How to seduce a husband to the point of erotic. How to seduce your own husband: Erotic films. How to seduce a husband with a walk

Many are faced with the fact that having lived for many years in marriage, sex becomes a burden that they no longer really want to do. You already know in advance what and how it will be, uninteresting and boring. What to do with it?

It's worth starting over. If you let everything go downhill, then sexual relations will lead to nothing. After all, a woman, in order for her face to be beautiful, has to use a cream. To make your hair look neat, you need to do hairstyles. So, why, in this case, many do not think that sexual relations should also be worked hard?

What you need to know when going to bed with your loved one:

- No need to go to bed with your husband, put on old pajamas or a shirt. Dress sexy, because the night is full of romance. Let the husband see his wife beautiful and seductive. Even if sex was not planned, the husband will not resist.

Don't think about getting up early tomorrow. After good sex sleep is stronger, and dreams are more pleasant.

“Men love a woman to smell delicious. A subtle, sexy scent wafted out. We need to buy new perfumes, just for the nights. Many, probably, met perfumes with pheromones in the store, and so, this is what you need. A man will not resist, such spirits excite them. But don't overdo it.

- Maybe think about changing the bed, it should be comfortable, then sex will be pleasant for both. If the bed is good, then choose a good one. bed sheets perhaps silk, which would promote romance in your relationship.

How to seduce your husband outside the home?

Go somewhere together, you can visit friends. What is it for? It is in public that your man will notice your beauty and the admiring glances of other men, this will make him jealous. You need to dress beautifully, do your hair, make-up, put on beautiful shoes high heels and definitely stockings. Both of you will drink, you will be liberated. Laugh, joke, it will all benefit your relationship. Seduce your husband, make him want you.

If the couple felt aroused, and both realized that they wanted sex, they should quickly go home. And the faster the better. If this evening everything happens, then both will enjoy. Everything will definitely not be the same as in common days. Both spouses are relaxed. And what the husband will do with his wife will lead them both to ecstasy.

We need to keep researching each other. Even after so many years life together, a woman does not know much about her partner. Women sometimes think why exactly they should bring sex back into relationships. There is only one answer: no one except a woman is capable of this. Men will not invent anything, they do not need it. If they don't like something, they just leave.

So, why don't women try to do so in order to keep their beloved man near them?

Many couples are faced with the fact that sex becomes a routine obligation that no longer brings pleasure. At times like this, something needs to change. Women begin to think about how to seduce a husband.

The magic of seducing a husband

Once upon a time, seduction was considered a special ritual, an art, a skill that girls were specially trained in. A prime example This is served by Japanese geishas. They were told how to seduce men correctly, so that it looked skillful and beautiful.

Despite the fact that now such rituals and traditions are absent, women from generation to generation intuitively assimilated this knowledge. In many cases, seduction is the beginning Great love, long-term serious or just sexual relations. It can also cause a pleasant pastime, which ends very quickly.

For many women, seduction is replaced by love, passion and tenderness. As a rule, a girl associates herself with one man. For him, she tries, because she always wants to be the most desirable, the most beautiful, the sexiest and the most attractive. It is important to make it clear to a man that you also need only him, both in terms of sex and in terms of relationships. How best to do this depends on the preferences of the partner.

Why does the husband ignore his wife?

Years of living together, everyday life, routine can contribute to the disappearance of romance and passion, even if love remains unchanged. A man, like a woman, is very tired after work. There are many problems related to the field of activity, home, repairs, paying bills. When a child appears, all strength and nerves go to him. And there is no room for passion, seduction and tenderness, intimate life fades into the background.

If a woman notices that her husband no longer looks at her as before, you need to act. Do not forget that it should be the most desirable. Seduction never hurt anyone. This effective method, which always has a positive effect on sex and love relationships.

Who is easier to seduce - a husband or a new acquaintance?

If certain man liked a woman, she can interest him, impress him already during the acquaintance. But in relationships and family life everything is much more complicated. The husband sees his wife in any condition, and the handsome man from the bar - with makeup, in attractive clothes and with a brilliant smile.

A husband or boyfriend has to listen to discontent, claims and cries, complaints and insults. He sees his woman without makeup, in home clothes and with an unwashed head. And this is not at all tempting. In addition, you can get rid of a random counter when Bad mood or a difficult day at work. And my wife is always there.

