Pregnancy feeling unwell what to do. Gymnastics and exercise. Why does weakness occur during pregnancy

Any pregnancy, even one that proceeds normally, without complications, can be overshadowed by ailments, both minor and more serious. As a rule, they do not affect the course of pregnancy itself, however, for future mother can be uncomfortable and in some cases even painful. Most often bad feeling during pregnancy makes itself felt at its beginning and at its end. The most favorable in terms of wellness considered the second trimester.

What ailments most often haunt women during pregnancy? Unfortunately, there are quite a few of them. With varying intensity, a pregnant woman may experience general fatigue, nausea and vomiting, choking, constipation, back pain, heartburn, urinary problems, bloating and pain in the abdomen, shortness of breath, bleeding gums, varicose veins, muscle spasms, nosebleeds, insomnia, swelling... As you can see, the list of ailments is quite long, but many of them do not occur simultaneously, and their intensity varies depending on the duration of pregnancy.

Many women on early dates pregnancy, there is a feeling of fatigue and apathy. So natural way the body reduces the physical activity of a woman with one sole purpose - to maintain pregnancy. At this stage, the body's need for energy increases dramatically, so even the implementation of ordinary daily duties can cause fatigue at the end of the day. In order to increase the likelihood of maintaining a pregnancy, as well as to ensure optimal conditions for her normal flow, a woman is advised to rest as much as possible! In the first two or three months, she should reduce the amount of housework, as well as keep communication with friends to a minimum, thereby freeing up time for rest and sleep. As a rule, the feeling of fatigue leaves the woman by the end of the first trimester, and she begins to feel a new surge of strength and energy. However, towards the end of pregnancy, the feeling of fatigue in most cases returns. This is due to the fact that by this time the stomach is already becoming large and quite heavy, which causes a lot of inconvenience.

Most women experience nausea after the fourth week of pregnancy. Most often, it occurs in the morning, but it can also appear at any other time, and in some cases it can cause anxiety to a woman throughout the day, only changing the degree of its intensity. The causes of nausea in early pregnancy are not fully understood. It is only known that it can be associated with the nature of the woman's diet, as well as with her emotional state. There is no simple and reliable recipe for nausea, but minor changes in diet and daily routine can help ease this ailment a little.

In some women, nausea is accompanied by morning vomiting (early toxemia of pregnancy), which is the most classic manifestation of early pregnancy. Every pregnant woman experiences this ailment at least once. An immediate threat to both the course of pregnancy and normal development fetal vomiting does not represent, but it can lead to significant loss weight. If the weight loss does not exceed 3 kg, then there is no cause for concern.

How to deal with bouts of nausea and vomiting? There are some simple rules:

  • do not get out of bed abruptly; you need to eat a cracker and drink tea (reclining in bed), then rest for another 10 minutes and only then get out of bed;
  • try to drink a small amount of liquid at one time and completely abandon the use of carbonated drinks;
  • eat small meals, with a break of 5-6 hours;
  • try to avoid drinking fatty foods, as well as products contraindicated during pregnancy;
  • do not wear, which tightens the stomach.

Many women who have not previously experienced problems with bowel movements (bowels) suffer from constipation during pregnancy. Their cause is pressure on the intestines of an ever-increasing uterus and a decrease in its peristalsis under the influence of a high level of the hormone progesterone. The occurrence of constipation is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the abdomen, hemorrhoids, as well as a general deterioration in well-being, which causes a delay in metabolic products in the body. In such cases, the woman will be advised to follow a diet enriched with foods containing natural fiber, as well as taking an appropriate amount of fluid and a slight increase in physical activity. If the problem is serious enough to be solved only by non-drug methods, laxatives are prescribed. The decision on their need, as well as the selection of the drug that is right for you, always remains with the attending physician!

There are several effective non-drug ways to deal with constipation:

  • drink 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach boiled water or fresh orange juice;
  • for breakfast, eat cereal flakes, bran, black (rye) bread;
  • eat a lot of fresh or boiled vegetables for lunch;
  • eat a few fresh or dried plums before bed;
  • try to empty your bowels at the same time every day.

Another very common ailment during pregnancy is heartburn. This malaise is a burning sensation below the sternum, that is, in the lower part of the chest, accompanying the emission a small amount gastric juice from the stomach to the esophagus. High levels of progesterone contribute to such emissions, causing weakening of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy. At the same time, the growing uterus puts pressure on the stomach from below, thereby enhancing this process. If you suffer from heartburn, then you need to eliminate all spicy and spicy foods from your diet, eat more often, but in smaller portions, and also not eat a lot before bed. Also, your doctor may prescribe you medications that neutralize gastric juice and at the same time are absolutely safe for the fetus. You sleep best with a high pillow under your head. If you suddenly have a feeling of suffocation and the attack does not go away or is accompanied by pain in chest, cough, chills or fever, you should immediately call a doctor.

