Free medicines for seniors. How to get compensation for medications for pensioners - who is entitled to and the procedure for registration. Tax deduction for working pensioners

Any employee at least once in his life got into a situation of being late for workplace, impossibility to enter service or performance job duties quality and on time. Any of these violations can occur for both valid and disrespectful reasons. What the boss considers them depends on how the offending employee will be able to explain what happened.

If you have to write an explanatory note on non-fulfillment of official duties

About the situation that has arisen, he will have to express himself in writing, namely, draw up a document called an explanatory note. This paper is of an explanatory or exculpatory nature.

It should be understood that the explanatory note to the chief is one of the official documents and its execution is carried out according to certain rules. Its content is information serving as an explanation of the reasons for the misconduct or violation. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for the employee to demonstrate his view of the problem (situation) that has arisen, to state the essence of the matter in his own words and to justify himself (if possible) in the eyes of the management.

V correct design an explanatory memorandum of neglect, like any official document, the person who draws it up, namely the employee who committed the violation, is interested. The decision of the management to impose a penalty depends on how successful and competent the presentation of the situation in its presentation will be.

How to do it?

It is very important to try to convey to your superiors the reasons for what happened. Indeed, sometimes there is no employee's fault in a misunderstanding, or it is minimal. If, after considering all the circumstances of the case, the management nevertheless finds the subordinate guilty, disciplinary measures can be applied to him - up to and including dismissal for non-performance of official duties. Therefore, the attitude to the design of the note should be serious.

In certain cases stipulated by law, its compilation is mandatory. In others, it is proposed to explain the situation to the employee on his own initiative. At the same time, you can often hear the question: is the offender obliged to provide an explanatory note?

You should know that this action refers to his rights, not duties. What does it mean? The fact is that the very concept of an explanatory note as such is not in the legislation. The wording of the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation says about "requesting explanations in writing." The employee is obliged to provide them in cases of violation of labor discipline, failure to fulfill his own duties or committing an illegal act. In this case, the oral form of the explanation is not accepted.

On the essence of the document

An explanatory note is drawn up not only in the case of disciplinary violations, but also in other situations. The latter include any action in which it is required to justify. For example - causing damage to work property.

In this regard, it is important to understand the essence of the mentioned document. It consists in a written statement of the incident. The explanatory note does not contain any statements or requests to understand the dispute situation. This is the main difference between it and other official documents, for example, a statement or a report on non-fulfillment of official duties.

Thus, the guilty himself is interested in writing and submitting it to his superiors, since this document gives him a chance to convey to the management in writing own point view of the situation. At the same time, no one has the right to compel him to write such a note. In case of pressure, he can file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Let's talk about the legal framework

Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that an explanatory note must be written by an employee before disciplinary measures can be applied to him (an order has been issued on non-fulfillment of official duties). He is given two days to compose and submit it. In case of non-fulfillment of the specified action, the corresponding act can be formed.

It is important to understand that in the absence of an official explanation of responsibility for the violation, it will still not be possible to avoid it. If the employee does not use his legal right make excuses, it remains his personal problem.

In addition, this document is mentioned in article 247 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It enshrines the provision according to which, in the event of damage to find out the cause of the incident, the requirement for all involved persons to provide written explanations is legal and obligatory. In case of refusal or transfer to the employer, an appropriate act is drawn up. But the official form of this document (explanatory note) has not been approved at the legislative level.

Explanatory note form

This paper belongs to one of the specific forms of business documents. Accordingly, all the rules for the design of such acts when writing it must be observed. You should write on an A4 sheet. The title of the recipient (most often the head of the company) is given in the header of the document, along with the data of the employee himself, his position, and structural unit. Then in mandatory there is the title of the document and the text itself.

There is no approved form of the explanatory memorandum. That is, there are no uniform requirements for filling it out by law in the legislation. But we still give one of them for our readers as a general guideline.

The presentation style used by the employee should be business-like. When writing, it is important to follow the stylistic and grammatical rules of the language. Technical terms and professional slang are allowed, but should not be used. This document should not contain any ambiguity, therefore the text must be written in a logical and clearly verified style. The presentation of what happened is always in the first person, in the correct language, competently, without stylistic and spelling errors.

What is important to mention

All the circumstances that caused the misconduct or violation must be stated in detail. Behavior is independently assessed in terms of legality. All essential circumstances, contributing to the commission of the misdemeanor, must be indicated.

It is necessary to emphasize the recognition or non-recognition of guilt, as well as to fix the opinion of the writer about the consequences of the offense under discussion and his attitude to the forthcoming prosecution. Should you evaluate your actions yourself in the explanatory text? If the employee is admitted to be at fault, this must be indicated, followed by a clarification about the inadmissibility of future similar violations.

Most often, they carry out an explanatory note by hand. Alternatively, you can type it on a computer, but with psychological point view, such a document will cause less confidence in the employer due to some of its stereotyped. The boss may suspect that the meaningful text was simply downloaded (with minimal edits) from the Internet, where there are many examples of explanatory notes for all occasions.

