Training with parents at the parent meeting. "Education in the family and school" parent meeting in the form of training. Exercise - scene. real family

Parent meeting-training


Target: Help parents analyze their behavior, pay attention to positive points raising a child with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as SEN), forms of showing love for a child.


To reveal the importance of expressing one's feelings and improving relationships with children;

To develop in parents the ability to treat children with understanding, attention, and love;

Raise parental self-esteem.

Equipment: ball, colored palms, flower template, pens, leaflets for drawing the sun, hand templates, 1 Whatman paper with a painted sun, markers, 3 glasses of water, a teaspoon, gold powder, paints.

The course of the training meeting:

The family is one of the most ancient social institutions. It arose much earlier than religion, state, army, education, market.

IN various sources concepts " marriage " And " family are often used interchangeably. What do you think: marriage and family are synonyms?

Modern and domestic sociologists define marriage as historically changing social form relations between a woman and a man, through which society orders and sanctions them life together and establishes their marital and parental rights and responsibilities.

Family is a complex system of relationships than marriage, since it, as a rule, unites not only spouses, but also their children, as well as other close relatives.

But the main link between all family members are parents. And today we will reflect on what kind of parents we are, how we love and whether we know how to love our children? We will try to highlight the components of your parental love.

In order for us to start working at today's training meeting, I propose to perform the following warm-up exercise.

Warm-up exercise "Hold the ball"

(the goal is to unite the group, the mood for cooperation)

Please stand in a circle. Stretch your arms forward. I have a ball in my hands. Let's not let him fall, let him roll over our palms, first in one direction, then in reverse side.

Tell me how you felt doing this exercise? I ask everyone to say at least one sentence. ( Parents speak in a circle).

Therefore, today we will work fruitfully and efficiently, and for this we need to discuss the rules of work. And the rules of our meeting are as follows:

1. Everyone has the right to speak on the topic of conversation and be heard.

2. We don't have spectators, everyone works.

3. We are good friends, educated people We know how to keep our secrets, and we don't gossip.

Do we accept the rules? Fine. Let's get to work.

Exercise "Floors"

(the goal is to help parents accept the child as he is)

Now I invite you to turn to your life experience. Imagine that you are now in front of a large modern supermarket. It has three floors:

On the ground floor, goods with a known marriage are sold, of poor quality;

On the second floor - ordinary goods average price and quality;

On the third floor, the best, high-quality, chic things are sold.

On which floor would you like to purchase goods?

Discussion: when we have a child, we always want him to correspond to the "third floor" - to be smart .... And maybe with his help we will realize our unfulfilled dreams. But, unfortunately, this does not happen in real life.

Every child is unique. It has a little bit of the first, second, third floors. And your children are no exception. They have what you like and what you would like to change. And your task is to accept your child, without any conditions, the way he is.

Your next task is to highlight the positive aspects of your child.

Exercise "Flower"

(the goal is to highlight the positive aspects of the child, encourage parents to speak more often sweet words to kid)

folk wisdom says: "The sweetest sound for a man is his name." If you want to attract the attention of the child to yourself, set him up for communication, then you should address him by name. What do you name your child?

I propose to fill the petals. In the core of the flower offered to you, write down the name of your child. on leaflets positive traits child, and affectionate words on the petals.

Discussion: there are a lot of petals and it is apparently very difficult for you to find affectionate words. Describe the qualities of a child positive side.

How difficult was the task? How did this exercise make you feel? Or was it easy to deal with?

Thus, affectionate words or “I love you”, the child always wants to hear from his closest people. It is these words that nourish the entire existence and development of the personality of the baby - this FIRST SECRET education.

SECOND SECRET offers renowned family therapist Virginia Satir. She recommends hugging the child several times a day. And he thinks that 4 hugs absolutely necessary for everyone simply for survival, and for wellness need at least 8 hugs a day !

In order for the child to develop intellectually, - 12 times a day !

The child must know that his parents will always understand and accept him, no matter what happens to him, and no matter what he is. It feeds him emotionally, helping him develop psychologically. If he does not receive proper signs, then deviations in behavior appear, and even neuropsychiatric diseases. Every child needs hugs in order to feel their WELCOME.