Many pregnant women complain of back pain. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid this phenomenon. The most important thing in this situation is prevention: properly selected, rest, daily conduct. Also reduce pain The right massage will help.

To prevent the development of varicose veins (varicose veins) during pregnancy, you need to perform daily exercises that improve blood circulation in the legs, such as "biking", alternately lifting and bending the legs at the knees, rotating the feet in a sitting position. You should also avoid prolonged standing on your feet in one position; wearing underwear and clothes that squeeze the waist and hips; Do not cross your legs when sitting.

Remember that most typical pregnancy ailments may not appear at all. In order to avoid feeling unwell during pregnancy, you need to eat right and walk in the fresh air as much as possible.

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Pregnancy is an indescribable joy for every woman to fulfill her main purpose in life - to become a mother, but any pregnancy, even a well-progressed one, can periodically be overshadowed by bad moments, painful conditions, feeling unwell, feeling discomfort, loss of strength, or a depressed state.

It can be bad during pregnancy both at the beginning and at any time, but the second trimester of pregnancy is considered the most calm.

Let's deal with your poor health and why it happens badly during pregnancy? If you just woke up and feel very sick, right up to vomiting, irritate and provoke odors to the gag reflex, then you have early toxicosis.

To the main features early toxicosis include: nausea, vomiting, depression, feeling unwell, increased drowsiness(), weight loss, bad chair, lack of appetite, metallic taste in the mouth.

Bad during pregnancy begins in some sensitive women from the third week, and mainly in the fifth or sixth week. It’s a shame for women when men don’t penetrate, when a woman feels bad during pregnancy and they say that it should be bad closer to childbirth and they don’t have knowledge in the field of gynecology during the period hormonal adjustment women. If men were more attentive, more competent in this area, then it would be much easier for women to endure bad pregnancy. At the very early period pregnancy, a woman, more than ever, needs emotional support, affection, care, pleasant moments, stroking the abdomen, light massage, removal from household chores, the kitchen. The expectant mother must get used to the idea that pleasant changes will take place in her life and that everything should not be reduced to ordinary gray everyday life, otherwise the expectant mother will project the situation onto later life, and your indifference now is a good indicator of what will happen later. So many women do not survive the first trimester due to the fact that pregnancy is bad all the time and there is no emotional support at home, and as a result they commit.

Toxicosis (preeclampsia) at the third stage of pregnancy is no less dangerous. If gestosis worries and you feel very bad during pregnancy, then without medical care not enough. Remember that on later dates it poses a danger to the baby.

The norm is the absence of toxicosis, and if this is you, then you are that rare lucky woman who can be sincerely envied.

And what to do in the early stages of pregnancy, when it is very bad during pregnancy?

Use these tips:

- waking up, do not rush to get up, lie down, think about your baby, stroke him;

- listen to pleasant music, meditation for pregnant women;

- listen to your body, what you want now, give it to yourself;

- take a day off from work, pamper yourself, but do not grab homework;

- listen to your gastronomic desires, but do not rush, especially in the morning to quickly absorb food;

- food should be light, without fat, remember that vomiting reflex swift in your position;

- find the product that will help you cope with nausea (for some, these are seeds, apples, candies, sweet tea, mineral water - everyone has their own).

If your vomiting (preeclampsia) does not stop more than 3 times a day and you feel very bad, then you need to go to the hospital for examination. There is nothing to worry about, but your condition will be brought back to normal and you will slowly gain weight.

To live the entire period of waiting for a child and at the same time always feel great is unrealistic, but you can correct your well-being, and control it, as well as your mood, is real. Feeling when it's bad during pregnancy, everyone experiences future mommy. Remember this, which means you will cope with your difficulties and endure all difficulties with dignity. Try to abstract and remove from your life nervous tension For any reason, forget once and for all about negative emotions, only the joy of the upcoming birth of your baby.

In addition to toxicosis, pregnant women are worried, aching and unpleasantly sore, indigestion.

Poor sleep during pregnancy often also worries pregnant women. Refer to these recommendations: hiking in the park, near ponds, do not eat a lot at night, with heartburn, go to bed on a pillow higher so that the contents of the stomach do not leak out, do not watch TV for a long time, listen to music for relaxation - meditation for pregnant women, skip negative information, go to bed with bright thoughts and also surround yourself with only beautiful.

