Liquid face powder how to use. Face powder: top tips. However, there are also disadvantages

Powder is a very tricky thing. She is able to emphasize any small wrinkles and even reinforce oily sheen skin if applied incorrectly. We have identified the 5 most common mistakes when using powder and tell you how to avoid them.

Mistakes when using powder

Mistake #1: Powdering Your Face Before Makeup

There is such a common myth that the face should be lightly powdered before applying makeup. We don’t know exactly where this strange delusion came from for many girls, but we warn you - it’s definitely not worth covering the skin with a layer of powder before applying make-up. You will achieve only the opposite effect - very soon the face will begin to shine due to the fact that the layer of powder and subsequent makeup simply do not allow the skin to breathe.

To avoid oily sheen, use a liquid primer with a matte effect or foundation serum before applying makeup. Powder can only be the final touch of a make-up, but not the first step!

Mistake #2: You powder right after you finish your makeup

If you saw how makeup artists work before filming, then you probably took note - immediately after completing the make-up, powder your entire face. Great, but that's just professional models spend a maximum of a couple of hours in make-up, and even then their make-up is constantly adjusted. A large number of make-up artists use powders for only one purpose - so that the face does not shine in front of the camera.

IN everyday makeup things are different: a generous layer of powder will emphasize all the flaws, and small mimic wrinkles immediately become noticeable, even if you did not notice them before!


How to use powder correctly: after you have finished painting, let the skin "take" all means. Wait literally 5-10 minutes, then blot your face with a napkin - the skin itself will give off excess tonal products. Well, now you can powder with a large soft brush on the T-zone - forehead, nose and chin. It is not at all necessary to apply a loose product on the cheeks, especially since you have probably already used blush or highlighter.

Mistake number 3: masking oily skin with powder

During the day, you noticed that your nose or forehead began to shine. Your actions? Well, of course, you open the powder box and mask all the flaws. Until after half an hour the skin shines again ... And then what - another layer? And then you'll wonder where acne came from!

How to use powder correctly: before applying powder to hide the shine, you need to get rid of sebum. To do this, you need a matting napkin or at least paper handkerchiefs. Make sure you have thoroughly blotted your face and it is no longer shiny, and only now you can lightly powder. The effect will last for several hours, and you once again don't clog your pores!

Mistake #4: Choosing the Wrong Powder Color

Little secret: the shade of the powder should be half a tone lighter than the color of your foundation or skin (if you do not use masking products). It is this difference that makes it possible to create the maximum natural makeup and refresh your face.

Yellowish-beige powder suits girls with olive skin, which has a subtle green undertone.

If you have light, almost white skin, then avoid any sandy and yellow shades. It's better to prioritize beige color with a grayish undertone - do not be afraid of such light, silvery shades, they look perfect on white skin.

The best option for everyone is pink beige shade powder, which, however, must be applied with caution on the forehead and nose.

And a few words about shimmering powder with reflective particles: you need to be very careful with it. This tool can even slightly rejuvenate your face and make it fresher, but excess of such powder, firstly, can emphasize wrinkles, and secondly, can make your face look like a mask - extra shimmer will only add to your resemblance to a bronze statue, and not beauty. In addition, reflective particles just look terrible with a flash - if you are going to be photographed, then it is better to give preference to the usual matte powder. Just remember those creepy pictures stars with white spots on their faces! They also thought that they would shine, and not seem to be sprinkled with flour ...

Mistake No. 5: Applying powder with a powder puff from the package

We will reveal to you terrible secret: most powder puffs, sponges and brushes from standard packages powder is useless. You can throw them away, seriously! In addition, few people wash these powder puffs, and you can use them for years - as a result, you get a real breeding ground for bacteria in your cosmetic bag.

How to use powder correctly: best to apply powder special brushes from natural pile. It is important that the brush is soft and not too thick, and that you can easily shake off excess powder from it for the most delicate application. A kabuki brush is ideal (we talked about it in detail in the brush review) - round, small, very fluffy and compact. You can safely carry it with you in your purse, just do not forget to wash the tool regularly! And don't make the mistakes we've talked about when using powder.

Many centuries ago, women already used powder. This universal cosmetic product does not lose its popularity today. But for the face to look really perfect, it is important to know how to apply powder correctly. After all, the techniques and methods of application, as well as the answer to the question "What is the best way to apply powder?" depend on the shape, texture and even composition of cosmetics.

