A quick way to dry nail polish. Nail dryer: review of nail lamps and nail dryers when using regular polish. Folk ways of drying nails

Modern girls spend a large number of time for a manicure. Therefore, the question of how to dry nail polish as quickly and efficiently as possible does not lose its relevance. For these purposes, both professional and folk remedies.

Among great variety coatings for nails, the following main types of varnishes can be distinguished:

  • Liquid nail polish- the simplest type of varnish and the most common type of coating. Perfect option for those who like to experiment. The liquid consistency allows you to adjust the coating, apply patterns and add decorative elements while drying. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to dry completely and stays on the nails for several days. The advantage of this type is its availability and rich palette.
  • Quick Dry Coatings– drying speed is about 1-2 minutes, very convenient option, prevents damage to the coating while waiting for the complete drying of the varnish. In terms of visual characteristics and durability, such varnishes do not differ from ordinary ones. TO positive qualities quick-drying varnishes include the speed of the procedure and the variety of color palettes. To negative - medium price segment, occurrence yellow shade on the coating and the inability to adjust the manicure during drying.

  • Basic colorless coatings- base for colored varnish, provide a more uniform coverage of the main tone, protect the nail plate from the effects of colored pigments of the decorative coating, eliminate the appearance of a yellow tint on the nails. There are moisturizing, leveling and color correcting base coats. Coatings of universal action are also popular.

It is important not to forget to apply the base before each manicure.

  • gel polish- most practical option. When creating gel polish, the technologies for the production of gel for nail extension and ordinary varnish. Complete drying takes only 2 minutes in a special lamp based on ultraviolet rays. The coating is strong and worn for up to four weeks, retaining its original appearance - the main feature and advantage of such a varnish. Does not render negative impact on nails.

  • hard coating- represented by special stickers that are attached to the nail plate with the help of thermal exposure, do not require the use of brushes. The new word in manicure has the widest palette of colors and a variety of coating options: French manicure, drawings of flowers and much more. The advantage of this option is ease of use, safety and harmlessness to nails. Ideal when needed quick manicure at home.
  • Fixer- varnish, which is used to improve the quality of the coating, contributes to a longer preservation of the manicure in its original form, provides a deeper tone with a glossy sheen. The benefits also include protection of the nail plate from harmful effects ultraviolet and other environmental influences.

General recommendations for applying fast drying varnishes

How to quickly dry nail polish, you can learn from the tips and basic recommendations of nail art specialists, with which you can significantly speed up the drying process.

They are the following:

  • The coating should be applied as thinly as possible. The thicker the layer of varnish, the longer it will dry. If it is necessary to cover the nails in several layers, it is recommended to completely dry one coating and only then apply the next one.
  • On a smooth nail surface, the varnish dries faster. Therefore, the nails are pre-cleaned from the old coating and polished. It is also important to degrease the nails before starting work. For this, special tools are used. If not, you can simply wash your hands with soap.
  • It is recommended to give preference only to a high-quality quick-drying coating. Many modern manufacturers of nail polishes have a series with accelerated drying. Performing a manicure with such varnish requires advanced level skill, you need to be able to apply the coating quickly and accurately the first time.
  • The lower the concentration of color pigment in the varnish, the faster it dries. An ideal option if time for a manicure is limited is a colorless or translucent coating.
  • For varnishes with a thick consistency, it takes longer to dry. Do not use old thickened varnishes if there is not enough time.
  • It is not recommended to apply varnish on wet nails moistened with cream or oils.
  • Using a professional dryer can reduce the drying time of nail polish to 2-5 minutes.

Cold water

The action of cold temperatures speeds up the drying process of nail polish. One of the most common ways is to use cold water. This method is more comfortable to use in the warm season.

How to quickly dry nail polish? The easiest way is to use cold water.