A tired husband who has come home from work is much more difficult to attract and seduce than a casual acquaintance in an institution. Unexpected viewing of pornography or too revealing outfit will be able to enter into a stupor or make the loaded husband laugh. There are a lot of ways. But it is better to be guided by naturalness.

Why do passion and romance disappear?

The beginning of a relationship is accompanied by unforgettable moments. It is full of passion, romance, mercy, tenderness and awe. Random touches, sweet, tender hugs, waiting for a meeting, recognition of feelings - what could be better? If all this disappeared somewhere over time, first of all it is worth analyzing it - why and when did it start to disappear?

How best to seduce a husband from the point of view of psychology

  1. Very often, a man loses interest in his woman due to the fact that everything is monotonous in a relationship. There is no novelty, intrigue, expectation of something unknown, but pleasant. Routine and routine kill passion. You need to find out from your husband about his fantasies, desires. This will help you understand how to surprise and make him happier.
  2. Do not forget that a woman is the keeper of the hearth and home comfort. Even if the husband is in a bad mood, if he is upset, angry and nervous, he should feel good at home with you. Do not yell at the man, do not be offended and do not be angry with him. He loves affection.
  3. Every man shows interest in his beloved. No wonder he chose her. But one day this interest may disappear, or vice versa, but just a man will no longer show it. In this case, the woman should try to understand what has changed in the relationship and where the desire has gone.
  4. If your man had a bad day, or something happened at work, or the fishing didn't go well, don't be afraid to ask, be interested in your husband. Remember how it was after you met, when you found out about each other's interests, what you do, what hobbies you have. Now nothing has changed. Spouses may have new favorite activities. You must have common topics for a conversation. If a man feels that you are interested in him, this will increase the chances of a successful seduction.

Psychological factors will certainly help you understand how to quickly seduce your husband. After all, in order to enter sexual contact, it is necessary to establish psychological.

Classic ways of seduction

If one day a woman suddenly realized that something needed to be changed and seduced own husband, it's time to act. In order for the actions to be effective, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of old things.

Say goodbye to:

  • nasal drops, various ointments and therapeutic agents. Of course, all this does not need to be thrown away. Just hide all the medicines in the first aid kit, because a sick woman does not cause excitement, but pity and sympathy;
  • creaking sofas and faded bed linen These conditions are only a reminder of difficult times and certainly do not excite and do not cause a desire to make love;
  • old worn-out spirits. Of course, if a man loves and appreciates your favorite fragrance, in no case should you get rid of it. But try something new. An unusually sweet, tart or even sugary aroma will definitely not go unnoticed;
  • cotton nighties, old dressing gowns and warm pajamas. Underwear, even sleeping underwear, should always be sexy. It should arouse admiration in a man, should hint at sexuality and excite. Nightwear should not be too provocative or revealing - this is vulgar. But it should emphasize your femininity and attractiveness.

The bedroom is your abode! Get her in order. How can this be done? Get rid of the old bed, which has long become boring. Light the candles, turn on romantic music. Such an atmosphere will make the room more comfortable. It contributes to the emergence of romance, tenderness and passion. Make sure that you and your husband are comfortable in your room and in bed.

Difficult family life

Any relationship takes effort. This is hard work that not everyone can do. Lovers and spouses can swear, scandals and conflicts can arise between them. As you know, one of better ways reconciliation is making love. Seducing a man after a quarrel will help solve all problems.

Anything can happen after years of living together. Interest may disappear, there is a lack of any romance, sex and even feelings. In such situations, spouses may seek solace on the side. There are betrayals that can either destroy relationships or teach you to appreciate a loved one.

It is difficult for couples to recover after cheating. Nevertheless, it helps to correct mistakes and pushes for experiments, which in better side change relationships.

How to seduce a husband at home

Seduction is a whole art, special skills that every woman should master. They will come in handy in any situation - in a relationship with a boyfriend, husband, or even meeting a new man.

At home, seducing a husband is not so easy, but it is quite possible. It must be remembered that a man should not be distracted from work or from what he is passionate about. This can lead to irritation and quarrels. It's important to pick the moment. Light candles, buy wine, cook delicious dinner, put on something special. Your man will certainly appreciate your efforts, will appear romantic atmosphere even at home. The husband must understand that he is loved and desired.

Tricks and secrets will help you seduce him, cheer him up, give freshness and newness to your marriage, and make your husband the happiest on Earth.

