How to be cunning in your relationship with your husband. Women's cunning is the strength of a woman. No need to "live" on his page in social networks and constantly comment on posts and photos

Communication with men, namely effective interaction with representatives strong half is based on other laws than communication between a woman or an adult with a child. Here it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics, there is communication with ex-man or with someone to whom there is sympathy now, or just with a friend. You need to talk directly about your own needs and wishes. The most correct formulation for understanding a man contains exclusively bare facts, excluding hints, double understanding and an abundance of emotional details.

Naturally, questions of morality and sensitivity remain relevant. What appears to be rude to your friend may appear to be just as rude to a man. His desire to appear strong and hide acute feelings does not cancel feelings of resentment, but you will not immediately realize that something has hurt him. A woman, most likely, will make it clear with all her appearance that you have done it unpleasantly or will speak out openly. A man will hide his feelings, and you can guess about this, if he avoids communication, emotionally closes, does not establish the first contact.

Nobody likes or pretends, so try to be yourself from the first day of communication with a man, and not try to portray another woman. It may seem to you that a simulated image is more attractive and bewitching, but it is worth considering how long you can stay in it. Any representative of the strong half will be disappointed when the masks are removed and this is no longer due to the fact that you are real for him, but to the fact that any trust in the person who deceived at the beginning completely disappears.

Such a masquerade is very harmful even for a woman herself, because then not those men are interested in her, but those who are able to appreciate her real one pass by. The fictitious relationship still collapses, only by the time the cards are revealed, attachment is established, and the breakdown is more difficult, and in fact they could have just passed by.

Psychology of communication with men

Another psychological feature is the reality difference. So, a woman is able to simultaneously monitor and participate in several processes - cooking dinner, helping children, consulting a colleague on the phone. A man is focused on only one process, that is, if he is now nailing a shelf or driving a car, then it is useless to talk to him. He nods back to you, but after a while you will find that he does not remember the information. A similar mechanism was formed long years evolution, and a man cannot change him, just as a woman cannot completely immerse herself in one thing. The need to look after the household, maintain the hearth, notice the approach of a predator and react to the crying of children developed multitasking in the woman, and the need for food and successful hunting developed in the man the utmost concentration on one task. If you want to discuss something important or so that the information you said was taken into account, then choose a special time for the conversation when the man can concentrate as much as possible. It is better to discuss in advance a suitable time period in order to avoid a false understanding (if a man looks at a dark laptop screen, this does not mean at all that he is free, perhaps the system is being reinstalled).

Features of speech and the construction of phrases also play an essential role during communication between a man and a woman. Ladies may think that her interlocutor is without emotional, not involved in the situation, or does not understand the full depth of her feelings only because most of the male phrases are specific and have few adjectives in their structure. At the same time, a large number of sensual and descriptive words can plunge a man into a stupor from an overabundance of information. If you want to be heard, speak in fact and reduce the emotionality of speech (expressive statements, loud voice, bright gestures). A splash of emotions, for the sake of a splash, it is better to leave it to your friends or warn the man in advance.

If help is required from a man, then after the indicated situation, it is necessary to summarize it and ask for specific actions or ask if he can do what is necessary (be sure to list everything). If you complain that the door does not open well, then at the end you need to ask to solve this problem, lubricate the hinges, replace the lock, or give your opinion. When a woman leaves a simply expressed situation, a man perceives this as a description of the surrounding reality, but he cannot always guess that they want active actions from him to transform this fact.

But there is also the opposite situation, when a woman complains simply in order to speak out and relieve emotional stress. Representatives of the stronger half are guided by different principles, so any dissatisfaction with a loved one can be perceived as a call for help. When you do not need advice, let alone a change in the situation, but simply sympathy and support, then you need to inform the man about this in advance (before the monologue). Otherwise, the tyrant boss may be smashed windshield, and for the last money to buy earrings with sapphires (after all, you just didn’t have enough of them to tears just last night).