And in order to know THIRD SECRET education and communication with the child, I suggest you take part in the experiment, and you will see how humanely (respectfully, carefully, attentively, affably, sincerely, touchingly) treat your child.

Exercise "Glasses"

(c spruce - using a metaphor to draw the attention of parents to the need for a humane attitude to raising a child)

Instructions: in front of you are three glasses with clean water. Imagine that each of them is a child who was born with pure feelings, who has not yet formed or is just beginning to form views on the world and ideas about it.

Take the first glass and leave it unchanged. What is going on in this glass? We don't know for sure, something can get into it without our attention.

Throw a piece of black paint into the second glass and stir it. What happened in the glass? The water became dirty and dark.

In the third glass add gold powder. What is going on in this glass? The water sparkled with gold.

Conclusion: The same is true in raising a child. When we leave it without proper attention and supervision, it can develop further. But in what direction? When we put only "dirt" into a child - shouting, censure, dissatisfaction with him, insults and humiliation, then the child begins to respond to us in the same way. When we invest in a child attention, love, respect, then the child responds to us with benevolence, normal harmonious development of his personality. That's the point THIRD SECRET education.

The game "What is he - my child"

(goal is to define parent-child relationship, closeness of relationship, how well parents know their child and how they see him)

Your task on the proposed palm template on each finger is to write the letter of the child's name. Then decipher the letters, that is, name the qualities of the child's character that begin with this letter. In the center of the palm, you can depict a symbol of who he is in the family.

The palms are glued to the paper.

Discussion: Availability positive characteristics, allows you to see positive qualities in a child, thereby setting him up for success, as well as revealing how well you know your child. And it allows you to draw certain conclusions about the formation of the personality of the child.

Exercise "In the rays of the parental sun"

(the goal is to identify ways to show parental love for a child, share parental experience)

You are offered a circle that symbolizes you - the parents. Your task is to draw a beam for everyone. When drawing a ray, you must answer the question: How do I warm my child, how does the sun warm the earth? (for example: I hug a child seven to eight times a day, realizing how important it is for him. I am kind, etc.)

Please work, you have 3 minutes!

Discussion: Let's share our pedagogical findings with everyone. The sun is drawn on the board. It is you who warm your child with your warmth, what are your rays called? Parents go out and write down the answer to the question “How do I keep my child warm?”.

Now let's take a closer look at what we've got. Look how radiant our parent sun is. It, like the one under which we live, generously gives us its warmth, affection, without choosing the time and place for this. So we, parents, must love our children, without any conditions, of course. The expression of parental love accurately conveyed in his statement famous teacher S.Soloveichik:

“Where there is not enough patience, one should try to understand, where I don’t understand, try to endure, and I always accept the child, I always love.”

Exercise "Why am I good parent»

(the goal is to increase self-esteem of the role of parents)

Parents in a circle are invited to continue the sentence "I am a good (th) father, (mother) because ...".

If parents have difficulties, they should be helped to find positive parental traits in themselves.

We have had a very rich conversation today. You understand that we simply did not touch on many topics. I would like to ask you to evaluate our work today. Please, write answers to three sentences:


1. Your impressions of the parent meeting ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What did you like the most?______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Do you want parent meetings to take place in this form? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your help!

Exercise "Applause"

(the goal is to relieve emotional fatigue, improve mood)

Dear parents, today we have done a good job. And in conclusion, I propose to imagine a smile on one palm, joy on the other. And so that they do not leave us, they must be firmly, firmly united in applause.

Parental love will bring a child much more happiness when he sees that it is constantly manifested in the relationship of parents not only to him, but also to each other.


1. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the child.

2. Teaching introspection skills.

3. Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

Form of the meeting:

Conversation, training.

Issues for discussion:

1. Analysis of children's answers.

2. Training "Parental love"

3. Conclusions on the problem.

Preparatory work for the meeting.

1. Questioning children on the problem of the meeting.

2. Delivery invitation cards for parents a week before the meeting.

3. Preparation of memos for parents.

Proceedings of the meeting

In every family, when a child is born, parents dream that he is happy, that everything works out for him in life. But all this requires great work physical and moral, and most importantly - a great spiritual return from parents.