How to quickly dry nail polish with cold water:

  • you need to put your hands in a container with cold water;
  • to achieve complete drying of the manicure, it is enough to wait about four minutes, you can add ice cubes to the water to enhance the effect;
  • it is not recommended to keep your hands under the tap, there is a chance to spoil the coating with water pressure.

Cooling varnish in the refrigerator

To ensure faster drying, the bottle with varnish is first placed in the refrigerator for a while. It is necessary to complete all manipulations and preparatory procedures for nails before painting, and only after that take the varnish out of the refrigerator. This method, combined with cold water, can reduce the drying time of a manicure to a few minutes.


The use of the freezer occurs in several variations. Before applying the coating, place the varnish in the freezer for 5 minutes. Due to the temperature contrast, the drying time is halved. Cold varnish dries in minutes on a warm nail plate.

After completing the manicure, you can keep your hands in the freezer for a couple of minutes, in this way drying your nails will not take much time.


An ordinary home fan will do an excellent job of quickly drying a manicure at home. To save your time, you just need to hold your hands in front of the fan until the varnish is completely dry. The flow of cool air will significantly speed up the drying process.

Manual parts cleaning gun

The principle of operation of the device is blowing and cleaning parts with a directed air stream. If such a device is at hand, you can safely use it as an express manicure drying. It is important to control the strength of the air flow to avoid damaging the decorative coating.

cooking spray

Typically, cooking spray contains olive oil, which has the property of speeding up the drying of nail polish.

How to quickly dry nail polish with cooking spray:

  • it is recommended to distribute the oil with a spray on freshly painted nails;
  • waiting time until the varnish is completely dry - about 5 minutes;
  • wash your hands well to remove oil residues on the skin.

This method Cuts drying time in half.

Vegetable oil

To quickly dry a manicure at home, you can use any kind of oil available in the kitchen. Most often it is olive or sunflower oil.

The oil is poured into a container, into which hands are alternately lowered. It is also very convenient to use a pipette for this purpose. It turns out more economical oil consumption and you do not need to completely grease your hands. One drop is enough for each nail to get the desired result.

Many manufacturers produce special fixing oils with a similar principle of action.

Spray drying

Anyone can purchase a spray dryer. The components in the composition of the product are selected in a special way and ensure quick drying of any nail polish. It is necessary to spray the product on the nails immediately after the completion of the manicure.

Main Feature spray-dryers are considered useful material included in the composition. Active Ingredients funds have a positive effect on the condition of the nail plate, provide nails extra food and care.

Clear nail polish

How to dry nail polish quickly using clear nail polish dryer:

  • a special coating is applied to the completed color manicure;
  • complete drying of the coating occurs within 5 minutes;
  • the product has fixing functions, the manicure lasts longer and has an additional shine;
  • do not apply more than one layer of such drying.

Clear nail polish- drying is widely used by both professionals in salon conditions and amateurs home manicure.

Special drops

Another of the popular methods to save time at the final stage of manicure. The process of using special drops is absolutely identical to the application vegetable oils for drying. Just one drop speeds up the drying process of the varnish twice. In addition, oil drops have a positive effect on nails and cuticles when used regularly.

manicure fan

The fan-dryer is one of the most convenient ways dry varnish. Presented as an easy-to-use device with a small size. Can work both from a network, and by means of normal batteries. There are various types of fans: compact dryers for alternate use for each hand or designed to dry two hands at the same time.

The application procedure is very simple. After applying the varnish, place your hands in the dryer and turn on the air supply. The coating dries completely in just a few minutes. An important advantage of this device is its low cost. Therefore, it is worth considering purchasing it for use at home.


Professional lamps for drying manicure are a design closed type with hand hole. The impact on the coating occurs with the help of several bulbs with ultraviolet rays, which are placed inside the device. Often lamps are equipped with a timer that helps control the drying time.

Drying lamps have rich functionality, are convenient and easy to use even for home use. They are considered the first helpers for gel polish, fixing regular polish and for the final stage of nail extension.