In a dialogue, it is worth discussing only one topic - these are the rules for communicating with men. Even if you have removed emotional outbursts and clearly articulated needs, then a couple of leaps on other topics can nullify all efforts. A man is capable of performing only one task and discussing only one topic. Inefficiency can be manifested different options: a man may be indignant and not understand the turn of the conversation, may consider the previous topic unimportant, once switched to another, when you return to this topic.

Many people choose to induce shame and guilt in men as a manipulative strategy. It is really critically effective, since men are practically unable to bear these feelings, but if it becomes too often, then they simply leave those women who make them feel like this all the time.

Women's tricks for communicating with men

Based on knowledge psychological characteristics and a subtle feeling of the states of another person, line up special ways communication called tricks. Usually they serve to attract attention, fall in love, seduce, take a significant position for a man.

The same feature for both sexes is the desire to feel the best, the chosen one, the significant one. If a woman manages to look at a man as the smartest and most beautiful, then he will feel that way, and begins to act accordingly. The initial role plays an important role here, and if it is underestimated, then too loud admiration can cause a lot of doubt and mistrust. The one who feels his uniqueness and superiority is completely fascinated. long time and under any conditions. No, a man is unlikely to be arrogant and leave inspired to other places, because he clearly understands that he feels himself the king of this world only in the presence of a particular woman.

Men love to be strong at the level of action, and the more situations a woman creates where he can show his positive traits, the more hero he will feel. You do not need to get a dragon for this, you can ask to lead you home or help install the application on your smartphone. It's great if a woman does not disappear without male help and will be able to change the mixer and hang the shelf, but it is better to hide these own skills, at least in his presence.

It is not always appropriate to show direct strength and knowledge; it is better to leave this field of activity for male self-realization. Feminine power manifests itself in other things that delight men - this is affection, kindness, tenderness, and not only to him, but to the whole world. Feed the hungry dog, calm down crying baby, help a pensioner deal with an ATM, bring a treat to the whole team.

When dealing with a man, it is important to strike a balance between defending one's opinion and obedience. On the one hand, it is stupid to completely obey a man, even if it is your husband, if you are not connected by any relationship, then doubly. Defending one's position, arguing opinions, the ability to do something contrary to men include the instinct of a hunter, this kindles passion and interest. On the other hand, complete and widespread resistance, the presentation of their information, as the only important one, can quickly kill male interest... Such a woman wants to be left alone, since she herself knows everything perfectly. Any man is pleased when he is listened to, responsibility and care are included in him, when a woman compromises her principles and acts as he said. This is not just submission, it is the transfer of power, respectively responsibility, and hence large moral and emotional investments. The more we are responsible for someone, the more we become attached. If this is not total obedience and infantilism, otherwise the reaction may be the opposite.

The most important thing in communicating with a man is support and care, only not in the mother's performance, which more resembles edification and control, but in the female one. This is an active manifestation of interest in his opinion and deeds, but the ability to live his own life. This is a concern that manifests itself in necessary situations, along with faith in his strength - you do not need to go through the whole city with bandages if he injured his hand, but it makes sense to prepare hot tea if a man is sick.

How to tell a man what you don't like

Reproaches, as a way to convey information about one's own dissatisfaction with the behavior of another, are the most common, but least in an efficient way... This usually causes an irrational defensive position, where a woman can reasonably prove why she herself is to blame for what happened, or simply get away from communication. A separate difficulty is communicating with an ex-man and trying to explain to him your displeasure if he decided that you were just playing and testing his persistence. It is in the expression of negativity that the male desire for directness and honesty fails in the adequacy of perception.

It is optimal if a woman is able to convey information not in the form of accusations, but designating her own negative emotions from what is happening. That is, not a man is bad, but a woman is bad in such a situation, and not so bad when she turns into an evil fury, demolishing everything along the way, but in such a way that she remains a gentle, loving and caring, but upset and saddened woman.

You will have to report your disorder several times, before visible changes occur, since a man is always convinced that this is a systematic phenomenon, and not once under the influence of mood. It is important to talk about your dissatisfaction right away, because the fact that he did not meet you after the international conference at night at the airport in winter will not be relevant in June, if not forgotten. As soon as it happens unpleasant situation, it is necessary to immediately inform how and how it upsets you, and not the man, but the situation (for example, "when I am alone at night, I am afraid and upset that there is no one to protect me" instead of "you leave me at night yourself").