The child constantly asks parents the question: “Do you love me?” The child asks this question most often with his behavior, and not with words, and we give him the answer with our behavior too. And the answer to this question is very great importance in a child's life. If he feels that our answer is “yes”, then the child is calm and feels safe.

A child can be compared to a mirror. It reflects rather than radiates love. If love is given to him, he returns it. If you don't give anything, you won't get anything in return. Unfortunately, today many children do not feel truly loved in the family. However, it is rare to find parents who would not love their child.

2. Analysis of student surveys.

Questionnaire for children.

1. Do you love your parents?

2. Do your parents love you?

3. How do your parents show their love for you?

4. Do you have enough warmth from your parents?

5. Do your parents treat you and your brother (sister) the same way? What do you dislike about this relationship?

6. Continue the sentence: "Difficult parents are ...".

7. Continue the sentence: “The most the best parents- This...".

8. How do you imagine warm, mental attitude parents to you?

Children's answers.

(The processed data of the questionnaire are reported, the most interesting answers of the children are quoted)

Discuss what parents have heard.

Were there any answers that surprised you, why?

What conclusions can be drawn from the survey results?

3. Mini - training for parents "Parental love"

(Training can be conducted by both a psychologist and a class teacher who has thoroughly studied the training methodology in advance)

“I want me to understand more often that I am dear to my parents, so that affectionate words sound more often, so that there is no secrecy in the family, so that they don’t think that I am a child and don’t understand anything,” children say about parental love. And we love them, our own children. But is it? Is it right?

Today we must understand that parental love will bring the child much more happiness if he constantly sees and feels her. Our task is to learn to show love to the child, to warm him with his spiritual kindness. Today we will try to build a model human relations between parents and child.

Parents are invited to sit either in a circle or at a round tableto face all participants. The facilitator explains the rules of training work in a group, if such a form is carried out for the first time.

Rules for the work of the training group

1. The rule of strict adherence to the schedule group lessons- each participant should not miss classes during the entire time of the group.

2. The rule of confidentiality - group members should not take out the problems discussed in the classroom.

3. Rule "Stop" - each member of the group has the right to stop

discussion of his problems.

4. Rule of sincerity - participants should not hide their

feelings, even if they seem "indecent".

5. The rule of a non-judgmental attitude towards other members of the group is not to criticize and recognize the right of everyone to express their opinion.

6. The rule of fulfilling the requirements of the host.

Exercise "Acquaintance"

Target: acquaintance of the participants with each other, with the rules of the training group, relieving tension and drawing the attention of the participants to their feelings and feelings.

Instruction: Each participant introduces himself and talks about his emotional state. The facilitator also introduces himself, tells about himself and the rules of the group.

Exercise "My three selves"

Target: diagnosing the participants' expectations from training sessions, drawing the participants' attention to their own feelings.

Instruction: Each member of the group tells about himself as a parent and about his parental love in the form of a story "I am in the past, I am in the present, I am in the future."

Exercise "Strengths" - 30 minutes.

Target: demonstrating to the group members the possibility of analyzing any situation without condemnation and criticism, finding in it strengths.

Instruction: Participants are divided into pairs: the first member of the pair tells the partner about his difficulty or problem in raising a child for 1-2 minutes. The second, after listening, should analyze the situation in such a way as to find strengths in the behavior of the partner and tell about it in detail. Then the roles change.

Whether everyone was able to find strengths in the behavior of a partner;

Who found it difficult to do this;

Who could not resist condemnation and why.

Exercise " Help trouble »

Target: the formation of a positive attitude to any act of the child.

Instruction. Participants are divided into pairs, in which one is a parent, the second is a child. The child tells the parent some kind of failure, the parent tries to calm and set him up for positive.

Did you manage to calm the child and find a way out of the situation;

Who in this situation was more difficult.

Exercise "Calling emotions" - 10 minutes.

Target: development of the ability to evoke various emotional states associated with communication with the child.

Instruction: Participants are given the task to recall and describe the most wonderful experiences of their lives associated with situations of interaction with a child. Most happy moments- delight, joy, happiness. “Imagine that this situation has repeated and you are now in this state. Imagine what images - visual, auditory, kinesthetic - accompanied this state. Make the same face: the same smile, the same sparkle in the eyes, the same blush, the same rapid pulse, etc. Feel this state with your whole body, posture, gait, posture, gestures, etc. Try to keep and remember these physical manifestations of joy and happiness, so that later they can be reproduced at will.