What are the main types of lamps used to quickly dry nail polish:

  1. Lamps with application ultraviolet rays - the most practical lamps. Affordable, easy to use and maintain. Do not require large energy costs are very durable. The main thing is to ensure that the lamp does not overheat and protect it from power surges. It is also important not to use the drying lamp in a room with a temperature below 10 degrees.
  2. Drying lamps- the principle of operation is based on the light properties of the gas. Thanks to the normalized temperature regime the possibility of burning the varnish is excluded. They do not have a negative effect on the skin, they are economical lamps with low energy consumption.
  3. Ice lamps for drying manicure- have a compact size with a curved shape. Work based on LEDs will speed up the process of completing a manicure at times. The small dimensions of the lamp allow you to freely carry the device and practically do not take up space. They are famous for their durability, resistance to overheating. Using such a lamp, it is impossible to get a burn or any other damage to the skin or eyes. The downside can be considered a rather high cost of the lamp.
  4. Hybrid lamps- drying, combining best qualities other models. They are safe to use, small size and provide instant results.

What not to do before applying a manicure and during the drying process

Top tips for a successful manicure and a faster drying process:

  • It is not recommended to apply moisturizer on hands and nails before manicure. If necessary, you can moisturize the skin a few hours before the procedure.
  • While the coating on the nails dries, you do not need to wave your hands. Thus, it is impossible to speed up the drying process, on the contrary, it is possible to disturb the uniformity of drying and deform the coating.
  • You can not continue to work with the drying lamp if there are discomfort and burning on the surface of the skin. There is a possibility of injury or burns.

To quickly dry nail polish, you need to choose which method will be most acceptable and convenient. The abundance of improvised means will allow you to qualitatively and effectively complete a manicure with your own hands, without involving specialists and without carrying out expensive procedures.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on how to quickly dry nail polish

The easiest way to dry the varnish:

Dry your nails with cooking spray:

Many women have a habit of painting their nails in a hurry, because they do not have enough free time to wait for the natural drying of the coating. However, if the manicure does not dry properly, it will inevitably smudge, ruining your mood completely. To prevent this from happening, you should know how to quickly and effectively dry the coating without reducing the duration of its wear.

How long does it take to dry

First, let's figure out how long nail polish should dry. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since much depends on the composition, consistency and purpose of the product. The fastest drying nail polish is the one designed specifically for stamping because it is designed to so that when applying the fixative the created pattern is not smeared. Such a varnish hardens in air in 40-60 seconds. Approximately the same amount dry and varnishes in bubbles with thin tassels for drawing.

Keep in mind that "stop sticking" and "finally harden" are two different concepts. For example, a hardener applied in one layer will set in 2-3 minutes, and will finally dry out in 15 minutes - this means that after two minutes the coating will stop sticking when touched, but will inevitably be smeared if you start doing household chores within 15 minutes from the moment it was applied.

One layer of conventional varnish dries completely in about 30 minutes, when applied in several layers, the drying time of the coating can take up to two hours (sometimes more). Shimmers, glitters and varnishes with carotene dry a little faster - in 15-20 minutes (although they are usually applied in one layer).

Correct application

One of the key factors for fast drying- compliance with all application rules:

Express drying manicure

If time is running out, and your nails never dry, you can resort to tricks that will help speed up the hardening process:

What else can be done

If the above methods do not suit you for some reason, the best thing to do is to get by special means for fast drying varnish. Fortunately, manufacturers offer a wide range of - fast drying top coats, sprays, oils. They can be purchased at any specialized store, choosing for yourself an option from an affordable price category.

There are also dryer lamps for ordinary varnish - as a rule, they are included in the electric manicure and pedicure kits, but are also sold separately. These devices are very similar to UV lamps for drying shellac, but instead of fluorescent "tubes" they are equipped with a fan that supplies cold air to the nails, thereby speeding up the drying process.