Who and when can demand an explanatory

The one who is directly responsible for the result of the performance of this production task has the right to demand a report from the employee in the event of his failure to fulfill his own labor functions. But the right to demand the writing of an explanatory note on non-fulfillment of official duties belongs only to the head of the enterprise or to the immediate superior.

It was already mentioned above that explanatory notes are compulsorily written in cases of disciplinary misconduct or material damage to the company. It should now be clarified that other situations in which the employer has the right to demand written explanations may be fixed for a particular enterprise. In this case, an explanation can be obtained on the basis of the so-called employer's request.

A document called a requirement is drawn up on a special form and is subject to registration in a separate journal, like any It is provided to the employee under signature indicating the date of transfer. This number allows you to navigate in compliance with the law when drawing up an explanatory note.

In case of possible litigation a duly executed claim will serve as evidence that the employer conducted a procedure for investigating the causes of the incident and made a decision on penalties in compliance with all the provisions of the law. If the employee not only refuses to write an explanatory note, but also to receive a demand, it is necessary to draw up an act about it.

Psychological nuances

It should be borne in mind that failure to complete the assignment may be due to completely different circumstances. Sometimes this happens regardless of employee behavior. If he does not feel any guilt behind himself, this must be convincingly substantiated, accompanied by serious evidence.

It is highly discouraged to try, when writing an explanatory note on non-fulfillment of official duties, to shift the blame or responsibility to other persons, in particular, to the same manager. It is unlikely that given line behavior will find understanding from the authorities.

For example, you made a mistake of carelessness due to not feeling well... You can write that the cause of the misconduct was overwork, but it should not be emphasized that the initial factor was the long absence of leave due to the fault of the same boss.

What else should be in the text

The standard ending of the explanatory is a recognition of the awareness of the consequences of the act and a promise to make every possible effort to correct the situation, as well as an assurance that similar mistakes are inadmissible in the future.

From misses in labor activity None of the employees are insured - from novices to experienced workers. Errors are the consequences of the most different reasons, which can be both objective and subjective. Each of them should be described in detail in the explanatory text, all the circumstances and prerequisites of what happened are described in sufficient detail.

You should not blame your colleagues for what happened, but in the absence of guilt, artificially inventing it is also not recommended. The circumstances stated in the document must correspond to the real ones.

Other reasons for writing explanatory

If an explanatory note is written for such a type of offense as being late, then it should be understood that this event is a disciplinary offense and the reasons for its commission must be explained. If the circumstances of the case are recognized by the management as valid, punishment can be avoided. Otherwise, the latecomer will face disciplinary action.

The explanatory note for such a case refers to personnel documents. It should be handed over directly to the manager or to the HR department (HR department). If we are talking about absenteeism, which is understood by law to mean absence from the workplace for the entire shift or 4 hours in a row within one day (shift), then we can assume termination of the employment agreement.

That is why in in this case the employee is particularly interested in providing an acceptable explanation for their actions. Documented the following reasons: illness of the employee himself or his loved ones, an accident, the death of a family member, an accident or natural disaster. Moreover, any of these reasons should be documented.

Is it possible not to write a note and what is the threat?

As already mentioned, this action is not required. The employee himself is primarily interested in writing it in order to make a positive decision to resolve the situation. Articles 193 and 246 of the Labor Code propose the refusal to provide an explanatory record with the help of a special act. But the chances of avoiding punishment are naturally significantly reduced. Refusal to write does not bear any other specific consequences.

By depriving yourself of the opportunity to express your personal opinion and provide your vision of the situation, most often you will not achieve mitigation of disciplinary sanctions (for example, cancellation of a reprimand for non-performance of official duties). Indeed, to any leader, such a refusal will seem unwillingness to admit his own guilt or mistake, especially in those cases when it is obvious.

Explanatory letter is a normative internal corporate act, the writing of which is allowed in free form.

However, there is a certain structure and guidelines for completing this document. First of all, these are the use of business and official style in the text.

In what cases is an explanatory written

In essence, explanatory notes are documents explaining the reasons for certain facts, and are written in cases of a disciplinary offense, to a greater extent in labor relations, belongs to the second group of explanatory notes for OKUD.

In the all-Russian classifier of management documentation, a unified form of "explanatory note on violation of labor discipline" is designated, has the code 0286091 and belongs to the class 0286000 "Documentation for the registration of disciplinary sanctions".

Explanatory notes are drawn up on a white sheet of A4 format, both in written format by hand and in printed form. Moreover, in some companies there are special forms for explanatory notes.

In some cases, explanatory notes include attachments. As a rule, they are used medical certificates, documents from the place of study, etc., which can confirm a valid reason for the misconduct.