A man should always have a choice of what to do, but notify him of own feelings in relation to what is happening, you owe it if you want any chance of change.

When communicating with a man, it is worth talking about your feelings, and not catching him on not fulfilling promises and forcing him to comply with ultimatums (these are methods of court sentences). Hardly mentally normal person wants to appear with someone who says “call me three times a day”, but the wording “I feel unnecessary if you don’t call” can change something inside a person, while preserving his freedom. It is important that at this moment you yourself can do whatever you like with your negative feelings- you can endure, but you can meet with friends and get communication there, instead of knocking it out of a man.

Men are much worse than women understand hints and unravel intrigues. This is why many feminine tricks work so effectively against men. At the same time, men are better than women at solving manipulations and often resist them.

Where is the line that distinguishes a cute feminine cunning from unpleasant manipulation? Let's try to figure it out.

Women's tricks take into account the psychology of men

Manipulation by a woman in relation to a man usually pursues the goal of getting something that a man does not want to give or do. As a result of manipulation, a man can do something that he is not in tune with, but in most cases he realizes that he is being manipulated, which makes him irritated and becomes conflicted or withdrawn into himself.

Feminine cunning is usually more subtle, graceful and pleasing to a man. That is why he may not notice her at all. Let's say you need him to buy you five kilograms of potatoes. You can manipulate him by saying that he won't get dinner until he goes to the store. Or you can show a woman's cunning: ask him to buy what he wants - a new disc with a movie or a bottle of beer, and on the way, let him grab five kilograms of potatoes. In such a request, there is much less manipulation, and more attention to himself.

Women's tricks work better if they give him a dose of attention.

Attention to a man is such a universal lifesaver that allows you to revive relationships with him during periods of calm, and improve them during periods of quarrels and conflicts. In matters of attention, women have a huge superiority over men. The fact is that women are able to subtly capture the emotions, intonations and experiences of a person. They do this due to an increased sensitivity to the emotional coloring of speech and behavior, and this quality is innate in them, it does not even require effort.

If you want to achieve something from a man, pay attention to what is on him. this moment most of all worries. Experienced woman always distinguish anxiety about the health of a relative from irritation about the situation at work. Do not leave his feelings unnoticed, offer to speak up and pour out your emotions outside. Only after the man calms down, it makes sense to pester him with your problems and requests, otherwise you can run into unpleasant showdowns.

Situations when female tricks are inappropriate

Hints and tricks are not always effective for men. They often do not understand hints, so if you need him to do something, you need to ask directly, in the forehead. Even if it concerns such sensitive issues as flowers as a gift or special way caresses during sexual intercourse.

Lest you get the impression that this contradicts the statements above, it is worth noting that the time and place does not always suit female tricks against men. Prepare a man for important conversation or a request, you can use female tricks, but the request itself is better to speak directly. So he will quickly understand what you need, and if he is also relaxed, he will sooner agree to help you.

Tricks of temptation

Most men are still quite conservative, and they don't like it when a woman takes the initiative too clearly. This is why the area of ​​seduction is the area in which the use of female tricks is most justified.

If you want to seduce him, the most direct hint is eye to eye. See how long he takes it, makes eye contact, or avoids it. Both men and women cannot hide their sympathy or antipathy on a non-verbal level. The longer and more often he looks you in the eye, the higher the chance that he will be seduced.

Another way to show your man that you're ready for a relationship is with special gestures and movements. If a woman wiggles a shoe on a leg, it looks very erotic, and many men, without realizing it, take this as a call to action. No less seductive to them is the movement of the hands when a woman puts them behind her head. Demonstrating her breasts, she makes him understand that she is not against sex, but many are ready to bite it free men... Other seduction gestures involve the neck. If a woman's neck is covered with hair, then exposing it with a movement of her hand, she also involuntarily seduces the man she likes. All these gestures should not be pretentious, pretentious, and should not be repeated too often. If you want to seduce a man so that he thinks that he himself is seducing you, try to be natural and act at ease.