The discussion is carried out according to the scheme:

What images can be recreated the easiest;

What helps and what hinders the reconstruction of images.

Exercise "Tangle" - 10 minutes.

Target: completion of the lesson, group cohesion, positive attitude and fixation of the main achievements of the training session.

Instruction: Each participant, passing the ball in turn and unwinding it at the same time, talks about what he liked, remembered, what was unexpected, expresses his feelings. The host is the last to speak, sums up the results, sets up for the positive.

We all consider ourselves loving parents, and this is quite natural. We really adore our children, and the best confirmation of this is what we feel in our souls. permanent love. But one more thing is important for children - how we show this feeling.

4. Final word class leader.

So how in Everyday life can we express our love for a child?

To do this, we must find the strength in ourselves to rebuild, learn patience, love, and most importantly, let the child feel that he is loved, that he is loved for who he is. Then the child will respect and love himself and will feel confident!

Good relations with children should enter into our daily life. The heart rejoices when you see parents who have discovered the secret of communication with children.

The main secrets of the manifestation of parental love.

1. Exchange of views.

Do we think about the effect we have on the child when we look into his eyes? The child is attentive when he looks into the eyes. And than more parents look at the child with stern glances, the faster your mutual understanding is depleted. Remember what you are doing big mistake when, punishing, look into the eyes of the child. Babies are especially frightened and do not understand the look and are not able to understand where they are loved and where they are not. Over time, the child stops looking for views and tries not to look into the eyes of the interlocutor. But it is very difficult to talk to a person when he does not look into your eyes. And in this case, you can expect that when he grows up, he will certainly have problems with classmates, friends, at work because it is difficult for him to establish relationships with them and feel confident in life.

2. Healing touch.

Here you need to keep in mind not only kissing, hugging and the like, but also any type of physical contact. It's as simple as touching a child's shoulder, lightly tickling him, or ruffling his hair.

3. Miracles of communication.

Talk to your child, listen to him, consult with him, and then he will entrust you with all his secrets, joys and failures. Constant communication with the child will help you in the manifestation of parental love.

In conclusion of our meeting, it is necessary to answer the question: what is parental love? Parental love is, first of all, the unconditional acceptance of a child.

Reminder for parents

1. Accept the child with all his features, shortcomings, mistakes.

2. Evaluate the act, not the person. Let the child feel that you sympathize with him, believe in him, despite his oversight.

3. Grant the right to freedom of choice.

4. Look at the problem through the eyes of your child, remember that he experiences his failures more acutely than you.

5. Learn to listen to your child, answer questions honestly and patiently.

6. Show your child that you love him not for his success, but for who he is.

1. Summary of the meeting.


1. Derekleev parent meetings in grades 1–11 /. - M.: Russian word, 2000. - 48 p.: ill.

2. Zakharov in children /. - St. Petersburg: SOYUZ, 1998. - 336 p.

3. Khukhleeva O. Active Forms group work with parents / O. Khukhleeva // School psychologist. - 2006. No. 19. - P. 38.

4. Chernousova, content, forms and methods of educational work of the class teacher on a diagnostic basis (guidelines) / / M .: Pedagogical search, 2004. - 160 p.

5. Ovcharov formation of conscious parenthood. Toolkit. - M .: TC "sphere", 2006. - 282 p.

Parent meeting - training

Topic: "Ways to form conflict-free relationships with children."


Learn to understand the inner motives of the child, help in building normal relationship with baby

To identify the conditions necessary for the education of discipline in a child;

Conduct form: seminar-training.

Assembly progress.

1. Introduction

Psychologist: Very often we hear from parents that they cannot build relationships with their growing children, children do not listen to them and do not take into account their opinion. At school and at home, they want children to be “comfortable”, to obey adults in everything. And perplexed adult generation why now children have become so naughty and are wondering how to find a way to conflict-free discipline.

(Soothing music sounds, chairs are arranged in a circle)

1. Exercise-greeting

Psychologist:“I am glad to see you today ...” (the ball is passed in a circle to all parents, gradually unwinding it).