Such notes can be either exculpatory, where the cause-and-effect relationships of an incorrect action or inaction are described, as well as explanatory, where clear details of the incident are prescribed, while the employee himself is not guilty in this case.

The explanatory note addresses aspects such as:

  • Being late
  • Absenteeism
  • Theft
  • Company Regulatory Violations
  • Drunk into the workplace
  • Amoral behavior

Requirements for filling

According to Russian legislation, an explanatory note is written in the name of the manager and transferred to the immediate supervisor structural unit in which the compiler works.

In the event that the employer has decided to apply a disciplinary sanction, an order or order is drawn up. Within three working days from the date of publication, this order must be announced to the employee against signature. If the employee refuses to get acquainted with him, a corresponding act is drawn up.

The explanatory note has the following structure:

  • The header of the document, which indicates the name of the organization, the official to which this document is sent.
  • The name of the document in this case is "Explanatory Note"
  • Application date and registration number
  • Subject of the statement (reason etc. regarding, oh and so on)
  • Main text
  • Name, surname, patronymic and position of the compiler and his signature

V business style it is important to apply sustainable business practices, which in some cases are enshrined in legislation.

In this case, it is necessary that the document being filled out meets several requirements at once:

  • reliability;
  • objectivity;
  • consistency;
  • argumentation;
  • brevity;
  • clarity;
  • unambiguity;

An important point of intra-company business correspondence is the fact that all documents must be registered.

In this case, the registration of such documents is carried out in accordance with the order of the head. After the manager has studied all the circumstances of the violation and made a decision about further action, the signature is put.

Procedure and rules for filling

The explanatory note has enough simple structure, which must contain the following data:

  • The name of the structural unit
  • To the head of the department organization Resolution
  • FULL NAME. EXPLANATORY NOTE on violation of labor discipline
  • FULL NAME. employee, job title
  • Subdivision name
  • Date of commencement of employment
  • Type of violation
  • Description of the reasons, circumstances of the violation
  • Date of violation
  • Employee position
  • Signature / Signature decryption

Thus, as such, there is no regulatory form of an explanatory note, each company independently prescribes the necessary requirements.

However, the explanatory memorandum should include two main parts:

  • actual- here it is important to indicate the facts that served as the reason for the writing of this document
  • causal- here it is necessary to register the cause-and-effect relationship.

The practice of using explanatory notes is also used in educational process in case of violations committed by students in educational institutions.

Sample Explanatory Note

To the director of LLC "Romashka" P.P. Krasina from the administrator trading floor N.V. Kornevoi

Explanatory letter
Regarding the broken showcase of the sales area on July 7, 2015 I, Natalya Vladimirovna Korneva, on July 7, 2015, while placing the goods in the central showcase of the sales area, did not calculate my own strength and touched the glass of the showcase door. I do not find my fault in what happened.

I think the reason for this is the incorrect organization of the work of the salesroom employees, since when placing large-sized goods, according to the internal regulations, a male administrator should be involved, while all men work in a different shift. I ask you to pay attention to the organizational structure of the company.

Thus, it is important to remember the following:

  • The use of a business style is required.
  • When writing an explanatory note, you must adhere to a certain structure and indicate the necessary data.
  • After writing the document, you need to register it.

Elena Noskova

I have been in the profession of an accountant for 15 years. She worked as a chief accountant in a group of companies. I have experience in passing inspections, obtaining loans. I am familiar with the spheres of production, trade, services, construction.

A correctly drawn up document that explains the cause of errors in work or violations of labor discipline allows the employee to justify his actions, and the manager - to determine the degree of guilt of the subordinate.

No matter how hard workers try different spheres, in production, in an office, at a construction site, in an office or department, sooner or later each of them has a situation in which they have to explain their actions (or inaction) to the employer, having formalized their thoughts in writing.

A document explaining the reasons for an incident, event or action of employees is called "explanatory letter"(abbreviated - "Explanatory").

The presence of an explanatory one allows you to find out all the circumstances in which mistakes or misconduct were committed, to determine the employee's guilt in the incident.

There are many reasons why a manager may require a subordinate to describe the incident in an explanatory note. Among the most common:

  • being late
  • no show
  • absence from work
  • unauthorized leaving before the end of the working day (shift)
  • refusal to perform duties
  • mistakes in work
  • malpractice
  • identification of violations by the commission, verification
  • violation of labor discipline

You should not immediately accept the manager's proposal to write an explanatory one with hostility. Written explanatory - a statement by the employee of his own vision of the situation. This document will not allow the authorities to interpret everything in their own way and punish an innocent subordinate.

IMPORTANT: The Criminal Code of Russia warns that no one is obliged to testify against himself. Therefore, if the facts set out in the explanatory document confirm the employee's guilt, he is not obliged to write it.

If the supervisor does not receive an explanatory letter within 48 hours after the employee was asked to provide it, he has the right to apply disciplinary punishment.

IMPORTANT: All explanatory notes are "attached" to the employee's personal file and are kept for 75 years.