Tricks of the muse: how to raise a general from a soldier

Scientists have found that a man achieves more if he believes in himself. A man needs to feel himself the most-most: the most intelligent, the most intelligent and the most successful. The most interesting thing is that if the middle peasant is next to faithful wife who constantly expresses support for him, he can achieve more than a talented man living with a grumpy wife.

Smart women are well aware that rich and famous men not enough for everyone. In addition, there are so many charming beauties around them that it is practically impossible to compete with them for the attention of already established men. That is why they prefer to become a muse to an aspiring genius.

The silent adoration of the wife is not enough. A man should hear words of admiration from time to time. And even better if they are spoken in someone's presence. Especially men are inspired by comparing them with other men, in which everyone around him loses. The female trick here lies in the fact that she can not always tell the truth. Women are wonderful actresses, so they can turn on the intonation of adoration at any time and for any reason. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not try to compliment those qualities of a man that are objectively weak in him, otherwise he will suspect you of insincerity.

In general, we can say that women, using some tricks in relationships with men, are able to create their world the way they dream about. And if there are no princes around you on a beautiful horse, you can also marry a page on a pony. The main thing is your faith in a man and your ability to turn on female wisdom, which will help reforge a pony into a stallion, and make a page a prince. For smart woman- nothing is impossible!

Women's tricks in dealing with men always work! This is an acquaintance provoked by you, then a date, and after a couple of months he cannot live without you. So what female tricks literally work miracles?

  1. He is the smartest, and certainly the most desirable man in the world

The main female trick in a relationship, especially at the beginning, is to convince a man that he is indeed the smartest and most desirable man in the world for you. Perhaps this is exactly what a man is, perhaps, it just seems, or it may be that all this is just gross flattery.

Be that as it may, but if you can convince him of this, most likely, next to you he will be just like that. But the fact that a man will try to spend as much time as possible next to a woman near whom he feels the best is a fact.

  1. I am weak and defenseless

Remember how in the cartoon the crow said: "I am weak and defenseless, anyone can offend me ..." Therefore, your man does not need to know how tough and dexterous you can deal with competitors, how smartly you settle conflicts, and how well you know how to hammer nails into the wall. It is better to leave such details for later.

If your goal is to charm a man, you need to show him that he is not only the smartest for you, but also sexy man but also strong. And you, in turn, are a defenseless creature, albeit brave. But at the same time, you are not at all afraid to seem weak. She's a charming little girl, so brave, the man thinks, but she can't do it without me.

  1. Affectionate, kind, gentle

In our time of unisex, when women, roughly speaking, rattle eggs, behave like men, to meet an affectionate, kind and sympathetic woman, for a man is tantamount to a miracle. You take care of stray dogs, not a single charity event in the city can do without you, in general, you are happy to help everyone who needs your help - you are just a miracle. Before this, he definitely will not resist. And if you are also affectionate and gentle, this cannot but delight.

  1. Submit or insist on your own?

A woman's trick in a relationship, if you need to insist on your own, is just not to shove "the saber on the tanks", but to act wiser. Wise woman, v the right moment, even if she completely disagrees with the man, she will prefer to agree, at least, for example, in order to avoid a scandal, obediently but sacrificially nods her head and whispers “Okay”.

And this will be her victory, because the man will think that he is the winner. At first he will triumph, then he will begin to doubt whether he did the right thing? Then he will try to please you with something, because you are so touching in your obedience, especially since you give up your principles and plans for the sake of him.

  1. Care and support

All of the above female tricks will certainly help you not only, but also become for him the most desirable and attractive. Add caring and support to all this, and he will definitely be yours. Take an interest in a man, take care of him, please him, and he will answer you in kind.

But the most important trick in communicating with men is not to dissolve in these relationships, but to make it clear to the man that, despite all the immense love for him, you still love yourself more.

And as always, we are waiting for your comments!

Hello dear ladies! When meeting young people, girls often resort to various tricks in order to capture their attention and show themselves from their best side. Today I want to talk about what female tricks exist in dealing with men, how long you can resort to them and how they should be transformed over time.