A man takes the first steps in a relationship, however, it is the woman who pushes him to take them, constantly seducing and charming his partner. No matter how long a couple has been together, a year or several years, just loving each other is not enough. You need to constantly work on your relationship in order to keep a man, whether it be a husband or a beloved boyfriend.

Suppose, in order to seduce your beloved husband, you need to try again to become interesting for him, you need to work on your appearance and add variety to your sex life.

Often, difficulties in relations between husband and wife arise precisely on sexual grounds, since sooner or later the sexual life either becomes mundane and burdensome, or is simply absent.

Seducing a man is not difficult, the main thing is to follow simple advice. The main thing that all men appreciate is:

1. Modesty. Inaccessible girls at strong half arouse more interest than the vulgar ones.

2. unpredictability. From time to time, you need to surprise the guy with unexpected pleasant deeds. Alternatively, offer to have sex in an unusual place or dance a striptease.

3. Sexuality. The ability to dress modestly, but at the same time sexy is a whole art. With the help of clothes, you can emphasize certain female parts of the body without putting them on display.

4. Confidence. The main thing is not to break the line between confidence and self-confidence. Men do not tolerate arrogance in a woman, but they are impressed by those who know what they want and how to get it.

5.Sociability. The ability of a woman to support any conversation is greatly appreciated. Easy casual communication will allow the couple to relax and feel comfortable in each other's company.

How to seduce your husband in bed

Relations after the wedding from romantic develop into the category of domestic. Husband stops complimenting and calling affectionate words, pays less attention. A woman takes care of herself differently than before, does not pleasant surprises. Over time, the desire of the husband fades away.

Build strong relationships- This great work. Knowing how to conquer and seduce your husband, you can return former passion into relationships, thereby significantly strengthening them.

A woman will need to take time to take care of herself. It is unlikely that you will be able to seduce your husband on nondescript old bedding - the environment of the house will also need to be changed a little. You can seduce your husband light flirting, flirting, exciting words and revealing clothes.

Variety in bed is also important. You should not be limited to intimacy only in the bedroom in the evenings. You can have sex anywhere, anytime. Knowing how to seduce a husband in bed, you can return the passion that was at the beginning of the relationship.

Don't be afraid to experiment: role-playing games, new positions, casual sex, exchange dirty words. Husband will appreciate Erotic massage. You can also use sex toys. A woman needs to make sure that her husband begins to want her every minute and cannot take his eyes off his partner.

How to excite a man by zodiac sign

Astrology is one of the most mysterious and interesting sciences. With the help of horoscopes, you can determine common features character and desire of each astrological species. Knowing who your beloved man is according to the horoscope, you can determine his secret desires, be able to excite and seduce him.

How to Win a Pisces Man

Women who believe in the horoscope can use the secrets of seducing guys of different zodiac signs. When trying to conquer Pisces, it is worth considering that they are indecisive, so the partner will have to take the initiative in the relationship. The main thing is not to overdo it, because obsessive and assertive girls will only scare you away.

When seducing the Pisces guy, you need to constantly admire him, showing interest in his person. He loves excessive attention. It is easiest to win a Pisces man, he is flexible, passive and looking for the one who will lead him through life. These guys love modest girls. In bed, Pisces prefer active partners, so you have to work hard to please.

Libra man how to seduce him

A person born under the sign of Libra is usually unpredictable and unbalanced. It will take a lot of effort to win the favor of such a guy. Libra wants her lover to stand out from other women and look the right way.

Counting on long term relationship, a woman will need to constantly keep herself in shape, regularly surprise her partner, conquer him and endure mood swings. Libra loves those with whom you can both have fun and talk on intellectual topics.

In sex, the majority prefers exotic types of pleasure, for such guys it is very important to bring pleasure to the partner. To seduce a Libra man, you need to be the best, but to completely conquer him, you will need to work on yourself regularly so that your partner’s interest does not fade away.

How can a woman seduce a Leo man?

Lions are distinguished by constancy, they are courageous, courageous and sympathetic. They are not interested in simple women, just like vulgar women. In girls, they appreciate elegance, grooming, sincerity and the ability to present themselves. One important point- Leo man should not be made jealous - this is the wrong tactic in relation to such a type. In sex, they take an active position, so a woman should get used to the fact that her partner will manage the process.

It doesn’t matter which sign men belong to, whether it’s Virgo or Aquarius, Gemini or Sagittarius, everyone wants to see next to them the one that will make them happy and become a faithful companion in life.