  • For mattifying and refreshing make-up It's easiest to use a large brush that gives the lightest coverage. surplus sebum preferably get wet. Then the powder is scooped up with a brush, drawing a pore on its surface several times, and applied to the face with wide, light strokes. Thus, the effect of a translucent "veil" is achieved;
  • For a thicker coverage, you will need a wet latex sponge. The powder is collected with a sponge and applied with light stroking movements like a foundation. Since the coating is dense, it must be carefully shaded to make it as invisible as possible. For the wings of the nose, the area around the eyes and lips, you can use the sharp corners of the sponge;
  • If you need to hide small imperfections: redness, acne, then it is better to use a dense small brush in these areas;

The result can be fixed with a thin layer of dry powder with a large brush. Thin small hairs on the face grow in the direction from top to bottom, so the final movements of the brush should go in this direction.

How to apply mineral powder

Feature of mineral powder is natural composition, it does not clog pores and does not cause irritation even on sensitive skin. Light texture allows you to create even a dense coating without the effect of a mask.

Best for applying mineral powder kabuki brush with natural bristles. If cleansed and moisturized skin has a greasy sheen, then before applying the powder, it is better to blot your face with a cosmetic tissue.

You can spray your face with thermal water or a special spray.

Powder bronzer allows you to give the skin a rested and tanned look. It is not very suitable for hiding skin imperfections, so it is often used over another foundation.

Can be used to apply bronzing powder velvet puff and tassels: round large with natural pile for a light translucent coverage or flat synthetic for a dense coverage.

Before applying powder, you should make sure that there are no areas with peeling on the face - after all, skin flakes covered with bronzer may look more noticeable.

  • For a tanning effect, bronzing powder is applied light broad strokes on the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Bronzing powder can be used as blush and even eye shadow. If you shade the area under the cheekbones and at the temples with it, the face can be visually narrowed and made more prominent. Bronzing powder with shimmering particles looks very beautiful on the eyelids.

After applying bronzing powder, you need to make sure that the result looks natural and there are no contrasting marks on the face. dark spots. A loose translucent powder can be applied over matte bronzing powder.

Regardless of how the powder is applied, all tools should be washed regularly to avoid the growth of bacteria.

There is always powder in every woman's makeup bag - it completes our makeup, giving the final look to the image. You will learn how to properly apply powder on the face, what types there are, as well as how to choose a product for your skin type, in this article.

Finding the right powder for yourself is a difficult and time-consuming process. After all, the final look of your makeup depends on this attribute of beauty. On the shelves of any cosmetics store, you will find many different products that differ in consistency, finish, tone, and method of application. Let's figure out what types of powders exist on the beauty market and why they are needed.

  • Mineral

A standalone product that does not require foundation. Due to the high content of minerals, such beauty gadgets improve complexion and skin condition in general. There are matting, radiant, narrowing pores and fighting acne (rashes). To apply this product, you will need a kabuki brush or any other densely packed, synthetic brush. Primer and concealer are best applied before powdering. Be careful with the selection, ask a consultant or read the composition, since such a product can clog pores.

  • transparent

As a rule, it is a finishing product that completes your makeup and prolongs its durability. It comes in two versions - compact (for a handbag) and crumbly (for use at home). There are two types - matte and with the effect of radiance. Suitable for girls who do not like to overload their face with makeup, but who want to fix makeup and prolong its durability. To apply, you need a regular brush made of natural or artificial bristles. This beauty gadget can have the “blur” property, that is, smoothing the skin texture and reducing pores.

  • compact with color

A standard product in the understanding of many girls. There are three types - matte, radiant and with the effect of color correction. Suitable for most girls. Perfectly fixes, evens out skin texture, prolongs the durability of tone and concealer, and also adds additional coverage to makeup. Compact powder to match your complexion can be used in place of foundation if the density of the product texture allows. Compact powder in blue, pink, green, peach and yellow shades will help you correct certain areas of your skin. For example, green will help relieve redness on the skin, and yellow or peach can brighten dark circles under the eyes. Such a product can overload the face, so it is recommended to apply it in small quantities only to those areas where an additional layer of correction is needed.

  • Loose with color

Perfect for the newfangled technique of "baked" makeup (from the English. "baking"). There are several types - matting and with the effect of radiance. Such a product is suitable for home use, since it is quite difficult to transport it due to flowability. For application, a fluffy brush made of natural or artificial bristles is suitable, and for the baking technique, a sponge.

  • In the form of balls or mosaics

Such a product is usually color-correcting and reflective. Perfectly refreshes and makes the tone of the face more even, without overloading it.

  • Shiny pressed

This product is suitable for placing accents on the face and giving volume. Such a beauty gadget is also called strobing powder, but in some brands of cosmetics it is positioned as a light-reflecting or light-diffusing powder. Do not confuse this product with a highlighter, because the highlighter has a more pronounced glow. Such a cosmetic attribute is necessary in order to give volume to the desired areas, freshness to the face and a rested look to the skin. Apply this product in a light layer on the bridge of the nose, top of the cheekbones, forehead and dimple under the lip.

Application rules

There are a few basic rules for applying powder, as well as a couple of tricks that will help you avoid congestion on the face and create a fresh, rested skin. Let's consider, how to apply powder :

  • Before applying makeup, the skin of the face must be cleansed and moisturized. Next, the base is applied or / and Foundation, concealer, and whatever cream products you want to apply. Only after that comes the turn of powdery textures. Makeup performed in this sequence will look fresh without overloading the face.
  • Never put powder on clean face(in addition to mineral and tonal). Powder application is the final step in makeup!
  • To apply, use a fluffy, well-stuffed brush made of artificial or natural bristles. Such a brush can be bought at any store or ordered online. For mineral powder, a densely packed artificial bristle brush is suitable.
  • The application technique is quite simple: dial a small amount of on the brush, shake it to loosen the excess and go over the face in circular or applying motions.
  • For day makeup it is best to apply powder only under the eyes and on the T-zone - forehead, nose and chin.
  • Mineral powder should be applied to a previously cleansed and moisturized face. The rules are as follows: apply concealer to the desired areas, then in a circular motion walk across the face with a brush with powder. Carefully work out areas such as the nose, the area around the mouth and the bridge of the nose - this is usually where more coverage is needed. After that, you can apply blush and / or bronzer and highlighter to your face.
  • The baked makeup technique allows you to create clearer contour lines and brighten the face where it is needed without the use of additional products. For this application, only a loose product with a color (usually in skin tone or lighter by 0.5-1 tone) is suitable. The technique is as follows: after applying foundation, concealer and other cream products, dip the makeup sponge with one side into the powder so that a dense layer of product remains on it. Then apply the sponge to the areas that you want to "bake" so as to completely cover them in a dense layer. After that, wait 1-5 minutes and brush off the residue with a brush. You will be surprised how much after such a simple trick, your skin will look like “photoshopped”, and your makeup will last much longer.

Powder application mistakes and how to avoid them

  • If you have used too much product, do not rush to despair. Apply to face thermal water in a spray or use a special make-up spray. You can also use a decoction of chamomile mixed in proportions of 1: 1 with rose water. Add a couple of drops of your favorite to the infusion aromatic oil and pour into a spray bottle. This decoction is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.
  • If you have peeling on your face, then get rid of them before applying makeup. The dry texture of the product will only emphasize existing peeling, as well as create new ones. Makeup, as you know, in this case will look messy. Peeling and a good moisturizer will help get rid of peeling. You can also apply jojoba or almond oil to your face and leave it on for 30-60 minutes. After that go over the face cotton pad dipped in toner or lotion, and then apply moisturizer.
  • If you have picked up a powder that is a tone or slightly darker than your skin, do not rush to get upset! Use it instead of bronzer or contour. Apply it on the walls of the nose, under the cheekbone, sides of the forehead and chin. Such a trick will make the face more rested and slender, and give expressiveness to facial features. Because powder is always more sheer than bronzer or contouring products, your face won't look overloaded.
  • Do not use powder during the day. For owners oily skin It is better to use matting wipes. This method is more hygienic and will save you from a huge layer of cosmetics on your face.

How to apply foundation or mattifying powder? It's hard to imagine modern makeup without powder. Not only is it able to even out the complexion, but it also allows you to apply blush much more evenly and more naturally, and also mattifies the skin, hiding the shine of oily skin and enlarged pores. Foundation powder - perfect option makeup for problematic skin. With the help of this foundation, you can not only effectively retouch some imperfections (acne marks, age spots, freckles, small scars), but also avoid the use of multi-layer makeup ("plaster on the face"). Apply foundation powder on the face, preferably with a slightly damp sponge.

A mattifying powder excellent tool for improvement appearance oily or combination skin faces. This cosmetic product includes components that absorb sebaceous secretions and make it visually more matte. In addition, the composition of modern matting powder includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sunscreen components that improve the condition of problematic facial skin.

Tips for right choice and application of tonal powder:

Try to get foundation and powder one trademark and the same color.

How can I properly apply powder on my face so that my skin tone is even? Apply powder to the bridge of your nose if you are not using foundation. In this case, the skin tone will be more even.

Choose the shade of powder depending on the time of the event. Evening make-up requires the use of powder of lilac-pink or yellowish hues, daytime make-up corresponds to: pink, beige or golden.

Use powder one tone lighter than your main skin tone.

Apply a very small amount of foundation to your face if you have dry skin or replace it foundation. For oily skin, apply a little more.