Pregnancy may be accompanied by ailments varying degrees severity, since during the entire period of expectation of a child, numerous changes occur in a woman's body. They help organs and systems adapt to new conditions and ensure that the baby receives everything necessary for successful development while the mother coped with the growing workload.

Most of the complaints during pregnancy are not a cause for concern for a woman, although they cause a lot of inconvenience to the expectant mother. For the most part, these unpleasant symptoms are only a reaction of the body to a growing physiological load. However, such dangerous phenomena during pregnancy as heat, chills, dizzy spells, bleeding, severe, restricting pain, require mandatory consultation specialist.

Poor health during pregnancy

Physical and physiological changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, affect the work of all her organs: the heart, venous and capillary systems, blood, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, skin. The expectant mother may experience such digestive disorders as

heartburn, bloating, constipation, or liquid stool. Frequent urination is often noted due to the fact that more fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body, the volume of blood increases, and the kidneys begin to work faster. Poor health during pregnancy can be determined by the fact that the uterus grows and in the first three months takes a position in which the bladder contracts. In the second trimester of pregnancy, urination normalizes, and then becomes more frequent again closer to childbirth.

With increasing gestational age, more and more stress is placed on the cardiovascular system expectant mother, developing fetus more volume is needed nutrients. To meet its growing needs, there is an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the vessels in the body. Increasing stress on the heart can cause poor health during pregnancy. Now the cardiovascular system must cope with a large volume of blood in the same periods of time, as a result of which the heart rate increases and fatigue occurs - a problem familiar to all expectant mothers.

Most of the time, the level of blood pressure is lower than usual, which can cause a deterioration in well-being. A sudden increase in blood pressure during pregnancy is called preeclampsia, and severe form hypertension accompanied by headaches is called eclampsia.

Most often, pregnant women complain of growing body weight and volume, as well as the pain caused by these changes, limited mobility and poor health during pregnancy. To a greater extent, these complaints relate to the back, lower back and lower abdomen. One reason for the discomfort is that the joints and ligaments of the pelvis separate to make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. Not the last role is played here by the fact that with the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity of the body shifts. This changes the posture, the spine bends forward, and the back muscles, especially in the lumbar region, constantly experience tension, which leads to pain, especially if the pregnant woman stands or sits for a long time. awkward position. Poor health during pregnancy and pain in the lower abdomen occur due to the fact that the muscles and ligaments of the lower pelvis that support the uterus are under increasing stress and are increasingly stretched. Pain, as a rule, is localized in the lateral sections of the pelvis and is most often the result of a strong stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus. Unpleasant sensations can be of different strength and properties: from constant and dull to seizures. acute pain, not accompanied by other symptoms, but lasting up to several hours.

Poor health during early pregnancy

In early pregnancy, many women experience toxicosis. It can proceed without complications and in this case is a normal physiological manifestation. The main symptoms of early toxicosis are nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences, lack of appetite, weight loss, drowsiness, apathy, irritability. Accompanying toxicosis can be asthma attacks, dermatitis, muscle and bone pain.

Toxicosis as a response of a woman's body to the growth and development of the embryo, causing poor health during pregnancy in the early stages, can be triggered by the following factors:

  • active formation of the placenta;
  • the reaction of the body to hazardous substances;
  • changes in the hormonal background;
  • chronic diseases of a woman;
  • emotional state of the expectant mother.

Toxicosis usually lasts up to the 20th week of pregnancy and is not dangerous, provided there are no complications and danger to the fetus. Alcohol abuse, smoking and others bad habits increase toxicosis and complicate the course of pregnancy. At severe toxicosis pregnant woman should be urgently hospitalized.

Possible ailments as a cause of poor health during early pregnancy

  1. Circulatory system: increased fatigue; dizziness; varicose veins veins.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract: nausea; increased appetite or loss; intolerance individual products; heartburn, bloating; digestive disorders.
  3. Genitourinary system: frequent urination; selection. If these symptoms are not accompanied by severe severe pain in the lower abdomen, and the discharge has a normal color and smell, then these phenomena are not dangerous and are temporary.
  4. Skin: increased oiliness of hair; the appearance of dandruff; increased skin pigmentation; discharge from the nipples;
  5. increased sensitivity and soreness of the mammary glands as a reaction to preparing for lactation are also the causes of poor health during early pregnancy.