Every employee can find out in whose name an explanatory note should be written. To do this, just look at the "Internal Labor Regulations". There are clearly marked managers in whose direct subordination the employee is. The explanatory note must be written in the name of one of these people.

If a group of workers is assembled from different departments, then all these people for the duration of the work assignment are subordinate to the group leader. Consequently, the manager may require an explanatory note to be written in his name.

How to start, finish an explanatory note, what to write in an explanation: rules for writing explanatory notes, instructions for writing

There are no strict rules for the design of the explanatory document, the form of the document is relatively free. But there are several conditions that must be met when writing:

  • Above in the right corner indicate to whom and from whom the note is intended (indicating the full name, positions and name of the enterprise).
  • In the middle of the line: "Explanatory".
  • Further, from the paragraph, the text itself is in free form indicating the exact time, date and circumstances of the incident (in the first person).
  • After the explanatory text, the employee has the right to place attachments in which the facts are briefly collected, confirming his innocence.
  • Below, starting from the left corner: the position of the employee, then - the signature and transcript.
  • The last, in the left corner, is the date - the day when the explanatory note is drawn up.

IMPORTANT: When explaining the reasons for the incident, it is advisable for the employee to adhere to an official business style, without using profanity. At the same time, it is incorrect to demand from a subordinate a certain style or brevity of the text.

How to Write an Explanatory Note at Work for Absence from Work: Sample, Template, Examples

It will not be possible to avoid explaining to the superiors about the absence from the workplace. The management will rightfully demand to write an explanatory note, because absenteeism without a good reason is a violation of labor discipline.

In the explanatory note, you must indicate the reason for the absence. It is advisable if it turns out to be respectful, and even better, if the employee can provide documents confirming the absence from the workplace. These can be certificates, checks or other official papers with the date and time of the employee's absence, confirmed by a signature and seal.

IMPORTANT: You cannot give false information, indicate incorrect facts, because the employer can check the data received in the explanatory note.

The most common reason for the absence from work in the explanatory indicate:

  • illness or urgent need to visit a doctor
  • accident, car breakdown
  • weather
  • the need to urgently eliminate the consequences of flooding in the apartment

Sample explanatory about absence from the workplace:

  1. Full name of the head in the upper right corner (for example: “Director of LLC“ Yuzhny Bereg ”Alexander Alekseevich Samuilov”.
  2. One line below - your data: "from the accountant Silina Natalya Timofeevna."
  3. Below center: Explanatory.
  4. From the paragraph of the next line: “On 02/28/2018, I was absent from work due to the fact that a pipe burst at a neighbor from above, and my apartment was flooded. I discovered it at 8.00. She immediately called a repair team and tried to save her own property from damage. A team of workers arrived an hour and a half after my call, and they started working to fix the leak at about 10.00. The renovation was completed at 13.30. Since my working day lasts until 14.00, I did not have time to come to work. Attached to the explanatory note is a certificate from the housing office confirming the breakthrough of the heating pipe and the fact that it was being repaired. "
  5. The last line: "1.03.2018, signature, Silina N.T."

How to correctly write an explanatory, explanatory note so as not to be punished: tips

A correctly drawn up explanatory note will help to avoid punishment for a violation.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that the employee who writes the "explanatory" note already agrees that in the future he will be accused of what happened. But if you write "explanatory" or "explanatory" - he will be found not guilty. This is a misconception, so you should not come up with new names for the explanatory note, but it is better to correctly compose its text.

The success of the explanatory memorandum depends on the accuracy of adherence to such rules:

  • The information should clearly and concisely explain the situation.
  • The style of the note should be business-like. Ornate phrases and eloquent phrases are inappropriate in the explanatory text.
  • In no case should you try to shift your blame onto another employee or hide significant facts.
  • At the end of the story, apologies and promises to continue to be more attentive will be appropriate.
  • Should be used to write explanatory clear sheet, write legibly and neatly.

IMPORTANT: When composing an explanatory text, it is better to refrain from using words that have doubts about the correctness of the spelling. You must make sure that there are no mistakes in writing, or replace this word with a synonym.

If the employee makes a mistake, he will have to write an explanatory letter, regardless of what caused his inattention. Most mistakes at work are due to fatigue, stress, inattention, or lack of experience. Any of these reasons can be specified in the explanatory note. The main thing is to promise at the end of the note to continue to be more attentive, and to make efforts in life to ensure that this does not happen again.

How to write an explanatory note at work about a complaint: sample, template, examples

Explanatory letter

A complaint about an employee can be left by clients who are dissatisfied with the level of service or the quality of the services provided. It is more difficult to write an explanatory one about a complaint than an explanatory one about any other reason.

The text of the note should reveal the problem, truthfully describe the current situation and justify the employee. On the other hand, explanatory notes of this kind must necessarily contain words of remorse and a promise not to allow similar situations in the future.

