The newborn squeaks during feeding. Causes of crying baby during feeding. Reasons for crying with hepatitis B from Dr. Komarovsky

It's no secret that crying is an attempt by babies to attract the attention of adults. Anything can be the reason for the emergence of "bitter" tears. In most cases, children are frustrated by the dissatisfaction of their natural needs or a feeling of some kind of discomfort.

To calm their baby, many mothers apply it to their breasts. But how to perceive a situation in which, it would seem, this most reasonable decision turns into the opposite effect - the child goes crying right during feeding? We will discuss this issue today.

In this article, you will learn:

A baby cries during a feed for a variety of reasons. The most common ones are:

  • ear pain;
  • pain in oral cavity;
  • headache;
  • infant colic;
  • not tasty milk;
  • irregularity of milk supply;
  • lack of milk;
  • heat;
  • cold.

Know the "enemy" by sight

Only a specialist can establish the exact reason for crying babies during feeding. His final conclusion should be based on the results medical research... But, you can try to understand the essence of the problem on your own.

To do this, you need to carefully observe the baby and pay attention to any changes in his behavior, since even the most insignificant of them may indicate the development of certain ailments.

So, if the child:

  • Squeezes his knees and twists his legs a lot, most likely his tummy hurts;
  • Cries when pressed on auricles, then he is tormented by otitis media;
  • Cries while sucking on the breast, perhaps the reason for this lies in the development of stomatitis, thrush or pharyngitis;
  • He begins to cry with a sharp change in body position, his saphenous veins are clearly visible, lethargy and stiffness of movements are noted, the possibility of a severe headache cannot be ruled out;
  • He fidgets in his mother's arms, bends over, strains all the muscles of the body, squeezes his hands into fists and starts screaming, then he was clearly overcome by colic;
  • Refuses to breast and cries after the first sips of milk, and when applied again begins to cry, perhaps this is how he expresses dissatisfaction with the taste of food;
  • Tears off the breast with a plaintive cry, and then greedily clings to it again, then the reason for this behavior may be that the milk flows to it irregularly;
  • Gains poorly in weight, and after each feeding it is noted emotional distress, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that the child is not eating enough;
  • Hostage elevated or low temperature air, he will certainly express his displeasure with tears.

Work on bugs

If the above symptoms are familiar to you, and they repeat over and over again during feeding, every effort should be made to relieve the baby of the agony that he is experiencing. To do this, depending on the root cause of crying, you will need:

  • If you suspect the development of otitis media, diseases of the oral cavity, the manifestation of severe headache - immediate appeal To medical care and passing all prescribed diagnostic procedures. Further - the obligatory fulfillment of the prescriptions of the attending physician right up to the moment of complete recovery.
  • In case of symptoms of indigestion (vomiting, diarrhea), causing characteristic abdominal pain - consultation with a pediatrician. As first aid it is recommended: to attach the baby to the breast as often as he wants to, to provide him abundant drink, which will avoid dehydration of the body and introduce a sorbent (smecta).
  • With colic - one or more ways to relieve pain:
  • warm diaper on the tummy;
  • massage;
  • carrying the baby "in a column" after feeding or laying it on the stomach;
  • using the "frog" pose, which is done in an upright position (the child sits on his arms with bent legs facing the parent or with his back to him);
  • using "white" noise, which distracts and makes the child relax (monotonous sound of household appliances will do).
  • drugs of "carminative" action.
  • In case of taste differences - exclude from the diet of a nursing mother products that change the taste of her milk. These include: garlic, onions, cauliflower, pickles, radish, radish, curry, red pepper, cumin, vanilla and cinnamon.
  • In case of irregular milk supply - a gentle massage of the breast immediately before each feeding of the baby.
  • If the amount of milk produced is insufficient a- introduction of products that increase lactation into the diet of a nursing mother: 1.5-2 liters. liquids per day (water, dried fruit compotes, special herbal teas, fermented milk drinks, Birch juice), raisins, dried apricots, nuts, buckwheat, cheese, meat, oatmeal, seeds, bran bread, etc.
  • At high / low air temperature - selection the right clothes, in which the child will feel as comfortable and cozy as possible.

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly very important and intimate contact mom and baby. But what if it turns into a nightmare for both?

Why does a baby cry while breastfeeding?

If you have problems with feeding, try to determine if you are applying the baby correctly. Perhaps it is simply uncomfortable for him to grab the nipple with the areola, or you unknowingly only give the nipple! Improper attachment threatens the baby to swallow air. Because of this, colic, gas or cramps appear in the tummy. In this case, it will be natural to abandon the breast.