The game has begun

The psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman is diverse and has an infinite number of facets. Relationships go through several stages: nascent, romantic period, getting to know each other closer, stable and familiar environment, habit, fading, and so on. There can be many stages, each relationship has its own flavor.

If we are talking about tricks in communication, then, undoubtedly, the most suitable stage for this will be the beginning of a relationship. It is during this period that the girls use all their skills and abilities in order to seduce, attract attention, hook and bring the young man as close as possible.

With age, women begin to use more and more sophisticated techniques. This is due to many years of experience. She is like a fisherman who knows which bait is suitable for which fish, where are the most fertile places and which fishing rod to take with you for bream, and which for perch.

Women's tricks

I bring to your attention a few tricks that will facilitate your communication with men, help you show yourself with the best side and will help a man to see that one and only one in you.

I want to note right away that tricks must be used with the head. Always try to assess the whole situation, do not jump to conclusions and do not despair if something does not work out. Practice is important in every business.

Appearance. What tricks women do not go to in appearance. From make-up to special underwear that creates volume in the right places... Yes, I agree that men are very greedy for a beautiful wrapper. Only here it is important not to overdo it and not turn yourself into an unreal doll, which, on the contrary, will repel.

One client of mine shared the worst disappointment of his life. He met a very attractive young lady. A relationship began and when he first stayed with her for the night, he almost went crazy in the morning. The girl took off all her "camouflage" and turned out to be very far from the image that was very skillfully created.

Always try to give preference to naturalness and naturalness. Such girls attract much more attention from men than puffy and decorated dolls.

Inaccessibility. Be sexy and depraved, but not surrender to a man right away. He must see your desire, catch passionate vibes. But as they say, we want more what is inaccessible. But starving a man for too long is wrong.

But this is not just about the bed. A man should want to see you. The first one is to make appointments. The flip side of the coin is importunity. Do you know girls who don't let guys breathe? You need to be able to be busy, have your own affairs and your life, so that he does not think that you are completely and completely devoted to him.

Sometimes you should refuse a date, under the pretext that you have business (it is better, of course, if you really have some business). Don't always pick up the phone when he rings. Go to meetings with other people. But this trick also has its drawbacks. If you overact a little, then the man may begin to think that you have no interest in him at all.

Defenselessness. The strongest female trick... Any gentleman should feel like a real man next to you. And he can feel this only if you are a gentle and vulnerable woman who needs help and support, who needs protection.

Strong and self-sufficient woman does not cause a desire to court, teach her something (namely, in the role of a teacher, men feel most satisfied).

But as you can imagine, this trick has its own edge. Being helpless is not good at all. So he may think that you cannot do anything at all and why should he tie his fate with such a useless person?

Ease. Be airy and simple. Don't point out mistakes to him. This can be done, but only in a very accurate and specific manner. Nobody likes it when mistakes are pointed out to him.

Use phrases such as “what if we try differently,” “let's do it like this next time,” “and you can teach me,” and so on.

Laudatory speeches. Men, like women, love with their ears. As soon as you praise him for the simplest little thing, a satisfied smile of a cat will immediately appear on his face. But do not praise him for everything, so as not to spoil it.

Do not complain about your life and do not constantly talk about your problems. This is what is meant when it is said about easy and simple communication. Not all men will be sincerely interested in knowing that your friend has a problem: she burned her favorite skirt.

I recommend to your attention the book “ Women's encyclopedia. 1001 helpful advice for modern woman ". Surely in it you will find many interesting and useful thoughts that will expand your knowledge of the manner of behavior with men.

When is it time to stop

Tricks and tricks like this will work great with the guy you just met. But when the relationship gets more serious, then these tricks should stop.

Agree, with your husband, many of the above techniques will no longer work. After all, he knows you much better, and the format of your relationship is already different.

What comes in return for all these gimmicks? (which you should always have, here it just comes to the fore), trust, mutual understanding, willingness to change yourself and help your partner, support and care.

Why is it falling apart great amount relationship? Because girls keep trying to build them up on manipulation and similar tricks. No, that's not how love works. Tricks, tricks and tricks help draw a man's attention to you, help to lure him. Next, a completely different work should take place.

