What conspiracies act instantly. Fast conspiracies for love. How to ask the saints for help

If you decide to perform a magical rite, but do not want to wait long for the result, use conspiracies that act instantly. These are the most powerful options for magical effects. We share effective and proven folk ways.

For the conspiracy to work exactly, adhere to following rules:

  1. ... During this period of time, the lunar energy reaches its peak and very powerfully affects the result. magic rite
  2. Memorize the text of the conspiracy in advance. This is necessary so that at the right moment you can clearly and without the slightest hesitation read the words important for the magical rite.
  3. Read conspiracies only with good intentions. If through the rite you want to harm someone, evil will return to you many times
  4. Believe that the conspiracy will definitely work. Doubts and fears get in the way and make it difficult to fulfill the request you are sending

Gunpowder conspiracy

This conspiracy option helps. Use it if you suffer from strong or. This rite is a kind of " Ambulance", Which will instantly heal you from physical suffering.

You will need a box of matches. Empty them out and use a knife to scrape the black powder off the heads. Place the collected gunpowder on a glass or metal surface in the shape of a cross.

Observing safety precautions, light the gunpowder and quickly pronounce the conspiracy:

Wait until the powder is completely extinguished. After that, the pain will begin to subside and should disappear completely within a few minutes.

Conspiracy to attract good luck

This conspiracy option is used if luck has turned away. Use it in order to return luck to your life and quickly cope with a series of failures, solve unforeseen problems.

Then roll the sheet into a tube and tie or glue it in such a way that it does not unfold. Use to fasten the charmed piece of paper to your clothes so that it is invisible.

At the moment when you need to call on luck for help, touch your hand to the place of clothing where the paper is fastened and ask for help. At this moment, the conspiracy should take effect instantly.

Conspiracy from the evil eye

This conspiracy option should be used immediately when you suspect that someone has jinxed you. If you felt that you were envied, or someone in their hearts wished badly, also use this conspiracy.

To cleanse yourself of negative energy and remove bad libel, bring holy water from the church and prepare an oak broom. It is desirable that it was previously used in the bath.

Pour holy water on the broom and start clapping yourself with it, saying magic words conspiracy:

After completing the ceremony, sprinkle holy water on your face and wipe off the hem of the clothes that you are wearing this moment... Drink the rest of the water and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. At this, the ceremony is considered complete, and the evil eye should go away instantly.

Instant money conspiracy

Use this conspiracy if you need money or want to increase income, get quick profits. It works instantly and helps lead financial position back to normal.

Prepare 12 coins. They must be made of metal yellow color, so you can use coins in denominations of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 10 rubles. Wait until midnight in a day when the moon is in a waning phase. Then head outside and exit at a deserted intersection.

Stand by the road, take the coins in your palm. Stretch out your hand so that Moonlight got on the hand. Then read the text of the conspiracy:

Repeat sacred words need three times. After completing the ceremony, immediately go home. Put the charmed coins into your wallet. The conspiracy will take effect instantly - you only need to spend money on the right thing. From now on magical effect will begin to gain its strength, and in a month you will forget about financial problems.

A conspiracy to quickly accumulate money

This conspiracy option is suitable if you are going to commit large purchase, but you can’t save money for it.

The magic words must be said three times. After the ceremony, put the piggy bank in a prominent place. You will need to put money there every day, at least one coin at a time.

But most likely you will be more generous, start putting enough money in your piggy bank, and as a result, you will quickly save money for the desired thing. At the same time, more money than usual will start to appear in your life.

Important: for conspiracies to work, it is necessary positive attitude... Try to get rid of emotions such as anger, resentment, envy, greed. Concentrate on the good ones joyful emotions and believe in the best. Then the action of the conspiracy will not be long in coming.

If you suspect or are convinced that you have been jinxed, on help will come This article. You will learn, how to identify and quickly remove the evil eye from yourself and loved ones... In addition, learn to read conspiracies from the evil eye so that they bring one hundred percent results.

What is the evil eye and damage, their consequences

The evil eye is a negative influence, the attitude of another person. Unlike damage, the evil eye is done unknowingly.... Someone with bad thoughts complimented you when he wanted to say a taunt. Or when the other person envy you. All this will be the evil eye.

