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything

Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest of all, relatives.

Love! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more precious than her

On this fabulous land!


It's raining on the street,

And the house is warm and light.

And you can on brown showers

Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,

Save yourself from a frosty day.

V a good place native-

Home and pulls me.

(A. Barto)

https://pandia.ru/text/79/093/images/image003_28.jpg "width =" 829 "height =" 1894 src = ">

V family circle

We grow up in a family circle

In the family circle, all your roots are

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle, we create life,

The basis of the basics is the parental home.


Sunday is good luck!

Sundays are so needed!

Because on sunday

Mom makes pancakes.

Dad washes cups for tea.

We wipe them together

And then we are the whole family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song is pouring through the window

I'm ready to sing myself,

It's good when we are together

Even if there are no pancakes.

(O. Bundur)


Everyone knows that if a husband and wife live in harmony and happiness, then their mutual affection increases every year and, finally, reaches such a development that they literally "cannot live without each other."

The best school of discipline is the family.

(Smiles S.)

To take care of your neighbors and your family - a husband for a wife, a wife for a husband; father about son, son about father; mother about daughter, daughter about mother; brother about sister, sister about brother.


Enmity with relatives is much more painful than with strangers.


When someone from your family commits a misdemeanor, you do not need to pounce on him with reproaches, but you should not pretend that nothing happened. If it is inconvenient to talk about this offense bluntly, use a hint, giving a suitable example. If you are not immediately understood, repeat your instructions day after day, and they will take effect just as the spring wind drives away the cold and warm air melts the ice. Here's how to behave in family life.

(H. Zicheng)

In family life, the main thing is patience.

By treating others the way they deserve, we only make them worse. Treating them as if they were better than that that they really are, we make them get better.

From our parents we received the greatest and invaluable gift - life. They nurtured and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to heal and leave them!

(Leonardo da Vinci)

Remember that your children will treat you the same way you treat your parents.

Do you know the most sure remedy make your child unhappy? This is to teach him not to know no refusal ... First he will require a cane, which you are holding; then your watch; then a bird that flies; then a star that shines in the sky; he will demand whatever he sees; not being God, how do you satisfy him?

(Rousseau J.)

Mother's love is the most common and most accepted example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

(Fromm E.)

Every child is born unlearned. It is the duty of parents to teach children.

(Catherine the Great)

Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you.

By producing and nourishing the children, the father thus fulfills only one third of his task. He must give the human race people, society -public people, to the state - citizens. Anyone who can pay this triple debt and does not do it is guilty, and perhaps more guilty, if he pays half of it. He who cannot fulfill the duties of a father has no right to be one. Neither poverty, nor work, nor the respect of people relieve him of the obligation to feed his children and raise them himself.

Russian language "href =" / text / category / russkij_yazik / "rel =" bookmark "> Russian language has so many sayings and proverbs about the family.

They are friends in the family - they do not live.

There is discord in the family - and I'm not happy at home either.

A family is strong when there is one roof over it.

In a family where there is no agreement, and there is no good.

In the sun it is warm, in the mother's presence it is good.

A good son is joy to his father, and an unkind son is sorrow.

No parents, no patrons.

Those who honor their parents live happily ever after.

No better friend than my own mother.

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.

There is no good in an unfriendly family.

Good children grow up in a good family.

The bird is happy with spring, and the child is happy with its mother.

Mother's heart better than the sun warms.

Good children are the crown of the house, and evil children are the end.

Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.

Consent yes, there is a treasure in the family.

The hut was fun with children.

Though closely, it is better together.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

MBOU Starokistruskaya secondary school

Educational event

Educator: Shubarkina E.N.

2015 g.

What could be more expensive for a family?

Target: To create conditions for the formation in children of an idea of ​​the values ​​of the family, of parental love.


Help children realize that families are people who are connected by a sense of love and responsibility for each other.

Build communication skills and create favorable atmosphere communication;

Develop Creative skills students.

To shape respectful attitude children to their parents.

Equipment: a poster of a heart, small hearts, palms, clean petals and with the words "health", "understanding", "diligence", "love", little house, little brownie Kuzya, presentation "The Parable of Mom".