Poor health during pregnancy in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered to be the calmest stage with the least chance of complications. However, active growth and the development of the fetus, as well as the increased load on the woman's body at this time, can lead to various kinds of ailments.

Cause frequent constipation during pregnancy is a decrease in the activity of intestinal motility against the background of changes hormonal background, enhancing the filling of blood vessels in abdominal cavity and edema of the intestinal wall. Diet containing enough fiber and pure water will help to cope with constipation and significantly improve poor health during pregnancy in the second trimester.

The most common cause of hemorrhoids is a woman's congenital tendency to varicose veins. In this case, the expansion of the walls of the veins of the rectum can lead to the formation hemorrhoids. They cause itching, pain, bleeding and discomfort. Constipation is also common cause hemorrhoids, so their timely prevention is very important.

Heartburn is a common symptom of the second trimester of pregnancy. The uterus grows intensively, increasing in volume and squeezing the stomach, which leads to the release of acidic contents from the stomach. A woman who feels unwell during pregnancy in the second trimester can be helped by frequent meals in small portions without snacks, with the condition of refusing fatty foods.

Possible ailments during pregnancy in the second trimester

  • Circulatory system: anemia; varicose veins in the legs; haemorrhoids; swelling of the legs; swelling of the nasal mucosa; low or high arterial pressure; shortness of breath, shortness of breath.
  • Gastrointestinal tract: indigestion and heartburn; bloating; constipation; bleeding gums; caries.
  • Genitourinary system: the reasons for feeling unwell during pregnancy in the second trimester may be infrequent urination; frequent urinary tract infections; inflammation Bladder; selection. If discharge from the genital organs is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, burning, itching, sharp bad smell, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. are very dangerous different kind bleeding, as they can be symptoms of placental abruption.
  • Hormonal system: hormonal disruptions in a woman's body provoke dysbacteriosis, the result of which is thrush, which often causes poor health during pregnancy in the second trimester. It is imperative to get rid of this disease before childbirth, since during the birth of a child, its mucous membranes can be infected.
  • Leather: increased sweating; dark spots(on the face and stomach); itching of the skin of the abdomen; stretch marks.
  • Muscles and bones: back pain; pain in the lower abdomen; convulsions; swelling of the limbs; feeling of heaviness.

According to studies, about 70% of pregnant women face a problem morning sickness in the early stages, while 50% of pregnant women could not avoid the problem of morning vomiting. Toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy is a very common phenomenon, but it manifests itself differently in each woman. Many suffer from malaise throughout the day, and some only in the mornings or evenings. There are women in whom toxicosis manifests itself only when it was not possible to get enough sleep. Often, toxicosis appears in the sixth week of pregnancy and reaches a peak by the eighth to ninth week. Take heart, usually nausea goes away only by the twelfth or fourteenth week of pregnancy.

So how do you deal with it unpleasant phenomenon? We offer you some useful tips.

Give yourself a day off

During morning sickness, does the thought of having to force yourself to get out of bed and go somewhere makes you feel worse? Then don't do it! Get yourself some rest. Take a sick day or just a day off. Rest properly. The load on your body has increased significantly, and you deserve a little break.

Doctors recommend planning a vacation for the seventh to eighth weeks of pregnancy, when toxicosis reaches its peak. In this case, not only will you be able to get some rest, but you will also not have to share the news with your colleagues if you are not ready for this yet. Free time help you feel better both physically and mentally.

Breathe in the fresh scent

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's sense of smell increases, this is due to high level estrogen in the body. Some odors can trigger symptoms of toxicosis. You might feel sick when you walk past dumpsters or your colleague's new perfume.

If you do not have the opportunity to open a window or go outside to breathe fresh air- try to sniff fresh flavors. Carry a bottle of lemon extract or a sprig of fresh rosemary in your purse. If you feel that you are getting sick from an unpleasant smell, just breathe in the “soothing” smell.

Morning snacks

Put a plate of light cookies and a glass of water on your bedside table before going to bed. When you wake up, immediately arrange a small snack for yourself. This early breakfast will help raise your blood glucose levels and prevent nausea. Alternatively, you can choose low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with dried apricots for a snack.

Well help eliminate nausea pumpkin seeds, mineral water without gas and hazelnuts. Carry these foods with you and have a snack if you start to feel unwell.

speak up

Many pregnant women endure discomfort, not wanting to talk about it with their partner and loved ones. However, in some cases, you can alleviate your condition by talking about it. Feel free to speak up if you don't like something. Maybe the smell of your husband's new shampoo makes you gag, or the morning kiss your husband gives you without brushing your teeth makes you feel uncomfortable. So tell him about it. Close person will definitely understand you and will do everything to help you feel better.