And its consequences can be the worst. A person applies it deliberately, prepares and conducts a serious ritual. If the damage was caused by a strong magician, then you may be waiting for severe illness or big trouble. The worst result of such exposure is death... The consequences of corruption depend on the goal pursued by the magician.

How to quickly identify the evil eye

The easiest way to identify the evil eye is with church candle ... If it is not there, then you can use the usual one, which can be bought in the store.

Ask someone close to you to help you. Sit on a chair or stool, keep your back and head straight, eyes closed. Your assistant brings a lighted candle to the top of your head and guides it over your head, clockwise.

If the candle starts to smoke black, then you have the evil eye. In the case when the flowing paraffin is also black, be sure that damage has been put on you.

By the way, this way of defining negative impact, is and fast way remove the evil eye... After the ritual, the candle must be completely melted and thrown away. If you have a stove or fireplace, just throw it into the fire.

A quick conspiracy from the evil eye and damage

Let's start with the simplest: if you feel that you have been jinxed or wished you harm, and you do not have time to spend, be sure to read this quick conspiracy from the evil eye.

Collect well or rainwater in the evening. Stand so that the moon is reflected in the water and say in a whisper three times:

"Go away, the evil eye away, to the clear moon."

Sprinkle the spoken water on the head, heart, liver and groin. The rest of the water must be poured out to the left. Try to splash the water out so that it is absorbed into the ground. Make sure no water remains on the surface and a person could not step into it. If you step on such a liquid, both the damage and the evil eye will go to the one that has come.

You will feel better immediately! if you have free time, you can read more complex conspiracy from damage and the evil eye.

A more sophisticated way to remove the evil eye and damage

Consider a more difficult option, but also stronger than the previous one. If the evil eye is weak, then after the first conspiracy it will become easier for you, and the need for further purification will disappear by itself. If you don't feel any improvement, then proceed to the next ritual.

You will need:

  • Red candle
  • Cow's milk
  • Glass bowl
  • Regular sponge (for example, for washing dishes)
  • A large metal bowl, bucket, or other container.

A metal container is needed to make a small fire in it. If there is a stove or fireplace with a lit fire, then the dishes are not needed.

The ritual is performed alone in the evening. Place a lighted red candle on the table. Pour into a glass bowl cow's milk... Take a sponge and dip it in milk. Use this sponge to wipe your face and neck. Wet it again and rub again. All actions must be done 3 times, each time saying:

Milk, white, cleanses me. I cleanse myself of evil. Milk, white, revitalizes the skin. I am reborn in the light. Amen

After the last rubdown, light a fire in the prepared container and burn a sponge in it, saying:

As the black dirt from my skin burns in the fire, so the black evil in it burns, the lock does not hang on me.

You can dry your face and neck with a tissue to be burned. Next, burn the remnants of the red candle, and pour the remaining milk under any tree. Now you can start your business as usual. But don't wash your face for the next 2-3 hours.


In conclusion, I want to wish you good luck in performing rituals and reading conspiracies... And what would you encounter as little as possible. All the best to you.

There are circumstances in life when help is needed urgently. There is absolutely no time to wait. If nothing is done right now, then a catastrophe will happen.

Anyway, do you read the exact statistics, or do you believe the media? And if the correct data are made public, what will happen?

Probably the most politically illiterate person will understand that states will disappear, people will become different, and so on. Should you focus on the media?

When you transfer money to another person, say:

“It left with pain, came three times with love. Amen!"

Speak in the store and in the marketplace, in the transition and at work, always. The more often the conspiracy is pronounced, the less problems in humans. Work quickly, almost point-to-point.

You need the amount, go to the store, buy something and tell the conspiracy. Return immediately. Just keep in mind that the return form does not depend on you. They can come in different ways. Watch.

Fast conspiracy for money (option 2)

Go to the bank and say:

“The bird always returns to its ancestral nest, so money is in my wallet, so that there are no other roads! Amen!"

Now go about your business and try to forget about the problems. The receipts are almost instantaneous.

It is important to tune in to the “wave of events”. That is, just before pronouncing the formula, a person must clearly and clearly understand that nothing else is given! And the point.

There is no more doubt and despair, hopelessness and failure. There is a reality that cannot be overcome by anything!

When you suddenly saw a large amount of money (naturally pieces of paper), say out loud:

“The light of the sun illuminates my path, don’t forget to cover it with money! Where the wallet opens, there money luck happens! "

And, as in the previous version, forget. Go your own way. And as, for a good reason, so get the first sign, that is, profit.

Give the first "tranche" to random people, and repeat the ritual. Don't be lazy, it will be much better.

There were times when a person simply threw the first couple of dollars into the air, returned a hundredfold! Trust me.

Your trust (albeit a tautology) strong thing... Whoever knows how to understand will be on horseback for the whole century!

Do you urgently need help solving any issue? No time to wait? Read conspiracies that work instantly. Instant conspiracies work very quickly and are designed to solve important life problems. It is better to read all instant conspiracies on the growing moon, on days when the lunar energy rises. The most favorable day for a conspiracy is Thursday. By reading such a conspiracy, you can remove severe pain, get the person to call you and even attract good luck. With the help of such conspiracies, the evil eye is removed. Although these conspiracies and instant action but they require preliminary preparation... The effect will not be long in coming.

When you don't want to wait: instant conspiracies that work effectively in the shortest possible time.

The instant action of the conspiracy is reality!

Most often, such instant conspiracies are used by people who are faced with a health problem. Every person has had severe toothache or abdominal pain at least once. This conspiracy, like an ambulance, will help relieve pain quickly. Many people resort to medicines call a doctor. This conspiracy will help to temporarily remove pain... When you feel relief, you can safely contact a specialist without taking drastic measures. For an instant pain relief conspiracy, you need a box of matches. Take out all the matches from the box, collect gunpowder from them, cleaning it off from each match. Sprinkle gunpowder on a metal or glass surface for safety. Sprinkle the gunpowder in the shape of a cross. Now you need to set fire to this cross and have time to cast a spell

“Where is the smoke there and the pain.
Where is the smoke there and the pain. "

Repeat until all the powder is consumed. After this conspiracy, the pain should subside within a few minutes.

Instant good luck conspiracy

This conspiracy is the most universal remedy when you want to get lucky. For example, you bought lottery ticket, and want it to be winning. This conspiracy will help any student to get the right ticket for the exam. For an instant good luck conspiracy, you need to make an amulet, which will be a guide to good luck. The amulet is very easy to make. You will need a very small piece of paper to write on following words

“My angel, be with me.
One luck follows, followed by another. ”

Roll a piece of paper into a tube, which needs to be sealed so that it does not unfold. Take a regular safety pin and clip the tube to the clothes you plan to wear during the day. As soon as you need luck, touch the amulet and ask the Angel of Luck to help you. The conspiracy will work instantly.

Instant conspiracy from the evil eye

Simple and fast-acting conspiracies

A conspiracy is read if you feel that you have been jinxed. There are people whose gaze or envy turns against other people. If you suddenly feel unwell or are pursuing failure in recent times, then you may have been jinxed. An instant conspiracy will help to remove such an evil eye. Removal of the evil eye symbolizes cleansing from bad energy... To do this, you need an oak broom and holy water. Better to go to the bathhouse with this broom. If you do not have such an opportunity, then remove the evil eye with the help of a conspiracy on oak leaves you can also at home. Take a new oak broom, sprinkle it with holy water and bang yourself with a broom for a few minutes while chanting the following spell

Oak, oak strengthen my health.
Holy water, take the eyes of bad people away from me.
I cut off everything bad with an oak broom. "

After patting yourself with an oak broom, wash yourself with holy water and wipe your face with the hem of your dress or shirt. Take a few sips of holy water and read the prayer Our Father. After such a ritual, the evil eye goes away instantly, and you will never be exposed to it again.

You can still do it, also a very effective way.

Instant conspiracies are committed with a strong belief in the fulfillment of the desired. The stronger your faith, the faster the conspiracy works. Sometimes a person so badly wants his desire to come true that one thought is enough and you can perform real magic without additional attributes.

Video: "Strong conspiracies from Vanga that act instantly"

Online test"Which conspiracy is right for me?" (28 questions)


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Site Visitor Comments

    I liked the method from the evil eye. Necessary thing this conspiracy in our time - from the evil eye precisely. There are so many people who envy someone else's happiness, and do not build their own and interfere with others. I ought to try, probably, it won't get any worse, we sat down just to expect the best =) I just have envious girlfriends, so I'll put a conspiracy on them. In general, all your conspiracies must be tried, very interesting.

    By the way, a good luck conspiracy! I used it all the time while I was studying at the institute! I didn’t regret it a bit! And I'll tell my children about him. I always hated cramming, so exams were hell for me, although I knew my specialty. All exams I have always passed easily and without problems. At the same time, when I wanted an A, I got it, and if I needed a B in some subject, then it came out. The main thing here is not to get impudent and be smart!)

    I always make a conspiracy from the evil eye, before some holiday, when a lot of attention will be paid to my child. He is still small and everyone needs to cuddle, say what cute cheeks, eyes, etc. he has. I’m mad, but I can’t help it. And the child will get tired of all this and then not calm down. Recently I got used to it like this. I will quickly make a conspiracy and I'm not afraid of any problems anymore. I calmly have fun and relax without worrying about the child

    I was interested in instant conspiracy from the evil eye, I want to try it. There you need an oak wreath, well, I'll take it from my grandmother, where I saw it. And for the holy water I will go to the church. It's just that lately I have noticed not good looks from their colleagues at work. Moreover, I often make presentations, and there are sidelong glances from partners. That may be someone who jinxed. It would be necessary to put up protection by your conspiracy. I had already heard something earlier, but somehow I did not dare.

    I decided to try the conspiracy for good luck and went to the cinema with friends. At the exit, I found 5000r in one bill, as if they were lying just for me, they were waiting straight) This is luck, so good luck)

    In our harsh times of envious and ill-wishers, a conspiracy from the evil eye is a real salvation! I periodically use it for myself and my family. So far I have never let you down and will not let you down, I'm sure! thanks for full information!

    Highly useful article... Now it is difficult not to meet a person who would treat you without envy, it is difficult to live without quarrels, and it is still difficult to live without luck. It's good that there is a site with articles describing conspiracies and talismans different properties... For example, I always carry it with me so that no ill-wishers would jinx it. You never know who you will meet on your way. And the conspiracy "for gunpowder" I will definitely take into service))

    Let all the bad weather and adversity go away ... I couldn't remember where I heard it before. And this is my mother told me, so that if I suddenly doubt something, twirl this phrase in my head. It turns out that I knew only part of the conspiracy, but she also protected me perfectly. No troubles in childhood. No matter how much they got into trouble, they bypassed me. Thanks to my mom for the love and to this site for the reminder too. Now before important matters I will play it in my head again

    Conspiracy for good luck during a session for a student - luck! The moment when all means are good .. Very useful article, explained everything in detail, especially about paper curling, such a simple and effective amulet. Now I will use it and not only for exams.

    Anastasia, too, used the good luck plot when it came time for the exams, but most of all she liked the method from the evil eye. In our time, this is such a sore subject, when there is so much envy and hatred around, even from someone from whom you do not expect. The truth did not reach the bathhouse, but I attached a pin))

    “My angel, be with me.
    One luck follows, another one leads "
    Just two lines, and so much help. I use this conspiracy before especially important points life or when I'm very worried. With an amulet, of course.
    And, of course, she also advised her relatives, told them, and showed them the article.

    Hello everyone :) As they say, accidents are not accidental! Here is my case. Gathered with friends in a bathhouse and then came across this article.
    You can immediately guess that we are talking about a conspiracy from the evil eye.
    After baptism, holy water was found at home. I did everything according to the instructions, I read the spell.
    Tomorrow I'll go to the store for a pin, there was no home))

    Good day! Yesterday I faced such a problem as an incredible toothache. It seems that I took the medicine, but nothing helped. I think, let me see what else I can do on the Internet. Oh, 1000 and 1 article on how to get rid of a toothache, but I got to this site, I read the article "conspiracy for powder." And you know, it helped! True, I later had to explain to my husband what I was doing))

    I watched the comments, yes, I also read, but the words are terribly familiar. Only in my case it is a conspiracy "for powder".
    “Where is the smoke there and the pain.
    Where there is smoke and pain. "
    Immediately before my eyes was childhood, grandmother, the village, the feeling of this smell of matches ...
    I will definitely practice on my children, although I really hope that it will not be needed!

    Good day! In the previous comments, readers of the article highlighted their favorite conspiracy, but I still use all three! And for a long time already. A conspiracy for good luck (with a paper amulet) before an important event or event, a conspiracy against the evil eye, when there is such a strange feeling, well, or when I go to the bathhouse .. "for gunpowder", of course, during illness
    The article is always in your favorite bookmarks!
    I printed it out at home just in case.

    A conspiracy is such a thing .. you won't try, you won't know! So I decided to try it. From the evil eye and for good luck .. time for exams)) In the future I plan to practice more !!! I’ll also tell my friends.

    “Let all bad weather and adversity go away.
    Oak, oak, strengthen my health ... "
    The story of how to surprise your family in the bathhouse)) At first they did not quite understand me, but then I showed them this article. Nobody remained indifferent
    True, I don't know exactly what kind of broom it was, possibly oak.

    5 minutes and vanished!

    Goodnight, my dears! nervously earned herself an incredible headache... Migraine cannot be called, but it is not pleasant enough ... I think it was not, all means are good not only in love. I started looking for conspiracies on the Internet. I came across an article, and it turned out to be the most sensible one.
    5 minutes and vanished!

    At work, it’s time for reductions .. Mom advised me to look at some conspiracies on the Internet. I hope it helps, we sit, make amulets, teach words =)
    No fluff, as they say

    Good luck, Julia tomorrow! Losing your job now, of course, and you will not wish the enemy. I've also looked at good luck conspiracies, only not for myself, but for my daughter, exam tomorrow, we are terribly worried.
    The session is with her, and I'm worried, and for two! Eh
    "My angel, be with me .."

    But I’m all the same for prophylaxis
    She kept all three conspiracies, today they made an amulet for good luck with a work colleague, on the weekend we will go to the bathhouse to get rid of the evil eye.
    Useful thing !!! It's not for nothing that our grandmothers said so many positive comments about conspiracies

    good evening! I went here to my son's room. At first I don’t understand what I was doing, then I explained, I really laughed, but then he explained that as a matter of fact, with friends they say they practice before exams and really helps!
    Well, I'll take a note.

    That's right, everything in the article says "The stronger your faith, the faster the conspiracy works."
    Often people think that it is enough just to want, but not! It was not so.
    I've been going around with a pin myself for several years now, and I'm strengthening it to all my household!

    Good day! I'm afraid of the evil eye, like cats of water, well, really
    Recently I felt that something was wrong, I think it's time to act!
    Conspiracies are just that. The article is still so informative, everything is described point by point, what and how. I didn't have to persuade my family to go to the bathhouse, just give my husband a reason ..

    I have a different story. I decided to make the girl a marriage proposal. I was so worried, did not know what to do, valerian did not help, I even took 100g to my soul ...
    Then a friend jokingly advised a conspiracy, but I took it seriously.
    In any case, she said "YES!", And the amulet is always with me now!
    Will have something to tell the children

    Hello everyone! I sent my daughter to study in Big city... And there the evil eye is a common phenomenon. I, of course, sound the alarm, read a lot of articles on the Internet, but this one liked the most, the most comprehensible. We didn't have time to go to the bathhouse, but of course I attached a pin. In a coat, jacket and bag, just in case

    good evening
    Yes, Marya, she was also worried about her daughter, they only used the conspiracy for good luck. The session was very difficult .. they went all out, as they say
    But the main thing is that the daughter really believed! As it was said above, desire alone is not enough.

    The box of matches and the pain vanished as if by hand! Who would have thought
    A work colleague advised. At first I didn't really believe it, I thought I was joking, but what a ... when on the 3rd day I break down with a headache at all. It is one thing to suffer yourself, and another to those around you. A box of chocolates to a colleague, and the authors of the article thank you very much for informativeness!

    On which moon the conspiracy for good luck is read, exams can also be in the waning period or in this conspiracy doesn't matter which moon?

    I liked the good luck conspiracy! Everything is simple and works! Helped me in the test. I thought I wouldn’t hand over.
    A difficult subject for me is history. I have a bad memory of dates and places. I suffered for a week, there was no sense.
    I already decided to fill it up like this (((And then I came across the site.
    Happened! Thanks to the author

    Hello! It's no secret that there is a lot of negative energy around. They will glue the evil eye to themselves easier than the lungs. Recently, my head began to hurt often. I am sure that this is the evil eye. I really needed protection!
    The most difficult thing turned out to be to find an oak broom ... This is the whole problem. I solved it with the help of a friend, she brought me a broom from the village.
    As a result, the head is gone, the mood has improved.
    I will try other conspiracies.

    Hey! I want to share my experience in removing the evil eye. I have a son, he is 8 months old, recently he began to cry and sulk often. A friend advised this rite.
    Fortunately, there were no problems with the broom. The baby's condition has improved. He began to smile and walk more. Thanks to the article, it turned out to be very useful!
    I will definitely recommend it to my mommies!

    I never believed fortune-tellers and conspiracies! I didn’t believe it, but in vain.
    It so happened that luck literally turned away from me. A black streak has gone at work and at home.
    Thanks to my grandmother, I advised that this is the evil eye!
    I found this article and decided to try it. The result will not be long in coming.
    Life is slowly returning to normal! Girls do not hesitate, try and life will shine again!

    Probably strange to see a response from a man on a similar topic. And yet I will risk it.
    It turned out to be a very difficult year for me: the car was stolen, the job was laid off, the family got into problems.
    What I just didn’t do, no matter how cool, nothing.
    The conspiracy proved to be the last hope. And although I did not really believe that it would help, I decided to try it.
    Well friends…. seems to be helping, I tell you!
    Made a good luck conspiracy.

    Good evening! I came to the page on a tip from my sister. Luck turned away from me, problems piled on. I tried the conspiracy for good luck, thanks to the article, everything is simply written.
    And although I made the conspiracy last spring, I decided to write only now, I like to write after the result.
    And the result is! There is a loved one, there is a job, we are expecting a baby. Isn't it luck?)

    Toothache tortured me. Literally exhausted. It's funny to say - matches helped))
    Who would have said, would not have believed it. And then I tried it myself and it works!
    Now I will know where to run if it grabs)
    Thanks, the article really came in handy.

    Hello! I couldn't help but unsubscribe. The conspiracy for gunpowder helped me a lot. More precisely, not even to me, but to my mom. She is very sick with me, she suffers from pain, the pills do not help.
    I think I'll try the conspiracy, it won't get any worse.
    And then again .. and it became easier for her. Just believe it or not believe, but the truth... Mom cheered up, freshened up.
    Highly recommend.

    Hey! I will join the male half, I don't watch a lot of it here!
    I personally tried a conspiracy from Vanga to cleanse the house.
    I'll tell you a bit how it was. I have a cat, he began to behave strangely, sits down, a scoundrel, in a corner and hisses .. Horror in one word. Good people suggested that she was curled to see nasty things in the house. The human eye does not see, but the cat feels!
    I googled what to do, found your site, tried the conspiracy of the old woman Vanga and the cat calmed down. And I'm so glad, there is no fear at home.

    I tried on myself a conspiracy from Vanga for well-being and good luck. The blues also got the problems.
    The most difficult thing was to find a clear day))) In general, I was satisfied with the procedure.
    I really felt the influx of strength. The mood got better. Problems receded into the background and turned out to be not so global. I look forward to improving well-being)

    Anton, as I understand you. Cats are guides to another world, they really feel the wickedness.
    So my Vasily began to behave strangely. I got into the Internet just to find what to do.
    And then happiness, I came across this site and even your comment!
    Thanks to the site for the opportunity to correct the situation, and just for the opportunity to communicate!

    A good luck conspiracy is really good luck!
    He helped me out more than once. I sincerely believe that it was he who helped.
    Our it with me in the right moments... It seems to me that you shouldn't wear it all the time, you still need to wisely spend the powers of an angel)
    thanks for interesting article

    O) impressed by the conspiracies from Vanga. I tried it myself once upon a time. Now I've read it here, I'm thinking of resuming the practice.
    I need support now, and I expect only good from Vanga. Her conspiracies work, time-tested!
    People do not hesitate, try it and everything will work out!
    The main thing is to believe in goodness!

    According to Marina (her post is above)
    It pisses me off too much attention to my child. I always try to protect my daughter from intrusiveness and usi-pusi. I read about the conspiracy from the evil eye, I think to try it.
    My daughter is pretty, like an angel, blond curly hair with blue eyes, few people don't want to hang out with her.
    And then she feels bad (
    Thanks to the author for the idea of ​​a great page.

    For the sake of laughter, I decided to try the conspiracy for good luck. We went fishing with friends, and I rarely get lucky on it. So he took up a conspiracy. I did everything right. And this time I was pleased with the fishing. He returned home with a decent catch) What is this? LUCK)))

    Hello! I hasten to share my experience, suddenly someone will come in handy.
    My husband and I live in perfect harmony, of course there have always been envious people, but everything worked out.
    And then a new neighbor came to us. There is a blue stocking. I thought there are none.
    Greetings through clenched teeth, and the word "hello" does not say (she does not wish us health) but simply nods and looks at our feet.
    I began to notice that as soon as we met her, everything fell out of hand, my husband became nervous, the quarrels began.
    I made a conspiracy on oak brooms, the neighbors left the trace and everything went smoothly in the house.

    I looked at the light on the advice of my older sister.
    Sister will not advise bad, once again convinced.
    I read the page voraciously, I will definitely try it myself, but I will only comprehend it once.

Unrequited love often gives a person the greatest pain and takes everything mental strength... Quick conspiracies for love will help to achieve reciprocity, find personal happiness and again feel the joy of life.

Conspiracies were used by our ancestors. Of all magic rituals they are the least simple, but very powerful. In order to achieve what you want, it is enough to say a few words, concentrating as much as possible on your goal. A love conspiracy will help to attract the attention of a man and kindle mutual feelings in him.

Love conspiracy on a thread

For a conspiracy, you need a red thread about twenty centimeters long. It has long been believed that red accumulates love energy in itself, therefore such a conspiracy is highly effective.

It is necessary to pronounce a love conspiracy immediately after midnight. Apart from threads, no other attributes are required: it is enough just to be in silence and solitude. The thread is alternately wound on the index and thumb left hand in such a way that visually it becomes like an eight - a symbol of infinity. As you tie the thread, say the following words:

I tie the thread - I tie you to me. As two fingers are connected by it, so we will become inseparable. As the thread is strong and red, so your love will be strong and bright. The sun will rise - your love for me will flare up. Amen.

After that, remove the knotted thread from your hand, but do not unravel it: let it remain in the shape of a figure eight. Place some thread under your pillow and go to bed. Soon, the object of love will begin to show signs of attention.

A quick love conspiracy on a candle

A love plot on a candle is read five minutes before midnight. It is best to use a church candle - it has a light energy.

Light a candle and gaze at the flame, pronouncing the text of the conspiracy:

I lit a candle - lit your love. The candle will not burn for long, but your love - all your life. The flame shines brightly, and your love shines even brighter. Be as midnight arrives. Amen.

After reading the plot, put out the candle. Try to date the man you feel for the next day. You will immediately notice the change in his attitude towards you.

Love conspiracy from photography

A photograph for a conspiracy can be taken from social networks... It is not necessary to have a printed version of it: a conspiracy uttered in front of a photograph on the screen will be no less effective. Keep in mind that only the man for whom you are reading the conspiracy should be in the photo. Otherwise, you run the risk of awakening feelings in someone else.

The ritual should be performed after twelve o'clock in the morning. Sit in front of the photo so that your face is level with it. Look the object of love directly in the eyes and say the following text:

I can't take my eyes off you, and you won't take your eyes off me. I am sitting in front of your photograph, you will be sitting in front of me. I give you my love, and you give me yours. As the sun rises, the senses will wake up. Amen.

After that, go to bed, holding the image of the person in the photo in your head for some time. Imagine that a reciprocal feeling has awakened in him, and fall asleep with this thought. After a while, what you want will come true.

They do not require serious skills and abilities, but they have high strength... Before resorting to them, think carefully whether you need the love of this person, because he will be strong and long. We wish you happiness and reciprocity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

07.10.2015 01:00

If a tragedy has happened in your life and your loved one left for another woman, then it is best to seek help from higher ...