How to seduce a man from a distance

With close contact, it is easier to seduce a guy than with words at a distance. Great importance has a well-formed dialogue, so it's a bit difficult to win over a guy. The beginning of the conversation can be built on compliments towards the man.

This must be done sincerely, without flattery. In SMS, you should pay attention to its advantages, for example, high growth muscular body, good looks, etc. After a few days, you can go to new level communication. When communicating on the Internet with the opposite sex, it is worth noting that men are most often the initiators intimate topics. The main thing is to know that there is not a pervert on the other side of the monitor, otherwise the correspondence may end in not entirely pleasant words.

A man can be offered to exchange erotic photos, but it is desirable that all intimate parts are covered - this will turn the guy on more and win his favor. You can find objects of seduction on dating sites or in in social networks. However, you need to be careful, as frequent cases is an acquaintance with unfree men. You should not deal and conquer a married man, it will definitely not end well.

How to excite a guy with words

A phrase uttered with a sigh and a slight groan will turn on a partner very much. It must be natural. Exciting a partner with words, you can accompany speeches with touches. He will easily start up and drag his beloved to bed.

Do not be afraid to ask questions that relate to feelings. The answers will help you understand how much your partner likes what the girl is doing. This great way to recognize the body of a loved one, all his erogenous zones.

Intimate compliments will not only cheer up your partner, but also give him confidence. For example, you can say: “You are so passionate”, “ Your body perfect”, “You give me incredible pleasure”, etc.

There is no need to be embarrassed to repeat in bed “more, more, more ...” - this will motivate the partner, he will want to deliver even more pleasure. You can seduce, excite and win a guy by describing sex and everything connected with it in detail. If a woman has been married for several years, expressing her desires in words, she will certainly get a husband.

The wind of change
Sometimes, when the situation is not very neglected, it is enough just to show a little imagination and change the usual course of things. Your husband is used to seeing you at home in a comfortable sportswear? Meet him in a sexy mini dress and pumps on high heels. Do you usually have sex late at night? Set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier and wake up your loved one with your caresses. Or try not to go home after a working day, but drag your husband to a cafe or. You can even just move the bed (by the way, Feng Shui experts recommend changing the location of the bed every 40 days) or buy chic bedding that you have long dreamed of. In general, it is not so important what exactly you will do, the main thing is to change something in the current scenario of your relationship.

Seductive wardrobe
Of course, favorite and cotton panties are very comfortable. But we want! Spring is the perfect time to put on a dress or add a couple of charming lingerie sets to your wardrobe. And do not forget about stockings - not a single man will remain indifferent to this detail. women's wardrobe. You can make your husband a surprise and appear before his eyes in all its glory, or you can take your loved one to the store and together what will appeal to both him and you.

By the way, try changing the color underwear to the exact opposite. If you usually buy light-colored solid underwear, this time give preference to black or colored sets. Don't be afraid to experiment with colors and styles! Women's magazine JustLady guarantees: bold cuts, unusual fabrics and bright colors add variety to your wardrobe and help.

How to seduce a husband? Plan your vacation!
Invite your loved one to go somewhere on a romantic trip (not necessarily abroad, but just the two of you and just romantic). A new environment, an unfamiliar environment will cheer you up and make you a little more relaxed. To - forget for a while that you are a husband and wife, try to flirt with each other - adults so often lack mischief. Remember the last time you kissed on the street? Or maybe you should try "illegal sex" - sex in an unusual place or at an unusual time? Choose secluded benches and deserted beaches. Thanks to the atmosphere of secrecy and the mystery that binds you, new sensations are guaranteed to you.

Second wedding night
Try to repeat your first wedding night. stock up on white lace underwear, stockings and shoes, get your dress from the mezzanine, let there be champagne, flowers, soft music and candles ... No wedding dress? You can easily succeed only with a veil and stockings. You can rent a honeymoon suite at a hotel or prepare your own bedroom. Don't forget to send your husband an invitation via email or sms!

Let's play!
A great way is to play erotic forfeits. You can buy a finished game in a sex shop or order it through an online store, or you can make it yourself - it's even more interesting! IN cardboard box fold the sheets with written wishes and wishes and invite your husband to draw out a phantom, and then fulfill his desire. And you can play in a different way - to fulfill the desires of each other in turn. Anyway, hot evening you are provided.