Crying during feeding can also be caused by the appearance of teeth or health problems in the mouth - stomatitis, thrush, dry mucous membranes. Monitor the temperature and dryness of the air in the room.

Before feeding your baby, check his nose, especially if he is sick. SARS is also the cause of restless behavior. In this case, the spout becomes clogged, it will become uncomfortable to suck milk due to lack of oxygen.

A common reason for children's tears during breastfeeding is a change in the taste of milk if the mother ate a lot of spicy foods, garlic and other foods new to the baby.

If a young mother does not have enough milk to saturate the baby, the baby will also feel it. If a child is malnourished, hunger will naturally trigger a storm of emotions. You can understand the lack of milk in the breast by the behavior of the baby - he seems to be hammering his nose and mouth into the chest, trying to get something there. Milk-promoting drugs are often ineffective. Regular breast massage will help more, frequent attachment... From folk methods- tea or cocoa with milk, cherry compote.

When excess milk is observed, the baby can be frightened. He will be afraid to choke and will push his chest. In such cases, expressing a little before feeding helps.

If your baby is over 4 months old, then the reason for crying may not be so bad. Perhaps he is already interested in the world so much that he is distracted from food, and mom understands this as refusal of her milk. Output: feeding on request.

Do not rush to deprive your child of breastfeeding. In any case, he may have a lack of appetite while you feed him, or a bad mood, or little man already decided to show you my character.

Consult your doctor and determine the reason why the baby began to eat poorly or cry while eating. By removing it, you can continue to breastfeed him. No expensive formula can replace the benefits of breast milk. Breastfeeding is a period when mom and baby get to know each other, so for each of them it should be natural and joyful.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update articles: 23.01.2017

An informative article about the reasons for the crying of a baby during breastfeeding, as well as how you can help the mother to cope with this situation.

In the first time after the birth and acquaintance of the mother with her long-awaited baby, a period of getting used to each other begins. Small helpless children require protection and constant attention... Much in the behavior of the crumbs is incomprehensible to a young inexperienced mother. She is often frightened and panicked for any reason. Mothers are especially upset from the frequent crying of the baby.

It so happens that the baby cries and behaves restlessly during breastfeeding... This situation has several explanations. And do not get upset, give up and switch to artificial feeding. Breastfeeding your baby is a guarantee of your baby's health and peace of mind.

The main reasons for a crying baby at the breast

Pediatricians, all the reasons associated with crying during breastfeeding, are conditionally subdivided into several groups (excluding congenital pathology child):

  • the cause of crying may be a general improper organization of the breastfeeding process;
  • the reasons may be individual for each baby.

The first thoughts of a young mother in such situations are about the lack of breast milk... Of course, grandmother and many girlfriends will say about this that the child does not eat enough. Words like this make Mom feel guilty. After all, the mother is responsible for how much the child eats. Therefore, in order to understand if everything is in order with sufficient feeding, you need to track how the baby urinates and defecates. You should get 6 wet and at least 1 dirty diapers per day. You should also monitor the baby's weight and feed as often as possible.

The next reason why a child cries when he eats may be improper attachment baby to the chest. Deep and comfortable sucking is obtained if the baby completely captures the nipple and the circumference around it with its mouth. In this case, the nose should remain open, the chin is pressed to the chest, and underlip twisted a little. Smacking the baby's lips indicates that the nipple is not taken correctly, and together with the milk he swallows air, which can then cause pain in the tummy.

The next common mistake a young mother makes is feeding her baby from a bottle. The baby has to extract breast milk, which will subsequently have a positive effect on the bite and teeth of the child, and there is one hole in the bottle convenient size, which does not require much effort to suck at all. Naturally, baby will go along the way least resistance, will cry near her mother's breast, and over time may completely abandon it.

Pediatricians advise in such situations to bottle-feed only after the hungry baby first eats milk from the breast.

Do not forget about the still immature digestive system of the crumbs, difficulty digesting milk can also cause pain and discomfort.

The child may cry a lot when eating because of, perhaps, bad taste milk. This can happen after Mom has eaten any odorous or spicy foods. In this situation, breast milk often has bad smell or taste.

Children are also sensitive to the smell of perfume, the smell of tobacco, which adults may simply not notice.

There are situations when breast milk gushes with too strong a stream due to the abundant amount of it in the mother's breast. The crumb simply does not have time to swallow the milk, chokes a little and cries.

In such a situation, the mother should express some of her first milk to slightly empty her overflowing breasts.