The course of the lesson.

    Organizing time. (Children sit in groups of 8)

    Statement of a problem situation.

Educator: - A long time ago it was. There was a hut in our area. The family lived in it, big and friendly. Over time, the old died, and the young left in all directions: some to the city, some to a construction site, even letters are rarely written to each other, more greeting cards happy holiday, and as for the parent's house, they completely forgot about it.

However, some people lived at home. In the attic - the crow Galya, in the underground - the little mouse, under the porch a frog-frog, and in the house under the stove - the brownie Kuzya.

They lived well, only once the tractor hummed, they pulled the hut apart on a log, who needs it old and familyless! The animals scattered in all directions: a mouse in a field, a frog in a swamp, a crow flew away to a neighboring village. Only Kuzya has been walking around the world since then and cannot find the house where he would live well (The drawing of the brownie is attached to the board).

Guys, who wants to invite Kuzya to their house? (Children answer)

Thank you guys! I am very glad that many of you responded to the request for help.

3. Introduction to the topic.

Who do you live with in your house? (students' answers)

What do you call everyone with whom you live in your home? (A family)

Let's find a definition for the word family in explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova. (group work)

Slide 1.

Family-group relatives living together.

Educator: For modern reality, a family is, first of all, not just relatives, but children and parents.

Poem "It all starts with a family" (read by a student)

It all starts with a family ...

Calling cry of a baby in the cradle

And annoying arrows of wise old age.

It all starts with a family ...

The ability to forgive, love and hate,

The ability to compassion and the difficulty of seeing in life.

It all starts with a family ...

Endure sadness and the pain of loss,

Get up, go and make mistakes again.

And so all my life!

But just don't give up!

It all starts with a family ...

Guys, what are we going to talk about today in our lesson? (About family)

Slide 2

"What can be more expensive than a family?"

The poem "What can be more precious than a family?" (read by a student)

What could be more expensive for a family?

Warmly welcomes the father's house,

Here they are always waiting for you with love

And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children are friendly.

They sit at the festive table

And together they are not bored at all,

And the five of us are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for the elders,

Parents are wiser in everything

Favorite dad friend, breadwinner,

And mom is the closest of all, relatives.

Love! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in a family

What could be more expensive than her.

On this fabulous land!

Educator: What could be more expensive than family? We will try to find an answer to this question.

    Disclosure of the topic of the lesson.

(A heart is attached to the board blue)

Guys, you have a heart in front of you. How do you think this kind, warm heart is? (cold)

And remember which fairytale hero was there such a heart? (Kai G.H. Andersen " The Snow Queen)

What actions did Kai do with an ice-cold heart? (children's answers)

And we need to taste the ice heart and fill it with kindness. The training "How not to fall into the net of evil?" Will help us in this. I will explain it on my fingers. Raise your hand. Here are five fingers. Where does evil begin? You have let evil in yourself. This is the first finger. You start to cultivate it in yourself. This is the second finger. Gradually, evil reaches its peak. And then everything is quickly and rapidly falling down. Evil began to rule man. And now he is already in the grip of evil. (clench your fingers into a fist).

Show me where, at what stage it was necessary to stop evil in order not to let it flare up? (At the very beginning, on the little finger)

What reliable shield to put on the path of evil? (Kindness, love, patience, respect, affection, care, compassion, smile, obedience, mercy, mutual help, joy, modesty, tact. Children take turns calling positive traits and glue little red hearts on blue)

Educator: Guys, let's share ours good qualities together. (Children join hands and all together form a circle of kindness. Music sounds)


There is a lot of sorrow and evil in life,

There is a temptation to treacherous nets

And the repentance of a burning haze.

Yet you do not faint at heart

How the trials will come - Humanity is alive one

By mutual guarantee of good!

Wherever your heart tells you to live:

In the noisy light or in the rural silence-

Waste without counting and boldly

You are the treasures of your soul!

Do not seek, do not expect a return,

Do not be embarrassed by an evil mockery.