Why doesn't shellac dry?

As a rule, there are no problems with gel polish - it dries perfectly under a special lamp. However, it also happens that after drying, the coating is partially or even completely removed along with sticky layer top . There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

By the way, many women try to dry ordinary varnish with a shellac lamp and, moreover, claim that the coating really dries much faster. However, in ordinary varnish there are no particles, responsive to ultraviolet, so the use of a UV or LED lamp does not in any way affect its curing speed. The same myth is the assertion that shellac can be dried without the use of a special lamp - yes, it can really seize and even stop sticking, but it will never completely harden.

acrylic coating

Separately, I would like to mention the so-called ecological, that is, acrylic lacquer. It is an acrylic emulsion and does not contain harmful substances like formaldehyde and toluene, which means it is completely safe for health. The composition of such a coating may include a variety of useful additives that help strengthen nails, accelerate their growth and prevent delamination. Keep in mind - acrylic itself does not have any effect on the nails. beneficial effect. Moreover, it can even be harmful, because it prevents air from reaching the nail plate. So pay attention Special attention on the components specified in the composition of the product.

Acrylic emulsion dries pretty quickly, but only with skillful application. In addition, within 1-2 hours after application, the coating is easily washed off with water even if it is completely dry, so homework need gloves. Of course you can't use ice water trying to dry the varnish as soon as possible.

Alkyd varnish is applied extremely thin layers(no more than two), starting from the center of the nail. Nail plates must be absolutely clean and free of grease. Wait until the first one is completely dry before applying the second layer. On top of acrylic, you can also use ordinary decorative varnish, but it should be dried only in the air. Worn acrylic manicure from 2 to 7 days.

Many women suffer from lack of time. Indeed, having time to cook food, tidy up the house and pay attention to your husband and children - these things can take almost the whole day. At the same time, you want to look well-groomed and rested. That is why cosmetics and devices that save time are very popular. Among them is a nail dryer.

Drying methods

To do this, you can use two types of methods:

  • chemical;
  • physical.

The chemical method involves the use of special coatings that speed up the drying of the varnish. The composition of such products contains components that accelerate the evaporation of the solvent from the surface of the coating. Now there are a lot of companies on the market offering various drying varnishes. It can be a spray or an Avon product that is applied with a brush.

Choice of remedy

In most cases, manufacturers promise to dry the varnish in just 1 minute. after
drying application. In fact, everything is a little different. It is necessary in practice to select a suitable drying. Indeed, upon contact with some varnishes, bubbles and stripes may form. Accordingly, such a manicure will be spoiled, and it will be necessary to redo it.

Purchase Funds well-known manufacturers. Read reviews or ask friends before buying. Perhaps some of them have already appreciated the benefits of drying. Usually, substances sold in the form of a spray contain oils that are absorbed for a long time, which does not allow the varnish to dry quickly.

Can regular nail polish be dried in a UV lamp?

Conventional solvent-based coatings cannot be cured under a UV lamp. The rays are not able to affect the evaporation of the solvent.

But you can speed up the drying process of ordinary varnish by applying a top coat and drying for 2 minutes. in the lamp. This way the top will just seal the polish.

Folk remedies

There are folk methods and special substances. Among folk methods you can find advice that tells you to dip your nails in cold water. In this way, the solvent is simply washed away from the surface of the coating.

Drying with a hair dryer gives good results. Indeed, the flow of warm air accelerates the drying of the coating. You can also turn on the gas and hold your hands over the fire.


Special devices allow you to quickly dry the varnish on the nails. They work on the principle of a hair dryer, i.e. just blow the nails with warm air. Among the inexpensive models is an electric dryer called the Monkey. This is a portable dryer powered by
batteries. It is enough to paint the nail and place it on the "bananas".

At the same time, the dryer turns on, and the nail is blown with heated air. This dryer is more suitable for home use, because it is of low power. Of course, quickly drying your nails one at a time is quite difficult, so give preference to more expensive dryers that allow you to place your entire hand under the stream of air at once.