But what to write if it was the client who initiated the conflict, and the employee does not see his own fault in what happened?

  • You should think carefully about your explanation or consult a lawyer.
  • There is no need to admit that it is impossible to verify and prove.
  • In the text, it is possible to mention the integrity and diligence of the employee, the absence of disciplinary punishments in the past.
  • Draw the employer's attention to any extenuating circumstances available.
  • Make yourself a photocopy of an explanatory note.

IMPORTANT: If the explanatory will describe objective circumstances that justify the employee in the current situation, with very likely he will be able to avoid punishment.

Disciplinary misconduct- non-fulfillment or insufficient (improper) fulfillment of labor duties without good reason. The punishment for committing a misdemeanor is provided for in Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • comment
  • rebuke
  • dismissal

For employees of the prosecutor's office, customs and civil servants, the law provides for stricter penalties, including deprivation of ranks, demotion, warning of non-compliance, and others.

But in order to punish an employee for a misconduct, the employer will have to prove:

  • illegal actions of an employee
  • the very fact of an employee's misdemeanor
  • the employee's fault

Therefore, when writing an explanatory note, the employee needs to think over his every word. Otherwise, the employer will be able to use even the smallest "lead" to punish a subordinate for misconduct.

IMPORTANT: You cannot bring an employee to responsibility for a misconduct if the document of familiarization with the provision that he violated does not contain his signature.

Workplace accident- unintentional, sudden stop of the process, which can result in injury, death, loss of material or other damage.

Depending on the type of incident and the employee's fault in it, punishment will follow. V best case it will be a reprimand and loss of the bonus, and at worst, dismissal.

The explanatory note should truthfully describe the incident, noting their role in it. In this case, it is important to indicate the exact time. In some cases, it is better to write the text together with a lawyer.

If a check at work revealed violations, it will not be possible to avoid written explanations. But you can go unpunished only if such violations were discovered for the first time, and the employee himself enjoys trust and respect.

In any case, in the explanatory note, you need to repent and promise that in the future the violations will be corrected and will never be repeated.

However, if the violations were not revealed for the first time, there is nothing to hope for - the well-deserved punishment will not keep itself waiting long, regardless of what is written in the note.

Writing an explanatory note is not at all difficult, especially since some special form is not required for it. But the accuracy and brevity of the text, sincerity, accuracy of writing and the absence of grammatical errors can help to avoid punishment or mitigate it.

Video: How to write an explanatory note at work correctly and correctly?

In life, an unforeseen situation may arise, in which you cannot do without. But how can you arrange it correctly? In this article, we will consider how exactly the attributes must certainly be reflected in this business document, and also touch on the basic rules for filling out explanatory notes.

An explanatory note is a document

An explanatory note is a business document that collects explanations from all parties to the conflict. However, it should be understood that this document is not a basis for referring to a requirement for guidance. It will simply not simply reflect the essence of the problem.

Usually, an explanatory note is asked to show, violation of work discipline, etc. But at the same time, many have never even thought about how to correctly draw up an explanatory note. To make sense of this issue, you can go in 2 ways:

  1. In the search engine, ask the query "how to correctly compose an explanatory note" and choose the most suitable option(In your opinion)
  2. Explore this article and get information about the correctness of drawing up an explanatory note for all occasions

Please note that there is one basic rule when writing an explanatory memorandum. It is a typical rule of business correspondence and its observance should be as follows:

  • The note should reflect the main idea business style problems without profanity and vernacular
  • Reliability of the specified information and its summary
  • The explanatory is written in the first person with a logical and consistent structure of the sentence, keeping the chronology
  • At the end, the document must be endorsed with a signature and date of preparation.

The need for the form and form of the explanatory note

Explanatory note: sample

There is no standard form for the explanatory note, it is simply not approved. Therefore, the note is written in free form. But in case you have no idea how to write an explanatory note correctly, then it is better to use the sample explanatory note on our website.

It is noteworthy that some organizations have approved their own explanatory memorandum form. This is not prohibited by the legislation of our country, which means that you will have to use exactly the form that the company offers you.

Sample explanatory note to the management of the organization

Using the example of an explanatory note to the management of the organization due to being late or absenteeism, consider how you still need to draw up such a document? Take, for example, a situation where an employee is late for work or even decided to take a day off for himself, which would be considered absenteeism. What, then, to write?

In general, filling out an explanatory note will look something like this:

  1. You should write your full name in the upper right corner of the sheet. official to which the explanatory note is sent. For example, LLC Vishenka Ivanov Ivanovich
  2. Slightly below, under the addressee, you must indicate from whom the note was written. Those. indicate your data. For example: from the chief economist Levochkin Yevgeny Romanovich.
  3. Stepping back a little further, in the center of the sheet you need to write the name of the document. Namely: Explanatory.
  4. The main body of the note. In this part of the explanatory note, it is necessary to clearly and clearly reflect the reason for the absenteeism, which now the management of the enterprise requires to be clarified.
  5. Completion. At the end, you must put the date of drawing up the document and your signature. For example: 06/29/16, E.R. Lyovochkin


An explanatory note will have to explain the reasons for the violation

An example of the main part of an explanatory note should look something like this: 06/28/2016 I did not show up at the workplace for a good reason - a sewage break in the apartment. As a result of an emergency, I had to call the emergency services and also take mitigation measures as a result of the accident.