Just like this thread, we are all connected by a common problem - how to form positive relationship with children, how to find a path to conflict-free discipline. Today we will try to solve this problem together.

Theoretical part.

Psychologist: It may seem unexpected to parents that children need order and rules of behavior in the family, they want and are waiting for them! Rules and a reasonable schedule give the child a sense of security, confidence. And if you have problems about this, then most likely the point is not in the rules themselves, but in the ways they are “implemented”. Therefore, today we will consider the rules with which you can establish and support in the family conflict-free discipline.

(posted alternately on the board)

1. Rules must be mandatory in the life of every child.

2. Adults must agree on the rules among themselves.

Even if one parent does not agree with the requirements of the other, it is better to remain silent at this moment, and then discuss the differences without the child.

3. When punishing a child, it is better to deprive him of good things than to do bad things to him.

4. Give freedom.

Calmly get used to the idea that your offspring has already grown up and you won’t be able to keep him near you, and disobedience is the desire to get out of your care.

5. No lectures

Most of all, teenagers are annoyed by boring parental moralizing. Change your communication style, switch to a calm, polite tone and give up categorical assessments and judgments. Understand: the child has the right to his own opinion and his own conclusions.

6. The one who is smarter yields.

The fire of a quarrel will go out if no wood is thrown into it. When both parents and children are covered negative emotions, the ability to understand each other disappears.

7. No need to offend.

When ending a fight, don't try to hurt the child with snarky remarks or slamming doors. The ability to get out of difficult situations your child is learning from you.

When making or changing the rules in your family, keep the following points in mind:

    A clear wording of prohibitions, restrictions (they must be in a positive style and have a specific character).

    Restrictions and prohibitions should be appropriate for the child's age (and experience)

    The restriction must be feasible.

Practical part.

Discussion of situations in groups (Parents are given leaflets describing situations.).

Instruction: “Read the description of each situation, determine what the mistake of the parents is; say a better version of the sentence.

1. The child usually returns from school before parents. So his parents tell him, “As soon as you get home, clean your room right away!”

(Answer: "Clean your room before I return." Should not be required immediately.)

2. Parents tell their child: “Forget about walking. We will allow you when you obey us."

(Answer: "We're worried about you, so come home on time")

3. Parents tell their child: "Don't ask for money, you'll waste it anyway!"

(Answer: “It is wise to spend the money that they give you for pocket money. There will be no other money."

4. Parents to their child: “You broke the glass again! Everything is always falling out of your hands!”

(Answer: "I know you didn't mean to. But you have to be careful. Clean up after yourself and sit down to dinner.")

After discussing situations and exchanging opinions, the psychologist draws conclusions:

    any information can be presented in a positive way;

    children, listening to what they are told, receive information about how to behave.

    statements that help raise a child's self-esteem
    develops a sense of responsibility.

Naughty children, and even more so "out of hand", are usually blamed. In fact, the number of "difficult" children usually includes not the "worst", but sensitive and vulnerable. They "go off the rails" under the influence of life's difficulties, reacting to them more strongly than more resilient children. A "difficult" child needs help, not criticism or punishment. The reasons for persistent disobedience of the child should be sought in the depths of his psyche.

Situation 1. An evening passes at school. The class teacher notices that one of the boys is drunk. She sends him home after calling his parents and warning them.

Classroom teacher. Hello, your class teacher Tamara Mikhailovna worries you.

Mother. Yes, hello, what happened? Did he do something?

Classroom teacher. You know, we had an evening at school today and I noticed that your son is in drunk. I sent him home, has he come yet?

Mother. No, the villain has not appeared yet !!!

Classroom teacher. You call me when he comes. Goodbye!

At this time, the son comes, stealthily tries to go to his room, mother shouting “Come, drunkard!” - pounces on the child.

Psychologist: What should a parent do and class teacher in this situation? What can you recommend?

Children must understand why and why they are punished. Too much strict upbringing, based on principles that are not always clear to the child, resembles training. A child can, for example, unquestioningly fulfill everything when you are around, and “spit” on all prohibitions when you are not around. Persuasion is better than rigor.

Situation 2. Mom and dad solemnly congratulate their son on his birthday. The son, with a player in his ears, sits on a chair, pretending to be "cool".