Another version of the game is a checkbook, you can also buy it or make it yourself. Checkbook will allow you to present love bills for payment. The most important thing is to correctly fill in the fields “Bearer”, “Business obligations” (for example, “I promise to give you an erotic massage” or “Tonight I will perform a belly dance for you”) and “Penalties”. You can leave the completed check in the morning at your husband’s bed, and put an empty form next to it - let your loved one also join the game and come up with a task for themselves. Be sure to include the date and expiration date of the check, and in case of delay or non-compliance, come up with a penalty. Women's advises: be bold, do not be afraid to give each other the most frank promises and discover a lot of new opportunities for seduction!

How to seduce a husband? According to the script!
As you know, "the whole world is a theater, and people in it are actors." Why not try an erotic scenario, leading role in which you will perform - a maid, a nurse, a secretary, or maybe you will come up with something of your own? The main thing in role-playing games is reincarnation, when, along with a change in appearance, you can fulfill all your unrealized dreams.

Erotic role playing will require some effort from you to prepare a little theater in your bedroom. Surprise your husband or think over the script together - it depends only on your temperaments and desires. Choose or come up with a game scenario in advance, collect the appropriate props and set a time - it is better if it is a day off. It may well be that in the first minutes of the “staging” you will feel constrained, but for the sake of it, you should try a little, and very soon you will join the game.

Knowledgeable people say: even after fifteen years of marriage, you can learn a lot about a person and fall in love again. Most importantly, do not be shy about your desires, experiment and surprise each other!

Olga Trefilina
Women's magazine JustLady

If your husband's interest in you has cooled off a little, then it's worth refreshing your sex life and changing your habits a little. How to seduce your husband?

Many women think that it will be enough to buy new sexy lingerie, prepare a dinner with candles and you are done. This is far from true. We need to come up with something new and original.

Change yourself and your wardrobe

This is the most the right way attract attention.

Change your hairstyle, do new makeup, do not forget about your hands, do a manicure. Pay Special attention on clothes.

Throw it out of your wardrobe long skirts, shapeless sweaters, low-heeled shoes.

Now to wear short skirts above the knees, shoes on high heels, which will emphasize the beauty of your legs, wear beautiful underwear.

Change all your underwear. Throw away your old but comfortable panties and bras. Buy a sexy short nightgown or even sleep naked.

Don't forget stockings. This is also very important thing. Men love girls in stockings. They look seductive on women's legs.

Frequent image changes will allow your husband to see different women in you.

As you know, men love variety.

Forget long greasy robes. They won't decorate you. At home, always wear beautiful things, peignoirs, short robes, it is better if you put them on your naked body. Meet him from work made up.

Pay Attention

Send your husband a text message or a letter to email about what you do, how you are dressed, how much you miss him and what you want to do with him.

The husband will not resist this scenario. Just do not forget to fulfill everything that was promised or he may be disappointed in you.

Take care of him, but stop grumbling, chastising him and cursing. By the way, quarrels are very convenient to translate into sex.

Seduce your husband constantly

If at home he is busy watching TV or working on a computer, then you can approach your husband and kiss him passionately, and not necessarily on the lips. This will excite him greatly, and he will not remain in debt.

Stick to your husband at every opportunity. You can hug him, pinch or slap on the pope, stroke his “second self” over his trousers.

Be together more often

Go to visit, cinema, theaters. You can go to the cottage. A new environment is always liberating.

If you are visiting, you can flirt with your husband in front of everyone. Your senses will be enhanced by the alcohol you drink. As soon as you realize that you are excited, go home. Unforgettable sex awaits you.

Become more relaxed

The moment to bring all your sexual fantasies, what you dreamed about, but did not dare to say before.

Have sex with your husband in a new position for you. This will surprise and excite him.

Tell your husband more often how sexy and handsome he is.

Caress him more often.

Go home without underwear. You will soon get used to it.

Besides, it's convenient. After all, after seduction, your husband can have sex in the kitchen or in the hallway. The main thing is not to deny him this. A change of scene also kindles passions.

Looking for reasons to have sex

Have sex whenever possible. In the morning you can wake up earlier and wake up your husband with caresses. Morning sex will give a charge of vivacity for both for the whole day.

Try to have sex in unusual places: elevator, car. It's very exciting.

To learn something new, you can watch erotic films, read books. Most importantly, do it together. Teach your husband to please you, and teach yourself.