Track your condition

Pay close attention to your condition. Surely, you will notice that nausea occurs in certain time days or under certain circumstances. Maybe you feel sick while a colleague is eating popcorn in the office, or while you're cooking a meal. By identifying the cause of nausea, it will be easier for you to prevent it.

Drink enough water

Maintaining the water balance in the body helps to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis and gives the body energy. The more dehydrated you are, the worse you feel.

This may seem very easy task- Drink 8 glasses of water a day. But when, under the influence of hormones, you often experience the urge to urinate, the desire to drink disappears somewhere. Try to trick your body. Some women find it easier to drink water with a couple of ice cubes, and some find it easier to drink warm tea. You can try eating some salted peanuts to increase your thirst.

Find out what foods make you feel better

Even if eating is the last thing you want to do, you still need to force yourself to eat to maintain strength. The body of each expectant mother is unique. What makes one woman feel better may make another woman nauseous. Try to determine which food makes you feel better. Even though it doesn't exist universal rules, yet many pregnant women feel better after a refreshing watermelon or ice cream, and biscuits in the morning or dry cereal often help to cope with nausea.

Eat a little - then a little more

When it comes to food, many women think that fasting will help them clear their stomach and deal with nausea. But this is not so, nausea will only intensify if you do not eat anything. On the other hand, overeating increases the load on the stomach, which also leads to malaise. The best option- always leave the stomach a little full all day, but do not overeat. To do this, eat often in small portions, and also snack periodically between main meals.

eat ginger

Ginger is one of the most useful products for the stomach, which normalizes the production of gastric juice. Studies have shown that this product also helps to cope with toxicosis. Try adding some ginger to your tea or warm water. You can make ginger jam and add it to ice cream. Experiment: Search the Internet interesting recipes with ginger, one of them is sure to please you.

Take a break from your computer

Some may decide that reading the news in the morning or texting in social networks help you take your mind off discomfort. But such a solution would be a mistake. But the radiation from the monitor can, on the contrary, only increase nausea. Try to take a break from the computer as often as possible. Take regular breaks. Reduce your screen brightness to reduce eye strain.

Avoid tight clothing

Tight clothing and clothes made of artificial materials may cause discomfort. Choose comfortable outfits made from natural fabrics.

Distract yourself

It is not so easy to distract yourself from nausea, but to switch your thoughts to something more pleasant. Read a fascinating book, take a walk, or call a friend. Some expectant mothers claim that physical education helps them cope with poor health. But before trying this method, consult your doctor.

Carry a "rescue kit" with you

Sometimes it may happen that you become ill in public place. Be sure to carry it with you just in case toothbrush with paste or mouthwash and a clean shirt. In addition, sometimes rinsing your mouth helps eliminate nausea.

If you feel too bad, and nothing helps to cope with the problem, it is time to contact a doctor for help. Your doctor will prescribe vitamins or pills to help you get rid of the discomfort. Usually in such cases, experts prescribe vitamin B6. Don't be afraid to take medicine. If the drug was prescribed to you by a doctor, then the benefits from it will be for you and the child will be much more than harm. You should not avoid taking medication if you feel too unwell. Starvation and dehydration due to nausea and vomiting are much more dangerous than taking medication.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Sometimes remedies that, at first glance, may seem strange, help to cope with the signs of toxicosis. Listen to your body: maybe during bouts of nausea you want to eat something specific. For example, an apple or salted nuts. For some women, minty flavor helps with nausea. You can try rinsing your mouth with menthol rinse or drinking peppermint tea. For one woman, for example, only Coca-Cola helped to cope with nausea.

Try using a motion sickness bracelet

On sale there are special bracelets that help to cope with nausea during motion sickness. According to the developers, these bracelets act on the point located on the wrist, which is responsible for the state of digestion, thereby helping to get rid of nausea. Pressing this point creates a nerve impulse that blocks the feeling of nausea.

Lie down a little

Sometimes the most correct solution is the simplest. Try to lie down for a while and take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and relax. Many pregnant women claim that sleep is the best medicine from toxicosis, in addition, healthy sleep Now you and your baby need it. To make it easier to relax, use a blindfold to block out bright light. If you already have Small child, ask someone to sit with him for a while while you rest. A loved one will definitely enter into your position and will not refuse you a small service.

March 28, 2017 Author admin