Mother. Our dear, beloved son, we congratulate you on your birthday! We have prepared a gift that you have been dreaming about for a long time, although it is not as cool and expensive as you would like.

Dad: Well, you must understand that we don’t have funds yet, we are building, paying for your sister’s education. So take it wholeheartedly.

The boy takes this phone, examines it critically and shouting “I don’t need such a cheap thing, I’m a sucker for you”, throws out the box and tramples it in front of his parents.

Psychologist, how do you assess this situation. Who is to blame, the teenager or the parents? Maybe something was missed in the upbringing of the child?

Love cannot be bought with money. It often happens that in families with low incomes, adults do everything so that the child does not need anything. But you should not feel remorse for not being able to fulfill all of his desires. In fact, love, leisure time spent together, affection, should be much more important than the contents of your wallet.

Situation 3. On Saturday, the child comes home from school. Parents go about their business: mom does laundry, dad reads the newspaper.

Son. Mom, I got a four today.

Mother. Dinner on the stove, eat.

Son (goes to his father). Dad, there's a dad conference at school tomorrow, are you coming?

Father. Tell mom...

The child goes to his room and calls up his friends “Hey Dimon, let's go somewhere? .. Well, in half an hour, we'll meet at our place. Call the others."

Son. I'm going to practice at school.

Mother. Don't go long.

Psychologist, what was the reason for such relationships in this family, typical for many in our time?

Adults often forget simple truth- if you have already given birth to a child, you need to find time for him. A child who hears all the time that adults do not have time for him will look among strangers soul mates. Even if your day is scheduled by the minute, find half an hour in the evening (in this matter, the quality more important than quantity), talk to him. The child needs it.

Psychologist: What are the causes of deviations in the behavior of children?

(clearly posted alternately on the board)

1. Fight for attention.

If a child is not getting the attention he needs to normal development and emotional well-being, then he finds his own way to get it: he does not obey.

2. Struggle for self-assertion.

It is a struggle against excessive parental authority and guardianship.

3. Desire for revenge.

Children are often offended by their parents, for example, if the mother separated from the father, or the child was separated from the family (grandmother is the guardian), or parents pay more attention to the youngest in the family. In the depths of his soul, the child experiences and even suffers, but on the surface all the same protests, disobedience.

4. Loss of faith in your own success.

The child experiences trouble in one area, and failures occur in a completely different area. For example, the boy did not have a relationship in the classroom, and the result was a neglected study. This is due to the child's low self-esteem. Having accumulated bitter experience, the child loses self-confidence and comes to the conclusion: “There is nothing to try, nothing will work out anyway.” This is in the soul, and by his behavior he shows: “I don’t care ...”, “Let me be bad ...”

Any deviation in behavior is a cry for help! How sad it is to realize that Lately in our modern society Increasingly, there are suicidal manifestations with a fatal outcome.

All parents raise their children to the best of their ability and understanding of life and rarely think about why in certain situations act in this way and not otherwise. However, every parent has moments in life when the behavior of a beloved child is baffling.
You are not alone in your mistakes, all parents make them from time to time. But it's always better to learn from someone else's mistakes, isn't it?

Exercise "Emotional perception".

Psychologist: Dear parents! Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you are meeting your best friend(girlfriend). How do you show him that you are glad that he is dear to you, close?
Now imagine that this is your own child: that he comes home from school, and you show that you are glad to see him.
Represented? What is the difference? Do we always show our children how we feel?

(each parent in turn takes out a piece of paper with some feeling from the bowl, reads it out loud).

We will help our children communicate with us if our attitude towards them includes:



    recognition (respect)


    warm feelings.


  1. support

Modeling our attitude towards children in accordance with these principles, we will teach them to establish good relations with peers and others.

Conclusion- Reading the poem "To parents ..."

Than listening to a sermon
I'd better take a look.
And it's better to take me
Than show me the way.
Eyes are smarter than hearing
They will understand everything without difficulty.
Words are sometimes confused
An example is never.
The best preacher
Who had faith in life.
Welcome to see in action -
This is the best school.
And if you show me everything -
I'll learn my lesson.
I understand the movement of the hands
How quick words flow.
It must be possible to believe

And thoughts and words
But I'd rather see what you're doing yourself.
Suddenly I misunderstand
Your correct advice.
But I understand how you live
True or not.