In the article "" I describe in great detail the mechanism of fading relationships, why this happens and what can be changed so that love is eternal. I definitely recommend that you familiarize yourself with it if you want to build strong and harmonious relationships.

Do you have any special techniques that help you in dealing with men? Do you know men's tricks? Do your tricks change over the years?

Wish you all the best!

Good day, our dear readers! Irina and Igor are with you again. We have already published an article about what phrases should not be said when addressing your man. Now let's figure out how a woman should behave in order to keep a man's attention, in order to get the things you need from him.

Women's tricks in dealing with men are a powerful weapon in achieving their goals, as well as creating strong and lasting relationships. What are we talking about? Let's take a closer look at our article.


Even if your man has already been telling you about the details of his car's breakdown for half an hour, do not stop him, and do not let it be understood that this is not interesting to you.

You can even ask a few clarifying questions so that he knows that you are listening to him. Everyone is pleased to be heard. But do not overdo it, otherwise it will become a habit with him or the story may drag on for several more hours.

Address by name

Each person in communication is pleased to hear his name. Even if it seems to you that words such as "dear", "dear", "beloved" and so on express more of your tenderness and love, try so that the name of your man still prevails in your address to him.

Thus, you make it clear that you are showing real interest in his personality, and also inspire a sense of trust in him.

Do not restrict freedom

Each pair should have free time: you go shopping with your friends, and your beloved one for his meetings with friends. Do not interfere with his desire to be a little out of your company, this will give him time to get bored.

You can apply little trick if you want the man to return from his meeting as soon as possible. Tell him before leaving the phrase: “Try not to linger, love, I have big plans for the evening ... ”This will spur your man to return to you faster.

Little surprises

Small surprises, such as a candlelit dinner when you get home, or a relaxing bath prepared, or even a little romantic note in your pocket, create a romantic atmosphere in your relationship.

Of course, you, perhaps, would like the man to make such surprises for you himself. But it doesn't matter at all which of you starts first, the main thing is to introduce such pleasant trifles in tradition.


Agree, it's nice when you are admired? “You are so gallant today”, “what a wonderful bouquet you have chosen” and other words of admiration should not remain unspoken.

But be careful, your admiration should not sound like flattery, try to figure out which sides the man appreciates in himself. Admiring these qualities of him, you will definitely win the heart of your beloved one.

Take care of your beauty

Even if you have a day off or a joint vacation, do not forget about your beauty. Leave all procedures for the induction of this beauty for a time when the faithful will not be around.

Agree a woman in curlers and a mask of cucumbers does not cause much desire. Besides, well-groomed appearance woman serves as a sign for a man that you are interested in him. To look your best, you can use some feminine tricks:

  • Erect posture, always favorably emphasizes your chest, as well as visually tightens the abdomen
  • A bulging belly is a big problem... Measures in the form of diet and augmentation should be taken to get rid of it

Do not be ashamed of your not knowing

Do not be afraid to admit to a man that you do not know any issue or know how to do something.

Even if you know perfectly well the area of ​​your conversation, it is sometimes helpful to pretend to be a little "dunno." This makes a man in his own eyes meaningful and intelligent. And also do not hesitate to resort to the help of men, this gives them an idea of ​​their strength and indispensability for you. And at the same time you increase his self-esteem.


Be considerate of your partner. Ask how his day was before touching or kissing him. It will add warmth to your relationship.

Feel free to express your sympathy sincerely if the man is in trouble, but at the same time, reassure him by saying that you are confident that he will cope with all adversity. Underline it strengths thus, you will give him a "gulp" of self-confidence.


Do not be afraid to show your weakness and defenselessness in any matter. It gives the man a sense of strength as well as a sense of being a true protector of his woman.

Do not forget to sincerely thank your man when he helps you deal with your next difficulty.


Eyes and gaze are one of the most effective weapons of a woman in the fight for her man.

With a glance, you can show him your admiration, sympathy, show that you have playful mood, or that you need help. Men love their women for open gaze, so learn to look to convey your emotions to your partner.

What tricks do you use when dealing with your men? Share your tricks with us in the comments. See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor