About pregnancy from a to z. It's just amazing! Curious facts about pregnancy and childbirth

Usually pregnancy lasts from 266 to 294 days, and childbirth - no more than 18 hours. But there are less common facts about pregnancy and childbirth…. They break stereotypes and inspire optimism even in the most restless.

Count until birth

In Korea, a person's age includes 9 months. intrauterine life, and in India, the birthday is considered the day of conception.

Iron is the only mineral commonly prescribed. The equivalents of these drugs may be better tolerated by the patient. Pregnant woman consuming enough fresh food, does not need other vitamins or mineral supplements.

Generally speaking, this should be approximately 65 kg at 10 weeks, 4 kg at 20 weeks, 5 kg at 30 weeks, and 5 kg at 40 weeks. In these cases, psychiatric counseling can be extremely helpful. Hospitalization may be required to correct an electrolyte imbalance or for investigation.

Smarties and smarties

Some studies suggest that children conceived in autumn or winter tend to high level intellect. So, the kids planned in spring and summer are leading in other indicators!

Weight doesn't matter

Parents of newborns tend to worry if the baby's weight does not match. Meanwhile, the smallest girl, and her twin sister, already go to school and do not differ from their peers. Twins weighing 260 and 600 grams were born in 2004 in Medical Center Loyola University, Illinois.

Pregnancy Week 3 - Moment of fertilization

Criteria and procedures for the provision of services. External diagnostic diagnostic manuals. Tiny sapling - this is what yours looks like future child. The egg has just been fertilized by sperm, and over the next seven days it will divide into several cells, not increase in size, but start a long trajectory. She will lower the chest and continue on her way to the uterus. During this third week and the next, the eggs will feed on the nutrients present in the uterine horn and uterus. Just you have an idea, at this very moment your child is measuring about 0.15mm, the size of the head of a pin.

Do you consider those born with a weight of more than 4 kg to be heroes? Obstetrics knows the case of the birth of a child weighing 10.2 kg (height 76 cm)! The event took place in 1955 in Italy.

... and calendars lie

The actual date of birth coincides with the estimated date only in 10% of cases. Scientists have proven that it is not scary if childbirth begins a little earlier or later than the period set by the doctor (within the normal range, of course).

Even though they are so small, their formation is already set up that there will be fetal parts, a placenta, and a water bag. The most important thing now is to beat your anxiety. It is too early for you to realize that you are pregnant. Nausea, fatigue and frequent urination - classic symptoms early pregnancy- will appear only in the coming weeks. But this is, of course, very variable. There are women, for example, who spend the first weeks of pregnancy without any nausea. Others realize that there is something else about them because they begin to hate foods and even smells before they worship.

They are real!

Those who have medical indications To caesarean section, it is useful to know that every third child appeared to the world in this way.

Don't need DNA

Everything will be but not immediately

Thanks uncle

The life of Pablo Picasso was saved by a case, outrageous by modern standards. The fact is that the midwife considered Pablo stillborn and was about to tell his mother. Meanwhile, the cigar-smoking uncle blew smoke into the baby's face, causing the future genius to make a displeased grimace and utter his first cry.

Usually during this period also occurs slight bleeding, which is a consequence of by-catch, when the blastocyst penetrates the uterine mucosa, initiating its development. There is nothing to worry about because everything is going well. We've put together in this post everything you need to know about those long nine months of pregnancy.

Folic Acid - 400mcg daily proven folic acid per day during pregnancy is reduced from 50% to 70% of the incidence of congenital defects in the closure of the nursery neural tube. Doula - Of Greek origin, doula means "a woman who serves." He explains: Some women have been serving other women during childbirth for centuries and have proven that the support of another woman is positive influence in the labor process. Doula is a trained professional who provides emotional, physical and information support for women who are expecting a child, in labor or who have recently given birth.

Children of the sea

Salt concentration in amniotic fluid ax is equal to the concentration of salt in the waters of the ocean. There are many explanations for this, including the confirmation of some theories about the origin of mankind.

For one push...

... a resident of Great Britain gave birth to a healthy daughter. After the discharge of amniotic fluid, the path of the baby to the world took only minutes. Both the husband and the obstetricians were surprised. The weight of the baby was 3500g.

It is worth remembering that the doula does not perform any medical procedure or in you or your child. It does not replace any of the professionals traditionally involved in supply chains. Do it for you and your child. During pregnancy, you will experience a different explosion, much richer in detail. Pregnant when she cries, cries a lot; when annoying; all in the horses to dose and the poor who are nearby. If your husband complains and make him read the whole damn text.

After that, he will think for a bit before mumbling and maybe even give you chocolate to lessen the effect of the bomb. Idealization of motherhood - We build one in our head and become very frustrated when reality doesn't match the plan exactly. Don't hold on to it to be a mother daily training and is unique to each person. Don't create so much or guard absolute truths, you know how your child will behave, how you will react, how the marriage will adapt.

There is no limit to motherhood

How many can you give birth? The question is rhetorical. So far, Elizabeth Greenhill from Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, UK, is considered to be the mother of the record. She gave birth to 32 girls and 7 boys! And that was in the 17th century...

READ ALSO: Myths, horror stories and misconceptions about pregnancy and childbirth.

Work is 9 months, sometimes a little less or a little more, so there. Kegel - Kegel exercises strengthen muscles pelvic floor. The higher the strength and elasticity of these muscles, the better the work and recovery of the perineum after the birth of a child from normal delivery. It has an app to help remember to exercise.

Fluids - Pregnant or not, we know that fluid intake is very important for our health. Proper fluid intake is importance to reduce swelling, so common during pregnancy, and to improve digestion and absorption nutrients for a child.

A selection of videos from interesting facts about pregnancy and childbirth:

Pregnancy is normal physiological process. The body of every woman was created by nature to bear a child. However, different women the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy can differ significantly, and even in one girl, the second pregnancy can differ significantly from the first.

Maternity suitcase - If you will have a baby in maternity hospital or in maternity do not forget to think. So when to do the child's suitcase also do. Obstetrician - the obstetrician will be yours best friend during those nine months. So ask your friends and feel free to change if you feel like it's not giving you enough attention. all you have questions, even those that you might consider rather silly.

Labor - How to tell if it's time? One of the biggest questions pregnant women recognize is every step is a welcome moment. An ultrasound is a safe and non-invasive way to know if it's okay with you and your baby. Mother sites and communities grow in the blink of an eye and you need to have common sense, to separate the opinions that interest you and are beneficial to those who are a pure trap. Let's face it, you'll need a bathroom in the middle of a free show or right after you leave the house.

It is very important that future mom and her husband understood what was normal in such a situation, and what could be an alarming symptom. This will allow them not to worry in vain, but in time to seek help in case of a real threat.

general information

Women learn about the onset of pregnancy in different ways. Some plan it, looking forward to the birth of a new life and rushing for a test in the first days of delay.

IN daytime 352 people will come out and it looks like it curves at night. Yoga - yoga, pilates and water aerobics are favorite activities for expectant mothers, but my yoga friends tell me it's a wonderful activity to prepare the body for the changes every month and for the birth. This not only helps you physically, but is also a way to learn breathing techniques and relax your mind.

At the end of the 33rd week of pregnancy, the belly will soon grow as the baby begins to prepare for birth. And from this week, a pregnant woman should know about frequent symptoms during this period of pregnancy and may experience stomach pain, burning and discomfort.

And others have suspicions (which are later confirmed at a gynecologist's appointment) due to a delay in menstruation, nausea in the morning, the unexpected appearance of new taste preferences and other signs. Also, pregnancy can go unnoticed until enough late dates when fetal movements begin.

Having learned about pregnancy, a woman needs to contact specialists as soon as possible. This will make it possible to make the necessary adjustments to her lifestyle in time, reduce possible threats to a minimum and undergo important examinations.

This is due to the growth of the uterus, which can press on the stomach, causing heartburn and reducing appetite. According to doctor and surgeon Dr. Sergio Barrichello, who is also a specialist endoscopist and weight loss specialist, stomach pain may be more intense in pregnant women who have already had reflux, gastritis or ulcers.

The growth of the child leaves the stomach compressed and, consequently, it becomes less food. For this reason, a pregnant woman may tend to swallow large amounts. And when you lie down after eating, you can taste the sour taste in your mouth. All these discomforts are caused by the return of stomach contents, reflux, he explains.

Examination may reveal indications for termination of pregnancy. How less term the less traumatic will be the consequences of such an intervention. That is why every woman who is sexually active should be aware of all the signs of pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be diagnosed after 7-10 days from the moment of fertilization using a blood test from a vein for hCG hormone. It is usually used by women who are looking forward to getting pregnant.

According to the evolution of pregnancy, there is less space left for the baby, resulting in a strong stomach sensation. During this period digestive system also slower, and the pregnant woman must adapt to the consumption of easily digestible food, the doctor adds.

In addition, stomach pain can occur in any region of the abdomen because the organs are compressed by the uterus, which grows to an average of four centimeters per month. A pregnant woman should avoid carbonated foods because they tend to bulk up the belly and further compress the internal organs, causing pain, the encoppista advises.

Women measuring basal body temperature and leading her schedule, can learn about conception by raising the temperature to 37 degrees and above.

Most feature- delayed menstruation. However, it must be remembered that it can be caused by other reasons.

Sometimes in violation menstrual cycle the delay may not be noticed. Rarely during pregnancy bloody issues do not stop, but this is an anomaly, which usually indicates the threat of interruption.

What can be done to ease the pain? There are several factors that compromise the digestive tract during pregnancy, causing great discomfort. However, following some recommendations, you can reduce these sensations. To help, try splitting meals, eating several times a day and small quantities preferring light meals that help bulk up your stomach, Barrichello recommends.

Other measures, such as chewing slowly, avoiding fatty foods that are more likely to cause indigestion, rather than swallowing liquids with meals, help relieve symptoms. In addition, wearing comfortable clothes, which does not tighten the stomach and does not choose a higher pillow before bed, can also contribute a lot at this stage. The endoscopist warns against using painkillers to relieve pain.

From the second week of pregnancy there is an increase in urination. This is due to hormonal changes.

Another companion of pregnancy is toxicosis, which is especially often manifested in the form morning sickness However, not all women suffer from it.

A pregnant woman can only take medication after consulting a doctor. Self-medication worsens the health of mother and child. It's worth noting that nervousness, anxiety, and restlessness can exacerbate the pain picture, so relaxation and being at rest is essential, he says.

A pregnant woman should have adequate nutrition, exercise regularly, and strictly follow prenatal medical appointments. For controlled and suitable magnification weight during the gestational period, seek a nutritionist, and if in doubt, do not stop talking to your doctor.

Soreness can also talk about pregnancy mammary glands, nipple pigmentation and colostrum secretion. Sometimes, when an egg is introduced into the uterus, implantation bleeding occurs (short-term and scanty).

Girdle pain may be a sign of normal pregnancy, and any pathologies or PMS. That's why this feature is not informative.

Your little stomach continues to round out in your sixth week, and digestive issues and issues can now be added to other worries like heavy legs. Hormones to the max! As a result, the slight inconvenience associated with the increase in hormones was never the same as in the 6th week. Obviously, the situation is very different for women, not to mention the feeling of heavy legs that can start to appear due to the increase in blood volume and therefore pressure. To alleviate them, consider putting your feet high at the end of the day.

A pregnancy test will help resolve all doubts, of which there are now a great many. If the test result is negative, but there are signs of pregnancy, it must be repeated after a period of time recommended by the instructions.

If the suspicions are confirmed, you need to go to the gynecologist, get registered and follow all the recommendations.

During the month and a half of your pregnancy, your stomach starts to get more and more round because your uterus never gets bigger. Your breasts are also transforming: they are bigger, tighter, firmer, and sometimes more sensitive. However, be careful, this does not mean that your pregnancy is now well induced and that you can relax your attention, but the risk of miscarriage is always present. makes him feel.

At this point in your pregnancy, your baby looks even more like a little Martian than small man. Little details that fascinate. During the 6th week of pregnancy, your baby measures about 1.5 centimeters and weighs no more than 4 grams. But now we can clearly see the fascinating little details: tiny fingers, a nasal cavity formed by two small holes, a small tongue, a rough intestine and vertebrae, and even an articulation of the elbow. His members, however, continue to lie slowly.

A suitable period for registration is 6-12 weeks, since the inspection will not reveal anything for more early dates. Exception - difficult cases when it is necessary to take measures to preserve the pregnancy from the first days.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, after registration and up to the 20th week, the gynecologist should be visited monthly. In the period from 20 to 32 weeks, an examination should be done every 2 weeks. From 32 to 40 weeks, weekly observations are necessary.

In case of any changes in well-being and the appearance anxiety symptoms it is worth contacting a gynecologist unscheduled.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, during the first examination, the mammary glands and genital organs of the expectant mother are examined, her weight, height, arterial pressure, dimensions of the pelvis, as well as a vaginal examination and smears are taken. This patient is referred for examination narrow specialists, hardware research and analysis.

Possible difficulties

Management of complicated pregnancy has some peculiarities. Particularly careful monitoring is necessary in such cases as:

  • Late pregnancy (women over 35) – required additional tests, more indications for caesarean section, the risk of non-carrying increases;
  • Rhesus conflict is very important timely diagnosis maintenance therapy, regular tests;
  • The presence of miscarriages in the past - often in similar cases hospitalization is indicated from the first days of pregnancy and bed rest, many measures are taken to preserve it;
  • Availability chronic diseases heart, kidney, blood vessels and other pathologies that are not related to the reproductive system (extragenital) - in addition to observation by a gynecologist, constant observation by a doctor of the appropriate profile (cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc.) is necessary. The risk of fetal pathologies increases, so additional examinations are needed;
  • Postponement of pregnancy - requires hospitalization, observation of specialists, as well as a decision on the need to stimulate labor.

Also, the close attention of doctors requires such cases as:

  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Low water and polyhydramnios;
  • Anomalies in the structure of the pelvic bones or genital organs;
  • Severe toxicosis and severe swelling;
  • Insufficient or excessive weight gain;
  • vaginal bleeding;
  • Low placentation and premature aging.

You should tell your doctor about any unpleasant sensations or unusual states. The specialist will suggest gentle methods that will help minimize discomfort, and reassure if such manifestations are normal.

Even those symptoms that seem minor can be a sign of a serious problem. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and tell your doctor about them.

Examinations and analyzes

Even with normal flow pregnancy, a woman has to take a lot of tests, and in the event of any complications, their list increases.

The Ministry of Health recommends that pregnant women undergo the following examinations:

  1. 5-12 weeks. Blood test for Rh factor and group, infections, biochemical composition, coagulation, hemoglobin level, as well as general analysis urine and swabs for STIs.
  2. 11-13 weeks. To identify malformations, it is recommended to take a blood test, which is supplemented by the results of ultrasound.
  3. 14-20 weeks. Requires re- comprehensive examination. As part of the Down syndrome test, blood is taken for analysis.
  4. 16 weeks. A suitable time to re-donate blood and urine. Close attention is paid to the content of protein in the urine, as well as the level of hemoglobin. In case of detection of serious deviations, a necessary treatment often with hospitalization. Analyzes are carried out until the indicators are normalized.
  5. 25 weeks. Analysis of urine.
  6. 28 weeks. Analysis of urine and blood.
  7. 30 weeks. Re-conducting most of the analyzes that were performed during registration.

In the future, before each visit to the gynecologist, a urine test is taken.

When registering, in addition to laboratory tests need to have an EKG. Also, during pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo ultrasound 3-5 times:

  • 5-6 weeks: To rule out an ectopic pregnancy:
  • 11-12 weeks: first fetal screening for pathology;
  • 22 weeks: condition is assessed internal organs and placenta, as well as the size of the fetus;
  • 32 weeks: doppler to assess placental function;
  • 36-38 weeks: Ultrasound is required for low placentation. The position of the fetus and its size are identified, a forecast is made regarding the timing, and indications for caesarean section are also identified.

Also, from the 36th week, at each examination to study cardiac activity and how uterine contractions affect it, they begin to carry out cardiotocography.

Health problems and diseases

Unfortunately, a pregnant woman is not immune from all diseases. During pregnancy, the load on the organs increases.

This can provoke not only an exacerbation existing diseases, but also the emergence of new ones that can affect different organs. Diseases of the reproductive system can lead to termination of pregnancy, and other ailments can complicate its course and adversely affect the development of the fetus.

The situation is also complicated by the fact that pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of many conventional drugs.

Hormonal changes and weakened immunity contribute to the development bacterial diseases vagina, which can lead to infection of the amniotic fluid, developmental pathologies, and even miscarriage.

Diseases respiratory tract and various colds require immediate treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Many troubles are associated with disruption of work excretory system And digestive tract- diarrhoea, constipation and heartburn.

During pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases, they can become more vulnerable to infections.. One of the most common kidney diseases is gestational pyelonephritis.

Also often suffers the cardiovascular system, which leads to varicose veins, tachycardia, increase or decrease in pressure.

Basic knowledge about the symptoms, terms, and features of the course of pregnancy is necessary for every woman in order to be able to adequately assess her own condition. However, during pregnancy, especially if there are complications, one cannot do without regular monitoring by a gynecologist and examination by other specialists.

The doctor will appoint a pregnant necessary tests, and if a disease is detected, he will advise a sparing, but effective treatment. Good specialist will make every effort to prevent complications, as well as the successful resolution of pregnancy.