But, having learned how much a powerful dryer costs, you are unlikely to want to buy it. Therefore, for home use, it is better to choose an inexpensive portable dryer.

How to dry gel polished nails?

To do this, you need an ultraviolet lamp. Otherwise, the coating will not dry out. In fact, during the drying process, the coating does not dry out, but hardens. This requires radiation.

Usually, drying of such a product is carried out in several stages, it all depends on the composition of the substance.

If this is a three-phase system, then the gel polish is between two layers - the base and the top. Without them, the gel polish will dry out, but quickly peel off the nail. Don't forget to apply primer before base coat. Many masters use to draw acrylic paints. To dry them quickly, you can use a hair dryer or portable mini dryer.

To quickly dry gel polish, use single-phase systems and a powerful lamp. The lower the lamp power, the longer the varnish will dry. With a power of 36 W, 1-2 minutes are enough to completely dry the coating. Those. You can quickly dry the nail polish on the nails using a powerful lamp.

Probably not one woman will not remain indifferent to the question, how to dry nail polish fast. Recall a situation when you spoiled your fresh manicure with a zipper from pants, a phone or other household items,and exhale quickly. We will teach you how to avoid these troubles and enjoy your image at 100%.

A beautiful and neat manicure is Not luxury, but the modern need of every woman. However, it is not always possible to look irresistible. ABOUT especially if you applied nail polish 15 minutes before going out from home and you should still dress put on your shoes and close the doors behind you. ANDdid you suddenly get a calland you need to get the phone,which is located in the back pocket of the bag.Emotions are just running high!

Women know an incredible number of stories related to not fully dried nail polish, and we would like to supplement them with tips on how to quickly dry nail polish at home.IN se on It starts with the preparation and selection of varnish.

P The first thing to do before a manicure isdegrease nails with nail polish remover. This promotes rapid drying.

The varnish itself must also be high quality, fresh and moderately thick. Expired varnish will take a very long time to dry and will make you with worry and get nervous.

Lucky different color dry differently.. Light and pearlescent nail polishes dry faster than dark or glittery nail polishes.

The quality of the varnish application also matters. Choose varnishes with a short brush, which you can easily and evenly apply varnish on the nail plate.

Apply varnish at least two thin layers. Take a few minutes between them.

Can regular polish be dried in a UV lamp?

Some fashionistas, especially those who often use gel polish during manicure, are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to dry ordinary varnish in a UV lamp. Our answer: such an experiment does not make sense, the varnish will not dry faster. The principle of operation of the lamp is the polymerization of gel polish, that is, it hardens and hardens due to exposure to UV rays. A regular varnish does not need such a procedure. Therefore, no matter what powerful lamp you use (at least 36 watts, at least 9 watts) , the time and quality of drying of ordinary varnish will not change from this.

Some nail enthusiasts claim that the use of a UV lamp helps to fix the varnish better and improve the quality of the manicure. However, experts say that the lamp securely fixes shellac and a special gel. But ordinary varnish dries perfectly in the open air: to improve the quality of drying, you can use special manicure products or fan dryers, which we'll talk about in the next section.

Ways to dry varnish without using a lamp

We convinced you of the uselessness of such a thing as an ultraviolet lamp. There are more effective and reliable ways to dry ordinary varnish, which we want to tell you about right now.

Use quick dry nail polishes. They will cost a little more, but the effect will please you. The main thing is to apply the varnish very quickly.

Apply varnish coatings for fixing and drying varnish. This reliable way improve the quality of manicure and save time.

Use spray dryer, which will also help you dry your nail polish faster and will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of your hands. However, the durability of the varnish from the use of a spray will not increase.

Oil dryers for varnish. These are small oily droplets that will not only help dry the varnish, but also improve the condition of the skin of the hands.