The emergency service arrived on call only after 4 hours, i.e. at 13.25 local time. A team of specialists began repair work at 13.40. They were able to fix the problems only after 3 hours and 45 minutes. By that time, the working day was already coming to an end. Leave the apartment for the duration renovation works I could not, because I live myself. Accordingly, besides me, no one else could provide plumbers access to my apartment.

I could not call and warn the management of the enterprise where I work, due to the absence mobile phone... And when calling from a landline, some kind of interference occurred, because of which I could not get through to work. I attach a certificate to the explanatory note, which confirms the validity of the accident and the repair work in my apartment.

The compiled explanatory note is sent for consideration to the head or who is authorized in these matters. He, in turn, examines the filed document and attaches his resolution on the adoption of specific measures in relation to this employee.

If the manager has decided to apply a disciplinary sanction to the employee, then the explanatory note will be attached to the case in the form of evidence.

Explanatory to school

An explanatory note is written to the name of the head

In principle, the explanatory note to the school is practically no different from the note that is provided by the employee at the place of his employment. The main hallmark an explanatory note to the school will be the official:

  • Classroom teacher
  • Head teacher
  • Director

Let's look at how it is more correct to write an explanatory to school:

  1. "Hat", i.e. at the top in the right corner of the sheet you need to indicate the addressee. For example, the Director of the school №1 Kuzmin Alexei Viktorovich.
  2. "From whom". Then you prescribe this: from a student of 11-B grade Lavrenko Irina Anatolyevna. If the note is written on behalf of the student's parent, then it must be written from gr. Lavrenko Larisa Vitalievna
  3. Main part. Here, in the text, it is necessary to explain the reason for being late for school.


Suppose that the student's mother wrote the explanatory note, then its content should be as follows:

“I, Lavrenko Larisa Vitalievna, mother of 11-B grade student Lavrenko Irina Anatolyevna, can provide explanations regarding her skipping school lessons. Waking up in the morning, my daughter complained of an acute toothache, and we went with her to the dentist's appointment. After providing assistance, the doctor said that my daughter needed some peace and that it would be better for her to go home. In this regard, the child did not show up for classes on 10/12/2016. I attach the certificate issued by the dentist to the explanatory note. "

Usually, such explanatory notes are written in the name class teacher... But that's not the point. The main thing is to figure out who exactly the note will be addressed to, and only then start drawing it up.

Ability to correctly compose explanatory note won't hurt anyone. However, if behind your back there is already a repeated delay or omission, then perhaps it is time for you to think and work on your punctuality. After all, this will help you to improve your reputation for the better.

How to write an explanatory note? Teaches a video tutorial:

The statement that work is work does not mean that communication in a team should be based solely on the exchange of papers. Whatever one may say, most of the information we still learn from conversations with colleagues. But there are situations in the life of the collective, in which one cannot do without "officialdom". Then there will be no time for lengthy narratives on an abstract topic, the authorities will arrange only a specific explanation of the reasons. We will tell you how to write an explanatory note for a job, as well as all the nuances of this issue further.

Normative base

The explanatory form is often found in Everyday life, even if the happening is far from work problems. As for the relationship in labor collective, then they rely primarily on the norms of the Labor Code. This type of document, as an explanatory note for a job, is found in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation several times:

  • In article 193, how mandatory step before the application or refusal of a disciplinary penalty for a misdemeanor (absenteeism, delay, damage to property, official misunderstanding);
  • In article 229.2, as one of the evidence, when conducting an investigation of injuries or other accidents in the workplace;
  • In Article 247, as a basis for establishing the degree of guilt in causing material or non-material damage to the enterprise.

In all cases, the code says that an explanatory note for a job must be submitted in writing. An exception was made only for remote employees, they can submit it as an electronic document with digitally signed, Art. 312.1 TC.

Types of explanatory notes

It is difficult to list all the many circumstances on which the bosses may have questions. Basically, they relate to the facts of violation of the internal labor regulations or non-standard incidents. Here are just the most common reasons to ask for an explanation:

  • The established fact of absence from work all day or part of it, in total exceeding 4 hours (it must be said that the explanatory note for - is obligatory for the employer to claim if, based on the results of its consideration, it is planned to be issued or dismissed);
  • Being late by the beginning of the day or from lunchtime;
  • Misconduct, misconduct, or dereliction of duty;
  • Actions or omissions in difficult situation, deliberate disregard of labor protection requirements;
  • Drinking alcohol in the workplace or being drunk there;
  • Any other act of an employee in which, in the opinion of his superiors, he should justify his behavior.