Often the baby cries when he eats, if the mother has flat or depressed nipples, and it is inconvenient for him to grasp them correctly. You can solve this problem with a breast pump. It will help the nipple to stretch out and trigger the breast to release milk. Also, mothers can use special pads that contribute to the formation of a bulging nipple.

Another common reason why a child cries wrong position crumbs or mothers during feeding. Children are very individual creatures, so here you will have to experiment a little to understand what position will suit your baby when he eats.

Tiny babies can sometimes have gastroesophageal reflux. This is usually temporary physiological cause that passes over time. An incompletely formed muscle that blocks the entrance to the baby's ventricle can be the reason that some of the milk returns to the esophagus, and causes very unpleasant sensations for the baby.

D To alleviate the condition of the child after feeding, you need to wear it a little in an upright position.

Other common reasons for crying

It also happens that a child cries for the following reasons:

  1. Obstruction of the passages of the spout. Before each feeding, it is necessary to check for dried crusts or mucus in the nozzle, and remove any foreign matter for normal breathing.
  2. The baby's gums hurt when his teeth form and grow.
  3. Discomfort, and as a result, crying can cause uncomfortable clothes... It is necessary to ensure as complete tactile contact with the baby while feeding.
  4. Also, it cannot be ruled out that the child is crying from the fact that his mother's stress or bad mood is transmitted to him. Young children are very sensitive to such things.
  5. Crying can be a signal to parents about any diseases of the baby - otitis media, pain in the mouth due to thrush.
  6. A baby can cry during feeding due to improper care during the day. The kid should fully receive a complex of gymnastics, massage, be rested and slept.

How to help a little baby

After each breastfeeding, hold your baby upright for 2 minutes. This will help to get air out if it gets inside, and will not allow gas to accumulate in the tummy.

After feeding, try to drink the baby with a spoon. dill water, which improves the waste of gas workers.

Don't eat prohibited foods.

If your baby is still crying during feeding and it disturbs you, it is best to seek advice from a pediatrician.

A nursing mother and child are one whole, they need each other, warm each other with warmth and light. And so there is no doubt that the mother will always find the answer to the question - why is the child crying. And then he will be able to calmly feed his baby without tears and anxiety.

During pregnancy, many girls dream of putting their blood on their breasts. Imagination paints touching pictures. But after childbirth, difficulties arise: the child is worried during feeding, cries, bends over. And there are several reasons for this.

This is what young mothers consider the main problem. It seems to them that a newborn baby does not have enough food or, on the contrary, is receiving too much food. In reality, with exclusive breastfeeding, the baby receives exactly the amount of milk required. Those. he can only overeat on mixed or artificial nutrition... But the baby may not receive enough nutrition due to problems with lactation.

Be wary if the toddler behaves like this: he grabs the nipple, eats a little, and then throws it away with bitter crying. If, when trying to express the breast, it turns out to be empty, then the reason is malnutrition.
In this case, you should:

  • Massage the breast during and after feeding. The arms should move from the base to the halo. Do not press hard. Movements should be soft and fluid.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Half an hour before the intended feeding, drink a glass of warm water.
  • Make lactation teas. Herbal preparations sold at the pharmacy. You should constantly brew a fresh infusion and drink it warm.
  • Massage and express your breasts between feeds.
  • Do not stop licking your baby at night. Better fix joint sleep... So the baby will stimulate the breast more, which means that during next day milk will arrive in sufficient quantity.

The fact that a child is malnourished is not only said by his psychos. Alarm bells is low weight gain and insufficient urination. Normally, the baby walks in a small way about 12 times a day.

If the reason is that the child is full but not satisfied sucking reflex, then you should be patient and wait it out. Mom's body will eventually adjust to the needs of the little one and stop producing so much food. Some parents solve the problem with a dummy.

Mixed or overeating artificial feeding says, first of all, the rapid weight gain by the child and his low activity.

Lactation crisis

In the region of three months, mom and baby are experiencing difficult time... The child grows up and begins to be capricious at the breast, and the amount of milk decreases.

Lactation crisis is expressed as follows:

  • The child is nervous at the breast, refuses to eat, turns, often cries.
  • Mom thinks that her breasts have become empty.
  • It can be difficult for a baby to fall asleep. He sleeps worse and less often than usual.

What to do

The parent needs to calm down and help the child overcome the difficult stage. Offer breasts over and over again, but don't insist. If the baby is very hungry, he will begin to eat.

Try to start feeding the baby right after waking up. A sleepy child eats with great pleasure. Do not forget to apply the crumb at night.

To lactation crisis ended faster, it is necessary:

  1. hug the baby more often, stroke him, kiss him;
  2. rest;
  3. spending time outdoors;
  4. eat right and drink a lot.

A crisis can last from three days to two weeks. During this time, the child learns new skills and begins to be interested in the world around him. It is worth remembering that this period will end quickly, and the child will calm down.

Colic and heartburn

Most of these problems are temporary. The child's body does not complete its development after birth. It continues to form, gain strength and take on new functions.

While eating, your baby may begin to feel discomfort, heartburn, and bloating. The following signs will help the mother understand that the child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • During feeding, the baby pushes, puffs, squeezes his legs.
  • In the evening, the child's anxiety increases. He cries, cannot sleep, often requires a breast.
  • The baby stops defecating.

With increased gas production, the pediatrician will prescribe drugs that facilitate the passage of gases. For example, "Espumisan" or "Bobotik". Can help gas outlet pipe that you should buy at the pharmacy.

But before taking drastic measures, you should try to solve the problem in milder ways:

  • press the baby's legs to the tummy and lightly press on them;
  • put the baby on a warm diaper;
  • loosen the elastic of the pants, remove the diaper;
  • exclude legumes, kefir, fresh fruits, cabbage, cucumbers from your diet.

Heartburn in children occurs when a small amount of milk flows back into the stomach along with gastric juice. To prevent this from happening, after feeding, you should keep the crumbs in a "column".

Health problems

Breastfeeding strengthens the immune system, helps fight disease, protects and soothes. But this is not always the case. Sometimes, when breastfeeding, the baby freaks out due to health problems:

  • Thrush. It manifests itself as white ulcers in the mouth. They are painful and start to burn when food touches them. The mother can also develop thrush: the nipples turn red, after feeding they itch and hurt.
  • Lactase deficiency. It is manifested not only by anxiety in the chest. The kid is worried about vomiting foamy stool, diarrhea. The child does not gain weight, becomes lethargic, refuses to breast.
  • Staphylococcus aureus. The crumb is worried about diarrhea, green and watery stools, vomit, profuse regurgitation... The skin becomes pale, rashes appear. The kid often screams, does not sleep, presses his legs to his tummy.

Each of these problems must be dealt with by doctors. Self-medication can greatly harm the child.
With thrush, if it is not started, the pediatrician may prescribe the treatment of the oral cavity with a soda solution.

Lactase deficiency and staphylococcus aureus are detected by tests. In these cases, the child is usually recommended to be transferred to a special mixture.

Other causes of vagaries in the chest

It happens that parents sort out the most common causes of psychos during feeding, and the child still does not calm down. Crying does not always cause colic and illness. But it's not worth worrying about.

Whims often appear due to bad mood which is called by:

  • changing weather conditions,
  • loud noise and bright light,
  • bad dream,
  • discomfort from the diaper and clothing.

There are more serious, but solvable, reasons for crying:

  • Incorrect nipple grip. Because of this, it is difficult for a child to get milk for himself, so he cries and is capricious. The mouth of the baby should cover the nipple and the halo completely, while the chin is pressed tightly to the chest.
  • Flat nipples. Newborns cannot grasp the breast and cries. In this case, it is recommended to use special pads and use before breastfeeding.
  • Inconvenient posture. Sometimes mothers press the baby too hard. This cannot be done. Do not lock the baby's head in one position. Just hold it. Make sure that the tiny nose does not press into the chest.
  • Some babies may not like the taste or smell of breast milk. Therefore, it is important to stick to your diet while feeding. Avoid spicy and fatty foods.
  • Do not use before feeding cosmetics. Strong smell can push the baby away and cause crying.

If the baby is nervous too often, it is worth contacting a specialist. The doctor will rule out health problems, and the consultant for breastfeeding will check the latch of the nipple and help you manage the feeding. The main thing to remember is that in a calm mother, the child is less capricious and goes through crises more easily.

From the moment of birth, a newborn baby begins a long and difficult process of adaptation to environment... If previously he received nutrients from the mother's body, now he will have to learn how to consume food on his own.

In the practice of young mothers, situations often arise when the baby is naughty, cries and expresses dissatisfaction during and after feeding. This phenomenon occurs with the same frequency, both among breastfed children and among babies using artificial milk formulas.

Causes of crying when breastfeeding

If the baby expresses dissatisfaction during and after the breastfeeding process, then there are several reasons for this. The list of reasons includes such factors:

  • Abdominal cramps and pain. If, while latching on to the breast, the baby looks restless, cries and jerks his legs, then these symptoms indicate intestinal formation, which is typical for newborns. Digestive system the baby is not able to produce enough enzymes, as a result of which gas formation in the intestine (flatulence) increases and colic is formed.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the middle ear (otitis media). This disease is very common among children in the first year of life. This tendency is due to the structural features of the nasopharynx of the baby. Often, otitis media proceeds without an increase in body temperature and other signs. If the baby cries while feeding, then the young mother is recommended to show the baby medical specialist... Sucking and swallowing movements cause an aggravation of pain in the ears, so the baby becomes restless and capricious.
  • Air entering the stomach while feeding. Failure to follow the breastfeeding technique can provoke the swallowing of air during feeding. The incoming air forms a plug, which causes discomfort and pain in the infant.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and oropharynx. Breastfeeding can provoke an increase pain syndrome if the baby has inflammatory process in the oropharynx and oral cavity. Most likely, the baby has developed pharyngitis or candidiasis (thrush).

  • Not enough breast milk. The crying and whims of the baby during and after feeding can indicate a lack of breast milk in the mother's mammary glands. In order to understand this problem, it is recommended for a young mother to carry out control weighing of the child before and after attachment to the breast. The difference in weight will correspond to the amount of milk eaten.
  • Taste qualities of mother's milk. If a nursing woman makes mistakes in nutrition, then her milk taste changes. Eating spices, garlic, onions and smoked meats affects the taste of milk. Such food causes the baby to refuse to feed.
  • General malaise and headache. When a baby cries during and after feeding, it may be due to a headache caused by neurological disorders... V in this case the child should be examined by a pediatric neurologist and other specialists.
  • . High pressure breast milk causes discontent and crying in the baby.

Every problem requires individual approach to its solution.

Reasons for crying with artificial feeding

Unfortunately, not every young mother can afford to breastfeed for a number of reasons. Dissatisfaction and crying of a child during and after feeding with formula milk can be caused by the following factors:

  • Malnutrition or overeating. A shortage or excess of formula milk provokes whims and crying in a newborn baby. If the baby is not eating mother's milk, then parents need to independently regulate the amount of food for the baby. After the birth of the baby, parents should consult a pediatrician who can calculate individual rate food for the baby.
  • Psychological factors. Feeding the baby with formula does not allow for close psychological contact between the mother and the child. When a child feels inner insecurity, he becomes moody and cries both during feeding and after.

  • Mixture is not suitable. Not every adapted formula is suitable for babies. This is due to the fact that all children are individual. The child may not be satisfied with the taste of the food. In addition, some formulas cause digestive upset, which leads to anxiety in the child. Read about which mixtures are suitable for babies in the article at the link.
  • Intestinal colic. As with breastfeeding, formula milk can cause increased gassing in the intestines of the child. At this ailment the baby cries both during feeding and after.
  • Inappropriate teat bottle. The large opening in the nipple accelerates the flow of the formula from the bottle and encourages air to enter the baby's stomach. Formed air bubble causes a lot of discomfort in the child.

How to help

In order to provide the baby help needed, parents should be sure of the reason for the dissatisfaction and whims. If crying is caused intestinal colic, then you can help the baby with the help special means, reducing gas production in the intestines, as well as with stroking and. To do this, you need to lay the child on the back and stroke the tummy clockwise with gentle movements. Next, you need to take both legs of the baby and perform the exercise "bicycle", periodically pressing them to the tummy.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then the parents need to choose another formula that contains less protein.

If crying is caused by air entering the stomach, then after feeding the mother should turn the baby upright and wear it in her arms for 10-15 minutes. Stroking on the back stimulates the release of excess air.

In order to eliminate psychological factors with artificial feeding, it is enough to spend more time in close contact with the baby. It was recommended that the mother more often hold the child in her arms, cuddle her, put her to sleep next to her, talk with the baby in a calm tone.

For the prevention of nutritional deficiency and excess, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of food consumed by the child. When breastfeeding, the baby is able to independently regulate the amount of milk. If used artificial mixtures, then the parents themselves must cook age norm food. If in doubt, it is recommended to use the diaper counting method or check weighing before and after feeding.

When a baby is malnourished due to decreased lactation, a young mother will need the help of a breastfeeding specialist. Stimulation of breast milk production is carried out by correcting the diet, drinking regimen, massage of the area of ​​the mammary glands, as well as drugs stimulating lactogenesis.

If neurological diseases and other health abnormalities are the cause of anxiety and crying, then it is strictly forbidden to solve this problem on your own. Only qualified specialist, who will conduct a detailed examination of the child and prescribe treatment.

A healthy and happy baby will never complain during or after feeding. If the baby is restless, crying and naughty, then parents need to make every effort to find and eliminate the cause. If this cannot be achieved on your own, then it is recommended to seek help from specialists.