"rape" your husband

Every man dreams that his woman will passionately attack him and do "everything herself." How to seduce your husband? Do not tell your husband that you want him, just come up and start caressing him, start with his most precious dignity, without any extra frills.

Do not pay attention to his objections, soon from pleasure he will not be able to resist at all. Lay him down on the bed or on the floor, rip off his clothes, choke him lightly, spank him, cover him passionate kisses all over the body, bite. And when he gives up - become gentle, while in the “rider” position, you can simultaneously kiss and gently bite him on the neck, suck on his earlobes.

Add theatricality to sex

Does your husband hear you moan? During sex, you can breathe rapidly and moan slightly when he is gentle with you, and scream and toss on the bed in proportion to the side of his influence. He must see that his different caresses excite you in different ways. Sex is a dialogue.

Feel free to squirm in time with his movements, you may even shake a little. At the moment of the greatest pace and excitement - slap him on the ass, cuddle, squeeze in your arms. If he likes to ordinary life they scratched his back - it's time to scratch it with claws.

Ask him to swear during sex, and try to do it yourself. Let him call you the dirtiest words, This will greatly spur his imagination and excitement.

Buy yourself a new perfume with pheromones

They strongly excite men. Use them carefully so as not to overdo it.

What do you feed your husband? Your complex lunch is borscht with sour cream, mashed potatoes with three cutlets and a bunch of sandwiches with cheese and sausage? Or maybe for breakfast you give him a full plate of store-bought dumplings?

Where, then, after such a meal, will the strength or desire for sex come from? Feed him not "for slaughter" but for sex. Fill the menu with vitamin dishes, meat chunks, squeeze him Orange juice(do not squeeze out of the package, but from the fruit). Read about aphrodisiacs. Just don’t put celery on salads, after all, a man must eat meat.

Change your bedroom

How to seduce your own husband? Prepare a bed of love.

Remove medicines from the nightstands - their smell kills romance. Put a better bottle toilet water, frivolous magazine, sachets or incense sticks.

Change bed linen. Splurge at least on a set of silk underwear. Buy a new cover. Choose juicy, bright, warm colors. Do not buy blue and light green sheets, floral pillowcases and polka dots.

Hang a large mirror in front of the bed. It will create a playful atmosphere in the bedroom.

Better yet, buy a new bed! My husband will definitely want to try it.

Not erotica, but real "male" porn. One hundred percent - he will not be able to watch it to the end.

Make a homemade porn movie with your husband

Arrange a frivolous photo shoot. Shoot sex on a camera in video mode or on mobile phone. The camera can be placed on a cabinet shelf.

The very idea is already exciting, and repeated viewing can lead to repeated sex.

Learn to move gracefully slowly

How to seduce a husband? Imagine that you are not married and just met. Imagine that you are an intriguing seductress.

Fatal seductresses masterfully own languid glances, seductive movements of the arms, legs and hips, looking like in slow motion. Learn to lazily sip wine in a glass, smoothly straighten your curls.

Striptease your husband

Practice in front of the mirror, think over the number. It is not at all necessary to loudly declare: “The performance begins!” Start playfully, casually, as if you just decided to play pranks. If you are afraid that your figure is not for frank dancing - buy a luxurious corset or erotic costume.

And last but not least…

Before you worry about how to seduce your husband and suspect that he has a mistress, consider if he "can" have sex as often as before? Does something bother him, does he start prostatitis, maybe he is embarrassed to tell you that something hurts him?

Doesn't he have to work "and in the snow and in the rain and in the slush"? Does he spend 10 hours a day at work? Does it carry weights? Is his head busy with worries about the upcoming conference? Was he tired after all?

Take care of his health, so that he is not blown by a draft, so that he does not get cold, so that his feet do not get wet. Doesn't he get into an unheated car in winter, which does not have heated front seats? if yes, then sew to your husband wool rug and make him always take the rug home.

It is especially important to think about this if even before you, in your youth, he caught and cured some kind of venereal disease.

And remember, men really don’t like urologists, and their very terrible nightmare- not a dentist's chair, but an offer to do a prostate massage.

Take back your sex life carefully. Take your time. This may scare your husband off or he may become suspicious.

Feel free to use something new in sex. Very soon you will resume your sexual relations. And do not think about how to seduce your husband, think about how to please him, and he will answer you the same.