Psychologist: Parable "The meeting of two wise men"

So, being faced with the need for a serious life choice, you can comprehend the following:

In favor of the past or in favor of the future, my choice?

What is the price of my choice (what am I willing to sacrifice for the sake of its realization)?

Is my choice dictated by maximalism or minimalism?

Am I ready to take full responsibility for the consequences of the choice?

Having made a choice, do I close all other alternatives? Do I make the whole choice, or only half?

And finally, the question of meaning remains: "Why do I choose this"?

Conclusion: everything is in your hands, and the success and prosperity of our state depends only on your choice, on your civic consciousness

    Build a positive relationship between you and your child. Talk to your child in a friendly, respectful tone. Restrain your criticism and create positivity in your communication. The tone should show only respect for the child as an individual.

    Be firm and kind at the same time. The adult should be friendly and not act as a judge.

    Control over a teenager requires special attention adults. Reciprocal anger rarely leads to success.

    Support your teenager. Unlike a reward, support is needed even when he does not succeed.

    Have courage. Changing behavior takes practice and patience.

    Show mutual respect. An adult should demonstrate trust in a teenager, confidence in him and respect for him as a person.

    Warm-up games, dating games


    Standing in a circle, children and parents join hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, you need to tell him a few kind words to praise for something. The receiver nods his head and says: “Thank you, I am very pleased!” He then gives a compliment to his neighbor. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

    1. Some children cannot give a compliment, they need help. Instead of praise, you can simply say “tasty”, “sweet”, “flower”, “milk” word.

    2. If the child finds it difficult to give a compliment, do not wait for his neighbor to be sad, say a compliment yourself.


    Those sitting in a circle join hands, look into the neighbor's eyes and silently give him the most kind smile(in turn).


    Participants stand in a circle. The first participant calls his name and an adjective that characterizes him (the player) and begins with the same letter as his name. For example: Gorgeous Valeria, Interesting Igor, etc. The second participant calls the phrase of the first and says his own. The third participant calls the phrases of the first two players and so on until the last participant says his name.


    “Here a funny ball runs quickly, quickly through the hands. Whoever has a funny ball will tell us now!” (the ball is passed from hand to hand)


    Participants hold hands, forming a circle. The first player starts the game by saying his name. The second participant in a circle repeats the name of the first participant and says his own. The third participant repeats the names of the first two and says his name. And so the game goes on until last man will not name all names, including his own.


    Participants stand in a circle. The host starts the game, he says: “My name is Masha, and I can do it like this (shows some kind of original movement). The second participant repeats the name and movement of the first: “Her name is Masha, and she can do it like this ... and my name is Igor, and I can do it like this (shows her movement). The third participant repeats the names and movements of the two previous ones and adds his own, and so on until the last participant calls his name and adds a movement to it.


    The participants of the game sit on chairs in a circle, one place is not occupied by anyone. In the center is the driver. All participants during the game are transplanted in a circle counterclockwise. The player, sitting near an empty chair, changes to it with the words "and I'm going." The next player - with the words "and me too." The third participant says "and I'm a hare" and, hitting an empty chair with his left hand, calls the name of the person sitting in a circle. The one whose name was spoken should run to an empty chair as quickly as possible. The task of the driver is to have time to take a chair faster than that who were named. Who did not have time, becomes the driver. The game starts over.


    The teacher invites parents to create their own self-portrait and present it to everyone present. You can draw a portrait. Parents can choose several items that represent them as a person, as professionals, and use them to present themselves to others.


    Each of the participants must put on the table three items that they have on hand or in their bag. His neighbor, looking at these objects, must determine the inclinations and interests of their owner.


    Talking to each other, parents find among the participants in the meeting people who are somewhat similar to themselves, for example: born in February; likes quiet evenings; It has large collection stamps; like winter; loves the sea, etc. Participants need to find as many people as possible who have similar qualities to them.


    Lay out on the table various items. It can be a ball, a doll, a note, etc. Everyone chooses for himself the subject that is associated with his childhood, and tells the corresponding episode from his life.