Since the law does not establish a regulated template for the explanatory memorandum for work, a free form can be used in each individual situation. If only she disclosed all the details of what happened and was understandable to the employer or inspector. It is also a good idea to attach a copy of the document confirming everything written to it. It is clear that there is nothing to attach to the explanatory note, when the employee slept for work, but if the delay happened for a more valid reason, then it is better to take care of the protective paper.

Before issuing a disciplinary order, an explanation must be required from the employee, Art. 193 TC.

Timing of handover of the note

Most often, a written excuse is required from an employee whom they want to be punished in the form of a reprimand or, even worse, dismissal. It is clear that Article 193 of the Labor Code invites the employer to always take into account the seriousness of the offense and the severity of the consequences, but does not describe empirical indicators for such an assessment. Since the primary decision will be made by the manager, in his own way assessing the facts set out by the employee, then the employee himself, before writing an explanatory note at work, it is better to think over each written phrase.

If the severity of the planned penalty comes to a reprimand or dismissal, then the employer must know what steps and in what time frame must be taken so as not to incur inspections and courts:

  1. Record the fact of misconduct.
  2. Give the employee a signature request to write an explanation.
  3. Inform the offender that he has two working days to provide explanations, not counting the day of delivery of the request and days off.
  4. V month term from the date of discovery of the misconduct, issue an order on the application of punishment, regardless of the fact of receiving explanations from the employee.

It is better for the employee who received the request from his superiors not to ignore this document, even if he does not consider himself to be guilty. It is necessary to respond to the management's attack promptly and completely, this will give a serious advantage when contacting a labor inspector or a court.

Making a note

If complications with the authorities have turned into the plane of reclaiming a written excuse, then there is no need to hesitate. For those who have never encountered similar documents, for a sample for an explanatory note for work, you can take a template of any statement. Leave the "cap", in which the recipient of the paper is indicated, unchanged, and change the title to the word "explanatory".

In the "body" of the document, you need to describe everything that prevented the employee from timely and correctly fulfilling his labor duties... And although the drafting language should be as business-like as possible, there is no place for a formal approach. Especially if the circumstances are far from standard. At the same time, the employee should restrain his impulses and emotions so that the document reflects events and reasons, and not complaints and empty accusations.

It may happen that the situation is simple and its explanation is just as simple, and the alleged punishment is not stricter than a remark (Article 192 of the Labor Code). Then you can contact the personnel officers and ask them for an example of a previously written explanatory note for work.

Absences and lateness

Despite the actively promoted idea that workers who are not constrained by tight schedules work better, in most modern enterprises the time of coming to work and leaving it is strictly regulated. That is why an explanatory note due to being late for work is one of the most common documents in the personal files of personnel.

Late arrival, including due to transport

Delay in itself, if it is not systematic or has not exceeded 4 hours from the start of the working day, cannot become the basis for a serious penalty. But the company may have a rule of claiming an explanatory note even with a one-time delay on the way to the workplace. This can be done, for example, for prevention or for educational purposes.

It is not uncommon to hear about the application of fines for such offenses. The law does not establish the possibility of such influence on employees, art. 192 TC. Rather, it will focus on the deprivation of an employee subject to disciplinary action, all types of incentive payments or a decrease in their value. Although this would seem to be a violation of the requirements of Art. 193 of the Labor Code (on the possibility of using only one type of punishment), many courts do not consider the fact of deprivation of a prize as a disciplinary sanction. This can only be argued if incentive payments were completely deprived for a single violation, then the punishment may be considered excessive.

A separate story, being late for work due to transport. In this case, the explanatory note will look more convincing if you attach supporting documents to it. They can be issued by:

  • In the traffic police service, if a person got into an accident or witnessed it;
  • In the hospital, if the employee himself was injured as a result of a transport accident;
  • At the police station, if the person stayed on the spot to testify.

But even if the delay did not have such dramatic consequences, but became a consequence of the usual "traffic jam", it is necessary to mention this in the explanatory note for work. If such situations are not included in the system, then the likelihood that the employer will enter into a situation increases significantly. An example of an application form can be found on our website.

The reason for dismissal may be a single gross violation of discipline (absenteeism, for example), Art. 81 TC.

Explanation of absence from work

Absence from the workplace for more than 4 hours in one day can be regarded as absenteeism. Moreover, if the employee does not think to inform the boss about the reasons in advance, or as soon as it turns out that the work will have to be skipped. In this case, all the power of persuasion will have to be shown when writing an explanatory note for a job about absence or appearance many hours late.

The reasons for such an omission can be very varied. For example, a visit to a doctor, urgent care a sick relative, communal problems (flooding, short circuiting, jammed locks, failure of the elevator, etc.). Which of this will evoke the greatest sympathy from the employer, the employee himself knows best. That is why, while still sitting in a de-energized elevator, you need to decide how an explanatory note about absenteeism will look like, and how it will be supported.