Do not apply foundation immediately if your skin has a noticeable greasy sheen throughout the day. First, blot the T-zone with a napkin, it will absorb excess oil on the skin.

How to properly apply mattifying powder on the skin of the face:

Do not apply immediately after using your daily and foundation creams let them soak in completely. Otherwise, the powder layer will be uneven and there will be spots on the skin.

Use a thick brush or puff to apply mattifying powder, ideally use both accessories.

Shake off excess powder from the brush before applying, use the brush only to powder the side of the face.

Wash your brushes every 7 days with shampoo, dry them thoroughly out of the sun.

Use a powder puff to apply mattifying powder to the T-zone.

Gather some powder with a powder puff, press it on the inside of your palm, then carefully, lightly in a circle, apply the powder on your face.

Apply the powder especially carefully on the central part of the face, where sweat and sebaceous glands maximum.

Advice: powder can be used for other than its intended purpose. By powdering the eyelids and lips, you will make their makeup more resistant. Powder applied to the eyelashes before staining them with mascara will make them visually thicker.

Any woman wants to be perfect - this is an indisputable fact. Everyone has their own head perfect image that needs to be supported. Shoes or boots, dress or trousers, hairstyle, makeup, accessories - everything needs to be thought through every day, only the desire to always have a flawless complexion remains unchanged. Powder will help to achieve this goal.

On modern market a huge amount of powder is presented, which differs in composition, texture or shade. Given all this, it is important to choose the right powder for the type and color of your skin you need. Choosing a shade of powder, you can take either the skin tone, or a tone lighter.


In the 17th century, the composition of the powder could include such as rice flour, chalk, starch, wheat flour and even lead. Such components negatively affected the skin, accelerating its aging.

Today, the composition of the powder, of course, is completely different, designed to protect the skin of the face from external factors and take care of her.

Powder composition.

The main components that make up the modern powder:

  • talc;
  • zinc oxide;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • kaolin.

For dyeing, inorganic (sienna, iron oxide pigments yellow and red, others), organic (eosin, red lacquer, cosmetic paints), and synthetic dyes are used. Perfumes are used to smell.

In addition to the above ingredients, it may include silk proteins or fortified supplements.

In order not to harm the skin, it is very important before purchasing this cosmetic product, carefully study the composition, since some manufacturers, in order to reduce its cost, replace natural components with synthetic ones.


Powder types.

According to the texture, the following powders can be distinguished:

  • creamy;
  • crumbly (in powder form);
  • in the form of balls;
  • compact or solid (compressed powder).

When choosing a powder, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of skin, but also the convenience of using this particular powder in certain circumstances.

Creamy powder is suitable for girls with normal to dry skin. And for skin prone to oily sheen, it is better not to use such a powder, as it will only enhance the oily sheen and further emphasize the imperfections of the skin.

Loose powder is the most popular among all. It fits perfectly on the skin, while hiding all its flaws. You can also say that this powder is the safest for the skin. But its disadvantage is that it is inconvenient to take it with you.

Beaded powder is designed to add radiance to the skin, but is not suitable for those who need to cover imperfections on the face. The intensity of such powder can be adjusted by removing or adding a certain color of the balls.

Task compact powder to be always at hand. In any situation, with its help, you can easily and quickly remove oily sheen or mask flaws. It is versatile and suits all skin types.

How to apply powder correctly?

After you have chosen suitable powder, ask how to apply it correctly.

It is necessary to apply powder only after the foundation has been absorbed, otherwise it will stain.

With the help of a powder puff, you can only apply shimmering powder as a final touch. It is not very convenient for applying regular powder, because it absorbs too much and crumbles instantly.

Less popular but noteworthy types of powder

What is the best powder to choose?

The most important advantage of such a powder is that it consists entirely of natural ingredients. It is ideal for problematic skin prone to allergic reactions. Such a powder lays down in a thin layer and completely hides imperfections. In addition, mineral powder is quite stable and able to last all day without adjustment.

Before applying this cosmetic product, it is necessary to prepare the skin by cleansing it, then apply a moisturizer. After that, with a makeup brush, in a circular motion from the hairline to the chin, apply thin layer mineral powder.

What is translucent powder used for?

Suitable for professional makeup. Due to its transparency, it can be applied both after applying the usual one, and instead of it. But do not get carried away with it, otherwise the face will become too white.


This type of powder is used to give the face a shimmer. It is best to use a shimmer for evening make-up. Powder should be applied to certain areas of the face - cheekbones, chin, forehead.

You should not completely powder your face during the day, creating an additional layer of powder, you can get plasters. If it is still necessary, then it is better to blot your face with a dry cloth and a puff with the minimum amount powder lightly touch the skin.

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