(The teacher takes the children by the hands and all together form a circle. Slide)

Humanity is still rich

Only a circular guarantee of good!

So it is in life: droplets of good merge into a trickle, streams into rivers, rivers into a sea of ​​good. And only such kind hearts able to create something special, to sprout the most beautiful family on earth. Each family has its own heart. It is filled with different feelings, good relations between family members. Let's imagine that our kind heart is the center of a flower. We need a flower called "family" to bloom. (A stem is laid out on the board from the heart, the middle flower-word family, petals are laid out in the course of communication with children)

Now Ermina Liza will tell you a legend.

Pupil: In ancient times, there was a family of one hundred people, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. The rumor about this reached the ruler. And he asked the head of the family: "How do you manage to live without quarreling, without offending each other?" The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The governor looked and was surprised: the same word "understanding" was written a hundred times on the sheet.

Educator: So family is understanding. (First petal "Understanding" is attached)

In the old days, home and family were spoken of with great respect. This is probably why families in Russia were large and friendly. This is confirmed by the proverbs: "The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies", "Where I was born, it came in handy there," "It's good to visit, but it's better at home." Now we will turn to proverbs of a different nature. But they got messed up. Let's play games "Collect proverbs". (Working in groups of three proverbs)

Work man feeds,

You can't pull it out without difficulty

Who loves to work

The sun paints the earth



and laziness spoils

and a fish from the pond

that does not sit idle

but human labor

bread will never be born

no fruit.

Well done! What are all these proverbs about? That's right, about work. So what should a family be like? Hardworking. And we have a petal "Diligence".

Guys, tell us how you help your parents at home?

Now let’s warm up a little. Physics "Good Deeds". (Good deeds - raise your hands up, on the contrary, sit down)

1. Help mom.

2. Argue with a friend.

3. Transfer the old woman across the road.

4. Bring the bag to a neighbor.

5. Talk during the lesson.

6. Insult a friend.

8. Get on the bus ahead of everyone.

9. Give your grandmother a seat on the bus.

In class, we spend physical minutes, sports hours, you go in for sports. And for what?

That's right, you have to be healthy. And every family should be healthy. We have grown a petal "Health".

View the presentation "The Parable of Mom"

Guess the name of this angel? (Mother)

Answer in chorus!

Who hears the cry of their child? (Mother)

Who is the first to pick him up? (Mother)

Who loves you the most on earth? (Mom)

Do you love your mom? (Yes)

So what word should appear on our flower? (love)

Why is mother in the parable compared to an angel?

Mother's love is sacrificial; it is like the love of God. The Lord went to suffer on the cross and die for the salvation of people. Mom is ready to sacrifice her life to save the child. God considers such love to be the highest. The people say: “God created mothers to become closer to people.” Reading the verse. "Love your mothers" as a caregiver.

There are palms cut out of paper in front of you. These are mom's palms. Write adjectives on each finger: My mom ... (they are recording, a song about mom is played.)

And on a child's palm on your fingers, write what your mother affectionately calls you (music plays again)

Now let's glue our palm on my mother's. Here is your child's hand in your mother's hand. May your hands always be together, feel the love and care of your mom, dad, and give joy yourself.

Your parents are trying to make everything good in the house, and let only love, kindness, help to your parents come from your little palms.

This small souvenir, made with your own hands, you will present today to your parents.

Who is the most important person in your family right now?

Guys, when you become adults, will you take care of those who gave you all their strength, all their love?

I really want to believe that each of you, when you become an adult, will be a reliable support for your parents, will surround them with attention and care. What other word should appear on our flower? (Care)

    Summing up.

So, petals appeared on our flower, which tell us that the family should have: (Understanding, Diligence, Health, Love. Children read in chorus)

But I also want to place some empty petals. Ask your parents what other words you can write on these petals. After all, the number of petals of this flower will be different for each family, because all families are different, all families are happy in their own way. Now let's play a game called "Applause."

Game "Applause"

Stand up those:

Who looks like mom. Applause!

Who looks like dad. Applause!

Who misses their parents when leaving home. Applause!

In whose family they go in for sports. Applause!

To whom friends come to visit. Applause!

Who helps parents around the house. Applause!

Who loves their family and values ​​it. Applause!

Educator: I think you are happy children because "Happy is he who is happy at home."


Guys, let's summarize our lesson and plant a tree of Happiness. ON a tree model, green leaves are glued by someone who believes that the family is the most precious thing I have. Red leaves are glued by those who think otherwise. (Children do the work and attach the tree of happiness to the board)

Educator: Remember that family is the most precious thing a person has. Love your loved ones, take care of them, take care of those who are with you now and when you become adults. (Children leave the classroom to the song "My Family")

Anya Derevyankina
Parent-teacher meeting"My family - what could be more precious!"

Good evening dear parents! I'm glad to see you behind our round table... The topic of our meeting "My family - what could be more expensive it is no coincidence that international day was celebrated on May 15 families... I think many will agree that human happiness is hardly possible without families... Neither the most exciting work, nor friends can give what family can give.

Ozhegov's dictionary says: « A family is an organized social group whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity. " Agree, it sounds dry, formal and not very attractive. So what do you think is a family?

I suggest to play a game "Cheerful tambourine"... While the music is playing, the tambourine is rolling from hand to hand, the music is over - whoever has a tambourine in his hands expresses his opinion "What a family (3-4 opinions parents) ... We asked the same question to several guys, let's hear what they have to say. (video clip opinion of 3-4 children)... I propose to combine opinions parents and children by reading a wonderful poem. (line by line)

1. Family is happiness, love and luck,

2. A family- this is a summer trip to the country.

3. Family is a holiday, family dates,

4. Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

5. Having children, the first step, the first babble,

6. Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

7. Family is something that we share at all.

8. Everybody, little by little, both tears and laughter.

9. Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

10. Friendship and quarrels, silence print.

11. Family is work, care about each other.

12. A family- that's a lot of homework.

13. Family is important! Family is difficult!

14. But it is impossible to live happily alone!

15. Family is happiness, family is home.

16. Where they love and wait and do not remember about evil.

For centuries, from generation to generation passed on folk wisdom... Many different proverbs and there are sayings about family, we often use them in speech, let's now try to remember them. And hints will help us with this. The beginning of a proverb or saying will be prompted, you will need to remember its end. (slides)

The tree is held by its roots, and the man family.

Per common table the food tastes better.

A mother's prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.

There will be no good if family enmity.

It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.

To value family - to be happy.

Close together, but apart boring.

Man without families that a tree is without fruit.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Leading: In order to educate children. You need to know a lot and be able to, let's see what our dear ones know and can do. parents.

Contests are held

"Questions and answers"

1. A bowl for making soup (Pot)

2. String Russian folk instrument (Balalaika)

3. Part of the day between day and night (Evening)

4. Small animal Green colour who lives near water (Frog)

5. Garden plant orange (Carrot)

6. Part of the land, surrounded on all sides by water (Island)

7. Father of a father or mother in relation to their children (Granddad)

8. A vessel with a handle in which water is usually carried (Bucket)

9. The doctor who treats children (Pediatrician)

10. Top part wood (Crown)

11. The bird bringing the child into the house (Stork)

"My child"

The teacher reads out the statements of the children about the mother, parents guess whose child it is.

Mini-game "Through the mouth of a baby"

Parents watching the video and guessing about which member families tell children.

Presentation of the group's work.

Kindergarten is also a family... It also has holidays and fun, quarrels and conflicts. Better to see 100 times than hear 100 times. Attention to the screen.


Summarize our meeting for us this cup will help... Imagine that this bowl is the soul of a child. Each of you has hearts - write a character trait, a quality that you want to endow your child with, which, in your opinion, will help him in life and place it in the bowl. Let's really hope that all the wishes will come true. (put hearts) To prevent this bowl from breaking, the adults who surround the child must to be kind and demanding, affectionate and patient.

Thank you for coming to us today. We wish that in your families have always had peace, peace, mutual understanding, so that you always understand your children, and when they grow up, they take care of you. Please leave a review, write a few words, impressions about today's meeting.

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