It is worth thinking hard about this also because absenteeism is considered a gross violation of the labor schedule, and they can be fired because of it without preliminary suggestions, Art. 81 TC, subparagraph 6 a). A sample of the explanatory note for absenteeism is available on our website.

For family reasons

The most precarious starting position for those who missed work time... Since the employee managed to leave without permission, then the explanatory note for the job should contain the most convincing reasons.

The need to leave early from work is more likely to appear among family employees with children of a school or preschool age... Meetings, obtaining certificates from a polyclinic or undergoing examinations, troubles with studies - this is far from a complete set of reasons for taking time off from an employer.

But what if it was not possible to come to an agreement with the authorities in advance, and the secret flight did not remain a secret? In this option, the advantage will be on the side of the lonely or parents with many children, pregnant women or mothers raising children with disabilities. Most likely, they will not be punished, of course, if this has not passed into the system, and before writing an explanatory note, they will conduct an educational conversation at work and will sign a standard warning template. An explanatory model is the same as in the case of any absenteeism. It is your family circumstance that will have to be indicated.

Errors in work or other reasons

As a rule, a conscientious employee will double-check all the actions he has performed at work. This is a forced necessity dictated by the fact that the constant repetition of repetitive tasks inevitably entails the emergence of serious or minor flaws. It is good if the specialist himself identified them, worse if the error became public. Depending on the severity of the consequences of this incident, management may insist on providing the job with an explanatory note about the error.

Justifying reasons

This requirement may be dictated not so much by the strictness of the bosses as by the need to take actions to eliminate the consequences of a production blunder of the subordinate. It is possible that one of them will be material damage to the company. Then, based on the results of consideration of the explanatory, a decision will be made on the recovery of financial losses from the employee or the method of restoring the damaged property.

Of course, elementary carelessness or negligence can become the cause of the error. For example, due to absent-mindedness, the employee did not put a seal on the primary financial document. Then the explanatory note for the job, most likely, will end with a phrase about an admission of guilt and a promise to continue to be more prudent.

The explanation for the refusal to perform the job must be supported by an employment contract or data on unfavorable working conditions. This will avoid punishment under Art. 192 TC.

Non-compliance note

The situation in which the employee does not fulfill his labor functions can also be ambiguous. There are two possible scenarios for the development of events.

The boss found the employee at the moment of obvious disregard for the work assigned to him. Perhaps he is engaged in abstract affairs or simply fell asleep at work, then the person will need an explanatory note with an apology and a proposal to correct the situation.

The situation is more complicated when an employee cannot perform his duties or thinks that he is forced to perform work that is not provided for by his contract. Both that, and another frees him from disciplinary responsibility. The main thing for an employee is to know how to correctly write an explanatory note about the current situation at work. Check out the sample on our website ().

First of all, you need to understand that you can fearlessly refuse to work if:

If the report on this topic did not force the authorities to change their position and they continue to make unlawful demands from the employee, then an explanatory note for work with a description of the same reasons for default will be needed for labor inspection or court. It should be remembered that refusing to do "extra" work does not exempt one from performing basic duties, and the failure to provide safe working conditions does not allow one to leave the workplace.

The boss did not accept the note

Not all misconduct or conflicts in the team reach documenting... Usually, before writing an explanatory note at work, there is an oral part. If the conversations do not lead to anything, the phase of the exchange of official papers begins.

This is where a situation may arise when the employer does not want to receive an explanatory note drawn up according to the model. For example, about being late for work for valid reasons or a reasonable refusal to continue working until the violations are eliminated.

What is the reason for such reluctance and how moral the motives of the actions of the leadership are will remain on their conscience. An employee who has received a request for the need to provide a written explanation must be handed it over at all costs. And, at the same time, do not forget about the signature on the second copy. Otherwise, the employer will have reason to concoct an act on the employee's refusal to explain the reasons for his behavior.

If it was not possible to hand over the paper to the manager personally, you need to immediately go to the post office and send it in a letter with an inventory and notification. And at the same time, you can notify the trade union and the commission for resolving labor disputes about such an act. Of course, this is relevant if the conflict goes too far, and illegal dismissal looms on the horizon.

Any, even the most egregious, misconduct of an employee, quite possibly, has an "iron" justification. That is why, before taking drastic measures, Labor Code instructs the employer to obtain from the employee a document explaining his actions. The offender himself should remember that only a special respect for the reasons, confirmed by documents, will become a guarantee of his protection. But even in such a situation, it is not worth putting a job skip or being late "on stream". After all, then the bosses will have another reason to remind them that they have free time from work to solve personal problems.

Lawyer of the collegium of legal protection. He specializes in handling cases related to labor disputes. Defense in court, preparation of claims and others normative documents to the regulatory authorities.