Can be purchased special fan dryer, which will help you evenly dry the varnish due to the air supply.

There are more affordable, but less professional ways drying varnish.

Cold water. Apply varnish, wait a few minutes, and then hold your hands under a stream of cold water. You can dip your fingers into a container of water and a few ice cubes.

Also, after a few minutes, apply olive oil or cosmetic oil. You can use a special nail oil.

There are even exotic ways:

1 .Put your hands in the freezer for a few minutes.

2 .Dry your hands with a hairdryer,under cool air.

3 .Wave your arms and breathe on them.

Latest Ways we do not recommend you use it.Keeping painted nails in the freezer is harmful, both for the skin of the hands and for the products stored in it. You should also not use a hair dryer - cold air will make the varnish dull and dull, and if you turn on the hot mode -the varnish may soften and break. intensively waving your arms is also not recommended

Modern women cannot boast of having free time, because they literally have every minute scheduled. There is a lot to be done, but we must not forget about our appearance. well-groomed hands And interesting manicure are the key to the beauty of the whole image.

Currently, devices have begun to appear that help save precious time. Drying for nails is a lifesaver for most busy ladies. Many have already discovered the charms of gel polish and its remarkable ability to dry quickly in a lamp. The question arises, how will an ordinary varnish behave in a lamp?

First of all, you need to figure out what regular nail polish consists of and how it dries.

It includes components such as:

  • Pigments. They give it color.
  • Polymers. Brittle substances that form a shiny film. They are considered to be the basis varnish coating.
  • plasticizers. They are responsible for strength and elasticity.
  • Solvents. During the evaporation of these substances, the varnish dries.

IN ultraviolet lamp, just like in LED, you can dry ordinary varnish, but no effect will occur. The drying speed of the varnish will not change, because in this process leading role only evaporation of the solvent plays. The lamps will also not be able to fix and give it strength.

What happens if you dry a simple polish in a UV or LED gel polish dryer?

In order to dry the varnish, the ultraviolet lamp does not have enough infrared radiation, which is necessary to heat the surface. Ultraviolet destroys chemical bonds, which leads to clouding of the color.

Can a plain polish be topcoated and cured in UV or LED?

For the sake of saving time, the option of topcoating a regular varnish on top, followed by drying in a lamp, is the place to be. This option will last from 3 to 7 days.

Ways to quickly dry nails without a lamp

There are many tricks that you can resort to if you do not use gel polish and a lamp.

When you are in a hurry and a short time you need to dry your freshly painted nails, there are several ways to help with this:

  • If you applied masks before a manicure, or used various cosmetics, it is necessary to degrease the surface nail plates. moisten cotton pad in nail polish remover and rub it on each nail.
  • The minimum number of layers of varnish - the key to its rapid drying.
  • Sequins and rhinestones also make it difficult to dry quickly.
  • Light shades of varnish dry much faster than dark ones.
  • If one layer of varnish is not enough, then apply each layer at intervals of two to three minutes.
  • Leave the vial for twenty minutes in the refrigerator. Chilled varnish will dry faster.
  • Hairdryer or fan will give a good and quick effect in emergency nail drying.
  • Dip your painted nails into a bowl of ice water.
  • On a fresh manicure, drop a drop of vegetable or olive oil and then wash it off with water after a few minutes.
  • Hold your nails for a few seconds freezer. At this low temperature, the varnish will quickly harden.

REFERENCE! Do not forget that fresh varnish dries much faster than the old one. If you are late or in a hurry, then you should not use the old varnish.

You can also use special coatings that can speed up the drying of the varnish. The components that are part of such products will accelerate the evaporation of the solvent and after a couple of minutes you can observe the finished manicure.

In the event that you use only ordinary varnishes and do not plan to use gel polishes, then you can do without UV and LED lamps. Gel polish will not dry without the help of ultraviolet light, and ordinary polish will not dry faster and last longer, even if it stays in a lamp.