    Participants depict the Brownian motion of molecules. When they meet, they greet and get to know each other. At the command of the leader: "Molecule of 2, 3, etc.", the players are divided into groups of 2, 3, etc. people. As soon as the command: "Chaos" sounds, the participants again begin to move like molecules. So the game continues.


    All participants need to shake hands with everyone and at the same time say: “Hi, how are you?” say only these words and nothing more. There is a main condition in this game: to greet any of the participants, you can release your hand only after you start to greet someone else with your other hand. In other words, you need to constantly be in contact with someone from the detachment.


    The players become in a circle. The ball is thrown from one player to another, telling his name and passion. After the glomerulus is completely unwound (there will be no players left without a thread), the glomerulus is wound up, by means of naming the name and hobbies of the one from whom the glomerular thread came. The one from whom the ball began to unwind should name the name and hobby of the last person to whom the thread came. It is impossible to inform about the rules for winding the ball in advance.

    Games to relieve anxiety, emotionally stimulating.


    All participants stand in a circle. Closing their eyes, everyone begins to move arbitrarily in different directions; you can't talk; at the clap of the leader, they stop and open their eyes.

    They close their eyes again and do the same procedure, but at the same time they still emit a buzz; on cotton, they stop and open their eyes.

    Analysis of the exercise - answers to a series of questions.

    What feelings arise in the first and second case?

    What hindered the movement?

    What helped not to collide?

    The most common answers are:

    a) "the feeling of anxiety, fear prevails";

    b) "there are feelings of awkwardness."

    You should compare the sensations during the exercise with the sensations when participants enter new companies, unusual situations. Such a comparison helps to understand and formulate the cause of anxiety and fear in communication. There are more failures for those who focus more on themselves than on others.


    The teacher suggests “putting into the basket of feelings” your feelings on the topic or problem of the meeting. For example, at an adaptation meeting, the teacher suggests to parents:

    “Dear mothers and fathers! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of which are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child's threshold kindergarten, feelings and emotions have firmly settled in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Now we will be handing over this basket and I will ask you to tell us about your impressions for the first 2 weeks of visiting the preschool educational institution.

    "SUN RAYS"

    Children and parents stand in a circle, hold out right hand forward, to the center, connecting it with the hands of other participants.

    Stretch your left hand to the sun, take some of the heat from it and put it in your heart. Let this warmth warm you and all who are close to you.


    The participants stand in a circle.


    All participants stand in a circle. Each child takes turns going to the center. He is called by name three times in chorus. Then they say the phrase "We love you" in unison. You can name the child affectionate nickname(sun, bunny).


    The game is played in a circle. The participants in the game take turns saying what time of the year, a natural phenomenon, the weather looks like their mood today. It’s better for an adult to start: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, and your?" The exercise is carried out in a circle. The adult generalizes what the mood of the whole group is today: sad, cheerful, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting children's responses, remember that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy sky, aggressive elements indicate emotional distress.

    Leadership games.

    During the organizational period of the group, it is necessary to identify leaders in order to further facilitate the election of parental self-government bodies.


    Participants need to build a carriage from the people present. foreign objects cannot be used. During the task, the leader needs to observe the behavior of the participants: who organizes the work, who others listen to, who chooses what “roles” in the carriage. The fact is that each "role" speaks of certain qualities person:

  • Roof- these are people who are ready to support at any moment in difficult situation;
  • doors- they usually become people who have good communication skills(able to negotiate, interact with others):
  • seats- these people are not very active, calm;
  • Riders- those who know how to travel at someone else's expense, not very hardworking and responsible;
  • Horses- these are hard workers who are ready to "carry on themselves" any work;
  • Coachman- These are usually leaders who know how to lead;

If the participant chooses a role servants, who opens the door or rides behind the carriage, such people also have leadership skills, but they don’t want (can’t) show them, they are more ready to provide rear support (or these are the so-called “gray cardinals”). After the carriage is ready, the participants sit in a circle, discuss how the game went, whether everyone found a place for themselves in during the construction of the carriage, did everyone feel comfortable, and then the facilitator explains to them the meaning of the “roles” they have chosen. Note: if the group is led and distributed by one person, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bnamed above will not reflect the qualities of these people.